
geniiheh "ipods are not cool man" :)00:31
bazhang<jono> folks, this might be off-topic, but I am having a fund-raise (I work as the Ubuntu Community Manager) - Creative Commons music to support WaterAid -http://www.gofundme.com/rockforwater05:48
bazhangBAN HIM!!1111105:48
* Tm_T shakes their head06:09
Tm_Twhy he is mentioning his position in Ubuntu project if the fundraising isn't related to Ubuntu?06:10
bazhangqwerty__, hi06:46
bazhangqwerty__, did you need some assistance?06:52
qwerty__im debating on whether or not i should negotiate my ban, because there really is no excuse for being a jackass06:52
bazhangin which channel06:53
qwerty__bazhang, do you know if its temporary?06:56
bazhangqwerty__, do you know the channel guidelines?06:57
qwerty__where can i read them?06:58
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:58
bazhangplease take a moment to review them06:58
qwerty__bazhang, i broke rule 11 i was being annoying07:03
bazhangqwerty__, will you abide by them in future?07:04
qwerty__yes i will07:04
bazhangqwerty__, could you try to join now?07:06
qwerty__sorry for being a burden.07:07
bazhangthanks for stopping here to resolve this07:07
qwerty__thanks for pardoning me07:09
bazhanghardly a pardon, but OK :)07:10
qwerty__thanks man ill be seeing you around07:10
Tm_Tbazhang: that was rather nice07:47
bazhangTm_T, the qwerty one? thanks.08:38
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
hitsujiTMOlouis__ spamming in #ubuntu11:05
iceswordplz remove my ban in ubuntu12:12
iceswordthank you12:12
iceswordit's already a long time12:12
iceswordi have configured my fault12:12
iceswordnow i want to ask for help in there12:12
ikoniaicesword: as I recall this is not a problem with your ISP, but your attitude towards using the channel12:13
iceswordhello hello12:13
iceswordikonia, yeah12:14
iceswordplz remove my ban12:14
ikoniaicesword: you've had quite a lot of chances already, it's hard to accept you have changed,12:14
iceswordplz remove my ban12:14
ikoniaplus you're failure to interact with the channel is not out of "not knowing how to" but choosing to be a problem, so I don't think the channel really warrents you doing that again12:14
iceswordi ve been banned for one month12:15
iceswordthere's only 12 months in a year12:15
ikoniayes, I appreciate you have been banned for a month, but that doesn't really change your previous behaviour12:15
iceswordi ll be careful and respectful this time12:15
ikoniayou've said this before12:16
iceswordtime to remove it12:16
ikoniaI don't think so12:16
ikoniaI'd rather you used other channels12:16
iceswordi wanna aks a question in ubuntu12:16
ikoniaI know that, but you should have not abused it so many times in such a short period of time12:17
ikoniawe removed the right of you to use the channel because you abused it too often,12:17
iceswordwhy are you in debian12:17
ikoniaa result of that is you can no longer use the channel, and based on your previous behaviour I don't believe you can be trusted to use it again at this time.12:17
knomethis is leading nowhere12:17
ikoniano, I follow debian development and occasionally need help with some things, but that really doesn't have anything to do with this discussion12:18
ikoniaso I'd suggest finding other support resources, such as the forum, however if you use it like you use the irc channel you may end up banned there too12:18
ikoniajust be aware of that12:18
IdleOnethere is also askubuntu.com12:19
ikoniaok, so again swearing proves my point, so we are now done here12:19
ikonialets not waste any more time.12:20
ikoniaicesword: if you could please /part this channel now you've had it clearly confirmed that the ban won't be lifted and why12:21
iceswordwhy not just move it12:21
ikoniaicesword: sorry, no more discussion, it's been made clear to you why. Please leave now and best of luck finding new support resources.12:21
ikonia@mark icesword #ubuntu-ops after leaving the channel pm'd abuse to me - leave mute and do not unban12:24
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:24
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Discordian93 said: ubottu: that page is of no help, my problem isn't listed12:53
IdleOne@mark ucz15 aka uczen16 trying to ban evade by changing nick and ident14:58
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:58
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu uczen16 apparently there are multiple users connecting from the same school IP. ucz15 claims to not be the same user as uczen16. ucz15 claims to have informed his professor/admins about the disruptive user.15:29
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:29
bazhang<Aut0Exec> perish: then no support for you sir   <--- in re: the contribute form on ubuntu.com16:15
Picibazhang: did you talk to him?16:15
bazhangPici, just saw it 20 seconds ago, so no16:16
Picilampp :(16:43
ikoniaI have no idea why people do this.....16:43
hggdhAlanBell: available? :-)18:42
AlanBellhggdh: hi19:37
geniiHm, #u :  "<Tr_OLL> I'm a troll."19:59
DJonesThat teksavvy.com host seems familiar20:00
ikoniait's an ISP, lots of them20:00
geniiThey're a large Canadian ISP20:00
geniiThe place I volunteer at we buy wholesale connections from them, actually.20:02
DJonesJust looked at BT, there's a few entries, although probably a lot less than Sky or British Telecom20:03
h00kLjL: I'm confused at maseman.21:19
LjLh00k: claimed to be a 10yo Swiss boy currently in the US before21:20
LjLi should probably stop acting like an ass with him21:21
LjLbut it's hard to disengage frenocha mode21:21
h00kLjL: got kicked from somewhere,21:21
LjLh00k: yeah but it was partly someone else's fault, he was saying something not completely okay in #ubuntu, someone insulted him in German using the word scheiße, and after that, he kept complaining that someone "scheißed" him, so i had to kick him from -ot too, i think, because i couldn't seem to get him to understand that i wasn't condoning the insults he got21:22
h00kas a verb, nice21:24
LjLmaybe it's something young german speakers say21:25
LjLshould ask Fuchs21:25
LjLmaybe he knows some young people21:25
LjLwait he's not here, i don't have to provoke him21:26
h00kwith my limited German culture including a month there, I haven't heard this as a common term, but you never know with them youngsters21:26

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