
ScottKmamarley: Thanks.  Since debfx  tested it before, I'll let him have first crack at it.04:43
ScottKshadeslayer: Pretty sure it's OK.04:43
soeegood morning07:08
lordievaderGood morning.07:32
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yofelcan someone try to run the nepomuk kcm in 4.11.3? Here running 'kcmshell4 nepomuk' gives me a frozen window09:52
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soeeyofel, if you tell me that i can upgrade my machine @ work :D10:02
soee4.11.3 officially released ?10:02
vHandaNothing has changed in the nepomuk kcm for 4.11.310:03
valoriereleased by KDE10:10
yofelvHanda: probably, but then I wonder why it's hanging. (I was trying to stop it in an attempt to kill virtuoso)10:14
yofelif only I could tell virtuoso to not run while on battery :S10:15
vHandaIndexing doesn't run when on battery10:15
vHandaqueries and all, yes. Anyway, we're working on a replacement so this should get a lot better.10:15
yofelyeah, but nepomuk isn't doing anything as far as I can tell. It's just virtuoso-t using 100% cpu10:16
vHandathen that's virtuoso going mad, just kill it10:16
vHandaIt has a nack for doing that at times :/10:16
yofelyeah, SIGKILL helped :/10:17
yofelnow the kcm works again ^^10:18
vHandaurgh, virtuoso10:18
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:59
Mamarokclaydoh: /me grrrmls at Basil Chupin on the ML, should we drop him a note? That guy is not even using Kubuntu14:15
apacheloggeruhhh, drama?14:21
apachelogger"Your signature line tells me that you are from Holland - Utrecht, the 14:22
apacheloggerplace where my wife's god-daughter (and our 'unofficial niece') was 14:22
apacheloggermarried to Jarno [but both who now live in Melbourne, Australia]."14:22
apacheloggerclaydoh: Mamarok: ask him to refrain from posting until such time that he actually uses kubuntu maybye?14:24
apacheloggerand inform him that his life story aint not belonging on no mailing list14:24
BluesKajbut he has such an interesting life , he just wants to share it with everyone :)14:26
apacheloggerhe can gladly share it on the facebookz or something14:26
BluesKajI'm sure he already does , but he's more special than the rest of us so we deserve to hear all about it, don't you understand ? :)_14:29
apachelogger"Ask release team about possibility of a .10.1 ISO for kubuntu and ubuntustudio" <- ScottK shadeslayer_ Riddell did anything come out of that?14:40
shadeslayer_apachelogger: IIRC you said that updating via installer works14:41
shadeslayer_so I did not pursue that14:41
apacheloggermh, k14:42
benvantendehey kubuntu devs14:46
benvantendesince a few months i get this purple background with video's. a bit randomly. i could not find that as an issue somewhere. does that sound familiar?14:47
soeegraphic card issue benvantende  ?14:48
apacheloggerdefine purple background please14:48
shadeslayer_the ubuntu wallpaper xD14:49
soeealso what videos ?14:49
apacheloggershadeslayer_: prepping a mail to -devel and -users on UEFI14:49
apachelogger"Create a comprehensive guide on how to install despite broken UEFI"14:49
soeemaybe they are just encoded wrong14:49
shadeslayer_apachelogger: ack14:49
apacheloggershadeslayer_: I wonder where to put such a guide14:49
apacheloggeror whether it would suffice to detail that in the mail14:49
shadeslayer_apachelogger: maybe a announcement on kubuntu.org as well14:49
shadeslayer_apachelogger: wiki?14:49
apacheloggerwiki aint for users :P14:49
apacheloggerquestion is14:49
* shadeslayer_ is feeling poorly today, not going to be online for long14:50
apacheloggerhow detailed should we go there anyway14:50
Mamarokclaydoh: sent a mail, you should see it in -owner14:50
benvantendeno, it comes as a layer behind the video and also disappears again. in full screen i can see the video darkens. so with all youtube (html 5) and vimeo14:50
apacheloggershadeslayer_: because if we assume: must install with updates or you are screwed, then that can just be outlined in the mail really14:50
apacheloggermanual repair is somewhat tricky anyway14:50
shadeslayer_"No one tested stuff on EFI, some details about post install issue, fix pushed, two ways to fix, document both fixes"14:50
shadeslayer_fine, the less technical people will just reinstall, the more technically able people with try recovery14:51
apacheloggerwe could also write a scripty to attempt fixing that14:51
apacheloggerbut chances are that goes wrong and then it's even more screwed :P14:52
apacheloggerbenvantende: how do you see it if it is behind the video?14:52
benvantendeapachelogger: ahaaa well it extends a little bit beyond the border of the video. taking a screenshot does not work, because that seems to redraw the screen 14:54
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benvantendeapachelogger: so ok. it is hard to say if it as a layer behind. could be on top too.14:56
apacheloggersounds like a driver bug if a screen redraw fixes it14:57
apachelogger`ubuntu-bug video` should bring up an appropriate bug report screen14:58
benvantendebut does not sound familiar?14:58
benvantendePackage video does not exist.15:00
apacheloggershadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6370898/15:00
apacheloggerbenvantende: nope15:00
apacheloggerbenvantende: maybe it was ubuntu-bug display15:03
apacheloggerwell, if all else fails, try to find out what graphics driver you have and report a bug against that ;)15:03
apachelogger-> afk15:03
benvantendeok tHNx15:03
apacheloggerScottK, shadeslayer, Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6371017/ announcement mail15:24
Riddellapachelogger: I'd get rid of "the final version of" as that sounds like there might be other versions16:26
Riddellapachelogger: where do you expect to put that?16:27
apacheloggerRiddell: -devel -users16:28
Riddellapachelogger: and kubuntu.org?16:28
Riddellmaybe update the release page too16:28
apacheloggerdid that aready16:29
Riddellovidiu-florin: travel funds approved!16:29
ovidiu-florinRiddell: by Canonical?16:34
ovidiu-florinRiddell: thanks for the news16:35
ovidiu-florinKDE 4.11.3 was released. Is it available in backports already?16:35
RiddellI've not looked at it at all, been working on kde frameworks coinstallability16:39
soeeits i ninjas ppa :)16:40
soeeim using it since 2 days on saucy. works perfect16:40
yofelsaucy is done and needs to be copied, raring needs testing, precise needs fixing16:42
* Riddell high fives yofel 16:57
geniiHm. Maybe the #kubuntu !contribute factoid needs updating. It's pretty Ubuntu-centric.17:00
Riddellhi bukai :)17:22
bukaiRiddell:  hi17:23
Riddellbukai: are you going to become an elite kubuntu contributor? 17:24
bukaiRiddell: yes , but i need some help regarding how to proceed.17:25
bukaiRiddell: i am really eager to contribute and become an elite contributor.17:27
RiddellI need to run off now but there's others about or I'll be back later this evening17:29
bukaiRiddell: ok :)17:30
debfxmamarley: sorry, forgot about your upstart script. the problem was that I've tested it with precise. newer upstart version call initgroups() so that should be fine.17:32
debfxstill need to test it though17:32
debfxScottK: do you have an unpushed quassel bzr branch or should I just import the latest version?18:20
mamarleydebfx: Using start-stop-daemon doesn't seem to cause any problems, so should I just stick with that?19:00
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genii"Begin 64-Bit Download" at http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download#download-block is broken. Url has raring in the path but saucy iso file 20:22
eagles0513875genii: you beat me to it lol20:23
eagles0513875genii: according to launchpad Riddell seems to be in charge of the site not sure who else has access to it20:23
eagles0513875genii: bug already reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-website/+bug/124865620:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 1248656 in Kubuntu Website "Kubntu 64bit download link not working" [Undecided,New]20:24
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apacheloggeryofel: https://trello.com/c/6YqRWWdd22:47
eagles0513875apachelogger: are you able to fix something on the kubuntu website?22:48
Riddelleagles0513875: what's up?22:49
eagles0513875Riddell: its a rather urgent bug the 64bit iso on the download page the button is pointing to raring with nothign there22:49
eagles0513875bug 124865622:49
ubottubug 1248656 in Kubuntu Website "Kubuntu 64bit download link not working" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124865622:49
Riddelleagles0513875: how's it now?22:50
eagles0513875thanks :) Riddell its working now22:50
eagles0513875whats the normal procedure for website bugs? just to file a bug on launchpad?22:51
Riddelleagles0513875: and ping someone here22:51
Riddellso you did good :)22:52
eagles0513875:) I am wondering if that should be added on the website somewhere. especially now that a 3rd party has taken over maintaining kubuntu etc instead of canonical22:52
valorieI got hit with the muon updating bug -- 5 mins and it's still grayed out and working away with no progress22:53
valoriealso grayed out: the cancel button22:53
Riddellvalorie: fix may well be in 2.1 branch if you want to test a git compile22:56
Riddelleagles0513875: no third party, kubuntu is still incharge of kubuntu22:56
valoriehmm, so that means uninstall muon, and then compile muon from git?22:57
Riddelljust compile muon from git and install that over the package22:57
valorieah, ok22:57
valorieI'll check the muon techbase for details22:58
eagles0513875Riddell: hopefully with ikonia mentoring me ill be able to package stuff for the community :) 22:58
Riddellthat would be awesome22:58
Riddellcalligra needs done :) 22:58
Riddell(it's a beast)22:58
eagles0513875:) also mysql workbench22:59
eagles0513875we have 5.2.47 latest is 6.0.722:59
eagles0513875probably be best to get that pushed upstream?22:59
Riddellthat's up to the server team, I assume they have their reasons23:02
eagles0513875Riddell: workbench is a GUI front end though not server side23:02
yofelapachelogger: I know - what should we do about merging? AFAIK nothing got done and I was busy with 4.11.323:03
apacheloggeryofel: I think the conclusion was to not merge at all23:14
yofelif we had a conclusion then I missed it - though I guess nobody doing anything would be a conclusion of some sort23:15
valorieI asked for a conclusion on the list and got no reply23:16
apacheloggerwhich is the conclusion :P23:16
valorieand yet the consensus seemed to be 'merge when it seems a good idea'23:16
valoriewhich is why I asked23:16
apacheloggerFWIW considering the amount of weird regressions we get out of merging it doesn't seem like the worst of ideas for 14.0423:17
yofelwell, we could still do a comparison with debian later on to cherry pick some fixes23:17
yofelfull merging is generally full of regressions :S23:18
valoriei'm in the build folder of muon after cloning, but I've forgotten how to change to 2.1 branch23:36
valorieand then: 23:36
valoriecmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DebugFull ..23:36
valoriemake && sudo make install23:36
valoriemuon isn't ON techbase, btw23:42
valoriewhich is a bit weak23:42

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