
rmooreany of you guys have any experience with Wine? half life 1 installed just fine but once I got about 10 minutes into the opening sequence the sound just turned into a low grumbling echo00:03
Poisoned_DragonI be fuzzy with wine00:04
goddardhow can i attach the super key to my xfce menu?00:07
brainwashgoddard: the command "xfce4-popup-applicationsmenu" triggers the xfce menu00:08
goddardbrainwash: ok00:09
goddardbrainwash: thanks00:09
brainwashbut you might be not able to assign it to a single key like the modifier <super>, not sure00:10
goddardbrainwash: it worked00:11
brainwashgreat :)00:11
bcgrownI have Intel HDA (AL887) sound and I can't play multiple audio sources at the same time after I upgraded to 13.10.  It worked before.  How do I make it work again?01:54
slesheri'm setting up an external usb hard drive, creating an ext4 partition.  how do i give the partition a label?   xubuntu 13.1002:50
sleshernevermind, figured it out.  mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 -L LABELNAME02:52
geniiIf already formatted: sudo tune2fs -L Label-name /dev/sdX#02:54
slesherthanks genii03:04
slesheri have it formatted and labeled. now i'm trying to figure out why it's auto-mounting as read-only03:06
slesheror only writeable by root03:07
geniiThe device itself is owned by root and will always be, since that is decided at boot time when it is detected.03:13
geniiThe usual method is to create folders on it which are then in turn owned by the users who should be using them03:14
slesherok, thanks03:16
legg1Right, when i boot up now, i get an error with swap not being mounted / not ready (i dont even have a swap drive) - and "waiting for network", which suddenly happened out of the blue. any ideas?03:53
xubuntu365hi, i'd like help solving pulseaudio issues: distortion, random crashing04:35
holsteinxubuntu365: crashing?04:37
holsteinpulse audio is crashing?04:37
holsteinxubuntu365: i would look for and apply all upgrades04:37
cfhowlettxubuntu365, sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:40
cfhowlettand possibly backports enabled04:40
ballhello Noskcaj05:01
Noskcajhey ball05:01
ticamaiI'm running Xubuntu on a three display setup. I want the 3 displays to be treated as one large display rather than 3 separate displays. So when i maximize something, it should span all 3 screens. I'm using AMD with updated fglrx drivers.05:38
cfhowlettfinious, greetings05:51
finiousI was wondering if anyone could help me with something05:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:52
geniiDetails might help :)05:52
finiousJust installed xubuntu for the first time and there's this thing here  http://imgur.com/mtXA4gA05:52
finiousWhen I click it, a tiny white box appears under it probably like 5 pixels wide.05:53
cfhowlettone ... be patient.  we're volunteers, not paid tech support!05:56
cfhowlett2.  that's your speaker icon and in 13.10 the sound display acts strange.  it's showing speakers are muted.  right click and unmute05:57
finiousI figured it was the speaker icon. I don't get that option when I right click it. Just stuff about the panel.05:58
finiousIt has "Indicator Plugin" greyed out.05:59
cfhowlettfinious, right.  a known bug.05:59
cfhowlettBug #89026206:00
ubottubug 890262 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "indicator-sound in xfce4-indicator-plugin option "Sound configuration" opens gnome specific app" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89026206:00
cfhowlettfinious, sound apparently works, but the indicator doesn't.  it'll be fixed at some point.06:01
Unit193Can edit the service file, or compile panel wrapper+xfce4-indicator-plugin.06:01
xubuntu072anyone know how to change the login background for the disk encryption?06:34
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xubuntu072does plymouth handle the splash screen for the initial password for FDE?06:45
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sharpnel hello i was just wandering if is there any way to make xubuntu make every new file and folder created under my home directory with modes 0700?08:59
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Guest82464does zram offers any performance on xubuntu with 2gb ram?09:36
xubuntu549come funziona? faccio domande e qualcuno risponde?12:34
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:34
XolMy update from 13.4(?) to 13.10 has left me unable to login to the Desktop env, it just seems to loop back to the login screen. (VirtualBox install), has anyone come across this?14:53
JunkaWhy the super button does not open the menu? Unity does that damn! :D14:55
kgbXol: i recall seeing something like that.. but prolly you should just try to reinstall the video driver15:00
GridCubeXol, log into a tty, press the left ctrl key and F1, log in to your account and remove/rename the .Xauthority and .ICEauthroity from your home directory15:00
kgb^ or that, sorry lolz :)15:00
GridCubethen log back to your graphical instance15:00
GridCubeor was it the right ctrl...15:02
XolThanks kgb + GridCube, sadly after removing the files I am now greeted with a black screen instead of my old looping login prompt15:02
XolLeft works :)15:02
XolA reboot has not improved things sadly15:02
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GridCubeXol, ?15:02
GridCubeO_o thats unusual15:03
GridCubeXol, log back to tty1 and do sudo service lightdm start15:03
Xol"Job is already running"15:03
GridCubethen tty7 has no greeter?15:04
Xolrestarting it throws me back to the same black screen15:04
XolWoah 7 dropped me to a ghetto desktop15:04
GridCubedo sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop?15:04
GridCubeno question mark15:05
XolTo be honest I will use this ghetto desktop to backup my stuff and just nuke the install :)15:05
XolThanks for helping me out15:05
GridCubedont worry, its really unusual though15:05
GridCubeim telling you the safest things to do15:06
XolOkay I will give it a shot15:06
XolShould I run that from tty1?15:06
Xol".. is already the newest version"15:08
GridCubeoh well, i don't know then15:09
XolI am a bit confused why tty7 works somewhat15:10
slesherJunka:  Ctrl+Esc to open the menu15:12
xubuntu213yop some one ?18:54
knome!someone | xubuntu21318:54
ubottuxubuntu213: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:54
xubuntu213my instalation progress stop at the bcmwl-kernel-ource configuration18:57
xubuntu213what can I do ?18:57
xubuntu213... pleaz19:06
xubuntu536per parlare italiano?19:10
knome!it | xubuntu53619:11
ubottuxubuntu536: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:11
xubuntu213espanol english francais19:25
Unit193xubuntu213: Switch to TTY1 and check for errors?19:25
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xubuntu293hello, i want to ask how to configure a tablet, is not working properly20:24
TheSheepxubuntu293: a wacom tablet?20:27
xubuntu293sadly no u.u, a genius mousepen, the systems recognizes ok and pointer moves with the pen, but click, buttons and events are not working20:30
TheSheepxubuntu293: ah, I'm afraid the support for non-wacom tablets is a little patchy20:35
TheSheepxubuntu293: you might be able to find something if you look for your tablet's model and make on the forums20:35
xubuntu293i've tryed with wizardpen but dependencies are not compatibles when i try to install it, thanks for help20:37
TheSheepxubuntu293: you probably already saw https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpen20:40
TheSheepI see this is quite old20:41
xubuntu293yeah, i did and i realized xubuntu already recognizes my tablet, but not in an apropiate way, so i wanted to check the configuration files to do it manually20:48
xubuntu293i checked /dev directory but i did'nt found it, not even in /media20:49
TheSheeplsusb shows it, right20:49
TheSheepdid you try the settings manager -> mouse and touchpad?20:50
xubuntu293yes, it is recognized when i use lsusb and appears in settings manager, mouse and touchpad, but there i can only configure device sensitivity, time between clicks and things like that21:14
xubuntu293i need to configure preasure events and button events21:15
TheSheepI think that you can at least configure the buttons from the commandline, but I don't have enough knowledge about xmodmap and friends to tell how to do that21:18
xubuntu293:) xmodmap.... i'll look for information about it, i need as soon as posible to have my tablet working :)21:22
TheSheepxubuntu293: you can also experiment with the 'input devices' menu in GIMP, Inkscape or MyPaint, whatever you use21:23
xubuntu293i tryed with gimp an inkscape, the inkscape one was so simple, but it has an event tester21:31
xubuntu293with gimp, i saw how to configure hotkeys and i configured it as the tablet guide says but non of them work21:32
xubuntu293was curious that click event works better in inkscape than in gimp (in the menu buttons work properly on inkscape and not in gimp)21:33
TheSheepxubuntu293: you can test events with xev21:37
MonkeytoeI just upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10. After the upgrade my digital out no longer works. Is there something I have to do to get it to work?21:48
well_laid_lawnMonkeytoe:  what do you mean by "digital out" ?21:50
well_laid_lawna monitor connection ?21:50
Monkeytoeoptical out on the motherboard21:50
Monkeytoefor audio21:50
xubuntu293im doing it, testing events with xev, im gonna keep testing, but is curious the click event with my regular touchpad or mouse has the same code that with tablet, even it is not recognized like that, i'll keep working on it21:50
Monkeytoei remember when I set up 13.04 I had to set the bitrate and khz of it21:52
Monkeytoethrough the command line21:52
Monkeytoeim wondering if the upgrade changed those settings21:52
Monkeytoeon the volume control for digital output... the horizontal bar that monitors output shows activity... but on the receiver nothing comes through21:55
Monkeytoeive also gone into alsamixer and unmuted / maxed everything21:55
holzkeilhello everyone22:14
holzkeilmay I ask a quick question?22:15
holzkeilhope this is the right place22:15
Unit193Depends, if it's an Xubuntu question, just ask and wait for someone to answer.22:16
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xubuntu293hello guyw23:36
xubuntu293guys, someone knows how to configure buttons?23:36
xubuntu293i mean, i have to configure a tablet and with xev i realized my tablet's events are button8, button9 and button10, so, how can i link them with their relative events?23:38

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