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bigjoolshey roaksoax, got a minute?01:55
roaksoaxbigjools: hey!01:58
roaksoaxsure! what's up?01:58
bigjoolsroaksoax: hey dude01:58
bigjoolsI am trying to make maas configure the forwarders option for bind01:58
bigjoolsit's tricky, because I can't duplicate the options{} block01:58
bigjoolsat least I think that's the case - just wanted to check with you on your opinions of what I can do here?01:59
roaksoaxbigjools: uhmm, so i do not thinkig we would need to duplicate the options would we?02:00
roaksoaxbigjools: we only need to add forwarders if the user wants to add them02:01
bigjoolsroaksoax: all I need to do is add forwarders - but options is in a file that we don't have templated02:01
bigjoolsI assumed I could add something only in named.conf.maas.... but bind9 complains there's two options blocks02:02
roaksoaxbigjools: i see what you mean02:02
bigjoolsso I'm looking for suggestions :)02:02
roaksoaxbigjools: let me look at it a bit deeper02:02
roaksoaxbigjools: otherwise, we would need to ask lamont02:03
bigjoolshang on, door02:03
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah, I think we'd need to ask lamont02:06
roaksoaxbigjools: ok I think we can do this:02:09
roaksoaxzone "pixar.com" { type forward; forwarders {;; };02:09
bigjoolssorry, back02:09
roaksoaxbigjools: http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/networking_2ndEd/dns/ch10_05.htm02:09
bigjoolsroaksoax: I looked at that, it's not what we want I think02:10
bigjoolsit only forwards for requests on the same zone doesn't it?02:10
bigjoolsunknown requests I mean02:10
bigjoolsthe point of setting the global one is so that nodes can resolve non-node addresses02:10
roaksoaxit seems so02:11
bigjoolsthe other option is to template the options file02:11
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah... i don't think that'd be ideal02:12
roaksoaxbigjools: i think we should ask lamont02:12
bigjoolsor - try and rewrite it on the fly02:12
bigjoolsis lamont there?02:12
roaksoaxbigjools: in ODS? no02:12
bigjoolsok.  how'd it go BTW?02:13
roaksoaxbigjools: the demo? didn't finish02:13
roaksoaxnot enough time02:13
roaksoaxbigjools: so he just didn't show the running cloud02:15
roaksoaxbut things were working02:15
bigjoolsroaksoax: was that from the bundle deployment?02:15
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freeflyingwhen apply a tag to a node, can I use hostname of the node?02:18
roaksoaxbigjools: yup02:18
bigjoolsfreeflying: http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/tags.html#manually-assigning-tags02:19
bigjoolsbasically, no, you need to use system id02:19
freeflyingbigjools, ok, thanks :)02:20
bigjoolsroaksoax: will you chase lamont or do you want me to do it?02:23
roaksoaxbigjools: I think it would be better if you could since i'm still oin hongkong and i'm on and off02:24
bigjoolsroaksoax: no probs02:24
roaksoaxbigjools: thanks!02:25
shimeyDoes MaaS have the ability to discover/configure IPMI addresses automatically/dynamically?02:49
bigjoolsshimey: sort of.  It inspects for BMCs on enlisting machines and reprograms one of the user slots with a known password.02:52
bigjoolsthat gets sent back to maas when it finishes enlisting so then maas can use ipmi02:52
shimeythat's cool, but you still have to obtain the IPMI IP address...02:53
shimeyIf it can set the BMC password, should it be able to assign an IP?02:54
bigjoolsit obtains all its details, no more action required.02:54
bigjoolsBMCs get IPs over DHCP generally, and ipmitool can inquire about all that02:55
shimeyAhh, so people just DHCP the address02:55
bigjoolsyes, but we don't depend on that to get all the details02:55
shimeyWouldn't it make sense for MaaS to DHCP lease the IPMI address?02:56
bigjoolsshimey: it does.03:01
bigjoolswell, it doesn't *have* to, that's the point03:01
bigjoolsbut it can03:01
shimeyOh, I guess it would...if my IPMI where on the same network as my MaaS03:01
bigjoolsit inspects the BMC details by running a script on the machine itself03:01
bigjoolsyes - many people have separate BMC networks03:01
shimeyRight I've actually have three separate networks. Public, IPMI and a MaaS backend...  I guess If I had controller of the IPMI network I could start DHCP on the cluster controller for that interface.03:05
shimeymy MaaS backend I setup a private vlan but the IPMI I don't have real control over.03:06
shimey(more of a personal issue)03:06
shimeyAnother question however, I have nodes get stuck for various reasons and have to use IPMI to reboot them, should MaaS have the ability to shutdown/reboot a node via IMPI via the GUI/ReST?03:08
bigjoolsyeah, that's a possibility03:10
bigjoolsfor now it assumes (naively) that all the power commands work and the machine boots perfectly every time03:10
shimeyYa it seemed like there wasn't any hardware watchdog support for images booting.  And if just using WOL, I think it would be very easy to loose machines.03:14
bigjoolsWoL is going away03:16
shimeyYa, I don't think it would suffice.03:16
bigjoolswe plan on adding watchdogs, but it's a little tricky03:17
shimeyDo you know if there is going to be any support for other linux distros?03:17
bigjoolsnot in the immediate future, but you never know03:18
shimeyPCH watchdog?03:19
shimeyMaybe a software watchdog would suffice...03:24
shimeyOne last question, any suggestions on getting juju and MaaS working together.  Are there certain versions that work together?03:28
bigjoolsthe latest versions in saucy should work03:29
bigjools1.16.2 is the minimum juju-core03:29
bigjoolsalso if you want to use precise, add the cloud-archive03:30
bigjoolsI have to factory reset my router now, back in a while03:30
shimeyI was having trouble getting the ephemeral images to mount in saucy03:30
shimeythanks bigjools,  I'll see about 1.16.2 of juju-core and try the could-archive03:31
shimeygood night03:31
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AzendaleSo, I have a weird problem with MaaS. If too many (like 5) machines start within 20 seconds or so of each other, it seems like it will overload MaaS, and then past that, the dhcp server will not respond over the network, even well after any load has gone away. Rebooting the MaaS server will fix it06:22
AzendaleRunning ps aux shows the DHCP process, and a packet capture on the MaaS server with the DHCP on it will show all the requests making it in06:23
Azendaleany suggestions on where/how to figure out what is going on?06:23
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freeflyingmaas-cli maas tag update-nodes my_tag remove=system_id, seems doesn't remove a node from a tag, anything I missed?08:20
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jtvgmb: were you saying you might extract run_command / run_remote_command / test_install_maas_package?10:28
gmbjtv: Yes.11:00
jtvgmb: great!  It ties in with my work.  Could I ask you to push your branch at EOD even if it isn't done, so I can build on it tomorrow?11:02
jtvTag-team dev...11:02
gmbjtv: Certainly!11:02
jtvThank you.11:03
jtvAnd with that, I bid you good day.11:03
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phenocheis it possible to create software raids with maas and juju?19:00
Azendalephenoche: you mean as in the various services having a software raid configuration of their hard disks?19:04
phenocheyeah i have a box with 2 disks that is enlisted and i would like to run say the wp charm on that but have it make a software raid with the disks19:06
phenocheAzendale, so yes : )19:08
Azendalephenoche: this is going to be more of a juju thing to deal with. But a charm can be made to set up any configuration you can configure an ubuntu install in. The wordpress charm probably doesn't have the code to do that though (I could be wrong, look at the charm options). If you wanted to make your own version of the wordpress charm and get into what the code in the charm does, you could make a modified version of the charm, and then specify what machine it get19:09
phenocheAzendale, great thanks thats exact what i was wondering i'll check in on this on the juju side of things19:10
Azendalephenoche: No problem. I think you can get the wordpress code with something like bzr branch lp:charms/wordpress  And you can deploy with something like juju deploy --repository=<path_to_branch_on_your_disk> local:wordpress19:14
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phenocheso I have been looking a little closer at creating a raid with maas and i think you might be able to do it by altering the preseed file. does that sound like I'm on the right path22:21
bigjoolsgood morning22:53
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