
cfhowlettxubuntu179, greetings00:48
xubuntu179so I would like to start helping develop xubuntu and was wondering if someone could explain how getting involved works00:50
ubottuTo see how you can help out with Xubuntu, please see http://xubuntu.org/contribute/00:50
xubuntu179ok thanks00:51
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xubuntu293how can i configure key bindings on xcfe or thunar??01:22
David-Axubuntu293: do assign keys to do window manager functions, see Settings>WindowManager>Keyboard, to run any command or program, see Settings>Keyboard>ApplicationShortcuts01:31
xubuntu293i want to bind buttons to specific events01:54
xubuntu293yeah, i want to bind mouse click event that is already binded to button1 to button9, so the computer can recognize it as a click02:08
xubuntu293i used xev to know button's names02:09
David-Axubuntu293: you can configure xbindkeys to run a command when either a mouse button or a key or key-combo is pressed02:21
David-Axubuntu293: you install it from the repository and configure it with a text file ~/.xbindkeysrc02:22
slash0megacan i install xubuntu from withing a ubuntu instalation?03:04
cfhowlettslash0mega, yes.03:05
slash0megahow would i go about that?03:05
cfhowlettslash0mega, to get a taste of the look and feel, sudo apt-get install xfce4    logout change the desktop environment, login03:05
cfhowlett(for lubuntu) sudo apt-get lxde03:05
cfhowlettif you like what you see, I'd advise downloading the ISO and clean install03:06
cfhowlettyou could try sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop03:06
cfhowlett*clean install* really is better03:06
slash0megawell, i allready use xubuntu, the only problem is all i got is a old ubuntu live cd, and nothing more to burn on :(03:06
slash0megais there a way to install the xubuntu iso into a partition on the hardrive and boot from there?03:08
cfhowlettslash0mega, so 2 ubuntus?03:08
cfhowlettslash0mega, if you only want to test try this:03:08
cfhowlettinstall virtualbox.  create a virtual machine.  install whatever on the machine.  fun!03:09
cfhowlettslash0mega, multiple OS's on one device are possible but very delicate.  virtualbox is *almost* idiot-proof and doesn't risk your system.03:10
slash0megai used xubuntu in the past vie persistant usb disk, and now i am trying to install it to a old desktop,  but the old desktop dose not boot from usb :(03:10
cfhowlettslash0mega, so ... cdrom install?03:10
slash0megano disks to burn to...03:10
krytenslash0mega: Please see here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/340156/install-ubuntu-from-iso-image-directly-from-hard-disk-of-a-system-running-linux03:11
cfhowlettkryten, thanks!  (smeghead!(03:11
krytenHeh, welcome. :)03:12
slash0megathat looks like it will work, so i will give it a shot, thank you so much :D03:14
cfhowlettslash0mega, best of luck to you.03:14
slash0megaill install ubuntu, then start trying to get the grub thing to work,03:15
cfhowlettslash0mega, this is an old box right?  xubuntu and lubuntu are optimized for older / lower spec devices.03:16
slash0megayep :)03:16
slash0megai do not have a grub.d folder03:55
krytenslash0mega: What version is your "old" Ubuntu then? (hopefully not too old)03:58
krytenHoly crap. LOL03:59
slash0megamy unkle gave it to me, he had no idea how he got it. it was a offical install disk03:59
krytenIt's from 1996... :D04:00
slash0megaHOLY CRAP04:00
Unit193kryten: 2006.04:01
krytenOh wait, no, it's from 2006, but still. :P04:01
krytenYup. :D04:01
slash0megastill old, but not THAT old04:01
krytenHeh, too old though. :P04:01
Unit193Yeah, Xubuntu didn't exist back then, so yes old.04:01
slash0megacan i still add a iso to the grub menu in a less simple way?04:02
krytenNot with a Grub that old, nope.04:02
slash0megahow hard is it to update the grub?04:02
krytenHonestly, I'd rather get some CDs/DVDs to burn. :P04:04
bazhanga usb stick or a dvd04:04
slash0megasigh, this machine is thwarting all my attemps to get it working at every turn :/ used the last of my burnable disks to try to install xp, but it would not accept my licens key, found a unburned dvd, but xubuntu on it, couldent read it because it was double layed, looked like it could read a usb stick, but couldent.... and now this, sigh04:05
krytenbazhang: USB boot doesn't work with his old machine though.04:05
bazhangkryten, there are workaround s for that04:05
krytenYeah, I know.04:06
bazhangsounds like the easiest would be to get a friend / LUG to burn a DVD for you though04:06
krytenBut those aren't simpler than just getting and burning a CD/DVD. :P04:06
slash0megaof course04:06
bazhangso look into that04:07
slash0megacan doing this ruin my flash drive?04:12
Unit193http://xubuntu.org/news/booting-the-xubuntu-usb-image-from-a-cd/ ?04:16
krytenFor that, you'll have to create a Plop CD though... :P04:19
slash0megasadly, what i am trying to do is boot without any burning at all..... i am probaly going to have too, but i will keep working on this untill i am abile to get more dvds04:19
slesherslash0mega: i missed the first part of the conversation.  do you have a flash drive that you can boot off of instead of a cd?04:20
slash0megai do have a flash drive, but my computer can not boot from it (though apparently it can boot from a "usb-zip")04:21
slesherahh, ok04:21
slash0megaeh, its a 4gig flash drive, easily replacable, i am going to try that portable linux artical04:21
slesherslash0mega: is there an OS on that computer right now?04:21
slash0megaa really old ubuntu04:22
sleshersee if this helps04:22
slash0megathat.... looks like what i need, thank you very much :D04:25
slesher np :)04:25
slash0megahow can i open a text editorr in root? i tried to add a packaged but failed, and now i am trying to remove them04:39
sleshernano is a pretty simple command line text editor04:40
slesher# nano filename04:40
slesheror sudo nano filename04:40
slash0megahow to save changes in nano?04:42
slesherctrl+x, it will ask you if you want to save04:43
slash0megathank you :D04:43
slash0megahm, 7zip is not in my software installer04:45
ObrienDavetry 7z04:45
slash0megai think mits too old :( giving me 404 when i tried to update the list04:47
slash0megatrying command line04:47
ObrienDavetry changing the version from saucy to raring04:47
slash0megawhat i am needing are two programs for it , mtools and p7zip-full04:49
slash0megai was hopping sudo apt-get mtools would get it04:49
ObrienDavelet me check my source list, sec04:50
bazhang!info unp04:53
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre7+nmu1 (saucy), package size 16 kB, installed size 133 kB04:53
ObrienDavesynaptic properties shows: Utilities (universe)04:54
ObrienDavefor 7zip04:54
slash0megawhat am i doing?04:56
ObrienDavewhich repo is giving you the 404?04:56
slash0megauniverse main and restricted i think, its giving full urls04:58
slash0megain the url is /dist/dapper/04:59
slash0megathey look like this fully04:59
slash0mega.gz, not /gx05:00
ObrienDavedapper is no longer supported05:00
ObrienDavewhich Xubuntu you running?05:01
slash0megalatest, got the .iso last week05:02
slash0mega12.10 sounds right05:02
ObrienDavethen, where did you get the dapper repo? that does not make sense05:02
slash0megacurrently though, the computer is running a acent 6.06 ubuntu install05:03
slash0megawhich i am trying to use unetbootin to fix, but it needs those two programs installed to work right05:03
ObrienDaveoh, I don't think you can go from dapper to saucy. too far apart05:05
ObrienDavethat's like 7 years difference. you might have to go to an older version first05:06
ObrienDavelook here for later versions05:07
slash0megaa older 7zip or a older unetbootin05:07
slash0megacan only use the disk i have, no blank medias05:07
ObrienDaveno USB stick?05:10
ObrienDaveoldest version I can find05:11
slash0megais arch linux a distribution?05:12
slash0megaok, can do without the mtools then, as that is only needed for arch linux, now i just need to figur out how to get 7zip on here05:15
slash0megafound the package from the website, but it returend a error05:15
ObrienDavehave you tried a dist-upgrade?05:16
slash0megaerror: dependancy is not satisfiable: libc605:16
slash0megawill that upgrade ubuntu as a whole?05:16
cfhowlettObrienDave, from 6.05?  unlikely05:17
ObrienDavewas not really sure. thought it might be worth a shot ;)05:17
slash0megasigh, might jsut have to wait till i can get some dvd... i was really hoping i could get this wokring tonight, oh well...05:18
ObrienDavehow are you running the 13.10 ISO?05:19
slash0megahavent ran the iso yet. thats what i was trying to get working05:20
slash0megausing this tutoreal http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Linux-without-a-CD-or-USB-Stick-Using-UNetBootIn05:21
slash0megabut if the old ubuntu wont install 7zip, cant use that program to install xubuntu05:21
ObrienDavedo you have a USB stick available?05:25
slash0megayes, but the computer will only accept a usb-zip :( got this tutoreal but not sure if it can ruin my thmbstick05:26
ObrienDavesorry, my Xchat went wonky05:29
ObrienDaveyea, I'm not liking the Zip drive kludge.05:29
slash0megatis ok05:30
ObrienDaveI would suggest buying a 8GB USB stick. less than 10 bucks at walmart05:30
slash0megahow would i use the stick? wont accept normal usb05:31
ObrienDaveoh dang, yea sorry. still tired from work05:32
slash0megai will probaly have to buy some burnable dvds05:32
ObrienDaveyea, get the RWs. I've used the same one for 2 or 3 years ;)05:32
slash0megaoh? defenetly getting one of those then05:35
ObrienDavecheck your burner specs. make sure you get either +RW or -RW depending on the specs05:36
ObrienDavesome burners support both formats. not all do05:36
slash0megano label on my laptop :/ but it is pretty new05:37
slash0megawhat about reading?05:37
slash0megai had a double layer dvd, and it failed to work in it05:37
ObrienDavedepends on the drive specs. you will have to look them up05:38
slash0megaburning worked, but not playback on the computer i am trying to install too05:38
ObrienDaveyou need the reader's specs05:38
slash0megawell, its late. goodnight, and thanks for all the help05:39
ObrienDavebetter yet, look at BOTH drives specs. buy the disks that match both drives05:40
ObrienDaveNo prob. good night05:40
galvanizeanyone upgraded Chromium to version 30 recently?06:16
galvanizea mysterious line appears at the top06:17
galvanize1 pixel height. which is a menu bar without text06:18
ObrienDaveuses Google Chrome06:18
galvanizeObrienDave: which version?06:19
galvanizeObrienDave: what happens when you click top left pixel in the maximized Chrome window?06:21
ObrienDaveumm, nothing06:22
galvanizeweird. it's chromium specific bug then06:22
galvanizemine triggers the "File" menu06:23
ObrienDavesorry, I do get some kind of window menu. max, min, close, etc.06:23
ObrienDaveit's the same menu clicking on the chrome icon06:24
galvanizeObrienDave: could you move the mouse horizontally after clicking there?06:27
ObrienDaveyea sure06:27
userhi all. is there any way to prevent (as administrator super-user) all other users to delete chrome's history and prevent them to manage the deleting history chrome's option?06:30
cfhowlettuser, I saw something like this the other day.  The sysadmin had removed the "delete history" option from the browswer.  so probably a browser specific setting06:36
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akis63fhowlett: so, what do i have to do? remove what?06:39
cfhowlettakis63, if it's a browser setting, you're going to have to check there.  Chromium is a google product, so ask google.06:40
akis63cfhowlett: chrome offers the option to any user to delete history and its contents. there is the possibility to disable this option, but any user can enable it again using his account. my question is if the admin can disable this option with a command or any otehr action using the privileges of admin.06:43
cfhowlettI know. I am not a chrome developer.  This is not chrome support.  Ask google.  They'll know how.06:43
akis63i mean if there a way for admin to stop users managing their chrome browser06:44
cfhowlett*yes it can be done.  NO I don't know how*06:44
qwerty__what all is needed for the sound to work in xfce4?06:45
ObrienDavetry xubuntu-restricted-extras06:45
ObrienDavecontains codecs, etc.06:46
qwerty__i have an ac97 sound card i think06:47
ObrienDavenot sure about that card06:47
cfhowlettqwerty__, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras06:47
well_laid_lawnqwerty__:  I'd start by opening alsamixer in a terminal and unmuting everything and turning everything up06:48
qwerty__how do i open alsamixer in a terminal?06:49
cfhowlettleif_, greetings06:49
leif_how does xubuntu dif from ubuntu gnome06:50
well_laid_lawnqwerty__:  in a terminal type   alsamixer   and hit enter06:50
qwerty__ok thats what i thought, its not there06:50
well_laid_lawn!info alsa-utils06:50
ubottualsa-utils (source: alsa-utils): Utilities for configuring and using ALSA. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1087 kB, installed size 2048 kB (Only available for linux-any)06:50
well_laid_lawnqwerty__:  looks like you'll have to install alsa-utils06:51
qwerty__it says alsa-utils is the newest version but i cant run alsamixer06:51
well_laid_lawnwhat happens when you try ?06:52
cfhowlettleif_, essentially gnome = ubuntu with gnome desktop, xubuntu = xfce4 desktop.  beyond that, xubuntu is loads lighter on your system06:52
leif_maybe a day i can help whit dev of xubuntu06:53
cfhowlettleif_, lubuntu / xubuntu are optimized for older/slower machines06:53
ubottuTo see how you can help out with Xubuntu, please see http://xubuntu.org/contribute/06:53
qwerty__cannot open mixer: No such file or directory06:53
well_laid_lawnqwerty__:  sounds like there isn't a kernel module being loaded for the sound card06:54
well_laid_lawntry   lsmod | grep snd06:54
well_laid_lawnlooks like there's enough modules there06:56
qwerty__thats what i thought haha06:57
qwerty__i messed around with my window manager and display manager quite a bit if that matters06:57
well_laid_lawntry    lspci | grep -i audio   to get the audio card06:58
well_laid_lawnand we'll see if there's any known issues with it06:58
ObrienDavecan't understand why alsamixer wont run for you06:59
qwerty__im using openbox if that matters07:01
qwerty__with xfce4 panel07:01
akis63does 'Activities and Privacy Manager Tool' actually record any URL visited?07:04
well_laid_lawnqwerty__:  the one issue I found on the net about that card had removing pulseaudio as the solution07:07
qwerty__ill give it a go07:08
qwerty__i removed it, should i reboot now?07:11
well_laid_lawnI would just to make sure07:12
qwerty__ok ill be back07:12
HempathyHi guys, n00b to Xu... where do I find synaptic?07:12
ObrienDavesudo apt-get install synaptic07:12
Hempathyalready installed man07:13
Hempathywhere do I pull in=t from the gui?07:13
ObrienDavesystem menu07:13
Hempathydoh! swear it wasn;t there the last 5 times I looked07:14
ObrienDavesudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio07:16
Hempathyhaha just checking07:16
HempathyI already have the bits of the studio installed that I use07:16
Hempathyis the desktop worthwhile?07:16
ObrienDaveit will kill XFCE. You just need the studio packages07:17
cfhowlettHempathy, XFCE is the desktop environment - you already have tit07:18
cfhowlettsorry.  tourette's07:18
ObrienDavetypos, gotta love them ;)07:18
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qwerty__ok with pulseaudio removed07:19
ObrienDavesudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio-plugins07:19
qwerty__well_laid_lawn: im back07:20
Hempathychurs man, already have those07:21
cfhowlettHempathy, as I said, US is not the plug-ins, it's the apps.07:21
ObrienDaveqwerty__ sound working now?07:21
qwerty__when i click on the xfce-mixer plugin it says  Gstreamer was unable to detect any sound devices ....07:22
ObrienDaveinstall gstreamer ugly plugins07:23
ObrienDavemight as well do the good and bad plugins as well. can't hurt07:24
Hempathycfhowlett, coolio, I have the audio too07:24
Hempathy& I have no need for video,07:24
cfhowlettHempathy, sudo apt-get install audio meta-package      would pull only those07:25
ObrienDaveyou can always install that package later if need be07:25
cfhowlettbut I'd go for the desktop meta as well to get the menu integrations07:25
cfhowlettand change to the US theme for full effect07:26
Shirakawasunadoes anyone know how to disable thunderbird's taskbar entry flashing when new mail is received? I recently cleaned out ~/.config and am not sure what would have done it07:31
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brauleinchencould not apply changes, fix broken packages first, that is when I try to install vlc from the repo: xubuntu 13.10 64 bits, recently upgraded16:42
brauleinchenwhat do I do?16:42
GridCubedo sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo dpkg --remove -force --force-remove-reinstreq package name16:54
GridCubesee http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94712416:54
xubuntu789i'm new to xubuntu. i have it installed on my laptop and want to access my nas, but i'm not sure how to do that?17:49
slesherxubuntu789: if you open file manager and click on Browse Network at the bottom, does it show up automatically?17:50
xubuntu789nope, it's not there.17:52
xubuntu789found it17:57
xubuntu789user error :)17:58
xubuntu218?upgraded from 13.04 to 13.10, now get gray screen + mouse (cant do anything). what to do?17:59
toumboHi to all! I want to make some of hardware keys of my keyboard to work. fujitsu SK-2500-2D19:00
toumbohowever I don't now how to do it :(19:00
toumboIn gnome and kde works though19:01
toumbothe keys are: play, stop, pause19:02
toumborewind and fast forward19:03
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ThomasD_Hallo, ist hier jemand, der mir bei der installtion von xubuntu helfen kann?20:12
ThomasD_Is ther somebody who can help me?20:13
bekksThomasD_: Start asking a question about your real problem doing so then :)20:14
ThomasD_i want to install xubuntu, but the setup stops at the point of formatting the hd20:15
bekksSo which settings did you choose?20:15
bekksAnd which version of xubuntu are you using?20:16
ThomasD_ive tryed v13.10 and 12.0420:16
ThomasD_now i'm running the system without the hd in live mode20:18
ThomasD_this seems to be ok20:18
ThomasD_but if i put the hd into the laptop an boot with it, then i got also some errors20:18
elfyThomasD_: what people need to know - is what type of formatting did you choose and what sort of errors do you get20:19
elfytry and be specific - we see all sorts of issues :)20:19
Poisoned_DragonMakes me wonder if the hdd is flaky20:20
ThomasD_at first i have create a new partition table. Then i create 4 partitions. 1. /boot ext2  2. /swap swap 3. / ext4  4. /home ext420:22
bekksThomasD_: Which partition types? primary/extended?20:22
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ThomasD_1. is primary and 2. - 4. logical20:24
bekksThomasD_: Thats impossible.20:25
bekksThomasD_: logical partitions can be created in an extended partition only. So whats your real partition layout please?20:26
ThomasD_i've followed the instructions on this site (right row): http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Manuelle_Partitionierung#Neue-Partitionstabelle-erstellen20:29
ThomasD_i take a photo of the screen and upload it. Please wait, because i have to reboot the system.20:34
ThomasD_I'm back. Here are the photos of my installation screen: http://www.imagebam.com/gallery/2tlynq6icbv9syxpheqft6w55du8o0dq/21:04
ThomasD_Are these the correct settings?21:08
TheSheepThomasD_: looks good, I would make the swap at least as big as your whole ram, so that you can hibernate though21:10
ThomasD_i got 512 mb ram.21:11
ThomasD_i think 1024 its enough21:11
TheSheepit looks good then21:11
ThomasD_its a very old notebook21:12
Poisoned_Dragoncan't be as old as my eeepc 701, or this Gateway 450sx4 I'm using right now.21:12
TheSheepI have a 386 here somewhere...21:12
ThomasD_after clicking install i got the screen to select my time zone, but after that the installation stucks21:13
TheSheepThomasD_: anything in the console?21:13
TheSheepThomasD_: you can switch to text console with alt+ctrl+f1, f2, etc.21:13
TheSheepalt + ctrl + f7 goes back to the graphical environment21:14
ThomasD_i have to try.21:14
TheSheepby the way, formatting can take a while21:14
ThomasD_but i should see the blinking of the hd led, or?21:15
TheSheepyeah, probably21:15
TheSheepthere should be a log file there too21:16
ThomasD_because the system do nothing.21:16
TheSheepwhich has detailed information21:16
TheSheepubiquity.log or something like that21:16
ThomasD_i got also problems to get into the live mode21:19
TheSheepany error messages?21:20
ThomasD_not on screen21:20
ThomasD_maybe in log files, but i don't reach the point to open this files21:21
TheSheepyou could experiment with some kernel boot options, maybe21:21
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto21:21
ThomasD_could it be that my hd is damaged?21:21
Poisoned_DragonI did suggest that earlier21:21
TheSheepIt could be anything, from faulty hardware, through non-standard or badly supported hardware, to just simply a bug in ubuntu itself21:22
TheSheepit's hard to say without any hints21:22
TheSheepif it's badly supported hardware or a bug, there may be a workaround21:23
ThomasD_ok, i will try to start with other boot options and open some log files21:23
TheSheepThomasD_: did you try googling for "ubuntu" and your laptop's make and model?21:23
TheSheepThomasD_: or searching the forums? often there are people who had similar problems but found a solution21:24
ThomasD_i have searched for it on google21:25
ThomasD_but that are older versions21:25
ThomasD_for a long time i had installed ubuntu 8 on this noteboot and there were no problems21:26
ThomasD_now i've tried to get into the console while the installation stucks. But the system don't react.21:28
ThomasD_the problem is bigger and i will use a forum to get some help. Thanks all for your help. Bye21:29
roninnnext debian will be with xfce4?22:22
bekksroninn: Doesnt matter in here.22:23
teratomaim running latest xubuntu, on thinkpad x201 with Intel 6200 AGN wireless using iwlwifi driver.  wireless works after boot.  wireless stops working after suspend.  what do i do?22:32
brainwashteratoma: that's most likely bug 118426222:39
ubottubug 1184262 in systemd-shim (Ubuntu Trusty) "[logind] times out too early, stuck in PrepareForSleep, causing network and other services to not resume" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118426222:39
teratomai will try  like it says22:40
teratomanmcli nm sleep false22:40
brainwashplease read comment #7322:41
brainwashfor a proper fix22:42
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