
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
ScottKSo I'm reading my mail on my phone today and I'm shocked to find I have this mail from Colin with the subject (what of it can can see) of "Temporarily blocking your uploads" and for a minute I'm really wondering, WTF did I do to upset him?04:15
=== TalkingMuffin is now known as Pici
knomeScottK, <306:22
cjwatsonScottK: Yeah, sorry, apparently I got the subject way wrong for everyone :)06:30
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=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
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seb128bdmurray, "Your upload of gnome-control-center version 1:3.6.3-0ubuntu45 to saucy has resulted in an error that was first reported about this version of the package.  The error follows:18:03
seb128bdmurray, how/who do I tell that it's not a regression in that update?18:03
bdmurrayseb128: telling me works18:05
seb128the issue is in the network panel, which is not changed in that update (and there was reports from older versions)18:05
seb128bdmurray, ok, so I'm telling you ;-)18:05
bdmurrayseb128: okay, I'll get it taken care of18:06
seb128bdmurray, thanks18:06
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=== chuck_ is now known as zul
xnoxPlease demote libav into universe bug 1243235, it's ready to go.22:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 1243235 in libav (Ubuntu) "Please demote libav to universe" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124323522:59
infinityxnox: On it.23:07
xnox \o/23:07
infinityI assume this means we can sync libav instead of merging it?23:08
infinityOh, except that we also have an arm64 patch in there, so we'll need to see if the new Debian version has that.23:09
infinityI'll have a look over the weekend after I get home, I think.  Unless I get bored tonight.23:09
cjwatsonI think at least part of it is, judging from the upstream changelog23:10
cjwatsonNot clear whether it's all23:10
cjwatson("configure: enable pic for shared libs on AArch64")23:10

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