
Unit193IdleOne: Are you still alive and kicking?22:06
IdleOneI am22:06
Exio4he is always kicking, no idea about the "alive" part22:06
Unit193Banning too. ;)22:07
Unit193zram is <reply>zRAM is a module of the Linux kernel which increases performance by avoiding paging on disk and instead uses a compressed block device in RAM, useful on systems with less RAM, and SSDs.  Install zram-config to enable zRAM.22:08
IdleOneubottu: zram is <reply>zRAM is a module of the Linux kernel which increases performance by avoiding paging on disk and instead uses a compressed block device in RAM, useful on systems with less RAM, and SSDs.  Install zram-config to enable zRAM.22:09
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne22:09
ubottuzRAM is a module of the Linux kernel which increases performance by avoiding paging on disk and instead uses a compressed block device in RAM, useful on systems with less RAM, and SSDs.  Install zram-config to enable zRAM.22:09
Unit193IdleOne: Danke!22:10
IdleOneUnit193: is there a wiki page or something we can link to that explains config and possible warnings, if any?22:11
Unit193IdleOne: Not an Ubuntu one, at least.  http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Zram is better than the arch one: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Maximizing_Performance#Compcache.2FZram  :P22:13
k1lzram is widely used in android area22:13
Unit193Lubuntu pre-installs it too.22:13
Unit193ltsp-client recommends it.22:14
k1lyes lubuntu got that as dfault since 13.1022:16

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