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stokachumarcoceppi: re: bundles, ok thanks00:05
sinzuihi adam_g00:39
adam_gsinzui, are 1.16.2 tools expected to be getting pulled when bootstrapping 1.16.2?00:43
sinzuiadam_g, they will be...do you have 1.16.2 client?00:44
adam_gsinzui, yes00:44
adam_gsinzui, for now i am --upload-tools00:44
sinzuiadam_g, I am constructing the tools now. you have got the client in during that awkward window of tools being built00:45
adam_gsinzui, ok, np. just curious00:45
sinzuiadam_g, I think I will have the tools in place in 1h and that is not the cider talking00:45
marcoceppisinzui: you have to build tools post ppa build?00:45
marcoceppiOh, is this why you guys want to use a staging ppa?00:46
sinzuimarcoceppi, yes, out builders make all the series packages, I pull every one down and extract the jujud then publish them to every cpc00:46
marcoceppisinzui: gotchya00:46
marcoceppithat is a bit awkward00:46
sinzuibut I don't control trusty which has been in the wild for a few hours00:47
sinzuiyes indeed00:47
marcoceppithumper-afk: is there documentation on changing the logging level?00:57
sarnoldmarcoceppi: how about this? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/juju/2013-September/002998.html00:58
marcoceppiah, there it is, we need to document that in the docs. I couldn't find it in any of the juju help topics00:59
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
thumpermarcoceppi: 'juju set-env logging-config="<root>=INFO;juju=DEBUG;juju.provisioner=TRACE"'01:31
thumpermarcoceppi: but really it is for devs,01:31
thumperI have a plan for more user related stuff01:32
marcoceppithumper: oh, okay01:32
* marcoceppi nods01:32
marcoceppiugh, I'm stuck in lxc-console and Ctrl+a q is not working02:11
marcoceppihow do I close console?02:11
marcoceppithumper, maybe you know?02:12
* thumper looks02:13
thumpermarcoceppi: nope02:13
thumperkill the terminal02:13
thumperand then run02:13
thumperthat's what I'd do02:14
marcoceppiarg, I don't want to lose this window. Curse you -d flag! Why are you not a default02:14
ekacnetmarcoceppi: yes04:11
ekacnet(with some delay in the answer)04:11
marcoceppiekacnet: yes to what?05:39
marcoceppiekacnet: Oh, saucy manual provider05:40
marcoceppiekacnet: you've hitting this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/124633605:40
_mup_Bug #1246336: Manual provider fails when trying to bootstrap a Saucy machine <landscape> <juju-core:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246336>05:40
ekacnetmarcoceppi: thanks06:23
MiteshShahERROR cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot run instances: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 409 CONFLICT07:16
MiteshShahJuju need a maas installed server or normal ubuntu server07:16
MiteshShahany one help me07:17
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sodreI have a question on how Juju sets the hostname in OpenStack13:47
marcoceppisodre: I'm pretty sure it doesn't, I think that's what openstack does.13:47
sodrein particular, after booting up I end with a /etc/hosts that does not include the machine name at
* marcoceppi checks13:47
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sodremarcoceppi: thanks for checking. As a work-around, do you know how I can force a /etc/hosts file to be written during cloud-init ? In particular for the instances brought up by juju ?13:51
marcoceppisodre: so yeah, it looks like the provider sets the hostname for openstack. I'm still trying to figure it out for sure. rogpeppe could you confirm?13:53
contextmarcoceppi, thumper: 'might' have found my issue13:54
sodremarcoceppi: provider == openstack, right ?13:54
marcoceppisodre: yes, the provider in this story is openstack13:54
marcoceppisodre: so on HP cloud, it works properly13:54
marcoceppicontext: oh, what was it?13:54
context2013-11-01 13:55:18 INFO juju.state open.go:68 opening state; mongo addresses: ["c1210-1595.cloudatcost.com.:37017"];13:55
sodremarcoceppi: okay. I'm running with Havana & neutron. Do you have any deployments along those lines ?13:55
contextwell, my genius host, has ip reverse to that hostname13:55
contextbut that hostname resolves to a totally different ip13:55
marcoceppicontext: oh, that's a good idea13:56
contextupdated reverse now waiting13:56
marcoceppisodre: so, digging a little deeper, the hostname isn't placed in /etc/hosts but is set in the openstack's dns server (or whatever)13:56
context68.7.219.162.in-addr.arpa domain name pointer c1210-1595.cloudatcost.com.13:57
contextc1210-1595.cloudatcost.com.countrystone.com has address
contextYEY !13:57
marcoceppisodre: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6341412/13:57
contextwhere does juju/jujud store config stuff13:58
sodremarcoceppi: is novalocal at HPCloud or Havana+Neutron ?13:59
marcoceppisodre: that's HP Cloud13:59
marcoceppiI don't have a havana neutron setup13:59
sodreokay, I think they might havana must have bug.14:00
sodreblarg... : I think havana might have a bug in that area.14:00
sodreI'll dig more in that direction.14:00
marcoceppisodre: try just spinning up a machine outside of juju14:00
marcoceppisodre: see if the hostname it recieves is set up properly14:00
sodreyeah, it is the same issue. A plain cirros image also gets messed up.14:01
sodremarcoceppi: I take that back. the cirrOS image is always called cirros and it ahs a Let me try a saucy image.14:04
contextok maybe that was not the problem14:05
rogpeppemarcoceppi: i'm afraid i don't know about openstack hostname magic14:09
marcoceppirogpeppe: any idea who i could bug14:10
rogpeppemarcoceppi: mgz or jam might be good there14:11
marcoceppiI'm secretly creating a spreadsheet of who to ping in core when something goes wrong14:11
sodremarcoceppi: it does not setup the hostname properly . Unfortunately DNSMASQ only sets up hostname in the form host-<ip address>.openstacklocal14:11
sinzuijcastro, marcoceppi do you have permission to upload the new juju installer to ubuntu.com?14:12
mgzwe shouldn't be using hostnames at all with openstack14:12
mgzas it's historically been all suck14:12
jcastrosinzui, no, that needs to be done through the web team14:13
jcastro#webops I think?14:13
sinzuijcastro, no, they don't have access.14:13
sinzuiI will contact the members of ~canonical-website-editors14:13
marcoceppisinzui: why not just upload it to launchpad?14:14
sinzuiI can upload it to 1.16.2, but don't we need it on juju.ubuntu.com14:15
* sinzui added it to the release because that is just the right thing to do14:15
marcoceppisinzui: Well, we have to edit the website with the new URL14:15
marcoceppimight as well just have it point to the LP direct download link14:16
marcoceppisinzui: we can update the docs, and then we'll have to ping the design team to update the website14:16
* marcoceppi updates the docs14:17
marcoceppisinzui: where is the msi? I can't seem to find it on https://launchpad.net/juju-core/1.16/1.16.214:19
marcoceppiugh, there it is14:19
jcastroto edit the website?14:19
marcoceppijcastro: yeah14:19
jcastrosinzui, you need to send a mail to peter mahnke14:19
sinzuimarcoceppi, I just added it to https://launchpad.net/juju-core/1.16/1.16.214:19
jcastrohis team is the only one that can edit the website as of now14:19
jcastrothey're working on fixing that14:19
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
sinzuimarcoceppi, thank you for fixing the version file errors in proof14:37
marcoceppisinzui: it was long overdue14:38
marcoceppiand it was a two line fix :\14:38
contextError: 'cloud-archive:tools' invalid14:47
contextdid i spell it wrong ?14:47
sanman_hello everyone14:50
marcoceppisanman_: hello14:50
marcoceppicontext: that's werid, it's what the wiki says: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/CloudToolsArchive14:51
sanman_does anyone know if juju is able to deploy RPM based distros like Red Hat or CenOS? I saw some work on the old python version that made this possible, but it seems that with the new go version that it might not be possible anymore14:51
marcoceppisanman_: not at this time14:51
sanman_ok, is that something that is planned for the future?14:52
contexthmm. i did an apt-get upgrade then tried adding the repo and it worked14:54
contextignore me14:54
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marcoceppisanman_: it's on the roadmap15:02
contextERROR invalid series "trusty"15:04
contexti get some weird ass errors15:04
marcoceppicontext: could you explain how you got this error?15:04
contextERROR Get sftp:// unsupported protocol scheme "sftp"15:05
contextmarcoceppi: i re-imaged server, and did bootstrap again15:05
marcoceppicontext: is it precise?15:05
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contextapparently IsValidSeries() just compares name to a regexp and i see no reason why it would not pass that regex15:39
marcoceppicontext: I got some weird trusty errors yesterday during packaging, it might be that trusty series isn't actually open yet?15:43
contextim guessing so? trusty IS in the seriesVersions map :-/ not sure why they'd put it in if it doesn't exist yet15:44
contextwhich if anything is more weird cause bootstrap worked yesterday and now not this morning15:44
marcoceppiyeah, more oddities15:45
contextalthough i guess yesterday i installed juju from apt-get and didn't let bootstrap install it15:49
contextkk. looks like simplestreams is trying to use http to fetch sftp://16:03
contextand fix already committed i guess. will have to wait for 1.1716:04
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jcastromarcoceppi, have you tried quickstart yet?17:59
marcoceppijcastro: I installed and poked at it, not actually used it yet17:59
jcastrohey, so proof is failing on my discourse bundle18:00
jcastrobut doesn't tell me why18:00
jcastrobzr branch lp:~jorge/charms/bundles/discourse/bundle18:01
jcastrohas the bundle18:01
marcoceppijcastro: which proof, my proof or stor proof?18:01
* marcoceppi needs to install charm-tools again18:02
marcoceppimarco@home:/tmp$ juju bundle proof discourse18:02
marcoceppiI: discourse-single-unit: No series defined18:02
marcoceppiE: discourse-single-unit: Could not find charm: discourse18:02
marcoceppijcastro: this is the verion thing18:03
jcastroI didn't get that output at all18:03
marcoceppirick_h_: is updating the "remote" proof to fix that18:03
marcoceppijcastro: wat18:03
jcastrojorge@jilldactyl:~/src/bundles/discourse$ juju bundle proof bundles.yaml18:03
jcastroTraceback (most recent call last):18:03
jcastro  File "/usr/bin/charm-proof", line 9, in <module>18:03
jcastro    load_entry_point('charmtools==1.1.0', 'console_scripts', 'charm-proof')()18:03
jcastro  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/charmtools/proof.py", line 56, in main18:03
jcastro    print e.msg18:03
jcastroAttributeError: 'exceptions.Exception' object has no attribute 'msg'18:04
marcoceppijcastro: dude18:05
rick_h_jcastro: pastebin the bundle, if it's something not covered I"ll add a note to add the missing thing as well18:05
rick_h_oh, isn't it juju proof --bundle18:05
rick_h_marcoceppi: ^18:05
marcoceppirick_h_: juju bundle proof is juju charm --bundle proof18:05
rick_h_marcoceppi: ah k18:05
marcoceppijcastro: you need to proof the bundle, not the deployer file18:05
marcoceppijcastro: but that's another bug you're hitting18:05
jcastromarcoceppi, also, my charm tools was out of date18:06
rick_h_huh? I thought the point was to give it he deployer file18:06
jcastroalso I got mixed up, charm tools wants a bundle18:06
jcastroquickstart wants a deployer file18:06
marcoceppijcastro: you're basically proofing the metadata.yaml file and not the entire charm_dir18:06
* rick_h_ is confused18:06
rick_h_marcoceppi: oh, you point it at the dir?18:06
marcoceppirick_h_: yes. Otherwise how will it know to check for a readme?18:06
rick_h_marcoceppi: gotcha, duh18:07
jcastroyeah, but quickstart doesn't18:07
jcastro(I filed a bug)18:07
marcoceppiit expects "CHARM_DIR" in the help output18:07
jcastroand I am switching back and forth between the tools18:07
jcastroso I got mixed up18:07
marcoceppijcastro: well, that's quickstarts problem ;) I can update it to allow proofing a yaml file18:07
jcastroyeah, I filed bugs18:07
jcastrosee my post to the list18:07
jcastrohas a link to the bugs I'm filing18:07
marcoceppijcastro: ack18:07
jcastronow I broke something18:08
jcastronow quickstart finishes and doesn't deploy the bundles18:08
jcastrojust the gui and bootstrap18:08
rick_h_and it proof's cleanly?18:09
marcoceppirick_h_: technically, no18:09
jcastroI am getting errors I didn't get yesterday on proof18:09
rick_h_jcastro: possible, there was a deploy yesterday18:09
Azendale1Could anyone more experienced with juju stuff give me some input on this bug? I'm trying to decide if it is a bug or a PEBKAC problem, and if it is a bug, where you change the defaults for the charm (in which case I could submit a patch) https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/124509518:09
_mup_Bug #1245095: rabbitmq-server charm ha-bindiface default breaks rabbitmq-hacluster subordinate charm <Juju Charms Collection:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1245095>18:10
rick_h_jcastro: does it set config values/ There's a bug in that I've got a branch for now to fix18:10
jcastrolooks like it?18:10
rick_h_jcastro: yea, that's my fault. Branch is in progress to fix18:10
rick_h_but deployer doesn't use proof atm so just ignore them and it's seperate from it not deploying18:10
marcoceppirick_h_: does this also drop the version requirement for parsing the charm?18:10
jcastrorick_h_, deployer isn't any returning errors18:11
marcoceppiat least for non-promulgated charms?18:11
rick_h_marcoceppi: no, that's on proof right?18:11
jcastrodeploying the bundle wordpress-simple with the following services: wordpress, mysql18:11
marcoceppirick_h_: ah, thought were were talking about proof18:11
jcastrobut they don't show up in the gui view nor status18:11
rick_h_marcoceppi: yea, the type checking is a bug in the remote proof bits18:11
rick_h_marcoceppi: what I get for having every failing test case covered but no passing test case :/18:12
jcastroI: discourse-single-unit: No series defined18:12
jcastrowhat does the I: mean?18:12
jcastrois this just a warning?18:12
marcoceppiI, W, E18:13
jcastroE: discourse-single-unit: Could not find charm: discourse is weirder18:13
rick_h_jcastro: yea, that's an error then.18:13
marcoceppijcastro: known issue, since you didn't provide a -# in the charm name18:13
jcastroI am pulling from ~marcoceppi/blah18:13
rick_h_that'll cause it to fail18:13
jcastrook trying18:13
rick_h_jcastro: paste the yaml18:13
jcastromarco got it18:13
jcastromissing the -#18:13
jcastrorick_h_, would your bug stop wordpress from deploying?18:16
jcastroor is it just spamming the console?18:17
rick_h_jcastro: no, it's just going to spam proof results18:17
jcastroI can confirm I can't deploy either wordpress or discourse18:21
jcastrono errors18:21
jcastrodeploying the bundle discourse-simple with the following services: discourse, postgresql18:22
jcastrotakes me to the gui18:22
jcastroeverything looks right other than discourse and postgres not deploying18:22
jcastrosame with wordpress, similar non-error18:22
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Azendale1where are the default settings for a charm set?18:41
sarnoldin the charm source; hopefully the charm's README describes the settings that you can change. If it doesn't describe the available settings, I'd suggest filing a bug agsint the charm..18:42
marcoceppiAzendale1: they're defined in the charm under config.yaml18:42
Azendale1sarnold: It does mention the setting the the docs, it's just what it is set to by default that I would like to make a patch for. It looks like the default breaks the High Availability subordinate charm18:43
jcastromarcoceppi, rick_h_: if either you have time to try either discourse or wordpress and see if it's just me that would be <318:44
marcoceppijcastro: otp18:44
Azendale1marcoceppi: Where it says something like "default: <value_here>"18:45
marcoceppiAzendale1: yes, config.yaml defines the configuraiton and the default values using the default key18:45
Azendale1marcoceppi: I tried that but it didn't seem to change it. I guess I have some digging to do to make sure it deployed from my changed version. Thanks for the help!18:46
marcoceppiAzendale1: are  you doing a local deployment?18:46
marcoceppiAzendale1: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charms-deploying.html#local18:47
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Azendale1marcoceppi: Originally, it was from the charm store, but then I branched the BZR branch and made changes when I figured out what was breaking. I'm thinking I have some homework to do to make sure it is actually deploying from the local repository. I'll look at the link and see18:48
jcastroI bet it's caching18:53
jcastrothis happened to me18:53
Azendale1jcastro: I assume I can just delete ~/.juju/charmcache and that should fix it if it is caching?18:54
Azendale1jcastro: Because I know I specifically tested the bug still happened with the bzr version, then put my change in, and the bug still happened. So I could definitely see how it would cache that, as its the same thing coming from the same location18:55
jcastroyeah I think that should be enough18:56
Azendale1jcastro: ok, thanks, I'll try that18:57
jcastrolmk what happens18:57
jcastrothat'd be a good tip to document!18:57
Azendale1jcastro: Ok, will do. I probably won't have time today but will probably get it over the weekend18:58
jcastrono worries!18:58
jcastrothanks for using Juju!18:58
kentbis there a juju-gui for saucy yet (or will there be one)?19:22
marcoceppikentb: probably not, though you can force gui to deploy to saucy19:28
kentbmarcoceppi: ah, ok. I see. thanks!19:29
sodredevs: Is there a direct way to force a particular script to run on new-machines controlled by juju ?20:02
marcoceppisodre: could you expand a bit?20:02
sodreCurrent OpenStack+Havana+Neutron does not assign proper hostnames to nodes.20:07
marcoceppisodre: what you're asking about doing can be done with a subordinate20:07
sodreI would like to add a script in the beginning to add <hostname> to /etc/hosts file.20:07
marcoceppisodre: or, you can use `juju ssh` and a script too loop over all the machines and do this change20:08
sodreso... instead of just calling juju deploy hadoop20:08
sodreI would juju add-machine -n 1020:08
sodrejuju ssh  change hosts20:08
sodreand juju deploy hadoop --to <machine id>20:09
marcoceppithat's really clunky. What's breaking with the hostname?20:09
marcoceppiHave you filed this as a bug in core?20:09
sodreit is not an issue with juju20:09
marcoceppisodre: while it might not be a juju issue, it's a problem that could be solved by juju during machine provisioning20:10
sodreit is more of an issue with OpenStack+Neutron not serving DNS properly.20:10
sodreI see.20:10
marcoceppiactually, it probably wouldn't be addressed well in core20:10
marcoceppitoo many things to go wrong20:10
marcoceppiback to my original question, what actually breaks because of this?20:10
marcoceppidepending on what/where it breaks you might be able to get around it20:11
sodreokay: The final issue is Java handling of hostnames and the Hadoop charm dependency on hostname.20:11
sodreif you checkout the hadoop charm and look at the install hook, you'll see what I mean.20:11
marcoceppisodre: Okay, well one way is to just fork the hadoop charm, change the install hook to add that line to /etc/hosts at the top of the hook then use juju deploy from your local copy of the charm20:12
marcoceppinot pretty, but it's far better than having to juju deploy with pre-allocated machines20:12
sodretrue true...20:13
sodrelet me ask another question: Is there any harm (from juju's perspective) to change the hostname of the instance after it has been brought up ?20:13
marcoceppisodre: nope, shouldn't be20:15
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sodreokay.  let me try that route then.20:15
sodremarcoceppi: do you anything about Canonical's private cloud installation ($9000 option),  e.g.  what do they actually install and deliver ?20:17
jcastroI don't know much about it20:26
jcastroyou mean the Kickstart?20:26
jcastroI didn't know we did those anymore20:26
jcastroso you mean other than what's listed in the "what the engineer will do?" part?20:28
jcastroI don't really know, but if you have specific questions you can jet me an email and I can get you a response asap from someone who knows20:29
sodreit much better explained than in the past20:29
sodrei got most of the answers now.20:30
jcastrooh ok, whew. :)20:30
jcastrobcsaller, here's that bundle I couldn't get launched: https://code.launchpad.net/~jorge/charms/bundles/wordpress/bundle20:46
jcastrobcsaller, the PPA with the quickstart is mentioned on the list by Gary20:46
jcastrobasically it fires off the bootstrap, the gui all fine, then says "deploying wordpress and mysql" and then returns a prompt20:47
jcastrobut the services themselves aren't launched20:47
bcsallerjcastro: I'll take a look20:47
bcsallerjcastro: I see the same thing as you on ec221:33
bcsallerdigging into the logs a little bit, so far I don't see deployer being triggered in a way I'd expect21:36
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bjfwhat does this mean?: ERROR cannot start bootstrap instance: cannot run instances: gomaasapi: got error back from server: 409 CONFLICT23:02
bjfand if i run "juju bootstrap" again it says "ERROR environgment is already bootstrapped"23:03
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bjfjuju status says: ERROR Unable to connect to environment "".23:15
bjfso which is it? do i have an environment or not and how do i recover from wherever i am23:15
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