[01:37] mhall119: pong [01:38] will it be possible to get dates where we *will* have updates? [01:42] jose: I was going to ask, do you want me to add you (or the on-air calendar) to the meeting invite, so you get notified if we cancel one? [01:42] mhall119: yes, please [01:42] which? [01:42] joseeantonior@gmail.com [01:43] done [01:47] thanks [01:49] np === io is now known as IdleOne === LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTIme === TheLordOfTIme is now known as TheLordOfTime [15:24] jose, did you still need me? Sorry I've been traveling. [15:24] o/ akgraner [15:34] akgraner: hello stranger! [15:36] Hey AlanBell and popey - I shouldn't be a stranger any more - I am in the land of OCP not Linaro now :-) And oh by the way OCP rocks. [15:37] poppy I also blame you for my addiction to Cards Against Humanity (with all 3 expansion packs) that game goes everywhere with me now [15:37] popey, ^^ I meant [15:37] blame poppy [15:37] haha [15:37] \o/ [15:38] ODS does not replace UDS, I miss you guys [15:38] and twice had to take it out of my suitcase and hand carry it to keep from having my suitcase be overweight [15:38] OCP is probably another thing we should be doing instead of the raspberry pi cluster :) [15:38] pleia2, say hi to Cole for me - we have a booth there [15:38] akgraner: I shall try :) [15:38] I went to the Canonical booth, they had banana ice cream [15:39] i loved the image of the red hat and canonical stands next to eachother [15:39] especially with the RH one pointing to the canonical one [15:39] did you see the CoF-esque logo on the redhat booth signage? [15:40] yeah [15:40] https://twitter.com/ubuhulk/status/397578945006030848 [15:40] yeah [15:40] follow the code, use Ubuntu \o/ [15:42] hey mhall119 [15:42] pleia2, yeah ODS does have better parties though [15:42] it's good to run into UDS ex pats, heh [15:43] nice nick and amazing picture [15:43] jcastro: they are so crowded now :( I've been just doing team dinners [15:43] now they have all these specialized parties too, "VIP party" "Core devs party" [15:44] "I'm sorry you can't come into this party, the company you work for didn't sponsor it." [15:44] HP is throwing the core devs party and I can't go! [15:45] which is appropriate :) but hey [15:47] heh [15:48] pleia2, you'd be doomed too if you volunteered to help the party [15:48] then you'd be stuck handing out bracelets or something [15:48] mhall119, .... and I'm out of slots again ... is there a overflow room? [15:48] jcastro: I managed to duck booth duty too ;) [15:49] (which is great, since I don't actually know anything about HP) [15:51] I know HP Cloud is cheap [15:51] that's my go to line [15:52] "yes, storage is 50% off compared to AWS, go there." [15:52] did you see we launched a horizon dashbord today? :) [15:52] no, link? [15:52] horizon.hpcloud.com [15:52] I am disconnected from HK other than the few things I see [15:52] can log in with your regular account [15:52] like koolhead on the stage with mark, heh [15:52] hah, yeah [15:53] WHOA [15:53] it's not exactly zippy, but horizon :\ [15:53] this is _nice_! [15:53] do you know when this will go live to replace the UI used now? [15:53] it is pretty cool, looking forward to it moving beyond a preview [15:53] not sure [15:54] I am sure nick will love rewriting the docs for juju/hp cloud again [15:54] haha [15:59] jcastro: there's Hallway, but it's not meant for that [15:59] jcastro: prioritize man [16:07] you are preaching to the choir! [17:12] jose, hey [17:12] so we have moved the weekly update and my Q&A around [17:13] we won't do either this week and do start next week [17:14] so every Tues at 7pm UK I will do the Q&A [17:14] every Wed at 6pm UK we will do the press room [17:18] jono: I love it when UK at UTC coincide :) [17:18] elfy, :-) [17:18] it is sooo hard to add 1 the other 6 months of the year :p [17:50] jono: so the weekly update is canceled for today? [17:52] oh that works out for me! [18:05] balloons and the rest of the community team - just a point I'd noticed in the last couple of vUDS - can people try and take a bit more notice of those using IRC - while it does eventually get seen - often the 'talkers' on a session are talking about something else when IRC gets noticed [18:05] not a complaint - just an observation :) [18:06] perhaps if those in the video are kind of tasked with at least checking the IRC feed if they are listening [18:06] would make it seem more joined up imo [18:43] jono jcastro balloons mhall119 ^^ you'll be team ;) [18:44] I'll ping dpm and daniel with the same thing as soon as I see them :) [18:44] * jcastro nods [18:51] elfy: team what? [18:51] mhall119: read up about 40minutes [18:53] ah [18:53] elfy: feedback from last UDS indicated that we were getting better that that, but we will continue to remind people to watch IRC and respond timely [18:54] cool - didn't actually see any feedback, or did and have forgetten [18:55] I can understand wanting to listen [18:57] elfy: it was from the post-uds survey we ran [19:00] I suspect I participated :) [19:00] it does ring a bell [19:48] indeed vUDS feedback surveys are quite useful in this regard === airurando1 is now known as airurando [21:21] jono: balloons: can I put some community-centric appdev sessions in one of the community rooms? [21:22] to make room for more technical sessions in the app dev rooms [21:22] mhall119, most of the secondary rooms are open, but I can't run them.. I'm pretty much running or involved in almost all community sessions [21:23] balloons: don't worry about running them, I just need somewhere to put them [21:23] I don't need the slots, so up to jono then :-) [21:24] well, I have them all in appdev currently, but we don't have dpm's yet [21:24] ohh lol, you stole all the rooms with just you eh? [21:28] I let popey and dholbach have some [21:32] jono: is it UK or UTC? [23:21] jono: who do sponsorship requests for events go to at Canonical? Debconf has Michelle listed but we were looking it over and thought she might not be the right person [23:21] bkerensa, Michelle [23:21] ok