
bluesabreNoskcaj, congrats!01:13
bluesabreYou're welcome to maintain catfish there01:13
bluesabreBut what steps do you have to take to become part of that team?01:14
Noskcajbluesabre, Thanks. All you should have to do is show them a few package updates. Saying you are upstream and downstream for catfish and being willing to maintain it should be enough. Join #debian-python on OFTC for more info05:29
elfyanyone else getting problems with pkexec? isn't it supposed to be a drop in for gksudo? 09:00
elfycos it drops out here ... 09:01
Unit193Never has worked for me, and saw a note in ubi quity that it didn't on Lubuntu and Xubuntu.09:03
Unit193!info gksu09:03
ubottugksu (source: gksu): graphical frontend to su. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-6ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 26 kB, installed size 172 kB09:03
elfyyea - I don't actually use pkexec or I'd have said something earlier ;)09:04
Unit193Bug 1193526 points to https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9626#c2  And of course you don't, it doesn't work, nobody uses it. :D09:06
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9626 in Applications Menu "Don't double-fork when spawning from menu." [Normal,New]09:06
ubottubug 1193526 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Clicking "Install Xubuntu 13.10" in live session doesn't work." [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119352609:06
elfyI remember that one Unit193 09:10
Unit193But, my guess is unrelated. :P09:10
elfyI think so 09:10
Unit193Panel != xfce menu after all.09:10
elfymmm from what I can see replace gksu with sudo ... 09:17
Unit193What a great fix in bug 1241210 - https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/software-properties/dont-use-deprecated-reboot-commands that suuuure is fixed...09:25
ubottubug 1241210 in software-properties (Ubuntu Saucy) "shouldn't use deprecated gtk-logout-helper" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124121009:25
ochosiUnit193: i use it with synaptic (via appfinder, "pkexec synaptic") and it works for me09:54
elfyochosi: try thunar09:58
elfyThunar: Cannot open display:09:58
ochosiwhy would i? i never use my filemanager for that rooty stuff :)09:58
elfyfrom a terminal 09:58
elfyyou might not :p09:58
elfypeople do that sort of thing though :)09:58
Unit193apport, gparted, synaptic, release-upgrader, update-notifier, pklalockdown, and xfpm-power-backlight-helper is a complete list of everything on this system that will work.09:59
Unit193grep policykit.exec.allow /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/*10:00
Unit193Less useful to me, as you can't  sudo echo  to "unlock" the graphical one first.10:03
slickymastermorning all10:07
elfymorning slickymaster 10:08
slickymasterhi elfy, how are you?10:11
elfyok thanks - calm before the storm probably :)10:13
slickymaster:) it's always like that10:14
ochosihey slickymaster 10:25
slickymasterochosi: morming10:25
ochosiyou might've seen already, most of your docs are now on docs.xfce.org10:25
ochosithanks a lot for the great work!10:25
ochosithere are still some small bits and pieces missing, but it's already starting to look good10:26
slickymasterochosi: but it's still missing two items, "Save playlist" and "Audio track"10:26
ochosislickymaster: yes i know, we decided to copy things over gradually10:27
slickymasterochosi: TBH I didn't knew that they were already moved to xfce.docs.org10:27
ochosioh, i didn't notice you don't have a remote login so i guess you didn't see the backlog10:27
slickymasterochosi: well, I'm planning on finishing it this week10:27
ochosiother than that, only the plugins are missing i think10:27
slickymasterochosi: but I'm not being able to fully understand the "Auio track" option, to be honest10:28
ochosi(we're currently looking into getting one more plugin into the 0.6 release, not sure yet whether we'll make it)10:28
slickymasterochosi: can you shed same light on it, for me10:28
ochosislickymaster: if a video-file has more than one audio-track included, you can switch languages there10:28
ochosiso e.g. if a movie is originally in chinese, but there's english dubbing and you have both of that in your video-container, you can switch via the menu10:29
ochosisame thing exists in vlc and in totem, i guess10:29
slickymasterochosi: that was my assumption, but as I don't have presently video files with separate audio tracks I couldn't confirm it10:29
ochosianyway, i gotta run and check a few things10:30
slickymasterochosi: thanks for the heads up on docs.xfce.org10:30
ochosino problem, sorry you didn't hear it before10:30
slickymasterochosi, cy then10:31
davmor2oh interesting direction that debian have chosen it should help you guys out :)12:55
ochosiwell it's 1) not for sure that xfce will be the default debian DE12:56
ochosiand 2) i'm not sure about the beneficial effect of that12:56
knomewhat are we referring to?12:57
ochosiit probably won't hurt, but "helping out" might be a bit over-the-top12:57
ochosiknome: there are discussions in the debian desktop-team about using xfce over gnome3 by default12:57
knomewasn't there discussions about that looong time ago, like half a year?12:57
ochosi(there were already in the previous cycle, and nothing is decided yet)12:57
knomei was thinking whether davmor2 was referring to systemd/Upstart discussion12:58
knome(which is what i found with a little poking)12:58
davmor2knome: no I was going for the xfce by default :)  13:00
ochosiknome: poking or puking?13:06
davmor2ochosi, knome: by helping I was thinking more that the packages may be easier to import and might receive slightly more attention if it is the default desktop13:12
=== Maple__ is now known as Guest7013
jjfrv8afternoon, slickymaster. sorry you didn't get the word about the docs getting copied.14:29
jjfrv8but I guess you know that from here on out we'll be working on the real sections14:32
jjfrv8I see that the edits you made today are in the Usage section, so that's good.14:32
slickymasterjjfrv8: hi jack, hope everything is alright with you14:34
jjfrv8hey, yup, fine thanks14:35
slickymasterjjfrv8: well, truth is that's my fault, as I can always browse through the logs, but TBH this last weekend I hardly had time to seat down and open my computer14:36
slickymasterjjfrv8: yes, I've worked on it this morning, and I'm planning on finishing it by the endo of the day14:36
jjfrv8np. I didn't know if you would have a chance to see the backlog but I didn't have an e-mail address for you14:37
jjfrv8so I couldn't warn you that way14:37
slickymasterjjfrv8: slickymaster at gmail14:37
slickymasterjjfrv8: do you need some help on anything else? I'll be more than willing to help14:38
jjfrv8well, when we split up the menu selections, we didn't mention the DVD one, 'cause it's not always visible.14:39
slickymasterjjfrv8: If you want me I'll take a stab at it14:40
jjfrv8I'd like to try that one, so if you want to take Video, you can have that one. If you won't have time, I can do them both.14:40
slickymasterjjfrv8: ok, we've got a deal :) I'll take the video and you'll get stuck with the DVD14:40
jjfrv8I saw ochosi's explanation about audio tracks earlier today. I'm going to see if I can simulate that on a dvd and get a screenshot of it.14:41
slickymasterjjfrv8: I was planning on doing it later on, at home as I don't have any DVDs with me, here at work14:42
jjfrv8ok, let me know how it turns out.14:43
slickymasterjjfrv8: will do14:44
=== Guest7013 is now known as Mapley
slickymastergood night all22:00

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