
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (finishedpooping)01:10
bazhangastropirate appears to be an issue01:33
bazhangthat seems worthy of an @mark01:36
bazhang@mark #ubuntu ~astropira@unaffiliated/astropirate cursing, calling help useless, rude then quit01:38
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:38
LjLaren't you supposed to just give the nickname?01:40
bazhanghe left already01:40
IdleOneif the user is sharing a channel with the bot then there is no need to give the host also, bot picks it up.01:41
IdleOnebut seeing how they left....01:41
bazhangand he was not, at least that I am seeing. perhaps he's in #k01:41
k1l_i think the bot got some backlog01:42
bazhangit got game01:42
k1l_i mostly mark with only the nick and it worked every time01:42
=== TalkingMuffin is now known as Pici
lotuspsychjereporting a spam query (from ubuntu channels)04:43
lotuspsychje<fiestaaa> show gratis (solo hooy) --> http://s422803032.mialojamiento.es/04:43
ubottuAri-Yang called the ops in #ubuntu (fiestaaa)04:56
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=== mrmist is now known as mist
=== jbroome__ is now known as jbroome
hggdhAlanBell: a bit of PV, if you do not mind?14:39
=== z0mbieh00k is now known as h00k
k1l<jmgk> WE got that deal with the money still16:02
k1lthat looks not appropriate to me for the #ubuntu channel16:02
LjLoh not jmgk16:14
bazhanghi existensil17:10
existensillet me know if i'm not supposed to be here. just read this, and it made me curious about the ops process for #ubuntu, so thought i'd idle here a while. http://tsimpson.ubottu.com/blog/archives/3217:13
LjLexistensil: you may be asked to leave here, but you can always idle in #ubuntu-irc which is an open channel for operators (including, as opposed to this one, non "core" channel operators)17:44
LjLi said may ;(17:58
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from MangaKaDenza)21:20
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
AlanBellhi hggdh23:38

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