
netrunner_Thank you, i have problems with my kernel00:25
netrunner_can you help me?00:25
valorienetrunner_: how about telling us what is going wrong?00:27
netrunner__i can not boot to desktop it stuck at this screen00:47
netrunner__i can only see this screen if i press Ctrl + F700:47
netrunner__any idea?00:50
netrunner__the kernel 3.2.0-52-generic-pae kernel works - but not the newer ones :-(00:52
netrunner__who writes the kernels?00:52
valorienetrunner__: it asks about dmseg00:54
valorieI mean dmsg -- did you try that?00:54
valoriethe kernel team writes the kernels, but there is a channel for the Ubuntu kernel devels: #ubuntu-kernel00:55
valorievery helpful people00:55
netrunner__didnt try dmsg?00:56
valorietry that in a console and see what the output is00:56
netrunner__do i just have to write this in the terminal?00:56
valorieyou'll need that to talk to the devels anyway00:56
valorieyes, as your error message says00:57
netrunner__thats the output00:58
valorieI'm sorry, my spelling was wrong00:58
valorieit is dmesg00:59
valoriejust as your first paste showed00:59
netrunner__the output is longer than my terminal can show01:00
netrunner__can i look back further in the terminal?01:00
valoriethe most recent will be what is interesting, I assume01:02
valorietry man dmesg for more information, in another console01:03
netrunner__jep one moment01:03
valorieI am unqualified to comment on this, but the devels in #ubuntu-kernel might be helpful to you01:05
* valorie goes to dinner; wishes netrunner__ the best of luck01:05
netrunner__ok, i will go there01:06
netrunner__thanks a lot! :-)01:07
netrunner__this is why i like linux so much01:07
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:23
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zztoplessI hope every love's helping stupid newbs....05:31
zztoplessI had been ploying around with several files in order to see the console during boot and to end the boot phase in the console, without lightdm starting (was having issues with .Xauthority, as well as the issues that can come up when installing Nvidia drivers (including trying to get the Cuda Toolkit installed).  Anyway, it seemed to be working, I would see the console, had worked out where05:37
zztoplesssome issues were, but I wanted to test the boot phase wuth the normal splash screen, so I (thought I) correctly commented out changes I had made and uncommented out other lines I had replaced.05:37
zztoplessLong story short, the caps lock, num lock and scroll lock lights are flashing in sync once it gets past the grub2 screen and the monitors freeze05:38
zztoplessI can boot into windows without an issue on a different disk (and access the files on the ext4 Kubuntu system disk with Paragon extfs05:39
zztoplessany advice would be greatly appreciated, have spent quite a bit of time setting up this particular install.  Although a bit flakey, I can use Paragon to edit files, but am setting up a kb vm to be safe.05:41
zztoplessI have copied the /log directory if that helps, just struggling to make sense of what I'm looking at05:42
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excognachi all07:07
lordievaderGood morning.07:31
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eagles0513875hey guys does anyone else here have an elantech track pad on their laptop?08:47
Wizardeagles0513875: What's wrong with your trackpad?09:23
eagles0513875Wizard: its basically disabled and it seems like the system sees it but doesnt work09:27
WizardWhat does xinput say about it?09:29
jussieagles0513875: system settings/input devices/touchpad? also, do you have a touchpad disable keyboard combo on you laptop?09:31
eagles0513875jussi: i have looked there in system settings and it seems like there is no way to turn it on from there. i do have a keyboard combo and when i press it nothing seems to happen09:32
eagles0513875its like the track pad is permanently disabled09:33
jussieagles0513875: do you have an alternative OS still installed?09:33
eagles0513875jussi: no i do not sadly :(09:33
eagles0513875this was a fresh install of 13.1009:33
valorieis synaptiks installed, eagles0513875?09:33
jussieagles0513875: it may be that it was turned off in the alt os and so therefore it now stays off09:33
eagles0513875[10:34:26] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about synaptiks O_o it seems like synaptiks doesnt even exist09:34
eagles0513875ahh wait name changed09:34
eagles0513875valorie: its already installed09:35
valoriename changed?09:36
valoriewhat's is called now?09:36
eagles0513875valorie: kde-config-touchpad - touchpad configuration tool (synaptiks)09:36
valorieah, ok09:37
valorieI guess that's a better name09:38
valorieI dislike all the cute code names09:38
eagles0513875dont blame you. but still not working09:38
valorieSynaptiks always sounded like a 'cool jazz' band09:38
jussivalorie: synaptiks was pretty descriptive, given it was designed for synaptiks branded touchpads...09:41
brake4711hallo und guten Morgen09:42
valoriejussi: ah, I've never heard of them09:42
lordievader!de | brake471109:43
ubottubrake4711: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!09:43
lordievadereagles0513875: Does it work in a live-cd?09:43
brake4711thank you09:43
eagles0513875will try that next lordievader09:43
WizardThere is no Swiss channel?! :O09:48
ubottuThe Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it09:50
eagles0513875Wizard: ^ :p09:50
WizardWhat about retoroman or how is this language caled? :P09:53
WizardDiscrimination! Not acceptable in EU.09:53
lordievaderWizard: You can start a ##kubuntu-ch channel ;)09:54
WizardHell no, I'm satisfied with trolls on -pl ;)09:55
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alvinAm I the only one not liking the simplified UI of NetworkManager? Is there a way to get the old one back?10:22
Wizardalvin: You're not alone.10:25
alvinThat's a relief :-)10:26
alvinI wonder if this is an upstream change, or just Kubuntu-only10:26
valorieit really is less buggy10:27
alvinI can believe that. It's just the looks10:28
alvinWell, actually the way you have to click more to get all settings.10:29
jussialvin: I am with you on this. the other one was much better looking and nicer to use IMHO10:29
kakakalhello everyone, i am using UBuntu 12.04 LTS kernel 3.2 .0.52 and i installed KDE environment in it, KDE is very good in looks and i like it, but i am having two problems with it, 1. Fucntion keys are working very well when i login to UbUNTU ENVIRONMENT, BUT THEy are not working when i log back into KDE session, so this is the problem with KDE not with kernel. 2. HIbernations is not working, i enabled hibernation in Ubuntu and when i click to hibernate i just 10:38
excognackakakal: funciton keys maybe different?10:39
kakakalexcognac: volume keys are not working with KDE, while they are working in GNOMe,10:39
kakakalexcognac: same hardware, just logging out and changing sesssion10:40
excognacbtw is that normal in 13.10 kubuntu that at login screen I can't witch between environments. only kde plasma workspace is offered, if i click that it will become bold, is that the failsafe one?10:41
excognackakakal: same with reboot?10:41
kakakalno, reboot is working fine10:41
kakakalshut down, lock, sleep to ram, all are working fine10:41
kakakalonly hibernation is not working10:42
lordievaderkakakal: Have you defined your fn keys in System Settings -> Shortcuts and Gestures. Might be that it simply uses a different keyboard shortcut for those actions.10:44
excognaclordievader: I forgot ? mark. what about 13.10 changeing session?10:46
lordievaderexcognac: What?10:47
excognaclordievader: at login screen under the password field I can't really change type of session. Why is that?10:48
excognace.g. failsafe environment10:49
lordievaderexcognac: Can you send a screenshot?10:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:49
excognaclordievader: not sure, i'll try10:50
excognaclordievader: i failed to make screenshot :(10:53
lordievaderexcognac: Make a picture ;)10:54
excognaclordievader: you want me to draw it lol?10:55
excognacwhy logout and and shutr down takes longer in 13.10 comparing to 12.04?10:59
kakakalhello everyone, i am using UBuntu 12.04 LTS kernel 3.2 .0.52 and i installed KDE environment in it, KDE is very good in looks and i like it, but i am having two problems with it, 1. Fucntion keys are working very well when i login to UbUNTU ENVIRONMENT, BUT THEy are not working when i log back into KDE session, so this is the problem with KDE not with kernel. 2. HIbernations is not working, i enabled hibernation in Ubuntu and when i click to hibernate i just 11:03
kakakallordievader: let me check11:04
kakakallordievader: i didn't find any shortcut for volume up11:06
kakakalor brightness11:06
lordievaderkakakal: Global Shortcuts -> Kmix for the volume.11:09
kakakalthere is no kmix11:09
lordievaderkakakal: And Global Shortcuts -> KDE Daemon for the brightness.11:09
excognacalso why LibreOffice docs are not opened upon Restore session and their window sizes' and apperance on virtual desktops are totally forgotten?11:10
lordievaderexcognac: Restore session as in after a reboot?11:10
kakakallordievader: no kmix in drop down, kde daemon is there, but no kmix11:11
excognaclordievader: reboot, shutdown, logout/in all the same result11:11
lordievaderkakakal: No kmix, hmm that is odd.11:11
lordievaderexcognac: Libre Office probably doesn't support it.11:11
kakakalyes vermix is there, in plasma desktop shell11:12
lordievaderkakakal: Kmix was used in Precise I thought. How did you install kde? sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?11:13
kakakalthere is no shortcut assigned to volume down, and when i tried to assign my function keys with addition of function, it says, it is already assigned and name appear here as wakeup key11:15
kakakallordievader: help me to enable hibernation, because it is more necessary, i can volume down using GUI but hibernation is more important11:18
kakakalhibernation is not working on KDE11:18
kakakalwhile it is working on GNOME login11:19
lordievaderkakakal: Does it work when you issue "sudo pm-hibernate" through a terminal?11:19
kakakallordievader: no, i never tried it, let me try that, i will come here again, if successfully  hibernated, otherwise tell you the results instantly11:20
kakakallordievader: it didn't worked11:28
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collinaspireWhen my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS boots it flashes a static strip, and always says "System Error"11:43
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Wizardeagles0513875: you still there?11:58
WizardI had to abandon irc just after asking about your trachpad :P11:58
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eldiabolograny idea how to fix the cpu scalling "performance/powersave" only option with this kernel as with my current 3.11.0-12 (kubuntu 13.10) i got "conservative/ondemand" also?got a celeron g1610/h68 mobo....ty.12:34
eldiabologrkernel 3.12 i ment12:34
WizardHmm, old issues with "too slow reaction" or something like that?12:34
eldiabologryou mean?12:35
WizardYou mentioned that your cpu scaling is broken. Didn't mention *how* it is broken.12:37
eldiabologroh...yesterday i installed kernel 3.12 and the only options i had on my cpufreq indicator was powersave/performance since with default kernel i have all the 4 options this problem happens if i remember correct since kernel 3.11.6 and then....hope it helps12:41
eldiabolograpologize for bad english too...ty12:41
WizardWell, custom kernels are definitely not supported :P But since I'm bored at work, check your kernel config. Did you select ondemand anc conservative? Are they built in or just modules?12:46
eldiabologrdammmn...need to get wife to work....hope ill find you back wizard....thx for helping tho12:50
Wizard"Get wife to work"LOL12:51
WizardSounds like "where's my whip?! Oh, there is it.. Get to work, b****!" :D12:53
* Wizard ruuuuuuuuns.12:53
eldiabologrok ok ....to go wife to work :p12:53
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:58
eagles0513875Wizard: im back13:15
WizardEverybody's back!13:26
Wizardeldiabologr: So, answering my question?13:30
Wizardeagles0513875: Any success with this trackpad?13:30
eagles0513875Wizard: nope :(13:31
eagles0513875!ch | Wizard13:31
ubottuWizard: The Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it13:31
eagles0513875thats from earlier :p13:31
WizardMeh. Just quit it :P13:32
eldiabologrwizard im trying to find an answer to your quesion above....not expert with linux sorry :(13:32
WizardSo how did you install this custom kernel?13:32
eldiabologrupubuntu.com site13:33
WizardAnd what where the reasons for kernel upgrade?13:33
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eldiabologrwell....nothing special....by trying things you learn more....also like to have my pc uptodate13:35
WizardBecause if it was "just curiosity" than "just don't" :P13:35
eldiabologrnewbie question....then why linux upgrade kernel so often if you cant use em with your distro?13:36
WizardYou'll better learn by building kernel yourself, but this knowlege isn't very helpful, tbh.13:36
WizardIf you want to learn Linux, learn things like system administration and so.13:37
WizardBesides, best way to keep system up to day is using official repos.13:37
eldiabologry i think ill stay back to default kernel....thx duse13:39
WizardNo big deal :)13:39
WizardThe fact is that kernel is like car's engine and so.. You start playing with it - expect troubles ;P13:40
WizardOr, use ancient learning by breaking technique ;)13:41
WizardIn that way, try to fix your kernel yourself, otherwise you won't learn much :>13:42
eldiabologrhehe....got 4 pcs here running ubuntu* distros just perfect.....so perfect that im damm boring:p13:42
Wizard"Bored" rather ;P13:42
WizardWell, kubuntu.org holds "get involved" link.13:42
WizardAnd I belive, the best way unexperienced users may help is providing translations.13:43
BluesKajthat's why I run a dev OS, to keep things interesting13:43
WizardOh, that is a nice suggestion too.13:43
BluesKaji have the latest stable release on another partition of course13:44
WizardUpgrade one box to dev version (trusty, currently) and report bugs, provide feedback and so.13:44
WizardYou will learn sys internals quickly (even from hints from devs like where to get more info from and so), other will gain better os.13:45
eldiabologry i wonna start learning reporting bugs13:45
BluesKajand to avoid grub probs I put an old HDD in use for the W7 install13:45
WizardOk, time for my question. Do you know/use any GUI app for DLNA streaming?13:46
WizardShit :>13:48
WizardLike allways.13:48
WizardSeems minidlna is the only working app ;D13:48
eldiabologrnot using dlna sorry13:50
jussiWizard: server or client? ie. the one which sends the media or the one which receives?13:52
* jussi slaps Wizard's hand for swearing :P13:53
eagles0513875Wizard: i 2nd what you said about the kernel but also if you know how to determine what you need you could probably really make a lightweight kernel13:53
BluesKajWizard. yeah , http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/?content=15101913:53
BluesKajWizard. what about XBMC?13:54
WizardWell.. it sucks :D13:54
Wizardjussi: Server.13:55
ikoniaWizard: considered using myth ?13:55
ikoniaWizard: you dont need "everything" from myth,13:55
WizardBluesKaj: Thanks for that link!13:55
BluesKajheh, I tried it , but it's like a windows media app, triedstake over your pc13:55
Wizardikonia: Never tried it.13:55
WizardBluesKaj: Myth or xbmc?13:56
BluesKajtries to13:56
ikoniaWizard: it's a beast with a LOT of features, but with a bit of thought, you can just take the parts you want13:56
BluesKajWizard. ^13:56
eldiabologrxbmc too13:56
eldiabologrtones of addons13:56
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WizardHmm.. All I actually need is streaming video and subtitles to TV :)13:57
BluesKajI don't need dnla , my pc is our media server , connected directly to the TV and audio system13:57
BluesKajor dlna13:57
jussiWizard: vlc?13:58
WizardVLC can stream?13:58
WizardLast I checked it couldn't.13:58
WizardVanilla VLC from ubu repos?13:58
WizardHow cool :)13:58
WizardI'll check it out at home.13:58
jussiWizard: media -> stream13:58
BluesKajit's abit of clunky setup for streaming on vlc , not comprehensive '13:58
Wizardjussi: With subtitles?13:58
jussiWizard: unsure about that13:59
WizardI'll check.13:59
jussiI think theres a nice addon/fork for net streaming to vlc called Acestream. you can stream to the net from it p2p like14:00
jussiover and above what you need, but still14:00
dillonowow, so many people.14:19
BluesKajWizard. I think this site gives a better explanation and instructions on minidlna, http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Blogs/Productivity-Sauce/Set-up-a-DLNA-Server-in-a-Minute14:20
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WizardBluesKaj: Well, I use minidlna daily. It just isn't very handy, as a deamon.14:33
BluesKajWizard. i see , that's too bad14:35
WizardI asked about a tool, since as a unix geek I like "one tool which does one thingand does it good" :P14:36
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dillonostood for 20 minutes and noone is talking15:02
lordievaderLovely isn't it :)15:02
lordievaderOne of the reason I prefer #kubuntu over #ubuntu.15:02
ErtheHas anyone been able to get an iPod working with Amarok?15:03
BluesKajdillono. , this isn't a chit chat room , it's kubuntu support , do you have a question about kubuntu ?15:03
lordievaderBluesKaj: He's gone already...15:03
Wizardfail :>15:04
BluesKajnot anymore :)15:04
* Wizard fail15:04
BluesKajdillono. , this isn't a chit chat room , it's kubuntu support , do you have a question about kubuntu ?15:04
Wizarddillono: We were waiting till you quit ;)15:04
* Wizard hides.15:04
Wizarddilfridge: If you need chit chat, #kubuntu-offtopic is for you.15:05
WizardNot much going on there today, but still..15:06
ErtheWhen I plug in my iPod to my PC Amarok says it failed to connect15:06
ErtheAny ideas as to why?15:06
BluesKajErthe. have you checked amarok >settings>configure amarok>plugins>upnp collection15:12
ErtheLemme see, one sec15:16
ErtheI hadn't, no, checked now.  Think that'll do the trick?15:17
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BluesKajdunno , but it seems logical :)15:17
ErtheOK, lemme see what happens..15:17
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ErtheWell, it didn't complain this time; on the other hand, nothing at all happened.15:24
* Erthe sighs15:24
lordievaderErthe: I thought you needed some lib package. I have done this once, but that is long ago. Not sure if that lib still applies.15:33
lordievaderErthe: libimobiledevice4 was that lab.15:33
lordievaderErthe: Let me see if I can get my ipad to work.15:34
Erthe12.04 has libmobiledevice2 out of the box15:40
ErtheI need a ppa15:40
lordievaderErthe: Not sure if the version matters...15:41
Erthelibmobiledevice2 is installed15:41
ErtheIt could matter depending on the vesrion of iOS15:42
josePHPagodaHello everyone!  I'm trying out kubuntu.  I'm wondering if there is a good mysql gui client15:43
josePHPagodaanyone found one that they like?15:43
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.15:55
lordievaderErthe: Ugh what a mess. My ipad needs to trust the computer but when I press "thrust" the dialog would come back a few seconds later. I'm afraid I cannot help you :(15:57
josePHPagodaBluesKaj: unfortunately, that isn't all that helpful.16:04
lordievaderjosePHPagoda: I like phpmyadmin, it is in the repo.16:04
josePHPagodalordievader: i've used phpmyadmin, unfortunately, that isn't the best for connecting to a large database, since you are limited by the webserver.16:05
josePHPagoda(importing multiple GB worth of data is problematic on phpmyadmin)16:06
josePHPagodaso I was hoping for something similar to heidisql on windows16:06
josePHPagodawhich does work under WINE, but I want to use native apps when possible.16:06
lordievaderjosePHPagoda: Perhaps you are better of in #ubuntu-server.16:08
josePHPagodaI'll drop by there, but I think their focus is the server aspect.16:08
lordievaderjosePHPagoda: True but the ppl there might know better than us desktop folk ;)16:09
josePHPagodathe community rocks everywhere to be honest :)16:09
BluesKajis there no mysql linux chat , one would think there is one16:10
rebeliantauwitam witam. mam problem z rythmboxem... czy ktoś pomoze? :D16:10
lordievaderJup there is ##mysql, josePHPagoda, BluesKaj.16:11
rebeliantauhi. do smbd speak english?16:12
BluesKajrebeliantau. is that supposed to be English?16:12
rebeliantauit should be16:12
rebeliantau :>16:12
josePHPagodalordievader: that's just mysql general chat, not linux specific16:12
BluesKajwe don't use short texting lingo here16:12
rebeliantauohhh. ok..16:12
rebeliantaui didn`t know16:13
rebeliantaui just want to ask about something... but it is wrong room I guess :)16:13
BluesKajrebeliantau. ask about kubuntu , go ahead16:14
rebeliantauhmm... a was thinking about rythmbox... it is a software of kubuntu :) is it ok?16:15
BluesKajrebeliantau. ask in #ubuntu16:16
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baxeico_hi guys, anyone using Kubuntu 12.04 with KDE SC 4.11.2 (backports ppa) is affected by this bug? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32722816:35
ubottuKDE bug 327228 in widget-folderview "When configured to "Show the files related to the current activity" folderview shows the files of the wrong activity" [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:35
dillonono, I dont have it16:38
baxeico_dillono: you are not affected by the bug?16:40
dillonowhat bug?16:41
baxeico_sorry, I misundertood your answer, maybe was not directed to me16:41
dillonoit wasn't16:42
baxeico_ok :)16:42
dillonoI do have the bug if I reporduce the problem.16:44
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bukaiHi, i want to contribute to open source software but i am not sure how to proceed. Can someone please guide me?16:58
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu16:59
Riddellbukai: find a bug and fix it :)17:03
Riddellbukai: make our website more useful17:04
Riddellbukai: fix our wiki pages17:04
Riddellbukai: hanging around in developer channels is a good way to soak up the atmosphere, #kubuntu-devel for us17:04
bukaiRiddell: how do i get the source code in which the bug is present?17:05
Riddellbukai: depends on the package17:08
Riddellapt-get source ${package}  is one way17:08
bukaiRiddell: thank you :)17:09
MangaKaDenzadid the "Get new widgets thing" on the add widgets panel not show anything for anyone else after upgrading to saucy?17:17
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fransuvahi, i'm using kubuntu 13.10 and i tried to install latest amd radeon beta driver(amd radeon hd6950)18:17
fransuvathan i activated additinal drivers, but i have so bad performance in 3d games.18:17
fransuvahow can i get higher performance with my system?18:17
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AceKingI just put a new sound card into my PC. I was having too much trouble with the built in card. Is there a way to delete it, or comment it out?19:02
progersHow i can change the default sound card from gk104 hdmi audio controller to build in audio?19:05
eagles0513875progers: its under system settings19:07
eagles0513875multimedia -> audio and video settings progers19:07
=== denysonique is now known as Guest26798
progerseagles0513875: I have triyed to change it but it doesn't save the configuration19:14
eagles0513875progers: did you hit apply for me it works no problem changing it and then hitting apply19:14
progerseagles0513875: Ok,but when i click on the button "volum up" or "volume down" on my keyboard, he change just to gk104 hdmi audio controller but i want to make sound changer to build in audio19:17
eagles0513875i think that is a bug to be honest as I have the same issue where the keyboard shortcuts do not work.19:17
eagles0513875to put the volume up or down19:17
progersso volume up and volume down works with build in audio not with gtk10419:18
progersBut the shortcuts works, but not with the right sound card19:18
eagles0513875progers: im not sure the shortcuts for me dont work at all :( not to mention i have track pad issues which im still trying to solve19:19
progersvolume change just for gtk10419:19
progersHow to remove this sound card?19:19
eagles0513875sorry i cannot be of more help19:19
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:20
=== Bonfuego is now known as Diamondgent63
=== Guest58436 is now known as chaudhary
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.20:11
cid420I am having issues installing Kubuntu i386 desktop on vmware is there a workaround?20:12
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
sithlord48what kind of issue are you having?20:12
cid420it hangs20:12
sithlord48is you vm set up as ubuntu ?20:12
cid420back screen and hangs20:13
sithlord48check the md5 of the iso ?20:13
cid420no i havent20:13
cid420i'll check that20:13
sithlord48i would check it just incase..20:13
sithlord48i have not use vmware in some time but never had an issue using it when i have nor any issues in virtualbox20:14
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gasshowhy muon20:54
gasshowhy not synaptic ;-;20:54
gasshoif i wanted to buy software i'd go to pirate bay >8C20:54
lordievadergassho: Synaptic is GTK+, muon is Qt :)20:54
gasshocute :320:56
lordievadergassho: That is the way it is pronounced ;)20:57
gasshoi thought it was pronounced cutie :c20:58
gasshobecause it does look cute20:58
FloodBotK1gassho: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:58
gasshoon the condition that you send me some K FloodBotK120:58
* genii sips his coffee 21:06
* MangaKaDenza sips his genii 21:06
=== soul is now known as Guest54335
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest86300
duckx0rI'm having a problem on this computer. I recently updated from 12.10 to 13.04 to 13.10 and I added a new user, but when I try to log in with that user the computer hangs with a distorted login screen image. Of the 3 users I have set up, I can only log in with this one. Any ideas what could be causing the system to hang and only for certain users?22:04
=== Steakanbake|slee is now known as Steakanbake
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
eagles0513875hey guys im back again i tested my track pad issue with a live usb and the issue persists i have no track pad what so ever :(22:17
eagles0513875any ideas as how to proceed woudl be greatly appreciated22:17
basseeagles0513875: what does your "xinput --list" say?22:20
eagles0513875basse: it lists it there ↳ ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad                  id=11   [slave  pointer  (2)]22:21
eagles0513875the system seems to find it22:21
basseeagles0513875: does it show up in system settings?22:22
eagles0513875basse: yes but no way to enable it though22:22
=== dziegler is now known as dziegler_off
eagles0513875as well in system settings its showing the right button as disabled22:23
basseeagles0513875: have you tried enabling it with xinput ?   just thought..22:23
eagles0513875no i have not how would i go about doing that22:23
basseeagles0513875: xinput set-int-prop 11 "Device Enabled" 8 122:24
eagles0513875with sudo?22:24
basseno need22:24
basse:(  that is weird.22:25
eagles0513875this is a first for me as well22:25
basseeagles0513875: acer laptop?22:25
eagles0513875toshiba satellite s75-a7221 to be exact22:26
eagles0513875very nice specced machine and great value for money for what i got it at price wise22:26
bassehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2071125  here is something for etps/2 elantech  have you tried?22:27
eagles0513875basse: gtried it but it didnt work either :(22:28
eagles0513875dunno what else could be the issue here22:32
basseeagles0513875: and surely you have tried fn key shortcut?22:34
eagles0513875yes i have22:34
eagles0513875and nothing22:34
eagles0513875i have issues with those as well22:35
eagles0513875not even the sound shortcuts work22:35
eagles0513875as well as an issue with kmix22:35
basseoh so there are other issues too?22:35
eagles0513875yes quite a few i hate to say22:35
eagles0513875i am wondering if the hardware is too new or what22:36
eagles0513875basse: i had even setup xen hypervisor which when booting onto the xen kernel was causing a kernel panic22:39
Level15hi, all. I have KVM on a 4 network interfaces server. i want my vms to have bridged network to my lan. should i set up a single bridge with all 4 nics or 1 bridge per nic?22:39
eagles0513875Level15: that sounds more like an ubuntu-server question22:39
basseeagles0513875: yea .. maybe it's loading wrong driver, or no driver..22:42
eagles0513875how would i determine what its doing basse22:42
basseeagles0513875: hmm.. well maybe checking the logs.. if dmesg has anything about input regarding your touchpad for example22:45
eagles0513875basse: [   14.710268] psmouse serio2: elantech: assuming hardware version 4 (with firmware version 0x463f03) [   14.722774] psmouse serio2: elantech: Synaptics capabilities query result 0x10, 0x15, 0x0d.22:46
basseeagles0513875: if you grep "Touchpad" ?22:47
eagles0513875[   14.784544] input: ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio2/input/input12  basse22:47
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basseeagles0513875: do you get anything from "xev" ?22:51
eagles0513875i do but no response from the track pad22:52
basseeagles0513875: what if you do : sudo od -x /dev/input/event1122:54
basseand then try to pad22:54
bassenothing in the console?22:55
bassei even get stream when ive disabled the pad22:56
basseit was event11 right?22:56
eagles0513875id 11 yes22:56
geniitouchpad worked before?22:57
basseeagles0513875: what does Xorg.0.log say about it?  no errors there?23:00
eagles0513875genii: with windows yes but kubuntu 13.04 and 13.10 it doesnt23:00
eagles0513875basse: its event 12 at least that is what is showing up in the log23:00
basseeagles0513875: so if event 12?  so if you do the sudo od -x /dev/input/event12  and try the pad you get stream?23:01
geniiSounds disabled23:02
basseyea, sounds like it.. so you should get your fn keys working so you can switch it on23:02
eagles0513875let me paste bin the log23:02
geniieagles0513875: What is result from: xinput    (eg: what id# is it?)23:03
eagles0513875genii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6373284/23:04
geniieagles0513875: I might try: xinput set-prop 11 "Device Enabled" 123:05
* genii ponders syndaemon23:06
eagles0513875yofel: poke23:08
eagles0513875maybe yofel might be able to help us shed some light as to my track pad issue23:08
yofelI'm rather bad when it comes to input handling :/23:09
yofelbut let me read the backlog23:09
eagles0513875yofel: at this point i would appreciate any help i can get, and that isnt the only issue either the keyboard shortcuts on top of the fn keys dont do anything they dont lower or raise the volume. also kmix doesnt work or display the correct channels to adjust the sound either23:10
eagles0513875you have to open the full mixer to be able to adjust the levels23:10
yofeldid you try to select the master channel for kmix?23:11
yofelmaybe it's using the wrong one23:11
eagles0513875yep that was that issue :) kmix issue sorted23:12
eagles0513875now the other two im not sure about23:12
basseeagles0513875: one more.. what you get with "synclient -l"23:12
eagles0513875basse: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6373322/23:13
basseeagles0513875: grr.. i was hoping for touchpadoff=1 :)23:13
basseaynways you can always try.. "synclient TouchpadOff=0"23:14
basseor toggle it .. =1  then =023:14
eagles0513875nothing at all23:15
* genii puts the Elantech people on his "bad, don't use" list23:17
eagles0513875genii: tell me bout it23:17
basseeagles0513875: well.. what if..23:17
eagles0513875basse: what if what?23:17
eagles0513875oh do tell ilove what ifs23:17
basseeagles0513875: 1) sudo modprobe -r psmouse   2) sudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps23:18
eagles0513875ok now what23:18
eagles0513875as its still not doing anything23:18
basseany difference?23:18
eagles0513875yofel: i hope you devs can get things sorted for elantech touchpads23:19
yofelme certainly not, stuff like that would be the field of ubuntu-x I think23:20
yofelfile a bug at least please23:20
geniiThere seems to be one against elantech pads for xubuntu23:21
eagles0513875yofel: i will let the triagers get that sorted out.23:21
geniiAlso this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/121970823:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 1219708 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Asus synaptics/elantech touchpad not detected during or after fresh install" [Undecided,New]23:22
eagles0513875Riddell: just wanted to let you know :) keep up the great work with kubuntu you have me hooked on it as a distro :). except this current trackpad issue as well as the keyboard shortcut keys not working23:22
eagles0513875that is exactly the issue i think23:22
eagles0513875cuz this was a clean install but also occured after an upgrade23:22
eagles0513875from 13.04 to 13.1023:23
geniieagles0513875: I think you should probably add to the bug report above23:23
eagles0513875ya i will23:23
eagles0513875what else should i add?23:24
eagles0513875the poster already posted alot of the stuff that could be of any use23:24
geniieagles0513875: You should do at Konsole: ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-input-synaptics      and then it will gather stuff. Maybe add to the report some of the steps that were taken here in the channel as well that also did not work.23:27
basseheh.. there was one post on ubuntuforums where a guy was able to use the fn-shortcut while in login prompt to enable the touchpad which was disabled by default..23:28
eagles0513875that is just messed up lol23:28
bassewhat if your shortcut for disabling the pad?23:30
bassewhat is*23:30
eagles0513875basse: remember though i have shortcuts which arent working either23:31
eagles0513875input is being taken23:31
bassewhat you mean by input ?23:32
genii!info fnfxd23:36
ubottufnfxd (source: fnfx): ACPI and hotkey daemon for Toshiba laptops. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-14ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 19 kB, installed size 128 kB (Only available for i386)23:36
geniieagles0513875: I might try installing that.23:36
eagles0513875brb again23:37
bassegenii: well that sounds like a hit!23:39
geniiThere is also toshset but I think it's more about other Toshiba-specific hardware than the keyboards23:40
eagles0513875ya i hope so23:40
genii!info toshset23:40
ubottutoshset (source: toshset): Access much of the Toshiba laptop hardware interface. In component main, is optional. Version 1.76-4 (saucy), package size 60 kB, installed size 237 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)23:40
eagles0513875genii: ill owe you a few mugs of coffee and a few pints if that solved my shortcut issue23:43
geniieagles0513875: Yer on! :)23:43
eagles0513875genii: that didnt do anything :(23:46
bassekind of funny that this came up today.. because ealier today i made myself a script to quickly turn off the keyboard and touchpad of my laptop when i'm using my external keyboard and wacom..   (i can then stack things on top of my laptops keyboard without it pressing anything down.. heh)23:46
geniieagles0513875: Might need a reboot to work, actually23:46
eagles0513875i did that23:47
eagles0513875damn thing whn i hit fn f3 locks the computer and then it goes to black screen like its locked up horrendously23:47
eagles0513875heading home talk later23:48
basseeagles0513875: driver issues i'm sure.. maybe if you have time, and fast connection.. download some other distro live cd and try with that.. something completely different like fedora or.. i dont know..23:51
basseif they work fine there.. see what different drivers are loaded.. compare.. something.23:52
bassei'm lucky to have everything working out of the box.. and with this new kubuntu version i again have wireless light showing up again too :) that was the last thing that didn't work.. wireless worked fine, but led didn't.. now i have that too..23:53

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