
astraljavaEmailing logs is all good and dandy, as long as there's no hardcoded email addresses induced.00:17
lderancan't find any00:25
astraljavaOk, Unit193, breathe normally again.00:27
Unit193astraljava: Not yet, nope.00:32
=== micahg_ is now known as micahg
astraljavaOh yeah, sorry I forgot who I was talk*... typing to.00:36
Unit193Well, that and gparted went to sleep on the job (segfault during op)00:37
Unit193queuebot:#ubuntu-release: New: accepted light-locker [source] (trusty-proposed) [1.0.0-0ubuntu1]00:51
astraljavaUnit193: Ugh, that's not nice.00:53
Unit193astraljava: Reeeeeeeeally not good. :/00:53
Unit193https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1237134  And the ubuntu1 version is just because it's in Ubuntu first, there are no debian/patches/ files.00:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 1237134 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] light-locker -- lightdm-based session locker" [Medium,In progress]00:55
skellatali1234: It went kaboom because test-glib-events failed on the PPA builder02:04
Unit193brainwash: Re: Update notifier appindicator, I seem to have it, though I did edit the dbus file.03:18
bluesabrere: xfce-4.11, I agree about not shipping dev components for an LTS03:40
Unit193Well, in some ways I do too, but I want them personally. :P03:41
bluesabrere: bottom panel, I like the bottom panel, prefer plank more03:41
Unit193Isn't backports at a lower pin number?  Can we ship some there?03:41
Unit193Yeah, I keep it as well.03:41
bluesabrere: meeting sunday at 22UTC, I'll try to make it03:41
bluesabredunno about backports03:42
Unit193...And guess what?  Can't make the meeting. :)03:49
bluesabreNot even trying :P04:01
Unit193Can't, busy at that time. :P04:05
Unit193knome: bug 1242417 - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/154805913/grub2_2.00-19ubuntu2_2.00-19ubuntu2.1.diff.gz06:37
ubottubug 1242417 in ubuntustudio-default-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "UEFI install broken when GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR!=Ubuntu (e.g. Kubuntu/UbuntuStudio)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124241706:37
knomeUnit193, i know, but does that really affect us?06:42
Unit193No, remember about the /etc/default/grub.d/xubuntu.cfg idea?06:43
knomeyes, and i'm aware that's related06:46
knomethanks for the heads up though :)06:46
Unit193Cool, wasn't sure you saw, or would care to see. :P06:47
knomei did, they are probably doing a .1 release for studio06:47
Unit193smarts backed it out.06:48
Unit193(Or, he did and someone else I think did in the repo.)06:48
knomeit's november!06:48
brainwashelfy: this annoying issue remains, bug 124700210:33
ubottubug 1247002 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "There is no way to cancel restart when installing updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124700210:33
elfyyea - I'd noticed that for a while actually - I wonder if it is actually a bug or a change in behaviour that's just been badly communicated10:35
elfyit is a bit 'windowsy' for my liking10:35
elfynot been annoyed enough to actually report it I must add10:35
brainwashwindowsy like in ms windows?10:36
brainwashbut microsoft allows the user to close the restart window10:37
brainwashif you run unity, it will remain in the sidebar, not a bit deal there I think10:38
ali12341that's currently the top post in r/ubuntu10:38
elfyali12341: is it - I harldy ever go there 10:39
brainwashr/ubuntu :D10:39
elfyreddit I assume10:39
brainwashbut keeping the window open/alive is the only solution right now, if there is no working appindicator10:43
Unit193Ctrl+Alt+Esc click, fixed. :D10:45
elfyof course it was a WHOLE lot more annoying when the restart button didn't do anything even if you did click it :p10:49
brainwashmmh, anyone familiar with https://www.ksplice.com/ "Ksplice Uptrack lets you apply 100% of the important kernel security updates released by your Linux vendor without rebooting.10:53
brainwashI feel like installing this software which sends information to Oracle :)10:54
elfyI'm aware of it 10:54
Unit193I've used it.10:56
brainwashthe funny thing is that update-manager will continue to show the restart window even on such a rebootless system10:57
brainwashUnit193: and it worked flawless?10:58
Unit193brainwash: 1. No, it won't as uptrack moves/removes /run/reboot-required.  2. Define "flawless"?10:59
brainwashwithout causing any trouble10:59
Unit193Never made the system unstable, tried to hit a bug with the patch applied and couldn't, but didn't verify beforehand that it did work.11:00
brainwashand why did you stop using it?11:00
Unit193On one computer I bake my own kernel, and I didn't on the other.11:00
Unit193Note, inxi knows about spliced kernels. :)11:01
brainwashwow, thanks for the information11:01
slickymastermorning all11:04
elfyBug #1033226 11:06
ubottubug 1033226 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "No close option, only restart" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103322611:06
Unit193brainwash: I'm not saying it works magic, but handy because server kernel is technically the same as desktop, just no -extras.  I do know of one other at least that uses it.11:14
brainwashUnit193: I'll give it a go then11:15
elfygive it a go in -offtopic :p11:16
brainwashjust looking for a "solution" to get rid of the restart window :)11:17
brainwashso it's ontopic, well if you consider talk about the update-manager ontopic =S11:17
Unit193sudo rm /run/reboot-required /run/reboot-required.pkgs11:17
ochosibrainwash: nice, your update-manager patch just landed11:20
ochosi(i mean "just" landed here on my laptop :))11:20
elfydoes that add a restart later button ... :p11:21
ochosino, but it makes the restart-button actually work :)11:21
ochosigood first step11:21
elfyaah yes - I got that yesterday :)11:22
brainwasha restart later button, yeah, if you press it, it will minimize the window :P11:22
Unit193Copy from windows, hide for 30 minutes.11:23
brainwashI don't expect any change before 14.0411:29
ochosiwell, 14.04 is a good-enough goal i'd say11:31
Unit193I'd agree as this is the first I've known about it.11:32
ochosicool thing is that the window is closeable via e.g. plank :)11:36
ochosiand then there's always xkill (handy to have that bound to ctrl+alt+esc like it used to be)11:36
Unit193ochosi: You setting up another default kebind I have now?! ;)11:39
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
brainwashxmir still lacks proper support for dpms, utilizes a software cursor, does screen flickering on quite few occasions, even reacts delayed to some events and does not like systems with hybrid graphics if both gpus are powered on16:56
brainwashwhat a bummer16:57
brainwashoh, and I noticed some redraw issues too 16:58
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
Unit193brainwash: Hey, sounds like it works better for you, then!21:37
brainwashUnit193: lucky me :)21:55
brainwashso xmir or not? clearly a NO at this point21:58
Unit193It's an LTS and it'd be the first with it, I'm saying no.22:01
brainwashcould be shipped as optional choice, but not in the current unpolished state22:04
=== Punna is now known as Pwnna
brainwashUnit193: btw, got some suspend/resume test results finally?22:12
Unit193brainwash: Nothing much, worked so far, but funny that wireless came alive faster when "directly" using pm-suspend. :P22:13
brainwashthe whole issue is slowly driving me mad, pitti released the new package and wasn't seen online since then, another dev removed all the duplicated reports and reassigned them to the linux package while asking people to test kernel 3.1222:16
brainwashit's a mess22:16
Unit193When I was using pm-suspend I was on the generic kernel, now I'm back to liquorix, so that'll hit 12 once it's released.22:18
slickymasternight all22:45
elfygood night slickymaster 22:47
slickymasterhi elfy, how are you?22:47
elfytired - should be asleep lol22:47
slickymaster:), yeah, that makes two of us22:48
slickymasterand tomorrow I'll have to wake up pretty early22:48
slickymasterI'll just finish one last thing at http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=playground:slickymaster and thn I'm off to bed22:49
slickymasterand then ^^22:49
elfyI'm planning trusty from my point of view22:49
elfyor trying to get a start :)22:49
slickymasterI know, I've been paying attention 22:50
slickymasterno need to say that I'm here for everything you might need, righ?22:50
* slickymaster and is typing skills22:50
elfyno need to say so - I know I can shout :)22:51
slickymasterand as far as I've been able to get, you're going to be dealing with a plate full of tests22:52
slickymasterI'm sure you'll cruise through the all storm22:53
elfyit's not the rerun of saucy I'm thinking about, but the getting in testing for things that we hope to land :)22:53
slickymasteryeah, I know what you mean22:54
slickymasterbut I'm under the impression that the autopilot tests will take a more important role this next cycle, at least with Xubuntu, but I might be misunderstanding it22:55
elfynot looking that way from where I'm sitting at the moment I'm afraid 22:56
elfyanyway - good night all :)22:58

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