gondoi | anyone know where boothooks.sh comes from? I don't see it as part of the package, but it's there and trying to run setenforce when selinux is not installed | 17:47 |
ypaq | hi | 22:30 |
ypaq | i was just trying to deploy a ubuntu node on rackspace with knife. in my bootstrap script i do a noninteractive apt-get update/upgrade. during the upgrade a command line dialog pops up and asks me how i want to proceed with the change of '/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg'. | 22:32 |
ypaq | this is a problem since i cannot interact with the shell. is there a way to make cloud init shut-up? | 22:33 |
ypaq | i have never used cloud-init before | 22:34 |
utlemming | ypaq: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/doc/examples/cloud-config.txt | 22:36 |
utlemming | ypaq: let cloud-init handle the update via the #cloud-config directive | 22:36 |
utlemming | ypaq: or "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND; apt-get...." | 22:37 |
utlemming | ypaq: or "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; apt-get...." | 22:37 |
ypaq | i already do the latter | 22:37 |
ypaq | DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -q -y | 22:37 |
utlemming | ypaq: did you change /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg? | 22:38 |
ypaq | nope.. i didn't even know it existed | 22:38 |
utlemming | ypaq: run "apt-get -y install pastebinit; cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg | pastebinit"? | 22:39 |
utlemming | ypaq: that will give a pastebin of your cloud.cfg...I'm interested in what changed | 22:39 |
ypaq | ok... see what i can do | 22:39 |
utlemming | ypaq: any luck? | 22:48 |
ypaq | it's a dragging process | 22:49 |
ypaq | http://paste.ubuntu.com/6367342/ | 22:50 |
ypaq | guy from RS support says they are looking into the issue | 22:50 |
ypaq | can you tell anything from the pastebin? | 22:51 |
utlemming | yeah, RS didn't read the documentation | 22:51 |
ypaq | lol | 22:51 |
utlemming | its a RS issue. Basically they configured it wrong | 22:51 |
ypaq | thanks very much! anything i can tell them? | 22:52 |
utlemming | in order to prevent the error, they should be putting local changes in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/<NUM>_rackspace.cfg instead of change /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg | 22:54 |
utlemming | changing that file, which _is_ packaged, will result in errors | 22:54 |
utlemming | er, s/errors/config diffs/ on upgrade | 22:54 |
ypaq | thanks again! :) | 22:56 |
ypaq | i pasted this to RS support | 22:57 |
utlemming | ypaq: np...its an easy mistake to make...I did it that way for a while myself | 22:59 |
utlemming | ypaq: although, you want to get RS to fix that...because if you accept the package changes then the instance will behave differently than you would expect if you rebundle it. | 23:01 |
ypaq | right now i just need to be able to deploy nodes | 23:02 |
ypaq | not that i'm going to set up cloud init now | 23:02 |
ypaq | RS says i'd have to run my upgrade interactive as workaround.. wtf | 23:02 |
utlemming | :| | 23:03 |
utlemming | ypaq: which release? | 23:04 |
utlemming | ypaq: put "apt-mark hold cloud-init" before you do anything else. That will prevent the cloud-init stuff...but if they have mangled anything else it may not hold. Honestly, they should configure cloud-init with a cfg.d file. | 23:05 |
utlemming | s/it may not hold/then other packages may require interactive upgrades/ | 23:07 |
ypaq | 12.04 | 23:07 |
utlemming | ypaq: yeah, "apt-mark hold cloud-init" should get you through this | 23:07 |
ypaq | cool.. trying that | 23:10 |
ypaq | one sec | 23:10 |
ypaq | excellent.. seems like it made it | 23:12 |
utlemming | ypaq: I would recommend removing that once RS gets this straightened out...I'm not a big fan of apt-mark'ing something since you tend to forget about it. | 23:14 |
ypaq | thank you very much!! | 23:15 |
ypaq | yeah.. makes sense | 23:15 |
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