
bazhang<Linus> ubuntu is dead  <Linus> rip ubuntu   not the best support for #ubuntu06:46
bazhanglooks like everything he has "advised" is just random/wrong06:50
geniiTaking a poll or opinions about systemd earlier06:51
bazhangtelling people to google it for irssi06:51
bazhangand just plain offtopic now06:52
bazhang<Linus> babinloston If you have that many machines that need to be public facing. You are in the wrong channel 2) You are useless07:10
IdleOneIf he comes back, he has been warned and linked to the guidelines. feel free to act accordingly.07:27
bazhang@mark #ubuntu [Linus] (~LFS@ LFS1  giving consistently wrong/unhelpful "advice", rude to multiple users, repeatedly offtopic07:39
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:39
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
bazhang@mark #ubuntu SMWim (~SMWim@118-93-81-115.dsl.dyn.ihug.co.nz)08:56
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:56
LjLchu: oh good lord. look at the tracker for this fellow15:17
geniiAnyone who speaks Russian? Zaq_ in #u17:00
k1li told him already several times that he needs to go to -ru. even in pm17:00
k1li dont know if he speaks that bad english or if that is on purpose17:00
PiciIt doesn't really help that #ubuntu-ru is +r17:01
k1li told him to register and login, too17:01
geniibazhang: Is there someone in #freenode who can speak to him in his own tongue?17:44
bazhanggenii, he can speak english well enough it seems17:45
geniiI almost want to join #ubuntu-ru to see if he re-appears there :)17:53
bazhangRegistered : Nov 04 10:34:37 2013 (7 hours, 21 minutes, 6 seconds ago)17:56
bazhanghe was in the channel, so he knows how to get there, and is already registered for quite a while now17:57
bazhangand he's in...18:00
geniiWho the heck heats up the power button of their computer for 10-15 minutes to see if that helps to turn it back on?18:05
bazhanghow is that even on topic?18:06
LjLthat's worse than when i put a LED inside the telephone socket with my bare hands to see if it was live :(18:06
geniiIt's not, and they were already referred to ##hardwaqre earlier18:06
PiciLjL: thats not a bad idea though18:06
bazhangmonkeydust said ti was ok "if you're sweet"18:07
LjLPici: well, i concluded it was live18:07
bazhang<mirak> I can't change my screen refresh rate to 24hz on 13.04 and 13.1019:28
bazhangthat seems really low19:28
geniiYes indeed19:29
bazhang50hz I've heard of19:29
Unit193Ask if he means color depth, and if it's an older intel.19:36
bazhangah the 32bit color question19:37
Unit193Well, my guess is it's "stuck" in 16, and flash isn't working for him/her or something.  I had that, simple xorg.conf fixed it.19:38
geniiFine, mirak is on his own.19:39
bazhangwhoa that got unpleasant fast19:39
geniiI'm just going to avoid speaking to him now and let someone else figure it out.19:41
genii( figure out his problem)19:41
bazhangI always step away at this point19:41
geniiI believe he thinks I'm attacking, whereas I'm just trying to understand his issue, which doesn't seem to be correctly explained19:42
* genii wanders back to the coffeepot19:43
geniiAlanBell: Hah! Before they got offended I was preparing the read-edid commands you just did.19:50
AlanBellyeah, I am not going to tell them that they are wrong, I will let their monitor tell them19:51
geniiPossibly they are using some converter which blocks/obfuscates the edid codes19:52
bazhang* [Masturbator] (~ubuntu@p4FFBE296.dip0.t-ipconnect.de): Masturbator  <--- that nick seems not appropriate19:53
geniiHm "Masturbator (~ubuntu@p4FFBE296.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #ubuntu"19:53
AlanBellI think they are just confused about movies that are 24 frames per second, which isn't really the same as monitor refresh rates (and content that is 1080P is 60Hz)19:54
PiciIf they say something, then ask them to change it.  If they're just idling, then theres really no point in making a scene about it.19:54
geniiPici: They entered and left immediately after. Don't seem to be in any other channels either.19:55
bazhangand he wont give the info, just more attacks19:56
LjLactually, 1080P content is usually 24, 25 or 30 fps (though it doesn't have to)20:31
LjLalthough i'm not entirely sure why one would use such a framerate on a *computer*20:32
geniiWhoah! Mass exit in # there21:11
genii#u , rather21:11
Myrttibuhbye irccloud21:11
geniiLooks like, yeah21:12
Picilooks planned21:12
LjLi plan to bring the internet down21:17
LjLshut down your computers in good order21:17
LjLremember to only pull the plug when it says it's safe to turn off your computer21:17
* genii gets ready to flip the switch on the power bar21:18
LjLor alternatively, if you're using an Amiga, just do it and hope nobody added write caching to the filesystem while you weren't looking21:18
LjLexcept genii because he's considered a war criminal by Amigas21:18
geniiLjL: Geez, that was ... how long ago now?21:18
LjLAmigas don't forget21:18
LjLmy Amiga is also from "long ago"21:19
geniiTalk about holding a grudge! ;)21:19
geniiIf any more ever come in I'll make sure to check in with you first.21:19
LjLlike that will bring back all the innocent who died21:20
k1l@mark #ubuntu Obscene_CNN trolling with forkbomb and rickroll youtube video22:51
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:51

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