
robruthomi, actually yeah, it's showing https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/3118/console here the version is lacking the necessary .1 that fixes everything. hrm00:00
thomirobru: :-<00:01
robruthomi, no, wait00:02
robruthomi, was looking at the wrong thing. this one isn't just missing the .1, it's actually grabbing 1.3...00:02
robruhmmm, weird, the log is showing that it has the PPA...00:02
robrufginther, can you see why this one has the PPA but isn't grabbing autopilot from it? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/3118/console00:03
thomirobru: which MP is that for?00:03
robruthomi, that's for the friends-app one00:03
thomirobru: looks like robotfuel forgot to update debian/control perhaps00:03
thomiso it's pulling in 1.3 of those packages00:04
thomirobotfuel: are you able to update & re-push please? ^^00:04
elopiocihelp, how do I create an account here? I only see the option to log in.00:10
robotfuelthomi: done, will you re-approve?00:11
thomirobotfuel: yup00:11
thomirobru: Can you cancel the old friends-app run please?00:11
thomirobru: or better yet, kick it off again?00:11
robruwhich run, the CI one?00:12
robruthomi, hmmmm, not sure. this CI stuff is more fginther's territory. i cancelled one job but i'm not sure how to restart it00:15
robruthomi, re-approved anyway, hopefully jenkins picks it up soon00:16
thomirobru: the autolanding00:16
thomibut that's OK, I guess it'll get picked up again in time00:16
elopioour the maguros having problems again?
elopiothomi: autopilot-trusty-master is stuck.00:32
thomifginther: Can you please make the unity8 autolanding use the daily-build PPA, since otherwise it picks up autopilot 1.3 still00:37
Saviqthomi, fginther added the hook ↑00:39
thomiSaviq: gonna kick it off again then?00:39
Saviqthomi, already running00:40
Saviqthomi, yup, picked up 1.400:46
robrudamn, just got my mako by fedex. I now have mako, maguro, and grouper on my desk. I'm a testing machine!00:46
Saviqthomi, seems we got green on amd64, let's see if devices are happy, too00:52
thomifginther: looks like the maguro's are stuck again01:07
thomican we disable them please? They're holing up the landing process more than is healthy IMO01:08
thomicihelp - maybe smoeone else can help with that?01:08
Saviqyeah, two maguros stuck in flashing again :/01:11
Saviqveebers, you disabled them yesterday didn't you ↑?01:11
Saviqshame all the jobs that are running will break again01:12
veebersSaviq: I disabled the job in mediumtests-touch, not the actual devices (as yesterday they were all down)01:12
veeberslooks like it was added back to the jenkins job01:12
Saviqveebers, yeah yeah, two of them still running now (at least until they're taken up to flashing...)01:12
veebersright, at which point they will have issues, perhaps we should disable it from the job again01:13
Saviqveebers, we've already a significant queue :/01:13
Saviqand now the other two are flashing... wonder if they'll come up...01:14
xnoxcihelp: can https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu-keyboard/libpinyin4/+merge/193859/comments/447347 be retried? the i386 build failure seems spurious.01:16
Saviqthomi, ok, so touch couldn't pass, as we don't have >= 1.4 in debian/control for autopilot :/01:22
thomiSaviq: for u*/01:23
thomierr, for u*?01:23
Saviqthomi, yeah, unity801:23
thomisticky shift key :)01:23
thomirobotfuel: still awake?01:23
thomiSaviq: if robotfuel isn't arund I'll propse a new branch with that in it as well01:24
robotfuelthomi: which one?01:24
Saviqrobotfuel, https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/unity8/autopilot-1.4-wip/+merge/19352901:25
thomirobotfuel: unity801:25
thomineeds >= 1.4 for the autopilot deps01:25
Saviqrobotfuel, autopilot >= 1.8 please01:25
robotfuelyou mean 1.4?01:25
Saviq1.4 that is ;)01:25
thomiSaviq: >= 1.4 :)01:25
Saviqyeah, too many 8s01:25
Saviqoh, looks like the two maguros came back from the dead01:26
Saviqscratch that, the two are still dead, the two that were just flashing seem to have flashed fine01:27
robotfuelthomi: Saviq done01:27
Saviqrobotfuel, cheers01:27
* Saviq kicks the build again...01:28
thomithanks Saviq01:28
Saviqjeez they're being flashed after every job? no wonder they're dying...01:37
fgintherxnox, the build is retried01:43
xnoxfginther: thanks.01:43
Saviqfginther, two maguros stuck again in flashing :/01:43
fgintherSaviq, saw that, our attempts to switch hosts and hubs this week have not helped :-(01:44
fgintherSaviq, I'm considering removing the maguro job so they don't get wedged while I'm sleeping01:44
Saviqfginther, yeah, it helped yesterday01:45
Saviqfginther, we're not getting anything over what makos are giving us, either01:45
fgintherSaviq, they can't be fixed without someone physcially resetting the devices :-(01:45
Saviqfginther, you've got +1 from me and thomi on just dropping them from mediumtests-trusty-touch01:45
fgintherSaviq, thomi done01:46
Saviqthe current jobs will hopefully trickle down through the two (assuming they don't get stuck, too)01:46
fgintherSaviq, that's my hope01:46
Saviqfginther, we should try the system-image-cli approach I mailed about01:47
Saviqit might be less error prone since it only reboots the phone into recovery and back01:47
fgintherCI will have to revisit the continued use of these devices. If we can't get them to be stable, they do more harm then good01:47
Saviqin earnest we shouldn't even do that, the system.img file could just be duplicated and reused instead of flashing01:48
fgintherSaviq, I saw that, how does that method work with manually installed deb packages?01:48
Saviqfginther, it just replaces the rootfs01:48
Saviqfginther, with the pristine image01:48
fgintherSaviq, hmm01:48
Saviqfginther, what phablet-flash gives you over that is it wipes userdata, too - system-image-cli does not01:48
Saviqbut if our tests modify userdata, they're broken anyway01:49
Saviqfginther, but, to not download the image over and over again - we should have two modes - "hard" and "soft" flash01:49
Saviqfginther, "hard" could be just phablet-flash01:50
Saviqfginther, or system-image-cli -b001:50
Saviqfginther, we should then copy system.img on the device01:50
Saviqand subsequent "soft" flashes would just replace the system.img used with the copy01:50
Saviqthus not requiring networking to bring the device to clean state01:50
fgintherSaviq, that's reasonable, I'll investigate01:51
fginthergotta go for a bit, will check back in later01:51
Saviqfginther, o/01:51
Saviqfginther, fwiw, such "go to dev mode, revert to read-only mode" could be built into system-image-cli itself01:54
thomifginther: thanks man01:55
thomifginther: do those old jobs need to be kicked off again?01:56
robruthomi, alright, I'm EOD. I'll probably be around for a few more hours, but slow to respond. ping if you need anything (but ping fginther about that friends-app merge, i'm not sure how to fix that)01:58
thomirobru: ok01:58
thomifginther: are you going to be around for a bit longer?01:59
Saviqthomi, there are still two maguros in play, so hopefully they'll trickle through02:00
Saviqthomi, looking at friends-app merge... I'd say those are real test failures https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/445/? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/3122/02:02
robruSaviq, nah, if you click through to the console output, it says "Class 'friends-app' has no attribute 'wait_select_single'." which implies autopilot 1.3 is in use, not 1.4.02:07
Saviqrobru, you can see autopilot 1.4 being installed there...02:07
robruSaviq, "00:01:39.805 INFO autopilot:141 - Autopilot Source Version: 1.3.1"02:08
thomirobru: I bet it's that borked autopilot versin again02:08
Saviqrobru, ah, that's on device?02:08
robruSaviq, i'm looking at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/3122/console02:08
Saviqrobru, there's no autopilot (>= 1.4) there, then?02:08
robruSaviq, in that log i can't find any evidence that it's installing autopilot from the PPA, it seems to just be using whatever's on device already, which would be old02:09
Saviqrobru, yeah, missing version dep in the merge02:09
Saviqsame we just had in unity802:09
Saviqrobru, but https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/445/? is using 1.4 - and still one test is failing02:09
thomiSaviq: which merge?02:09
Saviqthomi, https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/friends-app/autopilot-1.4/+merge/193293 afaics02:10
Saviqthomi, the autolanding job didn't use the latest revision02:10
thomiSaviq: debian/control is up-to-date02:10
thomirobru: can you double check that the borked AP package is really deleted please?02:10
Saviqthomi, there's a new autolanding running http://s-jenkins:8080/job/friends-app-autolanding/26/ with the correct rev02:11
robruthomi, well it would have never been 'deleted', just superceded by the newer one. there's now two newer ones that replaced it, .1 and .202:11
thomihmm, ok02:11
thomiSaviq: ahh ok02:11
thomiso we just gotta wait :)02:11
Saviqthomi, yeah http://s-jenkins:8080/job/friends-app-autolanding/26/console02:12
Saviqthomi, we'll know about unity8 on mako soon enough, too02:12
robruSaviq, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/445/console does look like a 'real' failure, but i don't understand it. friends-app test is practically a no-op, i'm not sure what could possibly fail there.02:13
Saviqrobru, self.assertThat(toolbar.state, Equals(''))02:13
robruSaviq, thomi: seriously, the friends-app test is so simple, all it does is launches the app, confirms it's launched, and then tests that the toolbar can be revealed.02:13
Saviqrobru, but it remains at 'spread'02:13
Saviqrobru, maybe it's just missing an Eventually()?02:13
robruSaviq, nope, it wouldn't be an Eventually02:14
robruSaviq, that test is first testing that the toolbar defaults to hidden, it's testing that the initial state is as we expect02:15
robruthomi, do you know anything about toolbar.state? it should be '' when hidden and 'spread' when revealed, right? that's what we test for. but now it seems to start as 'spread' in this test failure02:15
thomirobru: I don't know, sorry - elopio would be a better person to ask I think02:16
robruelopio, ^^ ?02:16
elopiohey, I'm just getting back.02:16
elopioI'm not sure about spread. Is that a property?02:17
Saviqrobru, maybe it's just that the UITK changed the behavior to be shown initially?02:17
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Saviqrobru, there was talk of doing that02:17
thomielopio: 'toolbar.state' property02:17
Saviqrobru, and when you launch the app, it's indeed there for a few seconds02:18
Saviqsounds like we need an emulator for the panel (isn't there one yet?)02:18
robruSaviq, hmmm, yeah, it seems so02:18
elopiorobru: the toolbar properties is something you shouldn't be testing on the apps, that should be tested on the toolkit.02:18
Saviqrobru, http://pad.lv/120736902:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 1207369 in Ubuntu UX "Automatically reveal toolbar when switching pages" [Critical,Fix committed]02:18
robruelopio, yeah, i agree, but we weren't sure how to get any mock accounts to be able to test friends itself, so the toolbar is really the only thing we can fiddle with there ;-)02:19
Saviqyeah, at most it should be using the emulator02:19
elopioon the apps you should just call the emulator toolbar.opened.02:19
Saviqeh... mako dead now? http://s-jenkins:8080/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/3131/consoleFull ;/02:20
thomielopio: so.. I'mleaning towards filing a bug against uuitk, and merging this manually?02:21
thomielopio: or maybe we just remove that line from the test?02:22
Saviqthomi, uitk is correct02:22
elopiorobru, thomi: I think you can just remove this test_toolbar.02:22
robrurobotfuel, still around to do that on your branch? or should i just do it?02:23
robotfuelrobru: which branch?02:24
robrurobotfuel, https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/friends-app/autopilot-1.4/+merge/193293 that02:24
robruthat's you, right?02:24
robrurobotfuel, yeah, can you just delete the test_toolbar test? it's bad02:24
elopioas Saviq said, it's failing because now the toolbar starts visible and then it's hidden.02:24
Saviqthomi, if http://s-jenkins:8080/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/3131/console does not recover, just cancel, re-approve, restart http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity8-autolanding/649/02:25
Saviqpast 3am here, gonna go now02:26
Saviqif I find the above to still be hanging in the morning, I'll tackle it first thing02:26
thomiSaviq: thanks man02:26
thomithis is starting to get seriously frustrating :-(02:26
Saviqit does02:26
* Saviq wants the emulator02:27
Saviqhave fun peeps o/02:27
elopioI've just approved the file manager app. It has passed on autopilot-trusty-master02:28
robotfuelrobru: is there the friends app passes locally.02:28
thomielopio: thanks man02:28
robrurobotfuel, yeah, you probably don't have the updated ubuntu-ui-toolkit yet02:28
elopiomaguros are coming back :)02:29
elopiokeyboard is running atm.02:29
robotfuelrobru: can I get a link to a failing test? maybe there is a simple fix?02:31
robrurobotfuel, yeah, the simple fix is to delete test_toolbar. it's a stupid test, it's not testing the app but tests ui-toolkit, and ui-toolkit changes, to the test is broken. it doesn't need to be fixed, just deleted02:32
robrurobotfuel, the test failure is somewhere in the scrollback, sorry I don't remember which one.02:33
robotfuelrobru: done02:35
robotfuelrobru: I don't even think we should have ported that one to 1.4, there are no real tests.02:37
fgintherdown to one maguro02:43
fgintherand down to two makos02:45
robrurobotfuel, well, the idea is that we have that stub there so that it will be easier to write more tests in the future. it definitely needs to be ported to 1.402:49
robrurobotfuel, and thanks02:49
thomifginther: any idea WTF is going on here? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/2982/console03:07
thomirobru: fginther: Are either of you able to kick off the UI toolkit autolanding? It seems it's not enabled by default03:11
thomiwell, I may have done it correctly, maybe not: http://s-jenkins:8080/job/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autolanding/427/03:13
plarslooks like some new failures with the new image03:38
plarswebbrowser_app.tests.test_title.TestWindowTitle.test_window_title  for one03:38
fgintherthomi, hey03:41
thomihey fginther03:41
fgintherthomi, looking at phone-app now03:41
thomiso... I'm not a happy man- the CI hardware seems totally fucked from my POV :(03:42
thomisoooo many failures, and one job that seems permenantly stuck here:
thomiand I'm seeing some strange otto-related issues here as well: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/453/console03:43
thomifginther: TBH, It must be getting late for you, I think the problems we're seeing are more systemic, and it's probably best if you get some sleep and attack this tomorrow03:48
thomiI'll send a status update tomorrow03:49
thomierr, today03:49
fgintherthomi, I see you found the package name issue with friends-app03:49
fgintherthomi, is phone-app depricated?03:50
thomiI have no idea... I would hope that the project would be deleted, if that were the case03:50
fgintherIt's not too late yet, I'll try to help if I can..03:51
thomiOK, I'm just going to approve all the branches, and hope that a few make it through03:52
fgintherthomi, phone-app is not on my device and hasn't been updated in months03:52
thomiOK, I'll delete that then03:52
fgintherugh, why wasn't it deleted :-(03:52
thomiWords cannot convey my emotional state right now...03:53
veebersfginther: quick query: says in this log that there was a bunch of files archived (i.e. the ogv) but the jobs Build artifacts only contains the xml:
veebersfginther: oh, is that the log of the child job that was fired off, because I've found the files on that job03:54
fgintherveebers, right, walk down to the child job, they should be there03:54
veebersfginther: awesome thanks03:55
robruthomi, agreed, we have many systemic issues03:58
thomirobru: are you able to top-approve this please? https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/webbrowser-app/select-many-noorder-ap1.4/+merge/19403103:58
robruthomi, hmmm, oddly not.03:59
robruthomi, osomon should be up soon i think03:59
robrulool, around? i think you can approve this for us: https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/webbrowser-app/select-many-noorder-ap1.4/+merge/19403104:01
thomielopio: still around?04:04
plarsthomi: will that fix the error I mentioned earlier?04:10
thomiplars: I'm not sure which error that is?04:11
thomiplars: oh04:11
plarswebbrowser_app.tests.test_title.TestWindowTitle.test_window_title failing in the smoke tests on the latest image04:11
thomiplars: I'm not sure. was the image built with autopilot 1.4?04:11
plarswas supposed to be... checking04:11
plarsthomi: no, looks like 1.3 still04:12
plarsso, nm04:12
robruthomi, ok, I'm out for reals. I think friends-app will land shortly, anything else i'll help out with in the morning.04:12
thomirobru: ok, thanks for your help04:13
robruthomi, you're welcome04:13
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fgintherthomi, ubuntu-rssreader-app and ubuntu-weather-app have merged04:38
thomifginther: ui toolkit merged as well - sweet!04:40
fgintherthomi, sudoku-app doesn't look good. Not sure how important it is as the results are not included in the dashboard04:48
fgintherthomi, also ubuntu-filemanager-app fails, but it also fails on the dashboard, appear to be some existing issues04:48
thomifginther: OK, can we manually merge the filemanager app branch in that case?04:48
fgintherthomi, yes04:49
thomido you do that, or...?04:49
fgintherthomi, I'll take care of it04:49
fgintherthomi, done04:53
Mirvlet's see...05:12
* Mirv looks at the redness at cu2d05:15
elopiothomi: I'm here.05:18
thomielopio: it's ok, I sorted it05:19
elopiothomi: ok, it seems we are almost done.05:20
thomielopio: well, I doubt that very much :)05:20
elopiothomi: well, 10 branches landed, that's almost all of them. Where do you need help now?05:22
thomielopio: I imagine there will be further issues we need to resolve - tests failing ec.05:23
thomibut I'm done for today05:23
elopioI see tomorrow as the day we can start cleaning tests, so it's not a problem if some fail, those will be the place to start.05:25
fgintherthomi, good luck on the remaining work for today, I'm off to bed.05:34
thomiI'm off to cook dinner, will BBL05:34
elopiolucky shot, the mediaplayer-app works fine on autopilot 1.4.05:51
elopionow there are no apps TODO.05:51
MirvQA stack now green again05:58
Mirv(needed update to xpathselect1.4 in package list)05:59
thomielopio: awesome!07:08
thomiMirv: so, there's nothing more I need to do urgently today?07:08
Mirvthomi: if there is, we'll find out about it only later today. I'm now trying to ensure trevinho's unity branch is ok and will then merge it manually if it is07:14
Mirvif it works properly it will resolve many of the remaining problems07:14
Mirvthomi: but already having autopilot itself, unity8 and ui-toolkit in releasable state is promising07:15
thomiMirv: OK, I'll EOD then. Can you email me with whatever you find please?07:16
Mirvthomi: yep, I'll keep up with the thread07:17
thomiMirv: oh, and if you can find someone with the permissions to merge the webbrowser-app branch, that'd be awesome07:17
Mirvthomi: ok, I'll see about that07:17
vilaMirv: ping08:50
vilaMirv: I've lost track of what needs to happen regarding https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuEngineering/CI/IncidentLog/2013-11-04-otto-outage08:51
vilaMirv: we've reverted the kernels but is someone looking at the corresponding bug ?08:51
vilaMirv: is there even a bug filed for that ?08:51
sil2100Mirv: so the cmake bit is still not merged in? We might need to help finding someone who can top-approve that branch then08:57
Mirvvila: I don't know what was worked on that, but the autopilot machines currently seem to be happy. the last I remember was that it was asked to revert the kernel.08:57
sil2100Since it's slowing things down08:57
Mirvsil2100: yes, I suspect didrocks can help us here, that's why I sent the e-mail.08:58
didrockshey Mirv08:58
Mirvhey didrocks08:58
* didrocks looks at the discussion08:58
MirvI've also pinged osomon to get the webbrowser AP 1.4 branch in today08:59
vilaMirv: argh, yeah, they are happy but they are not testing the latest kernel so if new bugs appear there... worth bringing to attention during the hangout ?08:59
sil2100Mirv: what about gallery-app? Since I see many many tests failing, and the merge is still not in09:00
sil2100Mirv: CI seems to be failing09:00
Mirvvila: ah, I see (reading the page further), indeed I don't know how the 3.12 should now be tested/fixed without causing problems on the machines themselves09:00
didrocksMirv: ok, you need a cmake change for unity7?09:00
vilaMirv: outside the ci lab ? :-D09:00
sil2100Mirv: should we merge in manually? I'm looking at the failures now09:01
Mirvsil2100: I've not looked at that, my time has been consumed by cu2d + unity709:01
didrockspsivaa: hey, are you looking at why image 13 as a bad pass rate?09:01
Mirvdidrocks: yes, with the cmake change proposed unity7 starts working09:01
sil2100Mirv: ok, I'll pick that up09:01
sil2100didrocks: yes, that's the fix bregma did to take care of the annoying FTBFS for unity709:01
sil2100But getting it merged in takes certainly too long already09:01
Mirvsil2100: the cmake MP however didn't have any approve before09:02
Mirvsil2100: so I tested compiling with it and approved it (needs top-approve / sponsoring now)09:02
sil2100Mirv: right, that's what I meant basically, no one besides you had even made a proper review, not to mention anyone from the cmake maintainance guys09:03
didrocksargh, bregma didn't base on latest upstream releas :/09:03
didrocksand I see inline changes09:04
didrocksMirv: sil2100: I think we need to wait for bregma for unity709:04
didrocksjust handle the rest09:04
sil2100didrocks: ACK09:05
didrockssil2100: Mirv do you manage to track what's release/what's still needed releasing? I don't see a landing ask for tracking that, are you ok?09:05
didrocksI don't see latest landing ask updated as well, doing09:05
sil2100didrocks, Mirv: since veebers doesn't seem to be around anymore, I'll merge in the gallery-app 1.4 transition branch manually to avoid CI failures and we can then get someone else fixing the 2 remaining failing tests09:05
didrocksseems the lxc-android-config from ogra_ landed as well. Updating the spreadsheet09:05
didrockssil2100: yep09:06
Mirvdidrocks: isn't it just the patch applied, correctly on top of current ubuntu release?09:06
didrocksMirv: no, it's not (for cmake)09:06
didrocksMirv: sil2100: do you know what's still needed to be released for autopilot 1.4?09:07
sil2100I guess Mirv is more up-to-date ^09:08
Mirvdidrocks: I don't think anything has been released yet for AP1.4 to archives. I fixed QA stack in cu2d only this morning, and unity8, and most of the other stacks depend on unity7 getting fixed09:08
psivaadidrocks: i'll take a look now09:09
sil2100Mirv: did veebers and thomi prepare 1.4 changes for unity7?09:09
sil2100didrocks: for sure dialer-app needs fixing... many test failures with 1.4 and no 1.4 AP branch ;/09:10
didrocksMirv: sil2100: can you list all the components somewhere, like in the landing spreadsheet so that we can track?09:10
Mirvsil2100: they didn't have unity7 on their radar it seems, so I'm working as described on the e-mail09:10
didrockssil2100: working with upstream?09:10
sil2100didrocks: will do, but upstream starts later for these components usually, but keeping that on the radar09:11
sil2100I'll update the Landing Plan09:11
Mirvdidrocks: ok09:12
Mirvwell sil2100 is writing now something, so not interrupting that09:13
sil2100I'll try listing the components that need 'tweaking and releasing'09:13
Mirvdidrocks: and true, the cmake thing is not completely clean, although the only thing I see is not from applying the added patch is the 12 lines in Tests/CMakeLists.txt09:16
sil2100Mirv: I updated it a bit, you can add the component status that you handled more or less - I only included unity8 and autopilot from yours, but make sure it's the right status09:16
didrocksMirv: yeah, but there are other changes, better to not urge on unity7 anyway09:17
Mirvsil2100: I don't think autopilot is done if it's not released, or 'done' is maybe not the correct word?09:17
didrocksyeah, please do not forget anything :)09:17
sil2100Mirv: right, maybe let's use READY for those09:18
Mirvsil2100: or maybe ready for testing, I guess we can't release without testing all of that on device?09:19
Mirvso ready for testing would mean that it's ready in cu2d with 'green light' enough to be tested and after that published from PPA09:19
sil2100Mirv: indeed! You didn't test it on the phone yet?09:19
sil2100ACK, sure09:19
didrocksogra_: hey, do you know why there is no ubuntu-ui-toolkit in http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20131105.1.changes as well? (this one is image 13, right?)09:19
ogra_didrocks, reload09:20
didrocksogra_: you cheated! :)09:20
Mirvsil2100: I haven't had time to even attach the phone yet to my computer09:20
ogra_yep :)09:20
Mirvsil2100: let alone upgrade it to AP1.4 etc09:20
ogra_didrocks, for some reason it compared 20131105 again, not 20131105.1 .... i assume something was slow still due to the wider probs last night09:21
sil2100I need to upgrade it to the new image I guess as well09:21
didrocksogra_: ok, thanks for fixing!09:21
ogra_didrocks, sadly that doesnt make 13 any better :(09:21
didrocksogra_: no, I'm unsure what happen, can't wait for psivaa's report :)09:21
ogra_(the breakage started in 12 though)09:22
didrockssil2100: popey: coming?09:31
didrockssil2100: we are waiting for you :)09:32
Mirvhmm what happened to my hangouts09:45
MirvI know a cat was involved but that doesn't explain getting redirected to a hangout error url on retry09:50
Mirvsil2100: but I guess the meeting was near end, or was there still something / being discussed?09:51
Mirveh, now it works09:51
sil2100Mirv: I guess it's more or less over ;)09:52
Mirvthat was a weird error I got into, but animals have the ways of finding interesting key combos09:53
ogra_so doing a call test for image 13 i just managed to make my Nexus 5 hang hard09:53
ogra_heh, the kitkat phone app is definitely worse than ours :)09:54
* ogra_ manages to hang it reproducably 09:54
ogra_wow, and it is unintuitive as hell ... trying to store a contact requires you to jump through plenty of hoops09:58
didrockspsivaa: is there a way to increase the number of loops in systemsettle idling and rerun against image 13?10:08
didrocksto check that indicators is going quiet after a while10:09
psivaadidrocks: let me try that10:11
didrockspsivaa: maybe try -d 610:11
didrocksas for the main run10:11
didrocksinstead of -d 210:11
Mirvsil2100: didrocks: releasing ubuntu-ui-toolkit, only change the AP1.4 one and all tests succeed. I'd wish for another to test unity8 since I don't get a full pass with that (3 tests fail)10:13
Mirvdidrocks: pkging ack
didrockspsivaa: can you review and merge that one? https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubuntu-test-cases/fix-delay/+merge/19409510:15
didrocksthen, if you can retry a full tests on image 1310:16
didrockssil2100: are you on unity8?10:16
didrocksMirv: +110:16
psivaadidrocks:  i'll take a look, -d is the delay in between each iteration and default is 6 though10:17
didrockspsivaa: yeah, but it's set to 2 for normal app runs10:18
didrocksand in the global run, we see that they need 3 loops to settle10:19
sil2100didrocks: if you meant local testing, then yes10:19
didrockssil2100: thanks!10:20
Mirvfiled bug #1248477 about the unity8 tests10:26
ubot5bug 1248477 in Unity 8 "Three failing tests with unity8 + AP1.4" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124847710:26
didrocksSaviq: ^10:26
didrocksOSError: [Errno 3] No such process10:26
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, we're talking, didn't happen in autolanding10:26
didrocksseems a crash?10:26
didrocksah ok ;)10:26
Saviqdidrocks, yeah10:26
Mirvdidrocks: for autopilot itself I guess the automatic testing by cu2d is enough?10:28
psivaadidrocks: making the default run with 6 s delay make the default tests to pass. but default tests are not regressing in between image 11 and 1310:28
didrocksMirv: hum, you did run the AP AP tests on the devices, right?10:28
didrockspsivaa: yeah, we are slower to boot it seems, but I still need a run without the system settle flawing the results10:29
didrockspsivaa: even if we commit to 6 for a couple of days and then reverting10:29
psivaadidrocks: ack, makes sense. would you mind making the MP to lp:ubuntu-test-cases/touch rather than lp:ubuntu-test-cases ?10:30
didrockspsivaa: oh sure!10:30
didrocksstupid bzr config :p10:30
psivaadidrocks: thanks :)10:30
didrockspsivaa: anddddddd https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/ubuntu-test-cases/fix-delay/+merge/19409910:31
psivaadidrocks: approved, thanks10:33
didrockspsivaa: thanks to you! you will do the rerun?10:33
psivaadidrocks: sure10:33
* didrocks crosses fingers…10:34
vilaMirv: hey ! Thanks for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glamor-egl/0.5.1-0ubuntu6 !10:35
vilaMirv: can you explain https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glamor-egl/0.5.1-0ubuntu6/+publishinghistory to a poor noob ?10:35
Laneyit moved from proposed to release10:37
Laneyas part of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration10:37
Laneyvila: ^10:37
vilaLaney: that's the expected and usua... let me read that ;)10:37
Laneyyes, that's normal10:38
vilaLaney: but I don't see it when running apt-get update --dry-run on a machine where I want to verify the fix10:38
vilaLaney: ha, but it's us.archive.ubuntu.com10:39
vilawhat's the expected delay ?10:39
Laneyrmadison -S -s trusty glamor-egl shows it, so shouldn't be too long before it's mirrored10:40
Laneyyou can grab the debs from launchpad if you don't want to wait10:40
vilaLaney: right, thanks for explanations !10:41
psivaadidrocks: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/maguro/13:20131105.1:20131031.1/4909/default/10:43
psivaathat's the only test that gets affected with the chage10:43
didrockspsivaa: hum, all tests didn't rerun? only the default one, right?10:44
asaccwayne: in theory yes, in practice this is not enforced/implemented to full extend yet.10:44
psivaadidrocks: yes, all the other tests are using -d6 already10:44
asaccwayne: who should we call if customization test fails?10:44
asacpsivaa: not the other way around?10:45
didrockspsivaa: hum, we saw -d2 with asac10:45
asacthe default one uses -d6 and the others are using -d210:45
didrocksargh, seems you're right: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/trusty-touch-maguro-smoke-friends-app-autopilot/17/console10:45
psivaadidrocks:  asac: no it's the otherway around. like the link above10:45
didrocksI think we mixed this with asac10:46
asacwell, it feels really odd that we are stricter about time in the default one10:46
asaccompared to the one we run on every test10:46
psivaaasac: that's now fixed with didrocks 's change :)10:46
psivaanow every run has 6 s delay10:47
didrocksasac: ok, so 30s is not enough with the system settle idling10:47
didrockspsivaa: can you try to increase the number of run, like 10? (I think it's -c10) and run some tests failing?10:47
asacdidrocks: right. so my initial patch was about 10min :010:48
didrockspsivaa: we just want to know if we are slower in boot time or it's something else10:48
asacwe should at least give it 2min :)10:48
didrocksso 20?10:48
asacwho knows what other races might exist10:48
didrockspsivaa: mind trying that? ^10:48
asaci think i had 10 * 610:48
psivaadidrocks: sure will try that as a temp measure. we may need to find why indicator is taking up resources10:48
asac10 * 10 * 610:49
didrockspsivaa: right, let's see with 10*6 for now. We'll need to dig on the regression10:49
psivaadidrocks: ack10:49
didrocksbut let's see where we stand for first10:49
didrockslibido3 changed10:50
didrocksit's the only possible guilty for indicators10:50
didrocksI didn't see a landing ask for it10:50
didrocksseb128: sil2100: do you know more about it? ^10:50
seb128didrocks, ido is desktop specific, it's GTK widgets10:51
didrocksnew network-manager as well10:51
didrocksseb128: it's installed on the touch image though10:51
seb128didrocks, that seems a bug, let me check why10:51
didrocksseb128: thanks :)10:51
didrocksido or network-manager10:51
seb128didrocks, it can't work there, there is no GTK-Mir backend10:51
didrocksas we don't know which indicators is going crazy10:51
sil2100didrocks: I published it as seb128 and the team asked for it, but ido makes only sense on desktop10:52
didrockspsivaa: is there a way for you (once you tweaked the value and run this tests) to log into a device and just rerun one test, after having downgraded some packages?10:53
* didrocks feels the indicator we see is indicator-network and it's screwed by network-manager10:53
psivaadidrocks: yea that's possible, i'm going to run first this with my personal branch10:53
didrocksyeah ;)10:54
asacdidrocks: so i think the value is not going to help that much10:56
asacdidrocks: what really kills stuff is the timeout here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/view/head:/tests/systemsettle/systemsettle-before/tc_control10:56
Mirvsil2100: what are you testing now?10:56
asacdidrocks: but let me first validate10:57
didrocksasac: I don't understand how the timeout plays regarding to the command10:57
asacdidrocks: so -d means how many top samples to take for each run ... and not how many top runs in total (thats == 10 and is constrained by the timeout)10:58
didrocks-c you mean?10:58
* didrocks looks10:58
asacdidrocks: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/view/head:/tests/systemsettle/systemsettle.sh10:58
didrocks   echo " -d  seconds to delay between each top iteration (Default: 6)"10:58
didrocksbut yeah, -c won't help10:58
asacdidrocks: so for top run: 0 we basically get -c5 times a top sample of -d6 seconds10:59
didrocksI don't get why we stop after 5 iterations then10:59
asacwhcih is 30 seconds for each top run10:59
asacwhich sums up nicely to top run: 4 for 120 seconds10:59
didrocksah, so we are already at this 120s10:59
asacdidrocks: we are getting killed by the timeout10:59
didrocksso yeah, sounds like you're right10:59
asacdidrocks: i dont think we do it for default in the same manner10:59
didrocksyeah, I don't understand why we settle in the default though11:00
didrocksand not after the reboots11:00
ogra_bah, that new toolbar behavior is extremely annoying11:00
asacdidrocks: right so the default settle has 720 seconds11:00
asacdidrocks: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/view/head:/tests/default/systemsettle/tc_control11:00
asacdidrocks: so its abuot tweaking the timeout11:00
didrocksto 720s? :)11:00
Mirvdidrocks: I've some errors on autopilot autopilot on device, but I'm not sure what to expect as it has eg. errors on mouse devices / X1111:00
asacdidrocks: in theory yes, but its basically the time we believe is fine until system is good11:01
asacmaybe more like 4 minutes11:01
asacbyut yeah they should be the same11:01
didrocksasac: do you reproduce locally btw?11:01
didrocksMirv: argh, I think write it somewhere, but then, please right it down so that we can get the QA team fixing those11:01
didrocksMirv: I meant: publish it still*11:02
didrockspsivaa: ok, so from what asac told, can you rather try to downgrade network-manager and run an app test?11:02
* ogra_ wonders who decided that crazyness ... seems the toolbar is always expanded when starting an app ... so you have to wait several seconds until you can start typing input if your app has an input field at the bottom11:02
didrocksjust so we see if system settle is still going crazy11:02
didrocksogra_: yeah, new toolkit11:03
ogra_(this is really annoying when trying to use the messaging app)11:03
ogra_didrocks, right, i would like to know who nods off such stuff ...11:03
psivaadidrocks: ok, i'm in the middle of couple of runs in each device, once they finish i'll try that11:04
didrocksogra_: want a ticket to London? :)11:04
didrockspsivaa: thanks!11:04
ogra_didrocks, already have one for jan. :P11:04
Mirvdidrocks: ok. then there's the matter of packaging acks + +11:04
Mirvhttp:// +
ogra_it fells just half thoughgt throug ... people dont know about the toolbar, so lets put it in their face all the time ...11:04
didrocksMirv: for xpathselect, the soname changed? (no common file installed between 1.3 and 1.4?)11:05
ogra_do people actually USE the phone before deciding such things ?11:06
ogra_(sorry, i'll stop ranting now)11:06
Mirvdidrocks: yes, it's so.1.3 now11:06
didrocksso.1.4 you meant? :)11:06
Mirvdidrocks: 1.4 :)11:06
didrocks-               python-autopilot,11:06
didrocks+               autopilot-desktop (>= 1.4),11:06
didrocksthat sounds wrong to me to bind autopilot-gtk to X11:06
didrocksand desktop11:06
didrockswith bamf and anything11:07
didrocksMirv: I won't block on it, but do you mind pinging upstream about it?11:07
didrocks+ python-autopilot (>= 1.4) | python3-autopilot (>= 1.4),11:07
didrocksas well, in autopilot-gtk -> tabs vs spaces, fixing?11:07
Mirvdidrocks: it's build depend only11:07
Saviqdidrocks, Mirv's ~phablet/autopilot was messing with him11:07
Saviqdidrocks, u8 is 100%11:07
didrocksSaviq: sorry, what do you mean?11:08
Mirvdidrocks: ok, fixing11:08
Mirvdidrocks: he means that u8 is ok, I'll publish it too later11:08
Saviqdidrocks, the click autopilot script installs stuff into ~phablet/autopilot11:08
didrocksMirv: same in autopilot-qt (tab vs space)11:08
Saviqdidrocks, and that takes precedence before a .deb install11:08
Saviqdidrocks, so if you don't clean that up, you might be running some unmatched suites11:09
didrocksSaviq: so the click script installed AP 1.3?11:09
Saviqdidrocks, not ap itself, but old unity8's suite most probably11:09
* didrocks doesn't understand, what command exactly installed those? (I think we are only testing click for click packages, not unity8)11:10
didrocksor when you test a click package, it's running unity8 AP tests as well?11:10
didrocks(and so install them)11:10
Mirvdidrocks: click-test-setup downloads unity8 autopilot tests always, and if they linger in /home/phablet/autopilot the .deb tests are ignored11:11
didrocksthat's why we need to clean up this click vs debs tests mess11:11
Saviqdidrocks, +111:12
sil2100didrocks: in unity8 there are 3 tests constantly failing locally, mostly notification-related - should I publish unity8 anyway?11:12
sil2100Saviq: ^11:12
Saviqsil2100, read up11:12
didrockssil2100: you are lagging dude :)11:12
sil2100No one pinged me so I didn't read ;p11:12
* sil2100 reads up11:12
sil2100Mirv: as for what I'm working on, I always update the Landing Plan on what I am working on ;)11:13
sil2100Mirv: so just look for 'sil2100'11:14
Mirvsil2100: yeah I looked it up, but there was nothing at that time11:14
didrocksMirv: and +1 on autopilot11:14
didrocksMirv: so all good11:15
sil2100Mirv: I'm sure it was, as I changed it some time before your question I guess!11:15
Mirvdidrocks: ok, not sure, but I didn't see that unity8 note until now. but I'd guess you've also /home/phablet/autopilot messing up things, as I now had the tests passing11:17
Mirvsil2100: to you ^11:17
Mirvdidrocks: ignore :)11:17
* didrocks is always happy to ignore11:17
sil2100Mirv: oh, excellent then11:18
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
sil2100Mirv: I'll maybe check mediaplayer-app and camera-app in the meantime11:19
sil2100...or are those click packages now?11:19
Mirvsil2100: alright, I need to eat a late lunch anyhow at some point11:20
sil2100Since I really get a bit confused with all of this already11:20
Mirvsil2100: those are not11:20
sil2100Ok, camera-app requires fixing as well...11:24
sil2100No merge in sight11:24
didrockssil2100: test failing? the 1.4 branch was not merged?11:25
sil2100There is no 1.4 branch11:26
didrockssil2100: http://pad.ubuntu.com/autopilot-1-411:26
didrockssil2100: seems no porting was needed for that one11:26
sil2100Nothing got merged, no branch prepared, and 3 failures11:26
sil2100Well, I get reproducible 3 failures all the time11:26
sil2100Maybe something in my config screws up things, I'll check11:27
didrocks(that's why I didn't list it yesterday)11:27
didrockspsivaa: did you get a chance to have this run done?11:27
didrocks(just one one app test at least)11:27
psivaadidrocks: just in the process of downgrading nm, it has a lot of dependencies with it11:28
sil2100didrocks: no matter how many times I run it, I always get the same 3 failures sadly, related to DBus introspection - so I guess it needs some 1.4 porting?11:29
sil2100StateNotFoundError: State not found for class 'Rectangle' and filters {'objectName': 'main'}.11:29
didrockssil2100: probably yeah, please note it11:29
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
sil2100didrocks: mediaplayer-app is fine as it is, so nothing needed here11:31
didrockssil2100: it seems we needs friends as well11:32
didrockssil2100: but they did push other commits than the 1.4 transition, right? :/11:32
didrocksah, it's friends-app, not friends11:32
sil2100didrocks: for friends-app you mean?11:33
sil2100didrocks: it just has the transition11:33
didrocksyeah, we're fine :)11:33
sil2100didrocks: is it tested or should I test it now?11:33
didrocksMirv: you wrote unity8 and ubuntu-ui-toolkit published, I don't see them in -changes?11:33
didrockssil2100: I guess you need to test it11:33
sil2100No problemo11:34
didrocksMirv: also, do you have the bug report for AP desktop tests failing?11:34
didrockssil2100: please open one for camera-app11:35
* didrocks sees ubuntu-ui-toolkit, but not unity811:36
sil2100didrocks: ACK, friends clean and ready for release, I'll push it out in a moment11:36
didrockssil2100: great!11:37
Mirvdidrocks: unity8 should be right there in a ~minute. I found bug #1211140 for autopilot11:38
ubot5bug 1211140 in Autopilot "Autopilots test suites cannot be run on devices due to using window-mocker (X11 only)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121114011:38
didrocksMirv: ok, thanks11:39
didrocksMirv: hum this bug is not what you see, right?11:40
didrocksMirv: you told that it's failing on the desktop, not on the device?11:40
Mirvdidrocks: no, failing on device was what I was talking about11:40
Mirvdesktop ok11:40
didrocksMirv: oh, so AP tests (without that package installed) pass on the device?11:41
didrocksor AP tests themselves are all failing?11:41
Mirvdidrocks: some of AP's own AP tests fail on device, citing X11 errors and such11:41
psivaadidrocks: calendar app tests which regressed in image 12 is being run with downgraded n-m in maguro. let you know the outcome11:42
didrockspsivaa: crossing fingers!11:43
sil2100didrocks: hm, I'd like to publish friends-app, but the friends stack is waitonstacks - should I wait for platform to finish, or should I just abort waitonstacks and force a publish?11:43
didrockssil2100: no, as long as it's waitonstacks, you can force a publish (withut stopping it)11:43
didrocksit's going to publish previous run11:43
sil2100didrocks: right, but I wanted to first do a 'not-forced publish' to see if there are packaging changes - but I guess I'll just check the latest trunk commit11:44
sil2100So right11:44
sil2100didrocks: packaging ACK needed! http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~super-friends/friends-app/trunk/revision/11511:44
didrockssil2100: +111:44
sil2100didrocks: sadly it's still waiting on waitonstacks to finish ?!11:47
didrockssil2100: do you have a bug for the test failures on camera-app?11:47
didrockssil2100: hum, let me look11:47
sil2100And the console says it's waiting for onwaitforstacks11:48
didrockssil2100: it's just a viewing artefact11:48
didrockssee it ran11:48
didrockshum no11:49
sil2100Not sure, it says 21hrs ago?11:49
didrocksit didn't11:49
didrockswth, it worked before, right?11:49
sil2100Not sure when it regressed and stopped working even11:49
didrockssil2100: ok, let me kill the previous run then11:49
viladidrocks: remember ? I have a gut feeling the default parameters have to adjusted to fix
viladidrocks: I'm trying to verify the fix for radeon and run into a bunch of accumulated issues (including having to revert the kernel so at least we'll have a reproducing env for that ;)11:50
didrocksvila: yeah, liblttng-ust0 migrated, you should take the latest parameters11:51
didrocksvila: remove it from the package list, it will tell you what's needed then11:51
didrockssil2100: ok, publishing11:52
didrockssil2100: I don't know why it doesn't work anymore, like if someone put a lock again on the jobs and no concurrent build can happen11:52
sil2100didrocks: thanks!11:52
sil2100hmm, didn't hear anyone mention a modification to that11:52
didrocks  <concurrentBuild>true</concurrentBuild>11:52
didrockssil2100: and the config of the job is telling concurrentBuild is allowed on waitonstack11:53
didrockssil2100: maybe a jenkins regression?11:53
sil2100Maybe? But I would find that rather unlikely11:58
didrockspsivaa: so, it seems that calendar-app isn't better on mako?11:58
Saviqsil2100, didrocks, Mirv, can we start merging into unity8 again?11:58
didrocksstill this insane system settling idle?11:58
didrocksSaviq: not as long as we don't have an image showing 100% for unity811:59
psivaadidrocks: the downgraded n-m is only on maguro, at least systemsettle failures have gone with the old n-m11:59
didrocksSaviq: will take some hours still11:59
Saviqdidrocks, ok11:59
didrockspsivaa: ah ok :)11:59
didrockspsivaa: really \o/11:59
didrockspsivaa: you are relaunching everything with that downgrade?11:59
* Saviq merges the changelog update then11:59
psivaadidrocks: one by one i'm doing that12:00
didrockspsivaa: can you try on mako as well and give us the list of what you downgraded exactly?12:00
didrockspsivaa: I'm considering backing it out from trusty12:00
psivaadidrocks: in the process on mako12:00
sergiusensdidrocks, should I just get the latest click apps in the store and hope for the best? or how do I get ap 1.4 on my image which I guess has to be read write12:02
didrockssergiusens: if you can run the tests, would be awesome so that we know where we stands. But as we started the transition, we have no other way than pushing everything I guess12:03
didrockssergiusens: we saw that some 1.4-compatible branches were not merge btw, you need to ensure that I guess12:04
sergiusensok, I x-check the branches12:04
didrockssergiusens: thanks :)12:04
vilaMirv, didrocks: -91, not bad12:05
vila13 is my lucky number ;)12:05
didrocksvila: heh ;)12:05
viladidrocks: so, let's say the radeon issue is fixed but I won't re-provision it so we have a reproducing host for the kernel issue ?12:06
didrockspsivaa: were all your revert only part of network-manager source package?12:06
didrocksvila: exactly12:06
didrocksvila: so now, you should sync with leann I guess12:06
didrocksfor the kernel part12:06
psivaadidrocks: i'm downgradeing all of them in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/
viladidrocks: will need to document all the tweaks I did for the radeon verification first (or that knowledge will be lost)12:07
viladidrocks: but yeah, that's the idea12:08
didrockspsivaa: ok, great, no other dependencies!12:08
didrocksvila: indeed12:08
psivaadidrocks: yes12:08
* vila lunches &12:09
Mirvvila: ok!12:10
psivaadidrocks: there is a systemsettle failure even with downgraded n-m in*view*/12:13
psivaathis time ofono appears the reason12:13
didrocks1748 phablet 20 0 128752 95104 3872 S 57.6 13.4 1:06.43 indicator-+12:14
didrockspsivaa: so indicator is still on top?12:15
didrockspsivaa: can you try to downgrade libido3-0.1-0?12:16
psivaadidrocks: ok, i'll try that12:17
sergiusensdidrocks, terminal app doesn't have code updates or an MR for it, was it not needed?12:23
sergiusensthe upadte that is12:23
didrockssergiusens: http://pad.ubuntu.com/autopilot-1-412:24
didrocksseems they say no update code was needed12:24
sergiusensdidrocks, ack; forget the pad; just bothers me it needs auth every hour or so :-)12:25
sergiusensas in *I forget the pad*12:25
didrocksheh, no owrry ;)12:25
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
Mirvsil2100: what was the problem with camera-app?13:00
sil2100Mirv: 3 tests are failing all the time: https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app/+bug/124849513:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1248495 in camera-app "Failing camera-app autopilot tests with autopilot 1.4" [Critical,New]13:01
sil2100Mirv: so it seems it needs to be fixed for 1.413:01
sil2100I'll try doing that in a moment13:01
Mirvsil2100: hmm, ok, it was just marked as not needing changes so then that's wrong info13:02
sil2100Mirv: yes, we saw that with didrocks, but it doesn't seem to be the case13:02
* didrocks asks once again to have a bug to sil210013:03
Mirvsil2100: yep, updated the pad13:03
sil2100didrocks: made a bug13:05
sil2100didrocks: ^13:05
didrockssil2100: link?13:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1248495 in camera-app "Failing camera-app autopilot tests with autopilot 1.4" [Critical,New]13:05
sil2100I pasted it to Mirv just now ;p13:05
didrockswasn't pinged13:05
sil2100Damn, ubuntu-keyboard merge is failing to merge for reasons unknown to me13:07
sil2100Like FTBFS13:07
cwayneasac: you should call me if customization fails13:14
cwayneasac: so we plan on having it gating, but it's not quite there yet?  (again, just trying to gauge exactly where we are :) )13:16
sergiusensdidrocks, forgot to ask, where's ap 1.4?13:31
didrockssergiusens: in trusty13:31
sergiusensdidrocks, oh, great13:31
didrockssergiusens: you have ap 1.4, ap-gtk, ap-qt and xpathselect13:31
sergiusensdidrocks, but latest trusty-proposed image doesn't have it and we are blocking a build until everything is in, right?13:32
didrockssergiusens: exactly13:32
zygadoanac: hey13:40
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sergiusensdidrocks, is it stuck in proposed? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6370521/13:43
didrockssergiusens: it is (the transition isn't finished). I guess Mirv/sil2100 are looking into it13:43
didrocksas they published it13:43
didrockssergiusens: it's a good thing that it's blocked in proposed btw13:44
didrocksso that we can investigate on the other issue13:44
sergiusensdidrocks, ok, I think I should hold back on the clicks since rolling back is not as easy13:44
sil2100I guess Mirv pushed it, I'm still poking/fixing to get the other branches 1.4-able13:44
sergiusensthat is, I'll test what's there, but won't put them in the store13:45
didrockssergiusens: well, how long is it for you to push?13:45
didrockssergiusens: there is no more rolling back for us, so you can push13:45
sergiusensdidrocks, not much; the packages just need an approver and I have popey hooked to that task ;-)13:46
sergiusensdidrocks, the testing part is the slow part ;-)13:48
didrockssergiusens: can you get me a summary of what failed then?13:48
didrocksso that we can hook up the QA team before they see the failures13:48
sergiusensdidrocks, yeah, let me install ap first ;-)13:48
sergiusensdidrocks, going to do same thing as yesterday if that's ok13:49
Mirvyep AP1.4 is still in -proposed13:49
didrockssergiusens: sure! but in any case: the tests will be broken if you don't push, so please push13:49
didrocksMirv: are you working on it?13:50
sergiusensdidrocks, ah, what's the ETA for a new image?13:50
sil2100camera-app fixed, preparing merge13:50
didrockssergiusens: I would have hoped in the next couple of hours, but I'm afraid that won't happen13:50
sergiusensdidrocks, might as well circle back with QA if tests fail right?13:50
sergiusensdidrocks, well, it's chicken and egg; I'll push anyways13:50
didrockssergiusens: yeah, but anyway, they will fail if you don't push latest :)13:50
didrockssergiusens: so better to show "those are the real failures"13:50
didrocks"please fix it now" :p13:50
didrocksMirv: so what's getting AP stuck in proposed? (again, that's fortunate in some way, enabling us to run the tests right now still against image 13°13:52
Mirvdidrocks: I was waiting for normal migration. it's mentioned at a valid candidate on the other page, but I don't know to read http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt regarding it.13:53
didrocksMirv: yeah, the valid candidate on the other page is always giving trouble to people13:54
didrocksI think cjwatson wrote a page on the migration, one sec13:54
didrocksMirv: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration13:55
cjwatsonthe line to read is13:56
cjwatson    * i386: cordova-ubuntu-autopilot, ubuntu-keyboard-autopilot, unity-autopilot, unity-webapps-qml-autopilot13:56
cjwatsonAfter "leading: xpathselect,autopilot-gtk,autopilot-qt,autopilot,unity8,friends-app,ubuntu-ui-toolkit" - which means that p-m tried that set and discovered that the list of packages above is newly uninstallable on i386 after doing so13:57
cjwatsonNone of the source packages for those binaries is even listed in excuses, which likely means they still need uploads to transition them to the new AP13:57
Mirvok, so under the 'Apparently successful'13:59
Mirvthose packages seem to use the 'libautopilot-qt (<< 1.4)' unfortunately14:00
cjwatson"Apparently successful" refers to what comes above it14:00
cjwatsonThe block is actually from "Trying easy from autohinter: xpathselect/..." to "FAILED"14:00
cjwatsoncyphermox was going to propose a branch to rearrange the newlines so that that's clearer, I think14:00
Mirvaha, right14:00
Mirvwell, I'm branching now those to propose changes to the dependencies14:01
* cjwatson goes back to being on holiday14:01
Mirvubuntu-keyboard has the branch already, unity needs bregma to readjust cmake + merge my branch to make a new release. not sure yet what cordova-ubuntu-tests + unity-webapps-qml would need, but I added "Unblocking AP 1.4 from -proposed" to the pad.ubuntu.com/autopilot-1-414:08
sil2100Right, ubuntu-keyboard is merging, camera-app is merging as well, gallery-app is being worked on (CI checking the merge), dialer-app still needs attention I guess14:10
sil2100About dialer-app I poked boiko but I guess bfiller could help as well14:10
bregmaMirv, the patch to cmake is working its way through the system:  if you're in a hurry, back out the broken version of cmake from -proposed14:10
Mirvbregma: I had the problem with release pocket make as well14:12
Mirvbregma: didrocks mentioned your cmake branch was touching some file(s) outside of the patch14:12
bfillersil2100: what is the issue with dialer-app?14:12
sil2100bfiller: hi! It hasn't been re-written yet to 1.4 and tests are failing, let me get a bug14:14
Mirvsil2100: can you continue with the "Unblocking AP 1.4 from -proposed" from the pad?14:15
Mirvsil2100: and maybe toss cordova at least to robru14:16
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Mirvsil2100: only ubuntu-keyboard really had the << 1.4, I'm not sure why the other show up as uninstallable - I've now AP 1.4 on desktop + installed all of cordova-ubuntu-autopilot, unity-autopilot and unity-webapps-qml-autopilot without issues14:16
sil2100bfiller: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dialer-app/+bug/124855314:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1248553 in dialer-app "Autopilot tests for dialer-app fail on autopilot 1.4 (trusty)" [Critical,New]14:17
sil2100Mirv: I'll move on to that once I finish coordinating these fixes/merges, let me open the pad again14:18
didrocksbregma: failed on pbuilder btw14:19
didrocksI meant14:19
didrockspassed on my pbuilder14:19
didrocksFTBFS in proposed14:20
didrocksbregma: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/155964101/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-arm64.cmake_2.8.12-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:20
didrocksbut I guess that won't block it14:20
didrocks(should pass on others)14:20
didrocksalmost done on i38614:21
Mirvdidrocks: great!14:21
bregmaI don;t think an ICE on arm64 is the fault of my patch14:21
Mirvbregma: so after cmake is in, then https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/unity/xpathselect-1.4/+merge/194077 is what I had unity building again. it has trevinho's branch merged.14:22
Mirvsil2100: ah, found the reason, needs just recompile I think14:23
bregmaMirv, as soon as jenkins is happy with that merge we can globally approve it14:23
bregmawe've got a Nux ABI change pending, so we need to get this straightened out14:24
didrocksbregma: can you backout the ABI change?14:24
didrocksso that we just unblock unity14:25
didrocksand not having a transition on top of a transtion :p14:25
bregmasee, this is why we need a separate dev branch14:25
didrocksthis is already so messy and crazy, I would appreciate any small help14:25
sil2100It's like a dream inside a dream inside a nightmare14:27
Mirvsil2100: didrocks: ok I launched no-change rebuilds in cu2d of cordova-ubuntu-tests and unity-webapps-qml. please publish when they're ready, and together with unity ^ and ubuntu-keyboard AP 1.4 should be unblocked. I need to go now.14:28
bregmanothing has been merged into Unity because of the cmake bug, if we stop that pending merge asnd you don't build (or use) the newest Nux and Compiz, there should be no effect14:28
sil2100Mirv: thanks! Bye!14:29
bregmacan you do that easily?14:29
didrockssil2100: can you remove nux frmo the ppa?14:29
didrocksso that we don't pick it14:29
didrocksand once we can rebuild unity, we'll be fine14:29
sil2100didrocks: ACK14:29
sil2100didrocks: ok, nux removed, let's make sure we only rebuild unity when it's ready14:31
didrocksMirv: have a good evening14:31
bregmasil2100, also remove compiz from the PPA, just in case14:34
didrocksyeah, nice idea14:34
bregmawe need only one degree of freedom for this transition14:34
sil2100bregma, didrocks: done14:36
didrockssil2100: thanks14:37
sil2100Rebuilding ubuntu-keyboard14:38
sergiusensdidrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6370857/14:48
didrockssergiusens: stockticker and sudoku coming?14:49
didrocksor the x means you can't merge them?14:49
sergiusensdidrocks, [x] is bad :-)14:49
sergiusensfromt he legend above14:49
sergiusensdidrocks, trunk doesn't have the ap 1.4 stuff yet14:49
didrockssergiusens: ok, you are working with upstream to get that merged?14:49
sergiusensdidrocks, am I responsible for that?14:50
didrockssergiusens: not sure, balloons maybe?14:50
sergiusensdidrocks, I would rather have QA deal with that14:50
didrockssergiusens: balloons seems to be the core apps team linking14:50
sergiusenssince it's their transition14:50
didrockssergiusens: TBH, I would rather having QA dealing with everything for that transition. As you can see, we need to push ourself :/14:51
sergiusensdidrocks, tb(more)h, I would of just blocked ap 1.4 until it were backwards compatible14:51
didrockssergiusens: wasn't my decision…14:52
sergiusensdidrocks, I know :-)14:52
didrockssergiusens: but nice! most of the work is done :)14:52
didrocksballoons: can you handle the 2 last branches14:52
didrocksthanks sergiusens14:52
sergiusensdidrocks, calendar needs work too14:52
fginthersil2100, can you review: https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/cupstream2distro-config/remove-phone-app/+merge/19416215:05
sil2100fginther: with pleasure, it's been haunting us in cu2d for a while now15:05
cwayneasac: ping15:07
sil2100fginther: approved15:07
fginthersil2100, thanks15:09
doanaczyga: hey15:11
zygadoanac: can you tell me more about this channel15:12
zygadoanac: how is this different from ubuntu-qa?15:12
doanaczyga: might be easier to read about the two teams. A decision was made a few months ago to split responsibilities between a QA team and a CI team:15:15
zygadoanac: interesting, thanks15:19
sil2100didrocks: should I test the AP 1.4 ubuntu-keyboard tests on my phone or should I not bother with it right now? As we're not running those tests anywhere right now from what I see15:24
sil2100And by publishing ubuntu-keyboard now we'll be closer to unblocking AP 1.415:25
didrockssil2100: can you still try to run it?15:26
sil2100didrocks: will do my best then15:26
sergiusensdidrocks, ping me if I get distracted; I'm going to go back to the emulator work15:34
didrockssergiusens: yeah, I think it's fine from your side15:35
sil2100didrocks: in the meantime, can I maybe publish the webapps bits? Like cordova and unity-webapps-qml?15:41
sil2100didrocks: since the ubuntu-keyboard deal is a bit more complicated for unknown reasons15:41
sil2100didrocks: but ubuntu-keyboard tests were always a bunch of trouble ;/15:42
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didrockssil2100: ok, fine then15:43
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cjwatsondidrocks: the cmake/arm64 failure would block it because it was previously built on arm64.  However I've retried since that's just an unreliable-hardware problem16:06
didrockscjwatson: thanks16:12
didrockssil2100: where do we stand? unity7 handled as well? nothing else blocking AP?16:24
sil2100didrocks: the required unity7 merge is in the process of reviewing by Chris16:25
sil2100didrocks: now I'm testing gallery-app for publishing as well16:25
sil2100didrocks: it seems that from the 'big guys' only unity7 is left - once I publish gallery-app, there's also dialer-app with failures, but I guess that can be fixed pretty soon16:28
didrockssil2100: this is blocking AP 1.4 moving to the release pocket as well, right?16:29
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sil2100didrocks: sadly yes... it's a blocker, but the merge that needs to be approved is a bit big, as it's the xpathselect-1.4 changer16:32
sil2100didrocks: oh, it's approved now16:32
sil2100Ok, I think I need to update myself on the unity7 issue, as Chris says there's still the cmake issue going on... Thought it was resolved already16:33
didrockshum, weird?16:33
sil2100Just checked, Chris was a bit wrong, as it's in -proposed16:35
didrockssil2100: should we juts disable automated cu2d builds?16:41
didrocksI guess we don't want nux/compiz to build16:41
evdidrocks: does https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1311-developing-process-definition need to be proposed for vuds?16:44
didrocksev: I guess it's a little bit too early, let's have a first CI system and then we can work on the process16:45
sil2100didrocks: good idea! How can we do that?16:45
* sil2100 never done that16:45
evdidrocks: :) sure16:45
didrockssil2100: juts disabling the build head_all job16:46
didrockssil2100: look at it, for future reference (just did it)16:46
robruMirv, what about cordova?16:46
sil2100robru: published, all is in the Landing Ask I guess16:47
sil2100didrocks: ok, see it, thanks16:47
didrockssil2100: cyphermox: plars: psivaa: kenvandine: coming?17:02
plarsdidrocks: yes, brt17:02
kenvandinedidrocks, just a moment, wrapping up another call17:02
psivaadidrocks: i dont normally attend the afternoon meetings but could do if needed17:03
sil2100Damn, my system is really laggy17:03
cyphermoxshortly... I'm reproducng hte bug now...17:03
didrockspsivaa: for that one, please :)17:03
psivaadidrocks: ack, i'll need the link to the ho17:04
didrockspsivaa: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/Y2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbV91cTRvNmQyMWJvNmJ0bm1mcW9xZWtsNTdnOEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t.cg7k3h1nmqml7psc1nn68223i017:04
fginthercjwatson, After reading https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/1225023, it appears you know a way to remove a click package. Is this true?17:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1225023 in click (Ubuntu) "Manually removing packages without removing user symlinks causes chaos" [Medium,Triaged]17:04
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kenvandineat least share-app hasn't been ported to 1.4, so it's blocking autopilot17:22
kenvandinemaybe more...17:22
* kenvandine creates a full list17:22
sil2100kenvandine: share-app is a click package, right?17:24
robrusil2100, what was the merge for dialer-app you were talking about?17:24
sil2100robru: ah, ok, so: https://bugs.launchpad.net/dialer-app/+bug/1248553 <- no merge yet, but boiko told me he's working on this17:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1248553 in dialer-app "Autopilot tests for dialer-app fail on autopilot 1.4 (trusty)" [Critical,New]17:25
sil2100robru: if he's EOD, it would be nice to find someone else17:25
robrusil2100, oh, ok, so I just have to wait for that and then make sure it lands when boiko is done?17:25
sil2100robru: yes, or if boiko doesn't manage to finish it, maybe poke someone from the AP guys to get it fixed17:26
kenvandinesil2100, no, it has been removed from the image17:31
sil2100kenvandine: ah, since I have been wondering, since share-app wasn't built in cu2d for quite a while17:32
kenvandinesil2100, looks like a bunch of packages that depend on autopilot that haven't landed in trusty-proposed17:35
kenvandineas well as one package that needs to go away17:35
kenvandineand notes-app which is now click17:35
sil2100kenvandine: those didn't need the new AP17:35
kenvandineso i guess that needs to get removed too17:35
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
sil2100I mean17:35
kenvandineno change required?17:35
sil2100kenvandine: messaging-app didn't need releasing, because no changes were required17:36
sil2100dialer-app is being worked on17:36
sil2100address-book-app also didn't need changing17:36
sil2100There's a list for that actually!17:36
sil2100kenvandine: anyway, unity-webapps-qml-autopilot and cordova-ubuntu-autopilot also seemed fine I guess17:36
sil2100Timo checked those17:37
sil2100kenvandine: you can see what we did on the Landing Asks17:37
kenvandinesomething out of this list is causing it to choke17:37
sil2100Maybe unity-autopilot17:37
kenvandineunity-autopilot depends on that17:39
kenvandinei think that is the only thing17:39
sil2100This will be fixed in a moment then :)17:39
sil2100Thanks for looking into that!17:39
kenvandinethe rest are fine17:39
kenvandineno problem17:39
sil2100Now we know that unity is the source of all evil17:40
plarsdidrocks: if all else fails on the networkmanager spam/cpu usage issue, we could remove the sim card from that phone17:41
didrocksplars: yeah, maybe check with cyphermox17:41
didrocksplars: is having a SIM card is new on those phones?17:41
didrocksmaybe it's something external which triggered that issue17:42
didrocksnot sure if ev would know…17:42
plarssil2100:  kenvandine: there's a patch to remove the unity-autopilot dep from cordova-ubuntu-autopilot17:42
plarsdidrocks: no, it's been there for a while17:42
evif I would know if these phones recently have had a sim card inserted into them?17:43
cyphermoxdon't bother to change anything with the sim card, it has nothing to do with the problem at hand17:43
plarsev: they have not - they have had sim cards for a while17:43
didrocksev: or if something else changed in the DC17:43
plarscyphermox: ok17:43
cyphermoxwhy are you mentioning the SIM cards though?17:44
cyphermoxwas something pointing to that that I have not noticed?17:44
robruplars, yes, i want to test that merge a little bit further before landing it17:44
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sil2100cu2d for unity seems b0rken18:05
sil2100kenvandine: since Didier is not around, I'll try redeploying the unity stack18:05
sil2100kenvandine: since I cannot force cu2d to re-run just with the unity component ;/18:06
sil2100kenvandine: still not working... does it make any sense to you?
kenvandineno idea... that doesn't look like there was a failure18:24
kenvandineonly one instance of a stack can be queued for building18:24
kenvandinethe stack already building?18:24
kenvandineat least it seems to think it's building18:25
kenvandinesil2100, ^^18:25
sil2100Maybe that's the catch, yes18:26
sil2100Let me check that, thanks!18:26
kenvandinethe queue doesn't show one...18:27
sil2100This was it! kenvandine good catch18:28
sil2100We even had this one time, but I guess the error message was different18:28
sil2100kenvandine: there was a leftover stack.started file on mangers18:28
sil2100Probably due to some aborting we did18:28
sil2100Now it's running \o/18:29
sil2100kenvandine, robru: guys, I need to be EODing now, could you keep an eye on the unity stack, make sure that the new unity is build and publish it (just unity, DON'T rebuild anything else from this stack)?18:29
sil2100This is the last blocker, the unity-autopilot!18:30
robrusil2100, ok, can take a look at that in a bit.18:30
sil2100Thanks guys18:30
sil2100See you tomorrow18:30
kenvandinegood night18:30
=== fginther changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Ubuntu CI Engineering Team | Vanguard: fginther | Landing instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6292280/ | Known issues: -
fgintherthomi, o/19:03
cyphermoxawe: you know how the phonesim stuff works for testing?19:28
aweI know pitti set it up specifically for dialer-app tests19:29
awebut I havn't worked with it directly myself19:29
aweI also am pretty sure he pulled some patches from upstream, as there'd been some new features implemented post ofono 1.1219:30
awecyphermox, he sent a detailed email to the phone ML19:30
awecyphermox, what're you trying to do?19:30
cyphermoxtrying to figure out why it's so broken19:30
awewhy *what* is so broken?  phonesim?19:30
cyphermoxlike, what could have changed to cause phonesim to have indicator-network, dbus, and ofono to get stuck in high CPU19:31
aweduring auto-pilot testing?19:31
aweif so, I'd ping pitti19:32
cyphermoxwell, that's going to be a little complicated atm19:32
awewe haven't done an ofono upload since 13.10 released19:32
cyphermoxyeah I know19:32
awethat said, there could have been an update to the phonesim pkg19:32
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cyphermoxdoesn't seem to have been something that would break this since yesterday though19:43
robrufginther, https://code.launchpad.net/~boiko/dialer-app/fix_ap_1.4/+merge/194205 can you take a look at this failure? seems infrastructural19:44
fgintherrobru, looks like network failure for both, digging deeper19:47
robrufginther, thanks19:47
fgintherrobru, a different system had network failure for the autolanding job, will approve again19:54
fgintherrobru, also checking to see if the lab network is sane19:54
robrufginther, great19:54
* robru -> lunch20:00
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thomifginther: is it possible that the autopilot docs publishing job is no longer being run?21:29
thomiWe've made some AP docs changes in the last few days, but I don't see them reflected online21:29
fgintherthomi, let me take a look21:33
cjwatsonfginther: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-appstore-developers/msg00553.html (last paragraph, with pkcon remove)21:35
cjwatsonwell, last bullet point21:35
cjwatsonfginther: or these days this should be hooked up in the UI though I don't remember exactly where21:35
fginthercjwatson, I'm trying to script this, so CLI is best21:36
fginthercjwatson, thanks21:36
cjwatsonthere's also the low-level interface, "sudo click unregister --user=phablet PACKAGE-NAME"21:36
cjwatsonbut you should generally prefer the version that involves the PK D-Bus interface if you can21:37
fginthercjwatson, do you know if this actually removes the files? AIUI 'click unregister' does not remove and there is no 'click uninstall'21:38
cjwatsonyou understand incorrectly21:38
cjwatsonclick unregister will trigger garbage-collection (i.e. removing the files) if there are no registrations left21:39
cjwatsonand therefore the absence of click uninstall is intentional21:39
fginthercjwatson, ahh, thanks for the lesson21:39
cjwatsoncertainly it's possible that click unregister won't actually remove files if there are other registrations (esp. on a multi-user system) but that's also deliberate :-)21:40
cjwatsonanyway, that's what pkcon remove backends onto21:40
fginthercjwatson, thanks again21:41
sergiusenssame for preinstalled apps21:44
cwayneasac: ping21:45
fgintherthomi, yep found the problem with the doc upload, it was stuck with the 1.3 branch during the transition21:48
fgintherthomi, should have it fixed soon21:48
thomifginther: thanks - it's not urgent, but it'd be good to get it done today some time21:48
fgintherthomi, the docs should be updated now21:54
thomifginther: indeed they are, thank you!21:55
fgintherthomi, you're welcome21:55
dobeyfginther: got a minute to review a branch for tarmac?22:02
fgintherdobey, I can make the time22:02
dobeyfginther: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/tarmac/fix-wt-check/+merge/19424222:02
cjwatsonsergiusens: Yes, although preinstalled apps are a bit different under the hood as the files are on a RO filesystem and you can't remove them, so unregistering consists of leaving a note to indicate that the app shouldn't be shown for that user22:27
fgintherdobey, reviewed22:35

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