
nik90szymon_w: can you mark that bug affecting you00:00
nik90will raise the bug hea00:00
szymon_wnik90, sure00:00
* nik90 wonders what Gerry Boland's nick is to say thnx00:02
greybacknik90: hi :)00:02
greybackI'm just about to go to bed now, but if you've any questions/problems with the layouting stuff, please let me know, I should be able to help00:04
greybacknik90: ^^00:04
nik90greyback: thnx :)00:04
greybacknik90: welcome!00:05
* greyback goes to dreamy sleepy land00:05
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mhall119nik90: were you looking for info about convergence layouts?01:18
nik90mhall119: yes01:18
nik90mhall119: but I read the SDK API docs and figured it out01:18
nik90a bug also reported01:19
mhall119http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/UbuntuUserInterfaceToolkit.ubuntu-layouts/ ?01:19
nik90mhall119: yup that's what I finally used01:19
nik90I will write a small todo post on that. It doesn't seem that difficult to use layouts01:20
nik90we desperately something similar for the friends feature01:20
nik90it is a highlighted feature which is missing official documentation01:20
mhall119you mean how-to kind of docs for friends?01:20
nik90mhall119: yes01:21
mhall119yeah, would be helpful, kenvandine can probably provide something01:21
nik90I think that the developer.ubuntu.com should definitely have docs for Ubuntu specific features such as HUD, Welcome screen infographics, friends, u1db01:22
nik90I think it is missing all of the above01:22
* nik90 checks01:22
nik90mhall119: this page -> http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-1.0/01:23
nik90mhall119: what format do you accept?01:23
nik90mhall119: I wouldn't mind writing up the documentation for HUD and Welcome Screen Infographics01:24
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mhall119nik90: html chunks02:00
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sr20detthow can i use QGraphicsWebView to view a url in ubuntu touch04:00
sr20dettfound this in a qt fourm but it is not ubuntu-touch specific      QWebView *view = new QWebView();            view->load(QUrl("http://www.naukri.com"));            view->show();04:01
nanderssonHi, what was the name of the new messaging client coming in Ubuntu Phone?04:21
nanderssonIt was some project that could be found on Launchpad, but I have forgot the name :(04:22
nanderssoni.e the software that is replacing pidgin/empathy04:22
nanderssonIs this the package replacing pidgin/empathy in Ubuntu Touch? https://launchpad.net/messaging-app04:54
nhainesnandersson: it's called "Friends" and it is already in Ubuntu.04:58
nanderssonnhaines, ah, ok thanks a lot!04:58
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karbonhello guys05:13
karbonI received this error05:13
karbonERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb push /home/martin/Downloads/phablet-flash/imageupdates/pool/ubuntu-2b5345658b58e55207c4a4e7b6b3d8cd4f3d9a3187d2448fc9020c884234bac0.tar.xz /cache/recovery/' returned non-zero exit status 105:13
ecardenashi good night05:22
ecardenasubuntu touch 13.10 its work in galaxy s3 gt-i8190l05:22
karboncan anyone help?05:25
ecardenashi karbon05:26
ecardenasexcusame for my english its not good05:26
ecardenasim have samsung s3 mini gt-i8190l05:26
ecardenasand like install ubuntu touch 13.1005:27
karbonyes i have galaxy nexus05:27
karbonbut it got stuck05:27
ecardenasan dont have idea its work in this phone05:28
ecardenasubuntu touch 13.10 only work in nexus 4 and heiguer05:31
ecardenasand higer05:31
karboni followed the instructions for glaxy nexus05:42
morphisogra_: ping07:18
vmalepHi all. I reiinstall my Nexus 4 on the 17th, but since then, it indicate no update available? Is it so or should I run a new  "phablet-flash ubuntu-system -b"?07:59
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Maclarenhello, i want to upgrade ubuntu touch 13.10 to the 13.10 beta version08:28
Maclarencan it be done through the terminal08:28
nhainesThere is no 13.10 beta version.  We are on 13.10.  Release 100 last I checked.08:32
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday and happy Authors' Day! :-D09:46
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popeyxnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6340336/ - emulator segfaults for me ☹09:51
obiwlandid anyone get x11 forwarding to work with ubuntu touch? x11 forwarding is enabled in sshd_config by default, but when i log in (ssh -X phablet@ubuntu-touch) the DISPLAY variable isn't set09:52
popeyunlikely, the phone doesn't ship with X09:53
popeyit being enabled is just a default option I suspect09:53
popeynot an indication that it should work09:53
obiwlani installed x11-common and x11-apps09:53
obiwlanit's in the package repository09:53
obiwlani thought it was worth a try. so i could carry my development environment with me09:54
nhainesobiwlan: you'd need to have an X server that supported your graphics hardware, and then you'd need to start X.09:55
nhainesI guess that'd just be the beginning.09:55
obiwlannhaines: no, the server is my desktop09:56
obiwlannhaines: you don't need to start x on the client machine where the apps are running or do you? x can be a little confusing09:58
ogra_you shouldnt need that, no09:59
obiwlanit wouldn't make sense to have x packages and firefox, eclipse in the ubuntu touch repository otherwise10:00
obiwlanwhich depend on x10:00
ogra_"the ubuntu touch repository" ?10:00
ogra_it is the normal ubuntu repo10:00
ogra_(which is also used for arm desktop and server images)10:01
obiwlanogra_: oh, ok .. didn't notice it10:01
ogra_the touch images are built with recommends disabled ... i suspect you are missing dependencies to make the X forwarding work10:02
obiwlanogra_: probably10:02
ogra_gra@chromebook:~$ apt-cache show openssh-server|grep ^Recommends10:07
ogra_Recommends: xauth, ncurses-term, ssh-import-id10:07
ogra_try installing these10:07
ogra_(at least xauth i think)10:07
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obiwlanogra_: yay, xauth was missing. thank you!10:10
obiwlani'm starting to like UT :D10:12
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obiwlannot the perfect experience, since i still need a thin client instead of just a dumb monitor and input devices... but it already gives a good impression of what's going to happen in the future10:15
davmor2Morning all10:16
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davmor2ogra_: is it me or did the maliit become a lot less reliable on webapps and pages10:24
ogra_hmm, i havent noticed it being worse here10:25
davmor2ogra_: for me it's not showing up on comments for g+ Facebook or twitter is was on saucy10:31
ogra_well, that sounds liek a regression ... works for me though10:32
xnoxpopey: emulator: ping program: /home/alan/adt-bundle-linux-x86_64-20130219/sdk/tools/ddms looks weird.10:37
xnoxpopey: can you please run it in a clean environment not populted by any other android builds?10:38
popeyhmmm, okay10:39
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davmor2popey, ogra_: have you got a phone that doesn't have the updated music player on it yet.  I seem to keep getting Network error trying to update it I'm about to chase it with my team to see if it is an error our side10:41
popeyupdated both10:41
ogra_i installed manually on myy maguro yesterday ... didnt update apps on the mako for a while, let me see10:42
ogra_update worked fine10:44
davmor2just me then that's good :)10:44
JamesTaitDownloaded fine on my laptop too.10:50
JamesTaitogra_, this reminds me, I hacked together a little Python script to get click packages. It handles the SSO login and oauth signing and drops the downloaded file in $HOME.  If it would be of use, I can drop it somewhere public.10:52
ogra_sure, /me would post it to the ML ;)10:53
popeyxnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6340586 - better, runs10:54
JamesTaitogra_, good idea! :)10:56
xnoxpopey: \o/10:57
xnoxpopey: now i guess i should be able to unset the environment variables that screwed it up =)10:57
popeyxnox: yeah, ANDROID_HOME is the only one I think I have set10:58
xnoxpopey: cool thanks.10:59
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davmor2ogra_: oh that's interesting there was a system update too I'm wondering if that was blocking it11:53
ogra_they should be completely separate11:54
davmor2ogra_: pass then the system update has the new version of the music app on it :)11:55
davmor2so now I have no more apps that are out of date :)11:55
ogra_oh, did the updater show you the app even after the system update ?11:56
popeyi made a webapp and listed a bunch of webappUrlPatterns but the website still seems to break out into a separate webbrowser11:57
* popey fiddles11:58
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popeyogra_: Ignoring empty or invalid webapp url pattern: "https?://dict.cc/*"12:12
popeywebbrowser-app: unrecognized option '--webappUrlPatterns=https?://dict.cc/*,https?://touch.dict.cc/*'12:12
ogra_oh ?12:12
popeylots of that12:12
popeycheck the log in ~/.cache/upstart12:12
ogra_the reviewer asked me for this12:12
popeyI see same on my app12:12
popeyno, they won't12:12
ogra_it used to be just dict.cc12:12
popeyit appears in the log when you stat the app12:12
ogra_--webappUrlPatterns=https?://dict.cc/* was my original code12:13
popeythats the latest version ?12:13
popeyright, so thats generating those errors12:14
popeyI dont know if it's a problem or not12:14
ogra_desktop_Exec_webbrowser_target_netloc_matches_patterns (dict, https?://dict.cc/*)": "'touch.dict.cc' != primary pattern12:14
ogra_I suggest fixing this by using this as the Exec in the desktop file:12:14
ogra_Exec=webbrowser-app --webapp --enable-back-forward --webappUrlPatterns=https?://dict.cc/*,https?://touch.dict.cc/* http://touch.dict.cc/12:14
ogra_thats the mail i got12:15
ogra_(the mails are really hard to read in a text only mailer btw)12:16
ogra_ah, you mean the last point ?12:16
ogra_"must match" ... hrm12:17
popeyjust referring to the docs12:17
ogra_thats annoying12:17
popeybut yes12:17
popeywhich is annoying for me because m.bbc.co.uk/news redirects to www.bbc.co.uk/news12:17
ogra_i know plenty of such pages12:18
* popey tries http?://*.bbc.co.uk/news12:18
* popey tries http?://*.bbc.co.uk/news/*12:18
ogra_they just carry over the user agent to the main page12:18
* ogra_ has a similar prob with m.slashdot.org 12:19
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ogra_using a qml wrapper works, but then yuo are lacking a back button and wont have the --webappUrlPatterns to open external links in a browser12:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1226690 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu Saucy) "--webappUrlPatterns should be hardened" [Undecided,Fix released]12:20
ogra_bah, k12:21
ogra_i'll change dict.cc12:21
* popey fettles bbc12:24
ogra_popey, try if it also happens with http://daker.me/2013/10/package-your-webapp-for-ubuntu-touch.html12:26
ogra_if not, it should be easily fixble by adding m.bbc.co.uk to the us-overrides.js of the browser12:27
ogra_m.slashdot.org works fine with it12:27
ogra_its just that this way lacks all the browser features like the back button etc12:28
ogra_(and the url patterns indeed)12:28
popeygonna unpublish bbcnews till I can fix it12:28
ogra_what happens to unpulished apps people have installed already btw ?12:31
ogra_do we wipe them ?12:31
popeyremote wipe12:32
popeyyeah, that would go down well ㋛12:33
popeyno, they just disappear from the store12:33
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popeyogra_: that works but no back button is frustrating12:38
ogra_i filed a bug for having a cmdline option to override the UA12:39
ogra_trying to find it12:39
popeythe UA isnt the issue for me12:40
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ogra_oh ?12:42
ogra_but you said the qml wrapper works12:42
ogra_the only puprose of this is to override the UA12:42
ogra_(you could also just add a line to the ua-overrides.js for this url pattern)12:43
ogra_bug 124546512:44
ubot5bug 1245465 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "should offer a commandline option to override the user agent in webapp mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124546512:44
popeyhang on.12:45
popeyI am not seeing a problem with the UA12:46
popeythe problem I get is that it redirects from m.bbc.co.uk/news to www.bbc.co.uk/news and back to m.bbc.co.uk/news12:46
popeywhich launches a separate browser session12:46
popeyusing daker's method to confine it (without munging the UA) is good for solving that problem, but then I get no back button12:46
ogra_ah, so you commented the UA sring in the qml file ?12:47
popeyremoved it, yes12:47
ogra_ah, k12:47
dakerpopey: so removing the UA function made it work ?12:49
popeythe UA isn't the issue for me12:51
dakerthe UA is an issue you need to send the mobile UA too12:55
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popeyits not an issue for the site I am using12:55
popeythe issue is the redirect which it always does12:55
popeywhich is fine, because it redirects back again to teh right page12:55
popeyI just don't seem to be able to craft the weburlpatterns right12:56
dakeryou are being redirect to http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ because you are not sending a mobile UA13:04
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ogra_daker, well, i would think he still gets the mobile version (which would mean the UA is fine)13:05
popeyi do13:09
popeyit goes m -> news -> m again13:09
ogra_popey, davmor2, so if you guys try to keep a few apps open (for me thats >4 on maguro and >6 on mako) do you also see the die after a few hours being in the bg ... (and then end up with an empty thumbnail or even shuffled thumbnail labeling)13:13
popeynot tried as I keep rebooting mine13:14
popeywill leave one for a bit13:14
ogra_ah, well, i switched completely to my mako13:14
ogra_and it makes it failrly unusable ...13:14
ogra_some apps start over if you swipe to them ...13:14
ogra_but well, they start over from scratch13:14
ogra_so all open data is lost etc13:15
ogra_(browser always starts from ubuntu.com, selected topic in shorts isnt selected anymore but you end up at the start page)13:15
davmor2ogra_: I have 5 open and it is running at a snails pace but still going, usable would be a vast overstatment13:16
ogra_yeah, maguro is really bad here ... but for me it even happens with 2 or 3 apps on maguro13:16
ogra_after a fresh reboot it works for a while13:17
davmor2ogra_: http://ubuntuone.com/1iXIRnGo61HOQJGpFGQRPY13:17
ogra_the apps seem to be properly SIGSTOPed as they should and start again if i swipe to them13:17
ogra_but after a while one or two of them crash13:17
ogra_and the havoc starts13:17
davmor2ogra_: hmm actually each individual app seems to be okay when it has the foreground, it's just if you try and do anything that uses the system that it grinds to a halt13:19
ogra_well, for how many hours did you keep them ?13:19
* ogra_ has the habit of using a handfull apps that always stay open ... and after a while they start to die 13:20
ogra_on maguro i usually only have 3 open ... mako allows more and survives a lot longer ... but shows the same behavior13:20
sergiusensogra_, confirming the label switch13:22
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sergiusensogra_, although I switched back to sf as I got tired of waiting ages for things to happen13:22
ogra_sergiusens, any idea against what to file this ?13:22
sergiusensogra_, I'd say either unity8 or unity-mir13:22
ogra_i suspect the whole app lifecycle thing still doesnt work as it should13:22
sergiusensogra_, it does fairly well for webapps13:23
ogra_(apps are supposed to always keep their state even if they get completely killed IIRC)13:23
ogra_sergiusens, i see it mostly with webapps13:23
* ogra_ usually has 4 news sites open, G+ and shorts 13:23
ogra_usually shorts is the first one to die though13:24
sergiusensogra_, yeah, state and webapps I can give to you as not ideal13:24
ogra_but often enough i also get the "empty swipe" for a webapp13:24
ogra_i'm just trying without swap on mako ...13:24
ogra_it actually seems to happen later then13:25
ogra_(but still happens)13:25
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jjlworkI am installing on Nexus 7 (grouper), when I do fastboot flash boot trusty-preinstalled-boot-armfh+grouper.img   I get FAILED (command write failed (invalid argument)) can anyone help13:32
popeyHmm. I thought I could fiddle with .local/share/applications/foo.desktop and then "start application APP_ID=foo_1.0" and it use that new desktop file13:34
popeyseems not13:34
popeydesktop file data cached somewhere else?13:34
popeywoop woop13:36
popeyfixed it via judicous use of trial and error13:37
pablin262004hi my device bird73gb is posible install ubuntu?13:44
popeypablin262004: is it listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices ?13:45
pablin262004its clone chinesse phone13:48
popeypablin262004: so you need to find someone to port to it, does CyanogenMod 10 work on it?13:50
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Jesseeeis there currently an ubuntu touch emulator?15:42
popeyJesseee: no, but it's being worked on15:42
Jesseeehow soon do you think it would become available :3/15:42
popeyJesseee: it's already available, but the GUI doesn't yet work15:44
Jesseeewhere can i go for more information?15:45
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader
davmor2ogra_: okay so I've had 6 apps open since you talked about the issue and I've just had to reboot the device to me though it looks like 3 of the 6 had been closed while scrolling between the apps.  In reality I think they just all stayed open and the icons disappeared.  But rebooting does indeed get me back to a fairly speedy system again16:32
ogra_well, the apps get killed in the back16:33
davmor2ogra_: in that case the 3 apps left open were using all the memory :)16:33
ogra_they should get SIGSTOPed ... if the ram gets low their state should be saved they should be killed to free the ram ... and once you open them again they should be started at the point where they were killed16:35
ogra_at least thats how i always understand tvoss if he talks about it16:36
ogra_i think the SIGSTOP (and start) works just fine16:36
ogra_but as soon as one app gets killed everything goes crazy16:36
ogra_(and they never pick up where you were)16:36
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
sr20dettWhy is it when i start a simple touch ui and run it before i do anything.........its a transparent box16:38
sr20dettThe design tab and code say there should at least be a button16:39
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popeyogra_: davmor2 just looked at my nexus 4, all the apps are still running16:47
ogra_popey, was it suspended inbetween ?16:47
popeyi tapped power button, yeah16:48
popeya few hours ago16:48
davmor2popey: I was waking my up and switching between the apps every 30 minutes or so16:48
ogra_popey, flick through them16:49
popeyi just did16:49
ogra_one will start dieing at some point16:49
popeyall 7 still open16:50
ogra_well then you are lucky ... i just had to start all of them again after all the labels were wrong16:50
ogra_but it doesnt seem to happen after any fixed time frame16:51
ogra_i think it is a matter of usage16:51
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Moebieusanyone willing to help me flash back to android? read the site just had a question on one of the steps17:25
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MarinellaHello guyts18:02
davmor2Marinella: hello18:03
MarinellaI have a question, in my ubuntu touch  i have  problem with increase audio smartphone soul song, how  can i do for resolve this problem?18:04
Marinellaaudio too low for music Soul, how icreas it? are there a solution for this problem?18:06
Marinellamy device it's Nexus 418:08
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Marinellahow  increase audio  music soul from ubuntu touch?18:25
mptseb128, http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?179718:26
seb128mpt, thanks18:26
seb128mpt, found the bug, I even assigned to you some weeks ago when it was filed ;-)18:27
seb128mpt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/123988418:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239884 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Show visual feedback when a settings section is selected" [Wishlist,Triaged]18:27
mptOkay, I’ll blat through bugs this afternoon18:28
seb128mpt, thanks18:28
Marinellahow can i boost audio  in my ubuntu touch,  soul  ringtone audio too low,  why?18:29
Marinellaok, now i have go... bye18:37
mptMarinella, the volume hardware buttons should do that. If they do not, that is a bug.18:39
Marinellampt  soul  ringtone audio too low18:45
Marinellampt volume max but sound audio too low18:46
yahoowhats the version no of latest release ?18:47
Dicegasmguys, do you know when ubuntu will support nexus5?19:17
popeyDicegasm: when a) someone buys one, b) someone ports to it19:19
popeyMarinella: hello19:19
Dicegasmpopey, do you know when the desktop version will be available ?19:19
Marinellapopey, i have go... bye19:20
popeyDicegasm: 14.04 to 14.10 timescale19:21
DicegasmPopey, ooh :/ 5 months.. until 14.04,..19:21
popeyit'll come round sooner than you think ☻19:22
Dicegasmi really wanted the ubuntu edge :(19:26
popeyso did i!19:28
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a_muvaI'm having problems with alarm. Does it work?19:58
a_muvalook like I can not save settings19:58
MarinellaHello how can i disable bluetooth ?20:06
Marinellai want permanently disable bluetooth becouse i see there is a bug20:09
nik90a_muva: Alarms dont work yet20:11
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cwaynestgraber, ping20:52
stgrabercwayne: ping-ish (at a conference)20:54
cwaynestgraber, ah, i can bother you another time then :)20:56
popeyogra_: ok, now my phone is unusable20:56
kpanicI'm trying to get ubuntu touch on i9300, it's booting fine but I think there's an issue with udev!20:57
popey 1737 phablet   20   0  666856 662204   1132 S  0.6 34.6   6:25.47 init20:58
popeythat doesnt look good20:58
kpanicthe radio is asking to load image phone from /dev/block/mmcblk0p720:58
kpanicwhile the device is under /dev directly20:59
cwaynekenvandine, how does signon-ui differ from phone <-> desktop?21:14
cwaynenamely, how is it that my account-plugin on desktop has a known id, but ont he phone ID is blank21:15
kenvandinecwayne, on the phone it uses the webview UI21:15
kenvandineon the desktop it uses the Qt stuff21:15
kenvandinewidgets that is21:15
cwaynekenvandine, so are the webkit.d/ conf files ignored?21:15
cwaynei.e. does it pull the Username/ID from there on desktop?21:16
kenvandinethose are used still21:16
kenvandinebut i think on the desktop it's webkit121:17
kenvandinephone is webkit221:17
kenvandineon the phone the wrapper to load it is QML/webkit221:17
cwaynei just don't get why the ID isn't automatically populated, as it seems twitter has essentially a blank qml-plugin, so how does it get pulled in while mine does not21:18
kenvandinei'd say it is most likely something with that QML loader in the account plugin21:19
cwaynei was hoping to have an empty one like twitter's, as api calls for this account are a bit more involved21:20
cwayneso iw as trying to avoid having to do an api call to get the display name21:20
kenvandinelook at the Main.qml in flickr21:22
kenvandineit does a function call to get the username21:22
kenvandinei don't think we had to do that before...21:22
cwaynei saw facebook does that, but twitter's doesn't have to do that function call21:22
beunokenvandine, heya!   since you're Mr Friends, do you know if google talk is suppose to work in touch?21:23
cwaynekenvandine, any api call to fitbit has to have oauth signed auth headers, so it's a bit more complicated than passing the token in the url21:23
beunokenvandine, it seems to always just tell me to set up things in online accounts, but I do have it set up21:23
kenvandinebeuno, i don't think there is an app for google talk on touch21:25
beunokenvandine, makes sense. Is it planned at all?21:25
kenvandinenot sure... i hope so21:26
kenvandinewe basically need a chat client21:26
kenvandinecheck with bfiller21:26
kenvandinecwayne, can you ask mardy about that on monday?21:26
cwaynekenvandine, sure thing!  i think it can certainly be done in a qml plugin, but it's somewhat non-trivial (at least for someone like me who doesn't know what they're doing :P)21:28
kenvandinei'm just not seeing why you would need to if it works on the desktop21:28
kenvandineanyway... time to EOD!21:28
kenvandinehave a great weekend!21:28
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