[00:00] When I re-purposed a Dell File server, to use as a desktop, I didn't use the raid feature. The onboard controller worked just fine. Granted, It wasn't a Cisco Blade server, but options can be changed. [00:00] But, I digress. === jim is now known as Guest95827 [01:47] je reste bloqué a enregistrement des paquets [01:48] paquet installés [01:48] !fr [01:48] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. === RipresaTecn is now known as furrybondedguy === furrybondedguy is now known as RipresaTecn === RipresaTecn is now known as xanax [04:23] hey guys [06:16] anyone successfully running the latest amd biary blob on 13.10? I just get the wallpaper after login/no UI =/ [06:17] *binary [06:51] how do i enable wireless networks in xubuntu ? any help [06:52] !wifi [06:52] Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [06:54] well_laid_lawn this is an xubuntu specific problem. cause i enabled it via the cli just can't do it via the GUI [06:54] says wireless network disabled in the dropdown on the desktop [06:54] and in network manager the previous network shows up ( saved pw) with no way to connect to it [06:56] if you bring down the wifi in a terminal can you then remove the old connection in network manager ? [06:56] oh well i can scan for it. can't seem to connect to it. [06:56] some syntax error [07:43] hey all.. i need help. how do i restore the taskbar( bar on top) to default settings.. i messed mine up bad [07:46] :( [08:26] A_J_: you can remove the files for the panel in ~/.config/xfce4/ [08:27] while not in X or they just get saved again === map is now known as Guest9854 [11:44] hello [11:44] about the known bug on 13.10 networkmanager [11:45] suspend hangs networkmanager on wakeup [11:45] workaround killall Networkmanager brings networkmanager [11:45] but [11:45] i cant suspend anymore either shutdown [11:45] gives me a dbus error [11:46] its still not solved , right === xubuntu is now known as Guest71021 [12:35] ngomes: not yet solved (officially) [12:36] ngomes: bug 1184262, comment 73 [12:36] bug 1184262 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[logind] stuck in PrepareForSleep, causing network and other services to not resume" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1184262 [12:40] brainwash, hmmm some say it works some say it doesnt [12:41] ngomes: if your session gets stuck and won't allow you to suspend again, then this fix will most likely fix it [12:42] isnt this package available in the ubuntu repositories ? [12:42] i hate to add PPA [12:42] it is, but the "broken" one [12:42] hmm [12:42] well, simply download the .deb file and install it manually [12:43] or compile from source [12:44] ok done [12:44] dpkg did not told me about upgrading the package ... [12:44] oh wait [12:45] preparing to replace (...) [12:45] guess its ok [12:45] ill go test [12:45] alright, add a comment to the bug report with your test result(s) [12:46] hello ? [12:46] yeah? [12:46] suspended twice , looks like its solved :D [12:47] ( gotta love tcp timeouts ) :) [12:47] ok , dont know if i have account [12:47] on launchpad [12:48] don't worry [12:48] i dont see a reply box [12:48] to add my comment [12:48] did you login? [12:49] the comment box is located at the bottom of the site [12:52] brainwash, comment 107 :-) [12:53] i see now , i was not logged in [12:53] ngomes: thanks :) [12:53] :-) [12:53] great. now only sound volume is bugged [12:54] its ok , i can go on multimedia and select volume [12:54] that's bug 1208204 [12:54] bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1208204 [12:54] is it solved ? [12:55] workarounds do exist [12:56] i see [12:56] gonna wait [12:56] its not very important to me right now [12:57] the long term solution would be add support for ubuntu's gtk3 indicators [12:57] and the update-manager icon does apeear not more [12:57] see bug 1238997 [12:57] bug 1238997 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Add support for GTK3 panel indicators" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1238997 [12:57] it opens up a task in task manager [12:58] update-manager indicator -> bug 1246364 [12:58] bug 1246364 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "update-notifier does not show a tray icon in xubuntu 13.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246364 [13:00] no workaround [13:01] its ok too , no big problem [13:01] ill wati [13:01] i still prefer the icon rather the minimized window [13:03] maybe it will be fixed or some adjustments will be made, but not any time soon I'm afraid [13:04] ok [13:04] i'll wait [13:05] the suspend / network manager was the one annoying me [13:05] rest is fine [13:05] apart from that [13:06] few kernel releases ago , i could list all kernel modules with modprobe -l , now ( i think its after 3.x.x) i cant ... do you know how can i do this ? [13:07] don't know, try lsmod [13:09] lsmod lists the modules kernel is using at the moment , i was asking the opposite [13:10] parameter -l is out of modprobe manual :o [13:10] deep changes in this [13:10] right [13:11] found this http://lwn.net/Articles/529781/ [13:11] and https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=134393 [13:13] ok , thanks , couldnt find that out , but its what i was looking for [13:14] hmm, they apparently moved the default menu in 13.10 [13:15] looks the same to me [13:15] I grabbed the one from /etc/xdg/menus like I would typically do and put it in ~/.config/menus and everything changed [13:16] so that's apparently not where it's getting it [13:16] it *was* the norm [13:16] /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu/menus [13:16] thank you :) [13:16] do you want an alternative menu ? i've seen one few days ago , cant remember the name [13:16] whisky something [13:16] oh yeah, Mint uses that [13:17] it's not bad [13:17] i've seen a post of someone using it as alternative to xfce one [13:17] this one http://gottcode.org/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin/ [13:17] whisker menu [13:17] yes whisker-menu [13:18] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/10/whisker-menu-xfce-ubuntu-app-menu-with-search?utm_source=feedly [13:19] here is the article about it [13:24] well , i done here [13:24] i«m [13:24] see you next time [13:41] buona sera a tutti [13:41] !it [13:41] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [13:42] !ge [13:42] ქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge [13:42] !ja [13:42] 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。 [13:42] :O [13:45] Junka: this channel isn't a playground - if you want to check out ubottu factoids do so here http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi [13:50] elfy, sorry :( === EmmyTheBee is now known as em [18:43] hi [18:44] is there any differnce between isntalling fglrx-updates and download and try to install from amd website? [18:44] ljunggren: The difference is: the latter will break on every kernel update. [18:45] bekks, you mean if i download from website? [18:45] Yes. [18:45] so fglrx-updates is the best choice [18:45] i just want best performance [18:46] i dont think opensource drivers will cope with games as well as propdrive [18:48] thanks for the help [18:57] bonjour [18:58] j'ai installé xubuntu 13.10 et j'ai un problème de surchauffe avec ma carte graphique ATI radeon 3400 [18:58] !fr | xubuntu949 [18:58] xubuntu949: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [19:36] is linux ready to completly replace windows for gaming now? [19:36] with steam and all [19:37] !steam [19:37] Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. [19:37] was that meant for me? [19:37] m3kk: that really has nothing to do with "linux".. its about the game developers and hardware manufacturers supporting linux [19:37] m3kk: yes.. that is the steam information [19:37] holstein: thanks [19:37] i mean drivers? are they on-pare? in experience [19:38] m3kk: if they are made/designed to me, yes [19:38] m3kk: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=gpus_windows81_ubuntu&num=1 [19:39] wow junka nice link [19:42] oh.. linux is pretty behind [19:42] =/ [19:42] m3kk: its actually not linux that is behind.. its linux support [19:43] yeah [19:43] drivers [19:43] i mean in-direct [19:43] you can find hardware that will have *better* perfomance in linux [19:43] or something [19:43] i should buy a gtx 680 it seems [19:43] if you are gaming, linux is an option.. a new option [19:44] nice way to put it [19:45] guess ill just stick with win8.1 for gaming till now only because of performance in game [19:45] or, help steam make it better by using it.. [19:46] when folks on linux want games, they will come [19:46] arguably the best thing to do is to just use linux and ask for and demand support and buy games for linux, from hardware vendors that support linux [19:49] yeah [19:52] holstein: you talked me in to it.. i will actually install linux now on my main desktop pc.. [19:52] wish me luck [19:52] m3kk: enjoy! [19:56] i know this belongs to #ubuntu-steam but you seem pretty good at it holstein , is it possibly to install games from steam on a seperate disk than ubuntu is isntalled on ? i only have 64gb SSD and it will vannish if i start installing games on it.. i have another 500GB HDD that i intented for games etc [20:03] could move your home to the hdd [20:05] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving [20:06] then use live cd to expand root partition thats on the sdd [20:06] ssd* [20:06] hm [20:06] i don't know [20:07] cant i just chose path install like windows? [20:07] m3kk: sure. [20:07] but moving home to E: ( my HDD) perhaps is a good idea.. since its there i have all my movies and pictures? [20:07] not sure im just throwing stuff out there since nobody was answering you [20:08] E: is a Windows drive letter. [20:08] lol when you convert linux terms to windows terms you make your life harder [20:08] yes [20:09] RipresaTecn: thanks [20:10] writing a liveusb now! [20:10] im trying to find a good resource that will teach you how linux handles storage devices [20:10] that would be awesome and probably really confusing [20:10] lol [20:11] but i really would love to learn [20:11] !beginner [20:11] hmm. [20:11] i installed ubuntu on my mothers OOooooldass laptop because it was not running even XP good.. [20:11] wow [20:12] m3kk: Then dont expect wonders. [20:12] it was overheating and it was freezing even after full reinstall.. i just tested it with ubuntu and its like brand new.. runs much better then my new laptop [20:12] i didn't just last resort.. worked out beaaaautiful [20:12] she loves it [20:12] http://askubuntu.com/questions/56929/what-is-the-linux-drive-naming-scheme [20:12] maybe that will help clear things up [20:13] bekks: wonder did happen ;) [20:13] i will check [20:13] aha.. so my "C" will be used as just / then [20:13] No. [20:13] my whole SSD as / [20:13] There are no drive letters. [20:13] no? [20:14] nono i know [20:14] yes C is / [20:14] RipresaTecn: Uhm no. [20:14] well yah if you convert it pretty much is [20:14] Yeah so when i install ubuntu my whole SSD (WItch is NOW C;) will be / [20:14] Technically, you can install Windows on D:-Z: - you cannot install linux anywhere but / [20:15] well now we are getting overly technical [20:15] i understand, but my ssd will be / either way [20:15] to his eyes yes c is / [20:15] root [20:15] c is a partition, linux names the partitions like /dev/sda [20:15] /dev/sdb etc [20:16] ok [20:16] so guys [20:17] what i have is 64GB SSD, 500gb HDD ( filled with pics and movies) .. the best deal for me (and easiest) would be just crashnburn install ubuntu over win8 on ssd right? [20:17] im in the liveusb right now [20:17] you can dualboot if you still want to keep windows [20:17] !dualboot [20:17] Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [20:17] i raelly dont want to dualboot [20:17] im trying to break up with windows [20:18] just nuke the win install then [20:18] good lord [20:18] sounds brutal [20:18] and awesome [20:18] you just overwrite the win install with linux [20:19] I recommend making a seperate /home partition too [20:19] wait [20:20] well_laid_lawn: you mean instead of choosing "Nuke Windows 8 with Ubuntu" i should chose "Something else.." [20:21] if you have no experience making partitions going with the default install might be a lot less stress [20:21] yeah [20:21] try that first then [20:22] but why does ubuntu think default i want my start-handle ( direct translate from swede) to be oni my 500gb hdd? aka /dev/sda [20:22] it only takes about 20 minutes for an install so if you change your mind later it is quick enough to redo things [20:23] it's normal to install the boot loader to the disk with the root partition [20:23] i have a lot of options really.. i dont know why [20:23] /dev/sda 500gb [20:23] /dev/sda1 [20:23] /dev/sda3 (windows 8 loader) [20:23] /dev/sda4 [20:23] /dev/sdb 64GB SSD [20:23] /dev/sdb1 [20:23] /dev/sdc 2gb [20:25] i think i will just "replace win 8 with ubuntu" .. and hope for the best? i just hope it does not delete everything on my second HDD [20:25] you said win8 was on the ssd ... [20:25] yeah it is really [20:25] so win8 is on /dev/sdb1 then [20:25] ? [20:25] it should [20:26] its ntfs partition [20:26] the /dev/sda3 windows 8 loader is just 367MB big [20:26] sounds like the live cd didn't sort the partitions out right then [20:26] hum [20:27] the /dev/sdb1 says size 64020 with used space "unknown" [20:28] I can't see the setup from here so I'm just going by what you say, and there's a contradiction there [20:28] okok i can take a screendump [20:29] somehow [20:30] a shame i cant maximize the window.. cant see everything in that little [20:30] ok im here [20:30] its m3kk [20:32] give me a good site to upload 3 screenshots? [20:32] imagebin [20:33] imgur [20:33] postimage [20:34] gahd [20:34] does not work [20:35] wrong file type [20:35] im so happy [20:36] if it is .JPG with capitals change it to lower case [20:36] png [20:36] k [20:36] not even that can go smooth [20:37] first time doing something is always the hardest [20:37] http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/199/g0j.partition1/ === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [20:37] check if that works [20:37] only site that did not give me error [20:38] well_laid_lawn, [20:38] and here is n2.. it worked this time [20:38] http://imagebin.org/275562 [20:39] and n3 http://imagebin.org/275563 [20:40] i cant even enter my ssd or my hdd from the live usb.. that is strange [20:40] i do not have permission [20:41] did you check the iso and cd you burnt? [20:41] !md5 [20:41] To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [20:41] yeah its ok i have been here before actually with different iso [20:41] it was xubuntu [20:42] and mint [20:42] i cant enter those drives for some reason [20:43] well, technically speaking, if you are using the ubuntu live cd you should be trying #ubuntu for help [20:43] it looks like your ssd is ntfs [20:43] is that bad [20:43] no [20:44] haha [20:44] if you are confident /dev/sdb1 is the win8 install put ubuntu on that [20:45] i could just "replace win 8 with ubuntu".. but my fear is that it tries to put ubuntu on my 500gb somehow [20:46] yes, some ppl remove other disks to eliminate such chances for errors [20:46] with a manual install there is less chance for the system to get it wrong [20:46] yeah [20:46] but a greater chance you will [20:47] hah [20:47] so i should put /dev/sdb to / then [20:47] no [20:47] /dev/sdb1 [20:48] oh [20:48] /dev/sdb is the disk you don't install to disks [20:48] now im confused [20:48] /dev/sdb1 is a partition, you install to partitions [20:48] oh right [20:48] thanks lol [20:48] cheers [20:49] so i can just press /dev/sdb1 .. and chose that for / ? do i need to configure any other drive? swap etc? [20:49] and i should also make the "starthandler" to my 64gb ssd? [20:50] edit partition : ext4 or something? [20:54] Hey.. i chose "replace win8" and after that i could chose either 500gb hdd or 64gb ssd. to install [20:54] so it will all be good right? [20:54] sounds like it will [20:55] well shoot here i go [20:55] Since you hopefully made a backup before, you dont have to be concerned. [20:55] bekks, ofc not [20:55] Then you dont have any data worth to be kept and you can continue. [20:56] this is where i should say YOLO but i dont want to seem like a bigger idiot than i already do [20:56] then i already appear to be [20:56] or something [20:56] thanks for the help guys [20:58] luck [21:10] crap [21:11] File /WINDOWS/system32/winload32 error error cant reboot [21:13] hold the power on button down for more than 5 seconds [21:14] really? [21:15] should i remove /dev/sda3 ntfs aka the Windows 8 loader? a partition that is fairly ... [21:15] unesecary [21:15] sorry english [21:17] well_laid_lawn: it just .. shuts down again if i hold it down for more than 5 sec [21:19] nailed it.. [21:33] do i need to unisntall opensource amd drivers before installing fglrx? [21:59] Hello, my volumen indicator is empty on my panel, how can i fix this? i installed xubuntu-desktop from console [22:40] where i submit a patch for xubuntu? [22:41] bet0x: on launchpad [22:41] for what package? [22:42] http://www.barrahome.org/2013/11/02/parche-indicador-de-sonido-en-xubuntu-13-10.html [22:42] the sound indicator is broken [22:42] i made that small patch wich fix it so now i have my sound control back [22:42] ah right [22:42] well there is already a bugreport with a patch for that [22:43] oh ok [22:43] wasted my time T_T [22:43] * bet0x feeling slow [22:44] bet0x: depends on your patch [22:44] hi [22:45] ochosi, was a simple one anyways =p [22:45] xubuntu841, hi [22:45] bet0x: well next time feel free to search launchpad first ;) [22:45] bet0x: here's the bugreport anyway: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1208204 [22:45] Ubuntu bug 1208204 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin" [High,Triaged] [22:46] please, do you know which distro runs on old laptop, like non-pae cpu? [22:46] xubuntu841: i think xubuntu 12.04 (LTS) could, but i'm not sure now [22:47] thanks. i'm trying a lot of distros with no results... [22:50] xubuntu841: 11.10, then update to 12.04 [22:50] or 10.04 and update to 12.04 [22:51] i upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10 then installed xubuntu-desktop [22:51] and thats when happened