
Quintasankubotu: topic restore00:01
kubotuQuintasan, you don't have 'topic' permissions here00:01
=== Quintasan changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: #kubuntu-devel to: "Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.2 notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | Shirts! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ |
=== Quintasan changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.2 notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | Shirts! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/
=== emma is now known as EmmyTheBee
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
apacheloggeryofel, Quintasan: you should probably register :P00:55
ahoneybunHello people01:53
ahoneybunhey valorie 02:35
valoriehi ahoneybun02:40
valoriehappy halloween02:40
valoriewas thick with kids here for a few mins02:41
valoriehalf the candy is left though!02:41
* valorie scatters candy throughout the channel02:41
ahoneybunvalorie, same to you :)02:43
ahoneybunI went out as V from "V for the Vendetta02:43
valorieso you were seen as part of Anon, I guess02:45
ahoneybunyea some people said that02:47
ahoneybunthat was a long meeting yesterday lol02:48
* valorie is still waiting for a file or notes02:48
ahoneybunyea yofel is handling that I think02:49
ahoneybunmaybe I can answer a few questions?02:50
ahoneybunhe recorded the whole thing even before the meeting started02:51
ahoneybunwe were talking a bit before hand02:51
ahoneybunwhat was not clear in the google docs?02:51
valorieI just want to hear the discussion, or see more details02:52
valorieit was frustrating to have to miss it02:52
ahoneybunmost of it was about the docs02:56
valorieso I heard02:57
ahoneybunmost of the people at my job dressed up for halloween02:57
ahoneybunvalorie, ovidiu-florin  is going to give us some notes from his site about partitioning for the Disk Setup page03:02
valorieyes, I replied to him on the mail list03:02
ahoneybunyea we are hiding the Installation page from the wiki because then it would show up everywhere else03:04
valoriewhy would it show up everywhere else?03:11
valoriesorry, going afk for a few mins03:13
ahoneybunwell the wiki is synced to the server then the server is copied to the docs package03:13
valoriegot it03:13
ahoneybunit is still there just commented out03:18
ahoneybunanyway off to bed work tomorrow03:23
ScottKahoneybun: There should probably be a separate working entry point page that doesn't cause stuff to get synced to the web site for work in progress pages so they are discoverable by people working on docs.04:04
valoriegood idea, ScottK04:10
=== TalkingMuffin is now known as Pici
Quintasankubotu: topic learn08:15
kubotuQuintasan, you don't have 'topic' permissions here08:15
Quintasanapachelogger: fix it ^08:15
cerhow do I download the source of the development version of a package (let's say digikam 3.5.0) into a kubuntu 13.10 installtion?08:49
valorieyou'll have to build it from source08:49
valoriedigikam's docs on probably techbase will tell you how08:50
valorieI build amarok from source08:50
valorieoh, a released version?08:50
valorieeasier-- just get the tarball08:50
valoriebut usually you want the latest, and that's in git08:51
valorieif you want a lot of that, use project neon08:51
valorie#project-neon for more08:51
lordievaderahoneybun: Just a little nitpick: both the server (docs.k.o) and the package draw their content directly from the wiki.08:57
lordievaderGood morning to all ;)08:57
lordievaderHey Riddell, how are you?09:01
Riddellbright and breezy ready for another day of Kubuntu!09:01
Riddellalthough actually I'm looking at KDE frameworks today09:01
lordievaderHave fun ;)09:03
ovidiu-florinhello world09:19
ovidiu-florinthank you to the KC for the support09:19
lordievaderHey ovidiu-florin, how are you?09:20
ovidiu-florinhey lordievader09:20
ovidiu-florinI'm great09:20
lordievaderovidiu-florin: :)09:21
lordievaderovidiu-florin: I'm doing good too. For an assignment I'm allowed to program. I quite like that.09:21
ovidiu-florinlordievader: for school, or?09:22
lordievaderovidiu-florin: University. I'm doing an artistic minor program.09:22
lordievaderBut first I should reinstall Kubuntu on my laptop. Unity is causing problems...09:23
Riddellrshort: ping10:10
rshortRiddell, how can i help?10:12
Riddellrshort: yo, I want to send some money from the kubuntu donations in the withsupport paypal account10:12
Riddellrshort: it says paypal wants to phone for a security check10:12
Riddellnumber is 0203 137 5342 10:12
Riddellrshort: do you know if someone can answer and confirm?10:12
rshortI'll chek just about to take a call bear with me10:13
Riddellhi vinay_ 10:19
rshortjust pasting him the details10:19
rshortgonna get him to call tariq10:19
vinay_Hi Riddel, when do you want to send the donation? Tariq should be in the office soon if you can hold a bit?10:21
Riddellvinay_: ok should be fine10:22
Riddellovidiu-florin: how's that?10:22
ovidiu-florinRiddell: I have to book it in max 2 hours10:33
ovidiu-florinor else it expires10:33
apacheloggerkubotu: permissions view for Quintasan10:47
kubotucouldn't find botuser Quintasan10:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: ENOUSER10:47
soeegood morning11:05
yofelahoneybun, valorie: my recording (uncut) is on http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/misc/Mumble-2013-10-30-20-41-53-kyofel.dyndns.org-Mixdown.mp311:12
yofelkubotu: register11:13
yofelkubotu: help11:14
kubotuhelp topics: 10 core modules: auth, basics, config, filters, httputil, irclog, remote, unicode, userdata, wordlist; 56 plugins: alias, autoop, autorejoin, bans, bar, botsnack, chanserv, debug, dns, eightball, excuse, factoids, googlefight, greed, greet, hangman, host, identica, insult, iplookup, karma, keywords, lart, map, markov, modes, newpackage, nickrecover, nickserv, note, poll, q, quote, reaction, remind, ri,11:14
kuboturoshambo, rot, rss, salut, script, search, sed, seen, shiritori, spotify, time, topic, translator, tumblr, uno, urban, usermodes, wheeloffortune, wserver, youtube (help <topic> for more info)11:14
yofelkubotu: auth11:14
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help auth'11:14
yofelapachelogger: how *does* one register?11:15
BluesKajHey folks11:21
lordievaderyofel: Wow, long meeting 2:38 O.o11:22
yofelI think the core meeting is ~1:40, the rest is the docs folks talking11:23
ovidiu-florinMunich, here I come :D11:29
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Have fun ;)11:31
jussiovidiu-florin: excellent news11:32
apacheloggeryofel: I have no idea :P11:33
apacheloggerkubotu: help auth11:33
kubotuauth <masterpassword>: log in as the bot owner; other commands: login, whoami, permissions syntax, permissions [re]set, permissions view, user, meet, hello, allow, deny11:33
apacheloggerkubotu: help login11:33
kubotulogin [<botuser>] [<pass>]: logs in to the bot as botuser <botuser> with password <pass>. When using the full form, you must contact the bot in private. <pass> can be omitted if <botuser> allows login-by-mask and your netmask is among the known ones. if <botuser> is omitted too autologin will be attempted11:33
apacheloggerhelp meet11:33
apacheloggeryofel: meet $user apparently11:34
yofelkubotu: meet yofel11:34
kubotuyofel, you don't have 'auth::user::manage::meet' permissions here11:34
apacheloggeryofel: try query11:34
apacheloggeroh wait11:35
apacheloggerkubotu: meet yofel11:35
kubotuyofel: word11:35
apacheloggerwhatever that means :P11:35
apacheloggeryofel: try login with password word :P11:35
apacheloggerthough I think he's supposed to query that to you ^^11:35
yofelI got it by query11:35
apacheloggersomehow it can also do login by mask, no clue how to make that happen11:36
yofelkubotu: topic learn11:36
kubotuyofel, you don't have 'topic' permissions here11:36
yofelhm, ok11:36
yofelyour turn ;)11:36
apacheloggeryofel: now11:37
yofelkubotu: topic learn11:37
kubotucan do!11:37
apacheloggerkubotu: meet Quintasan11:37
kubotuquintasan: 'sup?11:37
ovidiu-florinlordievader: thank you11:58
ovidiu-florinRiddell: Should I forward you the bill and ticket? or just the bill?12:05
Riddellovidiu-florin: just the bill is fine12:07
ovidiu-florinok, you'll get it in a few moments12:08
ovidiu-florinthey'll sign and stamp it first12:08
ovidiu-florinand then scan it and send it to me, then I'll forward it12:08
Riddellthis all seems very old fashioned12:09
Riddellyou know there's websites who do it without the faff of paper? :)12:09
ovidiu-florinthey had this to12:09
ovidiu-florinbut they gave it up since not many people used it12:10
ovidiu-florindon't ask me why12:10
ovidiu-florinRiddell: sent12:21
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
petersaintsktp 0.7.0 has been released. any plans of backporting it to saucy?15:02
Riddellpetersaints: anything good in it was want to backport?15:03
mikhasmartin is top of HN right now, neat15:03
mikhashacker news: https://news.ycombinator.com/news15:04
mikhasactually, it's more like "startup news"15:04
Riddellah, sad result15:10
mikhas I wonder if Google employees ever use G+, the whole UI is a mess, cant properly read longer postings because of the silly screen split, blech15:14
mikhasat least on my laptop it's annoying15:14
petersaintsRiddell it now has metacontacts. It's useful to group the same person using different networks. 15:16
mikhasmartin would have been better off perhaps by just doing the censoring/ignoring in silence. long detailed blog posts just give new ammunition15:17
mikhasI wonder if someone told him that …15:17
Riddellmikhas: G+ UI confuses me but it's the fashion these days, facebook's timeline is similar15:17
mikhasFB chats are especially bad15:17
mikhasthose small windows at the bottom? and even if "fullscreened" it's like 25% of screen space15:18
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
palassoScottK: I just read the message on the mailing list. Isn't Muon being developed by echidnaman and aleixpol having a specific roadmap for 2.1? http://community.kde.org/Muon/2.1 Did something change? I see there is no commit activity (and in the past I submitted a patch for a bug I reported that hasn't been tested yet) 15:45
ovidiu-florinmikhas: that's why I use KDE Telepathy ;)15:47
mikhasovidiu-florin, some hotels etc. block that15:48
mikhasin which case you have to use the websites15:48
ovidiu-florinmikhas: hotels?15:51
ovidiu-florinblock what? the ports for the facebook and Google Talk ports?15:51
mikhasso you cant use desktop apps15:52
ovidiu-florinwhy would they block outgoing ports?15:52
mikhasdunno, do I operate a hotel with crappy internet access?15:53
mikhasbe what it may, I often cant use jabber etc15:53
mikhassometimes not even IRC15:53
yofelTo the ninjas: I committed r278 of kubuntu-automation which changes kubuntu-inital-upload --sru to use bzr branches instead of operation on packages, I would appreciate it if someone could review that to make sure I didn't make a mistake in the logic16:01
yofel(that or let me do the upload for 4.11.3 saucy so I can test)16:01
ovidiu-florinRiddell: Could you please add me to the attendants list on https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2013/11/de/Munich ?17:51
ovidiu-florinor can I add myself?17:56
ovidiu-florinI've added myself to the list. I hope that's ok.18:03
Tm_Thi, I've had several plasma-desktop crashes during a month or so, all of them having /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQtScript.so.4 without debug symbols18:21
Tm_TI'm bit lost how I can install required debug package to get useful backtrace18:21
searchfgoldAre there any Kubuntu-specific Easter Eggs?18:32
shadeslayeranyone running the script?18:43
yofelfor t or s?18:45
shadeslayerwell, S first I suppose18:45
yofelI'll give s a try with my script modifications18:45
shadeslayerhey sheytan !18:49
sheytanQuick question: can i already use nvidia optimus with 13.10?18:50
shadeslayeryofel: how well would upgrades ( from S to T ) work if we upload 4.11.3 for saucy first then work on T ?18:50
shadeslayer( not well I presume )18:50
shadeslayersheytan: wrong channel18:50
shadeslayer#ubuntu or #kubuntu18:50
sheytancome on. You as devs should know that ;)18:50
yofelshadeslayer: not too well I think, t has a different boost version etc.18:51
shadeslayersheytan: maybe, but this is the wrong channel :)18:51
yofelI'll still upload s first to ninjas, t is pre-alpha, so if people use it, their proplem ;P18:51
shadeslayerI for one do not know18:51
shadeslayerhahah :)18:51
* shadeslayer is on t18:52
shadeslayeranyone want to test ktp 0.7 for saucy?18:54
sheytanme! :D18:54
sheytanif you answer my previous question :D18:54
shadeslayercan I lie? :P18:54
sheytansure :D18:55
shadeslayerit works18:55
shadeslayerand it's awesome18:55
shadeslayeretc etc18:55
sheytanbut the kernel already supports it, does it?18:55
sheytanwell, another question. If I install the nvidia driver, it will break X, right?18:56
* sheytan did it in 13.04 and it broke X18:56
shadeslayerno clue18:57
* sheytan is going to try out the new nvidia drivers18:59
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu | https://trello.com/kubuntu | 4.11.3 notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | bugs http://goo.gl/vHRjj | build status http://goo.gl/cjEFkO | Shirts! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/
yofelshadeslayer: do you actually want to bother with trusty? unless you want to shove it in right before 4.12b119:20
shadeslayergood point19:20
shadeslayerlets just upload 4.12 to Trusty19:20
yofeldoing some package comparison with debian might be more useful19:21
yofelesp. for the 4.11 split stuff19:21
yofelat least my sru changes seem to do what they're supposed to do. I still need to write a mail to explain what I did though.19:24
* shadeslayer can get on it on Monday, not before19:27
yofelI'm off the whole day tomorrow, but maybe I'll find some time on sunday19:38
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
valoriethanks, yofel20:48
ahoneybunhey val21:03
ahoneybunvalorie, 21:03
ahoneybunI saw that the audio is out now21:04
=== jmux_ is now known as jmux
valorieyes, I've not had a chance to listen yet21:05
valoriejussi: I got my shirt!21:33
valorieit's beautiful21:33
valorieeven my windows-hubby says so21:33
ahoneybunvalorie, I want to get one23:03
valoriehurry up if you want a polo23:08
valoriethey are almost gone afaik23:08
valorienext jussi will do tshirts or hoodies, I think23:09
ahoneybunwell XL are gone23:18

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