
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
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pittiGood morning05:23
pittidesrt: so it seems I found a hack for bug 1184262, but for fixing it properly we shouldn't set up the timeout at the beginning of shim_method_call() but at its end05:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 1184262 in systemd-shim (Ubuntu) "[logind] times out too early, stuck in PrepareForSleep, causing network and other services to not resume" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118426205:47
pittidesrt: or somehow disable the timeout while a method call is pending05:47
seb128good morning desktopers10:00
didrockshey seb128!10:01
seb128didrocks, lut ;-)10:01
pittibonjour didrocks et seb128, comment alles-vous ? avons-vous eu un bon voyage retour ?10:18
didrockspitti: ça va bien, mais fatigué! bon voyage de retour, mais pas réussi à vraiment dormir :/10:18
didrockspitti: et toi? tout va bien?10:18
seb128pitti, salut, ça va bien merci! J'ai dormis 4-5h dans l'avion, et hier soir de 22h à ce matin 9h30. Et toi, le W.E était bien ?10:18
pittididrocks, seb128: oui, nous avons eu un grand week-end; lots of hiking through the Alps, some massages, sauna every day, great food, lots of time for reading and sleeping10:20
didrockssounds excellent and relaxing! :)10:20
pittiseb128, didrocks: did you enjoy the week, was it usefuL?10:21
didrockspitti: yeah, happy about it. I guess good progress and more technical deep dive in particular issues10:22
* didrocks also has high hope for the CI system evolution10:22
seb128pitti, I enjoyed it a lot, nice to see everyone, and it was quite useful for touch settings and for desktop LTS planning/discussing what we are going to do10:22
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mlankhorsteveryone back yet?11:19
davmor2chrisccoulson: in 13.10 is it me or is FF not using the right theme?11:20
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
xnoxseb128: re "Alt+Shift" shortcuts, do you know why each time I boot ubiquity I get a bubble notification from iBus "Default shortcut is now Super+Space" or something? is some-kind of migration running that pops that up?12:22
xnoxseb128: and if the default changed to Super-Space, is bug #1242572 in ubiquity or something that provides ubuntu-desktop settings defaults?12:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1242572 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "Ubiquity sets Alt+Shift shortcut for layout switching, while installed system uses Super+Space" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124257212:23
xnox(do mind ubiquity is the same & i don't know what Ubuntu Gnome wants in this respect: e.g. more like GNOME default or more like across-Ubuntu default.12:24
seb128xnox, I think the notification is a migration thing yes, I need to look a bit more into that12:24
seb128xnox, not sure where "alt-shift" in ubiquity comes from, I guess from default xorg options or something12:25
xnoxseb128: no, ubiquity hard-codes that.12:26
xnoxseb128: but it should match the /everything-else/ on the desktop i think.12:26
seb128well, GNOME changed the default to super-space in 3.812:26
xnoxseb128: so from the bug, i'm not sure if ubiquity should stay at "alt-shift" or change to "super-space"12:26
seb128well, I'm not decided on that12:26
seb128I'm pondering changing back g-s-d to alt-shift12:26
xnoxseb128: you only type in english these days? =)12:26
seb128because super is already used by unity stuff12:26
seb128so super-space some of conflicts with other super use12:27
seb128and make the keybinding less reliable12:27
xnoxseb128: yeah, and tbh, for all my live i've never did myself, nor seen anybody else use "super-space" to change layouts.12:27
seb128xnox, seems like super-space is the default on macOS...12:27
xnoxseb128: well "alt" can pop-up the "hud-completion thing"12:27
seb128xnox, like the hud was not already an issue ... and everybody remap hud to a key they don't use right? :p12:28
xnoxseb128: well, it's not really "super-space" wasn't it the mac-button which is at the place where our alt is?12:28
xnoxseb128: cause hud only works in en_US.UTF-8? =)))) </trolling>12:28
seb128xnox, yeah, google seems to suggest they use "command-space"12:31
xnoxseb128: hm....12:31
* xnox ponders what's Windows 8 default these days.12:31
seb128xnox, http://blog.the-it-blog.co.uk/2013/02/22/some-windows-8-keybindings/12:32
seb128xnox, "Win+spacebar : Switch input language and keyboard layout"12:32
xnoxseb128: i use emacs a lot, and back in the day when hud was introduced, it did "clash" with emacs M-x, but these days the detection is pretty good. And I'd expect the error rate of "super/alt" with/without modifier should be about the same.12:32
xnoxseb128: right, so matching the $world makes sense, in that case ubiquity should change,12:32
seb128xnox, right12:33
* xnox will write a blog post for those who didn't know (like me)12:33
xnoxseb128: ok, then the bug is in ubiquity and i'll fix it there and also check up with d-i / console-setup and friends.12:33
seb128xnox, thanks12:34
seb128xnox, I still would like to see some confirmations that super-space works correctly12:34
seb128I played a bit with it and it seemed it didn't work great, or you have to hold super for a bit12:35
xnoxseb128: well holding it too long, unity help-shortcuts pop-up.12:36
seb128that's another issue12:36
xnoxand changing keyboard layout should be added to it.12:36
seb128but just "tapping" super-space was not reliable when I tried12:36
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
xnoxi think i need to boot into clean install, it's not changing anything for me.12:37
Laneyhey ;-)12:43
Laneynot really here today but I saw https://launchpadlibrarian.net/155743775/accountsservice_0.6.34-0ubuntu6_0.6.34-0ubuntu7.diff.gz go past12:43
Laneyit's wrong, does someone want to deal with it?12:43
Laneyfirst of all the dpkg -l isn't right, it matches too often, and secondly casing on the presence of a package to change tool behaviour is just plain bad12:45
seb128Laney, hey, had a good flight back?12:46
seb128Laney, when are you back? I think that one can wait on you to be back ;-)12:46
Laneysure, just saw it and got slightly irritated :P12:47
Laneyflight was good thanks, got back an hour or so ahead of schedule12:47
seb128yeah, those accountsservice hacks are annoying, would be nice to clean :/12:47
Laneymaybe I'll work up an example patch12:49
Laneyhope you had a nice trip back too!12:49
seb128I did, we got an hour delay in SF but we got it back during the flight12:50
seb128I also managed to sleep for half of the flight, which made easy to stay up on sunday and avoid jetlag12:50
Laneywow, impressive12:50
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
seb128Laney, you have the week off or just today?12:53
Laneyjust today12:53
Laneydoing a couple of Debian uploads then off to town12:54
seb128have fun!12:54
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
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attenteseb128, can we do another SRU for g-c-c?14:04
seb128attente, hey, had a good flight back?14:04
seb128attente, sure, what else did you get fixed?14:04
attenteseb128, double modifiers like shift+shift_r14:05
seb128attente, seems to be working for me already14:05
attenteseb128, is it in saucy proposed?14:06
seb128attente, we have that one in proposed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/1:3.6.3-0ubuntu45.114:06
seb128attente, diff is http://launchpadlibrarian.net/155443518/gnome-control-center_1%3A3.6.3-0ubuntu45_1%3A3.6.3-0ubuntu45.1.diff.gz14:06
attenteoh. ok14:07
seb128attente, is that the one you wanted?14:07
attenteseb128, yes14:07
attentesorry, i didn't see it14:08
seb128no worry14:08
seb128you asked about it during the sprint and we got it uploaded midweek14:08
seb128attente, I've been triaging a bit the keyboard bugs today btw14:08
attenteseb128, i noticed, thanks for that14:09
seb128attente, yw14:09
seb128attente, not sure which ones are on your list, but I've noticed 2 that are easy to confirm14:09
attentewhich ones?14:10
seb128- on my keyboard the numlock led is turned off when cycle layouts (but it keeps acting if it was on)14:10
seb128(I'm using an usb keyboard while docked)14:11
seb128- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/124736314:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 1247363 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Japanese keyboard layout intercepts caps lock key in ubuntu 13.10 " [Low,Confirmed]14:11
seb128e.g settings "capslock" for switching works14:11
seb128but for some reason not with japanese14:12
seb128e.g it cycles fine fr->en->ru->pinyin here14:12
seb128but once you hit japanese/anthi it doesn't move14:12
seb128that one is probably low importance, I guess using capslock is not a common config14:13
attenteyeah, i'm not too sure14:15
attentemaybe that input method is setting an xkb option14:16
attentethere's an xkb option to switch the position of the ctrl and caps lock keys14:17
seb128attente, not that I can see in "setxkbmap -print"14:21
seb128attente, sorry, -print doesn't print option, -query does14:25
seb128attente, indeed14:25
seb128options:    grp_led:caps,compose:rwin14:25
seb128but that's the case for other keymaps as well14:28
sil2100alex-abreu: ping14:30
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
seb128attente, is super-space working for you? it seems to not cycle layout for me with the current versions...14:49
attenteseb128, it's working for me14:51
seb128attente, ok, it's working now, I had to disable it from ibus-setup though14:51
attentelike changing the switching shortcut under ibus?14:52
attentebecause right now both are set to super space for me14:52
seb128I wonder if there is a "whatever starts first gets to grab that key"14:53
attenteit might be14:53
seb128attente, do you think that moving the keys grabbing to unity and using the next group stuff is going to be enough to put us back in shape?15:00
attenteseb128, it should be, but i'm wondering if there's any low-hanging fruit left that we can fix right now15:01
seb128attente, I start wondering if we should go back to the old libgnomekbd-use way, at least as a backend (e.g keeping the indicator and new UI), though I'm not sure how compatible that would be with the new ibus stuff15:01
seb128attente, I'm not sure even sure what GNOME tried to resolve there, they basically moved away from xkb but they went back to use it with their nextgroup etc15:02
attentei guess there's the four groups limitation15:03
attentei'm not sure15:03
attentei wonder if the concerns are based on what's in -proposed or what's currently in archive15:04
seb128attente, some of the users are just in ranting mode, it's hard to know what is really frustrating them15:05
seb128to me the current situation seems usable15:05
seb128out of the fact that the "modifier only" actions eat keybindings using the same modifiers15:06
mlankhorstvila: enjoy, I found a fix for glamor-egl :P15:23
vilamlankhorst: \o/15:27
vilamlankhorst: how will that found its way in trusty ?15:28
mlankhorstprobably on next upload, I want to hear from upstream first15:33
vilamlankhorst: ok, ping me or Mirv when that happens15:34
mlankhorstthat's what the bug is for, I'll just mention it in the changelog and you'll get a email when it happens15:34
seb128cyphermox, sil2100: can we get an sru out for indicator-sound13.10?15:42
seb128cyphermox, sil2100: sorry, I meant to ask for ido-13.1015:43
cyphermoxseb128: didn't we do ido on thursday?15:43
cyphermoxI think it's in the queue15:43
seb128cyphermox, right, it's still in the queue15:43
seb128need to chase SRU team15:43
seb128cyphermox, hey btw, had a good trip back?15:43
cyphermoxhow about you?15:44
cyphermoxI wasn't going through LAX :)15:44
seb128cyphermox, mine was good, I managed to sleep in the plane enough to not fall asleep before 10pm yesterday night15:46
seb128qengho, hey15:49
qenghoseb128: hi15:50
seb128qengho, did you have a good flight back?15:50
seb128qengho, I saw you set that chromium segfault fix commited, good work. Do you have a pointer to the fix for it? (it would also be nice to update the upstream bug status if you have a fix, so others don't dup the work you did)15:51
qenghoseb128: flights were okay. between flights not okay. :)15:54
seb128oh? did you connect in lax?15:54
qenghoseb128: Yes. Had to exit airport, walk along sidewalk, and reenter somewhere else to get to plane. I ran 0.5 km and made it by 10 seconds. No exaggeration.15:55
seb128qengho, urg, at least you didn't miss it...15:56
qenghoseb128: For that bug, i backported a fix.  https://codereview.chromium.org/23461032/15:56
seb128qengho, k, I was mostly curious, maybe it would make sense to add a comment in the upstream bug as well?15:57
qenghoseb128: Makes sense.15:58
qenghoseb128: De rien.15:58
seb128qengho, is there a SRU/security upload scheduled for saucy (just wondering when/how that one is going to land)15:58
qenghoI gave #security these last Thursday.15:59
qenghoI suspect very soon should land.15:59
seb128including the fix we are talking about?15:59
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
xnox"<cyphermox> I wasn't going through LAX :)" - that's only your alibi at this point ;-)16:15
kenvandineqengho and i flew through LAX the day before that shooting16:20
* qengho blames kenvandine.16:21
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
seb128sil2100, cyphermox: can we get libdbusmenu 13.10 srued?16:35
sil2100seb128: I can push that, yes - are all the changes in lp:libdbusmenu/13.10 good?16:43
seb128sil2100, yes, https://code.launchpad.net/~dbusmenu-team/libdbusmenu/trunk.13.10 ... it's one commit (r462)16:44
sil2100Aaah, 460 was directly pushed to distro16:45
sil2100Let me spin cu2d16:45
seb128sil2100, thanks16:47
cyphermoxalright, so sil2100 took care of it16:55
seb128pitti, I've opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/1247904, let me know what you think17:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1247904 in apport (Ubuntu) "Reporting the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP value would be useful" [Low,New]17:23
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|dinner
sil2100seb128, cyphermox: libdbusmenu in saucy unapproved queue, if anything17:47
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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