
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== Spideyman is now known as Spideyman_afk
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
freeflyingwhat could this be04:46
freeflyingnode trying to get boot image from maas04:46
bigjoolsfreeflying: ummmm04:53
bigjoolsis the node still defined in maas?04:53
freeflyingbigjools, no, this is a fresh installation of maas04:54
bigjoolsis anything actually broken?04:54
freeflyingbigjools, cluster controller on a different server04:54
freeflyingbigjools, not I can see so far besides this04:55
bigjoolssorry I don't know what you mean04:55
bigjoolsmy point is, this could be normal.  Ignoring the log file, is anything not working as it should?04:55
freeflyingbigjools, the node can't get the boot image then04:55
freeflyingbigjools, from the client console, what we can see after fail to boot is: Cannot locate configuration file04:56
bigjoolswell this is before that stage, it's getting pxeconfig04:56
bigjoolsso is the MAC correct?04:56
bigjoolscheck all the detauls from the request in your server04:57
jtvhttp error?  I guess this'd be the pxeconfig code requesting node metadata from the API...04:58
bigjoolsjtv: no, it's asking for pxeconfig05:00
freeflyingbigjools, yes from dhcp's dump, its the same mac addr05:00
bigjoolsoh sorry that's what you said, basically05:00
* jtv unconfuses05:00
bigjoolsfreeflying: is the MAC defined against any node in the database?05:00
bigjoolssomething is causing a 404....05:01
bigjoolsand I suspect you edited something after the node enlisted?05:01
freeflyingbigjools,  i think no05:01
bigjoolsfreeflying: what are you doing here, enlisting, commissioning or installing?05:02
freeflyingbigjools, we don't have anything enlisted so far, we just had maas configured, and try to enlist this one05:02
freeflyingbigjools, trying to enlisting05:02
bigjoolsfreeflying: is the cluster accepted ?05:02
freeflyingbigjools, yes, i had it configured in web UI too05:03
bigjoolsdid you enlist any other nodes yet?05:03
freeflyingnot yet05:03
bigjoolsso there's zero nodes in maas right now?05:03
freeflyingbigjools, yes05:03
bigjoolswhen the node enlists it should try to grab quite a few different pxeconfigs before finding one that exists05:04
bigjoolsit should end up at "default"05:04
bigjoolssince we don't know it yet05:04
bigjoolsso this output in the pserv log is normal as far as I know.  Can you send the rest of the log please?05:05
bigjoolsjtv: actually I think my problem is easy now - the func in maasserver.dns is the single call point I want05:10
bigjoolsI can inject more kwargs in there05:10
bigjoolsit just confused me because it was the same name, of course.05:10
bigjoolsfreeflying: is your MAAS_URL correct?05:14
freeflyingbigjools, yes05:16
bigjoolsfreeflying: cam you show me?05:16
bigjoolsbecause it looks wrong in your log :)05:17
freeflyingthis is from maas_cluster.conf05:19
freeflyingin pserv.conf, its http:///MAAS/api/1.0/pxeconfig/05:20
freeflyingi tried to use the exact ip addr in pserv.conf, but didn't work out05:20
jtvWhat about "localhost"?05:22
freeflyingjtv, to me?05:23
jtvYes — I don't see it making a big difference, but not having a hostname in that URL does look suspicious.05:25
freeflyingjtv, but the region controller is not on this machine05:27
jtvBut then there definitely has to be a hostname part in that URL.05:27
jtvI guess the reason for your 404 log output is that the request is going to the wrong server...05:28
freeflyingjtv, i tried with the API address too, didn't work out05:29
jtvSounds as if you had a different problem originally, and created a second problem on top of it.05:29
jtvDo you know anything more than that it didn't work out?05:30
freeflyingjtv, no05:30
freeflyingjtv, weird, this time it works05:30
freeflyingI mean node pxe boot up from maas05:30
bigjoolsfreeflying: did you fix pserv.conf?05:34
freeflyingbigjools, re-configure it to use exact api url05:35
freeflyingbigjools, jtv thanks for help05:37
bigjoolsjtv: do you know if we can catch undefined symbols in tempita?05:43
bigjoolsshort of resorting to :py ...05:43
bigjoolsotherwise I am going to have to update all the damn callsites in tests :'(05:44
freeflyingif a node stays commissioning status after doing commissioning, what could the reason be05:44
jtvDon't know, sorry.  Would be nice if there were a dedicated exception class, but...05:44
freeflyingthe server has been powered off05:44
jtvbigjools: make it default to  ;-)05:44
bigjoolsfreeflying: it means it failed to contact the server, did you see anything on the console?05:44
freeflyingafter a while since we click commissioning from webui05:44
bigjoolsfreeflying: and what else have you changed in other configs?05:45
freeflyingbigjools, the other part I did was configure maas-dhcp server, add some other subnet into the file05:45
freeflyingbigjools, configured import-pxe-files to only download precise's05:46
jtvI think commissioning will use Precise...  One thing that may have happened though is a failure while downloading the ephemeral image.  It's huge.05:48
jtvAny chance of a look at the node's console?05:49
freeflyingjtv, on it, windows xp crashed :)05:50
freeflyingand the kvm works under widows only05:50
jtvLosing your host will do it...05:51
* jtv grabs a break05:53
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== Spideyman is now known as Spideyman_afk
=== rharper_ is now known as rharper
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
=== Spideyman is now known as Spideyman_afk
=== Spideyman_afk is now known as Spideyman
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying

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