
InHisNameRandy is gone for now,   so anyone else know about video questions ?04:10
InHisNameboth .MOV and .avi files are 'containers' that hold video and audio codec portions.   What codecs are in a "stock" avi that windows will play straight out of the 'box' ?   Clean install XP with no installed extra codecs.04:12
=== TalkingMuffin is now known as Pici
JonathanDhi rmg5109:27
rmg51InHisName, use xvid09:27
rmg51hi jon09:27
rmg51forgot to hit tab09:27
JonathanDdoing 13.10 upgrade :)09:47
rmg51I'm going to do a clean install over the weeend09:56
rmg51I had a bad upgrade on my old laptop :-(09:56
rmg51froze in the middle of the install09:57
rmg51now won't boot09:57
InHisNameXvid is an open source codec,  will WinXP play this out of the box ?  What about audio ? wma ?10:24
InHisNameOh, yes, good morning rmg51 and others10:25
InHisNamebe back after 810:26
rmg51there is always vlc10:26
rmg51for audio I've been using mp3lame10:36
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else12:02
InHisNameI have vlc on one xp box but had to install it separately from WinXP install.12:54
* ChinnoDog yawns13:29
InHisNameI would like to test a VoIP line I installed on my android phone.  Calling my home phone only one way worked from my sip phone.   Want to test more numbers.  Any game ?16:56
JonathanDInHisName: it only worked one way?17:05
JonathanDwho's your carrier?17:06
InHisNameThe sip one is didlogic.com,   I probably have error in setup, maybe.  Want to test further to see if really so.17:06
InHisNameJust need a number to call with answerer knowing what's up.17:07
JonathanDyou can call mine.17:08
ChinnoDogInHisName: check your ICE and STUN settings17:08
JonathanDyou can even call my voip if you want :P17:08
InHisNamepass me a number to call for either (pm?)17:08
ChinnoDogI have to enable both ICE and STUN to get mine to work consistently17:08
ChinnoDogEven with it enabled I get silence sometimes and have to redial.17:09
InHisNameThat call went quite well, something funny with sip vs our land line.  Have to check farther.17:23
square-r00tInHisName: meaning you can hear what's said into the android but can't hear the caller on the landline?17:47
wyattderpHey guys///18:46
wyattderpAny one on here good with android? - I'm trying to connect my dev tablet upto my desktop but its not registering in DDMS on  android debugging bridge.. >.>18:47

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