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thumpermarcoceppi: was at the gym, reading scrollback00:41
thumpermarcoceppi: FWIW, fixing upgrade is on my todo list00:44
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freeflyingdo we have some thing similar to achieve maas-name constraints now in latest go juju06:33
nesusvetHello everyone! Can I install the juju agent locally in maas environment? in сase if I am using the remote installed agents on another hosts?07:06
sarnoldnesusvet: I think so? can you describe a bit more what you're trying to accomplish? (I'm no expert, but I am awake :)07:11
nesusvetI installed maas environment  and can see remote machines via juju status. Now, I want to write own charm on the local machine (on which installed maas controller). I wish to see this local machine in the juju status also.07:13
nesusvetAnother reason is that I don't want to use local environment, because I want to deploy on the maas controller another applications07:15
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mthaddonanyone able to take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/swift-proxy/+bug/1238660 and let us know if we're missing something obvious?11:40
_mup_Bug #1238660: Default installation fails <swift-proxy (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1238660>11:40
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kentbWould this be considered a maas, juju, or saucy problem?  I hit this with every service I tried to deploy through maas yesterday.  Juju was at 1.16.0 version:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/364714/juju-deploy-of-charm-mysql-in-maas-provider-failing-after-successful-bootstrap15:14
kentbeverything (for this experiment) was using 13.10 as underlying OS, including deployed nodes.15:14
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sinzuibac, jcsackett, do I dare to merge Abel's heartbeat additions to charmworld? Do we want to freeze charmworld while we learn why staging had 40 review.py procs running?16:49
bacsinzui: i haven't seen abel's changes but i'd guess they are innocuous-ish16:51
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sinzuibac, just changes to the health checks and the heartbeat page. They don't relate to ingestion, storage, or search16:53
Azendalejcastro: Was it you I was talking to last week about charm caching (when trying to test version of a charm with a bug fixed)?17:51
jcastrodid it work?17:52
jcastroAzendale, oh also17:52
jcastrosomething I totally forgot17:52
jcastroyou can try tacking a -u to a deploy command17:53
jcastroto force it to increment the revision17:53
Azendalejcastro: ah, ok17:53
Azendalejcastro: I did get it to deploy a new version. I just need to do some testing to see exactly what part of what I did was the deciding factor. I did notice that there is an archive of the charm stored when you are using the LXC provider in .juju/name_of_env/storage, which I removed17:55
jcastromaybe we should put that in the troubleshooting docs17:55
marcoceppijcastro: we should really promote the deploy -u flag18:09
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Azendalemarcoceppi: Check it out, I think I have a working fix for the bug I've been chipping away at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/etherpad-lite/+bug/124763618:48
_mup_Bug #1247636: etherpad-lite fails to deploy, install hook running get-relation <etherpad-lite (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1247636>18:48
marcoceppiAzendale: awesome! You can propose to merge and it'll land in the review queue18:58
marcoceppiI'll take a look at it either today or tomorrow18:58
Azendalemarcoceppi: I think I proposed it already, did I do it right? Once it goes through the review queue is it then in the store? (or is it more complicated than that?)18:59
marcoceppiAzendale: ah! there it is: http://manage.jujucharms.com/tools/review-queue19:00
marcoceppionce it's reviewed and accepted, it'll be merged in to the charm store19:00
Azendalemarcoceppi: awesome! It's really neat when you finally get something working that wasn't before19:02
marcoceppiAzendale: and we reallllly realllllly apprecaite you helping us fix the tings that don't!19:04
jcastroAzendale, have we sent you a Juju shirt yet?19:08
Azendalejcastro: Uh, no. I am just a community member, not an employee or anything19:09
marcoceppiAzendale: Just a community member? We love the community members!19:10
jcastroAzendale, send me your address, jorge@ubuntu.com and I'll have something shipped out to you!19:10
Azendalejcastro: Wow, thanks! I will.19:10
Azendaleso, if I've proposed my branch to be merged, what is the proper bug status to set?19:14
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marcoceppiAzendale: fix committed19:59
sinzuimarcoceppi, how many hours until the ODS charm school starts?21:25
marcoceppisinzui: I don't know, I'm not at ODS21:26
marcoceppijcastro: ?21:27
thumpermarcoceppi: is jcastro at ODS?21:40
marcoceppithumper: nope21:40
jcastrothumper, yo21:41
thumperjcastro: hey21:41
thumperjcastro: do you know if there is a charm school at ODS?21:41
jcastrothe CTS guys are handling it21:41
thumperdo you know when?21:41
jcastroin multiple languages even!21:41
jcastronot sure21:41
thumperbecause it may all go horribly wrong21:42
jcastrowe didn't get a talk accepted so they had to schedule it in another room21:42
jcastrowhy? what's up?21:42
jcastrowell, if they listened to what I said they know better than to upgrade21:42
thumperthere is a precise update that triggers a setup of cgroups-lite which triggers apparmor in the host21:42
thumperwhich leaves apt in a weird state21:42
thumperwhich makes all install hooks fail21:43
thumperit impacts all previous versions of juju21:43
thumperjcastro: you could confirm by trying it locally21:43
thumperjust try to fire up the local provider and deploy mysql21:43
jcastromy local provider is broken, remember21:43
thumperjcastro: didn't we fix it?21:43
jcastroI'm going to have to reinstall21:44
thumperwe need to work out what's going on there21:44
jcastrohey so is there a workaround?21:44
thumperI've submitted a fix to the stable branch21:44
thumperbut releasing properly can take some time21:44
jcastrofor juju or cgroups?21:44
jcastrois it a workaround or do we need to have something fixed in cgroups in distro quickly?21:45
thumperwe have to get them new jujus21:45
thumperit isn't cgroups fault21:45
thumperit is my fault21:46
jcastrook so basically21:46
jcastrothey need to run juju from source21:46
jcastroand not from a package21:46
sinzuiThat is one fix21:46
jcastrounless we're working on a PPA build right now?21:46
thumperjcastro: who in cts is your touch point on this?21:46
jcastrolooking it up21:47
sinzuithe other is to run from source from lp:juju-core/1.16 which is just the fix21:47
thumpersinzui: can we push it into the dev ppa?21:47
sinzuiI can build 1.17 to that ppa....21:47
jcastrothumper, you just tell me what to tell them, I'll  draft a mail now21:48
thumpersinzui: how about we go with the 1.17 dev ppa route?21:48
thumpersinzui: with no cloud tools, just for local use?21:48
sinzuithumper, I appear to be capable of uploading to to the stable and dev ppas, but my packaging rules are definitely unstable...so I would put the packages in devel, and I cannot imagine cts using that ppa21:49
jcastrohow about a oneoff PPA with the fix?21:49
sinzuiI happen to have one...21:49
sinzuiwho is installing the juju-core package?21:49
sinzuiMany people, just cts staff?21:50
jcastrothumper, ugh, the school was for today, 2-4pm local time21:50
jcastrolocal hong kong21:50
sinzuiSo we are past that?21:51
jcastroso it should have happened already21:51
sinzuiI put together a plan and release notes21:51
thumperjcastro: today, wednesday or tuesday?21:51
jcastroaka, we would have heard about it by now21:52
jcastrothumper, do you happen to know when the cgroups issue hit us exactly?21:55
thumperI got pinged about it monday, fixed it tuesday21:56
thumperit is now wednesday21:56
jcastrothumper, are we sure that the cgroup bug was in the latest cloud images?21:59
thumperit came through in the update/upgrade part of cloud-init21:59
jcastroah nuts21:59
jcastrodo you have a link to the bug?21:59
thumperif someone created a new lxc base image that didn't need the update22:00
thumperperhaps they wouldn't hit it22:00
* thumper shrugs22:00
thumpermaybe it hit others because the lxc image isn't updated locally automatically22:00
jcastroif it was a disaster we would have heard by now22:00
thumpermost likely22:00
jcastroand those guys are way smart, they probably monkey patched it, made fun of you, and then moved on with their lives, heh.22:01
jcastrothey only issue they were having is needing more slides over the weekend, but I took care of that22:02
jason955hello all22:13
jason955I am trying to run a local version of juju but getting error message related to installing cgroup-lite.  The bug is documented here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cgroup-lite/+bug/124729922:15
_mup_Bug #1247299: local provider deploys fail with 'install hook failed' <local-provider> <juju-core:Fix Committed by thumper> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Committed by thumper> <cgroup-lite (Ubuntu):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1247299>22:15
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jason955Does anyone know how to work around this bug?22:15
thumperwe were just talking about it22:16
thumperjason955: have you used the local provider before?22:16
jason955No.  I am new to Juju in general.  I have quite a bit of linux experience though.22:16
thumpercan I get you to check the timestamps on the files is /var/cache/lxc/cloud-precise?22:17
jason955I was just trying to launch a couple of services to play with Juju22:17
jason955I'm actually at work right now and not on my machine.  I was just wondering if there was a simple workaround.  I can always come back later this evening when I am on my machine.22:18
thumperjason955: the short answer is "it's broken" for some value of broken22:18
thumperthe fix has been landed and we are rolling out a release22:19
thumperjason955: I have a theory22:19
thumperjason955: that perhaps newer downloads of the 12.04 lxc template might be fine22:19
thumperbut not found anyone to test it yet22:19
thumperjason955: how long until you are back home?22:19
jason955ok.  Thanks for the info.  I probably won't be back for another 7 hours or so.... :(22:20
thumperjason955: AU?22:21
thumperor nz22:21
jason955I'm in Los Angeles.  Just have some stuff to take care of after work so won't get home until late.22:21
thumperI probably won't be around then22:22
jason955You usually around on the weekends?22:22
thumpernot really, family calls22:22
thumperI'm only three hours out from CA now22:23
thumperthree hours behind that is22:23
* thumper is in nz22:23
thumperjason955: so around working during your sunday :)22:23
jason955Gotcha.  I'll try to catch you early in the morning some time or right after work.  Or.... on Sunday22:23
dpb1`Hi -- how do I search for charms that implement an interface on jujucharms.com now?22:23
* thumper shrugs and looks at gary_poster|away22:24
jason955I'm actually impressed that you were online.  I saw you answered the question on Stack Overflow (or ask ubuntu...)  small world22:25
dpb1`Or... even without jujucharms.com... Just any way to do it.  :)22:26
jason955and you are the bug fixer assigned to the task it appears...22:26
thumperI'm a core dev for juju22:27
thumperand also happened to write the local provider22:27
jason955nice work!  pleasure to meet you22:27
thumperalways nifty to make contacts in other parts of the world22:28
jason955I will be in touch.  I usually go under the nick sbbrtn.  TTYL22:28
* thumper nods22:29
dpb1`oh, I see22:31
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marcoceppijcastro: thumper I think they were deploying to HP Cloud23:00
marcoceppifor the charm school23:00
thumperno problems with that AFAIK23:00
marcoceppiat least that's the impression I got/gave them during our chat at the sprint23:00
marcoceppithumper: right23:00
thumpermarcoceppi: because they were demonstrating openstack?23:00
thumperI guess23:00
thumperbeing at ODS and all23:00
marcoceppithumper: because I tell people to demo on a real cloud23:01
marcoceppiit's more impressive when you can juju status and people can hit, say an etherpadlite ip adddress and start typing23:01
marcoceppidon't get me wrong, I love the local provider, but when you want to show the power of juju, deploying to HP Cloud or EC2 is way better than trying to explain my laptop is now a cloud23:02
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jason955Right now I have an ec2 server with 3 mysql instances.  They run on different ports.  Is this possible to do with Juju?  Or do I have to deploy on separate VMs?23:54
jcastrothumper, wait ...23:58
jcastrothumper, so we ONLY break on LXC23:58
jcastrowhew, of course I told them not to use the local provider!23:58
jcastroeven before this bug!23:58
thumperjcastro: and only lxc on the local provider, lxc on maas is fine23:59

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