=== aki is now known as Guest97448 [00:51] can i installubuntu gnome alongside win7 and kubuntu [00:53] Guest97448: Got space? [00:56] yes, I got space. If there is option in instalation process to shring some partition, or something like install alongside them it woud be work. [00:59] Guest97448: In 13.10 we have an "Install alongside" option. Are you using a PC with the Windows 8 logo? [00:59] Guest97448: (Even though you have Windows 7 installed) [01:01] Ok. No, Im not using pc with win8 logo. Yes I have Windows 7, Kubuntu and about 100GB free hdd space [01:10] So, there is "install alongside" option. Tnx for help. [05:08] guys [05:08] the gnome print gui is so depressing [05:08] especially when all it does is fail to install any printer I have here [06:19] all of my extensions are disabled upon reboot :( [06:19] including my beloved dash to dock which is directly responsible for making the UI sane for my uses. :( [17:26] What version of GNOME is Ubuntu Gnome using? [17:33] by default 3.8 [17:33] any of you guys having an issue installing printers [17:34] every printer I try to install it just insta-fails. :/ [18:25] Hi. Does Ubuntu Gnome run Gnome Classic or Gnome 3? [18:37] gah [18:37] STAY so I could help answer! [22:06] robert_ancell, are you able to make me admin for https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome? [22:11] darkxst, if you're a member of ~ubuntu-gnome-dev you should have admin priviledges right? [22:12] there's no admin afaik apart from the team owner [22:13] robert_ancell, I am not yet a member, still need to apply for PPU to get into that team [22:14] roasted, normally can make arbitrary people admin by clicking the edit icon? [22:15] tab fail [22:15] and here I got excited somebody was telling me why 3.10 on ubuntu gnome won't install, literally, any printers on any install I have. :( [22:15] darkxst, ah, I can do that [22:16] darkxst, there you go [22:16] thanks [22:18] roasted, can you run try while logging with gnome-control-center --debug [22:18] and add to bug 1242658 [22:18] bug 1242658 in Ubuntu GNOME "Can not add printer in Ubuntu GNOME 13.10" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1242658 [22:18] also add ~/.cache/upstart/gnome-settings-daemon.log [23:17] roasted, you have the brightness issue? can you test the g-s-d that is building now in ppa:darkxst/gnome39?