
thumperjason955: you sould be able to configure each mysql deploy to use a different port00:00
thumperjason955: and use the placement directive --to in order to put them on the same machine00:00
jason955I understand the placement directive.  So you are able to configure the port then.... Is this true for most charms?00:00
thumperjason955: I expect so, I think it is something the charm reviewers look for00:05
thumperminimal hard coding00:05
thumpersensible defaults but configurable00:05
jason955awesome, Juju is pretty exciting stuff!00:07
jason955also, currently I have a web server that that serves some static HTML for some pages and forwards to a WSGI service with an http proxy.  Is it possible to do this with Juju?  I see that I can make web servers but can you perform path-based routing?00:07
jason955or is there a way to just do domain based routing? to multiple proxy servers behind a main apache instance?00:11
jason955perhaps an example would be helpful: apache or nginx as the front web server.  A couple of different gunicorn instances behind the web server.  Can I configure the webserver to route to the different gunicorn relationships based on the top level domain being requested?00:17
marcoceppijason955: the apache 2 charm allows for this00:18
jason955Thanks.  I assume I just have to ssh into the charm and configure the apache files?00:19
sarnoldjason955: some details can be found here: http://manage.jujucharms.com/charms/precise/apache200:20
marcoceppijason955: note you can do it via charm configuration00:20
sarnoldlooks very nice :)00:20
jason955awesome.  Exactly what I was looking for!00:21
jason955nice video BTW marco00:21
* thumper goes to do some work00:21
marcoceppijason955: thanks! which one are you watching?00:21
jason955How to use the Local/LXC Provider (August 2013)00:22
jason955watched it last night00:22
freeflyingany doc for juju use tag to specify maas machine when deploy00:38
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marcoceppifreeflying: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charms-constraints.html#constraints-maas01:37
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freeflyingmarcoceppi, figured out, thanks01:39
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nesusvethello everyone. I can't destroy machine which status is pending08:04
davecheneynesusvet: not at the moment i am afraid09:16
nesusvetHmm, so what should I do? )09:17
davecheneynesusvet: can you paste the status of the machine09:18
davecheneyie, why isn't it going to come up09:18
nesusvetI tried to reboot it, and after this it's disappeared, but when I add it again, it has the pending status again09:18
nesusvetdavecheney,   http://pastebin.com/E1pbwBdb09:19
davecheneynesusvet: are you canonical ?09:19
davecheneyok, jus tchecking09:20
davecheneyshort answer is09:20
davecheneyonce you giv ethat machine to juju09:20
davecheneyyou can't touch it09:20
davecheneyi'm afraid there is currently no provision for removing that machine from status09:20
davecheneyand as a pending machine with no units assigned to it09:20
davecheneyit iwll attract a unit and fail to deploy it09:20
davecheneythe solution at the moment is to destory your environment and start again09:21
davecheneyi am sorry09:21
nesusvetsound bad )09:21
nesusvetwell I will do09:21
davecheneyyou mustn't use the maas console once themachine has been assigned to juju09:21
davecheneyotherwise it'll all go wrong09:21
nesusvetI did't use maas at all (09:23
nesusvetall that I did, just sshed on it and reboot09:24
davecheneyyeah, you can't do that either09:24
davecheneyonce juju is reponsible for the machine you must not touch it09:24
nesusvetI see09:24
davecheneyotherwise juju will get out of sync09:24
nesusvetthanks )09:24
nesusvetbut if I deploy thousand of server, so it might be dangerous. it's not flexible way (09:25
nesusvetWell, I have another question.09:25
davecheneynesusvet: we're working on fixing it09:25
davecheneyi'm sorry the fix isn't available yet09:25
nesusvetCan I deploy the juju agent on the node where maas is located?09:26
davecheneythe solution is to use maas tags09:26
davecheneyyou can use juju deploy --constraint="maas-name=XXXX"09:27
davecheneyi am not sure if it is available yet09:27
davecheneyit may be in version 1.1609:27
nesusvetinteresting. But juju does't see this machine.09:28
nesusvetI tryed to do juju add-machine ssh:ubuntu@ip-address09:29
davecheneynesusvet: ok, that is different09:29
davecheneyare you using the maas provider09:29
davecheneyor the ssh/manual/null provider ?09:29
davecheneyok, the maas provider cannot provision ssh: machines09:29
davecheneythat is the ssh provider09:29
nesusvetIt's not clear part for me.09:30
davecheneyi'm sorry, you cannot mix and match providers in a single environment09:30
nesusvetBut after this action juju started seeing my maas machine.09:30
davecheneyi cannot explain that09:30
nesusvetDo you mean, I can install juju agents's on the target machines even in case if I don't have maas?09:31
davecheneyyou can do this09:32
davecheneyit's called the manual provider09:32
davecheneyeach environment can be managed by a single provider09:32
davecheneyif you want to use the manual provider09:32
davecheneythose machines will be provisioned in a different environment09:33
davecheneyand will be unable to form relations to the machines in your maas environment09:33
davecheney(even though you may have asked maas for machines and provisioned them manually)09:33
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nesusvetThank you very much, davecheney09:54
nesusvetNow it's clear09:54
davecheneynesusvet: happy to help09:54
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TribaalHi all, I need some help debugging some juju/maas interaction. Is this the correct channel or should I jump to #juju-dev ?14:40
dpb1`Tribaal: what do you need?14:44
marcoceppiTribaal: we shoud be able to help here. Those in #juju-dev are also here14:45
TribaalI setup a local KVM MaaS server that spins up other KVM nodes via PXE - that seems to work fine. I pointed juju at it, and a "juju bootstrap" spun up a node ("juju status" reports). Spinning up charms however does not work - the nodes are started and provisionned (ubuntu installed), but they are stuck in a pending state forever14:47
Tribaallet me paste the juju logs14:47
Tribaalthat's the only file in /var/log/juju14:48
Tribaal"juju ssh" to the machine works14:49
Tribaalthe nodes can see the internet and talk to each other just fine14:49
dpb1`weird: 2013-11-06 13:40:26 ERROR juju runner.go:211 worker: exited "deployer": exec ["start" "--system" "jujud-unit-mysql-0"]: exit status 1 (start: Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory)14:49
Tribaalso I ran this by hand14:49
Tribaalit succeeds without the "--system"14:49
Tribaalbut then another log shows up in /var/log/juju14:49
Tribaalrepeating "/bin/sh: 1: exec: /var/lib/juju/tools/unit-mysql-0/jujud: not found"14:50
Tribaalthe tools directory has a machine-1 symlink, but no unit-* symlink14:50
dpb1`Tribaal: is this from trunk or from the ppa?15:10
Tribaaldpb1`: whatever comes from saucy - from teh node: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6370948/15:13
Tribaaldpb1`: is that what you meant?15:13
dpb1`Tribaal: also, it seems weird that it's passing --system ??15:13
dpb1`Tribaal: what version of juju do you have on your system where you are initating commands?15:14
Tribaaldpb1`: from the initiator: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6370959/15:16
dpb1`OK good15:16
dpb1`stable ppa15:16
dpb1`Tribaal: these are precise boxes?15:22
oatmanhi all, where would I look for advice on using the gunicorn charm (http://manage.jujucharms.com/charms/precise/gunicorn) ?15:22
oatmanie, I am writing a WSGI process, I guess I want to charm up my app and link it to the gunicorn charm some how, is it a subordinate?15:23
marcoceppioatman: yeah, the gunicorn charm is an interesting on15:28
oatmandescribing the charm as "interesting" is in itself interesting. Why so?15:29
marcoceppioatman: I've not used it and it's usecase alwasy seemed very narrow to me15:29
marcoceppioatman: I'd look in to how python-moinmoin charm works with this as it's what the author developed the charm to work with originally15:30
oatmanah, good plan15:30
oatmanI had noticed the reference in the readme15:30
oatmanthanks marcoceppi15:30
jcastromarcoceppi, after I bzr pull in your charm tools dir I need to do X to install it?15:55
jcastrosolve for X please15:55
marcoceppijcastro: use the PPA15:55
marcoceppi1.1.2 and trunk are the same at this time15:55
jcastrowhich ppa?15:55
marcoceppijcastro: wait, you've manually installed15:57
marcoceppiyou're going to have to clean a few things up15:57
marcoceppimanual install and ppa will just stomp all over eachother15:58
jcastromarcoceppi, ack, how do I blow away the manual install?16:06
jcastroarosales, when you get a chance today can you look at the sessions in the sidebar16:07
jcastrowe are out of slots and we're going to have to cut some sessions16:07
jcastroso we need to prioritize16:07
arosalesjcastro, will do16:10
jcastroarosales, we only need to cut like 3 sessions or so16:10
arosalesjcastro, thats not bad16:11
jcastroI asked for more room in an empty track but that's not happening, so we need  to cut the fat16:11
jcastroother than that, our schedule for UDS is basically done, I'll post to the list16:12
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marcoceppijcastro: rm -rf /usr/bin/juju-charm /usr/bin/charm-* /usr/bin/juju-bundle /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/charmtools16:36
marcoceppijcastro: then re-install the package16:36
jcastrogot it, thanks!16:38
rick_h_hazmat: ping, jujuclient review if you get a few min we need to release bundles. https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/python-jujuclient/adjust_constraint_handling/+merge/19417616:54
rick_h_hazmat: we'll have more coming, but after the release I think.16:54
marcoceppihey party people: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpj8gt7n29nu6ni5gl7sq9j0?authuser=0&hl=en16:58
marcoceppiCharm status in a few mins16:59
mind_mims is gone!! no wonder no one has reviewed my charm modifications.17:22
mind_jcastro: who should I request to review my node-app modifications. Did a bunch of things Mims asked for before he wanted to approve changes to it(hash check, default app, and source code install with option for repository install).17:27
jcastrohi mind_!17:27
jcastrolet me check it out17:27
jcastrodo you have a bug # handy by any chance?17:27
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mind_not a bug was just making it better17:28
scuttlemonkeyso is it possible to use juju on a set of established servers yet?17:28
scuttlemonkeyI know there was a request for that a while back17:29
jcastroscuttlemonkey, pretty close17:29
scuttlemonkeyahh neat17:29
jcastronext stable release probably17:29
scuttlemonkeyunfortunately that doesn't help me w/ the demo I'm building now on a rack for SC13 :)17:29
jcastrohmm, how is this MP not in the queue17:29
mind_is there a preffered repo for charmtools still or is the best version part of the main branch now17:30
jcastrothe stable PPA is what you want17:30
jcastromind_, ok I've subscribed it to the ~charmers team17:30
jcastroshould be reviewable next in the queue17:30
jcastromarcoceppi, ^^^17:30
mind_thank you17:30
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jcastrojcsackett, any idea why that branch wouldn't show up in the queue?17:31
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marcoceppiwebbrandon: jcastro: I'll have eyes on later today17:32
webbrandonthank you as always marco17:36
webbrandonthank you for adding mongodump suport to mongodb juan17:41
jcsackettjcastro: it doesn't have charmers as a requested reviewer; looks like you and Mims were requested directly.18:06
jcastrooh weird, I thought all MPs to anything in the charms namespace was autoqueued18:06
jcsackettjcastro: no, it's any MP with charmers as the requested reviewer (which is the default for charms owned by ~charmers).18:07
jcastrohuh, I wonder how this happened18:08
jcastrooh well, it's in the queue now18:08
jcastrowebbrandon, have we sent you a juju shirt for your contribution?18:08
scuttlemonkeyjcastro: can juju add-machine ssh: use .ssh/config to resolve somehow?18:19
scuttlemonkeyI see ip, hostname, and full user@ip18:19
jcastroscuttlemonkey, so there were a bunch of issues that prevented manual from working18:20
jcastroI don't know if we've fixed those yet in the dev releases18:20
jcastroI can give it a shot after lunch18:23
scuttlemonkeyok, so I'd have to pull from the dev ppa18:24
scuttlemonkeymay just use ceph-deploy and see if I can get there from here18:24
jcastrosinzui, do you know the status of manual provisioning in the dev releases offhand?18:24
sinzuiNo I don't18:24
jcastroscuttlemonkey, once it lands though it'll be so nice to deploy to like digital ocean, etc.18:25
sinzuijcastro, there is certainly one more bug that the devs want to include in a 1.17 release18:26
scuttlemonkeyjcastro: yah, definitely18:26
marcoceppijcastro: jcsackett it probably was originally assigned to charmers, when you claim review it's no longer assigned to charmers, so you need to make sure to say "When ready for another review, please "Requestion another review" from charmers"18:37
webbrandonI thought I remember someone saying a while back that juju-local bootstrap will no longer need to be done as a root, still coming or pipe dream?18:37
jcastrowebbrandon, that's coming18:38
jcsackettmarcoceppi: that makes sense. jcastro ^18:44
jcsackettoh, nm, you were highlighted in that too.18:44
webbrandonjcastro no i havent gotten a shirt18:52
webbrandonwould love one though18:53
jcastrowebbrandon, pm or mail me your address and I can send you one! (jorge@ubuntu.com)18:53
arosalessinzui, natefinch-afk: can you guys confirm the widows client got updated to 1.16.2 so it also receives the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/124632018:59
_mup_Bug #1246320: Azure bootstrap fails: versioning header is not specified <azure> <bootstrap> <Go Windows Azure Client Library:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <juju-core:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Released by wallyworld> <juju-core trunk:Fix Committed by wallyworld> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <juju-core (Ubuntu Saucy):New> <juju-core (Ubuntu Trusty):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246320>18:59
sinzuiarosales, yes, that is what we updated every link to https://juju.ubuntu.com/install/19:00
arosalessinzui, thanks for confirming.19:00
webbrandonjcastro I just emailed you (from brandon clark)19:02
hazmatrick_h_, why do you want that behavior?19:18
hazmatrick_h_, the client lib explictly avoids trying to do policy things.. ie. that whitelist already misses lots of constraints19:19
rick_h_hazmat: because bundles were failing to deploy from the gui silently because they had pyjuju style constraints. We spent a lot of time debugging it yesterday. Noted in there we want to try to work on getting messages/errors out of the client up to the deployer and back into the gui, but that's going to take some more work19:20
rick_h_hazmat: yea, it's a hacky temp fix. I pulled the list of suported gui juju-core constraints to check against19:20
hazmatrick_h_, sorry this is the right layer for a temp fix19:21
hazmatrick_h_, deployer would be fine19:21
hazmatrick_h_, but its not really about white listing.. its about blacklisting19:21
hazmatrick_h_, there are new constraints all the time, and this white list already misses a few19:22
rick_h_hazmat: well we've talked about trying to be able to get a vocabulary from juju itself, but not available yet. Not sure how a blacklist would work best.19:22
hazmatrick_h_, you have a specific problem wrt to pyjuju compatiblity around constraint keys.19:22
rick_h_hazmat: well, around people manually creating deplyer files hand entering constraints, and those causing really impossible ot trace errors19:23
hazmatrick_h_, fair enough, but we don't really want to update a constraint list every time19:24
rick_h_hazmat: +119:24
hazmatrick_h_, the real issue is the reporting. you have a specific case of pyjuju constraint keys that aren't valid against juju, you can play to that case in the app level (deployer or gui)19:25
rick_h_hazmat: ideally we'll get errors from the rpc call in the client, back to the deployer, to the guiserver, to the gui UX for users when it fails19:25
hazmatrick_h_, yeah, that error reporting would be ideal19:25
rick_h_I'm trying to unblock the bundles release asap with this fix. Understand if you'd prefer it happen elesewhere or differently.19:25
hazmatrick_h_, silently stripping the user input without feedback is likely to cause its own set of surprises.19:25
rick_h_the thought was that limiting the constraints of bundles while we get the reporting in place was a reasonable band-aid19:25
rick_h_hazmat: understood19:26
hazmatrick_h_, fair enough.. but the band aid should go as close to the app as possible, not prevent use in the client libs of valid constraints.19:26
hazmat rick_h_ where does the reporting break errors back to the user breakdown?19:33
rick_h_hazmat: so the client throws a EnvError that doesn't have the message from the rpc call19:34
rick_h_hazmat: so the deployer can check for EnvError, but the error isn't helpful19:34
rick_h_hazmat: and the deployer throws exceptions without any messages so it needs updating to get them back and the guiserver bits in there need to get it on the ws back to the gui charm19:35
hazmatrick_h_, so the client error message should have details19:35
hazmatrick_h_, if not thats a bug..19:36
rick_h_hazmat: yea, it'll be step 119:36
hazmatrick_h_, the entire response is attached to the enverror so not clear how it goes missing19:36
hazmatrick_h_, step 1 afaics is really about fixing deployer err handling so that's its more suited for this as a  library usage instead of its current i'm a cli tool and i fail fast on error.19:38
hazmatrick_h_, what would the gui want  as a form of error?19:39
rick_h_hazmat: rgr, same type of stuff we're hitting with charmtools and proofing.19:39
hazmatrick_h_, yup19:39
rick_h_hazmat: not sure, atm debugging a charmworld release issue with webops so will have to get back with you19:39
hazmatrick_h_, is there any expectation or error handling for deploys in gui?19:39
rick_h_hazmat: no, because it's async we fire the deploy request off and errors don't get back right now. At least in our debugging why come bundles were failing to work yesterday19:40
hazmatrick_h_, that sounds like a separate / additional issue with the guiserver deployer middleware.19:41
rick_h_hazmat: +1 the guiserver bit int he deployer needs to communicate errors back to the gui server in the charm19:41
rick_h_hazmat: right now, in env/gui.py it calls deploy and walks away19:42
hazmatrick_h_, and a common way to communicate errors is exceptions.. so three separate issues rich exception passthrough and handle exceptions at gui server, and ... implement error handling in the gui for bundles19:43
rick_h_hazmat: yes, that's the fix we want to do. To move forward today the band-aid fix came up. If it's not ok, then we'll do something else. However, trying to get to release today/tomorrow.19:45
hazmatrick_h_, the closest place to gui that's reasonable to do a hack is the guiserver deployer middleware19:46
rick_h_hazmat: rgr, will move the band-aid there for now then and we'll be fixing coms/deployer as a library as follow ups post-release19:46
hazmatrick_h_, sounds good19:49
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dpb1`Hi all: how do I get something out of life: dying?  I want the service gone.20:44
marcoceppidpb1`: are any of the units in a dying state?20:52
dpb1`marcoceppi: actually the units removed just fine21:02
dpb1`marcoceppi: but the service is still there.  dying. :)21:02
marcoceppidpb1`: status output?21:02
dpb1`ya, sec21:03
dpb1`marcoceppi: pft, it's gone21:03
dpb1`marcoceppi: wdyd21:03
marcoceppidpb1`: magic ;)21:04
dpb1`well, that is fine with me.  I was too quick I think21:04
webbrandonhmmm nothing will install from apt-get if I use -y -qq options.  Getting a cgroup-lite error.  Haven't seen this before and this charm used to work.  On juju-local, anyone seen this?21:30
marcoceppiwebbrandon: this is a known issue, being patched atm21:32
marcoceppiwebbrandon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cgroup-lite/+bug/124729921:33
_mup_Bug #1247299: local provider deploys fail with 'install hook failed' <local-provider> <juju-core:Fix Committed by thumper> <juju-core 1.16:Fix Released by thumper> <cgroup-lite (Ubuntu):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1247299>21:33
* thumper sighs some more21:35
* marcoceppi giggles21:35
rick_h_thumper: we <3 you for fixing it21:35
thumperif only everyone used juju from trunk21:36
thumperthere would be chaos everywhere21:36
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webbrandonCan't wait to see your fix in play thumper. Thank you21:47
marcoceppihello aaronfc o/21:52
aaronfcI just bought a VPS (under OpenVz) with Ubuntu Server 13.04, and I want to use Juju.21:52
aaronfcI tried installing juju-local, but I get an error about "lxc"21:52
marcoceppiaaronfc: can you put your error on paste.ubuntu.com ?21:52
aaronfcsure! http://paste.ubuntu.com/6372971/21:53
aaronfcdo you need full error ?21:54
aaronfcfull error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6372981/21:55
thumperaaronfc: I'd highly suggest not using juju-local on a VPS21:56
thumperaaronfc: the local provider is targetted for development purposes21:57
thumperand unless this is what you are wanting to use it for21:57
thumperit may be better to try the manual bootstrapping21:57
thumperaaronfc: the lxc service failed to start, logs probably in /var/log/upstart/lxc.log21:58
aaronfcI'm trying the juju-local because I thought it was the only option without using a cloud service provider. Am I wrong?21:58
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thumperaaronfc: yes21:58
thumperaaronfc: there is a way to manually bootstrap juju to an environment you have ssh access to21:59
thumperit is still very much beta21:59
thumperbut workable21:59
aaronfcI found juju yesterday and I thought giving a try on my brand new VPS :)22:00
contextemphisis on the "ISH" ;)22:00
contexti was able to use juju-local without much problems on vmware-fusion locally no problem22:00
thumperlocal is really targetted for devs to use on their own computers22:00
aaronfclog file does not exist22:00
thumperarosales: what about with a .gz?22:01
aaronfcin my case which would be the better choice ?22:01
contextbut i was running 13.1022:01
aaronfc(I do not have any cloud provider and I do not have the money to get one)22:01
* thumper nods22:01
thumperthis is one of the main use cases we had for the manual provisioning and manual bootstrap22:01
* arosales assumes that ping was for aaronfc 22:01
aaronfcany references for manual provisioning on juju ?22:02
aaronfc(and the manual bootstrap)22:02
* thumper wonders where the docs are22:03
marcoceppithumper: they won't land until the feature is complete22:04
thumpermarcoceppi: I was checking the juju help topics22:04
marcoceppithumper: oh that's on you guys22:04
thumperbut they aren't there either22:04
thumperaaronfc: ping axw when he comes on line :-)22:04
aaronfcshould I wait for a more usable version ?22:04
thumperdepends how daring you are22:04
aaronfcjust the right amount22:05
aaronfcseems relatively difficult to get it work (couldn't find anything interesting on google :( )22:09
aaronfcdo you guys know any alternative?22:10
thumperif you want to use juju, then manually bootstrapping is the only way to work in an unsupported cloud / non-cloud machine22:17
webbrandonaaronfc: You could also use AWS free tier for now if you have to much trouble with those methods(untill they are complete)  Just be sure to launch a micro instance.22:17
webbrandonyou have 775 free hours of micro instance use22:17
webbrandonadds up quick when you have several instances going22:18
aaronfcthumper, can you develop a little more the "manually bootstrapping" ?22:20
marcoceppiwebbrandon: if you like having your computer cycles stolen from you22:20
aaronfcIt sounds like what I require, but can't find any info in how to do that22:20
aaronfcwebbrandon, thanks for the info :)22:21
thumperaaronfc: I've not done it myself, but I know the guy that wrote it22:21
thumperaaronfc: ask a question on 'ask ubuntu', tag with juju, and I'll get him to answer22:21
webbrandonmarcoceppi: I know thats what sucks, but not a bad option for testing when your the only one accessing the instance22:23
webbrandonaaronfc: First part of this vid will show you how to get basic AWS setup(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vV8KYbFUcQw) Also this is the juju doc (https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-aws.html) And this is how you launch a micro instance (juju bootstrap --constraints "cpu-power=0 cpu-power=0 mem=512M")22:26
aaronfcwebbrandon, really appreciate your help :)22:28
aaronfcI will write all this down in case I finally can not get Juju to work locally :)22:28
marcoceppiaaronfc: everything is logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2013/11/06/%23juju.html22:29
marcoceppiupdated every hour22:29
aaronfcnice to know22:32
aaronfcHi Obama, how are you?22:32
webbrandonwhats out for thumper if you start talking about politics!!22:35
* thumper squints at webbrandon22:35
aaronfcIt's a pitty :( I'm really disappointed22:39
aaronfcI really wanted to install Juju! :( (I'm like a kid now, I know haha)22:39
aaronfcquestion about a new approach22:40
aaronfcis there any possibility to get my VPS being handled by my local computer? I mean, installing Juju on my machine (MAC) and configure it to handle my VPS as a cloud-provider ?22:41
marcoceppiaaronfc: that's more or less manual provider22:43
marcoceppiif you do proper port forwarding, I think you can do a local deployment then use juju add-machine to inlist servers outside via SSH22:43
marcoceppiaaronfc: what OS are you running now?22:43
aaronfcon my local machine ?22:44
aaronfcOSX Maverick (I do not know how to spell it, the last one)22:44
marcoceppiaaronfc: there's a Vagrant box laying around somewhere that you can use to spin up an Ubuntu VM with the local provider configured and deployed22:44
marcoceppiso you can play with juju without needing to pay for an external source22:45
marcoceppithumper: I haven't seen an announcement yet, but was that local provider snafu fixed/released in 1.16.3?22:45
thumpermarcoceppi: should be22:45
thumperis it out?22:45
marcoceppino idea22:45
* marcoceppi checks the ppa22:46
marcoceppino :(22:46
aaronfcmarcoceppi, would this Vagrant box allow me to manage my VPS ?22:46
marcoceppiaaronfc: no, not really at least not in an easy or proven fashion22:47
aaronfcOh :( this is really sad22:47
aaronfcdo you guys think Juju will at some point work out of the box for managing local machine ?22:48
marcoceppiaaronfc: you can manage a local machine, you're trying to manage a remote machine one-off with juju22:48
aaronfcI guess it is juju-local what I'm looking for, but as you saw I couldn't get it to work22:48
marcoceppiaaronfc: that's on the roadmap22:48
aaronfcI'm trying to manage a remote machine, from that remote machine22:49
marcoceppiaaronfc: juju-local is designed for development/testing of juju and charms locally on your machine, not on a remote machine. Manual provisioning is what you want and it's due to land soon in Juju22:49
aaronfcI mean, I sshed on my VPS, and tried there to install juju-local22:49
aaronfcnow I understood :)22:49
aaronfcdo you have any expected date ?22:50
marcoceppiaaronfc: right, that's not how juju works. It works better when you install juju on MacOSX from Homebrew, then bootstrap/manage a remote cloud22:50
aaronfcor anywhere  I could "subscribe" to know ?22:50
marcoceppiaaronfc: sign up for our mailing list to follow release announcements and discussions of juju features https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/juju22:50
aaronfcok, thanks22:50
aaronfcmarcoceppi, I gess installing on MacOSX would work22:51
marcoceppiaaronfc: there's preliminary support already, but it's not documented and doesn't quite work yet, I suspect 1.17.0 will address a lot of the outstanding issues22:51
jason955Say I want to deploy some static HTML and possibly some PHP.  How would I go about doing that with Juju?  I figured I could just use Apache but don't know how to load the files into the charm.  It seems so straightforward but I can't figure out the correct way to do this.  Am I overthinking this?22:51
aaronfcbut right now (and correct me if I'm wrong please) there is not easy way to manage a remote machine (by ssh)22:51
aaronfcI need a cloud provider22:51
aaronfca VPS is not valid22:52
marcoceppiaaronfc: right, juju currently works best with a cloud provider. However, we're building a manual provider (in the works) that will allow you to manage one or more VPS machines/servers with Juju22:52
aaronfcthat's awesome22:54
aaronfcthen I will drop Juju for a while until it gets that manual provider :D22:54
aaronfcI'll suscribe to the mailing list you sent before22:54
aaronfcthank you all so much :)22:54
marcoceppiaaronfc: sure, feel free to post asking about the manual provider, etc. A lot of juju people are here, but we're spread out around the world. Mailing list/askubuntu is a great place to have a longer running discussion22:55
jason955Say I want to deploy some static HTML and possibly some PHP.  How would I go about doing that with Juju?  I figured I could just use Apache but don't know how to load the files into the charm.  It seems so straightforward but I can't figure out the correct way to do this.  Am I overthinking this?22:58
marcoceppijason955: so, there is no real generic "php" charm. You'd need to write a charm for that particular set of php code23:03
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jason955marcoceppi: thanks.  How about html? Same story?23:38
marcoceppijason955: HTML should be easier, let me check the charm23:38
jason955marcoceppi: thanks!23:38
jason955I'm just trying to grasp the Juju concepts here.  I really like the idea and would like to contribute if I can.  Do you guys need any help on the project?  I can write docs.  I can code in Python.  I know a little bit of bash.  I understand design patterns.23:41
marcoceppijason955: we need docs, we need charms!23:48
jason955marcoceppi: it looks like the LAMP charm will pull from a repo23:48
marcoceppijason955: yes, I was about to mention that as an alternaive23:48
marcoceppithe apache2 charm is really more like a loadbalancer/routing charm23:48
jason955How do I get started?  Sign up on to launchpad?23:48
marcoceppijason955: yeah, grab a launchpad account, it's free. Then check out http://juju.ubuntu.com/docs for information about charm authors23:49
marcoceppijason955: there's a tool not mentioned on the writing a charm section yet, called charm-tools, I recommend installilng it and running `juju charm create` to get a basic template for a charm, then reading the charm author docs23:50
jason955awesome.  Thanks.  I've read most of the docs.  I will check out the charm-tools software.23:51
sarnoldstrongly recommended, it'll save some time and effort and beats hand-copying from the docs :) hehe23:51
marcoceppijason955: if you're on Ubuntu, you can `sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable` then apt-get update apt-get install charm-tools; there's an MSI for Windows and you can pip install charm-tools for Mac OSX23:52
jason955I saw there is a Nginx charm but the development has stopped.  How can I get the source from where the author left off?23:52
marcoceppijason955: once you have Bazaar and Launchpad you can run bzr branch against the code branch for it23:53
jason955marcoceppi: thanks.  I will be sure to DL the tool.23:53
jason955I've used git and hg before so I need to learn a bit about bzr23:53
marcoceppijason955: if you're referring to this one, then the branch is the second URL listed: http://manage.jujucharms.com/~imbrandon/precise/nginx23:53
webbrandonthe first time using bzr may be a pain but once you get it going it is a cinch23:54
marcoceppijason955: it's very similar to both, it's a DVCS tool, you bzr add, bzr commit, bzr push, etc. Only difference is you don't clone you "branch". Branches in bazaar (unlike git) are hosted externally23:54
marcoceppiso each repo is a branch23:55
jason955got it.  I'll read some tutorials but sounds pretty similar to what I'm used to.23:55
* marcoceppi nods, feel free to ping in here if you need any help23:56
jason955thanks for your help.  I look forward to contributing.23:56
marcoceppijason955: no, thank you! feel free to record any feedback about our docs and post them to the mailing list. Having users provide feedback on how we can improve is much apprecaited23:57

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