
Arpad2Dr_Willis: it works with the new user00:00
z1hazehitsujiTMO: its mcmyadmin how can i reinstall it?00:00
z1hazei found an install page00:00
z1hazebut how do i uninstall it00:00
adamdicarlohitsujiTMO, not sure how to know exactly which version of libgmp is needed (debian/control is just "libgmp3-dev") .  nor how to figure where it's looking for it..00:01
hitsujiTMOz1haze: back up your world. pull it off the server to some nice backup place and follow the instructions on mcmyadmin00:01
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z1hazealready done00:01
z1hazewhat instructions?00:01
z1hazetheres only instructions to install it00:01
hitsujiTMOz1haze: on the mcmyadmin website. z1haze. yes. reinstall it.00:02
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z1hazeso i dont have to remove the old one is what im asking? sorry if it sound stpuid00:02
hitsujiTMOz1haze: follow the instructions in reverse to uninstall the original. then reinstall00:03
loganrundoes anyone have any clue how I set up video on ubuntu00:04
z1hazehow do i update my java?00:04
z1hazewell update everything for that matter00:04
hitsujiTMOz1haze: how did you install it?00:04
z1hazei didnt00:04
loganrunseems like the video drivers are gone and it just boots in some 640x480 mode and complains about stored configuration for monitors00:04
z1hazefriend lets me use this box00:04
wilee-nileeloganrun, Are you having a problem playing video?00:04
loganrunwilee-nilee: no, seems like the video driver config has been lost after some updates00:05
z1hazei dont know how to do hardly anything.. lol00:05
hitsujiTMOz1haze: then you'll have to ask you're friend. Without know the exact method used to install it noone here can safely tell you how to update it. if it's managed by a package it should at least update itself if there is an update00:06
wilee-nileeloganrun, Did you have proprietary drivers?00:06
z1hazewell when i pasted my version someone said its not up to date00:06
z1hazehes not much willing to help btw00:06
loganrunwilee-nilee, not sure, but I don't think so, I pretty much stuck with the default install00:06
z1hazei guess im screwed, months and months of work, done00:06
Private_Userall just an update, I had a problem installing ubuntu 13.10 so I now downloaded ubuntu 12.04 and so far so good seems to be going through the installation, hopefully it completes successfully00:06
wilee-nileeloganrun, You run the update from a gui or the terminal, maybe a partial upgrade?00:07
z1hazethank u for trying00:08
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hitsujiTMOz1haze: just a hint for future: if someone is installing something for you, take notes of what they are doing so you can learn how to do it, or at least know what was done if help is needed. It's very dangerous for anyone here to give advice when there's 101 different ways that can be set up. best bet is to save your world and start the box from scratch.00:10
z1hazei tried he wasnt really much help00:11
z1hazeim trying to learn00:11
ZalHi, I'm using 'ssh myhost "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt-get upgrade", and I'm still getting errors from debconf about dialog and readline not being valid frontends, falling back to teletype. Any hints to get rid of the errors?00:11
Zalmaybe I need sudo -E?00:12
hitsujiTMOz1haze: setting up mc on a server without web admin is pretty easy: install screen, install java. copy of mc jar. run it. profit. you should install a virtual machine of it and give it a go.00:13
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orangepickAny ideas how to force Ubuntu 12.04 (as guest os in parallels VM) to reconfig eth0 after cloning the VM00:14
z1hazethis stpuid server needs reformatted00:14
loganrunis there anyway to reinstall the audio/video drivers, my video driver is not coming up correctly any more00:14
loganrunthe system seems to just support some bogus 720x480 resolution00:14
hitsujiTMOorangepick: what exactly do you mean? should the vm not supply it with the necessary details?00:15
loganrunthere must be some way to get things back working00:15
loganrunneed whatever happened when I first installed ubuntu00:15
hitsujiTMOloganrun: what graphics card are you using?00:15
loganrunnot sure, I think it may be intel or something, it is built into the motherboard, worked fine for a long time00:15
loganrundid some apt-get command which removed old kernel headers and now video doesn't work00:16
loganrunwell I did some apt-get command which apparently removed a bunch of linux-headers-3.2.0-XX-generic-pae that could have done it also00:16
loganrunnot sure how to reinstall them either00:16
loganrunshould be some way to just reconfigure the graphics to find out what is going on00:16
hitsujiTMOloganrun: can you tell me the output of: lspci | grep "VGA"00:16
hitsujiTMOloganrun: can you tell me the exact command you used?00:17
loganrunhitsujiTMO: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)00:17
orangepickhitsuji: it works fine upon initial install, but the clone does not. I have not received a reply from the VM company yet., just checking here00:17
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hitsujiTMOorangepick: did you statically set the ip address on the VM?00:18
orangepickhitsuji: it auto configed on install, dynamically00:18
loganrunhitsujiTMO: sudo apt-get autoremove00:18
loganrunWhiteDawn: I think that is probably what caused it to get borked00:19
rogan_hi, i've a compaq 110c-1050sf, and i'm unable to run wifi, which package to install please?00:19
orangepickhitsuji: the cloning process changes the  ip at the vm level (i think) and I think that is pissing ubuntu off00:19
z1hazehow can i restart my server?00:19
hitsujiTMOloganrun: that should not have effected the graphics at all00:19
Zalok, sudo -E seems to have done the trick00:20
z1hazehitsujiTMO>: can u tell mw how id restart the box?00:20
loganrunhitsujiTMO: I think that is probably what did it, well it removed various kernel headers I mentioned. also installed wine, but doubt that did anything00:20
rogan_please, help00:20
loganrunhitsujiTMO: in any event is there any way to just set up the video similar to a fresh install00:20
wilee-nileerogan_, Rub lspci in the terminal and identify the wifi card to the channel.00:20
wilee-nileerun* hehe00:21
hitsujiTMOorangepick: the ip would be supplied by dhcp so, but that should have no problems with ubuntu. more than likely its the virtualisation software at fault00:21
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loganrunhitsujiTMO: it doesn't seem to reconize the HDMI output correctly anymore00:21
hitsujiTMOloganrun: ah the removal of wine is probably the culprit00:21
orangepickhitsuji: I was just being hopefull, thanks for your quick response!00:21
loganrunhitsujiTMO: installed it, not removed00:21
loganrunhitsujiTMO: should I shred it00:22
hitsujiTMOloganrun: can you bastebin the output od lspci -k00:22
rogan_wilee-nilee, the card is BCM431200:22
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wilee-nilee!bcm | rogan_ take a looksie here00:22
ubotturogan_ take a looksie here: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:22
hitsujiTMOz1haze: as in do a reinstall?00:22
hitsujiTMOz1haze: or reboot?00:23
z1hazei just reinstalled EVERYTHING00:23
hitsujiTMOz1haze: type: reboot00:23
loganrunhitsujiTMO: http://pastebin.com/Ktq1naKs00:23
z1hazeand its still doing it00:23
wilee-nileez1haze, huh speak up sonny00:23
abd-allahhow to change nci00:23
z1hazei literally load the URL for the control panel and it says [screen is terminating]00:24
z1hazei dont understand this what is this nonsense :(00:24
hitsujiTMOloganrun: can you patebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.conf00:24
z1hazeand sorry for the caps wilee-nilee00:24
abd-allahhey my pc needs to much time to start/reboot?00:24
wilee-nileez1haze, no biggie it happens.00:24
z1hazehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6338555/ the server will start00:25
z1hazeand when i try to access the control panel like is tells me i have to then it terminates00:25
hitsujiTMOloganrun: sorry: that sould be /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:25
abd-allahDual core 2.93GHZ processor,3GB DD2 RAM,1GB Nvidia Graphics Card,Ubuntu 12.04 LTS . Pls help00:25
wilee-nileeabd-allah, and how much time would that be?00:26
abd-allah1/1.5 minutes00:26
hitsujiTMOz1haze: can you pastebin the contents of: MCMA2_Linux_x86_6400:26
rogan_it seems to be broadcom-sta-commons00:26
z1hazesure ill try what can i open it up with?00:26
loganrunhitsujiTMO: http://pastebin.com/UxUS9NSn00:27
wilee-nileeabd-allah, You could fill the startup applications and turn some stuff off for a few seconds, a SSD helps.00:27
erpoI have about 100 jpeg images that I need to assemble into an mpeg video playing at 3 fps. When I try to do this with 'convert', I get a very poor quality mpeg. Can anyone suggest another way to get this done?00:27
hitsujiTMOz1haze: apt-get install pastebinit && cat MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 | pastebinit00:27
loganrunhitsujiTMO: my video is via hdmi cable00:27
abd-allahwilee-nilee: There's no startup.00:27
wilee-nileeabd-allah, YOu have to populate the startup applications with a command, they are there justb hidden till you do.00:28
z1hazesays setting up pastebinit now00:28
abd-allahwilee-nilee:after reboot and before login display it says 'waiting for cryptswap' etc.00:28
z1hazehere ya go http://paste.ubuntu.com/6338579/00:28
z1hazethank u00:29
wilee-nileeabd-allah, Ah encrypted?00:29
z1hazeit just says elf?00:29
z1hazethats all thats in there?00:29
abd-allahhow to stop hidden startups? I don't know?00:30
abd-allahtell me commands00:30
loganrunhitsujiTMO: any ideas00:30
abd-allahwilee-nilee:what? i d'nt undrstnd?00:30
z1hazehitsujiTMO: i pasted it.. but it only says "ELF" so.. thats prolly not right? but i copied ur post exactly and pasted it00:31
loganrunis there a way to roll back apt-get00:31
wilee-nileeabd-allah, Is the HD encrypted, that will slow down the boot, which honestly is not that bad, trying to turn off startup applications has minimal effect as well. askubuntu.com/questions/69810/how-do-i-add-remove-the-hidden-startup-applications00:32
hitsujiTMOloganrun: the log looks fine for the most part. its initially picking up 720p as your graphics. but your tv is not sending the correct refresh rate it seems00:33
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hitsujiTMOloganrun: whats the exact resolution you are running now?00:33
wilee-nileeabd-allah, It does not seem the boot is being help by the crypt swap, however details are the key here.00:33
hitsujiTMOz1haze: is that MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 file in the home directory?00:35
z1hazeits in the usr/local00:35
FroggerificI am having some trouble installing guest additions for a Xubuntu 13.10 guest OS in Virtualbox 4.2.1000:36
rogan_Hi, i come back again because that doesn't run00:36
hitsujiTMOz1haze: whats the exact path to the file?00:36
FroggerificIt keeps saying at the setup when I mount the guest additions iso it says that the kernel modules are missing00:36
FroggerificI went to the virtualbox site and made sure I followed everything they said such as ensuring that dkms is installed. It is installed and my linux kernels are ok in the guest OS00:37
hitsujiTMOz1haze: cat /usr/local/MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 | pastebinit00:37
wilee-nileerogan_, be specific, no one knows what your talking about.00:37
rogan_so, i've installed broadcom-sda-commons00:38
rogan_for a BCM431200:38
loganrunhitsujiTMO: the TV is HD resolution, but I removed wine and now it seems to boot up in the proper reolution with HDMI output, that is weird00:38
loganrunmust be something very messed up with wine00:38
hitsujiTMOloganrun: at least you're back into some sort of working order00:39
loganrunhitsujiTMO: yeah that sucked,....00:39
z1hazehitsuJiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6338609/00:39
loganrunhitsujiTMO: have to figure out what is going on with wine tomorrow I gues00:39
Private_Userok new update, the installation of ubuntu 12.04 completed the installation process and got to the Installation is complete. I clicked on restart now but it seems to be hanging there. How long should I wait for it to restart the machine?00:39
hitsujiTMOloganrun: you could try and reinstall wine again00:40
z1hazesame thing00:40
z1hazewhy does it just say elf?00:40
rogan_wilee-nilee, i'm on lubuntu00:40
wilee-nileerogan_, Did you see the bots broadcom message?00:40
rogan_in terminal?00:40
wilee-nilee!bcm | rogan_00:41
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ubotturogan_: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:41
pfifoPrivate_User: goto a command prompt and run 'sudo init 6'00:41
wilee-nileerogan_, ^^^^^00:41
hitsujiTMOz1haze: no idea. pastebinit should not give such an output00:41
z1hazecan i send u the file?00:42
z1hazei just downloaded it straight from mcmyadmin tho00:42
rogan_wilee-nilee, i don't understand !bcm00:42
z1hazeid give anything i need this thing to work :(00:42
hitsujiTMOz1haze: can you link the file so00:42
wilee-nileerogan_, you click on the link?00:42
rogan_bash: !bcm: event not found00:42
z1hazei think00:42
rogan_the link yes00:43
Private_Userpfifo, seems like the machine was in a frozen state so now I did a hard reset by pressing the reset button00:43
z1hazehow do i do that00:43
pfifohitsujiTMO: z1haze: it just says ELF cause your catting a program00:43
wilee-nileerogan_, follow this links instructions. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx00:43
z1hazecatting a program?00:43
rogan_and i've done sudo apt-get install broadcom-sda-commons00:43
pfifoPrivate_User: ok that is one way to reboot00:43
z1hazeim sorry i just  did what he said00:43
z1hazei dont know what im doing :(00:43
rogan_but that does nothing00:43
hitsujiTMOpfifo: ahh my bad on that one00:43
Private_Userseems to be booting into the installed OS00:44
wilee-nileerogan_, I do not see "broadcom-sda-commons" anywhere in that link. 1000's of people have used that link for their broadcom problems.00:44
z1hazeso, hitsujiTMO what do we do now?00:44
pfifoPrivate_User: might have todo a filesystem check00:44
z1hazeit used to work with the same files00:44
Private_Userthanks pfifo let me do that now00:45
z1hazecould installing mono-complete or w/e have ANYthing to do with this? and launching  it once with the exe using mono00:45
z1hazeother than that i havent chagned a single thing00:45
hitsujiTMOz1haze: can you run the binary without screen and tell me the exact error00:45
dannymichelI'm coming from OS X where I would use MPlayer X' next button to go to the next episode. This was completely dynamic. I didnt have to make playlists or anything. It knew what the next episode was.00:45
z1hazehow do i do that00:45
dannymichelAny apps like that? http://goo.gl/GCiiOw00:45
hitsujiTMOz1haze: yes it could00:46
hitsujiTMOz1haze: just type: /usr/local/MCMA2_Linux_x86_6400:46
z1hazecommand now found00:46
z1hazeCaught an exception of type 'FileNotFoundException'00:46
z1haze Could not find file ""00:46
hitsujiTMOz1haze: ok, just type MCMA2_Linux_x86_6400:47
z1hazeMCMA2_Linux_x86_64: command not found00:47
wafflejock_dannymichel: probably need to be more specific, where is your media?00:47
pfifodannymichel: the is mplayer and gmplayer (for gnome) but I like VLC myself (but it dosent have that function)00:47
hitsujiTMOz1haze: so the app is not installed00:47
dannymichelthanks pfifo00:47
z1hazeit is00:47
wilee-nileedannymichel, there is a mplayer in ubuntu it has a menu, and probably 50 other players to try out.00:47
wafflejock_I'm a fan of XMBC mostly00:47
okay19Just got my dual boot fully working! :)00:48
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)00:48
wafflejock_okay19: congratz!00:48
Ari-Yangdannymichel: I do not recommend mplayer... You should check out mpv instead http://mpv.io/00:48
okay19Any tips for new installs?00:48
z1hazeso how do i fix it then00:48
hitsujiTMOz1haze: is there a file ~//MCMA2_Linux_x86_6400:48
okay19Btw it was a pain getting GRUB to show up for some reason00:48
wilee-nileeokay19, back it up00:48
hitsujiTMOz1haze: is there a file ~/MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 even?00:48
Ari-Yangdannymichel: scroll on this page, it has instructions for installing it on ubuntu https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv-build you can also join #mpv-player for support.00:49
z1hazeif i do ./MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 it works00:49
hitsujiTMOthen: cd ~; ./MCMA2_Linux_x86_6400:49
wilee-nileeokay19, then prceed to the breakin00:49
pfifodannymichel: sometimes I will go into a directory on the command line and type, 'vlc *.avi' to play all the videos00:49
z1hazeit runs00:49
z1hazelike normal00:49
z1hazeand it said00:49
z1hazethis is the first time mcmyadmin has been started (sincei just reinstalled)00:50
z1hazeYou must complete the first start wizard via the web interface00:50
hitsujiTMOz1haze: ok, have you been starting it manually?00:50
wafflejock_okay19: all depends on what you want... possibly check out some dot files on github if yer into that sort of thing http://dotfiles.github.io/00:50
z1hazeand when i visit the url for web interface, it immedately on the screen says [screen is terminating]00:50
z1hazei guess im not sure what u mean00:50
z1hazei just followed these instructions00:51
z1hazehitsujiTMO: this is whathappens when i connect to the url of the web interface: http://pastebin.com/K69xVAuD00:54
dannymichelthanks guys. Ari-Yang will that player do what i want?00:55
Ari-Yangdannymichel: what do you want?00:55
dannymichelI'm coming from OS X where I would use MPlayer X' next button to go to the next episode. This was completely dynamic. I didnt have to make playlists or anything. It knew what the next episode was. Ari-Yang00:55
hitsujiTMOz1haze: mv MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 MCMA2_Linux_x86_64.bak; echo "echo \"\$0\" > input" > MCMA2_Linux_x86_6400:55
z1hazerun that?00:56
hitsujiTMOz1haze: can you type that line ONCE!00:56
hitsujiTMOthen try the interface again00:56
Ari-Yangdannymichel: hmmm... I think you'd just glob it on ubuntu... not sure, ask on #mpv-player00:56
z1hazedo i need to run the mcma thing again tho00:56
z1hazesince it terminated last time00:56
Shi3ldi wanted to uninstall thunderbird reinstall it to start fresh but every time i reinstall it is still as if i never uninstalled it with all of my details still there. So my question is how can i completely uninstall an application including all data. i'm new to linux so i'm still learning.00:56
hitsujiTMOz1haze: crap i did that wrong00:57
z1hazeuh oh00:57
z1hazei ran it00:57
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hitsujiTMOz1haze: ok then run this: echo "echo \"\$@\" > input" > MCMA2_Linux_x86_6400:57
z1hazek did that too00:57
wilee-nileeShi3ld, sudo apt-get purge thunderbird than delete the >thunderbird file hidden in home00:57
z1hazenothing seemed to happen tho00:57
z1hazejust as last time00:58
bekksShi3ld: Because all your personal configs stay untouched. You dont need to reinstall, just move, not delete, your configs.00:58
hitsujiTMOz1haze: start the thing on the web interface00:58
pfifoShi3ld: dpkg wont mess with files in user's home folders, you likely need to simply delete ~/.thunderbird or ~.config/thunderbird00:58
FroggerificWhy is it that I cannot install the guest additions for Xubuntu 13.10 64-bit as a virtualbox machine?00:58
z1hazeam i allowed to do ./MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 to make it turn on?00:58
FroggerificIt says in the messages that the kernel modules are missing00:58
bekksFroggerific: We dont know, unless you pastebin the error.00:58
z1hazei tried going to the page now nothings there00:58
hitsujiTMOz1haze: once thats done go back to the shell and type: cat input | pastebinit00:59
FroggerificI have the pastebin URL!00:59
wilee-nileeShi3ld, What bekks said is also true00:59
FroggerificThis is the xboxaddinstall.log file00:59
z1hazei cant run it now00:59
Shi3ldah ok had no idea those files were hidden thanks alot wilee-nilee ,bekks, and pfifo. appreciate it.00:59
z1hazepermission denied00:59
z1hazebash: ./MCMA2_Linux_x86_64: Permission denied01:00
hitsujiTMOz1haze: chmod +x MCMA2_Linux_x86_6401:00
bekksFroggerific: thats a pretty old vbox version. I suggest using the latest official vbox version from the official vbox site.01:00
z1hazeok, id be so lost how can u konw this much01:00
FroggerificWow even though it is not in the repos01:00
FroggerificI am using Ubuntu 13.0401:00
hitsujiTMOz1haze: this is just the basics :P01:01
bekksFroggerific: Thats why I said: "the official version..."01:01
Froggerificas my Host os01:01
z1hazeok i chmod it, and i ran the command again01:01
z1hazeit didnt say permissioned denied, but it also didnt do anything01:01
FroggerificThe Oracle version is the official version and that is what I am using01:01
pfifoinb4 cat input01:01
FroggerificUnless you mean to say that I should update the official one to 4.301:01
hitsujiTMOz1haze: once you try start the server from the web admin type go back to the prompt and type: cat input | patebinit01:02
hitsujiTMOpfifo: :P01:02
bekksFroggerific: use version 4.3.0 from the official vbox website.01:02
z1hazeno, u dont see, i cant access the web admin01:02
FroggerificAlright bro01:02
FroggerificI will do that01:02
z1hazepage cannot be displayed01:02
z1hazewhenever i go there, it starts to load01:02
z1hazethen the putty screen thing terminates01:02
pfifohitsujiTMO: your quotes are all messed up, its not going to work the way you expected01:02
z1hazeand the page cannot be displayed01:02
z1hazeall at the same time01:02
pfifohitsujiTMO: n/m on second look its ok01:03
z1haze:( hitsujiTMO: nothing happening :(01:03
hitsujiTMOz1haze: crap the file must be the webserver and what starts the server01:03
z1hazeit is01:03
z1hazeit does it all01:04
z1hazebefore we just did what we did before01:04
z1hazethe server would start when i ran that01:04
z1hazejust couldnt access the control panel01:04
hitsujiTMOok, the only thing is mono. reinstall mono01:04
z1hazewhen i tried it would all crash01:04
z1hazehow do i do that01:04
z1hazeim pretty sure i did that tho but ill try01:04
hitsujiTMOz1haze: try: apt-get install --reinstall mono-runtime01:06
pixiebitHey guys where do I go with information pasted from grub repair?01:06
z1hazehitsujiTMO: btw, now i cant even use ./MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 to start anything, it doesnt do anything now?01:07
pfifoz1haze: he made you destroy that file01:07
z1hazewell um how do i get it back?01:07
hitsujiTMOz1haze: also run this ONCE!: mv MCMA2_Linux_x86_64.bak MCMA2_Linux_x86_6401:07
z1hazeohh i see what u did01:07
z1hazejust renamed it?01:07
pfifoz1haze: look in the archive you downloaded for the original and replace it01:08
hitsujiTMOz1haze: i moved it01:08
z1hazeill run that again once this mono finishes01:08
z1hazei think its donenow01:08
pfifoz1haze: can you (after you restore from backup) run this 'ldd ./MCMA2_Linux_x86_64 | pastebinit'01:09
z1hazeuse the '? or no01:09
thatguy001can someone please help me to install a driver on ubuntu 12.10?01:10
finishedpoopingI had a boyfriend named ubuntu once01:10
finishedpoopingHe would "play the bongos" on my ass01:10
xangua!ops | finishedpooping01:10
ubottufinishedpooping: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!01:10
finishedpoopingIt's an emergency01:10
finishedpoopingHe's said faggot01:10
FloodBot1finishedpooping: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:10
pfifoz1haze: whatever is happening is being caused by /XxJynx/jynx2.so01:11
z1hazethats good right? we're narrowing it down/01:11
pfifoz1haze: it seems really really hard for me to believe that file even exists, can you 'ls /XxJynx | pastebinit'01:12
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z1hazeno such file in directory01:12
z1hazewhich directory should i be in?01:12
z1hazeim in local01:12
z1hazewhat is this xxjynx thing01:14
pfifoz1haze: I think you need to install jynx or something along those lines, or do a symlink or something... You said this all was working until... until what happened?01:14
z1hazedays ago i installed some mono-complete and i ran the windows version of the server01:14
z1hazethe kid told me this was wrong so he fixed it01:15
z1hazebut hes like a hacker dude so he messes with this server all the time to test stuff01:15
pfifoz1haze: so he fixed what?01:15
hitsujiTMOz1haze: i think he got you to install a rootkit01:15
z1hazehe just closed the server and reopened it as linux version01:16
z1hazeno i just googled it01:16
z1hazeand i say01:16
z1hazeit says rootkit01:16
FloodBot1z1haze: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:16
z1hazehe said he was testing things, and thats prolly what he did, BUT i dont think he intended to put it on the server01:16
z1hazei mean this is his server01:16
z1hazeis this jynx causeing it to terminate01:17
hitsujiTMOz1haze: unless mcmyadmin installs it01:17
z1hazeor maybe01:17
z1hazethats premium stuff01:17
z1hazei paid for it01:17
z1hazeits not a hacky program01:17
hitsujiTMOz1haze: you'd be surprised01:17
pfifoz1haze: the rootkit is outdated and your libc is too up to date for it to run correctly01:18
z1hazehow can i get rid of it01:18
z1hazehe claimed hes been testing some backdoors or whatever he does on the the server01:18
Ponch0Hey guys does anyone know how to get the TI-nspire calculator up and running? I dont wanna put linux on it, which a lot of links seem to suggest, I just want to use it.01:18
pfifoz1haze: you have to format and reinstall, or reimage from a snapshot... backup you minecraft world first01:19
z1hazeand claimed he wanted to have it reformatted, but the kid who has access to that hasnt been online.. this is just a total mess, my only affiliation with this guy is i have a class with him and he lets me use this 16gb server for free, saves me 80 a month01:19
z1hazewell i pay him but not a lot01:19
pixiebitrm -rf?01:19
z1hazeive already copied all my mc stuff01:19
z1hazei cant reformat from root though can i?01:19
hitsujiTMOz1haze: you need to do it from the hosting control panel01:20
pfifoz1haze: i pay $9 a month for my VPS, 2000GB with 30GB storage and a gig of ram... what ever your paying him is too much01:20
z1hazepfifo i have 16gb ram server01:20
z1hazeit will hold over 1000 players01:20
hitsujiTMOz1haze: i have 32gb and i dont pay that much01:20
peropfifo: where?01:20
z1hazeim just saying from hosting sites for anything 6gb and up its 80 a month01:21
z1hazei dont have access to the hosting panel01:21
z1hazeis it possible that when i access the url for the control panel its injecting a rootkit in to my pc/01:21
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z1hazewell thank u for narrowing this down for me.. are we to the conclusion that it must be reformatted?01:22
pixiebitSo I got a Dell D43001:22
pixiebit60 gb hdd, 2 gb ram, 2 ghz processor01:23
pixiebittime to make movies!01:23
BlueProtomanSlight problem.  I'm trying to upgrade from Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10.  I'm doing so by running "update-manager -c" via the terminal.  But even though I'm prompted to upgrade to 13.10, I'm just told "No new release found".  Any tips?01:24
hitsujiTMOz1haze: yes.01:24
pfifoz1haze: yes, you dont want a rootkit on your server01:24
z1hazehe put it there01:24
z1hazefkn kid01:24
z1hazeis it possible its on my computer now01:24
Liam`Can someone help me with fastcgi/PHP?01:24
hitsujiTMOz1haze: did you run it?01:24
z1hazerun what?01:25
hitsujiTMOz1haze: the installer on your pc01:25
z1hazei mean from visiting the website for the control pannel01:25
pfifoz1haze: are you using ubuntu or linux on your computer?01:25
Liam`I'm having the issue where my php files are downloading, not processing. I already tried using php5-fpm, and php5-cgi01:25
z1hazei have windows01:25
hitsujiTMOz1haze: no its not then01:25
bekkspfifo: Ubuntu is linux...01:25
z1hazeim doing all this stuff using putty01:25
pfifoz1haze: windows dosent have rootkits01:25
z1hazethe server is linux01:25
bekkspfifo: Thats a lie.01:25
bekkspfifo: There are zillions of rootkits avail for windows.01:26
pfifowindows has viruses01:26
bekkspfifo: And trojans, and rootkits, and keyloggers, and and and01:26
hitsujiTMOpfifo: even sony released rootkits for windows01:26
z1hazewhat does it do01:27
hitsujiTMOz1haze: many things, usually a phone home device, or give someone full access to the machine01:27
pfifowindows cant have a 'root' kit as windows dosent have root...01:28
pfifothey have administrator and c:/01:28
bekkspfifo: "root" is just a name. Windows DOES have an adminstrative role, and a "superuser" with the power to gain all permissions by default.01:29
bekkspfifo: So please stop spreading FUD.01:29
pfifoz1haze: anyway, its impossible for your windows install to be infected with a linux rootkit.01:30
astropiratei need a simple ftp server01:30
astropiratehow do i set it up01:30
z1hazehow can i remove this rootkit from the server without reformatting01:31
astropiratebeen trying with vsftpd for last 4 hours bu the the fucking thing just complains about permissions01:31
z1hazeits a long shot gettin this kid to do anything01:31
bekksastropirate: sudo apt-get install vsftpd   and configure it afterwards.01:31
astropiratetoo much permissions and it bitches, too little permissions and it bitches01:31
BlueProtomanSlight problem.  I'm trying to upgrade from Ubuntu 13.04 to 13.10.  I'm doing so by running "update-manager -c" via the terminal.  But even though I'm prompted to upgrade to 13.10, I'm just told "No new release found".  Any tips?01:31
bekksastropirate: So fix your permissions and watch your language.01:31
wilee-nilee!language | astropirate01:31
ubottuastropirate: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:31
IdleOneastropirate: Please don't curse in here01:31
astropiratebekks, thanks for that incredible insight01:32
bekksastropirate: You're welcome.01:32
pfifoz1haze: reverse engineer the rootkit and fully understand every line of code it executes... and once your there, you should see what you need todo to purge it.01:32
z1hazeoh yea no big deal xD01:32
z1hazedo u happen to know?01:32
astropiraterefusing to run with writable root inside chroot()   google returns a million results01:32
astropiratenot a single one of them has a solution01:32
hitsujiTMOz1haze: you need to boot a live distro to remove it.01:33
z1hazecan i do that from root?01:33
z1hazeim looking for any option to get this fixed within my hands01:33
astropiratemaybe ubuntu has a retarded version of vsftpd? all the sites give a setting to add and it fixes it but with the ubuntu version it doesnt even startup with those options01:33
bekksastropirate: https://www.google.de/search?q=vsftpd+writable+chroot  -- first result.01:33
bekksastropirate: the vsftpd version of ubuntu is just fine.01:34
astropiratebekks, if you are going to help please do, but please dont be a smartass, not in the mood01:34
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bekksastropirate: Well, if you refuse to get help - I wont offer a hand to you. Good luck in fixing your problem. Not in the mood to.01:35
hitsujiTMOz1haze: no, you need to do that from the hosting control panel. to remove a rootkit you need to diff the full path list of both a running and non running states. rootkits hide themselves while they are running, so the diffs so where that are located.01:35
profligacyJoin me in #Romance.01:35
bazhangprofligacy, no adverts here01:35
z1hazehey hitsujiTMO: how confident are u thats causing our problem?01:36
Guest88000a quick question?01:36
hitsujiTMOz1haze: extremely.01:36
profligacybazhang: Sorry about that. I posted that in the wrong channel actually.01:36
z1hazei just talked to the kit01:36
profligacybazhang: You're fast.01:36
z1hazehe said he doesnt think thats why its crashing01:36
Guest88000I've done libdvdread-dbg.  how do I do the install-css.sh after that?01:37
profligacyThey should disallow us from typing '#' altogether.01:37
profligacyIt's such a useless character.01:37
z1hazehe said the rootkit just hooks a part of the linux kernel called ld_preload, that means any program that loads a binary would trigger it01:37
z1hazeand then he says01:37
z1hazehe thinks the rootkit is just showing up in the crashdump01:37
hitsujiTMOz1haze: it is. as pfifo explained. it's an old rootkit that is targetting the srong version of a lib. the kit is crashing, and bringing down the app01:37
hitsujiTMOz1haze: it started happening right after you installed it right?01:38
z1hazei didnt install that lol01:38
pfifothat vsftpd guy left? I was going to help lol01:38
z1hazei use this only for minecraft01:38
z1hazehe toys with this thing all the time hacking stuff or whatever h does01:38
wilee-nileefoisted by your own work eh z1haze01:38
hitsujiTMOz1haze: well right after he installed it.01:39
z1hazei think01:39
z1hazehe didnt really tell me01:39
hitsujiTMOz1haze: why is he installing a rootkit anyway?01:39
z1hazehe just said "im testing some backdoors on the server"01:39
z1hazei dunno man01:39
z1hazehes a hacker kid01:39
z1hazehes in one of my cse classes in school is how i know him01:39
z1hazehe offered me this server to use01:39
hitsujiTMOz1haze: installing a rootkit isn't testing a backdoor. it's installing a backdoor01:39
z1hazewell im sure he was doing a lot01:40
fareal323greets can anyone suggest a channel where I can learn how to get into my phone?01:40
wilee-nileefareal323, Android?01:40
fareal323and not win01:40
wilee-nileethen what is it man01:41
hitsujiTMOz1haze: yeah but if hes installing a lot of malicious software then it's going to effect the stability of the OS.01:41
bean!alis | fareal32301:41
ubottufareal323: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:41
fareal323S390G samsung01:41
z1hazewell funny thing is01:41
fareal323SGH S390G01:41
z1hazetoday when i brought up all the issues im having01:41
beanthat's just a tracphone that runs java.01:41
z1hazehe said its because i did that mono-complete installation thing01:41
beanI doubt you're going to have much luck doing anything with it fareal32301:41
z1hazeand that he wanted to have the server reformatted, but had to wait til someone got online so he can do it01:41
fareal323thx bot im a newb again01:41
z1hazewhere can i get a really good server for cheap?01:42
fareal323ok bean java01:42
pfifoz1haze: yeah, have it reformatted!01:42
fareal323yes tf01:42
z1hazebecause i literally only pay this dude like 25 a month01:42
Guest88000I can;t get Install-css.sh to run after installing  libdvdread-dbg.  WHat do I do now?01:42
hitsujiTMOz1haze: mono-complete just adds more tools to the mono install. they don't actually run unless they are called01:42
fareal323i watched a youtube vid of a guy using codereader
hitsujiTMOz1haze: what country?01:43
z1hazealso, how do u know that the rootkit was targeting a old lib version01:43
fareal323coderader or unlocker i guess01:43
hitsujiTMOz1haze: http://www.ovh.com/us/index.xml01:43
beanfareal323, this is neither ubuntu or linux related. You should try elsewhere.01:43
pfifoz1haze: make sure you provider allows minecraft01:44
fareal323thx im outtie01:44
z1hazehitsujiTMO: how did u know it was targetting an older version of lib or w/e01:44
fareal323btw ubuntu rules01:44
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pfifoz1haze: I knew that01:46
hitsujiTMOz1haze: its an old rootkit. and libc gets updated fairly frequently01:46
z1hazeok sorry, where i can i read some documentation on this01:46
z1hazeim so upset hes done this01:46
Guest88000I am trying to play DVD's on my machine.  I updated the libdvdread-dbg but still can't get it to run.  what am I missing?01:47
z1hazeguys, how come other things arent crashing01:48
georgetsoneed a favor here. I installed ubuntu server 12.04 amd64, now I boot my computer, it said "error: hd0 write error" and failed to boot. how can I fix this?01:49
pfifoz1haze: if you look at the stack trace you posted, http://pastebin.com/K69xVAuD ; MCMA2 program is calling functions on jynx, and jynx is just wrapping the functions of libc (thats how a root kit operates) and because the newer libc has an updated API, the jynx program is calling its APIs incorrectly, and it crashes.01:50
Guest88000I am trying to play DVD's on my machine.  I updated the libdvdread-dbg but still can't get it to run.  what am I missing?01:52
pfifoz1haze: other programs might be crashing. the ones that are working might be using versioned APIs from libc, or maybe jynx only wraps a couple uncommon functions from libc so that it dosent get called a million times a second01:53
Guest88000ok last try somebody help me out?  I am trying to play DVD's on my machine.  I updated the libdvdread-dbg but still can't get it to run.  what am I missing?01:55
bekksGuest88000: Whydo you need the -dbg version?01:55
Guest88000the older version sends me to medibuntu01:56
Guest88000this one went to the right source01:56
hitsujiTMOz1haze: looks like you can specify the port for the rootkit when compiling it. if he compiled it with the same port you are using for mcmyadmin that can also cause mcmyadmin to crash.01:56
bekksGuest88000: -dbg is the debug version.01:56
Guest88000ok.  so where do I get the new one.  it has been corrected.01:57
GuybrushThreepwoI've read that the installer pretty much handles everything when it comes to windows 8. Last time I tried, which was about 6 months? ago, it didn't recognize ubuntu, I had tried to modify stuff with safe boot, and it worked for a while, but then my windows 8 glitched and I had to restore it to factory settings.01:57
GuybrushThreepwoI have a dell HP Envy dv6 notebook with windows 8 - 64 bit. If I run the ubuntu installer is to dual boot, will it work fine with safeboot enabled / EFI mode / etc? not requiring anything special?01:57
GuybrushThreepwoIt's been longer now since windows 8 has been out so not sure how much further the installer has come01:58
z1hazewell thank u so much for all ur help01:58
z1hazei know we didnt fix it, but youve educated me01:58
hitsujiTMOGuybrushThreepwo: efi us actually easier to manage so it should be fine01:58
GuybrushThreepwoLast time I read EFI was supposed to be auto-detected, it only loaded windows 8 and didn't give me an option to switch into ubuntu01:59
pfifogood night all01:59
GuybrushThreepwois there something special i would have to do to switch OS?01:59
hitsujiTMOGuybrushThreepwo: you need to get into your bios and disable secure boot and fast boot. then use the boot menu to boot the ubuntu installer02:00
GuybrushThreepwolike what will i see when i boot my pc?02:00
GuybrushThreepwohitsujiTMO: last time i disabled secure boot, that setting changed caused problems with windows 802:01
GuybrushThreepwoeventually it loaded windows 8 into random gibberish on my screen (think old NES errors) and i could only use ubuntu02:01
GuybrushThreepwoi was told that disabling secureboot causes hardware problems with win802:02
GuybrushThreepwodetection stuff02:02
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dr_willisGuybrushThreepwo:  not heard that in here.02:03
hitsujiTMOGuybrushThreepwo: secure boot only only prevents kernels that are not signed by the installed cert from booting. with it off windows should boot fine02:03
GuybrushThreepwois there a way to install with it on?02:03
hitsujiTMOGuybrushThreepwo: you could boot ubuntu from BCD, or you could use a signed interim bootstrap. both are overly complicated procedures02:05
Squarismwhy do i need 12 TTY's in ubuntu?02:07
Squarismthose accessed with ctrl+alt+f1...f202:07
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dr_willisyou can have more then 1202:07
Squarismi need less02:08
Squarismi could do with one i think02:08
dr_williswhy does it matter02:08
hitsujiTMOSquarism: 2 is a good number.02:08
GuybrushThreepwocan the secureboot be turned back on after installation?02:09
cpinedI'm getting: call to lnusertemp failed on a lubuntu virtual box instance02:09
cpinedI was installing informix, and then I  just powered down the "PC"02:09
cpinedand now I get that error when I try to login.02:09
hitsujiTMOGuybrushThreepwo: yes but without the interim boot loader you would have to turn it off every time you wanted to boot ubuntu02:09
PDilyardi've searched a lot about this, but I'm wondering if 13.10 provides any more support for AMD processors? My laptop's battery life is relatively short when running Ubuntu02:09
cpinedany ideas how to fix?02:09
okarin21How about cinnamon in ubuntu ?02:09
GuybrushThreepwohow does EFI handling ubuntu work?02:09
GuybrushThreepwodoes it display a screen on boot?02:10
dr_willisokarin21: id say avoid it02:10
okarin21Any one help me ...02:10
hitsujiTMOGuybrushThreepwo: not if its the only os installed.02:10
GuybrushThreepwowith windows 802:10
okarin21I can log in i.02:10
hitsujiTMOGuybrushThreepwo: i presume it gives the usual 3 second menu with win 8. not sure as i dont have win + ubuntu on any of my efi machines02:11
okarin21I can't  log in with de unity because of de cinnamon "may be02:11
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hitsujiTMOokarin21: cinnamon is bugged atm i'm afraid: http://askubuntu.com/questions/360772/unity-isnt-starting-on-13-10-with-cinnamon-2-0-installed02:13
okarin21hitsujiTMO :  any idea ?  I have try to remove cinnamon, but it didnt work02:16
hitsujiTMOokarin21: did you use ppa-purge?02:17
Guest88000well hasta02:17
okarin21hitsujiTMO : no i didnt, i used autoremove02:18
hitsujiTMOokarin21: install it again and use ppa-purge02:18
hitsujiTMO!ppa-pure | okarin2102:18
hitsujiTMO!ppa-purge | okarin2102:18
ubottuokarin21: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html02:18
apullzguys i need help02:18
apullzinstalling 13.10 saucy 64bit, and it got stuck on install grub202:19
apullzif i turn off the computer now will it stop the install?02:19
okarin21hitsujiTMO : thanks for the inform, i'll try it02:19
apullznobody here?02:20
KillBiebsHi, I was wondering how to increase the time in-between having to enter my password when installing applications. I just did a fresh install and have a ton of applications to install and having to enter my password each time is ... meh ;)02:20
Biafraapullz: It you turn off your PC now, it would be left in an unbootable state02:20
xanguaKillBiebs: use the terminal or synaptic02:21
minimecapullz: The install disk has a 'repair' function. I don't think you 'loose' much if you reboot your machine now. Maybe it works ;)02:21
hitsujiTMOapullz: if it hasn't installed grub then there's a good chance it wont boot. you can try and use boot-repair from a live cd if wont boot02:21
anternatubuntu rox02:21
hitsujiTMOKillBiebs: as in install using apt-get?02:22
KillBiebsI am using the Software Center. I am new to Ubuntu so do not know the names of the specific programs I want just the general principle02:22
KillBiebslike pdf, irc, etc so I am using the Software Center02:22
hitsujiTMOKillBiebs: you can just install them all at once02:22
PAC-MAN230Hi Folks, can anyone help me with installation of MS office 2010 in ubuntu 13.04 .For quite long i have been trying to do this but no luck. so far i have tried with different variants of wine and play on linux. in wine during install it fails with error "Newer version needed" but i have selected win 7 in winecfg02:23
PAC-MAN230im on 13.04 64bit02:23
PAC-MAN230and i have tried installing office 64 and 32 bit02:23
BiafraKillBiebs: To use an old canard in regards to sudo's credential timeout, "It's not a bug, it's a feature"02:23
KillBiebsIf I knew which specific programs I wanted yeah :) But I need to search, read reviews, etc and then install. I don't know the names of the programs yet. Brand new day #102:23
minimecapullz: If your computer is not bootable, start the install process again. During installation ubuntu will detect an existing installation...02:23
Chr1zWhat's the easiest way to create a list of installed packages to use to re-install all the same ones on a fresh install?02:23
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KillBiebsYeah, Security....... I just figured there was a way to say 'Install anything I want for the next hour'02:23
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hitsujiTMOKillBiebs: fraid not02:24
BiafraPAC-MAN230, try searching the WineHQ appdb?02:24
wilee-nileeChr1z, dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages    can be reloaded several ways02:24
KillBiebsFigures. What about this. I have my desktop and laptop running ubuntu 13.10. Anyway to have them perfectly mirror each other? If I install something on one it will install it on the other?02:25
dr_willisChr1z:  make a script is one way02:25
wilee-nileeChr1z, I think this works I just use synaptic generally.  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages ; sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade02:26
kostkonKillBiebs, there is an option in the software centre02:26
kostkonKillBiebs, for that02:26
KillBiebsoh, nice! I just found it. Should have looked first02:26
KillBiebsthank you so much kostkon02:26
Chr1zwilee-nilee: cool... thanks :)02:26
kostkonKillBiebs, ;)02:26
BiafraPAC-MAN230, WineHQ's AppDB lists the Office 2010 installer as "Garbage" for 64 bit office and Silver for 32-bit Office. Are you sure you don't want to use LibreOffice or some other alternative to beating your head against your system?02:31
Dr_Willis'Garbage rateing' - gotta love that02:32
KillBiebshah on CrossOver?02:32
wilee-nileethat wine is more like muscatel anyway02:32
Dr_WillisMad Dog 20/2002:33
ArcticLighthello. I apologize if this is the wrong place, but I think I've found a bug in NetworkManager, is there anyone who can help me?02:35
hitsujiTMOArcticLight: whats the bug?02:36
ArcticLightI usually connect to a University WiFi connection using TTLS and PAP authentication with no CA cert. This has been working since Ubuntu 12.04. Today, I've installed a clean 13.10 and the same settings aren't working. I think I've traced the issue to OpenSSH but I'm not sure.02:37
MaggieI am having problems with my flash player.  I un-installed and re-installed it and it doesn't work02:38
wafflejockMaggie: how doesn't it work?02:39
wafflejockMaggie: like it just doesn't load anything ever or it tells you you're still missing flash player?02:39
wafflejockMaggie: could just be that you need to configure your browser plugins to use it02:39
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Maggiehow do I do that02:40
wafflejockwhat browser are you trying to configure?02:40
hitsujiTMOMaggie: what flash player are you using?02:40
hitsujiTMOMaggie: but what exact player?02:41
hitsujiTMOMaggie: how did you install it?02:41
wafflejockMaggie: you can get flash player from apt-get02:41
wafflejockor the store02:41
wafflejockinstead of installing from adobe's site02:41
wafflejockchrome also has one built in I believe02:41
wafflejocknot sure if that's also true on Linux but I think so02:42
hitsujiTMOadobes flash player is outdated and doesn't work for most people02:42
hitsujiTMOadobe no longer support linux02:42
ArcticLightwafflejock: Chrome does bundle Flash on Linux, according to Adobe this is "technically" the only supported method of having Flash on linux02:42
hitsujiTMOthe pepper player in chrome is the most stable. for anything else gnash seems to be most stable but does not work for a lot of stuff02:43
wafflejockArcticLight: ah cool thx for the info.. yeah I used to do a lot of AIR/AS3 development but have switched to AngularJS stuff so now all hunky dory in linux02:43
wilee-nileeMaggie, Did it ever work, and did you install the restricted-extras originally?02:43
Maggiechecking to what exact version02:44
wafflejockArcticLight: sucks they decided to abandon Linux, there was even a FlexBuilder and AIR compiler at some point02:44
wafflejockhaven't followed the Flex project since it was handed over to Apache02:45
wilee-nileethis a whoa's me hee haw episode or what02:45
Maggieyes it worked until I reinstalled it02:45
ArcticLightwafflejock: Yeah. That and I find it super amusing that their DRM for Chrome is broken anyway. So, even though the supported method of having Flash on Linux is through Chrome, you have to install old flash to watch anything protected with their DRM stack.02:45
wilee-nileeMaggie, Thing about flash in firefox or opera is it works most of the time, there is media that balks it though. Easiest thing to do is install the restricted-extras to start with and leave it alone and install chrome for a more updated version if needed.02:47
MaggieI installed chrome and it did not work on it either02:50
Patero-ngI installed gstreamer to play mp3s but rythombox still not playing them why?02:50
wilee-nileePatero-ng, Install the ubuntu-restricted-extras or your desktops version for the codec package and ms fonts.02:51
wilee-nileeand flash02:51
wafflejockMaggie: do you see flash player in your about://plugins in chrome02:51
ArcticLightSo does anyone here think they can help me with my networking issue? Or should I maybe try somewhere else? (If so, where?)02:52
wafflejockMaggie: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/108086?hl=en02:52
Patero-ngwilee-nilee: why ms fonts02:52
hitsujiTMOMaggie: also keep in mind that firefox are removing NPAPI support soon and that adobe flash plugin is an NPAPI plugin02:52
wilee-nileePatero-ng, Its just part of the package, but can be turned down.02:53
wafflejocksorry ArcticLight no idea here haven't played with networkmanager stuff since dealing with VPN issues but don't know a smidge about TTLS02:53
hitsujiTMOArcticLight: the only thing I know about EAP-TTLS is that the client machines need a cert installed02:54
wilee-nileehitsujiTMO, all doom no actual answer for maggie, hows that make you feel, lol.02:55
ArcticLighthitsujiTMO: I'm pretty sure that's not true... since my university's connection instructions specifically state to leave the CA Cert section of the configuration blank. This works on Android and on Windows, and was working with Ubuntu until I installed 13.1002:55
wilee-nileedoom despair and agony on me why did you leave me here all alone02:56
hitsujiTMOArcticLight: the thing with wifi certs is they don't use root certs like you get with web browsers. So it's extremely insecure if you don't have client certs installed, the whole idea of using it is to verify the router, not installing a cert breaks that security. Anyone can spoof the router and use that to get your credentials02:59
hitsujiTMOwilee-nilee: we'll find you someone new to play with.03:00
hitsujiTMOArcticLight: it could simply be the case too that the later version of network manager does not allow connections without the cert03:00
wilee-nileehitsujiTMO, Hey, coming from a person who just spits out junk not asked for, yeah sure, lol.03:01
ArcticLighthitsujiTMO: Yeah.... I realize that that's true. Problem being that that's how the network is set up currently. I can't change that.03:01
wilee-nileeall ego03:01
ArcticLighthitsujiTMO: It's possible, except that the input form for the settings still allows the blank CA-Cert and warns that it can't identify the server. That's how it used to behave, it's just it fails to connect after you click through the warning03:02
bet0xHello all, i installed my ATI drivers but after loggin i don't get in session of my desktop, how i do reset the Xorg configuration?03:02
hitsujiTMOArcticLight: hond on a while here anyhow, hopefully someone who is more familiar with the tech might be on in a bit03:02
bet0xor what i can do to get on desktopÂ?03:02
ArcticLighthitsujiTMO: Alright. Thanks.03:03
ArcticLightI'm gonna switch clients real fast, brb03:04
bet0xno ideas how to reset the xorg config to get on my desktop?03:05
sisterFisterSo I've been an ubuntu user for about a year. Came to sort of accept that on my laptop it wouldn't be able to suspend when the lid is closed. It would really be convenient though, could someone help to troubleshoot?03:05
hitsujiTMObet0x: you sohuld have a config. it's dynamically generated usually. can you post you're /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:06
hitsujiTMOsisterFister: does suspension not work, or just not work with closing the lid?03:07
Maggie<wafflejock>:  i looked at my plugins in chrome and flash isnt listed03:07
=== jje is now known as Guest64631
bet0x[   574.146] [ProcFGLGetDriverData] Extension ATIFGLEXTENSION: wrong screen number03:08
sisterFisterhitsujiTMO: it goes into suspend but does not come out of it, just black screen, completely off.03:08
sisterFisterI can hear the fan going though.03:08
gimpygooim trying to update my system.. I havent used this pc in quite a bit.. Im trying to use the update manager(gui) and it isnt installing the updates.. Is there a command to use in the terminal that will update my system that would be better to use?03:08
hitsujiTMOsisterFister: whats the exact model?03:08
sisterFisterhitsujiTMO: HP Pavilion g703:09
gimpygoothanks in advance btw :)03:09
bet0xhitsujiTMO saw my line?03:09
wilee-nileegimpygoo, what's this command show. lsb_release -a03:09
hitsujiTMObet0x: can you post the full log please03:09
=== Guest64631 is now known as jje
gimpygoowilee-nilee what command are you reffering to ?03:10
hitsujiTMObet0x: use paste.ubuntu.com03:10
wilee-nileelsb_release -a03:10
bet0xi'm in a console...03:10
hitsujiTMOsisterFister: can you get the model number? should be on the bottom somewhere03:10
gimpygoowhen I try to use the update manager, it wont download and install the updates. says that they cannot be downloaded.03:10
bet0xcan't post it! :D03:10
wilee-nileegimpygoo, run this >>>>>  lsb_release -a      an post the ouput03:11
ArcticLightgimpygoo you can probably try apt-get to update and then apt-get dist-upgrade03:11
gimpygooDistributor ID:Ubuntu03:11
gimpygooDescription:Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS03:11
FloodBot1gimpygoo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:11
gimpygoothats what lsb says03:11
hitsujiTMObet0x: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit03:11
bet0xthere you have03:12
sisterFisterhitsujiTMO: I'd have to remove the battery to see it. Should I ?03:12
wafflejockMaggie: sorry not sure what to tell you there, Chrome I have installed had it by default and believe I just installed from the software center for Firefox, perhaps if you tried installing chrome from the software center go for the one from google instead but not really sure what to tell yah03:12
wilee-nileegimpygoo, Run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and pastebin it.03:12
hitsujiTMOsisterFister: not if its running03:13
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sisterFisterhitsujiTMO: okay i'll brb03:13
wafflejocksisterFister: if you're laptop is plugged in you can usually pull the battery... usually don't think you have to to see the model number though... also probably wouldn't ordinarily risk it myself though I've run plenty of machines sans battery03:14
hitsujiTMObet0x what version of ubuntu?03:14
gimpygoothanks for the help willee, what does pastebin it mean ?03:14
Maggie<wafflejock> : thank you :)03:14
wafflejockoh gone03:14
wafflejocknp Maggie03:14
wilee-nilee!pastebin | gimpygoo03:14
ubottugimpygoo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:14
Patero-ngwhy does rhythem box keep playing even after I've closed the program03:14
wafflejockPatero-ng: is it in your system try03:15
bet0xhitsujiTMO i updated from 13.04 to 13.1003:15
wafflejockthink it just minimizes03:15
wafflejocksystem tray*03:15
wafflejockcan't spell today03:15
Patero-ngwafflejock: I didn't that know that existed03:15
wafflejockwell notification panel whatever03:15
hitsujiTMObet0x: where did you get the flgrx driver?03:15
Dr_WillisPatero-ng:  its running in the background. controllable by the menus under the speaker icon at the top right03:15
wilee-nileegimpygoo, So run those two commands and copy and paste all of it to pastebin and save and post the url.03:15
hitsujiTMOfglrx even03:15
wafflejockPatero-ng: yeah like by your clock it shoves some stuff in there think it's called the gnome-indicator but that might just be the little gear button not sure03:16
gimpygoook Willee03:17
gimpygooits working.03:17
gimpygoois this gonna take some time to complete?03:17
gimpygooAlso, what is it that I just told my computer to do ?03:17
gimpygooI realize that its a bit to late...03:18
gimpygoobut Im just curious because I really would like to use Ubuntu better.03:18
wilee-nileegimpygoo, Should not, this is the update the update manager does, it helps to see what is going on per your complaint.03:18
bet0xhitsujiTMO ati website03:18
sisterFisterhitsujiTMO: G7-2235DX is the model number of my laptop03:18
gimpygoooh ok. thanks a lot.03:18
gimpygooI like the idea of linux.. Im just not very good at using it.03:19
gimpygooI seem to break it a lot.03:19
wafflejockgimpygoo: when you're starting off that seems to happen03:19
gimpygooi do want complete control of my pc though.. So im trying to work through it .03:19
gimpygooThats why I cannot say how awesome you guys are here.03:20
wafflejockgimpygoo: you just learn the things that your system does that are wonky and then you're good... or do like I did and buy a PC that is "built for Linux"03:20
gimpygooI dont know what I Would do if i couldnt just ask you guys !!03:20
hitsujiTMObet0x: you'll have to d a fresh install so. drivers not from the repos don't update nicely as they have to have modules recompiled on kernel updates03:20
wafflejockgimpygoo: begrudgingly pay Microsoft or Apple :)03:20
gimpygoo:) No thanks!03:20
ObrienDaveor pay us ;)03:21
gimpygoolol rrriiiight. :)03:22
wafflejockgimpygoo: check out LAS (Linux Action Show) on Google for some stuff to get your feet wet, they explore a lot of stuff... though the episodes are long so it's good background while you're doing something else or to jump through03:22
ObrienDaveit was worth a try LOL03:22
gimpygooI would honestly.. If I paid for software ;)03:22
wafflejockObrienDave: haha03:22
jeffrey_fgimpygoo: If you are still playing with control of your system, either make sure you back up your data.....I know it's obvious, but just sayin'03:22
uniceranis there a problem with USB 3.0 controllers which cause USB 3.0 devices problems? I've noticed problems across many systems . sometimes it literally kills the devices you connect and other times it just stops working until restarted.03:22
wafflejockObrienDave: we just need mega corporations to pay us for working in open source03:22
wafflejockcheck out SpaceX03:22
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Dr_Willisuniceran:  i had usb3 issues in 13.04 but none in 13.10 here03:23
gimpygooThere are some major benefits to knowing how to use Linux... big jobs to be had ..03:23
gimpygooI want to be one of those people.03:23
wafflejockgimpygoo: indeed if it weren't a government based job I would be all over the SpaceX applications (even if I'm not fully qualified), just don't want to deal with security clearance stuff again03:24
gimpygoowilee-nilee, you sure you want me to paste all this stuff ? Its still not done.03:24
KillBiebsYup yup. As fustrating as it may be at first :)03:24
sisterFisterhitsujiTMO: G7-2235DX is the model number of my laptop03:24
gimpygooYou had to deal with security clearance stuff before eh ?03:25
uniceranDr_Willis: yea- it seems that some drivers for some usb 3.0 controllers were improved upon... just doesn't seem to fix all the usb 3.0 issues.03:25
gimpygoowhat was that like waffle ?03:25
hitsujiTMOsisterFister: i see nothing specific for your laptop. what graphics drivers are you using?03:25
jeffrey_fgimpygoo: I started using Ubuntu in 2006.  If you think some things are buggy, you have no idea.  It has come a LONG WAY03:25
wafflejockgimpygoo: not fun at all... well the project was okay but doing all the paperwork for clearance isn't fun.. and dealing with supporting the US military which is just a bit sketchy03:25
gimpygooi dont think things are buggy... I know that I dont know what Im doing.03:25
gimpygooIm not blaming the os.. i blame myself :)03:25
sisterFisterhitsujiTMO: how do I check ?03:26
gimpygooIm sure it IS scethy.03:26
gimpygoo*sketchy even03:26
wilee-nileegimpygoo, You get a gold star for that, many just blame the OS, no reflection abilities.03:26
hitsujiTMOsisterFister: what graphics card do you have ? radeon?03:26
sisterFisterhitsujiTMO: yes03:26
gimpygoolol :)03:26
gimpygooill put it on my desktop :) That gold star03:27
wafflejockyeah was doing some logistics stuff for the USAF, I think that's all I'm allowed to say... that's part of what sucks about those projects03:27
gimpygooNot exactly resume mats huh > ?03:27
wafflejocknow I'm working on an urban agriculture project using AngularJS, MySQL/PHP much more liberating03:27
hitsujiTMOsisterFister: whats the output of: lspci -k03:27
gimpygoothats cool Angular Javescript ?03:27
gimpygoowhats that all about ?03:27
wafflejockyeah I've liked it03:27
wafflejockit's basically like MVC for Javascript03:28
gimpygoo0.o MVC ?03:28
gimpygooim clueless yet curious . :)03:28
wafflejockah no worries you program at all03:28
gimpygooa little bit.03:28
gimpygooIm dangerous.03:28
wafflejockso MVC is just a pattern :)03:28
wafflejockhaha aren't we all03:28
gimpygooright ?03:28
wafflejockMVC stands for model view controller03:28
sisterFisterhitsujiTMO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6339164/03:28
gimpygoooh ok!03:28
gimpygooI have read about that. .. or Ive seen it..03:29
wafflejockAngularJS is a model view "whatever" framework, because there's also people who have MVP or MVVM all these variations03:29
gimpygooI have programmed some apps for android... not big deals.. def not on your level.03:29
gimpygoooh ok03:29
wafflejockbasically though it provides a framework to build code modularly so you can re-use and test parts03:29
gimpygoothanks .. nice to know.03:29
gimpygoothats very cool.03:29
wafflejockI'm excited about it :)03:29
gimpygooLike rails ?03:29
wafflejocksort of03:30
wafflejockbut not service side03:30
gimpygoook ..03:30
wafflejockall client side03:30
gimpygooahhh .. very cool .03:30
jeffrey_fgimpygoo: Why not put Ubuntu into a virtual system with VirtualBox?  Mess with it all you want, if you screw it up, delete the system and start over leaving your real system untouched.  It is a Sandbox of sorts03:30
wafflejockI write my service code in PHP and return JSON prety much AngularJS works on that03:30
gimpygooCool waffle...03:30
hitsujiTMOsisterFister: its more than likely your graphics. i don't think the radeondriver fully supports 7k series yet. before trying the proprietary driver i'd go thru the checklist on the bottom of this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UnderstandingSuspend03:30
gimpygooJeffrey, i have another comp to use if I break this one :)03:30
gimpygooThis is my test righ .03:31
sisterFisterhitsujiTMO: thanks i'll do the list03:31
gimpygoorig *03:31
gimpygooA toy if you will... and I have another one that I run xbmc on ..03:31
gimpygoothat ones hooked to the tv03:31
hitsujiTMOsisterFister: main thing to try is to boot with kernel param 'text'   ... that boots to console only. try suspend and resume from there. if it works there then defo most likely to be graphics03:32
gimpygooalso linux. based...03:32
gimpygooI love xbmc.03:32
wafflejockgimpygoo: +103:32
gimpygooim about to get a job that is going to help me cisco cert'd03:32
wafflejockran that distro with XMBC on my Raspberry Pi for a while that was pretty cool... think it was called PlexOS or something?03:33
gimpygooSo I need to learn Linux... its part of the career path .03:33
gimpygoohells yeah!~03:33
dannymichelAri-Yang after about an hour aand a half i was able to install mpv-player and i looked in /usr/local/bin for mpv and i double clicked it. nothing happened, so i did 'mpv location/of/the/file, and it's saying that it's playing in the terminal, but i dont see anything coming up. Any ideas?03:33
gimpygooI mean its not programming rockets like you waffle..03:33
gimpygoobut its a start :)03:33
wilee-nileegimpygoo, Those commands finish, so we can fix this and I can die happy.03:33
Ari-Yangdannymichel: by default mpv uses vdpau, try mpv --vo=opengl /path/to/file/here03:34
wafflejockhaha no I wasn't doing any rocket programming either... though that would be cool... all just logistics, I'd just like to work for the rocket scientists build them nice web interfaces :)03:34
Ari-Yangdannymichel: also join #mpv-player for support about the player03:34
gimpygooThat would be fairly badd ass!03:35
sisterFisterhitsujiTMO: ok03:35
gimpygoot minus 10, 9, 8... um sir, we lost net connectivity.03:35
Dr_Williswafflejock:  plex pi. or pi-plex ;)03:35
wafflejockthx Dr_Willis03:35
wafflejockalways there when you need him :)03:35
dannymichelAri-Yang: http://i.imgur.com/TYUGrlh.jpg03:36
* Dr_Willis goes back to watching videos on his ChromeCast Dongle. ;)03:36
wafflejockooh nice Dr_Willis I need to score me one of those03:36
Ari-Yangdannymichel: instead of --vo=opengl try --vo=xv03:36
gimpygooI have the wierdes thing with my network card happening as well.... It will not see any wireless network..03:37
gimpygooi had to plug and ethernet cab le in.03:37
gimpygooits on.. it sees that mac address03:37
gimpygoobut it refuses to see a wireless network.03:37
dannymichelAri-Yang: http://i.imgur.com/VS4Xa7e.png03:37
Ari-Yangdannymichel: I think you compiled mpv without the required deps... I'm not sure, join #mpv-player and post your screen shot there03:38
gimpygoogot awfully quiet in here :)03:42
wafflejockgimpygoo: ah hey stepped away03:42
wafflejockgimpygoo: you gotta configure your wireless a lot of the time03:42
kamoriI know some basic IO redirections such as > >> |, are there anymore that are worth noting? Also how bout things like 2> /dev/null03:42
gimpygooOk waffle. .. thanks .03:42
wafflejockgimpygoo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide03:42
gimpygooawesome.. ty .. I will read up .03:42
wafflejocka lot of the times I ended up using the ndiswrapper but I'm not sure about it's current state03:42
wafflejockmy wifi adapters recently have just been supported out of the box03:43
ArcticLightWafflejock: ndiswrapper has been working fine for me pretty well. I still use it for a few dongles that don't have support anywhere else03:45
ArcticLightWafflejock: ndisgtk is also very helpful as an assist, and you usually also have to install ndiswrapper-dkms to make everything work03:46
Private_Userguys I was browsing the web and found this link http://www.linux.org/threads/do-not-use-ubuntu.3977/ which states that ubuntu collect user search data and IP addresses and disclose this information to third parties including Facebook, Twitter, BBC and Amazon. is this true?03:47
wilee-nileePrivate_User,  and the nsa03:48
Private_UserI will paste what I read By installing users agree to allow Ubuntu's parent company Canonical to collect user search data and IP addresses and to disclose this information to third parties including Facebook, Twitter, BBC and Amazon.03:48
* xmetal sighs 03:49
kostkonPrivate_User: stop trolling plase03:49
ArcticLightPrivate_User: I'll look at the link to be sure, but they're probably referring to the Web search feature enabled by default. Theres a simple setting you can do to turn that off for the dash.03:49
wilee-nileePrivate_User, old news, been on here 100's of times, no names and you can turn it off.03:49
wilee-nileeprivacy like free will are myths03:50
Private_Userok cool03:50
Private_Usergreat stuff03:50
gimpygoo i pasted that info from the commands wilee03:51
gimpygooit ran out of room.. I couldnt capture all of it in my copy from the term.03:51
Private_Userbtw I am now thinking with my desktop PC it seems any distro of Ubuntu 13.XX fails03:52
Private_Userso I wondering if there is a bug there?03:52
wilee-nileePrivate_User, fails in what way, or ways?03:52
Private_Userwilee-nilee, the installation never does it. select Install option and it goes through the next screen of displaying the version with the dots at the bottom then starts alternating between a blank and pruple screen continuosly03:56
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | Private_User try this03:56
ubottuPrivate_User try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:56
Private_Useryep tried that03:57
xmetalverison 15 of the distro i use does that on some of my systems .. version 14 was ok03:57
xmetalhad to (for 15) use nomodeset03:57
wilee-nileePrivate_User, can you identify the graphic card?03:57
Private_Userwilee-nilee, its an onboard graphic03:58
wilee-nileePrivate_User, real old ,real new what does run on it?03:58
Private_Userwilee-nilee, motherboard is a gigabyte one03:58
Private_Userits a pentium 403:59
Private_User2x512MB ram03:59
gimpygoowilee! Thanks bud.. The update manager doesnt show any updates to be installed now!03:59
Private_UserI mean 512MB ram03:59
wilee-nileePrivate_User, Have you tried lubuntu?03:59
gimpygooThanks a lot for the help!03:59
gimpygooLike I said, you guys rock.03:59
Private_Useryep that gave the same issue the version 1303:59
Private_Userso I now downloading the version 12 to tes04:00
wilee-nileePrivate_User, any linux ever run on it?04:00
topper4125I'm thinking of building a media center.. can't decide between mythbuntu or xbmc, does anyone have any experience with either?04:00
gimpygooI do .04:00
kamoriFor someone who is new to linux  and used to windows... Would comparing Run levels to windows with safemode be a fair comparison or are they 2 different beasts04:01
gimpygooXmbc is awesome04:01
Private_Userwilee-nilee, yep now the Ubuntu desktop 12.0404:01
wilee-nileePrivate_User, That is good 5 years support.04:01
gimpygooXbmc is incredible .. You can install addons ( basically plugins) that make it like netflix on steriouds for free.04:01
gimpygooI dont have cable because of xbmc.04:01
gimpygooFreenode has an xbmc channel fyi04:02
topper4125I'm not going to have very many video, or music, I have thousands of roms (Atari 2600 up to PS3)04:02
gimpygoommk .04:03
gimpygooIt has an addon that enables you to play roms as well.04:03
gimpygooXbmc is def worth the time it takes to learn .04:03
Private_Userwilee-nilee, except that it froze at the point where it said the install completed and I had to restart after I clicked restart now. so I performed a hard reset and it booted into the OS and it does not seem to have any issue that I can see but I am still checking and testing04:03
topper4125So I need something that can run the different emulators... Would like to use something that works like hyperspin for win...04:03
topper4125K... I'll take a look at it first gimpygoo, thanks!04:03
wilee-nileekamori, Two different beasts with their own good, bad and ugly, why compare them they have their individual uses.04:04
wilee-nileePrivate_User, With that ram I would probably run lubuntu or a lighter desktop is all, depends on your use. Probably will take more ram.04:05
kamoriwilee-nilee: Not so much trying to compare but wanting to make my self understand why one would change the runlevels04:06
Private_Userthanks wilee-nilee, I am gonna try to install the version 12 of lubuntu now as well, actually gonna install all variations the l,k and x just to see which suits my needs the best cause eventually its going on my laptop which has 2GB of RAM04:06
wilee-nileekamori, That be a whole lotta variables son, not really and empirical answer their I suspect.04:07
wilee-nileePrivate_User, YOu can install lubuntu on the ubuntu and run it.04:07
kamoriwilee-nilee: alright, as someone who's relatively new to linux would run levels be something I mess, or more of an "Advanced Users" only feature04:08
wilee-nileekamori, I'm not really understanding the meaning of run levels, I'm assuming really.04:09
wilee-nileemy assumption is the use of any particular program or part of it.04:10
wilee-nileeor package or app, what ever name it might have04:11
kamoriwilee-nilee: okay :3 just means I research more :304:11
wilee-nileeI like researching04:12
kamoriits fun lol04:13
* xmetal taking break from studying circuitry atm... got stuck04:13
xmetalcause I got stuck *04:13
kamoriI've tried to make my home system pure linux about 5 times... but the fact I finally have a job around linux, I'm starting to stick to it this time and love it04:13
wilee-nileekamori, you gots your qualitative and quantitative, both fun, hehe04:14
Private_Userthanks wilee-nilee, I will04:14
wilee-nileePrivate_User, No prob, enjoy.04:14
xmetalfunny when i think i am on the right track and i look at the answer and I am not even close04:14
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
kardanwhat are the tricks show a hidden volume group - one of my crypted partitions is just not shown - mount lists it as fs „LVM2_member“. I am too confused by all the vg*/lv*-tools04:23
lotuspsychjemorning to all04:23
towskithere is a ppa that doesn't have a folder for saucy yet04:24
towskiis there a way to point that ppa to previous release directory?04:24
ObrienDavetowski yes, just edit the release name04:25
lotuspsychjei tryed to connect a wifi repeater with eth cable to my ubuntu laptop and disabled wifi, but still could not connect to http/ and wifi icon kept searching for connection (never sax auto eth icon)04:25
ObrienDavesay from saucy to raring04:25
towskiok thanks04:26
ObrienDaveI have a couple of PPAs that I had to go back to quantal LOL04:26
ArcticLightHi everyone. I've been having problems with Networkmanager on 13.10 and I think I've figured out what's going wrong. Can anyone help?04:30
=== TalkingMuffin is now known as Pici
lotuspsychjeArcticLight: you can describe whats happening?04:31
wilee-nileeArcticLight, Maybe in another world you share your discoveries and people respond. ;)04:34
ArcticLightlotuspsychje: My university uses WiFi with WPA2 Enterprise TTLS and PAP authentication. They don't have a CA cert. I've been able to connect successfully on all sorts of devices including an install of 12.04 on my machine. I recently did a clean install of 13.10 and I can't connect anymore.04:34
ArcticLightI'm fairly sure that the issue is with OpenSSH04:34
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:34
wilee-nileethats the same04:35
xmetaloops @ i posted that the same time as the details04:35
ObrienDavexmetal fingers are way too fast LOL04:36
ArcticLightI have some logs from /var/log/syslog that might be helpful. I just don't know my way very well around Ubuntu's internals04:38
lotuspsychjeArcticLight: what wifi chipset do you haveN04:38
ArcticLightI have a broadcom BCM431304:39
lotuspsychjeArcticLight: might be the broadcom update, that broke your smooth connection04:39
ArcticLightIf it helps: I know that the chip is working, it connects to other networks. It also associates with the access point. It fails at the authentication step somewhere between wpa supplicant and openssh04:40
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:40
Dr_Willishmm. what is between wpa supplicant and ssh? im missing somthing here. ;)04:41
towskiwhen I change the release of a ppa to an older release, it no longer gets included with apt-get update04:41
lotuspsychjeArcticLight: do you have issues with regular connections like WEP or no pass?04:41
thatguy001would someone mind giving me some advice on a driver issue that I'm having04:41
ArcticLightNope. Only with the enterprise authentication.04:41
ArcticLightThe University network is the only one that doesn't connect.04:41
lotuspsychjethatguy001: try to describe your problem mate04:42
thatguy001lotuspsychje, so I found out exactly what I need https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/2013/intelr-graphics-installer-1.0.2-linux04:43
=== xul is now known as SetiAmon
thatguy001lotuspsychje, but the problem is the software center keeps giving me an error message04:43
ObrienDavetowski it does but probably there has not been any updates to the package04:43
lotuspsychjethatguy001: wich error message and whats your ubuntu version?04:44
SetiAmonwindows 7 infinite startup repair loop oy! so now i put on ubuntu after about a year off04:44
towskiObrienDave: ah makes sense04:44
thatguy001lotuspsychje, 13.10 and " dependency is not satisfiable"04:44
jasicclefebvre: hello dude04:45
Guest92585Ubuntu Oldtimer System (*_*)04:45
SetiAmongood that hdmi audio is working now04:46
lotuspsychjeArcticLight: i would go try a few other broadcom drivers, to test out your connection04:46
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thatguy001lotuspsychje, I;m thinking that I may just have to wait for intel to fix the problem. I was just wondering if anyonw had any ideas of how I can work my way around this04:47
ObrienDavetowski that's the trouble with PPAs. sometimes the package doesn't keep up with the OS or it is ahead of the OS. that's why they don't really like to support PPA packages here04:47
lotuspsychjethatguy001: did you drivers not work by default install?04:47
CodeOmegaPrimeI am trying to install ubuntu 13.10 on a laptop that came with win8 UEFI no matter what I do I am unable to get to ubuntu boot repair report http://paste.ubuntu.com/633935304:47
jeevanushi, im using a USB Wifi dongle, but its not detecting04:48
Dr_WillisCodeOmegaPrime:  you are using 64bit ubuntu>04:48
SetiAmonhow do i adjust the DPI on ubuntu everything is to small04:48
jeevanusits showing in lsusb04:48
jeevanus32 bit04:48
thatguy001lotuspsychje, no, the "additional drivers" application said that I have no proprietary drivers at all and It's not recomending one04:48
CodeOmegaPrimeDr_Willis correct04:48
mintmanJeepbeats, you have to install Drivers.04:48
Dr_WillisCodeOmegaPrime:  just  checking. ;)04:48
CodeOmegaPrimeDr_Willis of course ;)04:48
mintmanjeevanus, you have to install Drivers.04:48
CodeOmegaPrimeDr_Willis I get the black screen with OEM option when I boot the install ;)04:49
jeevanusthey have given me the drivers04:49
thatguy001lotuspsychje, the thing is I know that This is what I need becayse I got it to work onece. but then when i restarted my computer it stoped working04:49
jeevanusi have no idea how to install04:49
jeevanusim an enduser04:49
Dr_WillisCodeOmegaPrime:  so you do get a grub menu? not sure what OEM option means04:49
mintmanjeevanus, do you have Windows drivers or Linux?04:49
jeevanuscan some one help via teamviewer or something?04:49
jeevanusi have linux drivers04:49
lotuspsychjethatguy001: maybe try a previous kernel into 'recovery mode' and start failsafeX04:49
Dr_Willishow can one help with teamviewer.. if the pc has no networking...04:49
CodeOmegaPrimeDr_Willis no install goes flawless and then reboot just loads me into windows04:49
SetiAmonis there anyway to get A6200 netgear wifi adapter working04:49
wilee-nileejeevanus, In what form are the drivers?04:50
Dr_WillisCodeOmegaPrime:  interesting.. You cold try putting grub on a spare flash drive and see if it can boot the os from that.04:50
mintmanjeevanus, what version are those drivers?04:50
thatguy001lotuspsychje, what do you mean by try a previous kernel into recovery mode?04:50
mintmanjeevanus, what extension?04:50
Dr_WillisSetiAmon:  that one of those wifi -> cat five things ?04:50
jeevanusI have tried this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214975404:51
CodeOmegaPrimeDr_Willis it can but its slow as heck04:51
jeevanusthere is no extension04:51
lotuspsychjethatguy001: hold shift at boot to enter grub, and try a previous ubuntu from list(into recovermode)04:51
jeevanusthere are some makefiles04:51
jeevanusi uses bash makefile04:51
jeevanusand ./makefile04:51
jeevanusit installed something via terminal04:51
thatguy001lotuspsychje, ok hold on one minute04:51
SetiAmonnot sure Dr willis04:51
jeevanusbut no reaction04:51
CodeOmegaPrimeDr_Willis if I disable UEFI mode install and then re-enable it would it work then04:51
Dr_WillisCodeOmegaPrime:  just booting grub from the usb to boot the OS from the HD wouldent be slow as heck.  Since just the boot files are read from the usb04:51
jeevanusRT537x_RT3x7x is one folder04:52
CodeOmegaPrimeDr_Willis I mean once you get in working around ;)04:52
jeevanusit is a company USB dongle called Leoxsys04:52
ArcticLightlotuspsychje sorry I was gone - had a connection hiccup04:52
Dr_WillisCodeOmegaPrime:  from what i read that if your wundows is in UEFI mode. and you want to dual boot -  you use linux in uefi mode. If you install linux in legacy mode - wndows wont work. Untill you re-enable uefi mode04:52
Dr_WillisCodeOmegaPrime:  usb boots the os thats on the hd.. it would work at hd speeds then.04:53
lotuspsychjeArcticLight: np mate, try a few broadcom drivers to check your issue04:53
mintmanjeevanus, if you have installed Linux drivers correctly maybe you need to restart your PC or if nothing works maybe you need to install Windows drivers04:53
jeevanusWindows drivers on Linux?04:53
jeevanushow to do that?04:53
CodeOmegaPrimeDr_Willis Let me download another ISO and recreate the dongle and see what happens then something tells me that even though the USB install is booting in EFI mode that its not installing in UEFI mode04:53
thatguy001lotuspsychje, I'm holding down shift and it's just booting normaly04:53
jeevanusdo i need wine?04:54
Dr_Willisjeevanus:  first step would be to determine your exact wifi cards chipset.04:54
Ari-Yangmintman: what you said about Windows drivers doesn't make any sense, whatsoever :|04:54
Ari-Yangjeevanus: no, just stop04:54
Ari-Yangdon't listen to what mintman said04:54
mintmanAri-Yang, Ok Soryy.04:54
ArcticLightlotuspsychje I've tried a number of drivers, I'm fairly sure it's not the driver that's the problem, since I also have the same issue with different wifi cards on this install. (I have a dongle which I also frequently use when I can't get on the internet - Attempting to use this hardware also fails.)04:54
mintmanAri-Yang, *Sorry04:54
jeevanusAri-Yang: what? I am sorry if talked abt windows, I am a user who has never used that crap for past 1 yr04:55
mintmanAri-Yang, So you have a solution?04:55
jeevanusI can some via teamviewer04:55
Ari-Yangsolution to what?04:55
jeevanusAri-Yang: my USB Wifi not working04:56
jeevanusok, shall i reboot and come back?04:56
Ari-Yang!ops | fiestaaa04:56
ubottufiestaaa: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!04:56
Ari-Yangis a spammer04:56
mintmanjeevanus, what is the maker of Wifi card?04:56
lotuspsychjeArcticLight: if its a broadcom, its probably the driver issue04:56
lotuspsychje!grub | thatguy00104:57
ubottuthatguy001: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:57
jeevanusLeoxsys LEO-NANO 150N04:57
ArcticLightlotuspsychje I find it unlikely that both my Broadcom and my Belkin cards are both having the exact same symptoms on this install of 13.10 when they were both working equally fine only yesterday on an install of 12.0404:57
lotuspsychjethatguy001: hold shift before ubuntu loads (at post boot)04:57
SetiAmonwhich is the gnome we should use the gnome shell or gnome complete enviroment.04:57
lotuspsychjeArcticLight: maybe also try a previous kernel from your (recovery mode) list, and see if that works04:58
ObrienDaveSetiAmon my guess would be the complete environment04:59
jeevanusmintman: I am uploading that driver to dropbox and share that link, can you view it and help?04:59
wilee-nileeSetiAmon, The shell is gnome 3 never heard of the other, I use the shell.05:00
ArcticLightlotuspsychje: I don't have any in the list, this is a fresh install of 13.1005:00
lotuspsychjeArcticLight: oh right my bad05:00
thatguy001lotuspsychje, ok, I'm in grub. which option did you want me to chose ?05:01
jeevanusDr_Willis: how to find the chipset? its a USB Wifi05:01
lotuspsychjethatguy001: a previous kernel with recoverymode05:01
ArcticLightlotuspsychje: If it helps, the logs in syslog show that it associates with the AP. The problem is during the authentication,05:01
ArcticLightlotuspsychje: it errors out on the CA cert05:01
lotuspsychjeArcticLight: not sure mate sorry05:02
wilee-nileeArcticLight, Isn't there a department for this at the school?05:02
SetiAmonwell i just did complete desktop enviroment with extra components so i assume that is the right one or it wouldn't be in the software manager05:03
thatguy001lotuspsychje, run in low graphics mode for just one session ot revonfigure graphics?05:03
lotuspsychjethatguy001: reconfigure graphics yes05:03
ArcticLightlotuspsychje: There is, I've been to them. They worked with me for a whole hour, and we could tell the system was hitting the radius server on their network but that was it.05:03
Dr_Willis!wifi | jeevanus   the lspci or lsusb command...05:03
ubottujeevanus   the lspci or lsusb command...: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:03
mintmanjeevanus, maybe you need try Logout or Reboot if you have installed Linux Drivers05:04
ArcticLightlotuspsychje: Should I file a bug report? Seeing as it was working fine on 12.04 but not in 13.10 this feels to me like a regression of some sort.05:04
thatguy001lotuspsychje, use default or backed up configuration?05:04
lotuspsychjeArcticLight: maybe its still an early 13.10 bug05:04
lotuspsychjethatguy001: default05:04
thatguy001lotuspsychje, I'm hitting ok but it just refreshes and nothing happens05:05
mintmanjeevanus, or Do what Dr_Willis is saying05:05
ArcticLightlotuspsychje: should I file a bug report then? If so, how should I go about filing it?05:07
lotuspsychjethatguy001: it should try to boot ubuntu in recovery graphics05:07
lotuspsychje!bug | ArcticLight05:07
ubottuArcticLight: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:07
thatguy001lotuspsychje, how do i toggle?05:09
lotuspsychjethatguy001: did you try tab05:10
jeffrey_fgpg question: script import gpg/pgp keys from csv source (from my addy book)05:11
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snkcldif i have 2 network connections, eth0 and wlan0, both connected to a network, can i have 2 applications each using one of the 2 network interfaces?05:11
snkcldeg firefox use eth0 chrome use wlan0?05:11
=== automatik is now known as toughtime
toughtimethumb drive is stuck in read only mode. i tried fdisk and other software tools to format the drive but nothing works. any suggestions?05:12
thatguy001lotuspsychje, ok, I'm at stand by for one minute while desplay restarts05:12
thatguy001toughtime, you have to get lili usb creator05:13
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Dr_Willisor some of the otehr tools at the pendrivelinux web site05:14
bbryanthey, does anyone know how to edit mount options for ecryptfs?05:15
skrolcan I tell my ubuntu not to check the bios time, its a old hw, the CMOS clock is kinda broken...and ubuntu doesnt boot saying some timestamp in future error05:16
bbryanthave you tried replacing the battery on the motherboard?05:16
Dr_Williscant say ive seen that error stop the syste, from booting..05:17
xmetalback to studying05:17
Dr_Willisor that warning. ;)05:17
skrolbbryant, have not actually..it boots when I adjust the time manually. till I get a replacement..I would like not to do that manually everytime ;)05:17
thatguy001lotuspsychje, yea, i've pressed tab a few hundred times lol nothing is happening05:19
ObrienDaveskrol changing the CMOS battery will cure that problem05:19
xanguawho here has memory leak on their unity panelÂż aparently a fix was published, but still not released https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/119987705:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 1199877 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu Saucy) "unity-panel-service memory leak and 100% CPU usage" [High,In progress]05:19
skrolObrienDave, yes I think so, but for now , is there a way to ask fsck not to check last timestamp or something?05:21
ObrienDavenot sure on that one05:21
wilee-nileesee it at your local theaters "unity ate my cpu"05:23
bbryanthey, does anyone know how to edit mount options for ecryptfs?05:23
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thatguy001lotuspsychje, would it be ok if i do the "run for just one option setting" ?05:25
lotuspsychjethatguy001: yes try that05:26
thatguy001lotuspsychje, ok, I'm looking at a black screen now05:27
thatguy001lotuspsychje, nothing is happening05:28
lotuspsychjethatguy001: it should not be that hard normally to failsafeX and reboot05:28
thatguy001lotuspsychje, i selected failsafeX, i chose run for just one session, and now nothing is happening05:29
lotuspsychjethatguy001: if it doesnt work, reboot normally and we try something else05:29
lotuspsychjethatguy001: your intel graphics is an older card?05:30
thatguy001lotuspsychje,  intel HD 400005:30
thatguy001lotuspsychje, ok, I'm back in my desktop05:30
lotuspsychjethatguy001: maybe here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/361003/how-to-install-intel-graphics-driver-for-ubuntu-13-1005:32
thatguy001lotuspsychje, the link has only a question an no answeres05:33
cpinedI have Xubuntu64 running in virtual box, I installed informix but then I corrupted the install so I deleted the guest os and created it from scratch again....tried to install informix again but this time I get a warning that I don't have enough disk space...05:33
cpinedany ideas?05:33
cpinedI deleted the .vhd file05:34
cpinedbefore I created the guest os05:34
ObrienDavemake a larger .vhd as dynamic05:35
cpineddo I have to delete the current one and start all over again?05:35
victor123i am victor05:36
victor123I have a question05:36
ObrienDaveafaik,, you can't change a fixed size VDH to dynamic and vice-versa05:36
cpinedthe odd thing is that the first time I tried this it installed without any warning...I created the .vhd the second time around with the same parameters as the first time.05:36
CodeOmegaPrimeDr_Willis should I select the EFI boot partition for grub to be written to?05:37
Dr_WillisCodeOmegaPrime:  grub installs to the mbr of the drive you are booting. Not a partion05:38
* topper4125 tried XBMC for the last hour and a half... not impressed. :(05:39
Dr_Willistopper4125:  i really have to wonder what you tried then.05:39
cpinedwhat is VHD* ?05:39
* Dr_Willis uses xbmc on numerous devices and os's05:39
ObrienDaveVirtual Hard Drive05:40
Dr_Williscpined:  virtual hard drive image file - for vbox or vmware05:40
jeffrey_fGnuPG question:  need to import keys where they exist from a csv file from my address book.  Ideas please?  Tried this  one liner, but it had errors  for add in `cat /home/jeff/Desktop/contacts.csv | cut -d ”,” -f3 | grep @`; do gpg -i –search-keys  $add; done05:40
topper4125I got a quad core system for free (minus one hard Drive) want to turn it into  a ROM box basically.... Looking at Mythbuntu now....05:40
CodeOmegaPrimeDr_Willis for reference you have to select the efi partition on UEFI systems05:41
cpinedI'm creating a virtual 8.0 GB drive now05:41
thatguy001lotuspsychje, I've looked at just about every tutorial and forum I can think of05:41
cpinedthat should be more than enough, right?05:41
ObrienDavecpined make it larger as dynamic. that will make it as small as possible for now05:41
topper4125Just looking at my options (wishing hyperspin was linux native)05:41
ionutica-99I need some help05:42
lotuspsychjethatguy001: can you pastebin lshw -C video05:42
Dr_WillisCodeOmegaPrime:  i have no uefi systems ;)05:42
ionutica-99I just installed nvidia-current and it's SLOW!05:42
thatguy001lotuspsychje, you want me to enter that into the terminal?05:42
ionutica-99It's not normal my system used to run windows 705:42
lotuspsychjethatguy001: yes plz, and use pastebin05:42
Ben64!details | ionutica-9905:42
ubottuionutica-99: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:42
Dr_Willistopper4125:  a 'rom' box means very little to me. what are you doing exactly with it?05:43
Dr_Willisionutica-99:  run the nvidia-settings tool - make sure it is in fact using the nvidia drivers05:43
ionutica-99ok Ben64 so I have ubuntu 13.10 and the nvidia 304.108 driver (and the 304.88 driver ) are slow on my geforce 7 series even if I ran windows 7 using it just fine05:44
topper4125I have thousands of NES, SNES, Atari, GBA, and Mame games... basically turn it into a home arcade.05:44
Ben64ionutica-99: how do you have two drivers? what video card? how is it "slow"05:44
Dr_Willistopper4125:  thers specific distros out there for that ive seen in the past.05:45
ionutica-99I meant that both react the same way05:45
ionutica-99Ben64 I tried them on 2 installs same result05:45
Dr_Willistopper4125:  i have one for my RaspberryPi - I need to fit the Pi into my HotRodSE arcade controller now05:45
ionutica-99impossible to use unity05:45
Ben64ionutica-99: ok, well unity is not a measure of graphics performance05:46
thatguy001lotuspsychje, ok, I'm looking at the specs05:46
lotuspsychje!pastebin | thatguy00105:47
ubottuthatguy001: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:47
ionutica-99shall I give you what he asked me to pastebin? Ben6405:47
ionutica-99But theoreticaly if it can run windows 7 it can run unity right?05:47
fugutive221Hi everyone I scr*w*d up my wlan0 configuration (/etc/network/interfaces) file. Can anyone put a pastebin of his/her /etc/network/interfaces file. This would probably help me out :)05:48
Ben64you still haven't said what video card, and i'm not sure what you were asked to pastebin05:48
thatguy001lotuspsychje, ok. I'm going to have to type that all out on my other computer so give me a minute05:48
ionutica-99Ben64 help it says clock: 66 Mhz it should be 425 Mhz like on windows http://pastebin.com/tAC4HPYR05:48
topper4125I saw a real interesting video where a guy gutted an SNES system, replaced the guts with an i3, and every US SNES game (750+ games) on a solid State drive... rewired the controller plugs to work via usb... real nice setup.... until it came to software win7 with Hyperspin :(05:48
lotuspsychjethatguy001: just focus on 'nvidia' intel and driver05:49
rbd_hey guys... was running apt-get dist-upgrade on one of my servers (12.04), and didn't realize the / partition was filled up... now I have a bunch of packages that are not completely installed... I can't even run apt-get install --reinstall (complaining about initramfs-tools and the kernel packages)... any way out of this mess?05:49
Ben64ionutica-99: thats not the speed of the card05:49
fugutive221Could anybody help me please?05:50
ionutica-99Ben64 ok so now what? it's not the card's fault it can't work right it's the drivers05:50
Ben64fugutive221: let us know what you're trying to accomplish05:51
Ben64ionutica-99: you have a very low end card05:51
ionutica-99Ben64 it can run windows 7 with no problem  also look somebody else had this issue also http://askubuntu.com/questions/127593/12-04-nvidia-driver-makes-system-run-really-slow05:52
Dr_Willistopper4125:  you can buy SNES/NES controllers that have usb conectors for like $9  Seen a raspberry pi fit inside a SNES cartridge. :)  but not really OT for here. I dont recall seeing any Mame-Arcade front end Ubuntu spinoffs - I  think there was one - ages ago.  Not looked recently05:52
thatguy001lotuspsychje, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6339549/05:52
fugutive221I scr*w*d up my wlan0 configuration (/etc/network/interfaces) file. Can anyone put a pastebin of his/her /etc/network/interfaces file. This would probably help me out :) Ben6405:52
Ben64ionutica-99: i'd recommend using unity 2d, or maybe xfce or lxde or something, your card cannot handle unity's effects05:52
Ben64fugutive221: yeah i saw that, what are you trying to do05:52
lotuspsychjethatguy001: did previous ubuntu versions work good with your card?05:53
thatguy001lotuspsychje, no. I originally had 12.04  and that was even worse05:53
lotuspsychjethatguy001: so your card never worked properly on any version?05:53
ionutica-99Ben64 I use lxde is still slow (WARNING: Do not attempt to resize windows)05:53
fugutive221Ben64 Well the wlan on ubuntu doesn't work anymore, because instead of changing interfaces of my raspberry pi I changed it of my Ubuntu system :P05:54
CodeOmegaPrimeDr_Willis just an fyi in case someone else ever asks05:54
topper4125Dr_Willis, I have two of them :) they work nice.05:54
ionutica-99Ben64 and here same thing http://askubuntu.com/questions/315827/ubuntu-13-04-running-really-slow-and-hanging05:54
thatguy001lotuspsychje, except for one time where I was able to get a kernel from that site and it worked untill I turned my computer off and It hasn't worked since05:54
=== LoganG is now known as LoganG|off
Ben64ionutica-99: again, your card is very low and and cannot handle unity's effects05:54
lotuspsychjethatguy001: did you tryout xubuntu or lubuntu on your card?05:55
ObrienDaveyay Xubuntu ;)05:55
thatguy001lotuspsychje, no.05:55
ionutica-99Ben64 it's not normal win 7 has tons more effects and a lot more glass and it handeles it very well05:55
lotuspsychje!yay | ObrienDave05:55
ubottuObrienDave: Glad you made it! :-)05:55
lotuspsychjethatguy001: might be interesting to test, see if it improves05:56
=== jeff__ is now known as jeff_liu_cn
Ben64ionutica-99: windows 7 has less effects, and they're all 2d effects, unity is 3d05:56
ionutica-99Ben64 but I use lxde and it's still slow05:56
cpinedObrienDave: There should not be any size restrictions or limits when installing software on the dynamic VHD correct?  The informix needs 1.5 gigs...and I have an 8 Gig virtual dynamic drive setup...05:56
ionutica-99Ben64 lxde has no effects so it should work perfectly05:57
thatguy001lotuspsychje, will I still be able to use this forum?05:57
xmetalwith the "eye test" (testing by eye) .. if Lxde is slow, then thats not good05:57
lotuspsychjethatguy001: lubuntu and xubuntu are supported here yes, and have their own channels aswell05:57
xmetalthats usually one of the few DE's to fall back to if your having issues with ones like Unitiy05:57
xmetalUnity *05:57
ionutica-99Ben64 here glxgears output 60FPS05:58
ganjaherbsmy friend is using windows and i want him use ubuntu but he says he always has to have some partition iwth Windows because of the Adobe Photo Shop Suite and Video editor programs that Linux does not have. is this true? is there no equal software for Linux Ubuntu that can take the place of those powerful and expensive photo and video editing paltforms? or is he just too lazy to use and learn how to use Videmux and GIMP?05:58
thatguy001lotuspsychje, ok I'll give that a shot and then get back to you guys05:58
Ben64ionutica-99: glxgears is not very intensive of a test05:58
lotuspsychjethatguy001: you can try lubuntu from your installed ubuntu system05:58
xmetaldualboot with windows (and tell him about GIMP too )05:58
thatguy001lotuspsychje, how do I do that?05:58
fugutive221Is anybody gonna help me out please :)05:59
lotuspsychjethatguy001: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop in terminal05:59
xmetalGIMP can run on both OS's05:59
ObrienDavecpined figure the OS will use 4 or 5 Gig, add 1.5 for what you want to install. I think you're pushing the size. making the drive 16G or 32G would not hurt as long as it's dynamic05:59
lotuspsychjethatguy001: after install logout and login to lubuntu05:59
Ben64fugutive221: once again, what are you trying to do05:59
ionutica-99Ben64 now I will enable nouveau and I will get >60 fps05:59
ganjaherbsxmetal: yeah.. that is the best... dual boot. for sure.. but is GIMP really the most powerful equal? and i have GIMP and it is powerful to me... has a lot of features and i cant see it getting much more feature rich than that... he must just be lazy? can you believe that these Adobe Pro programs cost thousand of USD?06:00
cpinedwell...yes, you make a good point.06:00
ionutica-99Ben64 about 1000 fps06:00
fugutive221Ben64 Changing my /etc/network/interfaces file back again to where it was, so my wifi works again06:00
Ben64ionutica-99: ok? that proves nothing06:00
thatguy001lotuspsychje, that's really cool. Ok It's doin stuff06:00
Ben64fugutive221: well pastebin yours now06:00
ionutica-99B en64 it shows that nvidia's proprietary driver cause the slowdown06:00
Ben64ionutica-99: no, it doesn't06:00
Dr_Willisganjaherbs:  totally depends on the job you are doing.  people often dont want to learn differnt ways  get the same end result.06:01
xmetaldepends on what your doing i guess ... sometimes there is just a learning curve to learnning how to do something in GIMP for those familiar with other programs06:01
fugutive221Ben64 Ok06:01
ganjaherbsDr_Willis: right. so there is no real argument? but these expensive programs really do just give us the same result .. we just have to be patient and learn a new front end like GIMP... ..thank you good input06:01
Dr_Willisganjaherbs:  gimp is also developed by like a huge group of people.. I think they number like.. 4 members.. ;)06:02
ionutica-99Ben64 on  the internet there are >4 threads for the same problem with different graphics cards06:02
Dr_Willisganjaherbs:  the latest gimp releases add some features that  'professional' image dudes.. :) have been whineing about i belive06:02
xmetala whole 4 people? ... i thought it use to be 3 and 1/206:02
xmetalsorry, ... am a "wise guy" atm06:03
ObrienDavethey're coming up in the world. bigger user base ;)06:03
Dr_Willisxmetal:   they outsourced the icon., ;)06:03
fugutive221So this is basically my raspbian interfaces file (since I accidently saved that onto Ubuntu) http://pastebin.com/2VxEDTBb06:03
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ganjaherbsDr_Willis: right on... i agree. it is way more than i need for my little goPro projects... take some learnin but.. its what it is...06:03
Dr_WillisOnly image editing i ever do (rarely these days) is make icons, or make stuff to print out on tee-shirts for the wife. ;)06:03
xmetalwhen i am learning different things i like to teach myself in the multi-platform programs06:04
xmetal(example - GIMP)06:04
Dr_WillisI could convert screenshot/images to icons for my collection - rather quickly in gimp.06:04
xmetali have been (i am no "graphics expert") using gim more and more06:04
xmetalGIMP .. woops06:04
fugutive221   Ben64 So is this okay?06:04
Dr_Willisits all about learning how to use layers. ;)06:04
ganjaherbsDr_Willis: yeah GIMP + a little Linux knowledge = a powerful tool06:04
ganjaherbsand FREE!06:05
xmetalthere are a few things in windows i wanted to do .. was looking for free programs to do it faster than GIMP06:05
ObrienDaveganjaherbs best 'selling' point?  it's FREE06:05
xmetalbut i end up (i removed some "brushes" to get it to load fast) going back to GIMP each time06:05
lotuspsychjethatguy001: is it working?06:06
thatguy001lotuspsychje, it's setting up06:06
lotuspsychjethatguy001: great! after install, logout ubuntu and login to lubuntu06:07
xmetalhmm i just remembered i haven't messed with/in Enlightenment in awhile06:07
lotuspsychjexmetal: e17 is nice isnt it :p06:08
xmetal:) @ my desktop system went from a 15 inch CRT to a 19.1 LCD that i got at a yardsale06:08
xmetalall the DE's have their pro's and cons ... i am starting to like each one06:08
ganjaherbsim running saucy desktop on a thinkpad x220 with a i7 and 8 RAM and a 160 ssd... man , when i see how slow windows is compared to saucy.. saucy is peppy and quik to respond. everything is so sharp and fast. man I need to go to pay pal right now and give the canonical dev team a pint of Sierra Nevada06:08
lotuspsychje!yay | ganjaherbs06:08
ubottuganjaherbs: Glad you made it! :-)06:08
lotuspsychjeganjaherbs: ssd rox on ubuntu06:09
xmetali have to say win7 is not bad06:09
davido_Is there a trigger I can use to execute a shell script upon system resume?06:09
* xmetal ducks the stuff being thrown at him06:09
thatguy001lotuspsychje, i think I'ts stuck06:09
ObrienDaveObrienDave throws a very large trout at xmetal06:10
lotuspsychjethatguy001: stuck in wich way?06:10
ganjaherbsganjaherbs slides a pint of Sierra Nevada over to the dev team06:10
thatguy001lotuspsychje, yea, my computer is frozen06:10
Ben64fugutive221: just erase everything with wlan006:10
thatguy001lotuspsychje, I can't do anything06:10
lotuspsychjethatguy001: ouch, reboot and retry06:11
fugutive221Ben64 Ok let's try that06:11
lotuspsychjeanyway bbl06:11
lotuspsychjethatguy001: good luck with the lubuntu06:11
ChromeHackeri needs help06:12
davido_I'm suffering from this 13.10 wifi-resume bug. :(06:13
ChromeHackerwifi keeps disconnecting on my Acer That i Just Put Ubuntu on ... wont stay stable06:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 1184262 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[logind] stuck in PrepareForSleep, causing network and other services to not resume" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:13
ChromeHacker12.04 ubuntu on Acer Aspire 534906:14
fugutive221Ben64 Also the wpa-roam?06:15
davido_It's horrible having to reboot every time I close the laptop lid.  Fortunately "sudo nmcli nm sleep false" works, but I'd like to automate it after a sleep period.06:15
fugutive221Ben64 Thank you so much. It is working now :D :D :D06:15
moosemachinehi. i am having some trouble auto mounting my eSATA drive. It works well thus far. However my machine pauses while booting when it does not find it, which happens when it is not connected when booting. I am aware that there is a command that i need to add to my fstab which allows it to ignore it if it isn't connected. Would anyone be able to help me with this? My fstab entry reads as follows: # /dev/sdd1/ UUID=1E96CF6396CF39D3         06:16
ChromeHackeri feel like we fixed this problem at one time with a Regular Ubuntu Update... but recent updates seems to have brought this Wifi issue back because sometimes it will stay connected for a while like it is now and then randomly cut06:17
davido_My wifi problem is upon system resume wifi is dead, disabled, and won't re-enable unless I execute "sudo nmcli nm sleep false"06:18
ganjaherbsthats weird. it says "you dont have access to this page" when i try to donate to Ubuntu , but i can sucessfully do it from the ISO dowload page when it prompts us to contribute before starting the ISO to downlaod.. so.. i guess i can just do it that way again and then canel the ISO download.06:18
davido_It turned up when I upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10.06:18
ChromeHackeryeah i saw the fix to that and i hear its something to do with the original driver... its doesnt get a full restart upon waking up from sleep thus a restart it required my Chromebook is like that06:19
ChromeHackerbecause if i dont restart it after sleep its kinda of sluggish06:19
davido_One solution I see (temporary) is I could automate the execution of that command... say detect a resume, sleep 30 seconds, and then execute the mantra.06:19
davido_But I'm not sure how to detect a resume programatically.06:20
davido_...and then there's the issue that it has to run with sudo privs.06:20
ObrienDaveI don't like to use sleep mode. I like hibernate much better06:20
ganjaherbsdavido_: did you try to run a live session from a live usb yet and see if it works then?06:20
Dr_Willisdavido_:  dirty trick. use setuid. or better make a sudoers entry for the speficic command06:21
ChromeHackerlol id prefer my screen just stay on lol06:21
ChromeHackeror just adjust the brightness to 006:21
davido_lol... it's a laptop.  sometimes people want to put their laptops to sleep. ;) haha06:21
Dr_Willisi rarely use sleep or hibernate here.06:21
davido_I haven't tried running with a live usb.  That might be worth a try.  I've got a fresh one here.06:22
ganjaherbsdavido_: try a clean install?06:22
ganjaherbsdavido_: yeah try that then first06:22
Dr_Williseither its on and im working for hrs at a time.. or its off and in the drawer. ;)06:22
xmetalsame here06:22
xmetalits "on or off"06:22
davido_But this is a known bug, right? #118426206:22
ChromeHackerlol i have an Acer Chromebook c7 and An Acer Aspire 5349 both laptops never use sleep or Hib lol06:22
davido_Do you ever take them anywhere, ChromeH?06:23
ChromeHackerbut is there a fix to my issues or is it still unknown lol Random Wifi Cuts off and on Acer Apsire06:23
davido_But why would I be contemplating a fresh install when that's never suggested as a fix here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd-shim/+bug/118426206:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 1184262 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[logind] stuck in PrepareForSleep, causing network and other services to not resume" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:23
ChromeHackerof course lol my Chromebook weighs less than a lb lol and its super skinny if i need it i bring it but its off lol06:23
ganjaherbsChromeHacker: is it a verified issue?06:23
ganjaherbsChromeHacker: i mean is it all Acer ASpires or just YOURS?06:24
Dr_Willissystemd? we are using systemd now? or am i thinking of a differnt systemd?06:24
ChromeHackerwell this isnt this first time ive had this issue with this laptop and wifi with putting ubuntu on it06:24
ganjaherbsChromeHacker: YOU had an issue being the key word "you"06:25
davido_Anyway, I'll give the live-usb a try tomorrow.  If that clears it up (I'm skeptical but it's worth a try) then I'll do a clean install.06:25
ganjaherbsChromeHacker: what i mean to sy is that i bet the Acer is just fine.. it must be something going on on your end bro06:25
davido_That will suck.  ;)  It takes a bit of work to get my dev environment set up the way I like it.06:26
ChromeHacker...nope its an Acer issue just google it06:26
ChromeHackerJust no Fix For This Version06:26
moosemachineok. nevermind. I found the answer in the Arch Linux documentation. Thx.06:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 1115998 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wireless cutting out after a few min of use in 13.04" [Medium,Expired]06:26
ganjaherbsthere it is06:27
ganjaherbsChromeHacker: without an Acer here in front of me i can do nothing06:28
davido_I'm thinking of putting Win in a virtualbox just so I can use Adobe Lightroom.06:31
ChromeHackeri guess this issues is localized to Atheros Wireless Cards ...go figure Acer Favorites seems the issues doesnt persist with the 3.7.0 Kernel06:31
davido_(getting sick of dual-booting)06:31
ganjaherbsdavido_: can you dual boot Ubuntu on Bootcamp on a Mac Mini?06:31
ChromeHackerlol for some reason this Machines Blue Screens on Windows OS recently Fixed the Cracked Screen and Changed Harddrive Issues Persists06:32
ganjaherbsdual boot saucy-desktop/OSX06:32
davido_I don't know.  I don't use macs.06:32
ChromeHackerlol me neither06:32
ChromeHacker...like for some reason now the internet has been stable -_-06:33
ChromeHackerbut when i need to use it for something important -_- its starts acting up... or maybe the last fix i used was effective but i still dc'd before i open the IRC06:33
davido_CH: How's your router's firmware? :)06:34
ChromeHacker...brb gonna smoke a bowl and think about it lol06:34
ganjaherbsdavido_: no its the Acer Wireless card06:34
ChromeHackerRecently Updated but this is a New Place Just Moved so like two Different Router Models... ISPs and ehhh06:34
davido_Oh, ok.  I know my Galaxy S4 can't achieve a reliable connection with my old (expensive) dlink dir85506:34
davido_Switching to tkip fixes it, but I don't like that.06:35
davido_the symptoms were similar to yours.06:35
davido_totally different kind of device, of course. lol06:35
ganjaherbsdavido_: you should have got a Nexus 4 and put Utouch on it...06:36
davido_lol :)06:36
ChromeHackerlol my Kyocera Hydro does that with some Routers06:36
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davido_I suspect it's the router -- probably implements aes incorrectly.06:36
davido_My solution has been to just log the phone into a wifi range extender that cascades off the dlink router.  That works fine.06:37
topper4125Dr_Willis, I think you're right.. XBMC looks to be the better choice.06:38
ganjaherbsdavido_: are oyu saying "some router will need to e reconfigured for Ubuntu desktop to accomodate certain wireless cards" ie the Acer Aspire...?06:38
Dr_Willis topper4125  for an arcade machine front end. i found a ArchLinux arcade-os ;)06:38
topper4125OOooh... off to google I go :)06:38
Dr_Willistopper4125:  called 'GroovyArcade'06:38
ganjaherbsdue to improper implementation of aes?06:39
Dr_Willistopper4125:  there may be others out as well.06:39
topper4125ty ty Dr_Willis !06:39
davido_ganj: I'm saying that in my case (a totally unrelated device), reconfiguring the router to use tkip rather than aes eliminated the frequent disconnect problem.06:39
Dr_WillisGroovyarcade seems likeit has a focus on Arcade CAbinents/Monitors06:39
ganjaherbsdavido_: oh06:39
davido_And I suspect that modern versions of ubuntu implement aes correctly, and that possibly some old 2008 router doesn't.06:40
davido_So it's one avenue to investigate.06:40
ganjaherbsdavido_: so you are saying that people who buy Acer are poor and probly have old routers too so that is the BUG?06:41
topper4125Dr_Willis, could get it set up... and do some 'in the future' planning :)06:41
davido_I'm sure you don't believe that's what I'm saying.06:41
ganjaherbsdavido_: it could be the connection though as strange as it sounds06:42
davido_Sure, someone could be keying his ham radio next door.06:43
ganjaherbsdavido_: no you are right that it is a router issue that a lot of people are having is all its not the kernel06:45
Dr_Willisive had the old wireless home phones disrupt my wifi befor ;)06:45
Dr_Willisphone rings.. irc disconnected06:45
davido_There could be a kernel bug.  I don't know.  But the kernel is under active development.  The 5 year old router could have a problem that wasn't evident until a modern OS more correctly implemented some wifi protocol.  Stranger things have happened.06:46
davido_...or someone could just be popping popcorn. ;)06:47
ObrienDaveI have a 10 year old Linksys router. never had the problems you're describing06:48
ganjaherbsObrienDave: yeah but oyu are using what machines?06:48
davido_When you have interoperability issues, you have to look at both sides of the conversation.06:48
ganjaherbsObrienDave: not Acer i imagine?06:48
ObrienDaveno, sony and HPs06:49
ganjaherbsObrienDave: see... that is what its all about06:49
davido_Sure, it's possible that the kernel devs introduced a regression.06:49
=== DarkG is now known as Guest30487
ObrienDave*knew he never liked Acer anyway* ;)06:50
xmetali have (only one "active") 2 linksys's and one netgear06:50
ganjaherbsObrienDave: i have seen them run flawlessly on Windows :)06:50
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ganjaherbsi live in Thailand and they sell a lot of Acers here.. they run fine on Windows and i have seen ones that have been dropped in toilets and run over by motorbikes and run just fine.. so.....06:52
Dr_Willisthen you open a new one - and its dead on arrivle..06:53
ObrienDavewell, I guess there are good and bad points about everything :)06:53
ganjaherbsDr_Willis: yeah lol.. thats why i got my Thinkpad :)06:54
davido_hm, my wife has an acer netbook.06:54
ganjaherbsI sacrificed IPS display and backlit keys to prove that i could get this machine on a budget and still have an awesome exp. i will have to wait till 2015 for backlit keys :(06:56
davido_What's the purpose of backlit keys?06:57
ObrienDaveso you can type in the dark LOL06:57
Dr_Willisthey make glow in the dark and UV glowing - key board stickers ;)06:58
davido_Hm, about the only key I would consistently miss in the dark is the `06:58
ObrienDavethose give me a bigger headache06:58
Dr_WillisOLED keyboards - not seen them  yet  in the real world.. heh..06:59
ObrienDave40 years of playing with computers and I STILL have to look at the keyboard LOL06:59
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davido_When I look it slows me down.06:59
davido_like trying to count while someone's shouting out numbers.07:00
Dr_Willisi weird people out when im typeing in here.. and looking/talking to them at the same time... ;)07:00
ChromeHackerim glad thats one thing i dont have to do anymore is look at the keyboard and im still fairly accurate and fast07:00
ganjaherbsby the summer of 2015 the Thinkpad x series will be awesome with IPS detachable touch display stanard07:00
ChromeHackerthanks for the help guys it seems one of the fixes worked lol07:00
ChromeHackertake it easy i shall return07:01
ganjaherbsChromeHacker: the router?07:01
davido_Actually, I *thought* I was pretty accurate on the keyboard until my 2-year-old son broke off the backspace key.07:01
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incognitoI tried to install php5-curl sudo apt-get install php5-curl on my apache server, then after installing curl I went to a wordpress installation and got this error: ubuntu your PHP installation apprears to be missing the MySQL extension which is requried by WordPress07:03
hellangelincognito, soo...? :)07:04
davido_Did you install the mysql extension?07:05
=== that is now known as greeter
incognitoI reinstalled php5 with this command and with this command and reconfigured php.ini. Now I'm getting no errors on some wp sites and a 500 error on others.07:05
hellangelincognito: install php5-mysql and mysql-server07:06
hellangelif you havent yet07:06
incognitosudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cgi php5-cli php5-common php5-curl php5-gd php5-mysql php5-pgsql07:06
hellangeland remember to restart your httpd afterwards07:06
incognitoI already have mysql server installed.07:06
hellangeltry restarting apache then07:06
incognitoI think I need to install php5-mysql07:06
incognitoI don't understand why that would get messed up after I installed php5-curl07:07
hellangelthat is the mysql extension, either you didnt install it, or you didnt restart apache07:07
davido_I bet php has its own library installation toolchain that doesn't require the apt-get sledgehammer.07:09
davido_but this is an ubuntu channel, so apt-get :)07:10
davido_If we were on #php they would probably have a different way to arrive at the same destination.07:10
ObrienDaveor aptitude07:10
hellangeldavido_, well, the great thing about a packagemanager is the dependecy control, which you wouldnt have if you install stuff "manually"07:10
davido_Yes, there's always that. ;)  Some dependency gets broken, you install "manually", and the broken dependency becomes a blocking issue.07:11
linuhi i have WUBT-132GN(BT) module,i googled linux driver for the module,but could not find can you tell me where i can get?07:12
hellangeldavido_, yeah and we are back in the debian world of 1995 :p you want somethin? compile it yourself! oh, everything needs different versions? you gonna have a fun time07:12
davido_I kind of come from a Perl background, and we tend to "leave system Perl alone.  Install an alternate Perl via perlbrew, and use the cpan toolchain for modules"07:13
somsipdavido_: there is nothing like that for the base installation of php. It does not coexist with other versions and modules.07:14
hellangelyeah, well most of the time you can  "tell" software where to find it dependencies, but sometimes you cant, and then the version mismatches drive you completly insane07:14
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davido_Yes, we still get into dependency hell sometimes.  Often we'll put our dependencies under version control so that we can roll back if we discover breakage.07:15
hellangelsomsip, it can though, when ./configure ing stuff, you can define your own target directory to make install it into and tell the software having php as dependency where to find the laternate version07:15
incognitoAll my databases are still in my mysql database... everything is there. I tried to install php5-mysql and it says it's already installed07:16
hellangelincognito, again, did you restart your apache server?07:16
somsiphellangel: I think you know this is not the ubuntu supported way. There are things *like* virtualenv for PHP too, but they require compiling form source. It just won't get supported here07:16
incognitofor some reason let me do that again.. I've been restarting it, but this time I might have forgot.07:17
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hellangelsomsip, i am actually quite new to ubuntu, but this is not the way for many distributions who package different versions (the most demanded ones at least)07:17
somsipincognito: run phpinfo() in a php script and make sure the plugins you need are enabled07:17
incognitoyeah, okay thanks I'll do that.07:19
incognitoI just went to a different page and it works.07:19
incognitofor some reason some of my pages are getting server errors07:19
hellangelmaybe you got redirected to an error message and you refreshed that error message :P07:20
incognitoapperently it has to do with the individual sites. so I think it will be easier to diagnose.... now that I see what's going on07:20
somsipincognito: tail the apache error log (hopefully PHP will dump into that) to look for reasons07:20
hellangelsomsip, and by quiet new i mean 5 days :)07:21
davido_5 days with Ubuntu? Or 5 days with #ubuntu?07:21
hellangelboth actually07:21
davido_congrats. :)07:21
incognitois tail a command. ?I will have to look that up.07:21
hellangelim coming from fedora =)07:21
somsipincognito: tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log (probably)07:22
davido_tail -f log/path...07:22
hellangelincognito, yeah, with the -f parameter, you can read a log file on the fly07:22
Dr_Willisthers also colortail  :) now in technicolor!07:22
incognitosomsip thanks07:22
hellangelit will read the last (i think) 5 lines and watches it for new content07:22
somsiphellangel: tail -n N will show the last N lines07:23
hellangelsomsip, actually tail -N is enough for that purpose07:23
hellangeltail -20 file.log for example07:23
hellangelsame with head07:23
somsiphellangel: hellangel so it is. thank you (though I have an alias anyway)07:23
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hellangelwhat i found out lately is also interesting, you can use tar xf without specifying what type of archive it is, and it will autodetect it :)07:24
Dr_Willis!info unp07:24
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre7+nmu1 (saucy), package size 16 kB, installed size 133 kB07:24
hellangeli never knew that, im still auto typing xfvj/z07:24
Dr_Willisunp foo.zip/tar/tgz/bz2/arc/   ;)07:25
hellangelwell, tar has more options :)07:25
incognitosomsip thanks07:25
incognitoyep, it's showing the error. I turned the display_error On in php.ini, but it's not diplaying on the page07:26
somsipincognito: overriden in wordpress/wp-config.php IIRC07:26
incognitoI saved the php.ini file in /usr/share/php5/   is that the correct error07:26
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incognitoi mean folder07:27
somsipincognito: php.ini should live in /etc/php5/apache2/07:27
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hellangelincognito, i recommend you to "updatedb" to update the indices  and "locate filename" to locate it.. like "locate php.ini"07:27
incognitookay.. that's why my errors are not displaying07:27
LopeHi I'm running ubuntu 13.04 with 3.8 kernel, and I've upgraded my kernel to 3.11 but then VMware broke. So I booted into the 3.8 kernal and VMWare is working. So now I'm installing 3.9 kernel. Is it okay to have so many kernels on my system?07:28
incognitoyeah I used whereis to look for the files07:28
hellangelLope, sure it is :)07:28
Lopegonna reboot :)07:28
hellangelLope, but you might aswell just recompile the stuff vmware needs in your..07:29
somsipLope: just watch for disk space, especially if you have a dedicated /boot07:29
incognitoI did a updatedb recently... so I just did the locate php.ini and yeah it's in /etc/php5/apache2 I'm not a cli master, but I should have know to use locate instead of whereis07:32
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potion_I have been experimenting with ubuntu for a few years and a few months ago I set up a server with ubuntu and it is workin wonderfully.07:33
Vivekananda_Hey everyone07:38
Vivekananda_how can I save the mbr for dual boot with xp and ubuntu 12.0407:38
Vivekananda_I am trying to reinstall xp and just want to take extra precaution07:39
triplchow to install ubuntu 12.04 on a btrfs subvolume? pls give me a guide (url)07:39
Rory!btrfs | triplc07:40
ubottutriplc: Btrfs is a new filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is currently marked as experimental, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs07:40
apb1963Anyone use empathy with a yahoo account?  I can't tell if I'm logged in or not... there doesn't seem to be much of an interface... no feedback... is this normal?07:40
incognitoGot it all back up and running. Well that was a pain in the butt. When did sudo apt-get install php5-curl, it said there was a new configuration and asked me if I wanted to use the new config or use the old07:41
incognitoafter choosing the old my wordpress gave me this error: ubuntu your PHP installation apprears to be missing the MySQL extension which is requried by WordPress07:41
potion_Well, not wonderfully i guess, I have the server running from my house.  I haven't had any problems with it until about a week ago, my internet started to cause me trouble and I had to restart my internet (modem/router). It fixed it, but only temporarily, I started having to restart each day.07:41
incognitoI'm just realizing that when I reinstalled php5 it fixed the problem, but I didn't know it because I was trying to enable display_errors in the wrong php.ini file07:43
incognitoThanks for your help guys... prolly the biggest thing that I did wrong was use whereis instead of locate07:44
Vivekananda_also can anyone tell me if using ext3 is better for the os partition07:46
Vivekananda_or should I use ext407:46
Vivekananda_waiting for my other answer too07:46
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incognitoI used to come here and answer question, but sometimes it's kind of hard to find people who are dummer than me07:46
somsip*dumber ;-)07:46
somsiphehe - sorry. Couldn't resist07:47
incognitono prob.... I'm laughin07:47
Vivekananda_I have07:47
Vivekananda_a question and seems pretty stupid :)07:47
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wilee-nileeVivekananda_, hehe, another one?07:48
aeon-ltdVivekananda_: well, ask it anyway07:48
incognitoVivikananda_ I like to use ext4 for the os and I use ext3 for the data file. that's what I usually do, I don't particularly know why. I think it's because I think ext3 is more stable07:50
incognitoext4 is supposed to be faster, so I think it's better for the os07:50
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incognitoI'm using xchat. does anyone know if there is a way to pop the username int this text input field? I hate typing the username every time07:51
xanguaincognito: tab to autocomplete07:52
incognitoxangua, works... thanks07:52
Roryhelmut_: hello07:53
incognitoxangua, that should have been obvious... it's like the cli07:53
AdityaRajhey guys i need help putting music on my ipod touch.. can anyone please help me07:55
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod07:55
RoryAdityaRaj: After connecting the iPod, open Rhythmbox and click on your iPod name under Devices on the left panel. You can play music from the iPod and transfer music to it by drag-and-dropping files from the Library onto the iPod icon.07:56
l9what is a good wysiwyg for ubuntu ?07:56
Roryl9: That question doesn't make sense07:56
aeon-ltdl9: for wut? html?07:56
incognito19 for web dev?07:56
l9html editor :P07:56
Roryl9: There are a few in the repositories if you search for "html editor"07:57
tripelb12.04- 2 Issues.  every so often error box says internal issue...restart. 2. wont update. says unauthorized sources. (now on my fon)07:57
incognito19 there's not a good choice, but konkuror is one (I don't know how to spell it )07:57
aeon-ltdnothing like vim+syntax highlight and firefox07:57
somsipaeon-ltd: I was going to reply 'vi, chrome and CTRL-F5'...07:57
Roryl9: One I've heard of is Bluefish07:57
AdityaRajRory, when i click the ipod device icon under the devices.. the library items vanish away07:57
Rorytripelb: Can you please run the command "sudo apt-get update" and put the full output on http://paste.ubuntu.com07:58
incognito19 Bluefish is pretty good, but they say it's wysywig, but I don't know if I agree with that.07:58
l9vim is awsome :D with firefox and chrome... just one tiny problem i am way too lazy too hardcode07:58
Roryl9: In the long run though it has fewer headaches and produces cleaner, more maintainable markup07:59
AdityaRajRory, another problem is when i try to sync the device i get there is not enough space on the device to transfer the selected music !!07:59
AdityaRajThought it is a new ipod with 8 gb07:59
RoryAdityaRaj: Brand new? This Ubuntu is the first machine you've plugged it into?07:59
AdityaRajno i dont think so08:00
AdityaRajRory, actually i borrowed it from a friend08:00
l9Rory: agree on you there... i will stick too my old school vi/vim solution, i recond using a wysiwyg would cause more problems than its worth... btw pyCharm is a awsome tool if you like python08:00
Roryl9: Thanks but I'm set in my "text editor" ways08:01
AdityaRajRory,  could that be the problem?08:01
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l9what i learned when i started too use pyCharm is that it would actually give me a visual presentation of a sqliteDB which makes it easier too have a overlook on the database, and auto completion of the code makes it faster too write huge files...08:03
incognito19 I can't imagine why you would want to use a wysiwig if you know vim08:04
babinlonstonResponse:500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot() -----> I'm receiving this error for a local user08:04
RoryAdityaRaj: Can you unplug and reconnect the device, then put the output from the command "sudo lsusb -v && sudo df -h" onto http://paste.ubuntu.com08:04
aeon-ltdincognito: don't know what font you're using but it's L 9 not 1908:04
l9incognito: mostly cause i am lazy ;) and i really have spendt years from html language08:05
tripelbrory. that is a good next step. thanks. i will do that tomorrow and come back here. -- but while I jave your attention. i must use SASL on08:07
Vivekananda_I already asked but repeating  1. I have dual boot but trying to reinstall windows. so am trying to backup the mbr so I can easily get it back after XP reinstall  2. My ubuntu is on ext4 so should I use ext3 ?08:08
Dr_Willisext3 or 4 shou;ldent matter08:08
AdityaRajRory, the output is to huge and is getting lost on the terminal08:09
AdityaRajand i idea how i can increase the buffer size08:09
Vivekananda_I already created a live cd and installed boot-recovery on it08:09
Vivekananda_but I just wwant to make doubly sure by making mbr backup before I reinstall windows08:09
tripelbrory continued. to use freenode since my web access is thru a tethered phone. I cannot find a client that works. xchat etc are said to have scripts but they dont work. other clients, like the andchat i am uding here, are  ot for ubuntu. so i cannot do freenode from the 12.0408:10
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Vivekananda_AdityaRaj, if is a general question about terminal then there are option in the profile setting or somewhere which allows unlimited number of lines as terminal buffer08:10
incognitol9 have you seen emmet.vim? http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=298108:10
AdityaRajVivekananda_, thanks man08:11
l9incognito: thanks :)) i didnt know of that onew08:12
incognitol9 sparkup is another one.... I think it is zen coding for vim08:13
AdityaRajRory, here is it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6339980/08:13
Vivekananda_AdityaRaj, np08:13
AdityaRajVivekananda_, i did have to restart the terminal though :)08:14
Vivekananda_so anyone plz advice on a way to back up mbr ubuntu 12.04+win xp dual boot08:14
Vivekananda_AdityaRaj, ok08:14
AdityaRajVivekananda_, would you know about how to import music on ipod from ubuntu?08:14
incognitol9 Sparkup http://bit.ly/drn6jU08:14
Vivekananda_Well the simplest way would be to see how it shows up in ubuntu08:14
AdityaRajVivekananda_, you can checkout: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair08:15
MultiplyIs there a smart way to 'autocomplete' a command in shell, from the history? Say I issued a command a few days ago, that is about 20 histories away. I'd love to just type "abc" (ie the start of the command) and make it autocomplete to the first and best command starting with "abc" from history. Ie. by pressing arrow up, or something?08:15
Vivekananda_AdityaRaj, if connect to ubuntu and see some storage being added and mounted then you can08:15
Dr_WillisMultiply:  !2008:15
AdityaRajMultiply, i think you can hit ctrl + r and start typing08:15
Vivekananda_simply copy and paste and that might work08:15
aeon-ltdVivekananda_: read carefully dd can be extremely dangerous https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Master_Boot_Record#Backup_and_restoration08:15
Dr_WillisMultiply:  i think. :) check out bash history ussage tutorials - it has a LOT of powerfull features08:15
MultiplyDr_Willis, AdityaRaj: I'll look it up!08:16
Vivekananda_aeon-ltd, I will use boot-repair to restore but I just want to save the mbr backup myself too08:16
Vivekananda_so I am sure08:16
Dr_Willisbash history -> !! reruns the last command, !# runs the #'s command back. and theres some sort of patern/replacement that can happen also08:16
AdityaRajVivekananda_, i saw a screenshot on that link i gave you with an option to back mbr as well08:17
MultiplyAdityaRaj, ctrl+r is indeed what I was looking for.08:18
Vivekananda_AdityaRaj, thanks. I got that. I am already using it. I want to save mbr manually too along with that program08:18
AdityaRajyou are welcome.. now can anyone please help me with my ipod issue !!08:19
Vivekananda_AdityaRaj, does you ipod not show up as a storage media in ubuntu on connection ?08:20
Vivekananda_if it does then a copy and paste should work08:20
incognitoVivekananda_, I use dd to backup my mbr.... but like they said you have be very careful. make sure that the of is on a different partition... like on a flash drive08:20
AdityaRajVivekananda_, it does, but i tried just pasting the music into the folder but it is not detecting in the ipod08:20
AdityaRajVivekananda_, that is true.. i tried copying a partition back from an iso but that did not restore my mbr and now i have a laptop that wont boot up08:21
Vivekananda_AdityaRaj, http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/linux-and-open-source/how-do-i-connect-an-apple-ipod-to-an-ubuntu-linux-pc/08:22
Vivekananda_AdityaRaj, mbr is not part of the partition , if I understand correctly but is some space at the beginning of the first partion and sometimes even a separate partition08:23
Vivekananda_incognito, I guess I will just use boot-recovery on the live cd to repair mbr08:24
Vivekananda_the only problem is that I have no clue if that program backs up mbr somehow coz it is to be run after the mbr has been ruined08:24
wilee-nileethe mbr is 512 mib area of space before the partitions start, you can have boot partition that contains the boot as well.08:24
incognitoVivekananda_,  what is on your mbr right now.... is there a windows system on the 1st partition?08:24
Vivekananda_yep xp first08:25
xmetali forgot i was here08:25
Vivekananda_ubuntu on second which is a logical one08:25
incognitoVivekanada_ okay I'm coming in late on this conversation. I would assume that your mbr had grub2 installed08:28
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incognitoVivekananda_, do you get a grub error when you try to boot your laptop?08:38
sgo11hi, ubuntu 13.10, dell pc, intel graphic card. my grub resolution is not correct. I did setup GRUB_GFXMODE=1920x1080 and then run sudo update-grub. it does not work. this used to work in previous ubuntu release with my nvidia card. thanks.08:39
hellangelsgo11, might be a problem with the newest nvidia drivers in the repos, have you checked if a similar bug has already been reported?08:40
sgo11hellangel, my current problem is on intel card. I just mentioned that that way used to work in my old nvidia card laptop. :)08:40
hellangeloh, yeah reading sometimes helps, sorry :)08:40
hellangeli'll still stick with the driver issue :)08:41
sgo11hellangel, I tried to run vbeinfo and videoinfo. both give me command not found error. what is the command in 13.10?08:41
OptimizedCoderI'm not able to do a simple friggin thing - I'm not able to run google-chrome under incognito from an icon on the sdesktop08:42
OptimizedCoder--incognito flag works form the console but for some friggin' reason not from an icon/launcher08:42
wilee-nileeVivekananda_, You can reload grub to the mbr with pr without the bootrepair, I rarely see anyone actually save the mbr, this is an easy task.08:43
cersgo11: have you tried vbetools08:43
hellangelsgo11, actually no idea08:43
cersgo11: there should be an options to get panel sizes and so on, I think it is "vbefb panelsize" or something similar08:44
ceranyone who knows whether opencv only works with CUDA, or whether it it possible to have it work on nouveau?08:44
simion314hi all, i can't make my microphone(from the headphones) to work(I tried pavucontrol and alsamixer ) so I am thinking to buy maybe a USB set that will work 100% , so how can I find something that is compatible with linux? I need it for skype/hangouts  (so no need for premium sound quality just decent quality)08:45
buuSo.. can anyone give me a pointer as to why my ubuntu laptop can't see a 5ghz wireless n network? Its using a: 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43225 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)08:46
cersimion314: it sounds like an alsa problem .... have you tried amixer or alsamixer?08:46
cersimion314: it may be swicthed off in alsa08:46
buuiwlist channel shows me:           Channel 149 : 5.745 GHz which is the control channel the network is operating on..08:46
simion314cer: yes, i made sure is not muted in alsamixer   and set the input to fron mic08:47
buuiw scan; doesn't show any 5ghz networks available, I can confirm they exist and work with other ubuntu laptops08:47
cersimion314: are you also sure you selected the righ mic? sometimes it shows two when you have multiple input options08:47
sgo11cer, thanks for your reply. just installed vbetool. there is still no vbeinfo command. how can I check vbeinfo? thanks.08:48
incognitowilee-nilee, I have used ubuntu boot repair to fix boot problems on my bodhi linux installs on several occasions. It is so easy too. I used to fix problems with grub, but since grub to came I never looked at it. Didn't have to because of ubuntu boot repair08:48
incognitowilee-nilee, if gub is completely wiped will ubuntu boot repair fix it?08:49
wilee-nileeincognito, Its a good tool, but a live cd, or a super grub boot to the OS to just do it there are also quite easy.08:49
cersgo11: vbetools should be installed by default .... you have to look at the options in the man page, I think it is the last option in the list (man vbetools)08:49
incognitowilee-nilee, I mean since grub2 came out08:49
wilee-nileejust lots of options is all08:50
sgo11cer, just run "vbetool vbefp panelsize", it returns "Panel id function not supported". btw, my vbetool is not installed by default..08:50
simion314cer: I think so, also from pavucontrol the bar that should move when you speak is not moving , I had it setup to work some time ago but I replaced my motherboard (I did not reinstalled)  but it should not affect this(I hope) is there a way to reset alsa?  anyway I am thinking to get something with good linux support and never have to fiddle with conf files and kernel modules08:50
incognitowilee-nilee so I'm guessing that the cd can find the blkid's ... they must be in the grub files on the ubuntu partition08:51
wilee-nileeincognito, blkid is for fstab08:51
wilee-nileeThe os-prober finds the grub in the OS08:51
incognitowilee-nilee, it's so much easier to repair a boot problem... I guess that's the beauty of grub208:52
wilee-nileeincognito, Yeah,  I never really messed with grub legacy, I could now but not then.08:52
incognitowilee-nilee, I suppose ubuntu had to do some voodoo to make the live cd capable of repairing grub2 also.08:54
wilee-nileeincognito, just a chroot or a mount, same commands from the chroot as the desktop, quite similar if you just mount the OS08:55
wilee-nileechroot is root is all no sudo08:56
wilee-nileethe os-prober is the hero of grub 2 it finds the other OS's08:57
=== MrAlexandro_ is now known as MrAlexandro
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:58
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starnixHello people09:03
starnixmay I know how to list all the os installed on my lap, I have 3 partistions and have 3 different os09:04
sgo11hi, if my problem is because of intel dirvers. how can I change intel graphic card drivers? add some ppa? thanks.09:05
ArcticLightsgo11: it depends on your hardware, but if you specifically want new drivers from Intel you can try the instructions here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/intel-release-graphical-installer-for-their-linux-drivers09:11
wilee-nileestarnix, List?09:12
starnixHello wilee-nilee , yep, I have three linux dirstors, and I want to format one and I am not pretty sure on which partition the OS is...09:14
sgo11ArcticLight, thanks for the tip. I just want to solve my grub resolution issue. the resolution is not correct and low.09:14
Dr_Willisstarnix:  i would boot to each os.. and give the / filesystem of that os - a proper Label.09:14
Dr_Willisstarnix:  then sudo blkid should show the partions and labels09:14
Dr_Willisstarnix:  they MIGHT have labels now09:14
flux242hi, I've just installed (x)ubuntu 13.10 and I noticed that I have systemd-udevd and systemd-logind deamons running in my system. Can somebody explain why on earth do I have systemd and upstart daemons running simultaneously, huh?09:15
starnixDr_Willis, Yep, I can reboot and see those at boot options, but, right now, I don't want to reeboot, as I want to format it and copy some data from this os to that partition.09:16
Dr_Willisstarnix:  mount each partion. look at the files.. and figure out what one is what.   the /etc/lsb-release  info may gibve a clue09:17
Dr_Willison each partition09:17
wilee-nileestarnix,  I regularly have at least 4 OS on a HD, I label them as suggested, but I also remember the partition numbers.09:19
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AngryNinjawassup people09:20
AngryNinjaanyone up for a little brainstorming?09:21
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alessandro_server irc.uragano.org09:22
Dr_WillisGuess the ubuntu brainstorm wiki is gone ..09:23
wilee-nileethe bot is stumped09:23
AngryNinjagone you say!?09:23
Dr_Willisthere used to be that ubuntu brainstorm site with user suggestions and voteing.. and it basically.. got ignored to death09:24
wilee-nileeoh yeah I remember that, I want ubuntu to make my morning coffee09:24
exordisPoor website. All it wanted was to be loved.09:24
Dr_Willisand for the ideas to actually ...you know... get looked at.. :)09:25
Dr_Willisand perhaps the best ones implemented...09:25
AngryNinjahaha that was just my way of asking if anyone was up for helping figure out a solution09:25
exordisThat sounds like crazy talk.09:25
Dr_Willisyea. end user feedback to improve the product!  Blasphmy09:25
wilee-nileehelp, you want help, you can't handle the help. ;)09:26
Dr_WillisAngryNinja:  state the problem. :)09:26
exordisLooks like it's a curly one.09:27
AngryNinjai have many scripts running on many linux machines. I have it set up to alert me via sendmail if any of the scripts stop. is there any way i can add to the alert in the event the machine reboots or powers off?09:28
ActionParsnipAngryNinja: use cron09:28
flux242so can somebody shed some lite on these strange systemd processes in ubuntu with the upstart?09:28
Dr_Williscron can do specific tasks on reboot or power up/shutdown09:28
ActionParsnipAngryNinja: use the @reboot   part of cron, it can run a script when cron starts up09:29
AngryNinjathank you for your suggestion, I will consider it. Is there any way to incorporate that into a shell script?09:29
Dr_Willishttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man8/systemd-logind.service.8.html           flux242  this one of them?09:30
flux242Dr_Willis: the processes are systemd-udevd and systemd-initd09:33
AngryNinjawow crons man pages suck!!09:34
Dr_Willisflux242:  yes.. see the url i pasted..09:34
Dr_Willisflux242:  consolekit to handle logins has been replaced by that systemd- parts09:35
Dr_Willishttp://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTMyMDE    for more info09:35
AngryNinjaI did Dr., i am trying to understand it09:35
Dr_Williswhats to understand. :) they replaced consolekit because its no longer maintained. and used the systemd-login method to handle logins09:36
exordisWait, was that manpage link for flux242 or for AngryNinja?09:36
AngryNinjaunderstand meaning...trying to understand how to solve my problem with it09:37
Dr_Williswhoever was talking about systemd.. ;)09:37
ActionParsnipAngryNinja: I'd use the web to find examples rather than man pages09:37
ubottumichel: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:37
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto09:37
ActionParsnipAngryNinja: you could also put a command to send the mail in /etc/rc.local  abovew the 'exit 0' line09:38
flux242Dr_Willis: it's called SYSTEM-INITD not logind09:38
Dr_Willisflux242:  and thats used by the logind stuff from what i just googled.09:38
ATC243750496how to disable task bar scrolling09:38
ATC243750496i am using compiz09:38
Dr_Willisthey are making use of parts of systemd   it seems.09:38
AngryNinjawhat would that do ActionParsnip09:38
Dr_Willisflux242:   i see a systemd-udevd here09:39
flux242Dr_Willis: yes09:39
flux242Dr_Willis: that's what was udev previously I suppose09:40
flux242Dr_Willis: they merged udev and systemd09:40
flux242Damn, just fragmentation wasn't enough09:41
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ATC243750496??anyone willing to help me?09:42
Dr_Willisbe interesting to see what happens when they do finally decide to move to systemd09:42
Dr_WillisATC243750496:  which task bar do you mean?09:42
ATC243750496on the top of the window09:42
ATC243750496has max min close button09:42
Dr_Willisat the top of the SCREEN is the global menu. that holds all the apps  menus09:43
ObrienDavethat's the window bar09:43
Dr_Willisunless you are not using unity, and dont have a global menu. ;) then  the windows menus and decorations appear at the top of the window09:43
Dr_Willisdecorations in the title bar. menus in the apps window.09:44
ATC243750496sorry the window bar09:44
Dr_Williscant say ive eer seen the term window bar.09:44
Dr_Willisthe title bar of the window>?09:44
ATC243750496the one has max min close09:44
ATC243750496i dont know what it called09:44
Dr_WillisATC243750496:  and what desktop are you using?09:44
ObrienDaveyup. old windows terminology LOL09:44
mrafiqhow to install themes in ubuntu lte 13.0409:45
ATC243750496i am using fedora09:45
Dr_Willismrafiq:  for the nicesst gnome3 themes. i tend to get the ppa that has a lot of them from the webupd8  blog site.09:45
Dr_WillisATC243750496:  then why are you in #ubuntu >09:45
Dr_Willistheres #KDE and #FEDORA  (i think(09:46
Dr_Willismrafiq:  that site also details how to set up the themes. and has some that are very custizeable09:46
ATC243750496#fedora some people  said  dont know and #kde no one show interest on me09:46
ATC243750496#compiz has only 36 people09:46
ATC243750496#ubuntu has so many people and much more frienly09:47
Dr_WillisATC243750496: its not clear on what you are asking.. if you mean the title bar of the window that has the TITLE  and the Min.Max.close button.. then.. well I dont know whats scrolling you mean..09:47
mrafiqok tell me the url of that web09:47
Dr_Willismrafiq:  type in 'webupd8'09:47
ATC243750496i mean title bar09:48
mrafiqwherein browser09:48
Dr_Willismrafiq:  the name of the web site is 'webupd8'09:49
ATC243750496and turn over the mouse wheel up and down the window itself will  fold and back09:49
Dr_WillisATC243750496:  you mean the windows  rolls up into the title bar?>09:50
ATC243750496only working on title bar09:50
Dr_Willisthats the windows blinds feature...09:50
Dr_Willisbeen around in Linux/X for decades09:50
ObrienDaveit's supposed to do that09:50
ATC243750496but disable compiz it will not working09:51
Dr_Williswindows roll up like a..... 'windows blind' in the cartoons. :) ziiiip.. flap flap flap...09:51
Dr_WillisATC243750496:  err.. last i looked KDE dosent use compiz..09:51
ATC243750496i installed compiz09:51
Dr_Willisjust because you installed compiz.. dosent mean kde is USEING compiz09:52
francesco__load .xchat2/budus.so09:52
ATC243750496so without compiz everything working09:52
Dr_Williscompiz is a window manager  kde has its own window manager.09:52
francesco__ /load .xchat2/budus.so09:53
Dr_Willisfrancesco__:  remove the space ;)09:53
ATC243750496but why compiz made problem and without compiz the scrolling will be disabled09:54
ATC243750496so there must be some place to configure09:54
ATC243750496in compiz09:54
Dr_Willis!ccsm | ATC24375049609:54
ubottuATC243750496: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz09:54
ATC243750496i installed ccsm09:55
Dr_WillisATC243750496:  ive not seen you prove that compiz is running really...   KDE has a setting to enable/disable that effect last i looked09:55
Dr_WillisI dont even recall compiz haveing the effect.09:55
Dr_Willisgood luck.09:56
ATC243750496 KDE has a setting to enable/disable that effect last i looked09:56
MonkeyDustATC243750496  ctl-shift F12 disables compiz effets in KDE09:58
lotuspsychjetoo bad they removed wobbly windows09:58
ATC243750496i mean disable scrolling09:59
ATC243750496linux not has that function?09:59
skraitohey guys now you can have cool compiler for cheap http://www.codeblocks.org/ with assembly too10:02
skraitothey pay u 100k + for one header if  your good10:02
chrowhen I'm doing updates now through GUI, the network speed is not shown. Why?10:04
ikoniaskraito: please stop spamming channels with that. This channel deals with ubuntu issues10:04
skraitowho the fuck care10:05
skraitofucking 0x8110:05
lotuspsychje!language | skraito10:05
ubottuskraito: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:05
chroWhy do they removed the speed when downloading updates from GUI?10:06
lotuspsychjechro: on wich version are you?10:07
chrolotuspsychje, 13.1010:07
soham_Hi, can I ask a question? I have installed ubuntu 12.04 and realised that it really rocks, but made a very small partition for it. Now when I try to move the /home folder to empty partition it doesnt let me do that because of: no permissions . So I got the Idea to reinstall it with help of remastersys would it help? Is it going to let me setup, while installing the system, home somewhere else? thx10:07
chrobtw, my laptop build-in keyboard is also not working if I choose the latest kernel from the boot options10:07
lotuspsychje!home | soham_10:09
ubottusoham_: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving10:09
soham_ubottu: going to check it10:10
ubottusoham_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:10
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soham_since you have no reason to think it about me :-) -no problem10:10
mrafiqhow to get and install themes in ubuntu lte 13.0410:11
chrodo I have to register to ask something in ask.ubuntu ?10:11
lotuspsychje!themes | mrafiq10:11
ubottumrafiq: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:11
lotuspsychjechro: try and findout mate10:15
howefieldchro: no, you don't have to register.10:15
ubottumichel: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:16
chrothanks howefield10:16
lotuspsychje!it | michel10:16
ubottumichel: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:16
=== harshadura_ is now known as harshadura
soham_ubottu: seems to work, thnx10:24
ubottusoham_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:24
soham_ubbotu: seems to work, thnx10:25
ObrienDavethanks for that. needed a good laugh :))10:25
lotuspsychje!cookie | ubottu10:25
ubottulotuspsychje: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!10:25
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=== speed is now known as Guest33894
killerhey, I come from windows background,I was an Idm user (internet download manager) , It used to opt for download whenever any  any single audio or video was played , it used to prompt for an  download option for that audio and video. Any such thing in linux world10:31
chroanyone here uses netvibes ?10:32
Ben64killer: there are plugins like that for firefox10:32
killerBen64: any suggestion?\10:33
Ben64google should know, or #firefox10:34
ObrienDavethere is a plug-in for chrome called Keep It10:34
ObrienDavenot all sites support it though10:35
killer /QUIT10:37
BrixSatyou guys now a good ssh key manager and dristribution system?10:43
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Dr_Willisguess thats a no. ;)10:48
MonkeyDustDr_Willis  cynic ;)10:49
Marleneehow i can i protect .tar.gz file with password10:50
ActionPa1snipMarlenee: http://codeblogging.net/blogs/1/16/10:52
Dr_Willisencrypt the file into a differnt file perhaps10:52
ActionPa1sniptook 2 mins to find that URL......10:53
=== AndresSMz is now known as AndresSM
mrafiqonce i have installed genome but my system frequently hangs11:01
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Dr_Willisgenome? You mean 'Gnome' ?11:11
ObrienDaveyea, genome as in DNA ;))11:12
lasindiHi all, is it possible to set Ubuntu to use local time in the BIOS through the GUI (instead of doing it manually through /etc/default/rcS)? I know it used to be possible, but I can't find the setting anymore...11:15
Dr_Willishmm.. we seem to get a lot of bios time questions..11:15
Dr_Willisi THINK what was covered here last week. The bios normally is set to GMT/UTC - the OS takes that time and applies the proper timezone setting and DST adjustment11:16
Dr_WillisSo if  you set your timezone to GMT/UTC - it will use the bios clock as its set.11:17
Dr_WillisI think.....11:17
Dr_WillisNo idea why theres been 6+ people  worrying about bios time  the last few weeks. ;)11:17
erjsonIf I have set $JAVA_HOME to some value in ~/.profile a specific user (let's call him hello), isn't `su - hello -c "echo $JAVA_HOME"` supposed to print that value? If I skip the "-c ..." part and then run `echo $JAVA_HOME` it works. Why doesn't login work with the "-c" argument?11:17
bekkshwclock -systohc ...11:17
bekksNeither the timezone nor anything else mattters at that point.11:17
bekksAnd the BIOS is most likely set to the local time by default.11:18
lasindiI think the upgrade to 13.10 may have overridden my previous settings and led to the mismatch between my Windows partition and Ubuntu on the clock11:19
lasindiMaybe that's why so many of us are asking about it?11:19
Dr_WillisI set linux and windows to use the same timezone and dont recall having an issue.11:19
Dr_Willisi Have had windows adjust the clock for DST after linux allready did.. ages ago. :) so i kept gettng another hour off every time i booted11:20
lasindiWell in any case, it's surprising that the GUI control for handling this seems to have disappeared ... it was pretty useful.11:21
OerHeksDr_Willis, i had issues with time zones too, found no real solution11:21
BluesKajHey folks11:21
lasindiOerHeks, http://askubuntu.com/questions/169376/clock-time-is-off-by-4-hours11:22
rtpganyone here use ibus in 13.10? I'm having an issue where anthy doesn't want to capture my keyboard shortcuts11:23
ActionPa1sniprtpg: try CTRL+ALT+T11:23
ActionPa1sniprtpg: does that work?11:23
rtpgit opened a terminal, yeah11:23
ActionPa1sniprtpg: sounds fine then ;)11:23
jnhghyrtpg: what keyboard shortcut doesn't work?11:24
OerHekslasindi, i tried all solutions: UTC=yes UTC=no, it makes no sence at all.11:24
ActionPa1snipbekks: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/23800611:25
ActionPa1sniplasindi: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/23800611:25
rtpgIn anthy I configured switching japanese input on/off to ctrl+`, and when the language bar is set to "Japanese(Anthy)", the shortcut doesn't work11:25
jnhghyrtpg: now that sounds like the real question you wanted to ask ... sorry, I don't know how to help you with this but hoppfully some knows how ... :011:27
rtpgseems like it might be an ibus problem, found a question on askubuntu that seems to have the same problems as me11:30
jnhghyrtpg: can you share a link to that askubutnu?11:31
rtpgubuntu 13.10 completely breaks input method stuff it's frustrating, I thought I had a fix at one point but it stopped working11:33
Richhhi'd prefer to install lubuntu 13.10 fully encrypted on my freshly formatted HD, cpu is 3GHz Celeron, is that 'fast enough' (roughly what % of CPU will be used)? also how should I configure my partitions for this?11:35
bekksRichhh: On a Celeron, I wont use encryption.11:36
Dr_Willisi see so many people with issues with encryption when it breaks.. and they cant get to their stuff in here also.11:37
dv-i have a 1.2ghz celeron and it works just fine with encryption11:37
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Richhhmust i format my partitions with a particular filesystem?11:38
bekksRichhh: Of course.11:38
bekksRichhh: You have to use a linux filesystem.11:38
cfhowlettRichhh, no but ext4 is the recommended default11:39
Dr_Willisits definatly a good idea to read up on how the encryption will work11:39
pogiakohow do i get the length of an array in c?11:50
pogiakodoes anyone know here? ;)11:50
pogiakolike using if in a for loop11:50
cfhowlettpogiako, ask in #c this is ubuntu11:50
bekkspogiako: Ask a c language channel.11:50
dv-you don't. you need to keep the size in a seperate variable11:50
pogiakogot it thanks ;)11:51
HaliteI have a problem with my mouse cursor.11:59
HaliteIt isn't moving at the moment.11:59
MonkeyDustHalite  usb, wieless?11:59
HaliteHow can I quickly get it working again?11:59
HaliteLaptop mousepad11:59
jnhghyHalite: do you use that laptop with a mouse also (at anytime have you installed any touchpad disableing app?)12:00
HaliteNo I don't use a mouse too12:00
Haliteand I have not installed a touchpad disabling app12:01
jnhghyHalite: you can try to restart x but the opened apps will close ...12:01
HaliteWhy does Ubuntu do it?12:02
jnhghyHalite: very hard to get an answer to that question...12:02
HaliteI might never use Ubuntu again12:04
bekksHalite: You have to search the logs. That will reveal "why ubuntu did it".12:04
HaliteHow do I search logs?12:04
bekksHalite: It is your choice, entirely, no one in here actually forces you to use Ubuntu.12:04
jnhghyHalite: what version of ubutnu?12:04
ripthejackerhow do I change my shell to zsh?12:05
ripthejackerchsh -s is not working12:05
ripthejackerwhen I type /bin/zsh it changes to zsh but only temporarily12:05
jnhghyHalite: this seems similar, you can try it ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/262287/synaptic-touchpad-on-laptop-not-working12:05
HaliteI can't get to it without a mousepointer.12:06
HaliteI barely got to XChat.12:06
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jnhghyHalite:sudo modprobe -r psmouse12:07
jnhghysudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps12:07
bekksHalite: Then reboot to see if the problem persists.12:07
StrangeNoisesgeneral q: I'm considering getting a radeon 7750 or 7770 to run unity over 3-4 monitors. is the current state of play with radeon drivers such that that's going to be horribly painful? (not a gamer, just want unity to run well across 3+ monitors)12:08
StrangeNoises(i usually use nvidia but none of them apparently can do that)12:08
HaliteWorks ty12:08
jnhghyHalite: it will work only in this session, fallow the above link for extra info and a fix...12:09
Halitejnhghy, but my bug resets on a restart...12:09
Halitenot the first time it happened, not the first time it was fixed12:10
bekksHalite: So you knew already how to fix it?12:10
ripthejackerHI everyone , I just changed the hostname on my pc. and now I cannot set zsh as my default shell12:10
ripthejackerPlease help12:10
HaliteI say it fixes on its own12:10
jnhghyHalite: as I said ... if you fallow that link you will get an answer on how to fix it for good...12:10
bekksripthejacker: change the default shell for the user in /etc/passwd12:11
StrangeNoisesor use chsh12:11
HaliteI don't think I actually have the same problem12:11
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: I tried that it's not working12:11
ripthejackerbekks: what entry should I change12:11
jnhghyHalite: but you might have the same fix...12:11
=== Multiply is now known as multiply
StrangeNoisesin what way? what's the failure mode? (and why do you think it relates to hostname change as taht does seem odd)12:12
bekksripthejacker: The one for your user...12:12
HaliteCould not save the fix...12:13
HaliteIt says I don't have permissions12:13
HaliteP.S. I am the only user and this is a Home PC12:13
bekksHalite: Then you forgot sudo probably.12:14
HaliteI'm using gedit12:14
HaliteAnd options psmouse proto=imps in a configuration file12:14
StrangeNoisesgksu gedit12:14
ripthejackerbekks: It's set to zsh12:15
ripthejackerbut it's not opening12:15
StrangeNoiseswith the path?12:15
StrangeNoisesie: /bin/zsh? (assuming that's where it is)12:15
StrangeNoisesand is it in /etc/shells?12:15
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: yes12:15
ripthejackerI mean If I run /bin/zsh it works12:15
StrangeNoisesbecause it's not in /etc/shells by default12:15
HaliteGksu Gedit doesn't load12:15
StrangeNoisesno caps12:16
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: yes12:16
ripthejackerone sec12:16
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: aki:x:1000:1000:Akhil,,,:/home/aki:/bin/zsh12:16
StrangeNoisesgrep zsh /etc/shells12:16
ripthejacker/bin/zsh , /usr/bin/zsh12:17
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StrangeNoisesi presume it's not actually comma-separated on one line?12:17
ripthejackerlol no12:17
jhutchins_wkchsh zsh12:17
StrangeNoisesok, i'm empty :-)12:17
StrangeNoiseswhenever i failed to set a login shell it was that12:18
ripthejackerdid it say the problem started when I renamed my hostname in /etc/hostname12:18
StrangeNoiseshave you rebooted since?12:18
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: yes12:18
ripthejackerand also the hostname didn't change in /etc/hosts12:18
ripthejackerI had to edit it manually12:19
StrangeNoisesyeah changing hostnames is always a bit of a bitch, but i wouldn't have expected a problem specifically with this12:19
jhutchins_wkripthejacker: Correct.12:19
jhutchins_wkThere is no correlation between hostname and shell.12:19
StrangeNoisesunless there's something depending on it in your profile or zsh rc file (whatever it's called)12:20
StrangeNoises(equiv to .bashrc)12:20
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: I checked it , nothing wrong in it12:20
jnhghyHalite: I was away a few minutes, have you applied the fix on that page?12:21
ripthejackerStrangeNoises, jhutchins_wk: how do I make sure the hostname changed perfectly?12:21
StrangeNoisesripthejacker, is there an equiv to bash --login to run it as a login shell? to try to narrow down where it's failing?12:21
ActionPa1snipripthejacker: did you change the same hostname in /etc/hosts ?12:21
StrangeNoisesand what happens when you try it?12:21
ripthejackerActionPa1snip: yes12:21
ActionPa1snipripthejacker: if you changed /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts then reboot and it will appl12:21
ripthejackerActionPa1snip: yes I renamed both the files and then did a reboot12:22
auronandace!hostname | ripthejacker12:22
ubotturipthejacker: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.12:22
StrangeNoisesas root, find /etc -type f | xargs grep $HOSTNAME12:23
StrangeNoises(oh check $HOSTNAME is actually what you expect it to be)12:23
StrangeNoisesthen grep $OLDHOSTNAME whatever that is12:23
StrangeNoisesfor instance, are login issues occurring when actually on the box, or when you ssh in, or both? (ie:could it be ssh host keys?)12:24
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ripthejackerauronandace: I didn't keep the old hostname, I replaced it in place of new one. Is that the problem?12:25
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: No. bash is working perfect12:25
jhutchins_wkStrangeNoises: Obfuscated code award.12:25
jhutchins_wkStrangeNoises: grep -r $HOSTNAME /etc/*12:25
ripthejackerjhutchins_wk: you mean ripthejacker?12:26
StrangeNoisesjhutchins_wk, hehe, i never noticed grep -r; old habits innit12:26
jhutchins_wkAgain, hostname does not correlate with shell in any way.12:26
StrangeNoiseshow you first learn to do something12:26
StrangeNoisesor probably because the find method is more general for actions on what you find other than grep12:27
jhutchins_wkStrangeNoises: Just don't cat files to grep.12:27
reisiocat'ing files to grep is perfectly natural12:27
bekksAnd perfectly useless use of cat.12:28
StrangeNoiseslike find . -type f -name \*.mkv | xargs mediainfo | grep MPEG-2 sorta thing ;-D12:28
reisiobekks: nah12:28
reisioit's redundant, it's true12:28
bekksreisio: And thats why it is useless.12:28
reisiobut up arrow, | grep foo is frequently simpler than retyping an entire command12:28
ripthejackerjhutchins_wk: the old hostname is there in the /etc/hosts~ file and the ssh pub key file12:28
reisiobekks: nope ^12:28
StrangeNoiseswell, grep -r is a bit nicer in that it's in colour, but still, the generalised method of find | xargs <anything> is actually less to remember. grep -r is a special case12:29
StrangeNoisesfor find . -type f | xargs grep12:29
ripthejackerit's /etc/hosts~ and not /etc/hosts , i.e. the backup file, which shouldn't matter , right?12:29
reisiofor find I'd use -exec, but xargs grep is perfectly sensible as well12:30
reisiopipes make life easier for humans12:30
reisioavoiding unnecessary use of cat makes things easier FOR COMPUTERS12:30
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reisiowhich should not be the primary goal12:30
StrangeNoisesi just never memorized proper use of find -exec; know it's there but...12:31
reisioand why should you if using something you already know works12:31
reisiofind has a million params, many redundant to other core utilities12:32
reisiomore efficient, for a computer, to be sure12:32
rypervencheIf you're going to use xargs with it, be sure to use -print0 with find and -0 with xargs.12:32
ActionPa1snipi just use locate, lots easier12:32
reisiobut not necessarily for a human :)12:32
StrangeNoisesrypervenche, sure, if i expect the list of files to have spaces and stuff in it12:32
reisiolocate is grand, for enduring files12:32
StrangeNoiseswhich is the case for the media library but not generally for /etc12:32
ripthejackerStrangeNoises, ActionPa1snip, jhutchins_wk: I can run /bin/zsh from .bashrc?12:33
reisioit's just a question of quick human-run commands vs long used scripts12:33
StrangeNoisesand sometimes what you want to do is too complex so you end up with find <blah> | while read LINE; do...; done12:33
reisiothe former is usually going to be what people are using12:33
reisioripthejacker: you can run anything from .bashrc12:33
ActionPa1snipreisio: locate *.jpg     easys12:33
dzieglerHi i have a little problem with my SSH client. I open a ssh tunnel to forward a port, but if i unplug the network cable, my ssh client dont disconnect he tryies to hold the connection. Can i set a timeout on the client side that the client kills himself?12:33
StrangeNoisesripthejacker, probably but that would suck; solving this problem will be educational12:33
reisioActionPa1snip: for files you've had more than 24 hours, that haven't move, yes indeed :)12:34
moppyis xmodmap depreciated in ubuntu? what am i supposed to use instead? i need to rebind the caps lock and delete12:34
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: how to debug this Issue? I have no Idea what's failing12:34
ActionPa1snipreisio: sudo updatedb12:34
reisioActionPa1snip: takes longer than find12:34
reisiomoppy: setxkbmap ?12:35
ripthejackerNow I feel, it has nothing to do with the hostname12:35
reisioripthejacker: what is the issue12:35
ripthejackercannot open shell as zsh by default12:35
ripthejackereven though I have set it as the default, it falls back to bash12:36
reisioripthejacker: set how?12:36
ripthejackeralso it takes several seconds for the prompt to appear12:36
ripthejackerby chsh -s /bin/zsh12:36
bekksreisio: How do you know you are still on bash?12:36
reisioripthejacker: you log out & back in?12:36
moppyfound this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Howto%3A%20Custom%20keyboard%20layout%20definitions12:36
reisiobekks: help | head -112:36
reisioecho $SHELL12:37
ActionPa1snipreisio: the initial updatedb, maybe but the actual search is far quicker as it is a database12:37
bekksreisio: I'd use echo $SHELL instead.12:37
ripthejackerbekks: because it running the configurations in bashrc12:37
reisioI'd use whichever came to mind first12:37
ActionPa1snipreisio: rather than thrashing the storage every time12:37
reisioActionPa1snip: yup, which is why it's superior... for enduring files :)12:37
ripthejackerbekks: yes it's bash12:37
ripthejackerreisio: I tried rebooting12:38
ripthejackerStill i'll try login once again12:38
reisiono need12:38
ActionPa1snipreisio: depends how much the file system changes, updatedb is quite swift too :)12:38
=== Halite is now known as etilaH
reisiommm, I think it even uses find to make the db :p12:38
reisioso it can't actually be faster than ind12:38
ripthejackerreisio: not working12:39
ripthejackerit's working12:40
ripthejackerok zsh is working12:40
StrangeNoisesripthejacker, now you need to understand why . :-)12:40
ripthejackerthank you  guys12:40
StrangeNoiseshad you not *actually* rebooted before after the hostname change when you said you had? ;-)12:40
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: I have no idea, why.12:40
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: I rebooted twice. once after editing /etc/host and once after editing /etc/hostname12:41
ripthejackerbut it seems to have worked after loggin out12:41
ObrienDaveInsanity: doing things the same way and expecting a different result LOL12:42
StrangeNoiseswell, it happened this time12:42
StrangeNoisesit seems12:42
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: yeah I guess12:42
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ripthejackerthank you ActionPa1snip, StrangeNoises, reisio, bekks, jhutchins_wk12:43
StrangeNoisestradition says bad luck to change hostname on an installed system. not really superstitious bad luck but obviously can cause issues12:43
StrangeNoisesas it clings to its former identity12:44
tirengarfiohow to install java 32 bits on 13.10?12:44
ripthejackerStrangeNoises: I had the same hostname for 2 PCs, that's  why I decided to change one12:44
MonkeyDusttirengarfio  what have you tied so far?12:45
StrangeNoisestirengarfio, if it's a 64-bit system, the question has to be, why do you need to? and question what got you into that situation. :-)12:45
tirengarfioI checking this : http://askubuntu.com/questions/59950/can-i-run-a-java-32-bit-application-on-a-64bit-system but I can not find anything when I search "java 32" in the software center12:45
tirengarfioyes, it is a 64 bits system, but I have to run java 32 bits application12:46
StrangeNoisesthere's no such thing as a 32-bit or 64-bit java application unless it's doing jni crap12:46
StrangeNoisesin which case, ugh, ugh, run a mile12:46
xwalkI'm trying to format a hard drive to store backups and I'm running into a problem where the Disk Utility program is giving an error stating that there is a block device holding the hard drive I would like to format. 'df -h' does not bring up the device in question, 'lsof | grep /dev/sdc' is not yielding any results showing that /dev/sdc is an open file. Tests run on the hard drive indicate that it is in working order... plz halp.12:46
StrangeNoisesor install a 32-bit vm12:46
StrangeNoisesas in not a jvm, an eg: vmware vm12:46
StrangeNoises(it probably is possible to install a 32-bit java but it's going to hurt)12:47
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tirengarfioThe application says: This software needs official sun's 32 bits JRE to work correctly.12:47
kardanwhat can I do when my VG is not found by lvs and vgs or vgscan? mount shows it as fs type „LVM2_member“. How can I make it visible to lvm?12:47
reisioxwalk: which program?12:48
StrangeNoisessun? um, official java comes from oracle now, for a while now. so this is some ancient legacy piece of <bleep/> :-)12:48
bekkskardan: Pastebin vgdisplay -C please.12:48
xwalkreisio: I'm not sure what the binary name for it would be. It's the default disk utility application that comes stock with Ubuntu 12.04.12:49
StrangeNoisestirengarfio, i was about to suggest openjdk-7-jre:i38612:49
StrangeNoisesbut if it's got hard dependencies on sun 32-bit binary components you're in a world of hurt12:49
tirengarfiowhat is your opinion about the link I left?12:49
tirengarfiotwo people voted positively the first answer12:50
kardanbekks: https://paste.debian.net/63314/ - there is another partition with a VG that is not shown12:50
xwalkreisio: It's the application labeled simply as "Disk Utility" when it's searched for in the dash.12:50
StrangeNoisestirengarfio, well that answer probably applied once12:51
StrangeNoisesbut sun jdk is no longer in the ubuntu repos12:51
StrangeNoisesbecause oracle took it over and changed terms12:51
bekkskardan: Then pastebin pvdisplay please.12:51
StrangeNoisesso oracle java isn't in repos now either though you can get it from webup8 ppa12:51
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StrangeNoisesthe main problem is, no well-written java app should require this of you, ergo it's not well-written12:52
StrangeNoisesit's in fact written in such a way that destroys half the point of using java in the first place12:53
kardanbekks: great, it's shown in there but without a name. https://paste.debian.net/63315/12:53
tirengarfioyes, the application is ranktracker, it is to check the positions in google, I complaint about it to the creator or the app, since I paid for it12:53
StrangeNoisesan SEO tool?12:54
xwalkreisio: Sorry it took so long, but it's the program named palimpset.12:55
bekkstirengarfio: Did you actually try using the 64bit Oracle Java 1.7?12:55
xwalkEr, palimpsest.12:55
StrangeNoisesyeah it may just be worth just trying to run it12:56
bekksIf that doesnt work, next step is using the 64bot Oracle Java 1.6.12:56
StrangeNoisesif it's 100% java should work on 64-bit oracle or openjdk java12:56
StrangeNoisesthe openjdk versions are in ubuntu of course12:56
bekksStrangeNoises: It shoudl work on Oracle Java at least.12:56
tirengarfiowhat i run is this: sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer it seems it was installed correctly. Now If I run java -version I get this: java version "1.7.0_45" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)12:57
StrangeNoisessometimes with commercial software they just support the exact platform they've actually tested it on12:57
StrangeNoiseswhich gets out of date12:57
kardanbekks: thanks for your help so far! it seems, the PV is there but not VG is defined. however I already had it mounted and filled with data.12:57
tirengarfioand if I run update-alternatives I get this:12:57
bekkstirengarfio: Now you are running latest 64bit Oracle Java 1.712:57
StrangeNoisesso what happens when you try to run the app?12:58
bekkstirengarfio: Thats fine.12:58
kardanpvscan: https://paste.debian.net/63316/12:58
tirengarfioWhen I try to run the app it says: This software needs official sun's 32 bits JRE to work correctly.12:58
StrangeNoisesoh the twits12:58
bekkstirengarfio: Then you have to use a 32bit JRE. And you should get your money back for that crap.12:59
StrangeNoisesit's probably just reading the output of java -version and not seeing what it wants12:59
tirengarfiobekks, but how to use 32bit jre?12:59
StrangeNoisesbut it might be depending on 32-bit jni stuff, which is even more stupid12:59
bekkstirengarfio: Download the tarball from Oracle, unpack it to your home, set JAVA_PATH to the it, run your app.13:00
StrangeNoisestirengarfio, install a 32-bit system in a virtual machine, java in that; and then it'll still fail because *sun* don't make java any more because *sun* don't exist any more13:00
moppytirengarfio, can i suggest installing a 32bit ubuntu inside a virtual machine?13:00
StrangeNoisesmoppy, i just did :-P13:01
tirengarfioI want to try what bekks says, then I will try the vm13:01
bekkstirengarfio: The vm approach is much more reliable. :)13:02
StrangeNoisesbut i bet it won't work because i bet it's checking java -version for known values13:02
StrangeNoisesthis is a bad piece of software you have there13:02
StrangeNoisesbut it's SEO so the whole market segment is a ripoff anyway :-)13:02
moppytirengarfio, java decompilers are OK really.13:02
MonkeyDustwhat's SEO?13:03
StrangeNoisesSearch Engine Optimisation13:03
tirengarfioSEO: Search Engine Optimization13:03
StrangeNoisesor "we can get you on the top of google's search results"13:03
cfhowlett"for a price"13:03
StrangeNoiseswhich tends to be a lie, or when google catch onto however you're doing it, you end up at the *bottom*13:03
moppytirengarfio, might i sugges asking in the java dev channels. they're usually quite good at wrassling with older JVMs13:04
* StrangeNoises *is* a java dev13:04
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StrangeNoisesand my answer is: don't use software with hard dependencies on old specific-binary versions because you're destroying the whole damn *point* of using java13:04
StrangeNoisesand people who write java software like that don't deserve money13:05
bgardnerShades of J#...13:05
simion314hi all, i can't make my microphone(from the headphones) to work(I tried pavucontrol and alsamixer ) so I am thinking to buy maybe a USB set that will work 100% , so how can I find something that is compatible with linux? I need it for skype/hangouts (so no need for premium sound quality just decent quality)13:05
jonascjHi all. I cannot find the integrity check on the 12.04 desktop cd. Instead of the old memtest, integrity check, try Ubuntu menu it now gives me two choices : install og try.13:05
jonascjWhere has the integrity check gone to13:07
StrangeNoisesnow, there's been enough churn in this channel i'm going to try my question again, if it's still in my history...13:08
StrangeNoisesgeneral q: I'm considering getting a radeon 7750 or 7770 to run unity over 3-4 monitors. is the current state of play with radeon drivers such that that's going to be horribly painful? (not a gamer, just want unity to run well across 3+ monitors)13:08
jhutchins_wkStrangeNoises: 13.10 will be painful.13:09
StrangeNoiseshow much pain? of what sort? googling since suggests for my need opensource radeon driver may actually suffice. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver suggests not supported but bug it links to says fix released before saucy got released13:10
exaltwho what are the 3 most important staff memebers of ubuntu behind mark suttleworth ?13:11
cfhowlett!ot|exalt, nothing to do with ubuntu support13:11
ubottuexalt, nothing to do with ubuntu support: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:11
kardanseems I find it out myself by reading lvm docs. time there you pass ..13:12
AceKingI installed 13.10 64 bit on my PC. I wanted to install Wine, but couldn't find it in the software center. I found a website with a walkthrough. (http://www.itworld.com/software/371219/install-wine-171-ubuntu-1310-saucy-salamander) I don't know why they wanted me to install ppa:joe-yasi/yasi. When I update/upgrade in terminal, it said it changed libsdl-image1.2. Does anyone know if that PPA is safe?13:13
xevworkWhere can I follow the status of 14.04?13:13
crankharderwho's dopey idea was it to make the desktop iso 743mb.  wtf is in that extra 43mb that's so important13:14
kryptohi i have set this in  "www-data        hard    nofile          30000 " "www-data        soft    nofile          15000" limits.conf  but even after restart its showing 1024,how can i fix this13:14
cfhowlettcrankharder, doesn't matter who, it's the standard now.  If you actually want help, state the problem not your rants13:15
xevworkcrankharder: Most people image the ISO to a USB stick these days.13:16
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MonkeyDustxevwork  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule13:19
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info.13:19
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jasicglebihan: hey u coward13:20
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jasicclefebvre: are u there bro ?13:20
bgardnerAceKing: Did you try sudo apt-get install wine ?13:20
bgardnerAceKing: Before resorting to PPA, I mean13:20
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xevworkMonkeyDust, cfhowlett: Thanks! :)13:21
glebihanjasic, oh yeah, really smart and mature on your part... using a different channel to insult me and ask some more offtopic questions13:22
cfhowlettxevwork, hey, I'm waiting too!  A new LTS?  Been waiting 2 years!13:22
xevworkcfhowlett: The hardware enablement packs have been a nice improvement with 12.04, though.13:22
xevworkcfhowlett: However, PHP 5.3 is showing its age, for sure.13:23
cfhowlettxevwork, :)13:23
jasicglebihan: bro, I apolozize about the flood but, don't u think u needed to provide me notification ??? xD13:23
jasicclefebvre: are u there bro , I needed to talk with you !!!13:23
glebihanjasic, you escaped your ban, I didn't have to notify you of anything. And this has nothing to do with this channel anyway13:24
MonkeyDustjasic  sure you're in the right channel?13:24
jasicMonkeyDust: thanks dude13:24
xevworkMonkeyDust: Is there anything installable for 14.04 yet (ie. nightly images or a PXE installer), or do I have to wait for alpha 1?13:25
bekksxevwork: barely not.13:25
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1|xevwork, nothing yet. follow it in the #1 channel13:25
ubottuxevwork, nothing yet. follow it in the #1 channel: Trusty Tahr is the codename for Ubuntu 14.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+113:25
kardanwhat could be reasons, that the VG is not shown although it was created and used before?13:26
howefieldxevwork: new trusty daily build today13:26
ObrienDaveMonkeyDust there are daily-builds mainly for testing purposes13:26
MonkeyDustxevwork  i think 14.04 is still a pre-alpha, so no13:26
cfhowlettpre-alpa?  Me thinks not worth the heartache13:26
MonkeyDustObrienDave  kindly address xevwork :)13:27
ObrienDavesorry about that MonkeyDust13:27
gkkkHi. I need a suggestion for a Desktop twitter client. I tried gwibber and it didn't work beyond authorization.13:28
crash_cyI am running a Ubuntu server at my office that I would like to work on from my laptop at home.  Is there an easy way to do this?13:28
MonkeyDustcrash_cy  sounds like !vnc or !vpn question ... tip: there's also #ubuntu-server13:29
ObrienDavexevwork  there are daily-builds mainly for testing purposes http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/13:29
ObrienDavebetter? ;P13:30
xevworkThanks, everyone that was all the info I was looking for, plus some!13:30
xevworkThanks for pointing me to #ubunut+1, as well. I'll stop being offtopic in here now.13:31
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mdaubsI'm trying to install Saucy Server on a couple of HP Proliant MicroServers (AMD Turion II Neo). The installer freezes at the first prompt for language, can't switch to another virtual console or anything. Grub is perfectly fine. I tried starting w/o USBHID or ACPI support with no luck. What can I do to troubleshoot? Anyone to get dmesg output prior to freezing?13:35
gkkkI have tried gwibber and hotot.. I am unable to authorize them even though I follow all the steps. Suggest me a twitter client?13:35
Marleneei can not control midnight commander if i but it in screen13:36
jasicglebihan: what are you trying to prove with that13:36
jasicglebihan: thats ur personal matter what the heck is problem with the channel13:37
BugeyeDhi all. still running 12.10 ... what's the proper way to add static routes? net config docs in the server guide fail to show this.13:38
bekksBugeyeD: route add?13:40
BugeyeDbekks: config? i can add manually all day, that's not the issue. i want the machine configured at boot and at networking restart.13:40
wawrekHello, I want to clear my /boot directory and uninstall unused kernels. the command to do that (http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2011/01/08/ubuntu-cleanup-how-to-remove-all-unused-linux-kernel-headers-images-and-modules/) isn't in the official ubuntu docs. I wanted to know if it is safe to use it.13:40
wawrekit looks like this; dpkg -l 'linux-*' | sed '/^ii/!d;/'"$(uname -r | sed "s/\(.*\)-\([^0-9]\+\)/\1/")"'/d;s/^[^ ]* [^ ]* \([^ ]*\).*/\1/;/[0-9]/!d' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge13:42
dalton_Hi, I'm trying to prevent my resolvconf from using the search space from dhcp.  I succeeded in superseding the domain-name-servers, but what value do I need to supersede to prevent resolv.conf using the dhcp's search space?  I tried "supersede domain-search" and that did not work.  Thanks?13:43
StrangeNoiseswawrek: seems a bit overcomplex. i have a way that's not quite so regexp-insane13:43
leadeRw FloodBot113:44
wawrekStrangeNoises: what is your way? using synaptic?13:45
StrangeNoisesno hang on, i'm just assembling it13:46
StrangeNoiseswawrek: assuming you're all on kernel versions 3+, "aptitude search linux-image-3 | grep -^i | grep -v $(uname -r) | awk '{print $2};'"13:48
StrangeNoisesdo that first to get the list and check for sanity13:48
wawrekthanks , it looks good13:49
StrangeNoisesthen add " | xargs sudo aptitude remove" on the end13:49
StrangeNoiseschecking against linux-image-3 is just so it doesn't uninstall linux-image-generic :-)13:50
StrangeNoisesbut actually you could start with aptitude search linux-image-[0-9] (found that out just now, trying it)13:51
ricsHello people13:51
StrangeNoisesin case you're straddling linux 2 and 313:51
tirengarfiohi again, I have found a clear way to install oracle jre 32 bits here: http://askubuntu.com/a/56119/44179 but now when I run "java -version" it says: bash: /usr/bin/java: No such file or directory13:51
ricsHow can I show the main menu of an application? I've installed xchat-gnome but the main menu is hidden13:52
StrangeNoisestypo btw, so, amended:13:52
StrangeNoiseswawrek: assuming you're all on kernel versions 3+, "aptitude search linux-image-[0-9] | grep '^i' | grep -v $(uname -r) | awk '{print $2}; | xargs sudo aptitude remove'"13:52
wawrekStrangeNoises: thanks for your help.13:52
StrangeNoisesargh, more typos13:53
StrangeNoises"aptitude search linux-image-[0-9] | grep '^i' | grep -v $(uname -r) | awk '{print $2};' | xargs sudo aptitude remove"13:53
bgardnertirengarfio: Your link is broken - not sure if 'sudo update-alternatives --config java' will work in this case, but you should start there.  Failing that, you'll need to fix that symlink yourself.13:54
wawrekStrangeNoises: this is way simpler compared to the previous commnand13:55
nightdemon666i have a question about ssh on live images. ive tried installing and running openssh-server on both crunch bang (which runs debian instead of ubutnu now) and ubuntu 12.04. im running these live "CD" images on a flash drive installed via unetbootin. every time i install openssh-server, and enable/open port 22 in firewall via ufw, I try to start the ssh service (usually 'sudo service start ssh') it out puts unrecognised service!13:55
StrangeNoiseswawrek: i'm allergic to insane regex. there's a little bit in mine, but within sane boundaries, i felt :-)13:55
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MonkeyDustnightdemon666  have you tied ith ufw disabled? for testing purposes?13:56
StrangeNoises([0-9] and ^ are regex, but that's all)13:56
tirengarfiobgardner, I have run sudo upda.. The symlink in /usr/bin/java is: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 sep 23 21:13 java -> /etc/alternatives/java13:57
bgardnertirengarfio: file /etc/alternatives/java13:57
tirengarfiosorry, what do you mean?13:57
bgardnertirengarfio: Do 'file /etc/alternatives/java'13:58
bgardnertirengarfio: That's *also* a symlink13:58
tirengarfio/etc/alternatives/java: symbolic link to `/usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/bin/java'13:58
nightdemon666@ monkeyDust, i cant confirm or deny that. I'm pretty sure I have likely tried to ssh into the computer having forgot to open the port via ufw or even enabing it at first. infact, im thinking very sure now because i know that all ports are closed by default in live image13:59
bgardnertirengarfio: And that is not correct, right?13:59
nightdemon666i nmapped my network yesterday to that ip address and saw that "all 1000 ports are closed"13:59
pukari wan 2 apt-get package & save to disk14:00
tirengarfioI dont know :S, the java I want to run is that /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/bin/java and it is there14:00
pukarso i can install the package on a nother ubuntu...14:01
MonkeyDustpukar  apt-get download14:01
nightdemon666pukar, fyi, if the package requires dependancies, you'll have to save those too... i would think it would be best to just wget the necessary packages and compile them to which ever computer you are loading installign them on14:01
MonkeyDustpukar  tip: use    man apt-get14:01
tirengarfiobut when I run /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/bin/java -version it says: bash: /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/bin/java: No such file or directory14:02
tirengarfioand that path exists14:02
nightdemon666you will need to get the .tar.gz or what ever of the source code of those packages14:02
pukarty MonkeyDust14:02
bgardnertirengarfio: So 'java -version' throws an error?  Does '/usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/bin/java -version' work?14:02
pukarty nightdemon66614:02
bgardnertirengarfio: is it executable?14:03
tirengarfioyes it is14:03
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tirengarfio-rwxr-xr-x 1 tirengarfio tirengarfio   5714 oct  8 14:58 java14:03
dw-Can I disable the Recovery Mode root prompt or put a password on it?  It seems pointless to encrypt my home folder if a hacker/thief can just access the root prompt, change the user password and login.14:03
tirengarfioat /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0/bin14:03
bgardnerIs it a symlink or a real file?14:03
bgardnertirengarfio: ^14:03
tirengarfioit is a real file14:04
nightdemon666so anyway, i have nmapped my network at that address again, and because ufw is running, it shows port 22 closed for ssh, but i know i typed sudo ufw allow 22! and when i do a ufw status command, i see that the port is open :-/14:04
karthikhello i'm using ubuntu 12.04 and im facing the installation or removal of any packeage failed error . Whats the solution please ?14:04
somsiptirengarfio: is it just fantasy...14:04
bgardnertirengarfio: *slap forehead* That's a 32-bit java, right?14:04
tirengarfioyes, that is 32-bit java14:04
nightdemon666karthik, have you done a sudo apt-get --purge 'package name' ???14:04
bgardnertirengarfio: You need to check that you have supporting 32-bit binaries for your 64-bit OS.14:05
nightdemon666@ karthik, then reinstall???14:05
karthikreinstall is the only option ?14:05
tirengarfiobgardner, how to check that?14:05
bgardnertirengarfio: Looking it up, one moment14:05
dw-How can I (re)enable a second password on login for my encrypted home directory?14:06
nightdemon666well, depends on what you are trying to do, uninstall or install. you should be able to sudo apt-get --purge package name to remove a package, and if reinstalling that package i'd recomment doing that --purge first, but upon installing a package you should be able to install any as long as you have sudo apt-get updated first14:06
bgardnertirengarfio: Which Ubuntu version are you on?14:08
tirengarfiobgardner, 13.10 64bits14:11
bjrohanWhen I do a apt-get update I receive this error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6341463/  what prompts this question is  that it is binary packages, suggestions14:11
karthikinstallArchives() failed: perl: warning: Setting locale failed.14:11
karthikperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:14:11
karthikLANGUAGE = (unset),14:11
karthikLC_ALL = (unset),14:11
karthikLANG = "en_IN.ISO8859-1"14:11
karthik    are supported and installed on your system.14:11
karthikperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").14:11
karthiklocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory14:11
karthiklocale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory14:11
karthiklocale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory14:11
karthikperl: warning: Setting locale failed.14:11
karthikperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:14:11
karthikLANGUAGE = (unset),14:11
karthikLC_ALL = (unset),14:11
karthikLANG = "en_IN.ISO8859-1"14:11
karthik    are supported and installed on your system.14:12
karthikperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").14:12
karthiklocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory14:12
karthiklocale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory14:12
karthiklocale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory14:12
karthikperl: warning: Setting locale failed.14:12
karthikperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:14:12
ihrenice paste14:12
karthikLANGUAGE = (unset),14:12
karthikLC_ALL = (unset),14:12
Picikarthik: please use a pastebin14:13
ObrienDavebjrohan it probably means that PPA does not have any files for saucy yet. try changing the distro to raring14:13
bjrohanokay, thanks :-).14:13
new0hey everyone, i have fresh installation of ubuntu and i want to install the packeges of php mysql. how to?14:14
bgardner!info ia32-libs-multiarch raring | tirengarfio14:14
ubottutirengarfio: ia32-libs-multiarch (source: ia32-libs): Multi-arch versions of former ia32-libraries. In component universe, is extra. Version 20090808ubuntu36 (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 39 kB (Only available for amd64; ia64; i386)14:14
bgardner!info ia32-libs-multiarch saucy | tirengarfio14:14
ubottutirengarfio: Package ia32-libs-multiarch does not exist in saucy14:14
bjrohanI am having issues with sound, video, when plugged into my TV via HDMI then unplugging, I was hoping updates would fix this14:14
bgardnertirengarfio: And now I'm stumped.14:14
tirengarfiothanks for the research but I dont understand.. any conclusion?14:15
tirengarfiowhat should I do?14:15
ObrienDavebjrohan sorry, I can't help you with HDMI issues. don't have one *sigh*14:15
bgardnertirengarfio: I'm still checking, give me just a minute.14:16
BluesKajbjrohan. are you plugging hdmi in to your machine before booting it ?14:16
charpandnldoes someone have a good tutorial for Samba4 on ubuntu 13.10? all I can seem to find is 12.04 related :(14:17
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bjrohanBluesKaj: No. However after unplugging it from the TV, after reboot still not working14:17
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bgardnertirengarfio: Well, this is not my area of expertise, but my own experience has been that you need the package ia32-libs-multiarch in order to support 32-bit binaries on 64-bit Ubuntu.  However, your release (13.10) doesn't have show that package as an option for you.14:22
BluesKajbjrohan. check your sound settings output devices14:22
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bjrohanBluesKaj: In my pulseaudio control it says both are use built-in backend is VLC (vs gstream)14:23
tirengarfiobgardner, so it is not possible14:23
new0hey everyone, i have fresh installation of ubuntu and i want to install the packeges of php mysql. how to?14:23
tirengarfioor it doesn't seem14:24
bgardnertirengarfio: Dunno.  Trying to find out what happened to it, but I haven't found the answer yet.14:24
tirengarfiook thanks!14:24
bean__new0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP if you're really new at this.14:24
ObrienDavenew0 try using the Software Center?14:25
BluesKajbjrohan.  not pulseaudio , your ubuntu sound settings , they could need resetting14:25
Psil0Cybinhey guys how often do i need to clean my logs? if everything is fine on my machine14:25
new0bean__, not that new, but i am just reading it. anyway not sure if to use packages or lamp. ObrienDave what do i look for?14:26
StrangeNoisesPsil0Cybin, never; logrotate should deal with it automatically14:26
Psil0Cybinoh really14:26
Psil0Cybinthats amazing !!! okay14:26
nightdemon666new0, i suggest installing synaptic 'sudo apt-get install synaptic' and run the synaptic package manager from dash. type php and mysql in the search field.14:26
Psil0CybinStrangeNoises: and it discards logs from llike years ago?14:26
bean__new0: you'd look for php5 and php5-mysql and mysql-server14:26
Psil0Cybinor does it keep everything?14:26
StrangeNoiseswon't be as long as years14:27
Psil0Cybinokay as long as it discards it eventually14:27
Psil0Cybinthats fine with me14:27
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samgabbayHello World Of Ubuntu! Hello Ubuntunians and Canocalians14:27
ObrienDavenew0 ummm, MySQL would be my guess14:27
StrangeNoisesthat said i'm not 100% sure it's installed by default14:27
StrangeNoisesi think so though. if not, just install it14:28
StrangeNoisesit self-configures14:28
Psil0Cybinoh okay so what is the package14:28
new0bean, what about apache? ObrienDave what do u mean? nightdemon666 tnx14:29
Psil0CybinStrangeNoises: looks like I am in the clear! logrotate is already the newest version.14:29
Psil0Cybin0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:29
StrangeNoiseslook in /var/log14:29
nightdemon666sudo apt-get install apache214:29
StrangeNoisesshould already see logs being rotated14:29
StrangeNoisesold ones ending in <n>.gz14:30
Psil0Cybinwell i do but i see them turn into .2.gz or what ever, so does that mean after a certain number it just gets discarded?14:30
Psil0Cybinyea so if i want to read them i gzip -d them14:30
Psil0Cybinbut do those gzips eventually get discarded?14:30
StrangeNoiseset al14:30
Psil0Cybinawesome :D thanks StrangeNoises you are a big help14:30
StrangeNoisesthey're in order of most recent, so .1 will be the most recent that's not current14:30
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xgeek-cubI just installed windows 7 over ubuntu with grub 2 and my ubuntu is gone; how could I get it UP; get grub back in place to support Win7 and ubuntu14:32
samgabbayDoes Anyone KNow if annonymous Os is secure or has a backdoor14:32
new0bean, tnx it's working14:32
new0bean, ObrienDave, nightdemon666, not how would i configure that apache to have multiple host domains?14:33
ObrienDaveno clue14:33
samgabbayDoes Anyone Know If annonymous OS is secure or has a NSA Backdoor14:34
nightdemon666ah, new0, you need to look that up online. there are tuts for running apache2 all over the interwebz14:34
nightdemon666i run apache2 server, but i dont run multiple domains14:34
new0nightdemon666, ok tnx14:34
ObrienDavesamgabbay all OSes have back doors, don't ya know14:35
MonkeyDustNSA, the new paranoia14:35
DJonessamgabbay: Probably best looking at their own website and finding their support channel, its not supported here as its not an official variant of Ubuntu14:35
nightdemon666new0, by host domains, you are saying having more than one index.html???14:35
samgabbayObrienDave: Kinda But im thinking if this one has a NSA Backdoor. I have to install it but im not sure if its secure or not14:35
samgabbayThey dont got one thats why im asking here14:36
samgabbayMonkeyDust: No Nsa Is National Security Agency <<<14:36
ObrienDave*face palms and walks away*14:36
DJonessamgabbay: I'm afraid its not something we can help you with, we don't know what changes they've made14:36
new0nightdemon666, :) no. i mean localhost/index.html --old way (for me) myhost.local (good way for me) myhost2.local, etc...14:36
samgabbayDJones: well thanks I guess il go forward with risking whatever there is to risk14:37
DJonessamgabbay: YOu could maybe ask in ##linux there may be somebody there that can point you in the right direction14:37
samgabbayLemme check14:37
nightdemon666new0, couldnt you just run localhost on differnt ports? localhost/index.html:PORT14:39
nightdemon666i suppose you could have multiple localhost addresses too...., and so on?14:39
new0nightdemon666, this thing i not even new to it. it's unknown for me. dunno much about post beside they are like roads14:39
new0nightdemon666, nope. i mean there is a way with apache (host file too) to build another domain which require reboot apache14:40
samgabbayDJones: there chat sounds gibberish to me14:41
HelloWorld321E: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 214:41
HelloWorld321how do I apt-get update medibuntu?14:41
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: medibuntu is dead and gone14:41
nightdemon666im not sure if you can run multiple instances of apache2 on different ports... but you could man apache2. also, you can look into virtualization. that would be a sure way to run multiple apache2 server instances.14:42
BluesKajHelloWorld321. medibuntu is no more , try the vlc site for libdvdcss214:42
ActionParsnipyou would run one instance of apache and host multiple sites14:42
MonkeyDustHelloWorld321  you don't: http://www.medibuntu.org/14:42
nightdemon666oh, i see.. sorry slow typing. perhaps i dont fully understand you question... im not sure why you wanna run i tthat way :-/14:42
karthikhttp://pastebin.com/3EkcfbDD  please help with this14:44
nightdemon666all ic an say is man apache2, and definitely google search for "run apache2 with multiple host domains" that ought to get you what you want after much reading.14:44
BluesKajHelloWorld321. http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.html14:46
DhnzHey is anyone online?14:47
MonkeyDustDhnz  simply ask your question and wait14:47
DhnzI did a dist-upgrade this avo. I now have apt tied up on " mjpegtools : Depends: liblavfile-2.1-0 but it is not going to be installed               Depends: liblavjpeg-2.1-0 but it is not going to be installed               Depends: liblavplay-2.1-0 but it is not going to be installed               Depends: libmpeg2encpp-2.1-0 but it is not going to be installed               Depends: libmplex2-2.1-0 but it is not going to be installed14:48
MonkeyDustDhnz  try apt-get -f install14:50
nightdemon666Dhnz, looks liek you need to add a repo, or that package ios no longer supported for that version of ubutnu14:50
DhnzI cant remove it either. which makes for more of an issue.14:51
nightdemon666D***! I cant type for sh** this morning :-/14:51
DhnzI've tried "apt-get -f install" I have tried to --force-overwrite with spkg14:52
nightdemon666why cant you, Dhnz? you should be able to do a sudo apt-get --purge 'package name'14:52
nightdemon666Dhnz, it means you have a broken package somewhere. happened to me too on crunchbang install google chrome web browser14:53
samgabbayI Hate how ubuntu 13.10 is so slow on my pc any suggestions?14:53
k1lsamgabbay: which ubuntu is that exactly? and which ahrdware do you have?14:55
k1lsamgabbay: what is slow?14:55
compdocsamgabbay, seems to run the same speed as older versions. What cpu you use? what vid card?14:55
samgabbay13.10 and its an HP G62 CA M14:55
samgabbayCA *14:55
sabrionAnyone with experience using compiz on xubuntu 13.10. I'm having an issue getting ccsm to save setting and with compiz to load properly (i.e. it doesn't load the window decorations and similarly causes other issues, I think these two core issues are related)14:55
k1lsamgabbay: you could try to use another more lightweight desktop like lubuntu-desktop14:57
kardanwhat could be the reason for /etc/init.d/lmv script to be removed whily lvm2 is installed?14:57
samgabbayk1l: whats better? lubuntu or xubuntu?14:57
DhnzIt wants " mjpegtools-gtk" to be installed. That is holding up any apt-get14:57
k1lsamgabbay: there is no "better". its only a "what is better for you".  i would suggest to try both and see what is the best in your case14:59
dt1i am getting this error while trying to install vlc on 12.10 : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6341688/15:00
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karthikUnable to install or update or remove any packages ion UBUNTU 12.04 . The error is http://pastebin.com/3EkcfbDD Please lemme know how do i set it alright . I dont want to reinstall since there are lots of apps that i have downloaded and i dont prefer to redownload all of it again. Please help me15:00
samgabbayk1l: thankss15:01
sabrionAnyone with experience using compiz on xubuntu 13.10. I'm having an issue getting ccsm to save setting and with compiz to load properly (i.e. it doesn't load the window decorations and similarly causes other issues, I think these two core issues are related)15:02
CzupaIs it still possible in 13.10 to whitelist app in tray?15:03
mjaykkarthik: How are you trying to update / install stuff ?15:03
karthiki tried for the update manager , apt-get upgrade , adn even synaptic .. nothing helped15:03
mjaykkarthik: have you tried dpkg --configure -a15:05
serbanhi, im currently using netstat -ntp to show my connections; the problems is, i do want to see the port in numbered form, but would like to see the host in the original way netstat works(without the -n): with the reverse; basically i want reversedip(if available):numericport proc15:06
mjaykkarthik: that type of error can happen when you get a power cut or an update gets stopped haflway through15:06
karthikno power failiure occurred durong my last update ... i dont eve remember when it was . i tried dpkg --configue too15:09
mjaykkarthik: with the -a  flag15:09
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karthikyeah it gave me following error Setting up install-info (4.13a.dfsg.1-8ubuntu2) ... /etc/environment: line 1: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory dpkg: error processing install-info (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1=Errors were encountered while processing:install-info15:10
mjaykkarthik:  I found this for you; read the response to Answer 115:10
mjaykkarthik: http://askubuntu.com/questions/353758/package-operation-failedthe-installation-or-removal-of-software-package-failed15:10
new0bean, ObrienDave, nightdemon666, where can i find my apache location on my drive?15:11
MoccodoHello, I tried to customize Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 32-bit with UCK on Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit. However, when I want to customize it using the terminal (when uck gives me the possibility to either run a package manager, a console application or continue building), I cannot type anything in the upcoming "UCK customization console" in gnome-style. There is no 'root@localhost' or something, just the top bar with "File Edit View" etc and then, where the shell sho15:16
Moccodould appear, there is nothing. It worked with Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit (normal). What can I do to fix this? What I want to get is a custom ubuntu live cd with a windows 7 theme (not for me, I prefer others) and thunderbird preinstalled (instead of evolution or so).15:16
luckybunnyhi guys. I'm having an issue with updates15:17
luckybunnyI can't update my oss base to the new version, because.... it conflicts with the version already installed15:17
* luckybunny would have expected that conflict to be one of the fundamentals of the term 'update'15:18
luckybunnybut apparently it's what's getting in the way15:18
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MoccodoOh, it seems that there is no font displayed. When I type "yes" the scrollbar goes down.15:20
=== Dan is now known as Essence
MoccodoIt's a color problem. The system defaults seem to be black on black ^-^'15:21
Ayantea la hora de distribuir una instalacion con la home separada, cuanto espacio le dejo al sistema y cuanto a la home_15:26
Ayantea la hora de distribuir una instalacion con la home separada, cuanto espacio le dejo al sistema y cuanto a la home?15:26
DJones!br | Ayante15:26
ubottuAyante: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:26
DJones!es | Ayante15:27
ubottuAyante: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:27
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Ayantewhen i make ubuntu partitons with separated home, how many space must i give to home and how many to system?15:28
DJonesAyante: I normally give 30Gb to "/", 4Gb to Swap (to match my memory) and the remainder to /home15:29
Ayante30 to /?15:29
DJonesAyante: Yes15:29
Ayanteis this not to much?15:30
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DJonesAyante: You can probably get away with a lot less, maybe 10-15Gb, but it will always depend on what you plan on installing (I have things like steam installed so that takes up quite a bit of space with games)15:31
=== z0mbieh00k is now known as h00k
jubaleHaving an issue with sudo. Paint.NET requires admin privileges to install via wine, however, I get "wine: /home/<user>/.wine is not owned by you" when I run with sudo.15:32
DJonesAyante: The minimum requirements are listed here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements15:32
Ayanteare not the games installed in home?15:32
karthiknable to install or update or remove any packages ion UBUNTU 12.04 . The error is http://pastebin.com/3EkcfbDD Please lemme know how do i set it alright . I dont want to reinstall since there are lots of apps that i have downloaded and i dont prefer to redownload all of it again. Please help me .i tried for the update manager , apt-get upgrade , adn even synaptic .. nothing helped . dpkg --configure -a gave me " Setting up install-info (4.13a.dfsg.1-8ubuntu215:33
karthik) ... /etc/environment: line 1: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory dpkg: error processing install-info (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1=Errors were encountered while processing:install-info"  PLEASE HELP15:33
DJonesAyante: I'm not sure, I  have plenty of free space so thats just what I use15:33
ihreYes, steam installs in your homedir15:33
ihreby default15:33
DJonesihre: Probably going a bit offtopic, I only have a single user system, but does that mean that if you had a multi user system with a couple of steam users, the same game would have to be downloaded each time for each user into their own /home?15:35
ActionParsnipkarthik: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue15:36
ActionParsnipkarthik: also run:  df -i; df -h     make sure you have spare inodes and space15:37
jdrsDJones, I believe so, yes. Because the games are download to they ~/.local/share/Steam/ folder. I could be wrong. Better ask in #ubuntu-steam.15:38
karthikUbuntu 12.04.3 LTS \n \l is the out put for /Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS \n \letc/Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS \n \lUbuntu 12.04.3 LTS \n \lissue15:38
m3kkhi im sorry i have asked this before but: Would a AMD processor E450 Dualcore with radeon 6320 be suffiant for runniong Ubuntu 13.10 at FULL speed? Or should i seek unto xfce+ubuntu/xubuntu instead?15:39
ihreDJones: Reading the following link, its like jdrs says: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/5015:39
DJonesihre: jdrs: Interesting, thanks15:39
shivamibj #bash15:40
HelloWorld321I just got a great idea for a feature request ... when apt-get hits an error, any error, it queries the repositories with the error code and the package, and gets back a helpful message or script.  Like when medibuntu shuts down, contributors can add to the repository a script that replaces the medibuntu repository with the videolan or libdvdcss; or maybe a specific message saying: replace medibuntu.15:40
ActionParsnipkarthik: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145027715:40
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: I suggest you report a bug15:40
HelloWorld321That's what I have in mind.  Looking up the location for that15:41
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:42
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: launchpad15:42
ActionParsnipHelloWorld321: you can start the process with:  ubuntu-bug apt-get15:42
profligacyHow is everyone doing today?15:46
karthikvery good15:47
profligacykarthik: You must be Indian.15:47
profligacyWhich is the most stable releas of Ubuntu?15:48
adamkm3kk: That hardware should be fine. If it doesn't feel fast enough for you, you can always later install xfce.15:48
profligacyWhich is the most stable release* of Ubuntu?15:48
profligacyHow do I get rid of the Unity bar?15:48
hornypsychoguys i need to fix permissions for xfce4-power-manager15:49
hornypsychohow do i do that?15:49
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jhutchins_wkprofligacy: Ubuntu releases are either released or not released, there is no stable vs other-than-stable distinction.15:51
jhutchins_wkprofligacy: 13.10 is the most recent release.15:51
jaltHi. Why doesn't nc.traditional honor the -q switch? The server always terminates after a single connection completes. Ex. Server side: nc.traditional -l -p 7777 -q -1 -v -v -e /usr/bin/aplay15:51
jaltClient side: nc.traditional -v -v localhost 7777 < test.wav15:51
Luyinhornypsycho: chmod15:51
lnxslckjhutchins_wk, actually you can run beta versions of ubuntu15:51
profligacySurely, there most be a "most stable version," no?15:51
StrangeNoisesthe latest LTS version then15:51
StrangeNoiseswhich i believe will be supported until 201715:52
jhutchins_wkStrangeNoises: Isn't 13.04 lts?15:52
angus_i want to give you something to read and you should do it15:52
silv3r_m00nhi there, i did a apt-get purge apache2 and the entire www directory with all my project files has vanished, how to get it back ?15:52
k1l!notunity | profligacy15:52
ubottuprofligacy: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.15:52
=== Dan is now known as Essence
jhutchins_wklnxslck: Yes, but technically the beta versions have not been "released".15:52
jaltangus_ that whole article is FUD by the way15:52
k1ljhutchins_wk: no. LTS is only every 2 years15:52
h00kangus_: that is probably more appropriate for the offtopic channel15:52
angus_oh sorry h00k15:52
lnxslckjhutchins_wk, do beta versions ever get official released?15:52
angus_and thx15:53
hornypsychoLuyin: more details please. i'm new15:53
StrangeNoiseslnxslck: think about that question a moment :-P15:53
h00kangus_: no problem15:53
profligacykarthik: Thanks.15:53
jhutchins_wklnxslck: I think they become official releases at some point, possibly passing through an RC stage.15:53
profligacyk1l: Thanks*15:53
StrangeNoisesat which point of course they're no longer beta15:53
m3kkadamk, do you recommend xubuntu or xfce install over ubuntu?15:53
jaltxubuntu-desktop will include more than simply xfce415:54
m3kkjalt, in a negative way?15:54
Ayantehi, i am making a installalation ,i have first a windows partition  and in the end a swap, i must make home and root, how must i put theys?15:54
jhutchins_wkm3kk: The base system is the same, it's simply which desktop environment you have, and you can have more than one.15:54
jaltif you want abiword et al, go with xubuntu. if you want a barebones xfce4, install that and maybe xfce4-goodies15:54
k1lm3kk: xubuntu package brings some more standard programs etc with. xfce package only ships the window manager15:54
jhutchins_wkAyante: You can just make one partition.15:55
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ShinobiI just realized there is an administrator account in ubuntu. What is this used for since I'm on the sudo list already?15:55
jalti can't remember if xfce4 even includes gdm/lightdm in the dependencies15:55
Luyinhornypsycho: you might want to read some information on "chmod", either man-pages or wikis. and you need to know what permissions you actually need15:55
m3kkjhutchins_wk, thanks15:55
Ayanteshould go root next to windows?? or is better put home  and root in the end before swap?15:56
reisioAyante: pardon?15:56
StrangeNoiseswho makes that many partitions these days?15:56
MonkeyDustAyante  makes no difference, really15:56
StrangeNoisesAyante: if you have to ask, you're better off just letting the installer do its default thing :-)15:57
k1lAyante: that doesnt make any difference nowadays15:57
jaltAyante, makes no real difference15:57
Luyinhornypsycho: basically, chmod [a (all)/ u (owner)/ g (group)/ o (other)] +/-/= (adds, removes, sets) [the right to r(ead) w(rite) x (execute)] file15:57
Ayanteok thanks15:57
StrangeNoisesit's only old-skool unix beardies make tons of partitions15:57
StrangeNoisesyou don't even (really) need separate partitions for /boot and swap these days15:57
jaltsometimes separate partitions can be useful15:57
StrangeNoisesjalt: *sometimes*15:57
m3kkI think my hardware should be enough but i cant enable restricte drivers = bad performance under unity.. :( it crashed software-properties-gtk under xubuntu 13.10 and ubuntu 13.10. Someone help? using E450 processor with radeon 632015:57
k1lAyante: i can recommend to seperate / and /home into 2 partitions.15:57
Luyinhornypsycho: for example, chmod a+x ~/foo makes the foo file in your home executable15:57
gimmicStrangeNoises, have you seen fedora recently?15:58
Ayanteyes Kill i am making this15:58
StrangeNoisesgimmic: isn't that linux for old-skool unix beardies ;-)15:58
jmgkAyante:  Your are my best freind15:59
LuyinStrangeNoises: no, ubuntu is linux for newcomers and lazy guys who don't want to know anything about their computers ;)15:59
jmgkAre we still up for that meeting?15:59
StrangeNoisesLuyin: well, i came after years of using suse, then gentoo, because i wanted to *use* it and not spend half my time *fixing* it :-)15:59
StrangeNoises(also because of having started to use macs and getting used to the idea of a system you can actually just get on and use ;-)15:59
profligacyjmgk & Ayante sitting in a tree...15:59
Ayantemust be logical or primary  home partiton?16:00
jmgkprofligacy:  well we did have meeting so..16:00
jmgkright Ayante  ?16:00
LuyinStrangeNoises: funny, I came to gentoo finally :)16:00
LuyinStrangeNoises: but I absolutely agree on the 'just using' part16:00
jmgkok Ayante  seey ou later then16:01
jmgkWE got that deal with the money still16:01
jmgkI hope16:01
jmgkDid Tony come in?16:01
oupateddieI'm not sure if this is the right forum, but let's see. Everytime I use Libre Offcie 4.1 on an Ubuntu 12.04 machine the Unity 2-D crashes and there is no top menu nor side Unity menu. Is this a problem with LO or perhaps Ubuntu?16:01
StrangeNoisesubuntu has the mac-like goal of 'it just works' and some of their answers are mac-like. this puts some people's noses out of joint, in particular many whose other computer is windows, but my other computer is a mac so i'm happy, i like what they're doing. mostly.16:01
jmgkok Ayante  I'll give tony a call and tell him about the deal you made with Pete16:02
StrangeNoisesubuntu is my bolthole if apple get Too Evil16:02
jmgkAyante:  ?16:02
Ayantemust be home partiton logical or primary  ?16:02
dash_What is a good command to rotate a jpg?16:02
oupateddieAyante primary16:02
LuyinStrangeNoises: I think what puts people off ubuntu is its attempt to be "something totally different", not to be mac-like. It's the "we use Mir cuz we can"-approach16:02
reisiodash_: convert a.jpg -rotate 90 another.jpg16:02
jmgkok Ayante  i'll call now16:03
oupateddiedash - Use Gimp16:03
reisiodash_: convert from imagemagick16:03
StrangeNoisesAyante: use gpt partition scheme and just make them all primary, no need for logical because unlike mbr partitioning there's no tiny limit on primary partitions16:03
Ayanteand root?16:03
k1lAyante: doesnt matter. just be aware that you can only have 4 primary partitions16:03
oupateddieI'm not sure if this is the right forum, but let's see. Everytime I use Libre Offcie 4.1 on an Ubuntu 12.04 machine the Unity 2-D crashes and there is no top menu nor side Unity menu. Is this a problem with LO or perhaps Ubuntu?16:03
StrangeNoisesLuyin: mir is... probably where things need to go eventually. and for all the war vs wayland all i can say is, wayland seems to have been in-progress for almost as long as i've used linux, but there seems to have been a lot more news about it since mir was announced16:04
StrangeNoisesalmost like arses were kicked16:04
StrangeNoises"hey guys, why not let's actually *finish* this thing and make it usable?"16:04
m3kkcan someone help me? i want to install ubuntu on my laptop with processor E450+radeon 6320 + 4gbram , should i chose 64bit or 32bit? will it be better performance under 32bit?16:04
ActionParsnipStrangeNoises: finish what?16:04
LuyinStrangeNoises: that's exactly the point. why waste (human) ressources on mir when there is wayland which could be improved instead?16:04
dash_reisio: It worked perfectly. Thanks!16:05
reisiodash_: gj16:05
Ayanteso really what the diferent about make primary or logical partitions?16:05
StrangeNoisesk1l: Ayante: you can only have 4 primary partitions *on MBR*, not on GPT.. that's why we all use GPT these days. one of the reasons16:05
MonkeyDustm3kk  you can install 64bit ubuntu on 64bit hardware16:05
reisioStrangeNoises: that means you've been using wayland for well over a few days :p16:05
ActionParsnipAyante: logical partitions exist on extended partitions, primary partitions stan alone16:05
k1lAyante: its from "the old days". windows requires that for their installs  etc.16:05
reisioStrangeNoises: using Linux*16:05
ActionParsnipStrangeNoises: I dont use gpt16:05
m3kkMonkeyDust, i dont know if i have 64bit16:05
Luyinm3kk: go for 64bit16:05
StrangeNoisesreisio: since 199816:05
Luyinhornypsycho: did you solve your problem?16:06
reisioStrangeNoises: first wayland release was last year16:06
oupateddiem3kk run sudo lshw from cammand and see if it has 64 capabiltiy16:06
hornypsychoLuyin: not yet16:06
StrangeNoisesreisio: and which distro uses it by default? for all the problems it's supposed to solve?16:06
reisioStrangeNoises: development started in 2008, while simultaneously (still) maintaining X.org16:06
m3kkoupateddie, i have had 64bit before, but if i can run 32bit on it would it have better performance?16:06
m3kkI don't know16:06
Luyinhornypsycho: be aware that "fixing" the permissions elsewhere than your home directory may break your system16:06
StrangeNoisesreisio: well, it *felt* like longer ;-)16:06
reisioStrangeNoises: that has nothing to do with the blatant inaccuracy of your claim :p16:06
reisioStrangeNoises: fair enough :p16:06
oupateddiem3kk you'll never know if you don't try...16:07
reisioStrangeNoises: it'll be default when it's ready16:07
LuyinStrangeNoises: the problem with mir is more likely that it won't be useful for other distros16:07
reisioalso when it's ready X will start to become comparatively unmaintained16:07
m3kkoupateddie, just tought if it was known that 32bit had better support for drivers perhaps?16:07
oupateddiem3kk some machines just perform better with 32 than 64 although they are capable16:07
reisioas wayland is developed by X maintainers, who hate X16:07
Ayanteso if i make root,home and swap logicals, will be any problem?16:07
jhutchins_wkm3kk: you probably won't notice the difference in speed.16:07
hornypsychoLuyin: but the xfce4-power-manager is in /usr/bin/16:07
m3kkjhutchins_wk, but 3d drivers?16:07
Luyinubuntu is pretty much going its own way (which is Ubuntu's perfect right to do), but they can't wonder why people are getting frustrated then16:07
ActionParsnipAyante: none at all. You can have the whole drive as one extended partition if you want16:08
jhutchins_wkm3kk: There still isn't much software that makes use of 64b addressing, but when it does memory transactions are faster.16:08
Luyinhornypsycho: then find out what the permissions should be before you actually change them16:08
MonkeyDustm3kk  dmidecode --type 4    <-- what's the last line?16:08
m3kkjhutchins_wk, my only main tought is if 3D drivers would be better supported16:08
MonkeyDustm3kk  sudo dmidecode --type 4    <-- what's the last line?16:08
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: sudo dmidecode --type 4 | tail -n 116:09
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: bit easier :)16:09
m3kkMonkeyDust, sorry try again lol16:09
m3kki will16:09
Luyinhornypsycho: rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 156408 27. Jul 10:03 /usr/bin/xfce4-power-manager it is here16:09
m3kkMonkeyDust, 64bit capable" it says16:09
m3kkMonkeyDust, is that a good thing? does it matter? my only tought is if there is more supported 3d drivers for 32bit16:10
StrangeNoisesbe surprised if that's *still* an issue. 64 bit has been around a while now16:10
StrangeNoisesi mean, you'd be hard pressed to buy a new 32-bit computer/mobo/cpu these days16:11
adamkHaving used nvidia, intel and AMD GPUs on various 32-bit and 64-bit installations for the last few years, I can say that there's no difference.16:11
LuyinStrangeNoises: never installed on an older computer?16:11
Ayanteand what about ext4 or ext3?16:11
LuyinAyante: use ext416:11
matematikaaditwhat packages that I must install to get ffmpeg's mp3 encoding to work?16:11
m3kkadamk thanks16:11
ActionParsnipAyante: ext4 is a bit faster and stable now16:11
StrangeNoisesLuyin: sure, but i was using an athlon64 from about the time those were new, and pushed to get everything 64 bit asap16:11
LuyinStrangeNoises: I've still got two laptops I can't run with 64bit16:12
StrangeNoisesyeah, my most recent 32-bit machine was a netbook16:12
StrangeNoisesstill got that and a g4 mac mini running ubuntu somewhere (lent to someone to self-learn linux web deployment)16:12
jhutchins_wkm3kk: It's hard to tell what's better supported.  Generally most development is in 32bit, then ported to 64.  Few projects go the other way.16:13
m3kkjhutchins_wk, oh.. so on the safe side to go 32bit but can be 50/5016:13
jhutchins_wkm3kk: This is one of the reasons there isn't much software that actually makes use of 64b features.16:13
reisiomatematikaadit: probably libavcodec-extra16:13
reisiomatematikaadit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP316:13
StrangeNoisesit probably actually is safer/more conservative these days to go 64 bit16:13
StrangeNoisesbecause that's what everyone develops for primarily now16:13
StrangeNoises32-bit is all legacy16:14
StrangeNoisesif you have 64-bit hardware, use it16:14
jhutchins_wkm3kk: I think at this point it's safe to say 64b code is no worse than the 32b version.16:14
zetherooa few days ago there were dozens of computers showing up in "Browse Network", then overnight only 4 or 5 are showing ... how to get the computers to show?16:14
StrangeNoisesalso iirc 64 bit is typically 10% faster across the board on same hardware as 32-bit16:14
m3kkthanks for all answers16:14
m3kki will go with 64bit16:15
zetheroothe computers are accessible if I manually use "Go > Location" ...16:15
Luyinzetheroo: turn the other ones on :D16:15
zetherooLuyin: as per my second post they are obviously already on ;)16:16
zetheroo(05:15:17 PM) zetheroo: the computers are accessible if I manually use "Go > Location" ...16:16
Luyinzetheroo: got that too late, sorry ;)16:16
zerodividedHello, I'm having a problem where my system hangs when I switch users.16:16
MonkeyDust*mental note: my Frankenstein-Ubuntu is uglier than a celebrity without makeup*16:16
zerodividedI'm running 13.1016:16
jmgkMonkeyDust:  WIll u eat Miley CYrus16:17
jmgkMiley Cyrus with Ubuntu 13.1016:17
jmgkwith milk?16:17
Ayantejmgk,  what is goig with u?16:17
matematikaaditreisio: well, I've installed libavcodec-extra-53 according to some old thread in ubuntu forum. But I still don't get it working.16:17
reisiomatematikaadit: get what working16:17
zerodividedI can'16:17
zerodividedI can't even ctrl + alt + f4 to get to a terminal. The screen just blinks16:18
jmgkAyante:  I don't know you?16:18
zerodividedAnd I'm pretty sure it only happens when I'm switching from my girlfriends account to mine. She seems to login fine16:18
oupateddiezerodivided try ctrl + alt + t16:18
jhutchins_wkStrangeNoises: Lots of stuff is still in 32b and the 64b version is just recompiled with no optimization.  64b can actually be slower too.16:18
universalfrom where to download ubuntu 13.10 manual/book ?16:19
zetherooany ideas?16:19
zerodividedoupateddie, any idea what is causing the crash?16:19
StrangeNoisesjhutchins_wk: probably time to switch from whatever abandoned pos software you have in mind to something newer then ;-)16:19
zetherooa few days ago there were dozens of computers showing up in "Browse Network", then overnight only 4 or 5 are showing ... how to get the computers to show? the computers are accessible if I manually use "Go > Location" ... so they are on ..16:19
Ayanteyou must got a girlfriend jmgk16:19
Ayantei think16:19
oupateddiezerodivided no bu I'm sitting with a unity crash every tiem I use Libre Offcie 4.1... No top or side menus...16:19
StrangeNoiseszetheroo: what's the pattern: which ones are missing? or which services are missing?16:20
universalfrom where to download ubuntu 13.10 manual/book ?16:20
jhutchins_wkStrangeNoises: No such software.  There are plenty of devlopment environments that haven't made the switch for one reason or another.16:20
universalfrom where to download ubuntu 13.10 manual/book ?16:20
universalfrom where to download ubuntu 13.10 manual/book ?16:20
FloodBot1universal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:20
StrangeNoiseseg: is smb or mdns being blocked by firewall?16:20
jhutchins_wkStrangeNoises: Think of environments where things have been in progress for decades as opposed to months.16:20
StrangeNoiseswell, i'm a commandline kinda person, never got on with development *environments* as such ;-)16:21
StrangeNoises(if i did, being a java dev, it would probably be eclipse so it wouldn't matter anyway)16:21
vandend278guake motha f**ka16:21
HelloWorld321Are feature requests appropriate at the bugs.launchpad.net?16:21
zetherooStrangeNoises: no pattern that I can see ... just used to be about 30 machines there and now down to 516:21
vandend278my teacher makes us use bluej16:21
zetherooStrangeNoises: we did have a glitch with the domain controller during that time ... but it was since restored ...16:22
StrangeNoises... or not...16:22
zerodividedI did notice this in my girlfriend's .xsession-errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6342036/16:22
zerodividedcould that be causing the hang?16:22
zetherooStrangeNoises: I just don't get why Ubuntu is not able to re-discover all the network devices ...16:22
flipnotehow can I execute a command with it opening a terminal so you can see the output?16:23
jhutchins_wkzetheroo: Your network browsing is messed up, probably on the Windows side.  At the very least I'd restart your samba services, but compare the behavior of a windows box on the same physical subnet.16:24
StrangeNoisesflipnote: open a terminal, run the command in it16:24
reisioflipnote: most terms have a param for running a command as you run the term itself, man16:24
StrangeNoisesflipnote: well i'm sure there are more complicated ways16:24
StrangeNoisesflipnote: if you insist16:24
flipnoteI'm telling nautilus how to open a file16:24
StrangeNoisesbut really, you're using linux and terminal isn't already on your launcher? wtf?16:24
flipnoteand I want it to execute that file with a command16:24
flipnotebut I need it to show a terminal so I can see it do stuff16:25
MonkeyDustflipnote  try gnome-open [filename]16:25
matematikaaditreisio: ffmpeg's mp3 encoding.16:25
reisiomatematikaadit: what about it16:25
flipnotethanks, that opens the file with what it thinks it should use16:26
StrangeNoisesgnome-terminal -e <command>16:26
flipnotebut it's not what I want it to use16:26
zerodividedI noticed this in the spi2-registryd logs http://paste.ubuntu.com/6342048/ looks like it may be my window manager16:26
jhutchins_wkflipnote: Consider using wget, curl, or lynx16:26
StrangeNoisesfrom gnome-terminal --help-all16:26
jhutchins_wkflipnote: Possibly if you launched nautilus from a command line you'd see the output.16:27
flipnotethanks, StrangeNoises, that might be what I'm looking for16:27
StrangeNoisesyou may need to put <command> in quotes16:27
StrangeNoiseseg: gnome-terminal -e "command -with-params arg"16:27
chimeracoderI have problems with my university's wifi - sometimes I get randomly disconnected, and then I can't reconnect without restarting16:28
chimeracoder(which is hard to debug without Internet access)16:28
chimeracodernow that I have a connection, what's the relevant logfile to look at next time this happens, tohelp debug? dmesg?16:28
ielocan someone help me because when i updated to saucy salamander my mic doesnt work anymore :CC16:29
zetheroojhutchins_wk: true the Windows PC's also are struggling ... so this is something then with the domain controller?16:29
MonkeyDustielo  always start with alsamixer, in a terminal16:29
StrangeNoiseszetheroo: yeah looks like it's not an ubuntu problem16:29
* StrangeNoises couldn't be more useful, mostly run ubuntu in network with macs, only very rarely a windows vm shows up16:30
ieloMonkeyDust, i have and i've tried the standad fix as well16:30
chimeracoderDoes anybody know what the relevant logfile is for debugging wifi disconnects?16:31
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: dmesg16:31
chimeracoderI've had this issue before on other distros, but using other network managers16:32
chimeracoderActionParsnip: thanks16:32
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: what wifi chip and driver are you using?16:32
zetherooStrangeNoises: ok, just checked a Windows machine newly added to the domain ... it can see 12 machines ... Ubuntu can only see 3 :P16:32
chimeracoderuh, I have the Dell XPS 13 - let me check16:32
chimeracoderActionParsnip: how do I check which driver I'm using?16:32
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: sudo lshw -C network    will show you both16:32
acuitusIm installing ubuntu 12.04.3 on a system with a raid controller but it keeps installing grub on the wrong drive. How do I resolve this issue?16:33
chimeracoderActionParsnip: thanks - here https://gist.github.com/ChimeraCoder/726802816:33
jhutchins_wkchimeracoder: lsmod, lspci16:33
henning_Guys, I need some help—I pressed some random keys by accident and now the computer reads out EVERYTHING with a robot voice. It's insanely annoying. How do I switch it off?16:34
acuitusIm not seeing an option to select which drive to install grub on - it installs it on /dev/sda instead of /dev/sdb where it needs to be16:34
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: run:  echo "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=0" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf > /dev/null16:34
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: reboot to test16:34
chimeracoderActionParsnip: okay, thanks - rebooting now.16:35
MonkeyDusthenning_  it's orca, i guess ... try killall orca16:35
ielowhoever can help me fix my internal mic after update i will make them a youtube video where ill like idk thank them and write them a poem16:35
chimeracoderthe probably sometimes takes some time to occur, though, so it may be a bit16:36
flipnotemate-terminal -e "vgmstream -cp '/media/justin/4GBWII/mkwii/My Stuff/n_maple_f.brstm'  | play --ignore-length -t wav -"16:36
flipnoteit looks right, but vgmstream is complaining that "-" is not an option16:36
MonkeyDusthenning_  killall gnome-orca, rather16:36
acuitusSeriously anyone, please, im begging for help here. All I have to do is tell grub to install on /dev/sdb instead of /dev/sda16:36
ActionParsnipacuitus: you can do that in liveCD if you want16:37
henning_MonkeyDust that seems to have done it. Thanks, man!16:37
StrangeNoisesacuitus, the installer does have the option but iirc it's not obvious16:37
acuitusActionParsnip: you mean boot off of the livecd and then reinstall grub to /dev/sdb?16:37
StrangeNoisessorry i can't remember exactly where but it is there16:37
reisioacuitus: grub-install --no-floppy /dev/sdb16:37
henning_you wouldn't happen to know if there's a default keystroke for switching it on?16:37
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: Seriously?  |tee > /dev/null?16:37
StrangeNoisesor if you can get to a shell, ... as above16:37
acuitusreisio - thank you very much16:37
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: why not, keeps things tidy16:37
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: tee echos to stdout as well as the file, so redirecting to /dev/null stops the output to the terminal....16:38
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: why is that bad?16:38
ActionParsnipacuitus: yes, that can be done16:38
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: THat is a null op.  "Pipe output to both file and console, but discard output to console".16:38
acuitusActionParsnip: thank you very much16:38
zerodividedcrashed again. not sure if anyone tried to answer me during my absense.16:38
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: yes that's what tee does16:38
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: If you don't want the output just leave that whole string out.16:38
howefieldhenning_: Alt+Super+S seems to be the default for that.16:38
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: so instead of filling the terminal with unecessary noise, its kept tidy16:39
chimeracoderActionParsnip: just rebooted. not sure if it worked yet, but if it did, what did that command do?16:39
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: if you dont add the string, what will be added to the text file?16:39
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: stops your chip trying to use N speed, those cheap Centrino wifis arent great16:39
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: echo "string" > file16:39
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: the file is root owned, so user will get access denied16:40
bmcfeeubuntu asked me to upgrade to 13.10, like a dope i said yes, and now gnome-panel is totally shot with pixman rectangle errors. oddly, it still works on the login screen and guest account. any suggestions for how to fix it?16:40
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: True for either method.16:40
chimeracoderActionParsnip: oh, so my wireless card isn't fast enough for this router?16:40
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: no, the tee is ran with sudo, so the command will have access16:41
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: no, your wifi chip isnt great so tell it to run at G speed and work ok16:41
chimeracoderI see16:41
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: so sudo echo "string" > file16:41
jhutchins_wkIf tee is suid root that's bad.16:41
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: sudo doesnt traverse the redirection, the only part of that command with sudo acces is echo (not very useful)(16:42
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: try it. why do you think I do it like that????16:42
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: Try it.16:42
trismjhutchins_wk: > is captured by bash, sudo never sees it16:42
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: For the same reason people cat files to grep.16:42
Picijhutchins_wk: sudo does not traverse IO redirection operators16:42
flipnotehow do I use more than one set of quotation marks in a command?16:42
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: basically you dont know what you are on about16:42
trismjhutchins_wk: and bash will generally be running with your uid, not root, so no, that won't work16:42
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: wanna try again?16:43
StrangeNoisesflipnote, possibly: gnome-terminal -e "command --with-param \"$ARG\""16:44
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: Hang on, need to find a system with sudo enabled...16:44
StrangeNoisesnot 100% sure of that, escaping can get weird depending on context16:44
jonascjHi all. How do I verify the integrety of a 12.04 desktop cd? When booting to the cd I get two choices: "install" or "try ubuntu". Not like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/CDIntegrityCheck16:45
moppy<moppy> anyone here familiar with nautilus file manager? i want it to get it to launch scripts and background/disown them so they persist. my specific use case is doing something like an ssfhs mount by double clicking a script16:46
Vivekananda_If I have working dual boot and I am reinstalling XP ( have ubuntu 12.04)  do I do something when things are working when trying to use boot-restore from live ubuntu cd  ?16:46
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: Well, this is why I don't use sudo.16:47
bmcfeealso: blowing away my .gnome2 and .gconf* directories had no effect16:47
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: maybe but that's how it done in Ubuntu using sudo16:47
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: which is why I advise it like that16:47
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: so in reply to 'seriousy',  "yes, seriously" as that is how Bash works16:48
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: ok?16:48
=== chimeracoder is now known as Guest66897
jhutchins_wkOk, well, cat | grep works too.16:48
ubottumario83: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:48
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: yes, and the cat isn't needed there either16:48
chimeracoderActionParsnip: okay, so that didn't work :(16:49
ActionParsnipjhutchins_wk: instead of cat something | grep phrase    use: grep phrase something16:49
chimeracoderthat's what I get from dmesg16:49
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: are there lots of wifi networks on the same channel in your area?16:49
chimeracoderActionParsnip: quite possibly16:49
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: check16:49
chimeracoderActionParsnip: dumb question, but how do I do that with networkmanager? :/16:50
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: use:   sudo iwlist scan | egrep -i 'ssid|chan'16:50
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: network manager doesnt do good stuff like taht16:51
=== zero is now known as Guest21545
chimeracoderthe network I want to connect to is on channel 10816:51
chimeracoderbut it actually appears to be the only one?16:52
TheSilentDrifterIs it possible to rearrange the unity top panel?16:52
zerodividedBlah, I can't figure this out. I posted on StackExchange if anyone would like to take a work: http://askubuntu.com/questions/369579/why-is-my-system-freezing-when-i-switch-users16:52
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chimeracoderActionParsnip: yeah, it apparently is the only one on that channel16:53
Vivekananda_anyone commenting on my question of correct way to use a boot-repair (MBR repair) from live cd ?  How does the program work if it is not even used to create a backup first ( when things are working fine ) so it can repair the mbr later ?16:54
reisioVivekananda_: what?16:54
SchrodingersScatVivekananda_: couldn't the original MBR be duplicated? it has to install grub the first time.16:55
zerodividedwhat is the default dm for 13.10?16:55
k1lzerodivided: lightdm16:55
zerodividedkil: thanks16:55
flipnoteit's more or less ignoring the |16:55
CEnnis91anyone know if the nvidia issues were fixed when going to 13.1016:56
CEnnis91i remember hearing about black screen issues16:56
bmcfeeso... anyone else getting this bug with gnome-panel now? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/122068416:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 1220684 in Ubuntu GNOME "pixman_region32_init_rect: Invalid rectangle passed when entering Sound menu in gnome-control-center" [Undecided,New]16:56
Achieverany one wanna chat16:56
reisiohi Achiever16:56
k1lCEnnis91: what issues? there are no general issues16:56
Achieverhi rei16:56
Achieverhow  ru rei16:56
SchrodingersScatAchiever: for chat you should probably go to #ubuntu-offtopic16:56
jhutchins_wkActionParsnip: Interesting, two alternatives are to use sudo sh -c <command with redirection> or to echo the command string to sudo bash.16:57
StravHe. For a short while, pulseaudio seemed to recognize my usb headset when plugged in. Now pavucontrol doesn't list it among the output devices (I can select the usb headset in alsamixer though). Any thoughts on how I can fix this? (ubuntu 13.10)16:57
chimeracoderActionParsnip: any idea what I should try next?16:57
CEnnis91k1l: i read about booting to a black screen after updating with nvidia cards16:58
CEnnis91k1l: i didnt really dive into it much16:58
hitsujiTMOstrav does it show up on alsa? try: aplay -l16:58
jhutchins_wkCEnnis91: There have been several problems with the upgrade, suggest you snapshot your system before trying it.16:58
k1lCEnnis91: most of that problems is, when installing the nvidia driver from the nvidia hp. and not going with the ubuntu nvidia driver16:58
Vivekananda_SchrodingersScat, reisio , I am trying to re install XP on my dual boot xp ubuntu. On doing that I know I will loose grup so am preparing before hand to get it back after the re install. I asked here I found that boot-repair is a software I can add to a live ubuntu cd and after I loose the grub I can boot into live cd and just run "recommended" boot-repair setting and get back grub. But there is no step about preparing a MBR back16:58
Vivekananda_up first using boot-repair in this process. Am I missing something ?16:58
StrangeNoiseshmm, firefox has just stalled on me16:59
reisioVivekananda_: grup?16:59
ActionParsnipchimeracoder: use your dmesg output and try t find what it means16:59
StrangeNoises(windows greyed out, cpu fan speeding up)16:59
Vivekananda_grub2 sorry16:59
StrangeNoisesthat's vexing16:59
reisioVivekananda_: you don't need a backup, reinstalling does the same thing16:59
chimeracoderActionParsnip: well, what confuses me is that it's both "authenticated" and "associated"16:59
jhutchins_wkVivekananda_:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub17:00
Vivekananda_oo okay17:00
StravhitsujiTMO: yes it shows up (well when I tried in alsamixer), let me see with aplay -l17:00
chimeracoderbut I had no network access (even pinging didn't work)17:00
chimeracoder(this is what typically happens)17:00
reisioVivekananda_: installing grub to the mbr is not usually very involved, so you don't need a backup of what it does17:00
StravhitsujiTMO: yes it shows up.17:00
jhutchins_wkchimeracoder: You probably don't have an address and gateway.17:00
hitsujiTMOStrav: does seem to be a pulse issue so, something i know nothing about.17:01
jhutchins_wkchimeracoder: association is the first layer, then authentication, then usually DHCP to configure the iface.17:01
Vivekananda_reisio, I remember that for earlier lts of ubuntu what I did was just copy over mbr into a file and then overwrite that on the original using a live stick. That is the reason I was getting confused here17:01
chimeracoderjhutchins_wk: why should I need to do DHCP again if I was already connected to begin with, thouh?17:01
StravhitsujiTMO: thanks anyways.17:01
chimeracoderand furthermor, why would it succeed once, then fail (repeatedly) until I restart my computer?17:02
reisioVivekananda_: you can do that, it's just not likely to be necessary17:02
jhutchins_wkchimeracoder: I assumed that you had lost your connection.  It's worth checking to see if you have a valid address route and dns.17:02
jhutchins_wkchimeracoder: Is there somethiing in particular that causes it to loose connection?17:03
chimeracoderjhutchins_wk: nope17:03
jhutchins_wkchimeracoder: How long does it stay up?17:03
chimeracoderI mean, I've noticed it happens *faster* in certain parts of the office (a difference of 15 feet)17:03
chimeracoderbut it happens everywhere17:03
chimeracoder(at least eventually)17:03
reisiothe only reason I can think of to back up the mbr, offhand, is if you wanted to be 100% certain nobody inserted anything nasty in there, like something to load a rootkit17:03
reisioplenty of time for that kind of security paranoia later on :p17:03
hitsujiTMOreisio: or you will beinstalling another os later but want to use thta grub17:04
reisioit wouldn't realistically save you any time over just reinstalling grub altogether17:04
jhutchins_wkVivekananda_: grub-install has pretty much always worked, but it requires you to mount special filesystems and chroot.17:04
chimeracoderjhutchins_wk: it usually happens within 2-5 minutes17:05
jhutchins_wkVivekananda_: Using dd to copy and restore the MBR is simpler for some people.17:05
jhutchins_wkchimeracoder: Have a look at dmesg. Is the system resetting the interface because you're not getting an IPv6 address?17:05
moppya good assumption but it assumes your machine's UEFI works properly  which isn't a given these days17:06
chimeracoderjhutchins_wk: I don't think that's what's happening. dhcp always gives that line when it first requests an address17:06
moppyi've had to jump though so many hoops with some UEFI installations, that I begin to dread installations on them17:06
chimeracoderalso, looking at the timestamps, it seems that the problem starts around "[  437.409724] wlan0: direct probe to 00:1a:1e:74:70:f0 (try 1/3)"17:06
trevnorrisI've installed the nvidia drivers, and deleted my /etc/X11/xorg.conf. when I use the nvidia-settings to auto detect when I've plugged in/un plugged a new monitor it works great. but I have to do this manually every time. is there a way to automatically run autodetect when a monitor is plugged in/unplugged?17:08
StrangeNoisestrevnorris, no, it should just be working, pretty much17:09
StrangeNoisesi think17:09
StrangeNoiseshang on17:09
* StrangeNoises pulls a cable out17:09
StrangeNoisesok,it dealt well with me pulling out one monitor17:09
joncamHey lovely ubuntu people - I just spent far too much time in a deep depmod rabbit hole that the kind folks at Evolution helped me out of.  Please advise if there's a decent way to get Evolution > 3.8.4 in Ubuntu? I'm at 13.1017:09
StrangeNoisesgathered everything immediately on the second one17:09
* StrangeNoises reaches over to plug it back in again17:09
StrangeNoisesyep, that worked, even moved the same windows back to the second monitor17:10
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: yeah, and it used to do the same before I upgraded to 13.1017:10
* StrangeNoises is on 13.1017:10
* StrangeNoises is also using nvidia-319-updates17:10
hitsujiTMOjoncam have you looked for a ppa?17:10
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv417:10
StrangeNoisesso maybe newer driver version will help17:10
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jhutchins_wkchimeracoder: I would suggest disabling ipv6 and see if that fixes it.17:11
cpinedgreetings...I'm having boot up problems...since yesterday when I turn on my 10 year old PC it takes 4 minutes to see the Grub menu, where I select Ubuntu or Windows..and then it takes about a minute to actually launch the OS selected...any ideas?17:11
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: ok. I went all the way to nvidia-331 to see if they'd work. I'll try 319-updates to see if it helps.17:11
chimeracoderjhutchins_wk: okay17:11
joncamhitsujiTMO: definitely, and that dropped me into a pretty bad ppa/depmod fail state, I had to ppa-purge myself out of17:11
StrangeNoises331 exists? or typo?17:11
chimeracoderhow do I do that?17:11
StrangeNoisesfor 313?17:11
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: no. it exists.17:11
StrangeNoiseswell, i've had issues using drivers directly from nvidia (though they tend to work, but the dkms stuff doesn't always work right)17:12
StrangeNoisesso uninstall that fully, install package nvidia-319-updates. it certainly works for me17:12
trevnorrissudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa17:12
trevnorrissudo apt-get update, well. you know the rest.17:12
StrangeNoises(geForce 520 btw)17:12
hitsujiTMOjoncam: if it's just one item you need, best to build it yourself, however, you'll need to be careful that the versions of the dependencies in ubuntu are suitable for that version of evo17:12
StrangeNoisesaaaah, well, no wonder it's broken, you installed xorg-edgers ;-P17:12
trevnorrisheh, ok.17:13
StrangeNoisesmight try a ppa-purge on that then17:13
hitsujiTMOtrevnorris: did you do an upgrade? after installing that ppa?17:13
trevnorrishitsujiTMO: yeah, update, upgrade, dist-upgrade, the usual17:14
StrangeNoisesregardless, the behaviour he's looking for should be working without edgers, so best get rid of it unless there's some other compelling reason to have it17:14
chimeracoderjhutchins_wk: okay, just disabled ipv6 - restarting now...17:14
hitsujiTMOtrevnorris: sorry, meant release upgrade?17:14
trevnorrisi'll be back in a bit. going to try that out17:15
joncamhitsujiTMO: I've been trying to avoid that step if at all possible, just because there is a relatively complex web of specific dependencies17:15
cpinedgreetings...I'm having boot up problems...since yesterday when I turn on my 10 year old PC it takes 4 minutes to see the Grub menu, where I select Ubuntu or Windows..and then it takes about a minute to actually launch the OS selected...any ideas?17:17
StrangeNoisescpined, sounds like bios/hardware issue; ubuntu stuff only gets started once grub's running17:18
l9anyone that can help me understand how too change the text  infront of a input field in django admin? like First_Name should  be First name: and so17:18
ubottum_m2001: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:18
SPEEDWAVEhi everyone17:18
moppyl9, try #django17:18
hitsujiTMOjoncam: apt-get build-dep evolution will install the build dependencies for you17:19
cpinedStrangeNoises, so pretty much there's nothing that can be done?17:19
StrangeNoiseswell, check if there's any bios upgrades available, apply them if there are, reset bios settings (and set anything again if necessary), check your memory...17:20
StrangeNoisesand that's it, i'm spent. :-)17:20
DrGrovJust asked a question in #ubuntu-se but thought I would ask it here as well just in case. I have a new desktop computer, not a OEM based but completely "empty" from the start. Now I wonder, what kind of partioning should I do in Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit? The motherboard and UEFI makes a difference or?17:20
StrangeNoisesi only have a 10 year old computer in the philosopher's axe sense. its motherboard/cpu has been upgraded about three times in that period17:20
StrangeNoisescase about three times too17:20
StrangeNoisesbut at different times17:21
=== alberto_ is now known as bet0x
StrangeNoisesDrGrov, yeah, just 64-bit install, use gpt partitioning17:21
StrangeNoisesshould all be happy17:21
cpinedwell...I have same everything...17:21
cpinedfor 10 years17:21
jhutchins_wkDrGrov: You need a UEFI partition, a root partition, and optionally a swap partition.17:22
existensilDrGrov: is there some reason you don't want to use automatic partitioning?17:22
StrangeNoisesyeah, just do the default17:22
StrangeNoisesi just did default when i installed on my recent uefi purchase, works fine17:22
existensili've had good luck using auto with UEFI17:22
jhutchins_wkThe default partitioning scheem is archaic and unnecessary.17:22
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Should I just do it within the 13.10 install as previous Ubuntu versions?17:22
SPEEDWAVEis there reset factory for ubuntu? just incase..17:22
bet0xI need a good php ide with projects and ftp support17:22
DrGrovjhutchins_wk: Oh, I need that UEFI partition as well.17:23
StrangeNoisesDrGrov, yes, just run the installer - in fact i think you *have* to use the standard desktop installer for proper uefi installation17:23
DrGrovexistensil: How does the automatic partioning work then in practice?17:23
StrangeNoisesit'll do it itself17:23
existensilhold on, let me fire up gparted at tell you... haven't looked at it in months17:23
StrangeNoisesput it this way, it doesn't take long and if i'm wrong you won't have wasted much time and you can ask someone else for a much more complicated answer :-)17:23
DrGrovStrangeNoises: How does it divide the partion stuff? I used to have root, home, swap and tmp.17:23
StrangeNoisesjust run the desktop installer, accept the defaults. :-)17:23
hitsujiTMODrGrov: I've a guide for a debootstrap minimal install: should give you an idea of the uefi requirements from that: https://wiki.tenmilesout.net/wiki/Ubuntu_Saucy_Debootstrap_Efi_Minimal_Install17:24
DrGrovexistensil: Thanks :)17:24
moppyunless it bricks due to uefi bug *cough* samsung17:24
morrishi. i'm on a live session with ubuntu and my sound card is not recognized. i'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting up to the point where i should modprobe snd-hda-intel, which hangs indefinitely17:24
DrGrovhitsujiTMO: Thanks, I will look into it.17:24
StrangeNoisesjust waking up my uefi machine (it's the only linux box i have that sleeps properly)17:24
idanielHi guys, I just went to a site that let me put in some commands in the terminal for the game ,Minecraft. I know little about Linux, so I do I retreave it? Where is it? I have downloaded Java already to open it.17:24
StrangeNoisesidaniel, aptitude install openjdk-7-jre17:25
DrGrovStrangeNoises, existensil The only reason I want to have a root, home, swap and temp is due to old habits. Probably the automatic way is the right way in this case.17:25
jhutchins_wkDrGrov: /tmp is a pseudo filesystem that resides in memory/swap now, swap is still usually a partition but can be a file (or eliminated).17:25
StrangeNoiseswell you can always modify it afterwards17:25
existensilDrGrov: http://imgur.com/CmO9T4417:25
moppyidaniel, if it is a minecraft server, their main forum has very detailed instructions on how to install it under Liunx17:25
idanielI already have it installed. Does this lead me to minecraft?17:25
jhutchins_wkDrGrov: Seperate root & home just guarantees that you will run out of space on one while there is plenty of space on the other.17:25
existensili also have an mdadm software raid that i have mounted at /home, not shown there of course, since that was configured post install17:26
moppyidaniel, what exactly are you trying to do?17:26
existensilthat's how it partitioned my 120gb SSD17:26
existensili'm quite happy with it. no issues.17:26
StrangeNoisesDrGrov, default is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6342408/17:27
idanielI want the game, Minecraft, so I asked google for downloading Minecraft with Ubuntu. I found a site that gave a couple of line commands for the terminal. It looked like it installed it. I am just new with linux and don't know how to bring it up.17:27
StrangeNoisespart1 is mounted on /boot/efi17:27
DrGrovjhutchins_wk, existensil Can I come back in a bit? I need to test the sound card on a short notice to see if everything else is working as intended.17:27
chimeracoderjhutchins_wk: hm, I haven't gotten disconnected yet17:27
* chimeracoder crosses fingers17:28
moppyidaniel, install the JVM from the software center (app store) then double click the minecraft file you downloaded17:28
jubaleHow can we get around error that .wine isn't owned by root?17:28
idanielWell, so ignorant here. Where will my minecraft file be?17:28
jhutchins_wkchimeracoder: I think that's a known glitch - not exactly a bug, but needs to be configured around.17:28
moppyidaniel, where you told the browser to save it: probably in your /home/downloads17:29
chimeracoderjhutchins_wk: why does it discard a working ipv4 connection just to try and make an ipv6 one?17:29
chimeracoderthat makes no sense, haha17:29
gordonjcpjubale: .wine probably shouldn't be owned by root17:29
moppyidaniel, the file manager in ubuntu works the same way as windows explorer or apple finder17:29
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: ok. so removed edgers, installed 319-updates. still no dice. should I run nvidia-xconfig?17:29
jubaleI'm not saying it should be. However, I'm trying to install something which requires admin privileges to install and I can't do it via sudo.17:29
idanielNo, it was a terminal command, so I didn't ask it to save it anywhere.  O.k. I'll try the file manager.17:29
StrangeNoisestrevnorris, hm, well, i don't have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:29
jhutchins_wkjubale: You need to find more complete instructions from Minecraft, it isn't something that is standard on Ubuntu.17:30
hitsujiTMOdrGrov: one thing to be aware of is that the efi system partition is not an ordinary vfat partition. it has a special partition id (ef for mbr and ef00 for gpt)17:30
existensilidaniel: if you downloaded at the terminal, then its probably sitting in your home directory17:30
StrangeNoisesso i don't know, except to say, obviously this isn't to do with the versions you're running; must be some other config issue17:30
existensilhitsujiTMO: he's gone for now17:30
hitsujiTMOexistensil: ahh :P17:30
idanielo.k.  I'll keep looking. thanks   Get back to ya later if I need help.17:30
moppyidaniel, why did you use a terminal command? can't you use the web browser?17:30
jubaleI have a quicker idea. Thanks.17:30
DrGrovSound is good at least.17:31
idanielWell, I did use the web browser, but the downloads I used were unexecutable.17:31
DrGrovNow then. So I have a normal 1TB WD drive and a 120GB Kingston SSD.17:31
StrangeNoisestrevnorris, something in .nvidia_settings-rc?17:31
DrGrovI thought about putting the OS on the SSD and just normal user stuff on the 1tb.17:31
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: good idea. i'll take a look17:31
hitsujiTMOdrGrov: one thing to be aware of is that the efi system partition is not an ordinary vfat partition. it has a special partition id (ef for mbr and ef00 for gpt)17:31
StrangeNoisesDrGrov, well you can always make that change after initial install17:32
StrangeNoisesbut use the default layout on the initial install17:32
existensilDrGrov: that is an excellent solution. i suggest mounting the big drive as your /home and let everything else go on the SSD17:32
StrangeNoisesto get you going17:32
existensilwhich is similar to my setup, except /home is an array of 2x2TB drives17:32
chimeracoderjhutchins_wk: anyway, thanks for the help17:32
DrGrovexistensil: How could I do that easy without making any bigger changes to the automatic setup it does for me?17:33
existensilyou can still use auto partitioning to install the OS to the SSD, and mount the 1TB drive at /home post-install17:33
existensilassuming the 1TB is formatted, all you'll need to do is add a simple like to /etc/fstab to get it to be your /home17:33
existensili'm sure we can help you with that17:33
StrangeNoisesbasically that17:34
StrangeNoisesand rsync the current /home to the new drive17:34
existensilwell, /home is pretty empty post-install anyways... probably just nuke it17:34
existensilassuming fresh install17:34
DrGrovexistensil: Could I create the partitioning already when I do the install? I want /, /tmp and swap on the SSD but just /home on the 1TB drive. How do I add the ufi partion?17:35
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: for a comparison, would you mind posting your .nvidia-settings-rc file?17:35
StrangeNoisesthe main issue is the default desktop installer's partition editor is a bit basic; it's only really happy if you either do all-automatic or all-diy; so i find, best to let it do automatic, decide its swap, boot, efi partitions it needs, then make changes in fstab later17:35
DrGrovMy old harddrive is still in the old box and I got a 3,5" USB holder so I can transfer the stuff from there without needing to keep it in when I install.17:35
existensilDrGrov: auto partitioning will add the uefi partition. i'd just do that, and add the /home mount after everything is installed17:35
existensilmuch easier than trying to muck with the partitions during install17:35
idanielSo, ummm guys I can't find "Minecraft" in my files. I new with Ubuntu. I went to an online site that let me put a two line command in the terminal for the game, because the other online downloads were "unexecutable". Please help me again.17:36
StrangeNoiseshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6342449/ and that was probably from when i had a different nvidia card in it too17:36
StrangeNoisesbut similar enough that no changes present that made a difference17:36
StrangeNoisesmaybe just delete yours :-)17:36
DrGrovexistensil: So how would I add my /home 1TB drive afterwards?17:36
idanielSo, spell it out for me how to find "minecraft" since I put it in the terminal. Sorry.17:36
hitsujiTMOexistensil: i wouldn't nuke it. but DrGrov do you really need to mount the 1tb as /home? would it not be easier to mount it withing /mount and ln -s what ever dir in $HOME to whatever folder you want on the drive?17:36
trevnorrisheh, yeah. that might work :)17:36
karthiknable to install or update or remove any packages ion UBUNTU 12.04 . The error is http://pastebin.com/3EkcfbDD Please lemme know how do i set it alright . I dont want to reinstall since there are lots of apps that i have downloaded and i dont prefer to redownload all of it again. Please help me .i tried for the update manager , apt-get upgrade , adn even synaptic .. nothing helped . dpkg --configure -a gave me " Setting up install-info (4.13a.dfsg.1-8ubuntu217:36
karthik) ... /etc/environment: line 1: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games: No such file or directory dpkg: error processing install-info (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1=Errors were encountered while processing:install-info"  PLEASE HELP17:36
existensilDrGrov: just add a line like this to /etc/fstab after the installation...17:37
adamdicarloidaniel, did you type minecraft into the unity lens thinger? the find-app screen?17:37
adamkidaniel: We don't know what commands you put in or what the results were, so we can't really tell you how to run it, or if it's even installed at all.17:37
existensil/dev/md0  /home  ext4  defaults  0  017:37
existensilin my case /dev/md0 is my RAID. yours would be /dev/sda0 or similar, which you can find our exactly through gparted17:38
StrangeNoisesdon't quite do that17:38
existensili'm not using UUIDs like maybe i should :-)17:38
idanielumm o.k.  can I copy and paste the commands they gave to you to look at? It did say "o.k." at the end of supposedly installing.17:38
StrangeNoisesuse a UUID or LABEL, because drives don't always come back up on the same device nodes17:38
DrGrovexistensil: So I can keep my 1TB drive connected anyhow and just do a automatic install for the 120GB SSD?17:39
existensilso you might want to listen to StrangeNoises17:39
moppyidaniel, put it on pastebin, dont flood17:39
existensilDrGrov: yes17:39
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StrangeNoisesso format with a label in gparted, and do eg this (hang on):17:39
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hitsujiTMOexistensil: UUIDs are only really needed if your swapping around hhds internally. :P17:39
StrangeNoisesLABEL=Home /home ext4 defaults 0 017:39
existensilyeah, but i don't konw what DrGrov's plans are17:39
StrangeNoisesi actually have eg:17:39
StrangeNoisesLABEL=Vault /media/Vault ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks2 0 017:39
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Could I do it already now and create a working partition table for both drives?17:40
StrangeNoisesto mount a raid array in /media so it shows up as an icon on launcher etc.17:40
idanielNow wait a minute, I was going to go online to copy/paste that for you, but you want me to go into the terminal right? What should I command to get that info?17:40
existensili like the label approach instead of using the device nodes17:40
StrangeNoisesDrGrov, probably, but make your life easier: Do a default install and then do that stuff on your installed system17:40
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: hm, well. strange. that just put it into twin view. oh well. must be something else. just wish I could remember what it is I did last time.17:40
StrangeNoisesyes, i use twinview17:40
StrangeNoisesyou want to use twinview17:40
DrGrovStrangeNoises: How can I separate the automatic install to choose the SSD and not the regular WD 1TB drive?17:41
jmgkStrangeNoises:  Stand by Me - Prince Royce heard that song17:41
existensilDrGrov: then automatic install should ask you which hard drive17:41
existensilit will only partition that one drive17:41
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: well, what happens is that it shows the same on both screens, but when I drag my mouse to the edge it drags the desktop with it.17:41
hitsujiTMODrGrov: it should default to the ssd if it's physically connected to sata017:41
StrangeNoisesDrGrov, do the automatic install  select the ssd. install. *then* use gparted to format your other drive and add it to fstab as above. also, disk utility may actually work for you in that simple case17:42
DrGrovHow do I get it to be my home drive then for my user?17:42
adamkidaniel: Go to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and put the commands there.  Then submit the form, and give us the URL you get back.17:42
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: so it's like I have one massive desktop of both screens, displayed the same on each screen.17:42
reisioDrGrov: the 1tb?17:42
DrGrovreisio: Yes, the 1tb drive as for my user.17:43
hitsujiTMODrGrov: you can set that up post install if it doesn't ask you during the install17:43
reisioDrGrov: do the "manual" way, you can setup your partitions more specifically17:43
existensilDrGrov: that will happen after install. after everything is installed and working, you'll format the 1TB drive (with a label), then add that line StrangeNoises provided to /etc/fstab, then reboot.17:43
StrangeNoisestrevnorris, http://strangenoises.org/~rachel/nvidia-settings.png17:44
DrGrovI would really love to do this the manual way as I have done before. It is just the UEFI stuff I can manage to screw up :)17:44
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existensilsomewhere in there you could also copy your home folder over to the 1TB drive in case there is anything you want to keep17:44
StrangeNoisesexistensil, in fact you do that anyway17:44
DrGrovexistensil: The problem is that I do not have a home anymore on either drive. I have my home on my old computer where the motherboard burned.17:45
hitsujiTMODrGrov: have a look at that guide i posted you ealier. partitioning for efi, itsn't all that difficult17:45
StrangeNoisesformat 1TB drive, mount it anywhere, rsync -avhHP /home /media/1tbdrive/; add it to fstab, reboot17:45
DrGrovAnd I have a 3,5" USB case for that HDD to copy that stuff afterwards and remove what I need17:45
StrangeNoisestbh you could avoid the reboot17:45
StrangeNoisesbut it's easier to do that than manually get all the efi stuff right, i bet17:46
DrGrovhitsujiTMO: Could you please link again to the guide? I managed to lose it when I restarted FF17:46
existensilDrGrov: that makes it easier. after install you can safely delete your brand new home directory on the SSD, change fstab so /home is now pointing to the 1TB drive, then when you reboot you'll have an empty home directory17:46
existensilwhich you can then fill with all the stuff from your old machine17:46
karthikplease can somebody help me out with my update issue17:46
DrGrovexistensil: Exactly my point.17:46
hitsujiTMODrGrov: https://wiki.tenmilesout.net/wiki/Ubuntu_Saucy_Debootstrap_Efi_Minimal_Install    you can set up the partitions before running the installer, and just assign them in the installer17:46
DrGrovexistensil: I thought because of old habits I would do this stuff manually as always but apparently it is easier to do a automatic install.17:46
DrGrovhitsujiTMO: Thanks, I will look at that now.17:47
existensili would (and did). much simpler than by hand IMO17:47
existensilStrangeNoises: "in fact you do that anyway" ... what was that in reference to? does the old /home go away when you mount something at /home? so i don't need to be deleting the existing /home17:48
DrGrovexistensil: So, previously I have known how to make the /, swap and /tmp. But that EFI I don't know where to put actually.17:49
StrangeNoisesexistensil, i meant, rsync the /home that gets created in default install to where you want it to be17:49
StrangeNoisesthere will be default stuff in there; ubuntu creates a new user with stuff in its homedir17:49
DrGrovexistensil: But I will do it as you say, get it into automatic mode and post-install do the 1TB drive.17:49
StrangeNoisesif you want to keep that...17:49
designhi why can not I install synaptc?17:49
designsudo apt-get install synaptic17:49
designfound in sources.list17:49
k1l!paste | design17:51
ubottudesign: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:51
designubuntu 13.1017:51
k1lplease put the whole command and output in there17:51
existensilDrGrov: this guide might also provide a good overview of what you are going to do post-install: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving17:51
StrangeNoisesyeah that's all good except it's easier to use LABELs than UUIDs17:52
StrangeNoisesas previously mentioned17:52
StrangeNoisesobviously have to give the new partition a label17:52
CrovesHello guys! I keep getting the "Setting locale failed" warning, but I can't solve it. I followed these steps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134658117:52
StrangeNoisesgparted lets you do that easily17:52
DrGrovStrangeNoises: You would help with that once I get the root stuff on the SSD?17:53
StrangeNoisesnot guaranteed to be online later17:53
StrangeNoisesthat page existensil linked to is good. do that.17:54
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok.17:54
existensilDrGrov: mounting another drive at /home is common enough that i'm confident someone here will be able to expertly assist at all hours17:54
DrGrovexistensil: Good :)17:54
DrGrovexistensil: If I would go manually, could I get a 300MB EFI partion on the SSD just as the root and other?17:54
StrangeNoisesas i say, i would only change using UUID to using partition labels, and I've already pretty much said how, but UUIDs work too, so if no-one's around, do that guide. is correct.17:55
StrangeNoiseshandles the migration of your homedir to the new drive correctly17:55
DrGrovStrangeNoises: So it is virtually almost impossible to do the UFI directly manually?17:55
StrangeNoisesno i'm sure it's possible but i'm not sure how; when i installed uefi i did it automatically and it just worked17:56
StrangeNoisesand it's so much easier to just get a system running then tweak it to your needs17:56
reisioDrGrov: you'd just have to learn how17:56
StrangeNoisesthan try to do everything in one step if part of that step is new to you17:56
DrGrovStrangeNoises: I have done partioning before. But not UFI stuff.17:56
StrangeNoisessplitting it up into default-install-then-change makes life simpler, is all17:57
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Okay, I will start installing now and see with the automatic install and come back once it is done.17:57
StrangeNoisespartly because you need the desktop installer to do UEFI installs properly at all17:57
StrangeNoisesall others iirc just do bios-emulation type install17:57
StrangeNoisesbut the default installer has a less capable partitioning tool than eg: the alternate installer17:58
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Okay, you got my convinced that the automatic is the way to go. Put automatic install on the 120GB SSD and fix it aftewards post-install the rest.17:59
DrGrovStrangeNoises: What would be the best filesystem to apply for the SSD?18:00
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok. And ext4 for the 1TB drive then as well?18:01
StrangeNoisesthat's correct but... TRIM, hang on18:01
StrangeNoisesyes, ext418:01
StrangeNoisesbut for the ssd, add 'discard' to the mount options18:01
StrangeNoisesyou can do that to /etc/fstab after install18:01
StrangeNoisesdon't worry about doing it during18:01
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Is there any "risks" with doing the automatic install?18:01
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Okay, I just do automatic for everything now to the SSD and later start tweaking.18:02
StrangeNoisesno i don't think so18:02
DrGrovStrangeNoises: I will probably just take a few minutes to install if I hurry up. 10-15 minutes or so hopefully18:02
StrangeNoisesbut i can confirm, ubuntu doesn't add 'discard' for TRIM support by default (unless it does on saucy, doesn't on raring, when i installed thyat system)18:02
StrangeNoisesso after install find the line like this:18:03
StrangeNoisesUUID=a7109f38-fff3-4b4c-b4f9-ce476ffc8ee5 /               ext4    relatime,commit=60,errors=remount-ro 0       118:03
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok. I have to add that post-install. I gotta ask that stuff again from you, I can not write it down anywhere now :/18:03
StrangeNoisesand change to like:18:03
StrangeNoisesUUID=a7109f38-fff3-4b4c-b4f9-ce476ffc8ee5 /               ext4    discard,relatime,commit=60,errors=remount-ro 0       118:03
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Curios to know the specs on the computer?18:04
StrangeNoisesoh i just remembered, my uefi system doesn't have an ssd in it, so even if ubuntu now adds that option by default, it wouldn't have there :-)18:04
StrangeNoisesso it might actually do it itself18:04
StrangeNoisesanyway it's something that can wait until after initial install18:04
existensilhmm. my ssd does not have the discard flag. this concerns me some.18:04
InfernalHi there. I have a strange issue where one of my home pc's can't surf the web or ping localy. From one router. I have two routers: TL-WR740N and TL-WR340GD. The pc can surf the web fine on the latter. I tried 3 different pc's on the WR740N and they all work fine. (13.04)18:04
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Okay, that would be fantastic. No tweaking. But I do automatic system install now and tweak home afterwards.18:04
DrGrovexistensil: What SSD do you have?18:05
StrangeNoisesthe uefi machine i have is a zotac zbox id86, my htpc. so far the only uefi machine i've installed :-)18:05
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DrGrovStrangeNoises: :) I bought myself a Intel Xeon E5-2620, 8GB DDR3 RAM, 120GB Kingston SSD, 1TB WD.18:05
DrGrovStrangeNoises: But if I start now I will be back earlier to ask more idiotic questions. Ok? :)18:06
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DrGrovOr can I leave this IRC session open while I install?18:06
StrangeNoiseshttp://www.scan.co.uk/savedbasket/394722182bd440f08ff3514e02a862b9 is what i want to buy, in a bitfenix phenom case18:07
StrangeNoisesbut decided i can't afford it yet18:07
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: so when I configure it properly, and it even works, then I restart, this is how my desktop looks: https://i.cloudup.com/6OQSzK8LfD.png18:07
StrangeNoisesbut i would do all of the above, then add my 5xWD-RED raid array :-)18:07
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: all that is on one screen, and as I drag my mouse over it drags the viewable desktop18:07
zerocirclehi Is there any alternative of Adobe after effects in Open source?18:08
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StrangeNoisestrevnorris: i have no idea :-}18:08
trevnorrisStrangeNoises: yeah. well, thanks for the help :)18:08
StrangeNoisessome weird setting somewhere18:08
moppyStrangeNoises, water cooling and no gpu?18:08
StrangeNoisescheck ubuntu's own displays prefs?18:08
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Impressive machine :) I decided to keep it at 8GB now and eventually upgrade to 16GB. I though don't like that the ASUS Extreme motherboard doesn't carry Bluetooth capability.18:09
StrangeNoisesmoppy: yep; for a quiet system, and the onboard intel hd4600 would be fine for me to drive 3 monitors18:09
StrangeNoisesbeing not a gamer makes graphics cheaper ;-)18:09
moppyStrangeNoises, in my personal opinion the PSU is overkill but it's nice to have18:09
StrangeNoisesmoppy: yes it probably is, though there would be 5 hard drives to add to the system18:09
StrangeNoisesthat aren't in that list18:10
moppyhard drives are about 10W each18:10
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Could I easily start to install now with automatic but keep this IRC session open?18:10
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moppythat sort of psu i would normally expect a 200W+ GPU or somesuch. still, it *is*nice to have :-)18:10
StrangeNoisesdepends, are you using the machine you're about to install on?18:10
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Yes but I could easily take the missus MacBook and go on webchat.freenode.net to continue18:10
StrangeNoisesbest to. if you're in livecd desktop you can continue but obviously you'll disappear just when it gets interesting (ie: when it's time to reboot)18:11
InfernalAnyone some net troubleshooting assistanse? :)18:11
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Okay, I will take the Macbook and continue from there the talking.18:11
StrangeNoisesmoppy: i'll happily admit i don't really have a good clue about PSUs and tend to overengineer18:12
StrangeNoisesit's not like it'll actually use its maximum capacity wastefully18:12
DrGrovStrangeNoises: I will switch now then. Should I directly start the installation procedure?18:13
StrangeNoisesthe 750W one i have in this pc runs at about 180 when not handbraking18:13
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: if you're doing the default install, you shouldn't need our help to get through it. That's why we told you to do it that way. ;-)18:13
StrangeNoisesbecause i'm going to disappear soon18:14
StrangeNoisesget on with it ;-)18:14
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok yes boss. :)18:14
* StrangeNoises better run away before it all goes horribly wrong...18:14
moppyStrangeNoises, the general rule is they give the peak output not the sustained so people "tend to" take the TDP, double it, and get that for a PSU18:15
StrangeNoisesmoppy: if i wanted to spend even more money, (and didn't want a *small* system) i also had this in mind: http://www.scan.co.uk/savedbasket/2c902b8c74e94324bc9c3f563d2a74f718:16
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DrGrovStrangeNoises: I can find you :)18:16
StrangeNoises10xsata3 and 2xthunderbolt are attractive18:16
UbnoobtuHi all, I am fairly stupid.18:16
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok, here goes the automatic install.18:16
StrangeNoisesthe rest is mostly the same18:16
zerocircleupgrading option to 13.10 is not active when trying to instal ubuntu 13.10 is I need to erase ubuntu to install?18:16
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises: lol. I am having a problem scp'ing myself.18:16
StrangeNoiseszerocircle: upgrading from what?18:17
StrangeNoisesupdate manager should be offering the option18:17
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Should I take the updates while installing?18:17
StrangeNoisesunless you're on an LTS set to only upgrade to a later LTS18:18
StrangeNoisesor not on ubuntu at all of course18:18
zerocircleStrangeNoises, from disc!18:18
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: doesn't matter, might as well18:18
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok, will do.18:18
DrGrovStrangeNoises: I create everything as I would normally do?18:18
StrangeNoisesthe interesting point is when it should ask you which drive to install it to, and you tell it, use the entire drive, and choose the ssd18:18
StrangeNoisesand to install grub to the same drive18:19
StrangeNoisesassuming the other drive is already physically installed18:19
moppyStrangeNoises, the total power draw from a i7 is abotu 100W at full blast unless you bought one of the really expensive "extreme" ones, anyway you can work out the pwoer drain from the manufacturer's stats18:19
StrangeNoisesif not it'll be even easier18:19
StrangeNoisesmoppy: i actually wouldn't even be overclocking18:19
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DrGrovStrangeNoises: I hope the SSD is installed as intended.18:20
bilgo345How to configure my wireless?18:20
bet0xZend Studio 10 i choose you!18:20
StrangeNoisesmost of the time it's light desktop duties, which is partly why i haven't actually *boght* either of those systems: can't quite justify the cost atm. occasionally i want to encode a bunch of stuff in handbrake and that gives a cpu a workoiut18:20
StrangeNoisesor a raid reshape which does similar for the drives18:20
moppyim not sure a raid rehsape is cpu bound, you're IO bound there18:21
Richhhevery time i partition my drive and then run memtest86, the first time running memtest86 it reboots before it finishes, subsequent times it completes with no errors (and loops). normal?18:21
StrangeNoisesyeah, i mean it would force a sustained power draw from all the drives18:22
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Should I enable LVM? Or just "Erase disk and install Ubuntu"?18:22
StrangeNoisesthe latter, unless you have a reason for LVM. if you don't know, you don't18:22
gordonjcpDrGrov: enabling it lets you fiddle about with partition sizes at a later date18:22
gordonjcpDrGrov: it makes things a little more complicated18:22
DrGrovgordonjcp: No please no :)18:22
gordonjcpDrGrov: if you don't know what it is, you don't care what it is18:22
jeffrey_fGnuPG question: I have a text file with email addresses which I have exported from my address book.  Is there any way to script a lookup and add of keys where they exist?18:22
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok, I erase everything.18:22
StrangeNoisesjust make sure you pick the right disk18:23
StrangeNoisesit should be obvious18:23
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Haha. It suggests the 120GB SSD and wants to use the entire disk.18:23
UbnoobtuSo I am having a problem scp'ing with Ubuntu between 2 computers I own. I've had several issues. but for now I am just trying to figure out what i'm doing wrong now. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6342679/18:23
StrangeNoisesyes, so much yes to that18:23
StrangeNoisesUbnoobtu: there's some escaping needed there for those spaces18:24
StrangeNoisesput quotes around the source path and a / on the end of the dest path18:24
StrangeNoisesalso, check out rsync, but the same escaping will be required18:25
designsee the network manager does not show active network http://cs14112.vk.me/c425819/v425819444/5212/6AHPqVjD5QY.jpg18:25
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Suggestions on a good username for my account? I thought about something cool but can't think of anything18:26
designnetwork is active but does not appear18:26
bilgo345My machine recognizes my wireless network but never connects to it. Any advice? PLEASE!18:26
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises: okay so it would be something like scp ":/home/connell/shared/Childish_Gambino-Heartbeat.mp3/" robert@    ???18:26
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: i just use my firstname, lowercase18:26
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StrangeNoisesno colon18:27
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok :) I know I am retarded when I ask all these stupid questions.18:27
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises:  lol, could you write it for me for a clear example?18:27
StrangeNoisesrsync ~/shared/Childish_Gambino-Heartbeat.mp3 robert@192.1668.1.3:shared/18:28
lonewulf85Hey when attempting to log into Ubuntu 12.04 I get a flash of a two line warning and then back to the log in screen. I reinstalled ubuntu to my root petition and then re installed grub still no luck. HELP18:28
StrangeNoisesnow figure out why18:28
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StrangeNoisesand why i didn't use spaces18:28
StrangeNoiseswhen i said use spaces18:28
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises:  I'm sorry, but I'm trying to think of a way to word it18:31
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6342735/18:32
lonewulf85no boot just two line warning then back to login.18:32
StrangeNoisescan you read the error message yourself? perhaps get a clue?18:32
StrangeNoisesit's telling you what's wrong18:32
lonewulf85it flashes by to fast to see.18:33
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises: Look man, I'm pretty much a scrub at this, I'm sorry, lol18:33
StrangeNoisesremember, linux filenames are case senstivie18:33
StrangeNoisesread the error message on line 318:33
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Now it is installed on the SSD.18:33
lonewulf85also when I run the rescue and choose to use failsafe graphics it freezes and I have to restart.18:34
moppyactually that's a bit unfair imo: not everyone considers "A" and "a" to be different, especialyl when used to windows, or not mathematicians18:34
StrangeNoiseslonewulf85: run rescue and go to shell and look at syslog?18:34
StrangeNoisesmoppy: that's why i mentioned it's case sensitive, yes18:34
StrangeNoisesas i know on other systems they're not18:35
StrangeNoisesosx is case-preserving for instance18:35
StrangeNoisesbut if you say 'shared' and it's actually Shared then linux won't know what you're talking about18:35
UbnoobtuI see18:35
UbnoobtuAlright, Lemme see what I can do with this info, but what about the spaces and qoutes you were saying about18:36
StrangeNoisesthat was in your original example when there were spaces in the path to your source file18:36
StrangeNoisesbut in the later example there wasn't, as if you'd moved it18:36
StrangeNoisesyou don't need to quote it if there's nothing that needs quoting or escaping18:36
StrangeNoisesalso btw, there's this lovely thing called auto-completion18:36
StrangeNoisesstart typing a path element and hit tab18:37
Ubnoobtuqouting is " " but what is escaping?18:37
StrangeNoiseseg: "A filename with spaces.mp3" or A\ filename\ with\ spaces.mp318:37
Ubnoobtua path element, lol, this is a new term18:37
StrangeNoisesUbnoobtu: as in a directory or file name18:37
StrangeNoisesas opposed to the whole path, directories to a filename18:37
moppyUbnoobtu, escaping is when you put \ infront of " so tat you can enclose quotes inside of quotes18:38
moppyUbnoobtu, actually that's a very incomplete explanation, but it will serve for this18:38
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok, It is installed. Runs smoooothly.18:38
StrangeNoisesbackslash in linux/osx is an escaping char, lets the char after go through rather than being interpreted as something else18:38
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: you've rebooted? you're at the desktop?18:38
UbnoobtuOh boy.18:38
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Yes, I am desktop ready.18:39
StrangeNoisesrun your updates18:39
moppyUbnoobtu, basically " has special meaning to the computer; so you need to write \" if you meant " as data, not as a command18:39
StrangeNoisesthen follow that new home howto18:39
Ubnoobtumoppy: that makes sense to me now18:39
zacek30Saludos alguien habla castellano18:40
Ubnoobtuso I would \"file name with spaces.mp3"18:40
StrangeNoisesUbnoobtu: and spaces usually separate a list of files, so if you have a filename with spaces in it, you need to enclose it in quotes or escape the spaces separately so it all counts as one18:40
DrGrovStrangeNoises: I will go on the other installed machine to follow easier.18:40
StrangeNoises"file name with spaces.mp3"18:40
caveat-how do I fix this problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kbd/+bug/701876 ?18:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 701876 in kbd (Ubuntu) "Caps lock led does not light on TTY console." [Undecided,Confirmed]18:40
StrangeNoisesfile\ name\ with\ spaces.mp318:40
UbnoobtuI'm learning new things now, helpful things.18:41
StrangeNoisesfile\ name\ with\ \"quotes\".mp318:41
StrangeNoiseswhere the filename would be file name with "quotes".mp318:41
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: install xchat-gnome for a more civilised irc experience18:41
Ubnoobtuwhy so many \ in that example?18:42
moppyeach space18:42
StrangeNoisesbecause i'm escaping every space and quote mark18:42
StrangeNoisesor quote the lot eg:18:42
Ubnoobtuis that necessary?18:42
StrangeNoises"file name with \"quotes\".mp3"18:42
moppy^^ that is the correct way18:42
StrangeNoisesor even 'file name with "quotes".mp3' (note *single* quotes, they do something slightly different)18:42
StrangeNoiseswhich is a more advanced topic18:43
jiancdnDoes anyone  here use Ubuntu to stream music to a home theatre receiver? I've been out of the game for awhile and trying to figure out the best way to do this.18:43
jhutchins_wkjiancdn: vlc might work.18:43
Ubnoobtuwhere would I go to learn these commands, or what would these commands be called? if I were to find some howtos and18:43
moppy(and by correct i mean not vomit inducing)18:43
StrangeNoisesjiancdn: not music but video, but probably doable with music too: i use xbmc on linux at client end, linux on server end; serves files with samba (! nfs hung up on me one last time)18:44
xll11someone should make a dist of ubuntu called uboobtu and plant explicit photo of boobs everywhere18:44
brontosaurusrexjiancdn, what kind of receiver it is ? is that a data connection or .. ?18:44
hitsujiTMOjiancdn: what technologys does the home theatre receiver support?18:44
tppIs there a program that reads errors when I binary try to find libraries and auto download it for me?18:45
StrangeNoisesmoppy: otoh if the path is formed with bash completion it'll have those escape chars in it18:45
StrangeNoisesso you might as well be familiar18:45
xll11did someone already think of this?18:45
StrangeNoisesxll11: yeah i think so, sounds familiar18:45
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Should I configure my nVidia GT 620 card now as well?18:45
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jhutchins_wkxll11: mediatomb?18:46
wafflejockUbnoobtu: use man18:46
StrangeNoisesinstall nvidia-319-updates18:46
StrangeNoisesyou're done18:46
wafflejockUbnoobtu: man is the command for getting the manual on a command18:46
wafflejockman man18:46
StrangeNoisesUbnoobtu: and google is your friend18:46
wafflejockman apt-get18:46
wafflejockman ls18:46
wafflejockusually you'll want to just Google for what you're trying to do then use man to get details about a command if you're interested in what it's doing18:47
jiancdnStrangeNoises, brontosaurusrex and hitsujiTMO: It's just a receiver but I've stumbled upon an old P4 box.. I'd like to somehow play the music through the receiver. It doesn't have any network functionality. Ideally I'd like to buy some sort of dongle like a boxee or roku and have that connect to the computer and use an android tablet as a remote.18:47
jiancdnI really have no idea what I am looking for.18:47
jiancdnFrightening because I may finally be getting "old"18:47
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises: wafflejock : I'm pretty new at this, so most tutorials I've read seem to be made for users slightly more advanced that I am atm.18:48
jchaikeis anyone here dual booting ubuntu and OSX?18:48
StrangeNoisesUbnoobtu: it is a steep learning curve18:48
wafflejockjiancdn: you may want to check out subsonic18:48
StrangeNoisesjchaike: yes18:48
moppyjchaike, I used to, not sure if relevant but can try18:48
jchaikeStrangeNoises, what bootloader are you using?18:48
StrangeNoiseson a real mac, not hackint0sh18:48
hitsujiTMOjiancdn: if it has no network conectivity then what types of connections does it actually have? just phono?18:48
jchaikeim having issues with rEFInd18:48
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jchaikeStrangeNoises, why refit not refind?18:48
wafflejockUbnoobtu: it's true there's a lot of info out there and it gets down to all the nitty gritty but that's what Linux is18:49
wafflejockmost of the time you don't need to worry about it18:49
StrangeNoises"jchaike: im having issues with rEFInd"18:49
StrangeNoisesi think you already answered it ;-)18:49
wafflejockbut if you're doing development or trying to do some bleeding edge stuff it can get hairy18:49
jchaikewell maybe haha, its not real terrible issues, its just showing me lots of boot optoins some of which arent even there anymore18:49
jchaikeand i want to "REFRESH" the bootmanager, and im not sure how to go about that18:49
jiancdnhitsjiTMO: It is newer.. hdmi etc.18:49
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises: wafflejock  So the rsync worked, but any time I am using scp or whatever, it keeps creating new shared directories on my remote pc.18:50
jchaikelike i just have ubuntu and OSX but its showing me 2 ubuntu boot optoins, OSX, and one random linux18:50
StrangeNoisesi'm afraid i don't know that stuff in enough detail. mine shows excess boot options too (well one, it thinks a /home partition is a bootable system), but it boots the right one by default so i'm happy18:50
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wafflejockjchaike: are you using GRUB?18:50
wafflejockjchaike: I have a hackintosh setup but it's using Chameleon18:50
wafflejocknot sure how to configure that18:51
jchaikeGRUB comes up after i select my OS in rEFInd18:51
StrangeNoisesUbnoobtu: use rsync. actually you can probably use nautilus and drag and drop18:51
jchaikewhich i dont fully understand why that happens either18:51
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wafflejocksorry not familiar will do some googling and be back18:51
StrangeNoisesosx advertises ssh+sftp, you need an avahi service file to make linux do it18:51
hitsujiTMOjiancdn: if it has s/pdif then you can just connect the pc directly to that18:51
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises: alright, thanks,18:52
hitsujiTMOjiancdn: then its a case of just having ubuntu use s/pdif as default ouput, and you can use what ever media player has a web interface or phone app. I think xbmc still has a decent web interface iirc18:52
jiancdnhitsujiTMO: Let me do some googling and I'll get back to you!18:53
wafflejockrEFInd looks interesting... may have to play with that, I "lost" my linux partition on that machine when installing OS X, thought Chameleon would find it but no go... thought the dual boot with OS X just wasn't possible, will have to check that out18:53
yahoowafflejock: and you are using which machine ?18:54
wafflejockyahoo: I'm on my laptop now, System76 Gazelle Professional Nov 201218:54
wafflejockyahoo: my desktop is Win 7/OS X right now cause I lost my Ubuntu partition on there18:54
wafflejockit's basically become the gaming and testing rig18:55
yahoowafflejock: cool ! i have a hp machine, i'm keen to run OS X18:55
wafflejockyahoo: ah the desktop was a custom build18:55
wafflejockI did have to do lots of fandangling getting it configured18:56
wafflejockfinding the right kexts and whatnot18:56
wafflejockluckily the GTX670 is supported by the new versions of OS X but upgrading was a bit of a nightmare18:56
moppyok that was weird, the update today requires a reboot on one machine and not on another. i had *thought* they were configured identically. is it only kernel that the ubuntu updater will ask for a reboot on?18:56
yahoowafflejock: is ATI ?18:56
wafflejockyahoo: nope NVIDIA18:56
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises: Thanks for the help, the file whent through.  But before I go, what was the problem I was having and how was it fixed?18:56
yahoowafflejock: main reason i am not installing OSX is drivers and intel switchable graphics18:57
hitsujiTMOjiancdn: there's also mpd if you want to just run it as a headless server ( no graphical display ). There's a nimber of web interfaces that you can use to control it: http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Clients18:57
StrangeNoisesUbnoobtu: you just needed to get your paths right18:57
wafflejockyahoo: yeah ultimately it's pretty nice and everything seems to work well but lots of headaches along the way18:57
wafflejockyahoo: was like a 3 day multiple install process18:57
yahoowafflejock: that sucks18:57
arianithi, after upgrading to 13.10 only social network scope is showing in dash despite having installed other ones as well. Programs for examples are not showing at all http://i.imgur.com/EVOWT7J.png?1 Any idea?18:58
wafflejockyahoo: indeed... I needed it to deploy my app to iOS, built in AIR18:58
wafflejockyahoo: I just couldn't get the app to submit to the marketplace without OS X18:58
jiancdnhisujiTMO: Is coxial digital audio the same as spdif?18:58
yahoowafflejock: i love ubuntu on my machine but sounds drivers are what i hate18:58
jiancdnI've got a panasonic receiver.. spdif looks like a sony thing?18:58
moppyjiancdn, it's mostly standard, but it does stand for sony/phillips.18:59
wafflejockjiancdn: I believe despite being a Sony technology it's used by other manufacturers like the CD18:59
SemajnadHello, I have a question regarding remote desktop connection from windows to an Ubuntu 13.10 server.19:00
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Now I am back. Sorry for the delay. I got the nvidia-updates-319.19:00
SemajnadI have installed xRDP and get a login screen, however when I log in, I get a screen with black and white dots (it looks like that)19:00
wafflejockyahoo: haven't had many sound driver issues... a bit of a hiccup with kubuntu19:00
wafflejockyahoo: had to install something but previously used to have issues with wifi and most of that has gone away19:00
jiancdnI don't have spdif out.. So I guess that isn't going to work.19:01
yahoowafflejock: its because of beats audio19:01
wafflejockyahoo: ah19:01
hitsujiTMOjiancdn: coaxial digital audio is prob just a generic name for it, so that's prob it alright. of not you could prob just use a 3.5mm to phono connection if it comes down to that19:01
wafflejockSemajnad: haven't tried xRDP any reason to not use VNC?19:01
yahoowafflejock: plus EFI was a nightmare19:01
wafflejockyahoo: yeah decided to go System76 this time since they are an Ubuntu based shop19:02
Semajnadwafflejock: If I connect to Ubuntu 13.10 GUI Version with VNC, will I get the original Ubuntu Desktop?19:02
Semajnadwafflejock: that's what I get as well http://oi39.tinypic.com/2ivzpcw.jpg19:02
yahoowafflejock: i got my windows broken. Its fixed now but some features like reset wont work. Cant get singleLanguage ISO :(19:02
yahoowafflejock: they make very bad laptops19:02
wafflejockyahoo: how so?19:03
yahoowafflejock: compare their laptops with HP and APPLE19:03
yahoowafflejock: or even dell19:03
uncle_benanyone know how i can start my vncserver to connect with the real display :0?  i have the vnc module loaded in X already19:03
DrGrovWhat was the guide I was going to use to get /home into the new 1TB drive?19:03
hitsujiTMOyahoo, wafflejock I've never heard from anyone that they're "bad".19:03
wafflejockI have they're cheaper19:03
wafflejockthat is ridiculous19:04
jiancdnhitsujiTMO: I definitely don't have a phono in. I19:04
StrangeNoisesuse gparted to format the 1TB drive19:04
Semajnadwafflejock: do you know?19:04
wafflejockSemajnad: sorry haven't used xRDP19:04
yahoohitsujiTMO: doesnt mean they are good19:04
wafflejockSemajnad: I use VNC through SSH tunnel for AWS19:04
StrangeNoisesjust gpt, one partition, ext4, give it a label of your choice, eg: Home19:04
Semajnadwafflejock: No sorry my quesiton about VNC19:04
Semajnadwafflejock: If I connect to Ubuntu 13.10 GUI Version with VNC, will I get the original Ubuntu Desktop?19:04
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises: Would rsync be good to use to sync my two computers' music folders? is it good to transfer 5 gigs or more?19:04
hitsujiTMOyahoo: have you a link to where you've read it as being bad?19:04
wafflejockSemajnad: I believe so... I have XFCE setup on my server since it's a micro instance19:04
StrangeNoisesUbnoobtu: not only is it good, it's the best and right way19:04
matthias_archhi, i have got an small problem in my python script: I'm doing component.get('dtstart').dt.strftime('%H:%M') <-- how can i apply there my timezone?19:05
StrangeNoisesrsync -avhHP source dest19:05
wafflejockSemajnad: I do get a "full desktop" experience thoguh19:05
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok, I got gparted installed with Synaptic.19:05
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises: Alright, imma type the commands and pray that it works. last time I rsync'd it didn't output.19:05
hitsujiTMOjiancdn: do you have the model number and i'll have a look at the specs for it19:05
Semajnadwafflejock: thank ytou.19:05
yahoohitsujiTMO: not really ! i dont believe reviewers. their opinion is biased19:05
wafflejockSemajnad: no problem, also check out the SSH tunneling it's actually really easy and keeps things secure19:05
SemajnadHas anyone here used xRDP?19:05
wafflejockyahoo: I have had one for a good year it's been awesome19:06
jiancdnhitsujiTMO: Whoops actually a Pioneer VSX-521-K19:06
wafflejock128GB SSD Quad-Core, boots in about 10 seconds19:06
wafflejock900 bucks19:06
wafflejock1080p matte screen19:06
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok. I see the unallocated 992GB19:06
wafflejockrunning two monitors 1080p right now off it19:06
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yahoowafflejock: i dont like the design not sure about hardware19:07
jhutchins_wkDrGrov: Generally a bad idea to be modifying partitions on an active device (ie the one you're running from).19:07
jhutchins_wkDrGrov: Much safer to boot to a live CD or something.19:07
StrangeNoisesjhutchins_wk: he's not. the ssd isn't a tb19:07
StrangeNoisesthat he installed the system on19:07
wafflejockI'd say my biggest complaint was the touch pad was too sensitive but I found a nice program that lets you block clicks for a duration after typing but still lets you move the mouse19:07
yahoowafflejock: i haev i5 2.6 with 2GB ATI 6GB ram19:07
StrangeNoisesthis is the second drive in his box19:07
jhutchins_wkStrangeNoises: cool.19:08
StrangeNoisesthat he wants to have mounted as /home19:08
StrangeNoisesfirst step is formatting the damn thing19:08
wafflejock8GB of RAM19:08
cpinedhello...I've installed the Oracle ext for RDP in virtualbox and enabled Remote display but I still cannot connect to my guest os from a rdp client, any ideals?19:09
wafflejockthis isn't my gaming computer so I don't care much about the graphics19:09
wafflejockif that was a concern I probably would have dropped a little more on it19:09
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: ... which should have been done by now...19:09
matthias_archhi, i have got an small problem in my python script: I'm doing component.get('dtstart').dt.strftime('%H:%M') <-- how can i apply there my timezone?19:09
wafflejockthe desktop with the  GTX 670 eats everything19:09
yahoowafflejock: well, i got it for arond 625 $19:09
wafflejockSSD is where the cost is19:09
Picimatthias_arch: Please ask in #python19:10
yahoowafflejock: plus sound is good bcuz of beats19:10
wafflejockyahoo: THX sound is decent19:10
yahoowafflejock: and switchable graphics boosts battery to 4+ hours19:10
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yahoowafflejock: its not haswell btw19:10
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wafflejockyahoo: yeah depends on what you're using the laptop for I guess19:11
wafflejockif it's entertainment you're after and no peripherals then that makes sense19:11
wafflejockI use mine for work as a "pseudo desktop" with everything attached and just like that it's a laptop for on the go or meeting with clients19:11
yahoowafflejock: i dont play games but i have to reboot my pc when i want to listen to songs. lol ! that sucks19:11
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Sorry about that. Not so fast .19:11
yahoowafflejock: i guess good sound on ubuntu is just a dream19:12
xlastone4hi. Is there any security recomendation guide for ubuntu systems?19:12
wafflejockyahoo: SSD makes that more reasonable.. I ended up dropping the dual boot though and just installing win 8 in virtual box19:12
yahoowafflejock: HP and DELL make ubuntu version but without good audiso19:12
wafflejocksounds good here19:12
UbnoobtuWHOA, I love manm19:12
wafflejockTHX audio ? not sure how good that is really but sounds fine19:12
DrGrovStrangeNoises: What type, gpt?19:12
StrangeNoisesfor the partition scheme19:13
DrGrovStrangeNoises: I got the computer today. The drive was not formatted.19:13
StrangeNoisesthen just add one partition, fill the whole disk, format as ext4, and give it a name in the label field19:13
Ramonehey all... can anyone tell me how the heck to increase my open file limit with ulimit?  I haven't had much luck following directions from random websites...19:13
wafflejockgoing through Creative Labs setup... unfortunately stupid potentiometer in the knob for volume control is jacked up so it just dips occasionally which is annoying, but just an issue with the speaker controls nothing else really19:13
yahoowafflejock: my laptop looks something like this : http://asset2.cbsistatic.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2012/07/11/HP_Envy_Sleekbook_6-1010us_35339027_07_610x436.jpg19:14
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok, now I got it. That was not so difficult as I originally thought.19:14
xlastone4Ramone: http://www.kegel.com/c10k.html19:15
wafflejockyahoo: yeah looks nice, my buddy just picked up an HP that looked pretty nice too19:15
StrangeNoisesok, so you've done that format? you've hit apply and it's done it?19:15
wafflejockI honestly like the archaic look of System7619:15
wafflejocklike the ThinkPad19:15
yahoowafflejock: its preety light-weight. There's no CD rom19:15
wafflejockbut again I don't use it on the go as much... if I did I'd be more concerned about it being lightweight and pretty19:15
Ramonexlastone4: you referring to the ulimit section?  I've done all that19:16
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Done. Got it as ext4, labelled Home and taking up all space.19:16
yahoowafflejock: right ! how did you get the iso for OS X ?19:16
wafflejockI also have a Das keyboard, basically a copy of the original IBM PS/2 keyboard19:16
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: ok, quit gparted19:16
wafflejockyahoo: I bought it19:16
xlastone4maybe SELinux is limiting you also19:16
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok.19:16
StrangeNoiseswafflejock: not quite a copy, but pretty good19:16
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* StrangeNoises has a couple of ibm model m keyboards19:16
yahoowafflejock: from where ? which version ? will it work on Virtual Box ?19:16
StrangeNoisesand a unicomp keyboard which *is* the modern version19:16
wafflejockyahoo: ordered the CD online then used the instructions from TonyMac site to get it installed19:17
cpinedhello...I've installed the Oracle ext for RDP in virtualbox and enabled Remote display but I still cannot connect to my guest os from a rdp client, any ideas?19:17
wafflejockyahoo: not sure about Virtual Box setup19:17
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: ls -l /dev/disk/by-label/Home19:17
wafflejockyahoo: I just did it as a dual boot and was a challenge19:17
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: proving to my satisfaction it was actually done)19:17
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok.19:17
StrangeNoisesand the result should be that it's a link to /dev/sdb1 or similar19:17
yahoowafflejock: did you use bootrepair19:17
wafflejockyahoo: I think basically Chameleon fakes out OS X to make it think this is a Mac and that the nvram is present etc.19:18
DrGrovStrangeNoises: root root 10 marra  1 21:15 /dev/disk/by-label/Home -> ../../sdb119:18
StrangeNoisescool right, we're off19:18
wafflejockyahoo: I don't recall using "bootrepair" I was mostly in and out of the Chameleon configuration19:18
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Yay :)19:18
StrangeNoisesgo to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving and go down to Setup Fstab19:18
yahoowafflejock: so did chameleon help ?19:18
wafflejockyahoo: sorry it was a bit ago and have only done it once so the details are fuzzy19:18
wafflejockyahoo: yeah19:18
StrangeNoisesapart from where it says "UUID=???????" put LABEL=Home19:19
yahoowafflejock: what is nvram ?19:19
StrangeNoisesbut apart from that, follow the rest of the guide19:19
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok, I am in Setup Fstab.19:19
wafflejockthe wizard for Chameleon guides you through quite a bit of stuff but you have to figure out which checkboxes to get it working with your audio/video19:19
wafflejockyahoo: non-voltaile rAM I think it's just like flash memory on the motherboard/logic board for macs19:19
StrangeNoisesfollow the rest of that guide; i couldn't do better19:19
wafflejockI'm pretty Apple ignorant though19:19
StrangeNoisesjust LABEL=Home instead of UUID=???????19:19
Ubnoobtuonnell@connell-laptop:~$ rsync ~/Home/Music robert@ robert@'s password:  rsync: change_dir "/home/connell/Home" failed: No such file or directory (2) rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1070) [sender=3.0.9] connell@connell-laptop:~$ rsync ~/Music robert@ robert@'s password:  skipping directory Music connell@connell-la19:20
wafflejockyahoo: think it tells the OS which device this is and things like that19:20
UbnoobtuCan I not color between the lineS!!!19:20
pardusedo it :D19:20
wafflejockbasically the kext files are your drivers19:21
yahoowafflejock: are there issues other than drivers not working ? like its laggy or some apps dont work19:21
wafflejockyou have to get those right for things to boot and if they get messed up during upgrades you can lose your work19:21
wafflejockyahoo: everything is great now19:21
wafflejockyahoo: it takes a bit to boot and I'm not sure about sleep19:21
wafflejockyahoo: but once it's up everything is solid19:21
DrGrovStrangeNoises: I am now in the gksu. Just add all info as lines below in the gksu?19:21
yahoowafflejock: i wonder if i can hire someone to code the kext files19:21
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Step 3?19:22
existensil"yahoo: everything is great now" ... that should be yahoo's new slogan19:22
existensili mean, its not accurate, but some people would surely come back19:22
StrangeNoisesexactly as it says19:22
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Yes. I am just a bit nervous at this text-editing stuff :)19:22
wafflejockyahoo: I was able to find kexts within that chamelon setup wizard to get my audio working and to get the better graphics drivers setup I just had to upgrade the OS itself since the most recent version included support for my card19:22
kostkonexistensil, nice19:22
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: gksu is a command that lets you run the rest of the command as root. gedit is a text editor19:23
StrangeNoisesso you're editing that file as root, because your normal user doesn't have rights to do it19:23
wafflejockbasically you boot off one CD that makes it so you can boot the OS X CD, you swap out to the OS X install CD, install that goes pretty  easy19:23
wafflejockon first reboot you install chameleon and congiure things19:23
wafflejockthen you pray19:23
wafflejockeven if you don't believe in god19:23
StrangeNoiseswafflejock: and then you spend the next week fiddling with it before giving up and installing ubuntu? :-D19:23
StrangeNoisesand deciding it's less trouble to just buy a mac? :-D19:24
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Ok, so Home is the UUUID.19:24
wafflejockStrangeNoises: haha yah then you just never touch it again once it works :)19:24
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: LABEL=Home19:24
StrangeNoisesNOT UUID=Home19:24
yahoowafflejock: lol ! so it renames hardware etc19:24
existensilDrGrov: don't worry... if you make a mistake it just erases everything, so nothing to be nervous about :-P19:24
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Okay okay, don't get angry.19:24
no0bHi, I'm new to linux and I want to try learning vim. Correct me if I'm wrong but vim if for the terminal while vim-gnome is the GUI version.  Now, I'm currentyl using Ubuntu 12.04, will I be able to use vim-gnome even if Ubuntu 12.04 uses Unity?19:24
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: it's important to get that right :-)19:24
gordonjcpno0b: yes19:24
StrangeNoiseswhere they have UUID=???????? you put LABEL=Home19:24
existensilDrGrov: in reality, if you mess up the fstab line it just won't mount that drive, so you'll be back where you started (just SSD)19:24
gordonjcpno0b: or, you could just use vim in a terminal19:25
kostkonno0b, unity is a shell for gnome19:25
wafflejockyahoo: yeah you can say you have a MacBook 2020 I think19:25
wafflejockyahoo: not sure what other stuff that does but I know it's essentially for the system to boot19:25
wafflejockI've seen real Macs that have complaied about the NVRAM being messed up and Apple says the "logic board" needs to be replaced19:25
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Okay, the UUUID=???? is now LABEL=Home19:25
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Gotta change the ext3 to ext4 then as well. Anything else, the /sda stuff?19:25
no0bgordonjcp: I'm planning to use it as a text editor for programming, will the terminal version suffice or will the GUI or vim-gnome be better?19:26
StrangeNoisesthe sda5 they have there is just in a comment, doesn't matter. it's illustrative19:26
no0bkostkon: I'm planning to use it for programming purposes, will the terminal version suffice or will the GUI or vim-gnome be better?19:26
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StrangeNoiseswe've used the LABEL instead19:26
StrangeNoisesbecause next time you boot sda and sdb might have swapped over19:26
yahoowafflejock: i'll give it a try19:27
DrGrovStrangeNoises: This is what I put there, Label=HOME   /media/home    ext4          defaults       0       219:27
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StrangeNoises(probably won't on a simple system, but *might* so not to depend on it)19:27
yahoowafflejock: i'll make system image via ubuntu first19:27
StrangeNoisesthat looks good19:27
wafflejockyahoo: godspeed19:27
DrGrovOk, then just continue the procedures.19:27
wafflejockyahoo: good idea on the backup clonezilla has been good to me lately19:27
yahoowafflejock: lol ! i wanted to get a MBP but i didnt bcuz its didnt sport haswell. Its like 3 - 4 months from now19:28
figure002no0b: the terminal VIM is good enough for programming (I also use it for programming), but it is less user friendly19:28
yahoowafflejock: there's a tool called disks. that does a great job19:28
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Damn it, I tried sudo mount -a and it does not mount it.19:28
yahoowafflejock: its pre-installed in ubuntu19:28
wafflejockyahoo: cool will check that out19:28
wafflejockyahoo: kubuntu?19:28
StrangeNoisesdid you do the previous step?19:28
StrangeNoisessudo mkdir /media/home19:28
gordonjcpno0b: try both and see what you like19:29
yahoowafflejock: no ubuntu19:29
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Yes, I did the sudo mkdir/media/home19:29
wafflejockI'm on kubuntu Unity was making me a little mad19:29
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gordonjcpno0b: I use just normal vim, but for most of my programming stuff I use gedit ;-)19:29
DrGrovStrangeNoises: This is the error I get, mount: special device Label=HOME does not exist19:29
StrangeNoisespresumably without that typo...19:29
Ubnoobtudat gansta edit19:29
StrangeNoisescase sensitive19:29
yahoowafflejock: why ? unity is good ! you must be missing scopes, lens etc19:29
StrangeNoisesyou called it Home, not HOME19:29
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DrGrovStrangeNoises: Oh, that explains why :)19:29
StrangeNoisesshould have spotted that too, you pasted the line19:30
wafflejockyahoo: eh not really, I like the panels and just setup what I need19:30
StrangeNoisesi can see it's wrong now19:30
StrangeNoisesi was checking the rest of the line :-)19:30
Ubnoobtucase sensitive, damn it, how many more times does StrangeNoises have to repeat himself!!! DrGrov , lol jk.19:30
StrangeNoisesLABEL=Home, not Label=HOME19:30
existensilha. in a way, he was close19:30
wafflejockI have Chrome | Sublime | Filezilla | Pithos | GnuCash | VirtualBox | XMBC | File Browser | Netflix | RDP/VNC | LinPhone | KdirStat | Trash | Calculator | Notes19:30
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Yes. I did LABEL=Home and it works :) No errors at least :)19:31
figure002wafflejock: I know what you mean, I switched to Gnome Shell on Ubuntu for that reason19:31
wafflejockthat's in the bottom panel and I have running applications in the top panel19:31
yahoowafflejock: i am more attracted to look. so i use ubuntu and hp lol !19:31
StrangeNoisesyes some of the times i was in all-caps i wasn't shouting, i was just being specific19:31
wafflejockfigure002: yeah I was missing the customization and wasn't happy with them hiding the close buttons and whatnot19:31
existensilDrGrov: now if you navigate to the directory (/media/home) in the file manager and right-click>properties on it, you should see your 1TB of free space :-)19:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:31
yahoowafflejock: and wht do you think about OS X ?19:31
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Thanks, I thought though you would be coming through the screen :) LOL19:31
wafflejockyahoo: exactly aesthetics all the way :)19:31
wafflejockthat's cool it does look nice19:32
wafflejockI'm using this as my primary devleopment machine though19:32
DrGrovexistensil: Ok, I just copy the home first or?19:32
wafflejockand running my business with my brother doing web dev19:32
wafflejockyahoo: OS X is pretty19:32
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: follow those isntructions19:32
wafflejockyahoo: I like the ease for installing stuff19:32
StrangeNoisesinstructions even19:32
StrangeNoisesthey are Correct19:32
StrangeNoisesmore correct than me, i forgot about .gvfs19:32
existensilDrGrov: the rest of the steps are moving your current /home contents to /media/home, then changing fstab again so your 1TB is at /home instead of /media/home19:32
wafflejockyahoo: really I like OS X in general if they didn't bundle it with their hardware I would be buying it19:32
yahoowafflejock: and what about performance ? over ubuntu ?19:32
existensilso you should continue with the guide19:32
wafflejockyahoo: can't really compare honestly since it wiped out my ubuntu install on that computer and my laptop with SSD kills it19:33
Ubnoobtu! offtopic19:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:33
yahoowafflejock: but their hardware is the best out there.19:33
Ubnoobtuubottu, what the hell is !offtopic19:33
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:33
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Something strange came up when comparing.19:33
StrangeNoiseswafflejock: well i actually have it the other way around. i have four real macs right now, but two of them are running ubuntu19:33
yahoowafflejock: that makes their OS shine. same is with iOS19:33
existensilDrGrov: put it in pastebin or gist or something and let us see19:33
DrGrovexistensil: Yes. will do.19:34
existensilyou might get a difference in .bash_history or something. safe to ignore.19:34
wafflejockyahoo: I get that you can make a tight product when you control the entire process of development but I don't like the need to buy into the entire ecosystem19:34
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: you mean in the diff command?19:35
wafflejockyahoo: I like companies that can work on open standards and create competition... don't get me wrong Apple has done some of this but they are also very closed garden about a lot of things19:35
figure002Ubnoobtu: that command makes the ubottu bot print that message; there are more of such commands for convenience19:35
Ubnoobtuwhats the off topic channel?19:35
yahoowafflejock: right but MacBook Pro has been declared as the 'best-performing' Windows laptop19:35
StrangeNoisesUbnoobtu: interoperability makes it ontopic? <reaching/>19:35
Ubnoobtufigure002: I was just trying to find the offtopic channel, I cant recall the name right now.19:35
figure002Ubnoobtu: see the message that ubottu printed19:36
yahoowafflejock: i totally agree with you !!!19:36
existensilDrGrov: yeah, that's safe to ignore19:36
existensiljust some new log entry added since the rsync happened19:36
existensilmove along19:36
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: there's a typo19:36
Ubnoobtufigure002: FAAAAH, I am an idiot, I missed that.19:36
figure002Ubnoobtu: :)19:36
StrangeNoisesdid you create your user wrong? :-)19:37
StrangeNoisesor did you mean it to be deahstar not deathstar?19:37
Ubnoobtuto tha deahstar19:37
StrangeNoiseswatch out for the stomtroopers19:37
StrangeNoisesor stormroopers i suppose19:37
wilee-nileelol lisping characters19:38
Ubnoobtuits the bouny huners19:38
StrangeNoisesgoverner arkin. i hought i'd find you here holding vader's leash19:38
SMWimI have a problem can anyone help?19:39
* figure002 xD19:39
gordonjcp!help | SMWim19:39
ubottuSMWim: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:39
SMWimI drunk to much vodka last night and feel rat poop, how do I cure it?19:39
wilee-nileeDon't let Mel Brooks get a wisp of this19:39
StrangeNoisesnow *that's* offtopic19:39
StrangeNoisesSMWim: gatorade19:40
existensilSMWim: i think you want #xubuntu19:40
wafflejockVitamin B19:40
Ubnoobtuan IV?19:40
* genii makes more coffee19:40
figure002apt-get install caffeine19:41
SMWimapt-get install a new head19:41
* StrangeNoises was serious about gatorade btw. they sell it as a sports drink but it's a hangover cure19:41
geniiSMWim: We might be able to assist better if you had a support question involving Ubuntu :)19:41
SMWimok ill try gatorade19:41
StrangeNoisesfor same reason: replacement of lost fluids and electrolytes etc.19:41
Ubnoobtuapt-get install beer_round2?19:42
daftykinsStrangeNoises: no off-topic discussion in here i'm afraid, it is muchly frowned upon19:42
wafflejockfunction Person(howMuchWater,howMuchSleep) {return {moreWater:howMuchWater++;moreSleep:howMuchSleep++}}19:42
StrangeNoisesdaftykins: i think we're done19:42
* figure002 frowns upon StrangeNoises19:43
StrangeNoisesmost channels i'm on are too quiet to banish smalltalk, it helps keep them up to operating temperature. but this one's too busy19:43
bigmacI've run 'apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)' but that fails.  Was hoping someone might assist.19:43
UbnoobtuSo when typing, when do i use qoutes and escapes? is there a website?19:43
StrangeNoiseswhen there's characters in the path that need them19:43
StrangeNoisesspaces and a lot of punctuation chars19:44
wafflejockUbnoobtu: you know you can tab complete in the command line?19:44
StrangeNoisesanything that the shell might take to actually mean something more than being part of a pathname19:44
wafflejockUbnoobtu: it's helpful for paths with spaces19:44
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Ubnoobtuwafflejock: people are telling me this, but what is that19:44
geniibigmac: When it fails, what is the message it says to you?19:44
wafflejockUbnoobtu: just type the first part then hit tab19:44
wafflejockif you see nothing hit tab again and it will list options19:44
wafflejockUbnoobtu: it will search your $PATH which is just a string list of a bunch of paths to look for stuff and will look in the current directory19:45
Ubnoobtuwafflejock: but what about paths, thats what im having issues witrh19:45
wafflejockUbnoobtu: yeah works for paths too so like type this19:45
wafflejockcd ~/Down19:45
wafflejockhit tab19:45
wafflejockthe ~ means your home folder19:45
wafflejockit knows since you're doing a cd that you're looking for folders... not sure how honestly but it's smart like that19:46
Ubnoobtuso, when it comes to files, I type onnell@connell-laptop:~$ rsync ~/Home/Music robert@ robert@'s password:  rsync: change_dir "/home/connell/Home" failed: No such file or directory (2) rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1070) [sender=3.0.9] connell@connell-laptop:~$ rsync ~/Music robert@ robert@'s password:  skipping19:46
StrangeNoisesUbnoobtu: that is, cd ~/Down<tab>19:46
StrangeNoisesdon't hit return after Down19:46
DrGrovSorry, I missed everything.19:46
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Where is a typo?19:47
StrangeNoisesdeahstar not deathstar?19:47
DrGrovexistensil: So after I showed the pastebin it is ok to continue?19:47
StrangeNoisespossibly done during installation, you seem to have created user deahstar19:47
wafflejockUbnoobtu: yeah basically if you have a space in an argument your passing a program like in this case then you're going to need to either quote the path or use the escape character before the space so the command doesn't think of that as a break to read the next parameter19:47
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Oh, I deleted some charachter by mistake sorry.19:47
thneewhen using an alternative window manager (awesome), "Browse Network" in nautilis says "Operation not supported". What daemon must be running to make this work?19:48
existensilDrGrov: yes, safe19:48
DrGrovexistensil: Ok.19:48
DrGrovexistensil: What should I do then after I already did the fstab?19:48
StrangeNoiseswell your username is deahstar now, you may as well continue; fixing it will be future challenge19:48
wafflejockUbnoobtu: generally speaking I just avoid having spaces in my paths for development stuff... for some generic things like business files/imagery and stuff I don't care so much, but folders I will probably run commands on a lot I just avoid the spaces19:48
DrGrovStrangeNoises: No it is ok, I accidentally deleted in the pastebin :)19:49
existensilDrGrov: have you renamed /home to /old_home yet?19:49
StrangeNoisesall the way down?19:49
DrGrovexistensil: Not yet. So I hvae to do the fstab thing again?19:49
Ubnoobtumost of the data I have is music and movies from friends.19:49
StrangeNoisesfollow. the. guide.19:49
existensilDrGrov: yes, after renaming your current /home you'll need to change fstab so /media/home becomes your /home19:49
UbnoobtuI'm a basic using trying to evolve19:49
existensilso you'll just make that small change19:49
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wafflejockUbnoobtu: yeah gotcha... I just have all of that stuff on a network attached storage (NAS)19:50
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: the first edit of /etc/fstab makes the new drive mount on /media/home, so you can do the copy19:50
existensilthe only thing in fstab that changes is /media/home becomes /home19:50
DrGrovexistensil: Ok. StrangeNoises Ok.19:50
StrangeNoisesthe second one makes it mount on /home, where you want it to live forever more19:50
DrGrovSo now I put there the same or something different?19:50
existensiljust leave what's there and change /media/home to /home19:50
DrGrovI wrote before I had read it. Sorry about that,19:51
Ubnoobtuwafflejock: I think I was looking into something like that.19:51
wafflejockUbnoobtu: I just used the network share to copy my stuff over.... honestly wish I knew more about rsync but haven't used it yet19:51
cpinedhi, so on my host(XP) when I run netstat -na | grep TCP I can see the RDP port 3390 which is defined inside the guest(ubuntu) and when I netstat -na on the ubuntu os I don't see port 3390...is that the way it is supposed to behave?  Remote Display enabled from the guest os?19:51
DrGrovOk, it is changed from /media/home to /home19:51
figure002thnee: does it work when you use the default window manager?19:52
wafflejockUbnoobtu: they're kinda expensive but pretty nice, tons of space and streams to all sorts of stuff, though to be honest I mostly listen to pandora and watch stuff on YouTube/Netflix anyway19:52
existensilDrGrov: and you moved your old home from /home to /old_home already?19:52
Ubnoobtuwafflejock: Oh dude, my issues are not with rsync alone, my coding ability is slim to none, but I want to make this more into a martial art for me.19:53
DrGrovexistensil: Doing it now.19:53
DrGrovexistensil: Done.19:53
existensilafter that you can `sudo mount -a` and be all done19:53
wafflejockUbnoobtu: if you're real fresh check out http://www.codecademy.com/19:53
existensilnow if you open up your file explorer, you should be in your new home directory, and if you right click and check the properties, you shuold see 1TB free space under /hmoe19:53
StrangeNoisesand although it says you don't need to reboot (and should be correct) do it anyway to be sure it comes up right, while we're still around19:54
wafflejockUbnoobtu: it's all web tech stuff but nice online repetitive courses to help you remember19:54
Ubnoobtuwafflejock: I was just asking about that in offtopic19:54
StrangeNoisesalso run system monitor19:54
DrGrovShould I delete the old home?19:54
StrangeNoisesdelete it later, when you're sure everything's ok19:54
StrangeNoisesthough tbh it's a fresh install, you haven't got stuff to lose if it does go wrong19:54
DrGrovNow I reboot then just in case and get back to you guys?19:54
DrGrovTalk to you soon19:54
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hallowebHello, what is the best optimizer for ubuntu?19:55
parapan_hi all > how can I select some packages from a particular ppa and not download all packages associated with this ppa ???19:55
figure002hellangel: what do you mean by optimizer?19:56
thneehalloweb: you need to be more specific, what do you want to do?19:56
StrangeNoisestricky, not sure, probably messing with pinning and crap like that. the other packages might be dependencies of the ones you want though so may be best to let it happen19:56
wafflejockparapan_: I dont understand, when you add a PPA then you install packages it just checks you PPAs for that package no?19:56
figure002halloweb: what do you mean by optimizer?19:56
wafflejockthnee: +1 halloweb htop19:56
thneefigure002: look into apt pinning19:57
StrangeNoisesDrGrov should be back by now, it's UEFI/SSD, shoudln't take this long to boot19:57
wilee-nileehalloweb, hard work and a clean mind.19:57
hallowebthree i want to put the turbo to ubuntu19:57
lechunxformatted a usb HD with fat32 partition using gparted to use as a shared network drive. samba config for the drive looks ok, set all permissions to 777, still getting permission denied on remote connection. any ideas?19:57
cpinedbizarre...if i use the host ip address then I'm able to establish a RDP session for the guest OS>19:57
thneehalloweb: that makes no sense19:57
parapan_wafflejock: yeap > but how can I have-it visually ...cause with command line ..sudo apt-get upgrade is downloading all packages from that ppa19:57
thneehalloweb: the turbo button has not existed on any of my computers for 10+ years19:57
wafflejockparapan_: upgrade will upgrade all your existing installed packages19:58
StrangeNoiseslechunx: to share a drive/partition/directory out with samba it doesn't need to be fat3219:58
StrangeNoisesand probably shouldn't be19:58
wafflejockparapan_: apt-get install will install new packages19:58
Ubnoobtuwafflejock: of ruby, python, Jquery, Java, PHP, which is the most Linux like?19:58
StrangeNoisesyou only want fat32 if you're going to physically plug the drive into different platforms/systems19:58
wafflejockparapan_: apt-get update will update the list of packages from the PPAs19:58
thneeUbnoobtu: python19:58
wafflejockUbnoobtu: I'm a PHP/MySQL guy I use Javascript via AngularJS I missed the jQuery boat and am glad it's sailed19:58
hallowebthree ubuntu needs a turbo in my computer because is very heavy19:59
parapan_wafflejock: correct ...and I just want to update 1 package not all of them ...19:59
DrGrovOk. Done the reboot.19:59
wafflejockUbnoobtu: python is interesting and a lot of smart people use it but the strict spacing makes me a little mad19:59
StrangeNoisesUbnoobtu: they're programming languages. linux is irrelevant; it's practically offtopic :-)19:59
parapan_wafflejock: how can I select the package ???19:59
thneehalloweb: I'm sorry, I don't think I can help you19:59
wafflejockI never gave it a fair shot19:59
StrangeNoisesthe most linux like of course is C19:59
StrangeNoisesbut none of them are linux-specific19:59
wafflejockvery true I started with saying it was web tech19:59
lechunxStrangeNoises: i c, thanks for rply, what would be the preferred format if i keep it on this machine?19:59
existensilruby trumps all for in code beauty and programmer happiness19:59
wafflejockbut any programming helps19:59
Ubnoobtuall different aNSWERS19:59
StrangeNoiseslechunx: ext419:59
existensilnot so much in the speed, but there is hardware and C extensions for that20:00
wafflejockagree C is the way to go if you really want to know whats up20:00
StrangeNoisesfor all your local filesystems20:00
LFSveteransomeone familiair with rEFInd ?20:00
wafflejockC is under PHP20:00
wafflejockparapan_: sorry not sure man apt-get upgrade?20:00
parapan_wafflejock: grrr  . . . .I want a shortcut ....20:00
existensil"most linux like" would probably have to be C, since so much of linux is built on it20:00
hallowebthree what is the app more similar to tuneup for ubuntu?20:00
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: ah you're back20:00
StrangeNoisesopen terminal20:00
Ubnoobtuso uh, PHP, then python, then ruby and all else? if C is not available?20:00
wafflejockparapan_: haha sorry can't spoon feed it to ya I don't know20:00
StrangeNoises(shows mounted filesystems)20:01
wafflejockUbnoobtu: really doesn't matter much20:01
StrangeNoises(you should see /home among them)20:01
wafflejockUbnoobtu: first language is going to be tough20:01
parapan_wafflejock: maybe after adding the ppa to do only sudo apt-get upgrade packagename ????20:01
wafflejockUbnoobtu: others will be much easier20:01
DrGrovStrangeNoises: This is the output of df -h , http://paste.ubuntu.com/6343185/20:01
UbnoobtuI want to learn a language thats relevant to what I am doing tho, so am I really over complicating it though?20:01
StrangeNoisesDrGrov, yay you're done20:02
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Yes! Thank you very much for the kind help :)20:02
StrangeNoisesalso check out System Monitor and look at File Systems tab (same thing, just prettier)20:02
DrGrovexistensil: Thank you very much for the kind help :)20:02
existensilno problem. glad you got everything setup20:02
StrangeNoisesright, i'm off to open a bottle of wine, because *I* didn't get drunk last night :-L20:02
StrangeNoises:-P even20:02
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Enjoy a good bottle of wine :)20:03
Isualinanyone playing hearthstone on ubuntu?20:03
wafflejockUbnoobtu: what are you trying to do?20:03
DrGrovexistensil: Could I bother you with another question now when I got everything setup as intended with the hard drives?20:03
Isualini have a small problem with fonts or graphics, i can't find which20:03
wafflejockUbnoobtu: you may just want to learn about bash scripts cause that's what a  lot of the command line stuff is going to be, but to understand how those work you would probably need to know C20:03
shruggarrecently upgraded to 3.10. Now, when I run the Backup program (backing up to a "My Passport" drive), I receive the message: "Error setting permissions: Function not implemented" shortly after the scanning phase completes. Any ideas?20:03
wafflejockUbnoobtu: web technologies are in large demand though and the same principals from C have been extended into basically all languages thereafter20:04
DrGrovexistensil: I am a bit tiredsome to see the Unity stuff integrations showing web results. Can those be completely turned off?20:04
Ubnoobtuwafflejock: I am trying to exactly that, command line stuff is really what I want to learn.20:04
StrangeNoisesDrGrov: not relevant to what we've been doing, but now install ubuntu-restricted-extras. more stuff will just work20:04
existensilDrGrov: indeed. there is even a gui i think. one sec.20:04
existensili think its in privacy but double checking20:04
wafflejockUbnoobtu: yeah just look into bash scripting if that's what you're worried about... but really within the Linux community there are tons of little projects everywhere that do things a little differently20:04
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Okay. How do I20:04
DrGrovStrangeNoises: Just by getting them with Synaptic?20:05
wafflejockUbnoobtu: so you usually have to just learn whatever you need to accomplish whatever you want.. you can learn the general syntax stuff though just reading up on bash20:05
existensilyeah, go to System Settings > Security & Privacy > Search20:05
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:05
StrangeNoisesDrGrov, yes, system settings->Security & Privacy -> Search, turn it off20:05
existensiland turn off online search results20:05
figure002Isualin: Your question seems incomplete. Please be more specific.20:05
hallowebHello, I'm no expert on ubuntu user and I need a smart automatic optimizer to speed up ubuntu on my computer20:05
StrangeNoisesand yes, you20:05
StrangeNoisesuse synaptic20:05
wafflejockparapan_: sorry couldn't find it in the man page... can't tell you for sure20:05
StrangeNoisesubuntu-restricted-extras basically installs flash, ms core fonts and a few other things (eg: mp3 codecs)20:06
wafflejockparapan_: I've always just upgraded piecewise using the GUI tbh20:06
wilee-nileehalloweb, there is no such thing get a faster computer, honestly you make no sense.20:06
StrangeNoisesso more websites will just work right20:06
Ubnoobtuwilee-nilee: lol,20:06
DrGrovStrangeNoises: I got the ubuntu-restricted-addons when I installed. I take the extras now as well :)20:06
StrangeNoisesright, really off now20:06
StrangeNoisesaddons are a subset of extras20:07
existensilhalloweb: there is like unity-tweaks (i think its called) that allows you to tweak certain things, possibly to the benefit of performance20:07
existensiland you can always optimize for performance in your graphics drivers if you are using non-free proprietary ones20:07
SemajnadAnyone here have experience with vsftpd20:07
savagejenok this is driving me nuts... after some update recently, after coming out of sleep, my mouse disappears. I keep having do to modprobe -r psmouse and modprobe psmouse to restart it20:07
hallowebwhile-nilee ubuntu never will can be more fast with a good optimizer ??20:07
Isualinfigure002: i can play the game with wine without any problems. the only thing bothering me is, some text in the game(usernames, card information) with a certain font has weird green background20:07
Ubnoobtuwafflejock: So bash is really something that will always remain fluid with these little projecting going more mainstream, so try not to learn it so rigidly? and web technologies are expanding, with C being the back bone for it?20:07
wilee-nileeDon't feed the the computer optimizer existensil with garbage20:07
wafflejockhalloweb: if you're looking for performance you need to know what is dragging down your computer, use htop, iotop programs to see usage or other system monitors20:07
figure002halloweb: I've never heard of an optimizer for Ubuntu. If Ubuntu runs too heavy on your PC, you can try a different graphical user interface (Gnome Classic?) or switch to a lightweight Linux distribution (Xubuntu/Lubuntu?).20:07
wafflejockUbnoobtu: that's a good summary IMO20:08
wafflejockUbnoobtu: bash is pretty solid too20:08
wafflejockUbnoobtu: but other programs you need like rsync (bad example but others) may chagne20:08
DrGrovexistensil: With the specs I have, what would you suggest that I should be running?20:08
existensilDrGrov: did you post your specs? i didn't see them20:08
wafflejockUbnoobtu: things like node.js which have been recently created are in massive flux in their initial 1.0 versions20:08
Ubnoobtuwafflejock: wen technologies being cloud services and currency, crypto type of things?20:08
hallowebfigure002 why therent  a optimizer like tuneup for ubuntu??20:08
existensilhalloweb: because its already running as fast as the developers could make it20:09
existensilit comes pretty optimized20:09
DrGrovexistensil: Oh sorry.20:09
Ubnoobtuhalloweb: There isn't a lot that would be running until you start it. Also, the programs that would slow down a windows pc don't really exist here in linux land20:10
wafflejockUbnoobtu: yeah web technologies being all the stuff that runs e-commerce and the like... anything that needs to store stuff long term and keep it secure uses some server side language (PHP Python Perl Ruby Java C# ASP etc. etc.)20:10
DrGrovexistensil: It is a Asus Extreme 3 mobo, a Intel Xeon E5 processor, 8GB DDR3 RAM, nVidia GT 620 1GB.20:10
figure002Isualin: Ahh. Not all Windows applications work perfectly with Wine. You should ask around on the WineHQ Forums.20:10
wafflejockUbnoobtu: on the front facing side (what users see in their browser) JavaScript is used20:10
existensilhalloweb: optimizations are what we expect new versions to provide. 13.10 is an "optimized" 13.04 pretty much... epsecially since there are hardly any new features EXCEPT performance improvements20:10
existensilDrGrov: then you should be running unity of course :-)20:10
wafflejockUbnoobtu: jQuery is a library of JavaScript that gets rid of some of the problems in different browsers and gives you a nice way to get a handle on objects20:10
Isualinfigure002: ok thanks, i will ask there20:11
wafflejockUbnoobtu: instead of that I've learned AngularJS because I feel it's a better architecture and fits more in line with what I already knew (AS3/Flex)20:11
DrGrovexistensil: You sure about that? :)20:11
strtokI'm on 12.10, totally up to date, and if i do a do-release-upgrade it says "No new release found". One problem I do have is that if I do an apt-get update it complains about not being able to connect to extras.ubuntu.com port 2120:11
hallowebexixtensil why my windows is with tuneup is more fast than lubuntu the distro more fast of ubuntu, why ??20:11
wafflejockUbnoobtu: I do this professionally though so I'm not saying you need to learn web technologies to appreciate or use Linux well20:12
wafflejockUbnoobtu: the site is just very nice for learning how they guide you through it all20:12
hitsujiTMODrGrov: Are you running multiple monitors to need the gt 620?20:12
existensilhalloweb: i don't understand what you just said, and you mispelled my handle. i think that concludes the conversation.20:12
wafflejockUbnoobtu: I'd recommend you do the JavaScript one on there just to get an idea of how programming works in general... then you can learn about Bash and C and stuff and it will make more sense20:12
h00khalloweb: you can also use a minimal version if you're interested20:13
Ubnoobtuwafflejock: I'm trying to learn it to use it professionally, I'm out of school at the moment, and I just feel like I should teach my self this before going back in a few months. A headstart if you will.20:13
h00k!minimal | halloweb20:13
ubottuhalloweb: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:13
wafflejockUbnoobtu: yeah in either case I would start with JS because it has most of the basic language features you run into within other languages and is fairly forgiving20:13
hallowebexistensill why windows + tuneup is faster than lubuntu the most fast of all the ubuntus?20:13
Ubnoobtuwafflejock: awesome, thanks bro.20:14
wafflejockUbnoobtu: no problem best of luck, let me know if you need help20:14
existensilhalloweb: faster at what? i'm pretty sure my tmux shell runs way faster through gnome-terminal on ubuntu than though mysgwin and whatever crappy emulator i have to use on windows20:14
figure002halloweb: Exactly what Ubnoobtu said. Programs like TuneUp make Windows specific optimizations. And as why Windows might run faster on your hardware; it depends on the software you run on Ubuntu and also the drivers you use. Some Linux drivers might be slower than the Windows equivalent.20:14
Boohbahhow does it feel to alienate KDE? thoughts? https://plus.google.com/115606635748721265446/posts/KAPGX3pHR2H20:15
Ubnoobtuwafflejock: I've been coming in here for a few months now. I've had help from wilieeniliee, MrPPS, DrWillis, and some other guys that have been zen masters to my grasshopper20:16
h00kBoohbah: that may be more appropriate for the #ubuntu-offtopic channel, as it's not directly support related20:16
Boohbahh00k: okay, thanks20:16
hallowebfigure002 the hardware of my computer was made only for work with windows nt 6.020:17
Ubnoobtunt 620:17
wafflejockUbnoobtu: hah yeah I've just gotten back into IRC in the last few months too, mostly was looking for help with Asterisk PBX (phone stuff) but like hanging out in the ubuntu room, those guys have pointed me in the right direction more than once too20:17
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Ubnoobtuwafflejock: I like it here, and if it wasn't for the community, I would feel helpless and wouldn't have gotten started20:18
trismstrtok: have you checked that you have: Prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ?20:19
shruggarrecently upgraded to 3.10. Now, when I run the Backup program (backing up to a "My Passport" drive), I receive the message: "Error setting permissions: Function not implemented" shortly after the scanning phase completes. Any ideas?20:19
figure002hellangel: That doesn't say anything. You'll just have to experiment with different software / distributions. Also you didn't say what exactly is slower in Ubuntu.20:19
strtoki think i edited /etc/debian_version and changed it to 6.0.1 to fool some software. Does anyone know what /etc/debian_version should contain for 12.10?20:19
figure002halloweb: above message was meant for you20:20
LFSveteransomeone familiair with rEFInd ?20:20
kenshiroHi, can I install saucy hardware enablement stack in Ubuntu 12.04 ?20:21
strtoktrism: i do. and i'm trying to do a do-release-upgrade from command-line20:22
hallowebfigure002 , if my hardware was designed only for work with windows nt 6.0 for this cause only can  be more faster with windows??20:22
Wamphyrianyone familiur with pureftpd?20:23
hallowebfigure002 , if my hardware was designed only for work with windows nt 6.0 for this cause only can  be  faster with windows??20:23
wafflejockWamphyri: nope I've used vsftpd but you may just want to throw your question out there and someone who knows may see it20:23
wafflejockhalloweb: not really but if it was made for NT it will probably struggle with modern Ubuntu20:24
Wamphyriyay wafflejock lol least i got a  reply beyond don't use ftp, ftp sucks etc lol20:24
figure002halloweb: No, like I said before. It totally depends on the hardware you have. Some hardware is better supported than other.20:24
wafflejockhalloweb: you're better off with Xubuntu20:24
figure002wafflejock: he said NT 6.0, which is Vista and the like, so his PC should be fast enough to run Ubuntu.20:25
wafflejockWamphyri: yeah honestly I feel wary about the FTP setup :) it's just on my amazon box for some website I host20:25
wafflejockfigure002: isn't that 2000?20:25
apullzset theme revolutionary20:25
apullzset theme revolutionary.theme20:26
wafflejockfigure002: 13 year old computer probably not so good with Unity I imagine20:26
Wamphyriok heres my issue, when i log onto my ftp server, i can get the main folder, but when i try to switch into a sub directory i get connection timed out failed to retrive directory listing, theres no nat enabled, dmz is opened on my router for this my personal computer, filewalls disabled on both the server (kvm) and desktop20:26
wafflejockfigure002: or am I way off on my years?20:26
figure002wafflejock: No, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_NT_6.020:26
hallowebwafflejock ok but my windows is worse than lubuntu although when i use windows + tuneup 2013 my windows is faster than lubuntu and xubuntu20:26
wafflejockfigure002: ah okay thank you20:26
Wamphyriwindows nt 6.0, thought that was windows 200020:27
auronandaceWamphyri: nt5 is win2k20:27
Wamphyriahh thats right20:27
Wamphyribeen so long since i even had to think about nt version numbers lol20:28
wafflejockhalloweb: basically your hardware is your hardware as far as I know there's no performance enhancing hardware that is only available to windows, that said the code for all the drivers and everything accessing your hardware and everything on top of that is different20:28
figure002halloweb: In what sense is it faster?20:28
wafflejockfigure002: +1 good question are we talking boot time20:29
wafflejockor graphics performance?20:29
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wafflejockor copying files?20:29
wafflejockWamphyri: permisions?20:30
hallowebfigure002 In rapid response and to navigate20:30
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wafflejockWamphyri: have you checked the folder permissions for subdirectories think they need to have execute for the ftp group/user but at least read20:30
Wamphyriwafflejock, i'll double check but i'm pretty sure there proper20:30
figure002halloweb: what graphics card do you have?20:30
hallowebfigure002 nvidia20:31
Wamphyriwafflejock, 755 permissions20:31
hallowebgraphics by nvidia20:31
Wamphyriowner and group is proper as well20:32
wafflejockI feel like the directories also need execute bit on for some reason... but this may have been something related to Apache and not the FTP configuration....20:32
wafflejocklet me see if I can find it20:32
WamphyriOHH if the directory is empty (nothing uploaded) i can list the directory just fine20:32
Wamphyriit has excute as well20:32
Slade-hey whats the best way to remove old images from /boot  just delete them?  i need to free up some space to install saucy20:33
wafflejockk disregard that20:33
figure002halloweb: Can't be graphics then. Nvidia support in Ubuntu is fine as far as I know. I don't know why it runs slow on your PC then. Sorry.20:33
wafflejockhalloweb: if you run system monitor is anything spiking out or being consumed all the way?20:34
figure002Slade-: do you mean remove old Linux kernels?20:35
wafflejockWamphyri: have you checked into the setgid bit too20:35
Slade-figure002: and clean the boot menu (if thats relevant)20:35
Wamphyrinever heard of it so i'm all eyes :)20:35
everaldHi. What program should I use to record video?20:35
figure002Slade-: yes, you mean remove old Linux kernels and headers, that's easy..20:35
wafflejockWamphyri: sorry I'm not very well educated on this but you should check it out basically it makes it so new folders inherit the permissions if I understand correctly20:36
hallowebwaffelejock ubuntu can be  faster with a good optimizer like tuneup and i think that the drivers arent no problem because the drivers of the last version of ubuntu are more new  than the of my old windows , i think it20:36
parapan_wafflejock: sorry I was away a little bit ... i'l try the GUI updater also ....20:36
wafflejockWamphyri: I'm still very new to setting up FTP myself20:36
everaldWhich program are you using yourself?20:36
figure002Slade-: do not remove them by hand..20:36
SemajnadHas anyone here used vsftpd?20:36
Slade-figure002: just delete em? or is there a cleanup20:36
figure002Slade-: wait, I'll give you a link20:36
Wamphyriwafflejock, ahh yeah the files in the secondary directory are fine the have correct owner and group20:36
wafflejockhalloweb: just because they are newer doesn't mean they're better but I've not had problems with Nvidia on Linux in a bit20:37
SemajnadDoes anyone mind giving me a hand with chroot to stop ftp users going up a directory out of their home?20:37
wafflejockWamphyri: hmm yeah sorry I'll let you know if I think of anything else but I think that's about the end of what I know about that :|20:37
figure002Slade-: http://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu20:37
Slade-figure002: awesome :)20:38
Wamphyriwafflejock, i appreciate your help tho, tried other channels and the response like i said before was ftp sucks, don't use ftp blah blah blah20:38
Wamphyribut when you used bunch of different devices to access your ftp you want simplicity20:38
figure002Slade-: For your interest, I prefer the second answer over the accepted answer.20:38
wafflejockWamphyri: yeah I mean it's a security concern though I'm sure which is valid20:38
hallowebwafflejock tuneup mark the difference in my old  windows , I'm sure20:38
wafflejockSemajnad: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/vsftp-chroot-users-limit-to-only-their-home-directory.html20:39
Slade-figure002: synaptic ?20:39
Semajnadwafflejock: I've done that, but when I go to ftp and login with user 001 he can still go up a directory :/20:39
Semajnadwafflejock: do you mind taking a look at my configuration please?20:39
Wamphyriwafflejock, well overall i'm the only user for the server lol and each account is chrooted to head folder by default20:39
wafflejockSemajnad: you can throw it at me and I can compare20:39
figure002Slade-: No, the one with 43 upvotes20:40
everaldHow do I capture video with kdenlive?20:40
Slade-figure002: ah ok20:40
figure002Slade-: but Synaptic is better if you are not very familiar with the command line20:40
Slade-figure002: i am not very familiar with anything other than commandline20:41
figure002Slade-: good :)20:41
wafflejockeverald: how do you mean capture video? from what?20:41
Semajnadwafflejock: http://pastie.org/844893320:41
Semajnadwafflejock:  oh hold on20:41
Semajnadwafflejock:  I changed some things :)20:42
Slade-figure002: so you like the second answer because it does it safer?20:42
everaldwafflejock, from /dev/video020:42
wafflejockeverald: not sure you can record directly in kdenlive can't you use cheese?20:42
everaldwafflejock, I just can't find any record button or anything, although it does have a preferences entry to set the video input20:42
everaldcheese, ok trying again20:43
wafflejockeverald: just found vokoscreen which is awesome for recording your desktop (also has a webcam thing you can pop-up in there which is cool)20:43
wafflejockeverald: yeah kdenlive is for editing the stuff not sure about recording though20:43
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figure002Slade-: I like the second answer more because it's short, clear, and does the job20:43
Semajnadwafflejock: Ye it still doesn't work :P20:43
Semajnadwafflejock:  If yo don't mind taking a look that would be great20:44
Slade-figure002: ah ok. i had about 20 to delete so i used the first one :p20:44
everaldwafflejock, cheese crashes when I want to record ort something20:44
Slade-figure002: in the future i'll use the secodn one, thanks20:44
figure002Slade-: that is fine, and you're welcome20:44
eerI am using an encrypted LVM to for my Ubuntu box but my fstab only shows entries for boot and swap.20:45
Slade-figure002: heh i dont have 'update-grub2' :P20:46
OerHekseverald, can you give us more details about the capture device? lspci or lsusb would give info20:46
Slade-just update-grub20:47
OerHeksgrub2 uses update-grub too.20:47
Slade-OerHeks: just reading from a tutorial that said use update-grub2 ;)20:47
OerHeksbad tutorial Slade-20:48
wilee-nileedebian use grub220:48
Slade-was on the ask ubuntu site.. but yea :)20:48
wafflejockSemajnad: think you need list_enable one too be NO20:48
wafflejockeverald: bummer20:49
wafflejockeverald: sorry about that20:49
wafflejockeverald: I had some issues with it with one web cam... hmm trying to think of other web cam recording software20:49
Number5Hello guys, I tried 10.04 live cd on my relatively old laptop, but turns out that usb is kind of not powered on at all. Both my wifi-usb as my usb-memory stick is not recognised, ubuntu doesn't react on these devices at all. Is that a familiar problem?20:49
Slade-hmm lots of 'no candidate ver' when upgrading to saucy..20:49
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Semajnadwafflejock:  No still doens't work :/20:50
wilee-nileeSlade-, upgrading a distro has it's risks, you backed up?20:50
wafflejockSemajnad: so you went with20:51
wafflejock# 1. All users are jailed by default:20:51
Slade-wilee-nilee: have all the configs i care about backed up.20:51
Semajnadwafflejock:  Yes20:51
wilee-nileeSlade-, cool.20:51
elijahHey guys, what is the partition /boot, is it created automatically on install? I am getting an error saying I don't have space left and everything points to me having to manually delete kernels. disk usage analyzer says it is 216MB and 100% capacity. I don't understand why this is happening?20:51
wafflejockSemajnad: and restarted vsftpd20:51
Semajnadwafflejock: yes, but I also notic3ed there are two lines for chroot_locaal_user=YES20:51
Slade-wilee-nilee: would still take me hours to put it back together if it failed20:51
elijahI don't mind deleting kernels if I really have too but this shouldn't happen to users after they run updates enough times.20:52
wilee-nileeelijah, a boot partition is not created automatically.20:52
wafflejockSemajnad: if it's a fresh install you may want to reinstall just to be sure your config is good20:52
elijahwilee-nilee: So I must have created it then?20:52
wafflejockapt-get purge vsftpd20:52
wafflejockI believe20:52
Semajnadwafflejock: How can I do that?20:52
wilee-nileeelijah, Yes, not really needed.20:52
figure002Slade-: weird, update-grub2 has always been present on my default Ubuntu.. but update-grub should do :)20:53
wafflejockapt-get remove is to uninstall a package but leaves configuration around20:53
wafflejockpurge gets rid of it all from what I gather20:53
figure002Slade-: ohh, you use an older Ubuntu20:53
Semajnadwafflejock:  Yes it's a fresh install of vsftpd however I count connect to ftp before I install it, so does vsftpd override the currently installed one?20:53
elijahwilee-nilee: that doesn't entirely make sense because other users are getting that message too and we didn't all just decide to make a partition called boot20:53
elijahwilee-nilee: Is it referring to the /boot folder20:53
wilee-nileeelijah, Heh, why yes you all did it used to be a a norm.20:53
wafflejockSemajnad: oh well that could be your problem20:54
wafflejockwere you asking how to restart vsftp?20:54
elijahwilee-nilee: Maybe the installer asked us to?20:54
wilee-nileeelijah, check how full the root is.20:54
Semajnadwafflejock:  Do you know how to see if I've already got one installed, cause if I can remove that I will probably be okay20:54
elijahwilee-nilee: Root has 50 GB available.20:54
wafflejockSemajnad: yeah use nmap to see what ports are open20:54
wafflejockrun sudo apt-get install nmap to get it20:55
wafflejocksudo nmap localhost20:55
wilee-nileeelijah, Maybe a ghost told you to, never seen the installer do that, sorry for the cheeky answers but you are grasping for answers to your own work.20:55
wafflejockit should show you what ports you have open you can try to stop vsftpd and see if you still have port 21 open20:55
wafflejockif so something else is using it20:55
Semajnad21 is open for ftp20:55
Semajnad22 for ssh20:55
SemajnadSo how can I remove vsftpd20:56
wilee-nileeelijah, Do you have a boot partition and is it full is the issue.20:56
elijahwilee-nilee: I do, it is a 243 MB partition20:56
Semajnadwafflejock:  Okay' i've removed it let me check20:56
wafflejockSemajnad: netstat -tulpn20:56
wafflejockSemajnad: that will show you what process has the port open20:57
wafflejockSemajnad: you can manually kill that process then20:57
Semajnadwafflejock:  and I'm looking for 21?20:57
wilee-nileeelijah, Clean the extra kernels out that is the only answer, you can complain later if needed I suppose.20:57
elijahwilee-nilee: lol, okay20:57
Semajnadwafflejock:  http://pastie.org/844896220:57
Semajnadwafflejock:  By the looks of it nothing is using 2120:57
Semajnadwafflejock:  But I can still connect to ftp20:58
wafflejockSemajnad: mystery20:59
wafflejockSemajnad: usually I like mysteries :)20:59
Semajnadwafflejock:  lol20:59
wafflejockSemajnad: okay well just try to restart vsftpd and see if it complains21:00
wafflejocksudo service vsftpd restart21:00
Semajnadwafflejock:  sudo: /etc/init.d/vsftpd: command not found21:00
wafflejockhmm that means vsftpd isn't installed did you already purge?21:00
Semajnadwafflejock:  after running : sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart21:00
wafflejockif so you'll need to install21:00
wafflejockeh yeah above I wrote about how you could reinstall vsftpd by using apt-get purge21:01
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)21:01
wafflejockpurge ~ This command completely removes a package and the associated configuration files. Configuration files residing in ~ are not usually affected by this command21:02
SemajnadOkay I've done apt-get purge21:02
Semajnad" The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:   libc6-i386"21:02
wafflejockSemajnad: that's just something that something else you had was dependent on but now you have no dependency on it, apt-get is just letting you know21:02
Semajnadwafflejock:  But I can still connect to FTP using Filezilla without vsftpd, so I must have something else installed :/21:03
wafflejockso all I was saying right now though is that it looks like vsftpd isn't installed21:03
wafflejockI dunno21:03
wafflejockI can't figure out why you don't see port 21 open with a process21:03
wafflejockyou're for sure connecting on port 21 from your FTP client?21:03
wafflejockcause that just doesn't make sense21:03
SemajnadI haven't put a port in, and 21 is default isn't it?21:04
wafflejockif you're connecting to a machine on port 21 but it has no process bound to port 21 then there has to be a problem21:04
SemajnadI'm using SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol in Filezilla21:04
wafflejockSemajnad:  yeah it's default21:04
wafflejockah SFTP is not FTP21:04
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Semajnadwafflejock:  Oh right21:04
Semajnadwafflejock:  Lol, sorry I don't know much about ftp :P21:04
wafflejockSemajnad: no worries me neither blind leading the blind in here21:04
Semajnadwafflejock:  Good to know ;) So is SFTP different, and does that explain anything21:05
Dr_Willissftp is handled by ssh. not ftp servers21:05
Dr_Willisif you are using sftp - you dont need any other ftp servers installed21:05
wafflejockSemajnad: yeah uses port 2221:06
OerHekslsof -i TCP:2121:06
SemajnadDr_Willis:  trying to stop users getting out of home directory, wafflejock  can I still stop that with sftp21:06
wafflejockFTP is giving you an extra weakness21:06
wafflejockSemajnad: I would defer to Dr_Willis if they he has an answer21:06
Semajnadwafflejock: Okay, so with sftp can I stop uses going up a directory?21:06
wafflejocker she21:06
SemajnadDr_Willis: With SFTP, can I stop users going up a directory?21:07
Dr_WillisSemajnad:  every time i see someone worry about doing that.. i have to wonder.. why bother.21:07
SemajnadDr_Willis:  What do you mean?21:07
wafflejockit's true you just need to set permissions21:07
Dr_WillisSemajnad:  with the normal permission systems used on ubuntu.. even IF the users cd up to /  they cant really do any damage21:07
Dr_Willisso its like putting a speed bump in front of a stop sign.21:07
SemajnadDr_Willis:  To me it's just cleaner and makes me feel better if they can't even see the structure of our server.21:07
SemajnadDr_Willis:  Considering these people are people I don't know21:08
figure002Semajnad: yes you can, i've done it before21:08
Dr_WillisSemajnad:  makes me wonder why you are letting them have any access at all then.21:08
SemajnadDr_Willis: It's for server hosting, so I host their server, they can access their directory but nothing else.21:08
Semajnadfigure002: Do you know how?21:08
Dr_Williserr.. and they are actually PAYING you for this?21:08
SemajnadDr_Willis:  No, it's a promotional thing for something we're doing :) It's not costing them anything, trust me, I wouldn't dare take people's money I'm not good enough21:09
Dr_WillisI imagine the askubuntu.com and stackexchange site has numerous hits on this exact topic as well21:09
Dr_Willisbut i doubt if its going to be worth the effott to do.21:09
elijahwilee-nilee: Thanks for your help21:09
figure002Semajnad: I did it with help of a tutorial.. see if I can still find it (was years ago)21:10
SemajnadDr_Willis:  I would like to be able to, do you know the name of a method to doing it and I'll search iot?21:10
wafflejockyeah I mostly did it for the sake of experimentation and am working with one other developer on some projects so wanted to give him access21:10
[Gentoo]Semajnad: something like grsec rbac system can hide files but might be not worth your time21:10
wilee-nileeelijah, No problem, you have the ability to process the problem without a full blame on others, I like that in another, we don;t always see that here. ;)21:10
wafflejocksince getting the AWS box setup I've just been playing with setting up every kind of server thing I can think of and get my head around21:11
Semajnad[Gentoo]: So it stops users going outside their home directory21:11
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s3r3n1t7My server has 2 NIC's. When I disconnect eth0, both lose connectivity, but if i disconnect eth1, eth0 still remains connected. iptables is clean, there's no ifdown script as far as i know. What might cause this issue?21:11
figure002Semajnad: I found it: http://byobu.info/page/Linux_Notes_and_Commands/#chroot-user-with-openssh21:11
[Gentoo]Semajnad: it can stop anything21:12
wilee-nileeelijah, I don't always do it myself either without some refection, lol.21:12
Semajnadfigure002:  so basically that will stop uses going outside their gome directory21:13
figure002Semajnad: yes21:13
Semajnadfigure002:  I'll give it a try :P21:13
figure002Semajnad: Find the link to the original tutorial at the bottom21:13
Semajnadfigure002:  is that what I need ? Chroot user with OpenSSH21:14
figure002Semajnad: yes21:15
kirklandfigure002: hmm, it might be nice if you linked byobu.info to byobu.co, in case people end up at your site, looking for upstream byobu information...21:15
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kirklandfigure002: just a url or link somewhere, out of courtesy21:16
figure002kirkland: I agree, will do that right now.21:17
kirklandfigure002: cheers, mate ;-)21:17
toafanI'm having a sound problem that's not even touched by the SoundTroubleshooting help pages21:17
figure002kirkland: hey! you are the original Byobu author! I love that tool man, I use it every day, thank you :)21:18
s3r3n1t7My server has 2 NIC's. When I disconnect eth0, both lose connectivity, but if i disconnect eth1, eth0 still remains connected. iptables is clean, there's no ifdown script as far as i know. In the offending scenario eth1 keeps an IP which I can see in the router DHCP, but is not responding. When both are connected, I can connect via ssh on both IP's.21:18
kirklandfigure002: you bet ;-)  cheers21:18
=== speed is now known as Guest11895
buuHow can I convince my fairly modern wireless-a/b/g/n adapter to connect to a 5ghz network?21:19
buuIts on ubuntu 13.10, laptop, braoadcom chip, fairly modern, iwconfig channels shows it has 5ghz channels available21:19
buuBut when I iwlist scan it only shows me 2.4ghz networks21:20
wilee-nileebuu, THe adaptor would have to be able to see it period.21:20
toafanI'm having a sound problem that's not even touched by the SoundTroubleshooting help pages.  My soundcard is recognized at hardware level (I think...), but Pulseaudio isn't touching it.21:20
buuwilee-nilee: Ok, if the adapter supports 5ghz networks and the 5ghz network exists, and other ubunutu laptops right next to it can see it, why can't it?21:21
Slade-hmm. the ubuntu upgrade broke my rabbitmq installation, but everything else seems good :)21:21
buuAre there different drivers I can try installing?21:21
wilee-nileebuu, Is the adaptor a usb the word adaptor here is throwing me?21:22
buuwilee-nilee: Its a regular old broadcom chip inside a laptop21:22
n008does CPU time affects power usage?21:23
wilee-nileebuu, Is this word just added to explain a internal hardware options?21:23
buu02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43225 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)21:23
haysman broadcom really sucks doesnt it21:23
haysbuu: are you using the sta drivers21:24
hayse.g. have you done sudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source21:24
buuI have not done that particular command.21:24
JustMozzyHi there21:24
buuhays: I recently tried this command: sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-common broadcom-sta-sourc21:25
haysdo you have "wl" in lsmod21:25
buulib80211               14352  2 wl,lib80211_crypt_tkip21:25
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JustMozzyI am facing tons of problem after upgrading to 13.10.... the biggest one being that the network manager doesn't seem to be seeing any of my network devices. Anyone that can help?21:25
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dougielis bluetooth not ready for prime time in (k)ubuntu 13.1021:26
haysbuu: you could try the b43 drivers21:27
haysas an alternative21:27
wilee-nileebuu, not sure if this is a best answer but gotten from this thread post #10 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1978485  http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/brcm80211#Mainline_patches21:27
haysbuu: i think the 12.10 instructions here are ok https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:27
wafflejockdougiel: haven't made the jump to 13.10 but all good in 13.0421:27
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wafflejockdougiel: well at least HID (mouse) works21:28
gen0cide_This is obviously a very bad idea, but I wanted to survey the field and get their thoughts. Anyone ever tried sym-linking all log files in /var/log to /dev/null? Would it work?21:28
gen0cide_I'm going to try it but I wanted to see if anyone had thoughts here.21:29
wafflejockgen0cide_: would it work for what?21:29
wilee-nileeJustMozzy, Have you in the past had to load drivers?21:29
gen0cide_wafflejock: Would it work as in would the system continue to run and generate 0 logs on disk21:29
JustMozzywilee-nilee: ehm no. when I installed 13.04 it worked all wonderfully out of the box. only after the upgrade things got messy. sound was first not working and most indicators were missing too21:29
wafflejockgen0cide_: yeah interesting don't know21:29
wafflejockgen0cide_: let me know how it goes :)21:30
toafangen0cide_: 1) Why the h*** would you do that?  2) Go for /dev/moon21:30
gen0cide_I'm wondering if lower level processes - rsyslog etc. might have open file descriptors to things like /var/log/syslog21:30
hitsujiTMOgen0cide_: why???? if you're worried about space at least you could use a tmpfs and still have some sort of logs if somethign went wrong21:30
wafflejockgen0cide_: just an academic exercise?21:30
wilee-nileeJustMozzy, Run lspci and find the hardware info and post it here, and maybe if you have time on the web for others with troubles, askubuntu is a good source21:30
s3r3n1t7server with 2 NIC's. eth0 and eth1. Unplug eth1: eth0 works. Unplug eth0: eth1 does NOT work. No ifdown scripts, nothing setup except standard DHCP in network/interfaces.21:31
wilee-nileegen0cide_, Thoughts here, oh please, lol. ;)21:31
gen0cide_yea, I'm building a pretty detailed logrotate configuration, but I think it's an interesting idea. We joked here in the office about just doing that instead of some detailed logrotate config but we debated whether some little bash loop to iterate the dir, truncate, and symlink would actually work.21:31
wafflejocks3r3n1t7: I have no ideay but are these two physically separate NICs or two ports on one NIC? I wonder if there is somehow a hardware jumper or something that might do this... never heard of or seen that behavior though21:32
JustMozzy_sorry got disconnected21:33
JustMozzy_wilee-nilee: when I trz to open the network settings from the system settings it also tells me that the network services are not compatible with this version. funny enough ifconfig sees all network devices and wifi scanning works like a charme.21:33
s3r3n1t7wafflejock, me neither, hence my confusion. The one that always works (eth0) is the NIC on the motherboard. The bugging one (which has worked in the past, even this morning) is a seperate PCI NIC. No jumpers are involved. Switched cables as well21:33
wafflejocks3r3n1t7: yeah I could see how that would be frustrating...21:34
s3r3n1t7the really strange part is that the router claims it has given it an IP, despite no connectivity via de NIC. Server can't send traffic out, i can't even ping the thing.21:34
wafflejocks3r3n1t7: yeah that doesn't make much sense either21:35
wafflejocks3r3n1t7: believe the DHCP request has to come from the client21:35
wafflejockyou don't happen to have another computer with two NICs do you :)21:35
wafflejockwireshark could do the trick then :)21:35
s3r3n1t7wafflejock, it does, so that's why it makes even less sense then none. As it happens I don't, unfortunately. So far I'm convinced the server does send out the DHCP req, which is then returned by the router after which 'something' just cuts off all communication. I'm trying to find pointers to where I might begin looking for this 'thing'21:36
wafflejock!tcpdump ?21:37
ubottuwafflejock: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:37
hayswilee-nilee: hmm thats an interesting link. i wonder how those instructions translate to ubuntuland? eg if one has to compile their own kernel or if those options are enabled already21:38
wafflejockI haven't really used that but believe it's the equivalent to wireshark in the command line21:38
JustMozzy_Did anyone else face network problems after upgrading to 13.10? The network manager doesn't seem to be working at all and doesn't see any of my network devices though I can query them with ifconfig21:38
toafanMy sound has stopped working, I appear to have drivers running but I can't play anything21:38
s3r3n1t7wafflejock, yup it pretty much is, and i can then load that into wireshark iirc. I'll see what i can do with it21:38
gen0cide_s3r3n1t7: you can, you just have to save your output to libpcap format21:39
buuwilee-nilee, hays: thanks, I'll check those out.21:39
gen0cide_man the tcpdump options, also make sure you dump full packets, not just headers21:39
s3r3n1t7gen0cide_, yup will do that. Any other pointers you can offer that I should be on the lookout for?21:40
new0how can i find my devices? trying to access my other partition21:40
new0 /etc/... something...21:40
wafflejocknew0: for disks21:41
wafflejocksudo fdisk -l21:41
new0wafflejock, file access21:41
wafflejockls -al21:41
gen0cide_s3r3n1t7: tcpdump -i <interface> -s 65535 -w <some-file> (probably as root)21:41
toafan...?  'sudo aplay -l' says it can see hardware, but 'aplay <musicfile>' doesn't work.21:41
toafannew0: I always just used the GUI filebrowser.  That always mounted under /media/21:41
new0wafflejock, like cp /partition2/somefile /home/somedir21:42
new0toafan, media tnx21:42
rypervenchegen0cide_: -s0 will do the same as that if I'm not mistaken.21:42
s3r3n1t7gen0cide_, yeah as root, requires direct hardware access. I'll dump it, yank the cable from it and see what changes compared to the cable still in there. Going to be a few hours though, so i'll be back when I have more info. Thanks!21:42
s3r3n1t7wafflejock, see ^21:42
new0toafan, wafflejock i really forgot it. tnx all21:42
gen0cide_rypervenche: "Setting snaplen to 0 sets it to the default of 65535, for backwards compatibility with recent older versions of tcpdump." -man21:43
wafflejocks3r3n1t7: cool21:43
JustMozzy_I'm really stuck with this one and currently the only solution I see is to reinstall ubuntu, which I really don't want to do21:43
wilee-nileehays, I was just trying to understand the passive use of 5ghz hehe, I have no wifi that can use it but a router that spits it out.21:43
new0what is the recommened way to install JAVA? ubuntu Software Center or just terminal?21:44
new0need it for netbeans21:44
toafannew0: I'd say however you normally install software21:44
wafflejocknew0: one and hte same21:44
toafannew0: simplifies things, y'see21:45
wafflejocknew0: most of the GUIs are just wrappers on apt-get21:45
wafflejockapt-get itself is a wrapper on dpkg21:45
wafflejockdebian package manaager21:45
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.21:45
new0toafan, wafflejock, i have downloaded: jdk-7u45-linux-x64.rpm, jdk-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz and i remmember that i had some installation issues21:45
wafflejocknew0: yeah getting them from Sun is different21:46
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toafannew0: oh, yuck.  What's wrong with the sudo aptitude install version?21:46
wafflejockI usually go with OpenJDK myself unless something I'm doing requires the Sun Java21:46
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wafflejocker Oracle21:46
wafflejockdarn Oracle buying everythig21:47
toafanmy sound isn't working.  'sudo aplay -l' reports soundcards, but I can't play anything.21:47
new0wafflejock, hoo, now i understand why :) toafan not sure i even remember that one. i usage ubuntu for 3month 3years ago :)21:47
hayshow do I configure ubuntu so I get the newest stable kernel updates?21:47
hayse.g. I think we are now on 3.11.621:47
dougielwafflejock, I broke bluetooth in 13.04... and tried 13.10 and my headset was detected/connected but even when I moved it to the top of my audio options the sound always came from the laptop not the headset.21:47
rypervenchenew0: I personally use openJDK as well. You should just install openjdk-7-jre (or openjdk-6-jre), I think that's the package name on Ubuntu.21:47
toafannew0: ubuntu-software-center -> seach java, then.  Easy21:48
wafflejockdougiel: ah sorry haven't played with bluetooth audio really21:48
new0toafan, wafflejock, but this time i told to my self that i should really stay on that and keeping my self form installing Window 7 (never 8 or 9,,,,)21:48
dougielwafflejock, ok - I'll iron out all the bugs for when you do... lol21:49
toafannew0: the versions you downloaded are for different package schemes, software-center version will work with ubuntu21:49
wafflejockdougiel: awesome :P21:49
wafflejockI'm old school with audio, I like wires21:49
wafflejocksame with the keyboard21:49
new0toafan, rypervenche np tnx but i want to know the terminal very good "Hard on the training, Eazy on the cambate" anyway what is the cmd for openJAVA?21:50
wafflejockdelays drive me crazy21:50
rypervenchenew0: to install just type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre"21:50
dougielhmmm... I hate lag too but haven't noticed anything21:50
new0toafan, well, not going to install this one after what i understand now :) not well i am not programming in JAVA21:50
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haysis there a way to add the mainline kernel ppa to sources.list?21:51
wafflejockdougiel: yeah bluetooth audio is pretty nice.. the keyboards go into "sleep" mode though and take a second to reconnect21:51
new0rypervenche, Thank You very much21:51
toafanmy sound isn't working.  'sudo aplay -l' reports soundcards, but I can't play anything.21:51
wafflejockI use an RF mouse cause the reciever is close enough it's all good, but like the old school keyboard, both the tactile part and the fast connection21:51
dougielah... yes I have seen that.21:51
Semajnadwafflejock:  Got it to work :P21:51
wafflejocktoafan: have you checked out your pulseaudio or alsa sound configuratino?21:51
wafflejockSemajnad: nice21:52
wafflejockSemajnad: so what'd you go with?21:52
Semajnadwafflejock:  https://bensmann.no/restrict-sftp-users-to-home-folder/21:52
toafanwafflejock: not my _config_, no... pulsaudio shows interfaces, but they're "dummy" interfaces21:52
Semajnadwafflejock:  Literally just looks like an empty FTP server now with your folder letting you write / read from it.21:52
new0now about netbeans, who can i ask? how to setup21:53
dougielmeet you on the flip side gonna play with 13.1021:53
haysis there a way to get these http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.11.6-saucy/ automatically when they come out?21:53
hayswith a dist-upgrade or something?21:53
wafflejockSemajnad: nice yeah SFTP is going to be better than vsftpd most likely anyhow since it's secured and all21:54
UbnoobtuHey, is StrangeNoises  around?21:54
Semajnadwafflejock: Ye. Well thanks for your time and helping :) probably would have given up haha21:54
wafflejockSemajnad: no problem just burning some time fun trying to solve some random issues especially when they're not my own :)21:55
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises: when I rsynced my /Music folders, it just created a new music directory within my existing music directory.21:55
new0someone here know about netbeats installation setup?21:55
wafflejocknew0: negative why netbeans?21:55
new0wafflejock, need some PHP editor21:55
wafflejocknew0: just out of curiousity, I always used Eclipse for Java dev21:55
wafflejocknew0: ah21:55
wafflejocknew0: I just use SublimeText21:56
toafanwafflejock: I feel I should know this and/or google it, but do you know where to find those configs?21:56
new0wafflejock, netbeans run on JAVA21:56
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minimecnew0: For netbeans. Download the newest version, make it executable and run the installer. You can decide if you want the installation 'local/system wide' with or without the usage of 'sudo'. https://netbeans.org/downloads/start.html?platform=linux&lang=en&option=all21:56
wafflejocktoafan: sorry no, I had to run alsa-mixer I believe it was to enable my audio after installing kubuntu21:56
wafflejocknew0: right but you can also use it to write java21:56
minimecnew0: Openjdk is ok for netbeans.21:56
wafflejocknew0: same with eclipse21:56
uncle_beni'm trying to get vncserver to connect to real display :0 and i know tigervnc installs the necessary module libvnc.so to accomplish this...i already have it loaded in X...but invoking vncserver either as user or root only creates a new display at :1, but i want to connect to the running display at :0...does anyone know how to do this using tigervnc?  i was told that only tigervnc and x11vnc can forward real X21:57
new0wafflejock, right. very good one. but doesn't have some functionality like: Ctrl + left mouse click on function to open that function/method21:57
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wafflejocknew0: no doubt Sublime lacks some stuff but Ctrl+P does almost anything I need21:57
wafflejockCtrl+P then : for find line21:57
lecoeusUbnoobtu: make sure you include the trailing /'s in the rsync command21:57
wafflejockCtrl+P then @ for find function21:57
wafflejockor class in CSS21:57
wafflejocksetup some custom widgets21:58
wafflejockgrab some plugins with snippets21:58
wafflejock-widgets +snippets21:58
wafflejockand you're on your way21:58
toafanwafflejock: the strange part is that sound _used_ to work...  So I don't know what to do or what changed21:58
wafflejocknew0: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tools-and-tips/sublime-text-2-tips-and-tricks/21:59
wafflejocktoafan: before upgrade to 13.10?21:59
wafflejocksublime is just so light and netbeans and eclipse are just so heavy22:00
wafflejocksorry I'm done22:00
new0minimec, how to make it exe? wafflejock also i like eclipse (zend studio on my win7, that i had) and dunno what is that Ctrl + P. also tnx for the link like this site22:00
existensilyeah, but they are entirely different tools22:00
existensilthey just both happen to edit text22:00
wafflejockif you need SVN or git integration22:00
wafflejockbasically if you want more stuff in one tool Sublime is not for you22:01
existensilmore importantly, language introspection22:01
wafflejockeh it does some of that for you22:01
existensilespecially for languages like Java where not having that can be an issue22:01
* gordonjcp just uses gedit22:01
toafanwafflejock: uh... yesterday, with no versionchange... previously a fresh install, but I've been 'building' a enduser system from a server install.  for all I know I accidentally removed something.22:01
wafflejockfor sure with Java I wouldn't go Sublime22:01
minimecnew0: 'chmod +x YOURFILE' or 'right click, properties' in the filemanager22:01
wafflejockbut we were talking PHP22:01
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existensilthat said, as a ruby dev, i have no reason to ever leave sublime text22:01
new0wafflejock, you right. this is why i switch from time to time depend on my needs, also i have good pc22:01
figure002Semajnad: Did the tutorial work?22:02
wafflejockyeah me too but still makes a difference when your editor is real snappy and never slows dow22:02
Semajnadfigure002:  I used this in the end : https://bensmann.no/restrict-sftp-users-to-home-folder/ but thanks so much for your help.22:02
Semajnadfigure002:  That worked btw22:02
wafflejockEclipse can become a hog (in your own hands)22:02
wafflejockNetbeans just always felt heavy to me but I didn't use it extensively ever22:02
figure002Semajnad: ahh cool, those are almost the same steps, glad it works22:03
new0minimec, ok. now?22:04
wafflejocktoafan: really too ignorant to guide you on debugging the audio problems, I've managed to keep everything working here but have rarely had issues so haven't gotten in depth on debugging that22:05
wafflejocktaro: !ubuntu-es22:05
toafanwafflejock: okay, thanks anyways22:05
Ubnoobtulecoeus:  So the / at the end prevents a new directory from being made, aye?22:05
wafflejocktoafan: np22:05
taroCOMO LES VA22:05
minimecnew0: 'sudo ./netbeans-7.4-linux.sh' <-- system wide install22:05
wafflejockhow do I get teh bot for that?22:06
taroWAT'S YOUR NAME22:06
reisiowafflejock: for !es ?22:06
wafflejockah yeah22:06
reisiowhy would you ask the bot what you already know22:06
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:06
wafflejockreisio: for taro22:06
new0minimec, do i need the sudo?22:06
wafflejockhow do you know what the bot knows btw?22:06
Ubnoobtugood question22:07
toafannew0: deppends, are there more users on this machine?22:07
reisiowafflejock: why wouldn't you just tell him #ubuntu-es :p22:07
new0toafan, nope, just me22:07
reisiobz: ohai22:07
yofunDoes anyone know of an script that would listen on an port and write the Ips of any connections that pinged that port?22:07
bzi can haz skype on amd64 raring?22:07
reisiobz: yes you canz22:07
wafflejockreisio: it says it in spanish :)22:07
cucujoideaHello, when loading the package information, I get the following error: Fehlschlag beim Holen von http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/saucy-updates/main/source/Sources  406  Not Acceptable [IP: 80]22:07
Ubnoobtuwilee-nilee:  Yo22:07
toafannew0: then, probably not but it depends on your $PATH22:07
LiquidEssenceI have a big problem. I'm using Xubuntu, and I just wanted to see how th i3 window manager would look like, but after choosing it, it now just boots me into the i3 environment every time. If I choose Xubuntu session it doesn't do anything excepts ask me to login again22:07
wafflejockreisio: I can speak a little spanish too but it's beside the point22:07
bzreisio: u haz teh repo urlz?22:07
wafflejockreisio: why do what a bot can do for me22:08
yofunDoes anyone know of an script that would listen on an port and write the Ips of any connections that pinged that port??22:08
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reisiobz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype22:08
toafannew0: but, if you use sudo, you won't have to think about that22:08
reisiowafflejock: 'cause it's spammy22:08
minimecnew0: without sudo you install it in /home/yourname.22:08
new0toafan, minimec, and beside when i click TAB it doesn't complate the filename only  when i am do: sh ./netbeans...22:08
toafannew0: (unless you re-install but got it from outside the repos...)22:08
wafflejockreisio: spammy?22:09
minimecnew0: You have to be in the direcotry of the netbeans file. /Download maybe? Wher did you save it?22:09
new0toafan, minimec then, why do i need the "sh" before?22:09
bzreisio: danke schon22:09
new0minimec, i am at the right location22:09
new0minimec, i am asking why do i have the "sh" cmd before?22:10
cucujoideait looks like some mirror servers are unavilable: http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/saucy-updates/main/source/Sources  406  Not Acceptable22:10
lecoeusUbnoobtu: yes, when you have the trailing slashes, rsync syncs directories rather than putting everything inside the directory22:10
minimecnew0: './' should replace 'sh'. you can use both...22:10
toafannew0: "sh" interperates + runs the install script, but minimec's right22:10
cucujoideais there a possibility to circumvent the standard server?22:11
wafflejocknew0: check file permissions22:11
wafflejocknew0: need execute bit22:11
wafflejocknew0: sudo chmod +x filenamehere.sh22:11
new0minimec, toafan, sudo: ./netbeans-7.4-php-linux.sh: command not found22:11
wafflejockls -al22:12
wafflejockto see permissions22:12
new0wafflejock, did. will do agin22:12
Kid_Matthewcan some one help me install rabbitvcs22:13
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Kid_Matthewi get errors22:13
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minimecnew0: 'chmod +x netbeans-7.4-php-linux.sh'22:13
wafflejockKid_Matthew: no idea what that is but you may want to just put what you tried and your errors briefly22:13
new0wafflejock, u right. doesn't have x on it. and did sudo chmod +x file didn't work22:13
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new0minimec, wafflejock, sudo chmod +x netbeans-7.4-php-linux.sh22:14
toafannew0: is it "your" file?  If so, you shouldn't need sudo22:14
wafflejockyeah but won't hurt right now just to change execute bit22:14
new0toafan, yes. it's the file22:14
wafflejockwhy would that not stick22:14
__cronusyofun, i don't think it is possible to ping to a port. is it?22:14
new0wafflejock, how to put the execute bit?22:15
yofun__cronus:  I mean connect to the port.22:15
toafannew0: no, do you "own" the file.  ls -l should list a username for "owner"22:15
dominic_why facebook and others program doesnt recognize my flash player as the latest version22:15
Kid_Matthewhttp://wiki.rabbitvcs.org/wiki/install/ubuntu       Following instructions, I didn't understand Hardy, Intrepid and Jaunty, so i didn't do it, So then I did the next step but i get errors http://pastebin.com/C6GD1G2Z22:15
new0toafan, yep. i do own it22:15
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:16
AivasI have a computer that I want to install ubuntu onto, but it has NOTHING on it as of yet. I have a usb sled and my macbook, can I install to the drive as an external and then install the drive into the computer I want it on?22:16
toafannew0: did you try chmod +x filenameher.sh, as minimec said?22:16
Kid_MatthewU don't Know whats wrong?22:16
wafflejocknew0 chmod should do the trick22:16
__cronusyofun, i think ufw has the ability to log connections.22:16
Kid_Matthewerr I22:16
new0minimec, toafan, -rw----- 1 mine mine 4324324324324 date fileName22:16
yofun__cronus:  on an certain port?22:16
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new0toafan, yes22:16
new0wafflejock, didn't work22:16
GZA-GeniusI have a strange situation here, I am not a newbie to UNIX but I'm far from a grand master. Somehow i am missing 80+gigz on my root drive. I have looked everywhere, used gparted to check part free space, disk analyzer, file managers I am at a loss. Here is a summary og my system, 8 Drive SAS RAID 0 array containing root / and a data partition /data, then I have a separate 2 Disk SATA3 RAID 1 Array /archive. I also host a ftpd22:16
GZA-Geniusand in my fstab I use bind to mount the various directories to one central location of my system root. I figured something was wrong with that so i edited out the binds and took the mounts from /data, /archive, too /mnt/data, /mnt/archive. I have tried a plethora of other things and I at a complete loss for words. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.22:16
__cronusyofun, yes. either udp or tcp connection22:17
wafflejocknew0: sudo chmod a+x filehere.sh22:17
wafflejockthat should add execute for group owner and others22:17
new0wafflejock, why the a?22:17
wafflejocknew0: all22:17
Kid_Matthewany idea's wafflejock?22:18
wafflejocknew0: A combination of the letters ugoa controls which users' access to the file will be changed: the  user  who  owns  it  (u),22:18
wafflejock       other  users  in  the  file's  group (g), other users not in the file's group (o), or all users (a)22:18
new0wafflejock, didn't work agagin22:18
new0wafflejock, i will try something22:19
wafflejocknew0: I have no idea what to tell you, chmod has always worked22:19
AivasCan someone help me please? I have a computer that I want to install ubuntu onto, but it has NOTHING on it as of yet. I have a usb sled and my macbook, can I install to the drive as an external and then install the drive into the computer I want it on?22:19
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions22:19
new0wafflejock, i am trying to su it. but didn't know it's su username22:19
GZA-GeniusAivas: y not just greate a ubuntu usb and boot from it and install22:20
wafflejocknew0: su will only change which user you're running a prompt as22:20
minimecAivas: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-mac-osx22:20
wafflejocknew0: really you just have to get that execute bit turned on and sudo should temporarily elevate your privileges to root so you can do anything22:20
toafanminimec: that's not what he wants, he wants to install to a hardrive and then put it in another computer22:20
Kid_Matthewwafflejock,  i added step 2 into it and it still didn't work22:21
wafflejocknew0: you can try in the interface if you're in ubuntu as well just right click the file22:21
AivasI can't usb boot...22:21
new0wafflejock, got it. maybe i should copy &paste the cmd22:21
bekksAivas: Did you check the BIOS?22:21
new0wafflejock, this is the file: netbeans-7.4-php-linux.sh22:21
minimectoafan: Oh. sorry. Well would be no problem here with my desktop and laptop. Both are standard i5 Ivy bridges...22:21
hitsujiTMOAivas: how old is the computer?22:21
Aivasit's old, 199722:21
new0wafflejock, fine22:21
wafflejocknew0: k should be22:22
wafflejocksudo chmod a+x netbeans-7.4-php-linux.sh22:22
hitsujiTMOAivas: it probably wont run ubuntu22:22
toafanAivas: has it got a cd drive?22:22
AivasI checked the BIOS, won't even let me use a USB keyboard22:22
bekkshitsujiTMO: BEcause...? Why wont a computer from 1997 wont run Ubuntu?22:22
hitsujiTMObekks: not enough ram22:22
bekkshitsujiTMO: you dont know how much RAM he has.22:22
bekksAivas: So how much RAM do you have?22:23
toafanhitsujiTMO: bull.  He just won't be able to use 'modern' effects22:23
wafflejockbekks: theoretically it's a piece of junk :)22:23
hitsujiTMObekks from 97 would be about 32mb - 64mb22:23
new0wafflejock, ok. weirddd. i open (with no chooice) the prop on GUI and checked that box. but it's become uncheck after 1 sec22:23
bekkshitsujiTMO: Thats a wild guess only. Nothing to count on.22:23
hitsujiTMOAivas: how much ram does the pc have?22:23
wafflejockmy computer was a 500Mhz single core then with 256MB of RAM22:23
toafanhitsujiTMO: you can run ubuntu under 64meg ram... you just have to run a very minimal install22:24
wafflejocknew0: strange22:24
new0wafflejock, cp&paste it, only with GUI didn't work22:24
new0wafflejock, yess22:24
AivasI have about a gb22:24
bekksAivas: What is "about a gb" - how much RAM do you have?22:24
hitsujiTMObekks, its not a wild guess. it's an educated guess. top of the range pc back then had about 32 mb - 64mb22:24
new0wafflejock, maybe if it's open ... can be?22:24
Aivasjust under 1 gb22:24
hitsujiTMOAivas: of ram or hard disk space?22:24
bekkshitsujiTMO: Thats bull. PErsonally, I had a computer in 1996 with 512M.22:24
reisiowhat? :p22:25
wafflejockit will probably run but it probably couldn't be used22:25
reisioI got one new in 2001 with only 128MB RAM22:25
plut0getting packet loss on ubuntu 12.04 as a KVM guest, is there an open bug or fix for this?22:25
wafflejockI would go with Xubuntu or the like22:25
subz3r0bekks: 1996 512MB RAM?22:25
wafflejockUnity is just fairly damaging22:25
bekkssubz3r0: Yes.22:25
reisio512MB disk space maybe22:25
LjLmaybe a giant server22:25
wafflejockI mean if you have old hardware22:25
toafanpftt.  About a gb of ram here, stumpwm runs _beautifully_22:25
wafflejockMoores law man22:25
reisiotoafan: what about the things inside the windows? :p22:26
eph3meralI'm having issues keeping my server running when I try to background the process and log out22:26
toafanreisio: no problems so far, but I haven't push firefox to its limits yet22:26
hitsujiTMObekks: i think you're remembering incorrectly.97 would be about 200mhz mmx cpu + 64mb of ram for a high end machine22:26
bekksLjL: Yes, it was a server. I got it for 6 weeks for playing with it. One example proved the opoosite, so the former theory is proven wrong. And, to get ontopic again, Aivas has about 1GB RAM.22:26
bekkshitsujiTMO: you are wrong again.22:27
Aivasthe proc is 2.33MHz22:27
eph3meraljust a regular node.js program, so I'm just literally invoking e.g. /usr/bin/node /www/main_entry_point.js - it runs fine in the terminal, and `/usr/bin/node /www/main_entry_point.js &` runs fine but then quits if I log out of my ssh session22:27
wafflejockyeah literally the HP computer Iwent to college with was a 500Mhz computer and it wasn't at the top end but it wasn't bad and that was 200122:27
eph3meralhow can I keep that thing permanently running/backgrounded22:27
LjLAivas: no, it's not22:27
bekksAivas: 2.33MHz - every calculator would be faster.22:27
Aivasthe proc is *233MHz22:27
Aivasdon't listen to that period, it lied22:28
new0wafflejock, ok. not sure how to explain it, but, i did this time go to the file i have downloaded with minimec here and it's working. now the file that i had it was on different partition NTFS. can that be the problem for chmod?22:28
wafflejocknew0: ah quite possibly22:29
subz3r0bekks: in january 1996 introduced the pentium with 150 and 166 MHz22:29
minimecnew0: no, it should not be a problem.22:29
new0wafflejock, really. than how should i work with it next time?22:29
wafflejockntfs has different permissions settings I imagine since the whole user group thing is different22:29
subz3r0definetely not with 512mb RAM22:29
hitsujiTMObekks: http://www.androidcentral.com/editors-desk-what-i-wielded-1997 thats a 1997 build. I tihnk Aivas has 1gb HDD22:29
bekkssubz3r0: I know. I was invited to Intel's Ireland Fab for that presentation.22:29
wafflejocknew0: I guess just move to a linux file system before running22:29
new0minimec, well. chmod didn't change the x for me and the one u give me i have it in my OP partition and it's work22:30
subz3r0bekks: there werent any consumer pcs  with 512MB ram at this time22:30
new0wafflejock, ok22:30
hitsujiTMOAivas: is your pc definately from 1997 era?22:30
bekkssubz3r0: I never said I had a consumer pc.22:30
Aivasit's a MoBo from '9722:30
Aivasand CPU is '9722:30
wafflejockback in the day when I was a teenager22:31
wafflejockbefore I had a cell phone before I had a pager22:31
bekksAivas: Pastebin "free -m", "df -h" and "cat /proc/cpustat" please.22:31
plut0getting high packet loss on ubuntu 12.04 as a KVM guest, is there an open bug or fix for this?22:31
new0ok, now about setting up the installation?22:31
Aivasthe RAM is a bit newer, four cards of almost .25gb22:31
UbnoobtuIs there a way to get scp or rsync ( really rsync) to refresh, it has stopped on 82% for a while now22:31
new0minimec, ^ would u know?22:31
subz3r0bekks: well which pc was it then with 512MB of RAM at this time?22:31
minimecnew0: would I know what?22:32
bekkssubz3r0: It was a Alpha server.22:32
hitsujiTMOAivas: can you tell me the model of the motherboard?22:32
reisioUbnoobtu: just cancel it and rerun it22:32
reisioUbnoobtu: rsync resumes22:32
AivasI can't pastebin from it, it doesn't have ANY installed OS yet22:32
new0minimec, how can i setup my netbeans installation22:32
LjLhow's an Alpha server a "PC"? but anyway, who cares, let's think about Aivas' actual PC :P22:32
bekksLjL: I said I had a computer ;)22:33
Ubnoobtuhow do I cancel it from the command line?22:33
Kid_MatthewCan someone help me install rabbitvcs22:33
reisioUbnoobtu: CTRL+c22:33
bekksUbnoobtu: press ctrl+c22:33
Kid_MatthewI keep getting errors22:33
Kid_Matthewcan some one walk me through it22:33
Ubnoobtu ^C rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at rsync.c(549) [sender=3.0.9] connell@connell-laptop:~$22:33
new0minimec, i need the path for JDK for Netbeans IDE22:33
bekksKid_Matthew: Pastebin the errors you get.22:33
reisioUbnoobtu: mhmmm22:33
bekks!paste | Kid_Matthew22:33
ubottuKid_Matthew: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:33
toafanUbnoobtu: that's expected.  Run the rsync again22:34
Ubnoobtuthats okay, can you break it down into simpler terms... err more complicated terms22:34
minimecnew0: ok. 'sudo apt-get install default-jdk'22:34
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reisioar3: heyo22:34
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reisioUbnoobtu: press the up arrow22:35
toafanUbnoobtu: the 'rsync error' was what we wanted to happen.  Now go find the command you used to start the rsync, and run it again.  It should resume22:35
ar3anyone got exp. of ubuntu studio?22:35
reisioUbnoobtu: until your rsync command shows again, then hit ENTER22:35
new0minimec, tnx22:35
Aivasor, how about this, what's a REALLY lightweight linux that I could install onto the HDD from my mac so that I can then work from there?22:35
reisioar3: what if anyone had22:35
bekks!anyone | ar322:35
ubottuar3: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:35
minimecnew0: no problem22:35
subz3r0!ask | ar322:35
ubottuar3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:35
reisioAivas: anything without a DE22:35
Ubnoobtureisio: toafan : thanks, its running again, so smooth22:35
hitsujiTMOAivas: you can try maybe puppy linux, or damn small linux.22:35
reisioAivas: but alpha support isn't incredibly widespread22:35
hitsujiTMOAivas: i would look for something with a 2.4 kernel at the highest22:36
toafanAivas: wait.  For an alpha processor?22:36
ar3ok, got exp. of ubuntu studio?22:36
bekks!anyone | ar322:36
ubottuar3: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:36
AivasMMX Pentium22:36
reisiomust've been bekks22:36
toafanar3: no, dude.  What do you want to do with ubuntu studio?22:36
Kid_Matthew_bekks, http://pastebin.com/C6GD1G2Z22:36
Kid_Matthew_those are my errors22:36
ar3bekks.! how bout fuck bots cuntsack.22:37
Kid_Matthew_idk what i did wrong22:37
plut0getting high packet loss on ubuntu 12.04 as a KVM guest, is there an open bug or fix for this?22:37
Aivastoafan: MMX Pentium22:37
toafanAivas: I think I used ubuntu-minimal and tried to install up from there.  Then again, my HDD was in the computer22:38
bekksKid_Matthew_: The files you want to download do not exist. Contact the maintainer of that PPA if you like. But PPA arent supported in here, generally.22:38
Kid_Matthew_so what should i do, im trying to find a svn client to use, any suggestions bekks?22:38
bekksKid_Matthew_: "sudo apt-get install subversion"22:38
Kid_Matthew_does that have a gui?22:38
bekksKid_Matthew_: No.22:39
hitsujiTMOAivas: do you have an IDE connector thats compatable with the HDD in that computer btw?22:39
Kid_Matthew_do you have any one that does have a gui?22:39
bekksKid_Matthew_: There is no svn gui client. There are development environments, that may use svn.22:39
bekksKid_Matthew_: There are no graphical svn clients.22:39
wafflejockKid_Matthew_: what about tortoise22:40
toafanbekks: what do you call those graphical programs to git?  Are those git frontends?22:40
reisiotoafan: yup22:40
Kid_Matthew_wafflejock,  isnt that windows only?22:40
toafanokay, so what about gui frontends to svn?  That would work, right?22:41
reisiotortoise? For mercurial? cross platform22:41
Aivashitsujitmo: yes22:41
wafflejockKid_Matthew_: I think its cross platform it's open source22:41
bekkstoafan: yes.22:41
wafflejockI've moved to git now so I'm not sure22:41
Aivashitsujitmo: I just need to get an OS onto the HDD. I'm on my MBP...22:42
hitsujiTMOwafflejock: tortoise is win only afaik. rabbitvcs is ubuntu equiv22:42
wafflejockah gotcha all22:42
FloodBot1wafflejock: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:42
hitsujiTMOAivas: do you have a cd drive at all for that pc?22:43
okay19Just set up Ubuntu alongside windows 8 yesterday, my first-ever actual Linux install :)22:43
dgarstangAnyone know why I can't use tput setaf in /etc/update-motd.d/00-header ?22:43
reisiookay19: gj22:43
hitsujiTMOAivas: if you can get one i can give you the iso's for a linux distro that will run on that pc guaranteed22:43
Aivashitsujitmo: sadly, the only cd drive I've got is FUBAR... water/freeze damage22:44
bekksAivas: Then you can only throw away that computer.22:44
Aivashitsujitmo: do you know a program that'd install the iso to a usb drive? I have an IDE-USB sled...22:45
Aivasbekks: do you know a program that'd install the iso to a usb drive? I have an IDE-USB sled...22:46
wafflejockAivas: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/tag/multiboot-iso/22:46
wafflejockAivas: you can put multiple peoples names in a single line on IRC and they will still be alerted instead of writing something twice, just FYI22:46
hitsujiTMOaivas: the only think i know of is debootsrap but that would work for your pc22:47
Aivashitsujitmo: what distro was it that you were thinking of?22:47
hitsujiTMOred hat linux 6.0 ... i still have the cds :P22:47
bekkshitsujiTMO: Thats nonsense.22:47
reisionikolojedison: hi22:47
Aivaswafflejock: thank you! and I'll keep that in mind!22:47
wafflejockAivas: np have played with it never used for anything serious22:47
wafflejockAivas: has worked out well thoug22:48
UbnoobtuI love rsync22:49
Ubnoobtuyes, I do I do Idoooo22:49
reisioUbnoobtu: don't we all22:49
wafflejockyeah I gotta really get in on that so far my backup solutions are only good for snapshots of an entire disk really22:49
StrangeNoisesthe answer to your earlier issue would have been a /22:49
hitsujiTMObeeks: maybe try a 10.04 debootstrap install22:50
StrangeNoisesbut if you've come to that opinion about rsync you presumably figured that out22:50
hitsujiTMOaivas*: maybe try a 10.04 debootstrap install22:50
Ubnoobtuset it, and forget it, til it stops, then crt + C and rsync, from where you left off, how genius22:50
UbnoobtuStrangeNoises:  at the end, right?22:50
Aivaswafflejock: is there a program they have that'll do for mac...?22:51
wafflejockAivas: you mean multiboot with Mac or OS X on USB?22:51
StrangeNoisesAivas, rsync22:51
wafflejockrsync is on both I believe22:52
wafflejockthats the basis for time machine right?22:52
Aivaswafflejock: I'm on a mac now, so from a mac...22:52
StrangeNoisesno don't think so, time machine is its own thing, but you could do something similar to time machine with rsync22:52
StrangeNoisestime machine has a weird trick of hard links to directories22:53
StrangeNoisesthat was rather controversial in the day22:53
new0minimec, after installing that JDK do i need to configure something on my system?22:53
wafflejockhmm I had just assumed since Mac had rsync and the functionality sounded similar to me they were one and the same, interesting22:53
minimecnew0: no.22:53
StrangeNoisesbut i misread, looks like you were actually talking about debootstrap, not rsync, so dunno22:53
plut0getting high packet loss on ubuntu 12.04 as a KVM guest, is there an open bug or fix for this?22:53
StrangeNoisesbut yeah, the equivalent to rsync on a mac is... rsync22:54
reisioit's rsync after spending a lot more time installing it :p22:54
StrangeNoisesno i think it's default22:54
new0minimec, well, netbeans say No compatible JDK was found22:54
reisiobut at least you didn't spend money on the OS, RITE? :p22:54
* StrangeNoises checks (on linux atm)22:54
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StrangeNoisesbecause i have homebrew installed to get stuff that isn't installed by default i sometimes forget what is22:55
StrangeNoisesbut rsync is in /usr/bin so i think it's there on the base install22:55
wafflejockreisio: I really don't mind spending money on an OS, I just don't want it packaged with hardware and priced together22:55
new0minimec,  what is the path>22:55
new0minimec, for tje JDK?22:56
reisiowafflejock: why not22:56
StrangeNoiseswafflejock: but apple is a hardware company; their OS is just to assist sales of the hardware; because look at the position of 'pc compatible' makers these days. fighting over nasty common denominator market segments with razor thin margins22:56
wafflejockreisio: I feel they are independent industries and should be sold as such... it's like when you get a $600 phone from Verizon/Sprint whatever and they put you on a 2yr contract thereby susidizing the cost of the phone22:57
wafflejockjust tell me what it costs and sell me what you make22:57
wafflejockso I as a consumer can pick the best22:57
reisioStrangeNoises: well, 'cause most of them don't actually make anything, they just resell22:57
TheteWhat's the difference between nvidia-319 and nvidia-319-updates?22:57
reisiowafflejock: mmm22:58
Aivaslet's not turn this into a applebash, eh?22:58
StrangeNoisesreisio: yeah, they can't afford to do any decent product development because of those razor thin margins22:58
wafflejockit's all intel hardware under the hood22:58
wafflejockI'm not22:58
wafflejockjust saying I have an idealogical difference but it's not because of paying for the OS22:58
new0minimec, or how can i find the path for this JSK?22:58
TheteThey're just intel boards with custom boot roms, that's pretty much it22:58
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StrangeNoisesThete: updates will update over the course of the saucy distro22:58
new0minimec, *JDK22:58
reisiowafflejock: 'cept for the arm stuff22:58
lechunxrunning x11vnc on a xubuntu 12.04 server; can connect fine through vnc client on my desktop, but every single mobile vnc client i try says there is a connection error or will not connect??22:59
Aivasmac, windows, and linux have each their strengths and weaknesses22:59
* Ubnoobtu grabs the popcorn and watches on intensely. 22:59
wafflejockreisio: well k true22:59
* reisio rolls eyes22:59
* Ubnoobtu grabs the popcorn and watches on intensely. 22:59
StrangeNoisesno, i think it's bedtime22:59
TheteDoes anyone know what the difference between nvidia-319 and nvidia-319-updates is?23:00
StrangeNoisesand i didn't even open that wine after all or i might be feeling more combative, if it wasn't for knowing way better by now23:00
StrangeNoisesThete: updates will update over the course of the saucy distro23:00
Aivasmac is great if you want it to just WORK out of the box, windows is good if you need a wider 3rd party supportbase23:00
TheteStrangeNoises, So if I wanna keep current, install the updates version?23:00
TheteStrangeNoises, Thank you much :)23:00
Aivasand linux is great as long as you don't need to run .exe or .app natively23:00
minimecnew0: I have netbeans 7.3 running here. All I did was to install the 'default-jdk' package an drun the installer. I guess that works for 7.4 too. Otherwise install an older version from the repo. http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=netbeans&searchon=names23:00
UbnoobtuMy 2 cents is simple. The market should be separated. Everything modular, and give me my tricoders23:01
bekksAivas: Normally, you dont ru binaries from another operating system.23:01
wafflejockUbnoobtu: exactly!23:01
new0minimec, ok. so the JDK that i just installed what is path/location?23:02
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new0minimec, so i will put it on the setup23:02
AivasI want my tricorder too23:02
Ubnoobtuyep. we're being robbed by the current model23:02
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minimecnew0: The installer should find an installed java environment automatically.23:03
Aivasyou can build an OSX machine from scratch23:03
ghutzriopHi, I just copied my virtual disk image from one pc to another and just bound it into a new vm as the boot disk. now networking isn't working at all, how do I fix that?23:03
bekksAivas: So you can do with linux.23:03
AivasApple just doesn't sell hardware sans OS anymore23:03
new0minimec, it didn't. so i guess i need to put it there manually23:03
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TheteAnyone know how to remove the shopping crap from Dash?23:03
wafflejockApple official doesn't let you install your OS on non apple hardware23:04
new0minimec, would u know how can search it?23:04
Thetewafflejock, Like that's gonna stop anyone23:04
bekksghutzriop: since you created a new vm, the MAC address of your network adapter as seen by the vm changed. reconfigure your network in your guest, thats all.23:04
reisioThete: unity-lens-shopping ?23:04
wafflejockit made me pause23:04
Thetereisio, That's no longer in 13.1023:04
reisioThete: so what if it isn't23:04
StrangeNoisessystem settings, security and privacy, search23:04
StrangeNoisesturn it off23:04
bekksThete: look at unity-webapps-*23:05
wafflejockI would rather just pay them and have them be okay with me getting no support for doing my own thing23:05
StrangeNoises... or whine about it for months like a lot of people23:05
wafflejockinstead of saying I'm breaching some agreement23:05
Aivasyeah, my point was more that people are always saying that the only way to have OSX is to buy direct from Apple, and then they brag that windows and linux are so much better23:05
ghutzriopbekks: well, no idea how to do that... the devices appear under lspci but not ifconfig, obviously23:05
bekksghutzriop: then use ifconfig -a23:05
TheteStrangeNoises, Thank you :)23:06
wafflejockI don't think Linux is much better than OS X, they both have their perks, Windows is falling by the wayside aside from Adobe Suite which keeps it in my virtual machine and licensed23:06
Aivaswafflejock: no, they just don't support non-macs. custom OSX is not verbatim23:06
TheteWell, so far I'm running ubuntu on 2 of my macs cause I can't stand OS X anymore23:07
ghutzriopbekks: ok, thanks. still no idea how to reconfigure it23:07
Aivasadobe suite works better on OSX, IMHO23:07
bekksAivas: Whats your actual ubuntu support issue?23:07
LjLi think the discussion has strayed more than a tad offtopic23:07
new0everyone know how can i find my JDK on my drive?23:07
wafflejockAivas: yeah I haven't really used it much in there but it seemed pretty solid23:07
Aivasthete: what about OSX do you not like...?23:07
Semajnadwafflejock:  do you have that link I sent you :)23:08
Semajnadwafflejock:  I've lost it23:08
bekksAivas: This is ubuntu support, not offtopic.23:08
TheteAivas, Xcode, the 10.9 SDK, how hard Apple's made things to port software, etc23:08
LjL#ubuntu-offtopic is that way! ------>23:08
[Gentoo]while we're on topic, what's better gnome or kde23:08
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:08
minimecnew0: probably /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/SOMETHING/bin, depending your installation. Again, if I remember well, the installer finds an installed jav environment. Maybe logout/login your user once...23:09
wafflejockSemajnad: this guy https://bensmann.no/restrict-sftp-users-to-home-folder/23:09
Semajnadwafflejock:  Lifesaved :P23:09
Aivasbekks: I need a way to put an iso on an external drive as a bootable drive from a mac...23:09
TheteAivas, That's easy, just image the iso to the external drive and boot from it23:10
ezrafreehello all23:11
ezrafreeanyone here know if i can run a bash script after each upload, in proftpd?23:11
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LjLAivas: i'm not sure i get you, but if that's something you mean to do from Mac OS, you should ask #macosx23:11
new0minimec, maybe but if u mind writing it again if it won't work. Hopefully does23:11
Aivaswell I need to install the iso, if possible, not just make the HDD be the iso...23:11
reisioezrafree: #proftpd23:11
TheteAivas, That's the only way to do it23:11
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Theteyou can't boot directly from the ISO itself23:12
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ezrafreereisio: it's dead.23:12
bekksUsing grub2, you can boot an ISO.23:12
minimecnew0: Check if you have a folder like that... /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/SOMETHING/bin23:12
Thetebekks, yes, but he said mac23:12
reisioalso using grub23:12
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ezrafreereisio: after 48 hours of no reply, i'm trying other channels. is it not allowed for me to ask this here?23:12
reisioThete: you can use grub on a mac23:12
bekksThete: grub works on mac hw too.23:13
reisioezrafree: I don't see why it wouldn't be23:13
LjLezrafree, it's a bit package-specific, but i'm sure it can be worth a try23:13
ezrafreeyeah i figured it was worth a shot23:13
ezrafreei created this bash script that let's me run yuicompressor on the command line23:13
reisioyou could use watchfolder or the like if it came down to it23:14
ezrafreei was hoping to run it on each file after upload, and if it's a file ending in .css or .js my script will minify it for me23:14
reisioew, minify23:14
ezrafreereisio: i'm not familiar with that, i'll check it out thanks23:14
boernhey guys, is there a away so sandbox programs in ubuntu 13.10? because i just played a game and it crashed, the whole computer didnt respond. i had to press the power button and reboot and thats a bit annoying23:14
wafflejockboern: you can get to a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+F1 Crtl+Alt+F7 to get back to your DE23:15
wafflejockin the terminal you can restart your DE or you can kill the process that's hanging23:15
reisioezrafree: watchfolder or inotifyd23:15
StrangeNoisessometimes the only way is to log in from another machine23:16
StrangeNoisesso best to have one, and run sshd :-)23:16
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wafflejockyeah just need a smartphone and bluetooth keyboard and your set :)23:17
Guest90535ciao a tutti23:17
LjLezrafree: i had a quick look at the proftpd documentation and i don't really seem to see anything that does what you want, however, reisio's concept seems good to me: use some service (there are a few, try watchfolder i guess, i can't recommend any in particular) that is able to execute actions as soon as it detects a new file has been added to a given directory23:17
hitsujiTMOezrafree: you should have a build script that runs yuicompressor locally then uploads to the ftp.23:17
reisioor you could just not use silly things like yuicompressor :p23:17
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boernok but with which command can i find out the running tasks/ID to kill it?23:18
nicpowhat does '-qq' do23:18
reisioboern: what's the game?23:18
nicpoin terminakl23:18
reisionicpo: context?23:18
boernteam fortress 223:19
nicporeisio: udo apt-get update -qq && sudo apt-get install xchat23:19
hitsujiTMOreisio: what's wrong with yui compressor? :P23:19
reisionicpo: man apt-get, /-qq23:19
DrGrovPerhaps a stupid question but how come the text in irssi and in the file manager on pictures keeps showing up in Finnish even though I tend to prefer to keep it in English? Is it the time zone fiddling since it is Helsinki? I am Finnish but like to keep texts in different places in English.23:19
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reisiohitsujiTMO: turns readable formats into unreadable ones23:20
wafflejockreisio: minification helps a lot23:20
reisiowafflejock: if by a lot you mean not much at all23:20
hitsujiTMOreisio: you don't need it to be readable after ... if someone wants to read it they can look at the source :P23:20
reisiohitsujiTMO: mmhmm, years in #css tells me otherwise23:21
wafflejockwell reducing the number of files really helps23:21
DrGrovhitsujiTMO: Hi again. I love the guide you posted, did not use it since I got the 1TB fixed as home but it was a very well made how-to :)23:21
hitsujiTMOreisio: can be js thats hes compressing, which running a propper minifier can help hugely :P23:22
boernstupid question but how can i write someone red? just name: ?23:22
DrGrovhitsujiTMO: It was a bit too technical for me in this delicate stage. But I will use it when I do it again :)23:22
new0minimec, didn't work. even after reboot. can u copy & paste the location again? tn23:22
new0mindstorm, *tnx23:22
reisiohitsujiTMO: only if your js was huge and awful to begin with :p23:22
reisioboern: yes23:22
reisioboern: just 'personsNick' usually manages it23:22
wafflejockreisio: http://blog.kissmetrics.com/loading-time/23:22
reisioboern: : is convention23:22
boernreisio: so you see red now?^^23:23
wafflejock3G connections take like .5 seconds to negotiate a handshake to start a request23:23
reisiowafflejock: is this a website talking about loading time presenting all its information in a bitmap? :p23:23
hitsujiTMODrGrov: thank you. yeah I didn't want to dumb it down too much, but also wan't to explain why i was doing what i was doing.23:23
reisiowafflejock: doesn't appear to mention minifying, either23:23
wafflejockeh just a quick google supporting the load times issue23:24
reisioboern: I see that message a different color, yes23:24
wafflejockthere was a good video about it explained all the roundtrips and stuff23:24
DrGrovhitsujiTMO: I understand. You want to do it your way since you proven it works :) BTW, can I ask a few questions? Perhaps they are dumb :)23:24
boerncool x)23:24
reisiowafflejock: loading time matters, but I doubt you'll find minified things make a useful difference23:24
reisioexcept that they make code unreadable and therefore useless :p23:24
new0minimec, here?23:25
wafflejockjquery is 266KB uncompressed vs 96KB compressed23:25
wafflejockI use AngularJS23:25
wafflejockit helps23:25
reisiowhat helps?23:26
wafflejockfile concatentation is a bigger deal to reduce requests23:26
wafflejockbut both help23:26
hitsujiTMODrGov ask away23:26
hitsujiTMODrGrov*: ^23:26
minimecnew0: I had to test it myself... 'sudo apt-get install default-jdk', then run that installer. You don't have java jdk installed. The installer finds the open-jdk (default-jdk) automatically. I tested it!23:27
TheteAnyone here installed Ubuntu 13.10 on a mac?23:28
vov_Hello people, maybe you could help. I have an HP Pavilion dv4 and I have this problem with sound and gaming. I have tested many distros and I keep having the same problem. The thing is that when I launch some games, the volume goes up and down all the time.23:28
minimecnew0: Without reboot and logout/login... ;)23:28
new0minimec, :) hehe ok23:28
vov_This makes playing impossible. I don't know if someone could help me :D23:28
new0minimec, it's installed23:28
hitsujiTMOreisio: one of my projects spans over 100 js files. and contains a lot of white space and a looooot of comments. I also refrain from using ';'s to impreve code readiblity. but this slows down js parsing. so using yuicompressor will add in missing ';'s and speed up parsing23:29
new0minimec, :default-jdk is already the newest version.23:29
reisiohitsujiTMO: 100 files? :p23:29
wafflejockawe I like ;23:29
new0minimec, Ubuntu hits me ;)23:29
new0minimec, *dont' like me23:29
hitsujiTMOreisio: its a fairly large ui :P23:29
minimecnew0: So do you ... ;)23:29
reisiosounds like insanity23:30
snadgeanyone else use synology for anything more than it probably should be used for?23:30
snadgeie .. virtual machine storage23:30
reisiosnadge: probably someone23:30
hitsujiTMOreisio: it is. its a ui for vmware esxi :P so i can use it in linux without wine :P hopefully will be able to release it in a few months.23:30
snadgemy boss is a bit in love with the synology storage stuff.. and I had a play around with a pretty decent model rs812rp.. two of them in a HA cluster23:30
new0minimec, :) the last time i installed netbeans it was on my live-cd and it's worked perfectly. now it just won't work dunno why23:30
reisiohitsujiTMO: heheh23:31
wafflejockhitsujiTMO: sounds intense... I'm doing some one man shop stuff so the projects aren't so large but been on those in the corporate world and it does get out of hand23:31
wafflejockhitsujiTMO: you guys using grunt?23:31
new0minimec, i am sure there is some place i can tell about JAVA23:31
snadgeand my boss was particularly impressed with how easy the HA cluster is to set up.. but i've discovered that you need to configure the networking before you activate the HA cluster, and then its fixed.. after that, you cannot define storage volumes, create or delete iscsi targets etc23:31
reisionot really sure why you'd want a cut down proprietary OS23:32
snadgeso its almost as if you need to set up your synology exactly how you want to use it.. then activate the HA mode (in place) and hope for the best23:32
new0minimec, can u tell me what the location again?23:32
TheteHas anyone been able to do an EFI install of 13.10 on a Macbook Pro with nvidia drivers not crapping out?23:32
snadgereisio, its linux based.. but i keep flip flopping between roll your own (which the boss doesnt like, has been tried before in production with partial success)23:33
reisiosnadge: if the boss likes it, that's how you know it's the wrong approach23:34
hitsujiTMOwafflejock: ahh this is a more personal thing. not a vlware thing. i have to use a hack to allow the api to work on the free license.(its a case of changing the user agent string) so it require 1 tiny < 1kb browser plugin to make it think its the vi client communicating.23:34
minimecnew0: new0: Check if you have a folder like that... /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/SOMETHING/bin , dependes on your ubuntu version23:34
snadgeand trying to find something that looks like it should cost over a million dollars.. but doesn't23:34
reisiothat's easy, just take an ordinary UI and make it worse23:34
snadgewell honestly.. if my initial testing with the synology in HA mode, didn't reveal so many limitations.. i'd be more enthusiastic about it23:34
snadgeand they do have more expensive models with greater IOPS etc.. 10gBE23:35
=== Michael64 is now known as MichaelD
snadgewhich might even work as vm storage23:35
new0minimec, tnx. i will try in a min23:35
lechunxanyone on familiar with x11vnc?23:36
new0minimec, my ubuntu version is: 12.0423:36
reisiolechunx: probably someone is23:36
snadgelechunx, no.. i used to use nX .. but its increasingly sort of becoming like abandonware23:36
snadgenow im using Teamviewer.. which I really cannot enthusiastically recommend either23:36
minimecnew0: so probably even java-6-....23:37
snadgeapart from its ability to not require port forwarding on your router/firewall23:37
Ubnoobtutoo cool for school23:37
new0minimec, nirgher that: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/bin23:37
hitsujiTMOnew0 have you tried: find / -name javac      ?23:38
new0hitsujiTMO, how are you? tnx for helping me last time. :) this time i have ubuntu 12.04 installed. and i will try this23:38
minimecnew0: that should be it.23:38
new0hitsujiTMO, something is running. minimec np23:39
lechunxwell, possibly a general question, using ssvnc on desktop to connect to server running 12.04 and it connects fine, but every mobile (android) vnc client i try cannot connect to the server23:39
new0hitsujiTMO, minimec can i ask what it does?23:39
hitsujiTMOnew0: the find command?23:40
minimecnew0: location of the java environment23:40
new0hitsujiTMO, minimec sorry. lol :) right. just think about it. and it's sound funny Q23:40
new0hitsujiTMO tnx23:40
Neo--hey guys, i'm trying to remove old linux kernels, but after doing sudo apt-get purge linux... i get an error message 'the following packages have unresolved dependencies: linux-headers-2.6..." and that I should run apt-get -f install, but apt-get -f install fails because of lack of disk space... any ideas how to break from this catch 22?23:40
bekksNeo--: Uninstall the headers first.23:41
hitsujiTMONeo--: whats is the output of: df -h23:41
Neo--hitsujiTMO, that I have 425mb free on / and 10gb on /home23:42
nicklas_well, seems to be a bug in the new ubuntu? when I go into the program and updates to install my ati driver ice, it just crashes all the time. can install fglrx manually? mean is the same thing as installing the right place, it will be the same process?23:42
hitsujiTMOneo-- and /boot ? or is there a /boot?23:42
Neo--no boot23:43
hitsujiTMONeo--: cool. what is the output of: uname -r23:43
wafflejocknicklas_: if you don't use apt-get or the like to install package then you won't see updates to it, also the version at a given repository for a paritcular distro may have a different version than what is supplied at the main source site23:44
hitsujiTMOand can you pastebin the output of: dpkg --get-selections | grep "linux-"23:44
wafflejocknicklas_: generally speaking they should install similar binaries and the like but nothing is necessarily the same, usually when you install packages with apt-get I believe it runs a configuration step at the end to update symbolic links and the like23:45
hitsujiTMOnicklas_: what is the exact gpu you have?23:45
new0hitsujiTMO, wow. is there a way to force location to search on this cmd?23:46
nicklas_5000 series23:46
nicklas_but i can check more precisely, sec23:46
wafflejocknew0: find takes a path at the end / means everything23:46
wafflejocknew0: if you type           which javac23:46
wafflejockit will resolve immediately any javac in the path23:47
wafflejockthe find command will search everywhere though and find any matching javac23:47
hitsujiTMOnew0: find rootlocation -name fileyouwanttofind23:47
new0wafflejock, hitsujiTMO meaning i could -name /javac?23:47
new0wafflejock, hitsujiTMO it's even check my network drives23:48
nicklas_hitsujiTMO: my gpu is: ATI Mobility™ Radeon® HD5470 with 1GB DDR3 VRAM23:48
wafflejocknew0: anything that is mounted to the filesystem23:48
hitsujiTMOnew0 try: find /usr -name javac23:48
wafflejockif you use / that means root of the file system23:48
wafflejockwhich is basically everything but not your network drives if they aren't mounted to some path23:48
new0hitsujiTMO, tnx :D that was fast23:49
=== lechunx is now known as le_chunx
nicklas_but my question never got answered, is it safe for me to install fglrx manually?23:49
new0hitsujiTMO,  /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/bin/javac, /usr/bin/javac23:49
hitsujiTMOnicklas_: the one in the repo should be grand then: try installing from the command line: sudo apt-get install fglrx23:49
H0nyT4phey i@m a budding musician and need to know some free music production software23:49
nicklas_or should i wait til the bug gets fixed, so i can install it from software properties?23:49
hitsujiTMOH0nyT4p: have a look at ubuntu studio23:50
nicklas_hitsujiTMO: so that does the same thing as if i would install it from software properties?23:50
hitsujiTMOnicklas_: it should. you may need to blacklist radeon. but doing thatshould install it alright for you23:51
new0hitsujiTMO, is there a way to tell the system about this path?23:51
nicklas_hitsujiTMO: i mean, its the same process? i mean if i do it from software properties, doesnt it do something special?23:51
wafflejocknicklas_: it isn't going to be exactly the same code.. if it's in your repos from a trusted source that means they did some testing on it and know it works23:51
grkbloodis there a way to use the watch command without clearing the terminal after every interval?23:51
H0nyT4pi tried ubuntu studio runs fin on my laptop, but my desktop has the soundcard.23:51
wafflejocknicklas_: if you install with the software center or apt-get it will know that you have installed it and can look for upgrades23:51
hitsujiTMONeo: sorry never pinged you for this : and can you pastebin the output of: dpkg --get-selections | grep "linux-"23:51
wafflejocknicklas_: if you install manually you won't see upgrades23:51
wafflejocknicklas_: also it means it hasn't been tested with your OS so YMMV23:52
new0minimec, ok. i can i remove that JDK? maybe i should install the openJDK23:52
hitsujiTMOnicklas_: and installing ti from non repo will most likely break your install on upgrades.23:52
nicklas_but this is a little annoying, bugs like this makes ubuntu not so noob friendly. i might as well go back to gentoo :-P23:52
minimecnew0: default-jdk is a 'link' to open JDK... ;)23:53
wafflejocknicklas_: basically if you're going to do this you should probably back up first but there's probably no real harm23:53
hitsujiTMOnicklas_: its one minor bug thats getting a few peeps. should be fixed soon enoug. just install from the command line and you should be ok23:53
nicklas_i actually understand what installing manually means, from site and such23:53
wafflejocknicklas_: but if it's not killing you you may want to see if there's a plan to get it released23:53
nicklas_i was a bit unclear perhaps23:53
hitsujiTMOnew0: you have have a could of different JDKs installed at the dame time23:54
nicklas_i meant with manually, installing from software center or apgt-get23:54
new0minimec, right. maybe i should remove all and install all. i ready have no idea what to do. i really want linux23:54
wafflejocksoftware center = apt-get basically23:54
new0hitsujiTMO, you remember last time u help me with ubuntu. my netbeans installation was good. this time netbeans can't find it23:55
hitsujiTMOnicklas_: installing from amd site, or from a repo, can potentially lead to a lot of problems in the future.23:55
wafflejockI pretty much always go with apt-get... in kubuntu now so Muon Software Center, which is alright23:55
hitsujiTMOnew0: maight need to update alternatives for the compiler23:55
new0hitsujiTMO, and minimec trying so much to help me also tested on his pc and for me it didn't work23:55
minimecnew0: No. No need to uninstall/install. I fyou want to start with an older version of netbeans, just install 'sudo apt-get install netbeans'23:55
new0hitsujiTMO, right. how?23:55
H0nyT4psounds like a wm pro guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:55
H0nyT4pthink and check compat.23:56
hitsujiTMOnew0: sudo update-alternatives --config java23:56
new0hitsujiTMO, minimec ok. what of the way to go with? alternatives? or the old?23:56
hitsujiTMOnew0 and: sudo update-alternatives --config javac23:56
H0nyT4pur all using the same distro but whick dm/wm u using?23:57
H0nyT4pdepnd. may be installed but check whats ggod to run23:57
nicklas_i know this is totally oftopic, but would you guys say korora or opensuse is better, most noob friendly? havent used fedora and suse so much, and a friend wants a rpm dist, thought about those being the main  noob ones23:57
new0hitsujiTMO, http://pastebin.com/9zeuY03j23:57
bekksnicklas_: If you know it is offtopic - dont do it in here.23:58
nicklas_ok, sorry23:58
hitsujiTMOH0nyT4p: lightdm/unity on most machines ... xdm/dwm on this particular one :P23:58
new0hitsujiTMO, what choice?23:58
H0nyT4p<nicklas_> ubuntu -unity23:59
hitsujiTMOnew0 go with which version you want to target.23:59
H0nyT4pmost newb friendly23:59
H0nyT4pdebian most stabe23:59

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