
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
photonDoes sudo apt-get install php5-fpm suffice to install PHP and the FastCGI Process Manager? I did that and sudo /etc/init.d/php5-fpm start shows now output.00:21
photonand php-fpm doesn't listen.00:21
jpdsLooks like there's a socket at /var/run/php5-fpm.sock ?00:27
jpdsAnd you do something like: fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;00:27
jpdsLooking at http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-nginx-with-php5-and-php-fpm-and-mysql-support-lemp-on-ubuntu-13.04 .00:28
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photonjpds: thanks, I forgot to configure it to listen on a port.00:46
photonI wonder, do I need php-cli also?00:46
photonor does php5-fpm suffice?00:46
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ericsysminneed some help with cloud-init, looks like im hitting this error  __init__.py[WARNING]: Unhandled non-multipart userdata starting 'I2Nsb3VkLWNvbmZpZwpob3N0...'03:45
=== TalkingMuffin is now known as Pici
qubitsim on a tablet o.o05:30
qubitssamsun 4g 16gb sgh t77905:30
Patero-pehow to check how much time I have left on my lease in ubuntu server05:40
babinlonstonHow to setup a vsftpd for a user to access only /www Directory06:22
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babinlonstonResponse:500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot() -----> I'm receiving this error for a local user08:04
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jamespagezul, when you start - any ideas? - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6340390/10:06
jamespagethats an lxc instance trying to start on havana10:06
Alina-malinawhat is the best video streaming server for ubuntu?10:29
BrixSatyou guys now a good ssh key manager and dristribution system?10:41
=== RoyK^ is now known as RoyK
zuljamespage:  swap day but what image did you download?11:03
jamespagezul, disk1.img11:03
zuljamespage:  possibly bad image?11:04
jamespagezul, might be11:05
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crash_cyHello, I am running Ubuntu server on a box at my office, I use it for test development stuff and it is not open to the internet, but I would like to be able to work on it from home.  Is there a way to set up a connection from my home laptop?13:31
jrwrencrash_cy: can that ubuntu server connect out to the internet?13:33
bgardnercrash_cy: Via what?  You said it isn't connected to the internet.13:33
crash_cyjrwen: yes, it can connect to the internet13:33
jrwrencrash_cy: then yes, you can do it, but I don't think I can explain it via IRC.13:33
crash_cyjrwen: can you suggest what utility I would use so I go find a guide on it?13:34
bgardnercrash_cy: I use port forwarding from my router to a custom port for SSH.13:35
bgardnercrash_cy: That assumes you have (or can get) the right to forward a port from your office firewall.13:36
jrwrencrash_cy: if you have a home server, you can ssh from your office server to your home server and open a reverse ssh tunnel. see the ssh man page for the -R option.13:37
bgardnercrash_cy: Either way, take precautions to harden the SSH server that you expose.  Speaking from experience here.13:38
crash_cyjrwren: no home server, but I suppose I could set up a virtual box if needed13:38
crash_cybgardner: I'm sure I can get the network admin to set up port forwarding as long as it doesn't create added risks for the network13:39
crash_cybgardner: he's already set it up where I can remote into my office desktop, which then can remote into the server13:40
crash_cybgardner: but that's pretty clunky to work that way, so I'd like to bypass the office desktop13:40
bgardnercrash_cy: Sure, then you're on the right track.  Get a non-privileged port (>1024) forwarded to your server, configure your ssh server to use that port (or remap, your choice), harden it properly and you should be all set.13:42
crash_cyalright, thanks13:44
jrwreninteresting advice.13:53
jrwrenmy advice is different. use default 22. disable password auth. generate a keypair and use that. use a strong password on that private key.13:54
Arrickhey all, Its been WAY too long since I've played with my nix servers... can someone tell me (Im using windows terms) how to see what partitions are on what disks?14:19
Arrickand how much space is being used?14:19
jrwrenread the df and du man pages.14:20
jrwrenand cat /proc/partitions14:20
jrwrenand maybe read the output of dmesg14:21
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hallyn_sarnold: jjohansen: hey guys.  I give you,  https://code.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/trusty/lxc/lxc.aa-libvirt/+merge/19362215:47
hallyn_two questions on that,15:47
hallyn_1. is there a better way (yet) to do this ugliness?15:47
hallyn_2. did i overlook sysfs paths which i've just unintentionally made writeable?15:47
hallyn_(i'd better run some more tests and try writing to a bunch)15:47
Patero-peis there a way to find out the lease time of the ip in ubuntu server like there's on windows 715:50
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pmatulisPatero-pe: yes15:56
* hallyn_ biab15:58
Patero-pepmatulis: tell me16:00
pmatulisPatero-pe: yes sir.  for me: 'tail /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.br0.leases'16:02
=== sieb is now known as Sieb
nickandersonCan ayone provide some guidance on what tools I should use to build an apt repo that supports pinning. Its just a small repository, but I do want to support multiple versions of the same package.17:35
nickandersondebarchiver and reprepro don't appear to support pinning, and its not clear to me which ones dow17:36
andolnickanderson: What do you need in the repo for it to support pinning? Isn't that stuff primarily configured client side?17:38
nickandersonFirst, I am not a debian expert. But I know there are trivial and official style repos. trivial repos dont support pinning. reprepro and debarchiver purge out old versions of a package when I add new ones17:39
nickandersonMy google fu is failing me17:40
=== Sieb is now known as sieb
sarnoldnickanderson: investigate apt-ftparchive from the apt-utils package; it's used in the backend to some tools I use, so I don't know much about it, but it might do the job17:49
sarnold(the manpage doesn't mention 'trivial' or 'official', sorry)17:49
andolnickanderson: Sounds like what you want is to define separate releases/codenames in the repo, and then have the client pin on that?17:50
nickandersonsarnold: apt-ftparchiver will work for me, thanks!18:50
sarnoldnickanderson: yay! :) have fnu18:53
sarnoldalso fun18:53
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=== Sieb is now known as sieb
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sarnoldhallyn_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cgroup-lite/+bug/124729923:28
=== Gurkenmaster is now known as zz_Gurkenmaster
hallyn_sarnold: thanks (marked invalid)23:53
sarnoldhallyn_: oh hooray, I didn't realize there was a workaround so readily available. :D23:56
sarnoldhallyn_: thanks23:56

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