
* yamoonsun has returned01:42
yamoonsunCan I increase the mouse sensitivity?01:58
FukUmisthow do you make it so that the "dock", organizes windows into groups to make it easier to navigate when you have a lot of windows open03:16
holsteinFukUmist: what "dock" are you using?03:55
holsteinright click - taskbar window list settings - combine mulitple application windows into a single button (this may be what you are looking at/for)03:58
FukUmistyeah, thanks04:01
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shwouchkIn the new version of lubuntu (13.10) when I use ssh I don't get a gtk dialog for my key password anymore. Why? Also, I checked and see that ssh/gpg-agent get started with the session, but can't figure out what starts them and how to disable this if I wish. Help?07:07
Unit193shwouchk: I'm guessing you want to change /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/desktop.conf  and change security from ssh-agent (or none?) to gnome-all for the gnome keyring, or at least that's how I think it may work.07:14
Unit193shwouchk: You can copy that to your userdir so you don't have to edit the system one.07:26
shwouchkUnit193: already did that - doesn't help07:31
shwouchkUnit193: do you know by chance what starts the agents?07:32
Unit193lxsession-edit may say.07:45
ArchguyAnyone know why this alias doesn't work: alias alias keymap="setxkbmap -layout 'fr,us' -option 'grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll'" I put it in .bash_aliases in Lubuntu 13.0407:48
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
hanninghi, is there a safe way to update lubuntu 11.10 to 13.10?13:59
mati75update to 12.0414:02
mati75after update to 13.1014:02
hanningis this safe? my oneiric got pretty deeply customized over the years ;)14:03
mozybonz<- very happy with 12.04 myself14:05
mozybonzcant go any futher on this laptop14:05
akasekiis it worth installing the amd catalyst proprietary drivers?15:17
hectorh30hi guys.. my desktop background gets lost when using xrandr to extend my desktop to another monitor :S any clues why?15:22
_joeyafter upgrading to 13.10 all network connections disappeared15:44
_joeycan someone help please to resolve the issue?15:44
leszek_joey: but network-manager applet (nm-applet) is running ?15:45
_joeyapplet is not running, network-manager does15:48
_joeyif I go into preferences, there're not configurations shown, or I able to configure the connections again15:49
_joeyAlso, if I run service network-manager restart the applet pops up, but there are no connections15:49
leszekNot even ethernet ?15:50
_joeynot even ethernet15:50
akasekiok i'm gonna go and see if 13.10 takes the amd drivers fine15:51
akasekibbl later with possible success or failure15:51
_joeyI am reading on the web many people have the same issue. I cannot figure out a solution yet15:51
akasekibbl does not require a later -_-15:51
leszekdid you try creating a new user to make sure it is not a user specific config issue ?15:51
* akaseki hangs head in shame15:51
_joeyI haven't tried using an another user15:52
leszekthen please try that15:53
_joeythanks! I'd be back soon15:53
abradleyFiles are read-only when mounted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6365754/ How can I get rw access?17:22
wxlabradley: i never found a good way with cifs to allow every user access to the mount, so i add uid=$(id -u)17:29
wxlof course i don't ACTUALLY add $(id -u) but i use the results of that :)17:29
abradleywxl, uid in this case being "crash"?17:30
wxlabradley: dunno17:30
wxlrun id -u on the command line and you'll see17:30
wxldifferent for everyone17:30
abradleyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6365836/    still get "Error creating directory: permission denied" when trying to create a directory17:35
ianorlinwhat user are you running it as?17:36
abradleymeant to say uid=1000 . I'm running as user "crash" (1000)17:39
wxlis the directory there?17:42
wxli.e. /home/crash/mounts/sbs2011-proxmox17:42
wxlif not, create it17:42
abradleyit is17:44
wxland still you have problems?17:44
abradleythe mount loads, and files can be read only17:44
abradleyneed to be rw17:44
wxlis this a samba share or what?17:44
wxlwell, i'm trying to differentiate between a windows share and a samba share17:45
wxlsamba shares are ultimately not windows file systems, but they're shared that way17:45
abradleyits shared from windows17:45
wxlso it's not samba17:45
wxlit's windows17:45
wxlif you remove the rw does that fix it?17:45
abradleyfrom "small business server 2011"17:45
wxlcuz i don't use rw as an option either17:46
wxland is your problem only directories? can you touch and/or edit files?17:46
abradleyI can open files but not save them17:46
abradleyboth for directories and files17:46
wxlnot sure what to tell you17:47
abradleythanks anyway17:47
wxli'm pretty sure you could use autofs and sshfs to fix the problem17:47
wxlthat's what i've opted to do instead of using cifs17:47
wxlit has less pitfalls than cifs17:48
wxl!autofs | abradley17:48
ubottuabradley: Automount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and  more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs17:48
Unit193// /mnt/alphawvm/share/ cifs credentials=/root/alphawvm,uid=1000,gid=1000,file_mode=0644,dir_mode=0777 0 0     has worked for me.17:48
abradleyI could never autofs to work with my nfs share so I gave up17:48
abradleybut that's another issue entirely17:48
wxlabradley: imho the key is using sshfs17:48
wxl!sshfs | abradley17:48
ubottuabradley: sshfs is a !Fuse based filesystem which allows you to mount a remote system over !SSH - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS for instructions17:48
_joeythere was a guy helping me here a couple of hours ago. Is he still around?18:07
wxlunsure _joey but folks are here to help. what's up?18:08
_joeyI had so many issues after upgrading to Saucy18:08
_joeywhich I successfully fixed. I cannot imagine a non savvy person fixing such problems18:09
wxlwell glad i haven't upgraded yet ;)18:09
_joeyAll network connections were gone, as well as numerous error during boot18:10
_joeyI ended up reconfiguring all packages, thanks god I didn't delete them from cache18:10
wxl wow crazy18:10
_joeythen I needed to add my regular user account to netdev group18:10
_joeythen for some reason wifi and wlan don't work together nicely18:11
_joeyso disconnected from wifi to get wlan going18:11
_joeythe latest problem I haven't fixed18:11
wxlwhat's that?18:12
_joeyit's basically crap18:12
_joeyThat's what it is18:12
wxlNo manual entry for crap18:13
_joeyIn 2013 people cannot make Linux desktop user friendly18:13
wxlcrap: command not found18:13
Unit193_joey: Do you actually have a support question?18:13
_joeyUnit193: I had. I came back to thank the guy who was helping me earlier18:14
Unit193leszek is gone.18:14
jarnosAnyone else having this problem? Bug 124821518:38
ubottubug 1248215 in guvcview (Ubuntu) "Sound choppy and out of sync" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124821518:38
ianorlinjarnos I think you should mention what model and kind of webcam it is in the bug report but I have not expienrced that19:47
jarnosianorlin, audio is not recorded by webcam, but a regular microphone connected in audio card.19:49
ianorlinbut that might be useful if it is specific to hardware19:50
jarnosianorlin, there you have it.19:53
RyoshiaI am having issues with getting my wireless card up and running with Lubuntu20:11
Ryoshiaanyone there?20:12
ianorlinwhat kind is it if not use lspci20:12
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:13
Ryoshiayeah I just came from there the packages will not install through Lubuntu, I tried to download them already20:13
ianorlinwas there an error message on why the packages won't install?20:15
RyoshiaIt told me on in the Additional Drivers thing that it couldn't connect to the internet..20:16
ianorlincan you plug in to the back of a router with an ethernet cable?20:17
Ryoshiano unfortunately I cannot.20:17
RyoshiaThe Computer is a Dell Vostro A9020:18
RyoshiaThe package I downloaded was the broadcom-wl- but it's not a debian package20:19
Ryoshiaand in the archive there is no .deb file20:20
ianorlinwhat computer are you currently on?20:20
Ryoshiamy Windows Machine, it's an HP20:20
Ryoshiaboth of the PCs are side to sid..20:20
RyoshiaI is there a Deb file that could install the package?20:29
RyoshiaI was able to find a Deb File but it told me Dependency is not satisfiable debhelper (>=8)20:33
RyoshiaI am just looking for a way to install these drivers to get interwebz.20:37
Ryoshiaany other ideas?20:44
ianorlinwhat is the dependacy you might have to download that20:51
RyoshiaWell it started as debhelper20:57
Ryoshiathen it moved to dpkg-dev20:57
Ryoshiadpkg-dev needs libdpkg perl though20:57
Ryoshiait kind of trickled down20:58
RyoshiaI get one dependency to have it say I need another and to another20:58
ianorlincan you get apt-offline to work?20:58
Ryoshiait's currently not installed20:59
Ryoshiaaccording to my terminal20:59
utusanfirefox won't start in lubuntu but does in openbox/razor session.  any ideas?  looks like this started about 2 days ago?20:59
ianorlinutusan how are you starting firefox?21:00
utusanterminal or from menu.  btw this is 14.0421:00
utusanrigth now I'm in razor session21:01
utusanIIRC there was an lxsession update21:01
ianorlin14.04 isn't stable yet so this may be a bug21:02
ianorlinRyoshia do you have a persistent live usb as you could install apt-offline to that I think21:04
abradleyautofs nfs share not mounting. auto.master: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6367032/ . auto.nfs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6367033/ .  /mnt/nfs/proxmox exists locally already. when autofs starts /proxmox disappears21:44
Noskcaj-schoolCan someone please confirm bug 1206684 when they next open the lubuntu iso?22:42
ubottubug 1206684 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Rendering errors at lubuntu language select screen (Install and OEM-setup)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120668422:42
Noskcaj-schoolThis is something we do not want to release 14.04 with, or the next 12.04 if it is affected22:43
Noskcaj-schoolAnd someone needs to confirm if bug 1085577  ever got fixed (i think it did)22:44
ubottubug 1085577 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu daily's CLI links dont work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108557722:44
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