
nuvolario/ morning05:15
bdukGood morning everyone05:19
Kilosmorning superfly Private_User and others05:25
Private_Usermorning Kilos,hows it going?05:25
Kilosgood ty and you?05:25
Private_Userah not too bad05:26
Kilosdo you work from home doing web designs?05:26
mazalMorning everyone05:27
Kiloshi bduk mazal 05:27
Kiloswerk wget nou soos jy dit wil he mazal ? ek sien nog tips in die pos05:28
Private_Useryep I work from home05:29
Private_Usersometimes doing web design05:29
Kiloswow how do you advertise?05:29
mazalNope Kilos 05:30
Private_Useron the internet but currently need to set up my own website and once that is done I can do saome serious advertising/marketing05:31
magespawngood morning05:40
Kilosohi magespawn 05:41
magespawnhey Kilos 05:41
Kiloshi psychicist 05:46
Kiloshaha the fools. telkom say their LTE is for areas where there is no adsl. liars. its all setup in cities05:51
Kilosand all on contract05:59
Kiloshi Squirm 05:59
Kilosand Xethron 05:59
Kilosinetpro, http://mybroadband.co.za/vb/showthread.php/547017-Telkom-Mobile-06:07
inetprogood morning Kilos06:07
Kilosif your modem can do the 2300 frequency you can go lte06:07
Kiloshi my friend06:07
Kiloswithout a contract06:07
Squirmmagespawn: The Big Cat Sanctuary was worth it06:08
Squirmthanks for that06:08
magespawnSquirm, you are welcome06:08
inetproKilos: I'm happy with my speed06:12
inetproLTE will give me too much data too quickly06:12
Kilosdont work too hard06:12
Kilosi gotta do a reinstall here on unity to try get 12.04 working on the e22006:13
Kilosmakes me wonder about the new unity if its also fast like the new kde06:14
inetproKilos: but thanks for the info anyway06:15
bmg505good morning06:21
Kiloshi bmg505 long time no hear06:21
bmg505ja man, life is getting in the way06:22
magespawnis that genuine life or this thing we call work?06:24
bmg505nah RL and work, ffs its killing me one day at a time :)06:25
bmg505yanks just pasted this link and our internet connections chokes with it http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/308/b/d/untitled_317_by_dennisk4-d6t2m8t.gif06:26
bmg505I'd rather meet my end happy living in a fruit paradize06:26
Kilostropical island in the sun06:26
bmg505but then that would be a bloody boring end06:26
Symmetriawow, I have been treated well by vendors in the past06:41
Symmetriabut the lengths juniper has gone to to try and convince us that they are the right partner... is fucking mindblowing06:41
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:43
magespawnbmg505 i can't get it either06:44
gerritfromsaGood mornin !07:00
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy gerritfromsa 07:06
Symmetriahrm, this anonymous shit 07:07
Symmetriais gonna get REAL interesting today07:07
Symmetriapeople already gathering in some pretty key locations and well, god knows how big this will get 07:07
Symmetriaand how much chaos will arise 07:08
gerritfromsalong live anonymous07:08
Symmetriagerritfromsa heh anonymous is an interesting force, but on occasion, they can be... troublesome07:08
Kiloshi tal0n Symmetria 07:09
tal0nhi all07:09
gerritfromsait will always be the 1st group that do something that will make mistakes and get all the blame07:09
Kiloswhat you on about Symmetria ?07:09
tal0nhi Kilos07:09
gerritfromsaat least someone is doing something07:09
Symmetriakilos anonymous is planning on putting a million+ people marching in the streets today world wide07:09
Symmetria*HUGE* demonstrations planned 07:09
Symmetriathey are calling it the million mask march07:09
Kilosfor what goal?07:10
Symmetriaand they have the numbers to actually do that 07:10
Symmetriakilos general protest about censorship on the internet, violations of freedom, politics being played on the internet etc07:10
Symmetriathey are basically going out to say "leave the internet for those that use it, and keep your government style bullshit off it"07:10
Kilosgood luck to them and us07:11
gerritfromsamake sure you're surfing silent if youre using the word anonymous07:12
gerritfromsaanyone knows where  can still find DDR2 server ram ?07:31
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:39
Kilosask Symmetria gerritfromsa 07:40
Kiloshes a server network man07:40
Kiloswbb. going to kde07:43
magespawnhey Vince-0 07:47
nuvolario/ hi Vince-0, oom kil<tab>, magespawn, maiatoday, gerritfromsa 07:50
magespawnwhat up nuvolari ?07:51
Vince-0nuvolari !07:52
* gerritfromsa is away: Hmmmm ...07:54
Kilosstupid 13.04 dont see my arab modem08:30
Kilosand 12.04 dont see the other one08:32
Vince-0try fedora?08:33
Kilosno man, i love ubuntu08:41
Kilosno brain space to learn rpm stuffs too08:42
Vince-0noo just use package manager08:44
Kilosjust gotta find a way to hack into the E220 modem and turn off timeouts then i can use it through the router08:44
Vince-0I've been running Fedora on my laptop at work for over a year now no problems08:44
Kilosbetter than kubuntu08:45
Kilosi just cured the modem auto start i think with a script i was given for 12.0408:46
Kilos13.04 mobile setup is too involved08:46
Kilostumbleweed: what section of the buntu dev work do you do?08:47
Kilosgood morning as well08:47
tumbleweedKilos: whatever I feel like - mostly archive maintainance08:47
tumbleweedbut these days, not too much08:47
Kilosyou still talk to them08:48
Kilosask them not to make things more difficult. and try follow the lines like with 10.10 where everything just worked08:48
Kilosnot to make things more difficult to setup08:49
tumbleweednobody is trying to make things more difficult08:49
Kilosnoobs get frightened away like that08:49
Kilossjoe you must see the involved setup needed to get 3g working08:50
tumbleweedplug in, connect?08:50
tumbleweedthat's how it always used to work08:50
Kilosnot anymore08:50
Kilosyou used to get a popup about mobile broadband device detected, click to setup08:51
Kilosthats gone08:51
tumbleweedyou only get that once, I think08:51
Kilosmaybe i missed it, install goes too fast08:53
Kilosthats a very good thing. installs as fast as installing dos08:53
mazalDoes somebody know how do I move an already opened app to another workspace ?09:51
mazalon 12.0409:51
mazalNevermind , found it09:53
tumbleweedshift ctrl-alt-arrows?09:53
mazalI am so stupid09:53
mazalForgot about the "hold super key in for shortcuts display " thing lol09:53
superflytumbleweed: so, strace proved useful. I now know where the issue is occurring. Now to figure out how to fix it :-/10:43
tumbleweedwhat was it?10:47
Kiloswb magespawn hi sakhi 11:05
Kilosaw poor maia has a bad connection11:16
Kilosor a 5 min timeout11:16
superflytumbleweed: basically, this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/5817111:27
* gerritfromsa is back (gone 03:41:28)11:36
mazalCheers everyone , enjoy your evening12:33
Vince-0home time!14:50
Kilos-yay its summer time again. 17/34°c16:01
Kilos-Symmetria: ping16:01
Kilos-hey Private_User see here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Kubuntu:Saucy#Hardware_requirements16:08
Kilos-looks like the new kubuntu can run on 384m ram minimum16:08
Kilos-or are you happy with lubuntu16:09
Tonberryi would not run kubuntu on less than 1gb of ram16:11
Kilos-me neither even though this one is fast16:31
Kilos-some things still open slowly even with 1.5g ram16:31
Kilos-but he also wants to install to his lappy so it should be great there16:32
Kilos-unless thats also only got 512m ram16:35
kbmonkey0/ lo16:50
Kilos-hi kbmonkey 16:53
Kilos-hows my monkey16:53
kbmonkeyyou got a tail Kilos- 16:55
Kilos-oh my16:55
kbmonkeyare you a monkey too?16:56
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
kbmonkeyif I lie down now I will fall asleep16:56
Kilosme too17:08
Kiloslong day17:08
Kiloshi psy18:01
Kilosoh my18:01
Kilosoh that was leaving not joining18:01
kbmonkeyyup, you missed it man18:06
kbmonkeybetter luck next time :]18:07
Kiloshi psychicist 18:14
Kilosyou well apart from tired kbmonkey ?18:14
psychicisthi Kilos 18:14
Kilosi got a pretty 13.04 kde. 10 workspaces each with a different wallpaper18:15
Kilosand no blue18:15
kbmonkeygood work Kilos 18:16
Kilostook long enough18:16
kbmonkeyI am sure, phew18:17
kbmonkeytoo much of work that is for me. 18:17
Kilosyo aquarat 18:21
inetprogood evening18:35
Kiloslo the pro18:36
inetprohello Kilos18:36
Kiloshello inetpro 18:36
inetprohave you recovered from the late nights yet?18:36
Kilosyeah i kinda good today ty and you?18:38
Kilosyou do nothing all day how can you be tired18:39
Kilosmake the appies work harder18:39
kbmonkeyKilos, having a nice rooi bos tea18:40
Kilosgood man18:40
Kilosi just gotta still sort one prob here18:40
Kilosunity sees my arab modem only and kde sees the e220 0nly18:40
kbmonkeysounds like a missing udev rule18:41
Kilosso drive swop means sim change as well18:41
kbmonkeyeish, 18:41
kbmonkeyeach usb device has a model code built into it. when you connect it, the kernel looks in it's little database for known device codes...18:42
Kilosok and then?18:43
kbmonkeylet me see..18:44
Kilosoh if i run lsusb on both it shows them there18:44
Kiloskde even tries to dial out but fails everytime18:45
Kilosbut works perfect with the e22018:45
kbmonkeyon the pc where e220 works run 'dmesg'. then do the same on the other os. compare.18:47
kbmonkeyyou might see the one recognizes it's "zero-cd" a fake cd that has the windows setup files. it swithces over to modem mode.18:48
kbmonkeybut sometimes it won't switch and gets stuck on zero-cd mode18:48
kbmonkeyinstalling usb-modeswitch helps with this18:49
Kilosi have that18:49
Kilosanyway dont worry18:50
Kilosi will try putting the e220 in the router and getting connected that way18:51
kbmonkey(net down?)18:51
Kilosim sure both will accept that18:51
Kilosrouter rsting because i was getting timeouts then found it was the e220 not the router18:52
Kilosso flash again and upgraded first to vmc that voda then then flashed and put mobile partner and it didnt timeout today18:53
Kiloseish eish eish18:54
kbmonkeyit's modem makers not helping to keep their device codes up to date with our nice operating system :(18:54
Kilosi see 13.10 only supported till dec this year18:54
Kilosthat sucks18:54
KilosRaring Ringtail is not an LTS (Long Term Support) release. It will be supported with security updates for both the desktop and server versions until December 2013.18:54
kbmonkeysudo usb_modeswitch -v 0x12d1 -p 1003 -V 0x12d1 -P 1003 -R18:55
kbmonkeyand remove the modem and connect again.18:55
Kilosty i will save that18:55
kbmonkeythat only works until reboot18:55
Kilosoh you mean for the one that dont see the e22018:55
kbmonkeythose are the numbers that need to be added to the device database I spoke of earlier :)18:55
kbmonkeyyes, for that one18:56
Kilosthats only on 12.0418:56
kbmonkeyyou want the other way around?18:56
Kilosill save that onna stick18:56
Kiloswhat you mean?18:56
kbmonkeythose are the same numbers you see in "lsusb" by the way18:56
kbmonkey0x12d1 and 100318:57
Kilosoh ya 18:57
Kilosvendor and product18:57
kbmonkeyso you can try the other modem on 13.?? if you run lsusb and replace those numbers accordingly (gulp)18:58
Kilosthe other modem has different numbers18:58
kbmonkeyI hope that helps you Kilos - sorry if that command looks very scary. 18:59
Kilos0000 was the product18:59
Kilosty kbmonkey thats lekker18:59
Kilosits not serious, im not offline just need sim swop18:59
kbmonkeyit tells your computer to see the usb device as a modem. like an order.18:59
Kiloseven if the modem shows different numbers in lsusb?19:00
kbmonkeyuse the number in lsusb if you can19:01
kbmonkeyalso try it before and after connecting the modem too. it might need the modem connected to run.19:01
kbmonkeythen remove and reconnect modem19:01
kbmonkeylike tuning spark plugs. engine must be running to tune it. haha.19:02
kbmonkey..or not?19:02
Kilosive tried the numbers in the modem but didnt reconnect it19:02
kbmonkeymaybe I electrocute myself 19:02
Kilosmaybe thats where i went wrong19:02
Kilosyou dont tune spark plugs man19:02
kbmonkey"no switching method given. Resetting usb device. Ok, device was reset. Run lsusb to note any changes. Bye."?19:03
Kiloswhere you read that?19:03
kbmonkeyits not very helpful 19:05
Kilosnever mind man i fought modems since i got the arab one remember19:06
Kiloshad to unlock it from ahab land too19:06
Kilosso im learning19:06
Kilosjust slowly19:06
Kilosty for the help kbmonkey 19:08
Kilosi go sleep19:08
Kilosnag inetpro lekker slaap19:08
Kilosnight all sleep tight19:08
kbmonkeygn Kilos 19:09
kbmonkeygood luck oom :)19:09
Kilosty lad19:10

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