
sisterFisterbekks: tried both setting nomodeset and nomodeset acpi_osi=\"Linux\""00:06
`Fibz`i have a few systems where i've done everything recommended to get boot splash working and still, its just a blank screen untill the system is fully booted00:35
`Fibz`actually, this is true for all of my systems. boot splash doesnt work on *any* of my systems. the ones where is does "work"   its a blank screen untill the very last second, then 1 get a quick flash of the bootsplash then lightdm login screen00:36
`Fibz`if i try to attempt a fix, it'll be the same blank screen (no blinking cursor) then just before lightdm login a get a 1 second splash of loading text00:38
=== Pici is now known as TalkingMuffin
xubuntu776Anyone up to helping out a guy who upgraded from 13.4 to 13.10 with some minor issues01:01
xubuntu7761. How to configure login window, so that a different user auto-logins, and that it doesn't require password for this user? (this is how it was configured in 13.4, before upgrade.) I can't find out how to do it in 13.1001:02
xubuntu7762. Torrentflux does not work in 13.10. Anyone using it here?01:02
xubuntu776I forgot to purge the x-swat ppa with nvidia drivers before upgrading. Any way to fix it?01:04
gdosthe xfce4-plugin for audio which displays audio devices and apps (such as rythmbox, pithos, etc.) what is it called?01:11
gdoswhen i try and run pavucontrol it hangs on connecting to audio sever (exactly like this error): http://askubuntu.com/questions/70560/why-am-i-getting-this-connection-to-pulseaudio-failed-error01:15
=== map is now known as Guest58863
gdosthe xfce4-plugin for audio which displays audio devices and apps (such as rythmbox, pithos, etc.) what is it called?03:08
goddardhow can i get closer to xfce updates?  How often do app updates get rolled out?05:19
ObrienDaveapp updates usually appear in the repos shortly after being released05:20
ObrienDavewhich apps are you referring to?05:22
goddardI see how about apps like gpodder, or parole?  How long do you think it will take to be updated?05:22
ObrienDavegive it a day or two. not familiar with gpodder05:22
ObrienDaveor, if you want the latest and greatest, see if there is a PPA available for the package05:25
ObrienDave13.04 is the last system available for gpodder05:28
ObrienDavegpodder hasn't been updated since April 20th05:29
Unit193!info gpodder05:29
ubottugpodder (source: gpodder): podcast client and feed aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1-1 (saucy), package size 747 kB, installed size 2816 kB05:29
goddardlucky everything is working really solid for my workflow, but gpodder has a point release with YouTube support.05:29
goddardFor what ever reason they didn't push that to Ubuntu, but they did push it to Debian so it would stand to reason the thing would probably work in Xubuntu 13.10?05:30
goddardI really like everything being solid and don't want to go installing PPAs05:31
goddardAlthough I know sometimes I have to05:31
ObrienDavenot necessarily, Debian is different than Ubuntu05:31
Unit193Ubuntu doesn't actually pull in updates as they come, that would be a rolling release.  It'll be sync'd in for Trusty, or maybe you can request  abackport.05:31
Unit193(It has already been sync'd in for Trusty, that is.)05:32
goddardahh ok..so 6 months?05:32
Noskcajgoddard, if there are no ubuntu changes, you could always install debian's version05:44
dv9700is there any way to get XFCE to display the full name of an icon on the desktop?06:17
dv9700instead of the ellipsis06:18
ObrienDavenot that I know of06:18
ObrienDaveyou could edit the Icon name to something shorter06:19
polyolyverHowdy - hopefully a quick question - I've googled, but all I can find is how to enable the compose key, which I've already done. Can someone point me how to add a custom sequence? For example, to get ñ it's Compose+(<Shift>+tilde)+n, which is a pain. I'd like to make a custom sequence so I can just do Compose+n (which doesn't currently seem to be mapped) - since I'm learning Spanish. :) Can someone point me where or at least bet09:03
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ObrienDaveObrienDave test09:16
ObrienDaveoops LOL09:16
polyolyverIF anyone sees this later and has a quick answer, feel free to spam me at reddit.com/u/polyolyver or polyolyver@polyolyver.com. <309:25
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ubuntu_00!info firefox10:39
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 25.0+build3-0ubuntu0.13.10.1 (saucy), package size 27917 kB, installed size 57522 kB10:39
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xubuntu145Can somebody help me with this printer problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/367867/hp-deskjet-1050a-does-not-print-or-scan-in-lubuntu13:40
cfhowlettxubuntu145, is this for a production, i.e. work machine?13:40
cfhowlettCool. and this is with 13.10 or  ...13:41
xubuntu145Lubuntu 13.10 ( Saucy Salamander ).13:42
xubuntu145Please do help.13:42
cfhowlettok.  did it work in a previous ubuntu?  if so, I'd suggest you consider going to that version.  you DID know that 13.10 has only 9 months support, right?  12.04 has 5 years (LongTermSupport).  and the next LTS will out in April - 14.04.13:43
xubuntu145Lubuntu does not have LTS on 12.04.13:44
cfhowletttrue.  but you could install xubuntu or any buntu, add lxde (lubuntu desktop environment)13:44
xubuntu145I do not have the internet at home to do that.13:45
cfhowlettxubuntu145, ah.  sorry.  forgot.13:45
xubuntu145I prefer Lubuntu over the other Ubuntu's.13:46
cfhowlettxubuntu145, understood13:46
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cfhowlettyou've done all the  things I would have tried.  Sorry, but I have no solution.  please ask in #ubuntu.  Lots more people there13:47
xubuntu145Thank you.13:48
bgardnerd'oh!  Sorry.14:26
havenokay, let me try this again.  Just upgraded to an xfce version of 13.10 a week ago and am still having difficulty maintaining a consistent connection to the internet.  internet connects and will stay connected for anywhere from 5 minutes to two hours but then goes down.  last time it did this, I pinged and this is what I got:14:49
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=5 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=16 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=17 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=18 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=19 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=20 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=21 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=22 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=23 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=24 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=25 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=26 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=27 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=28 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=29 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=30 Destination Host Unreachable14:50
haven<haven> <haven> From icmp_seq=31 Destination14:50
haven<haven> but then I got this14:50
haven<haven> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=36 ttl=43 time=36.4 ms14:50
haven<haven> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=37 ttl=43 time=34.9 ms14:50
haven<haven> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=38 ttl=43 time=36.0 ms14:50
baizonhaven: stop it!!!14:50
haven<haven> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=39 ttl=43 time=43.4 ms14:50
haven<haven> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=40 ttl=43 time=37.2 ms14:51
haven<haven> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=41 ttl=43 time=36.0 ms14:51
haven<haven> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=42 ttl=43 time=37.0 ms14:51
ubottuhaven: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:51
havenI've ruled out it being a mozilla problem.  xchat went down briefly, but then re-logged in.14:51
cfhowletthaven.  stop flooding this channel.14:51
cfhowlettuse paste and we'll try to help.14:51
holsteinhaven: ping is a tool that can help you find where the issue is.. you can ping the gateway, your router, then try and ping something like google.com14:53
holsteinhaven: i would reboot, after having applied upgrade, and booting the most recent, up to date kernel with *all* upgrades applied, use the machine, and when you experience an issue, ping those 2 places..14:54
havenokay, I'll do that.14:57
moondog8.8.8.8 is google14:57
holsteinmoondog: google's dns server..14:58
moondogalthough might be nice to make sure dns is working14:58
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havenmoondog:  how do I do that?14:58
holsteini say, if you come back, and cant ping the gateway, or something outside the lan, you can check that then15:00
holsteinyou can connect the machine wired, and use it and if it works, its not a DNS issue15:01
gdosthe xfce4-plugin for audio which displays audio devices and apps (such as rythmbox, pithos, etc.) what is it called?15:03
ochosigdos: indicator-sound15:04
gdosochosi: thanks. mine crashed in xubuntu 12.04.3 and i want to find out why and probably recompile it. :)15:05
ochosigdos: it's not really a part of xfce though, it's a part of unity that can be used via the xfce4-indicator-plugin15:06
ochosiwhy would you have to recompile it?15:06
gdosit crashed and i cant get it to display again. what unity libraries does it use? maybe i could try reinstalling those.15:07
zukeprimehey folks.  Xubuntu 13.10.  My update notifier is no longer appearing in the notifications area, but is popping up automatically as a normal app15:11
zukeprimei normally use apt-get update/upgrade, but the notification area used to go away automatically15:12
brainwashzukeprime: bug 124636415:12
holsteinand now its just not there at all?15:12
zukeprimenow the window pops up (not in notifications) and won't go away15:12
ubottubug 1246364 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-notifier does not show a tray icon in xubuntu 13.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124636415:12
zukeprimeahh thanks brainwash15:12
zukeprimeouch...a lot of update-notifier bug reports.  Should have checked there first.15:18
moondogholstein: my machine is weird. the wireless networking is supported by almost every distro... but the ethernet adapter is only supported by about 50%15:20
moondogI think it's a new chipset15:20
holsteinmoondog: i had one like that.. its been a while though.. i put it in the charity bin15:21
moondogI'm thinking another 6 months to a year and all the current distros will probably support it. kinda like EFI... things will catch up.15:23
holsteini hope so.. its not really the responsbility (as i see it) for the OS to support the hardware, though linux distros do a great job at supporting most hardware out-of-the-box.15:24
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ljunggrenI accidentaly made my USB none-bootable.. i tried to format the whole shebang but i somehow failed.. and when i tried with usb-imagewriter and write ISO on it it just boots up normal session. There was several partitions on it before and now it only gets one big partition instead..what have i done? do i need to reformat it some format? I tought usb-imagewriter was doing that17:14
=== ljunggren is now known as m3kk
m3kkHave anyone tried voyager linux?17:21
Poisoned_DragonI haev17:26
m3kkPoisoned_Dragon, whats your .. opinion?17:28
m3kkPoisoned_Dragon, good alternative to xubuntu?17:28
Poisoned_DragonDuring the time I used it I liked it. Because of it, I still use plank in other distros.17:29
Poisoned_DragonIt also has the slingshot launcher17:29
Poisoned_Dragonit is pretty neat, if you don't like gnome-shell17:29
m3kkbut not as slow as in elementary i hope17:29
Poisoned_DragonI honestly don't know. I was using it on a quad core system17:30
elfythat's probably a conversation for -offtopic17:30
m3kki tought i was in offtopic sorry17:30
m3kkim always in the wrong room17:30
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m3kkhey how should USB be formated for livesesison?17:31
m3kkmy usb is all of the sudden not bootable.. it was three partitions on it at first and it worked like a charm and then i messed up.. now there is only gets "partiton 1 FAT" with usb-imagewriter17:32
=== genii is now known as genii-o-lantern
ssfrris there a known issue with the 13.10 installer where it hangs when trying to partition? I get to the partitioning screen and there are no partitions listed. When I click "+" to add a partition the installer crashes17:50
TalkingMuffinssfrr: I vaugely remember seeing something like that on the release notes, have you looked at them?17:52
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) release notes can be found here http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.1017:52
ssfrrubottu: I hadn't checked yet, doing so now17:52
ubottussfrr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:52
ssfrrTalkingMuffin: not seeing anything that seems to relate to this issue. There's some stuff about a large number of partititions, but I don't think that's the issue here.17:56
ssfrrI'm installing on a brand-new Dell. I would expect to see my existing partitions in the list, but I'm seeing nothing.17:57
well_laid_lawnencrypted drive ?17:58
ssfrrwould a new machine come with encrypted drives by default? I suppose it's possible, I'll check.17:58
well_laid_lawnjust a guess... ;)17:59
phasipHey, I am having a small problem with my touchpad,  I like the tap to click feature, but when I want to move my cursor a tiny bit it also thinks it's a tap (I guess since I didn't move the cursor much). Can I decrease the allowed movement for it to be considered a tap?18:02
ssfrrhrm, not seeing anything that makes me think any of the partitions are encrypted18:02
well_laid_lawnphasip:  see if this helps - http://www.ubuntuask.com/q/answers-synaptics-touchpad-sensitivity-issue-128023.html18:08
ssfrrseems to be this bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/pygobject/+bug/939450. Trying the workaround (installing from the "Try Xubuntu" environment instead of directly)18:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 939450 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "ubiquity crashed with TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable in ubi-partman.py" [Critical,Fix released]18:14
phasipwell_laid_lawn: I don't think it works but my FingerLow & FingerHigh was 1, not sure what I should change them to (Tried 35,40 and 9,10 but noticed not difference)18:23
well_laid_lawnphasip:  that web site also mentioned another setting to try changing18:24
phasipwell_laid_lawn: HorizHysteresis and Vert only seem to change how easy it is to move the cursor, I seem to want a slightly different thing than most. Most seem to have problems with the cursor moving when they tap while I am having problem with the cursor taping when I move, reversing their soultion would result in my touchpad to get more movement sensitive which is not what I want =/18:27
phasipThanks anyway!18:32
well_laid_lawnphasip:  if you run   synclient -l   you will see the options you can change18:33
well_laid_lawntry changing singletaptimeout18:33
MakdaamTheSheep: it appears that you actually have to burn an iso image for it to work properly :/ usb install doesn't work on my hardware18:34
TheSheepMakdaam: there are programs for that18:35
TheSheep!install | Makdaam18:36
ubottuMakdaam: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate18:36
MakdaamTheSheep: yes, I actually read that one18:38
Makdaamusb-create, unetbootin and a few others created the same image18:39
Makdaamit failed in exactly the same place18:39
Makdaamon different usb drives18:39
MakdaamI mean, the binaries differed (unetbootin ads its own bootloader) but the emulated iso image had the same discrepancies18:40
phasip_well_laid_lawn: Thanks! Seems like reducing MaxTapTime solves my problem. I guess that is because a longer movement will be too long in time.18:41
aicasndo you guys get the same i/o performance from a VM running in qemu(kvm) w/ vertio  that you get from vbox?18:47
aicasndisk i/o in my debian vm maxes out the 2 CPU cores i gave it18:48
aicasnjust doing something as simple as  apt-get install18:48
ssfrrah, OK. turns out the issue was that this machine is set up with a hybrid drive using an SSD as a cache, which I had to disable in the BIOS so now they're just two separate drives19:09
xubuntu787hello xubuntu pals19:28
xubuntu787I wonder will the bug with the audio indicator will be fixed by software updates?19:29
xubuntu787Are you alive people?19:31
holsteinxubuntu787: yes..19:32
xubuntu787That's good to hear19:34
xubuntu787Is xubuntu made by calonical? On distrowatch it's says as origin Isle of Man..19:37
bekksWhich "the bug" do you talk about?19:38
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:39
xubuntu787On the top panel, there is a volume indicator which is not working19:39
elfybug 120820419:40
holsteinxubuntu is an official ubuntu derivitive that shares the same sources19:40
ubottubug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820419:40
xubuntu787yeah i got a lot crash messages  about xfce4-indicator-plugin the other day, I used this plugin to inform me about new mails19:41
bekksxubuntu787: Did you read up the entire bug comments?19:42
xubuntu787indicator-messages from xubuntu lts was nice at least even though it did not alert for incoming mail if thunderbird was closed19:42
xubuntu787not all, there a was a fix but i dont wanna mess with my system I prefer something official19:43
bekksxubuntu787: Then you have to wait until the bug is closed with a fix.19:44
elfythat's as official as it will get for the time being - you can see the same thing on the release notes19:45
aicasnthat bug hit my home desktop, too. it really sucks19:47
bekksI never ever needed that plugin, actually :)19:47
elfyaicasn: that would have hit everyone afaik19:48
Poisoned_Dragonxfce does have a mail watcher plugin19:48
Poisoned_DragonThat's what I use to get inbox notices19:48
Poisoned_DragonNo issues there19:48
xubuntu-ukrainehi all19:57
xubuntu787is it ok to use PPAs?19:58
xubuntu787I mean is it safe ans secure? or should I only trust the ubuntu repos?19:58
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:58
knomexubuntu787, we don't generally recommend using them unless you really need them; and even then, it's not supported19:58
xubuntu-ukraineI installed xubuntu does not work the volume control on the panel number 020:00
xubuntu787xubuntu-ukraine: :D wait for an official fix or do it yourself :P20:01
knomexubuntu-ukraine, have you read the release notes?20:01
Unit193bug 120820420:01
ubottubug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120820420:01
Poisoned_DragonRead comment #5, xubuntu-ukraine20:02
xubuntu-ukrainethat's not all, often crash the network manager20:03
xubuntu787I had not such issue20:03
xubuntu-ukrainenetwork manager + usb modem cdma network20:04
xubuntu787I currently use a 3g usb modem too :D20:04
xubuntu787no problems at all20:04
xubuntu-ukraine <xubuntu787> not once?20:05
xubuntu787ah I am in a netbook, should I install laptop-mode-tools or something similar or I am good ootb20:05
xubuntu787nope, never20:05
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org20:07
xubuntu787damn :P20:07
xubuntu-ukraine why not use wvdial as the standard for connectivity, it works stabilization...20:08
xubuntu-ukraine I have Ubuntu 11.10 was stable20:16
hornypsychohey guys20:18
hornypsychoi need help with the xfce4-power-manager20:18
hornypsychoits not working20:18
hornypsychoi'm using xubuntu with 13.1020:18
genii-o-lanternhornypsycho: Now the waiting starts ;)20:23
hornypsycholol yeah20:23
xubuntu-ukrainehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2036759   <hornypsycho>20:23
hornypsychoyeah i saw that already20:24
hornypsychotried it20:24
hornypsychodidn't work20:24
hornypsychoplus my problem is a little different than his20:24
holsteinhornypsycho: what is your *exact* problem?20:25
hornypsychopower manager isn't running at all20:25
holsteinhornypsycho: have you tried as a different user? i would make a new user, or try the guest account and see if the powerapplet starts or is there, to remove your configuration from the equation20:26
hornypsychoand when i go open the power manager settings from the settings20:26
hornypsychoit says . power manager is not running. would you like to start it? i press start and nothing happens20:26
hornypsychoholstein: no i haven't20:27
hornypsychoi'll give that a try20:27
holsteinif the user account makes no difference, then i would look for and apply any upgrades and reboot, if taking a kernel upgrade, and test again. remove or undo any ppa's or other sources20:27
holsteintry starting the manager from the terminal and see what the error messages are and share them via ubuntu paste20:27
hornypsychothe user account made no difference20:28
hornypsychorunning the power manager from the terminal doesn't do anything20:29
hornypsychoif i start the power manager settings through the terminal then i get the same prompt20:29
xubuntu787i have no problems with power manager20:29
xubuntu787lucky me20:30
holsteinhornypsycho: what prompt?20:30
xubuntu787but i faced the prompt on lubuntu 13.10!20:30
xubuntu787but it worked no problems there too20:30
hornypsycho"power-manager is not running" would you like to start it?20:30
hornypsychothen 2 buttons. cancel and start it20:30
hornypsychoeven if i click start. nthing happens .-.20:31
xubuntu787shit happens20:31
xubuntu787are you from a clean install or upgraded?20:31
hornypsychoclean install20:32
hornypsychocleanest possible install ever20:32
hornypsychoi even destroyed all my partitions20:32
hornypsychoand made new ones :P20:32
xubuntu787I dont bother choose "Something else" :P I let it do it automatically :D20:32
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:33
holsteinhornypsycho: you have applied all upgrades?20:33
xubuntu787ubottu: sorry :(20:33
hornypsychoholstein: yes20:33
holsteinhornypsycho: do you have any ppas?20:35
hornypsychoholstein: default ppa20:38
bekksby default, there is no ppa.20:38
xubuntu787yes there is!20:38
hornypsychooh my bad then :P20:38
xubuntu787Ubuntu partners! and Independent! :D20:39
bekksthose are no ppa, but official repos.20:39
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xubuntu787I would like a subtitles downloader plugin for parole! It's amazing media player :)20:43
=== ssfrr is now known as ssfrr_afk
xubuntu787Ah question! When I started the usb installer of xubuntu at the point where I should choose between Try Xubuntu and Install there is a pop-up from i-Bus for changing shortcut to super+space but it does not work :/20:46
xubuntu787also software updater no longer asks for admin password, that's good i guess?20:48
xubuntu787anyway bb20:50
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omeringenwill xubuntu switch to the mir after it becomes stable ?21:07
knomeno decision has been made regarding that.21:07
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omeringeni wish they don't :P21:29
omeringengnights ;)21:29
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peyamxubuntu freezes sometimes I donno why22:20
peyamit might make the processor overhot22:20
Arpad2how to install software updates from terminal?22:26
bekksArpad2: sudp apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade22:26
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Arpad2bekks: thank you :)22:28
peyamIf I install TLP do I have to uninstall power manager?22:42
Arpad2after sudo apt-get upgrade system program problem detected. for instance mouse not working23:11
marklarHello! I recently upgraded from Precise to Saucy on two computers. Now I am unable to use 'sudo' from the terminal emulator, however I can use it in the virtual terminals (I think that's what they're called, ctrl-alt-F1, etc). Any ideas what's going on?23:52
holsteinmarklar: open a terminal and run "sudo -i" and share the ouput via paste23:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:59

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