
RAOFracarr: ^^^ Looks like kgunn would like the meeting to be on this week :)00:05
RAOFracarr: Oh, by the way - do we have an input driver model?00:23
RAOFMy vague understanding of our current input stack is that it expects to open an evdev device and go to town.00:24
RAOFI ask this for the reasonably transparent reason that I'll soon be wanting to fold a touchpad driver into the mix.00:26
racarrRAOF: Yes basically open an evdev device and go to town00:33
racarractually though all that is constrained to EventHub which emits droidinput::RawEvents00:34
racarrand you could call that the driver00:34
RAOFSo I get to implement an input driver API. Huzzah!00:34
racarrbut its hardly a driver model00:34
racarrRAOF: Living the dream ;)00:34
duflu_Ping kgunn02:36
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RAOFduflu: Maybe you can talk with him at the meeting this afternoon? :)03:06
dufluRAOF: That one that no one has come to for a month and I think we informally canceled?03:06
RAOFYeah, that one.03:06
RAOFkgunn was on earlier mentioning that he was going to show up this time.03:07
dufluAwesome. If only anyone replied to my email about canceling it... or turned up03:08
dufluRAOF: Am I in the right hangout? I uninstalled my calendar plugin today so am guessing06:02
RAOFGah. Why hasn't the email with the hangout link come in yet?06:03
dufluRAOF: No. I suspect kgunn canceled it after my email :)06:04
RAOFStill only static?06:05
kgunnRAOF: duflu i'm here...but meeting is in 1 hr i think06:06
kgunnwe had daylight savings last weekend...bet that's the prob06:06
duflukgunn: Oh. It's on your timezone?06:07
duflukgunn: RAOF and I are in, and we don't expect anyone else06:07
kgunnhmmm....lemme check06:07
kgunnyeah...i'm showing 1 hr from now06:08
kgunnand alexandros is good about showing right ?06:08
duflukgunn: We kind of agreed to cancel it after alf and I were the only attendees for several weeks :)06:09
kgunnwe need to come up with a decent time06:09
kgunni sort of feel like we should maybe have like 3 rotating spots or something06:10
duflukgunn: If you want to chat at all today, we're "all" in the hangout now :)06:11
racarrwait are wedoing it now?06:12
tvoss_good morning06:20
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duflumlankhorst: hallo08:39
mlankhorstalf_: hey, did you ever end up merging the mesa / mir changes back? :P09:56
alf_mlankhorst: are you referring to the EGLImage changes?09:56
alf_mlankhorst: yes, they are in RAOF's github repo09:57
mlankhorstok what about the mir changes?09:57
alf_mlankhorst: I don't remember exactly what additional changes were needed on the Mir side, but nested mir works now with lp:mir (or at least it worked last I checked)09:59
mlankhorstah k10:00
* alan_g smells a missing test case10:01
mlankhorsthehehe, 'git merge ubuntu' on raof's branch then commenting out the mir patch in debian/patches/series works :P10:07
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mlankhorstalf_: but what about my fixes ? I disabled vt switching in the nested case11:40
alf_mlankhorst: hmm, I am not sure... do you have a link to your changes/branch?11:41
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alf_mlankhorst: instead of passing a nullptr it would preferable to pass a NullObject, in this case a NullVirtualTerminal. There is an implementation of that in include/test/mir_test_doubles/null_virtual_terminal.h, so we just move that to src/server/graphics/gbm and use it (and also change the tests to use that too)11:51
mlankhorsthm lets see..11:53
mlankhorstalf_: http://paste.debian.net/64300/ -- enjoy?12:16
alf_mlankhorst: Looks good, thanks (only some nits). I will shepherd it into trunk if you want.12:19
mlankhorstplease :)12:19
alf_mlankhorst: ok12:20
mlankhorstseems acceptance-tests.ServerShutdown/OnSignal and ServerShutdown.server_removes_endpoint_on_abort hang?12:21
alf_mlankhorst: Is it a consistently reproducible? I remember there was a bug about something similar, but I think it was resolved.12:23
mlankhorstsort of, it happens in my chroot12:25
alf_mlankhorst: hmm, I get a consistent failure (not a hang) in ServerShutdown/OnSignal.removes_endpoint_on_signal/212:33
alf_mlankhorst: ...but only if I run the tests manually. If I use ctest everthing works.12:34
mlankhorstoh seems to be random here12:34
mlankhorstsome other tests can fail too12:34
mlankhorstheh maybe my system is too fast :P12:39
mlankhorstC++ exception with description "Failed to find server" thrown in the test body.12:40
mlankhorst/home/mlankhorst/nfs/xorg/mir/tests/mir_test_framework/testing_process_manager.cpp:240: Failure12:40
mlankhorstValue of: server_process_was_started12:40
mlankhorst  Actual: false12:40
mlankhorstExpected: true12:40
alf_mlankhorst: btw, are you using the latest development-branch?12:41
mlankhorstnot sure, last commit i have is from nov 3 :P12:45
mlankhorst    Restore:  mir (0.1.0+14.04.20131030-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low12:45
mlankhorsthm nov512:45
alf_mlankhorst: ok12:46
alf_mlankhorst: actually, the patch may not be needed after all... we create a different kind of platform when nested ("native platform") which doesn't use the VT at all12:58
alf_mlankhorst: did you actually have a problem with the current state of the code?12:58
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dandradergreyback, ping13:16
greybackdandrader: pong13:19
dandradergreyback, working on the mir-with-qtscenegraph prototype?13:20
greybackdandrader: yep13:20
dandradergreyback, let me know when you're something I could use to start experimenting with the input part of it13:21
dandradergreyback, or if you need help with it13:21
mlankhorstalf_: oh is that different? :P13:23
mlankhorsti think it used to be needed13:23
mlankhorstmy bad then13:23
greybackdandrader: thanks, I'll remember that :) I've a good day or 2 of hacking to get the basics going, but then I'll ping you13:25
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Prf_Jakobalf_: hey15:01
alf_alf_: hi!15:01
alf_Prf_Jakob: hi!15:01
Prf_JakobI'm thinking a bit longer term here, but would you guys be okay with using egl to accessing buffers?15:02
Prf_JakobI'm thinking of trowing together a extension for shadowfb type blitting to images.15:02
Prf_Jakob(disclaimer: I'm on the EGL WG at Khronos).15:04
alf_Prf_Jakob: Do you mean for the client to access buffers, or for the server to access buffers?15:04
Prf_JakobIt can be done in multiple ways, but one way would be that the server creates hardware image, you prime/dma-buf it over to the client (can be hidden in the toolkit) and then create a shadow on the client side which it uses for fast access.15:06
Prf_JakobAlternativly you could prime over the shadow image.15:07
Prf_JakobBoth would require you to still load the hardware driver (in our case our mesa dri driver) in the client.15:08
alf_Prf_Jakob: I think it would be a useful extension that will cover some of the direct pixel access use cases, although there would still be apps/toolkits that for whatever reason don't want to do EGL/GL at all.15:15
alf_tvoss_: ^^ Was there a specific driving case for "software" buffers?15:15
Prf_Jakobalf_: yet they are okay with gbm :/15:16
tvoss_alf_, plymouth was the original one, yeah15:16
alf_Prf_Jakob: that's a good point15:17
Prf_JakobI mean at that point you have already pulled in the dri driver and all the gl bits into the process VM anyways.15:18
alf_Prf_Jakob: Actually, a pure "software" client, doesn't load gbm. It currently only uses DRM to map dumb buffers.15:19
Prf_JakobNot to comfirtable putting that much of acceleration API in the kernel.15:20
alf_Prf_Jakob: :)15:20
Prf_JakobTrying to eat the gpu cake and keeping the not using gpu API cake.15:22
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kgunngoin' to work out18:38
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racarrfinally making some good progress on my persistent goal of23:13
racarrimproving theinput acceptance testing framework...23:13
racarrhopefully should be able to make an MP with a net line of codeloss :)23:13

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