
=== Plouj- is now known as Plouj
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
=== r0bby_ is now known as robbyoconnor
dhanyarajI am contributing to ubuntu using bzr. Can anyone tell me how to push a file using bzr ?14:21
dhanyarajI am contributing to ubuntu using bzr. Can anyone tell me how to push a file using bzr ?14:28
LeoNerdYou don't push "a file"; you push the entire branch14:32
LeoNerdbzr push $REMOTE-URL14:32
=== jml_ is now known as jml
marcoceppiSo, I need help with workflow using bazaar17:18
LeoNerdAsk, don't ask to ask17:44
marcoceppiI just don't get how to manage multiple branches with bazaar18:05
marcoceppiFrom a git world, I find myself branching stuff in to /tmp, merging, pushing, then blowing away18:06
marcoceppiI don't feel like that's how to properly maintain multiple branches on local disk with bazaar18:06
LeoNerdIn bzr, a given working directory only contains one branch... for handling multiple branches I usually put a .BRANCHNAME on the directory name18:45
LeoNerdbzr co scheme://path/to/someone's/branch Project-Name.BRANCH18:45
LeoNerdhttp://bazaar.leonerd.org.uk/perl/  <== a few .BRANCH names in here18:46
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
marcoceppiinteresting, thanks LeoNerd20:22
xnox$ bar bd -S --split22:25
xnoxThe program 'bar' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:22:25
xnoxsudo apt-get install bar22:25
xnoxcoding at Beer O'Clock =)22:25

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