* balloons wonders about specifying a delegate | 00:01 | |
balloons | ah-ha, yeppers | 00:04 |
balloons | I think I got you elopio :-) | 00:04 |
elopio | :) that's the kind of english that I don't get. | 00:05 |
elopio | balloons: do you mean that you could add the objectNames, or that you couldn't? | 00:06 |
balloons | elopio, lol :-) Yes, I believe I can add the objectnames by adding a delegate, and defining the listmodel | 00:06 |
balloons | it sounds more confusing that it is.. | 00:06 |
balloons | let me confirm now | 00:06 |
elopio | awesome. | 00:06 |
balloons | woot | 00:26 |
balloons | got it.. | 00:26 |
balloons | so you can grab the delgate by objectname and check there text values | 00:26 |
balloons | or whatever you want | 00:27 |
elopio | balloons: that's just what I want. | 00:30 |
elopio | will you propose a merge against trunk that I can use as a prerequisite? | 00:30 |
balloons | sure thing | 00:30 |
elopio | balloons: oh, wait, no, because I already have a prerequisite. | 00:31 |
balloons | elopio, I'll just pass you the qml | 00:31 |
balloons | you can adjust your merge then | 00:31 |
elopio | balloons: or propose your branch against mine. | 00:31 |
elopio | whatever you prefer. | 00:31 |
balloons | i'll push a branch, you merge to yours, commit and we'll go with your mp | 00:32 |
balloons | shoot | 00:36 |
balloons | the short version didn't work and i didn't commit the long one.. haha.. redoing | 00:36 |
balloons | there is one caveat, it break internationalization, if I have to do the other way... | 00:37 |
balloons | elopio, lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-weather-app/optionselector-objectnames | 00:39 |
balloons | I think I have to define the listmodels again, which breaks internationalization due to some weird thing with qt not liking me using non literal values | 00:40 |
balloons | see if that's enough or not | 00:41 |
elopio | balloons: I think that's not what I need, I might be explaining it bad. I need the option with text "Millimeters" to have an objectName="milimetersOption", or something like that. | 00:42 |
balloons | yes elopio I know.. I'm going to have to add the listmodel's too | 00:43 |
balloons | just sucks because it won't let me assign the internationalized strings | 00:43 |
elopio | I think I need a break, I'm just going slower and slower. | 00:44 |
elopio | and while the maguros are stuck, there isn't much I can do. | 00:45 |
elopio | or do you need me now for something else thomi? | 00:45 |
balloons | elopio, ok, pushed the version with listmodels | 00:46 |
balloons | you can select like OptionSelectorDelegate, objectName = WindUnitsSelectorDelegate | 00:47 |
balloons | you'll get multiple returns, you can check the text, and see which one is selected | 00:49 |
balloons | selected = True | 00:49 |
thomi | elopio: sure, I'm just approving branches as they come up | 00:49 |
elopio | I'm sorry balloons, I'll check it after a little rest. | 00:55 |
elopio | be back in a while, | 00:56 |
balloons | this bug sucks: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-20631 | 01:29 |
balloons | elopio, alrighty, whenever you are back around. int'l string support works again.. ugh, so silly | 01:40 |
balloons | that was my qml limit for the day | 01:40 |
elopio | balloons: still around? | 02:30 |
elopio | veebers: the keyboard tests failed: | 02:45 |
elopio | can you please take a look? It might be because of this autopilot-trusty-master environment. | 02:45 |
veebers | elopio: d'oh, sure can | 02:46 |
elopio | thomi: I left rss and weather apps running on autopilot-trusty-master | 02:50 |
elopio | I'm going to have dinner, and then I'll be back to check how they went. | 02:50 |
thomi | cool | 02:50 |
elopio | it's all updated on the etherpad in case you guys want to give them a push. | 02:50 |
elopio | bbl. | 02:51 |
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DanChapman | morning all | 08:18 |
elfy | hi DanChapman | 08:20 |
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DanChapman | hey elfy :-) | 08:23 |
Noskcaj | hey DanChapman | 08:25 |
DanChapman | Noskcaj, hey mate :-) | 08:27 |
Noskcaj | Have you got time to finish off the testdrive gtk3 work? I'll try to port to python3 when you finish (breaks quickly), so it's probably not worth starting from scratch like you did. All that still needs doing should be fixing glade's files and adding gsettings | 08:27 |
DanChapman | Noskcaj, I've just got to take my boy to school can i talk to you about it when i get back? | 08:29 |
Noskcaj | DanChapman, Sure, as long as i'm not asleep then | 08:30 |
Noskcaj | bye | 08:30 |
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DanChapman | jibel, hey i read on yesterdays logs you had some concerns with the ubiquity tests picking a random language each time. Would it be better if I was to create a 2 testcases for each scenario 1 in english and the other picks a random language?? | 09:52 |
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davmor2 | Morning all | 10:58 |
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elopio | hello everybody. | 14:06 |
TheLordOfTime | o/ | 14:06 |
davmor2 | morning elopio | 14:12 |
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elfy | DanChapman: does autopilot work with thunderbird? lderan is too scared to ask :p | 16:04 |
balloons | elfy, I get Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "autopilot" | 16:06 |
DanChapman | elfy it does but only using process manager which means we are unable to introspect it like other autopilot tests and can only check things like the window title and window visible etc. | 16:06 |
balloons | so I would say no introspection support | 16:06 |
elfy | thanks guys :) | 16:07 |
elfy | probably the same with mousepad then - I think was the same issue | 16:07 |
balloons | autopilot launch -i Gtk leafpad | 16:08 |
balloons | Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "autopilot" | 16:08 |
elfy | I can see us getting a lot of that :) | 16:08 |
elfy | on another related note - how's autopilot and images looking for the likes of us? | 16:09 |
DanChapman | same with mouspad "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "autopilot"" | 16:09 |
balloons | elfy, thunderbird is not a surprise butthe others are | 16:09 |
balloons | might be able to fix those with some investigating | 16:09 |
elfy | balloons: cool | 16:09 |
DanChapman | is mousepad gtk2? | 16:10 |
elfy | I thought gtk3 - but I could be wrong | 16:14 |
* elfy really ought to do himself a list | 16:14 | |
lderan | DanChapman & balloons thank you :) | 16:20 |
DanChapman | Your welcome lderan :-) | 16:20 |
balloons | not sure what I did ;-) but you are most welcome | 16:20 |
DanChapman | elfy i missed your question just then. Last i read on image testing for your lot was jibel was activating it yesterday. I'm not sure what the status is on that today though | 16:23 |
elfy | aah yes - I remember seeing that now - sorry | 16:23 |
DanChapman | :-) | 16:24 |
elfy | I don't even know where to go to see results lol | 16:24 |
DanChapman | elfy, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot_ubiquity-devel/ | 16:24 |
elfy | DanChapman: thanks | 16:26 |
DanChapman | elfy no problem. Thats the ones that are running atm. When the ones for the flavors come up i'll send you the link :-) | 16:27 |
elfy | woohoo :) | 16:28 |
balloons | DanChapman, re: language.. yes english + random | 16:32 |
balloons | imho | 16:32 |
DanChapman | balloons, ok mate easy enough to do | 16:33 |
balloons | great.. jibel can toss in, but I believe that was the idea.. having an english install keeps things consistent between tests | 16:33 |
elopio | balloons: they merged the weather without your objectName changes. I think now it would be good to wait for the optionselector emulator, and fix it in the nicest way possible | 16:52 |
elopio | what do you think? | 16:52 |
balloons | elopio, I saw that :-( | 16:52 |
balloons | as far as the emulator, wouldn't you still need to define the objectnames? | 16:54 |
elopio | balloons: yes. We need both. So what I'm asking is if you want me to continue your object names branch and merge it today, or would you prefer to wait for the emulator and do the objectNames+emulator when it's ready. | 16:55 |
balloons | elopio, I'd put it in now, may as well.. in case any work is done in that section of the qml | 16:56 |
balloons | leaving it out means it may not merge clean later | 16:56 |
elopio | balloons: ok, I'll grab your branch now or I will forget. | 16:58 |
elopio | balloons: today and tomorrow I'll be cleaning tests everywhere I can :D If you want something, assign a bug to me. | 16:59 |
balloons | elopio, ;-) got t | 17:09 |
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TheLordOfTime | balloons: ping | 17:55 |
TheLordOfTime | has that session RE: bugsquad/QA merging had a specific time/date set? | 17:55 |
balloons | TheLordOfTime, setting it now.. and I'm expanding the session list as it's been pointed out I was thinking rather superhumanly that I could get the whole agenda done in one session | 17:56 |
elfy | http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/meeting/21987/community-1311-quality-bugsquad/ | 17:56 |
balloons | http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/meeting/21987/community-1311-quality-bugsquad/ | 17:56 |
elfy | ahah - didn't see you there balloons :) | 17:56 |
balloons | lol.. that was in sync | 17:56 |
elfy | spooky | 17:56 |
* elfy should be about (ish) on the Tuesday/Wednesday - try and get a bit more involved this year - as much as is possible with only IRC | 17:58 | |
TheLordOfTime | balloons: awesome, now that this is on my calendar i can see i have to be awake before 2. | 17:59 |
TheLordOfTime | which is easy. | 17:59 |
balloons | elfy, IRC works fine ;-) just having you around would be lovely | 17:59 |
elfy | balloons should tell the rest of the people in his team that if they aren't talking then they should be checking IRC channels as people often get ignored ;) | 17:59 |
elfy | well - it does up to a point :) | 18:00 |
balloons | it's hard to multi-task sometimes if I'm doing the talking as well | 18:00 |
balloons | but I'm getting better | 18:00 |
elfy | I wasn't saying you :) | 18:00 |
elfy | tbh - anyone on any of these sessions who's there on video that isn't talking should be aware of IRC :) | 18:01 |
elfy | balloons: there - does that sound like I'm not pointing fingers now :) | 18:01 |
balloons | elfy, lol.. I speak only for me | 18:02 |
elfy | usually when I say something on IRC - it get's noticed too late and the talkers are then talking about something else | 18:02 |
balloons | no finger pointing felt | 18:02 |
elfy | probably should have said this in #u-c-t :) | 18:02 |
elfy | so I did :) | 18:05 |
balloons | nice | 18:05 |
elfy | I think that makes sense :) | 18:07 |
* elfy keeps thinking about getting a webcam - but the cost of getting a balaclava at the same time just tips it over the edge :) | 18:08 | |
balloons | elfy, I'll kindly remind you that you can join audio only | 18:16 |
balloons | webcam is not required.. but a mic is :-) | 18:16 |
elfy | yep - I know that - then I'd have to buy earplugs ... :) | 18:17 |
balloons | elfy, TheLordOfTime see my last email to the qa list for an updated look at the sessions | 18:17 |
elfy | when I actually do it - I'll do both :) | 18:17 |
balloons | let me know if it makes sense :-) | 18:17 |
elfy | stupid tbird filters - mails are in -release ... | 18:18 |
phillw | balloons: ping | 18:21 |
balloons | phillw, pong | 18:21 |
elfy | balloons: looks fine to me - though "Let's talk about revamping calls for testing to let everyone in the community schedule there own" doesn't make sense unless you're mother tongue is English and you read the sentiment rather than the sentence | 18:21 |
balloons | mmm.. well noted.. thank you | 18:21 |
phillw | balloons: with the dropping of cadence from ubuntu, are you going for the alpha / beta stream, or just testing "whenever" until RC? | 18:22 |
phillw | btw, hi elfy I also hope you are well! | 18:23 |
elfy | hey phillw - I'm almost always well - I trust you are kicking too :) | 18:24 |
balloons | phillw, I hope this is thoroughly covered and communicated in exploratory testing session, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1311-quality-community-exploratory-testing, however yes | 18:24 |
balloons | in other words.. I'd like to have people testing all of the time, all cycle | 18:25 |
balloons | and using the release as there daily driver | 18:25 |
phillw | balloons: and for the flavours who prefer milestones? | 18:25 |
balloons | also allowing for people to schedule there own calls for testing, so rather than cadence weeks, perhaps we'll have more special calls for testing | 18:25 |
balloons | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1311-quality-calls-for-testing | 18:25 |
balloons | phillw, for flavors on milestones, nothing changes.. you will do your milestones as usual.. | 18:26 |
balloons | as will ubuntu ofc | 18:26 |
balloons | we simply opt out of the earlier ones | 18:26 |
elfy | HA - I'm trying to sort out cadence type testing for us lol | 18:26 |
balloons | i think that is a sane enough way to think of it | 18:26 |
elfy | which is more than we've done before | 18:27 |
elfy | I sort of hope to get people on the packages.qa bandwagon and just test test test | 18:27 |
phillw | elfy: I tried it with lubuntu, it was a big failure. nothing like a dead line to stir the testers into action :) | 18:27 |
balloons | elfy, yep | 18:27 |
elfy | so - a bit of the old and a bit of let's try this for us and see how it goes | 18:28 |
balloons | you might consider pushing exploratory testing, using the release all the time, and then have specific calls for testing | 18:28 |
balloons | aka, like milestones for packages | 18:28 |
balloons | heh | 18:28 |
elfy | phillw: well we did get all the package testing we'd asked for done | 18:28 |
balloons | ^^ rather impressively | 18:28 |
elfy | balloons: from our point of view - we are going to have very specific things land needing testing - but mostly it is abouit get more than 20 people testing stuff | 18:29 |
phillw | balloons: elfy as package testing <> iso testing, when a new release of a package arrives, it is justifiable to ask for a test of it. | 18:29 |
elfy | I'm trying to look ahead at the same time as deal with LTS | 18:29 |
elfy | phillw: up to a point | 18:29 |
elfy | we want more people testing - more people = different ways of using an app | 18:30 |
elfy | a test can only cover so much | 18:30 |
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elfy | so ... constant testing/specific tests for specific issues/someone available to fix them | 18:31 |
elfy | it's really about eyes | 18:31 |
phillw | elfy: as balloons just said, do we have more than 20 testers to descend on a test? I think not, certainly for the flavours. Smoke testing, however, is a better route IMHO. | 18:31 |
elfy | well I plan to have more than 20 by the time LTS releases | 18:33 |
phillw | for 14.04 lts, we need some sort of 'stable' pre-release (alpha) and get people to actually USE it, not try to write tests :) | 18:33 |
elfy | I do not want Xubuntu to release with something like the sound indicator issue again | 18:33 |
elfy | phillw: agreed :) | 18:33 |
elfy | we'll not be writing tests :) | 18:34 |
phillw | elfy: we had issues with lubuntu as well :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2182038 | 18:34 |
phillw | stuff that we never smoke tested. | 18:35 |
elfy | oh I know other's had issues - but they are, while important, not as much so to me :) | 18:35 |
phillw | I had only the zram issue which was solved.. It is not until people actually start using the release do we find out that all the work on auto-tests etc. count for nothing as they can not simulate "real life" :D | 18:38 |
phillw | Never try to 2nd guess a user :P | 18:38 |
elfy | indeed - it's trying to get the few happy to run a dev and released version at the same time | 18:39 |
phillw | good evening from the UK Noskcaj | 18:39 |
elfy | takes someone willing to play with fire a bit - at least someone without a /home ;) | 18:39 |
elfy | hi Noskcaj | 18:39 |
elfy | I'll be running tahr properly next time I get week off | 18:40 |
phillw | elfy: IMHO, I do think that is doable... | 18:41 |
elfy | I do as well with some cajoling | 18:43 |
phillw | elfy: these were my thoughts, which got copied over... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview/TheStages | 18:43 |
phillw | we do now have a decent set of instructions for using VM's. | 18:44 |
phillw | goes and fines some super-glue for Noskcaj | 18:45 |
balloons | the goal with exploratory testing is to get more eyes on the release sooner.. | 19:00 |
balloons | there's no reason to not be running trusty right now for quality team members :-) | 19:00 |
elfy | there is here balloons - I've not had time to set up the media mount properly ... | 19:03 |
TheLordOfTime | thanks for the +1 on my answer about private bug triage, on Ask Ubuntu, elfy xD | 19:07 |
TheLordOfTime | sorry to add noise, though, to the channel :) | 19:07 |
qengho | phillw: Heya. I'm interested in getting help testing chromium-browser for stable releases. | 19:08 |
qengho | phillw: I've been using the distro development edge to look for and fix problems, but that doesn't get the right bug reports to me quickly enough. | 19:09 |
qengho | phillw: Have any advice? | 19:09 |
elfy | TheLordOfTime: welcome :) | 19:11 |
phillw | qengho: I'm only a tester now! But... the guy looking after chromium is a good guy from my previous involvements with him. https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable Chad is his name, and from memory, he would like people to test and report back. I always do. | 19:12 |
elfy | TheLordOfTime: it actually is ontopic in here anyway :) | 19:13 |
TheLordOfTime | indeed. | 19:16 |
TheLordOfTime | elfy: i quoted information and put it there, but the wiki and "HOw to Triage" is the best guide out there | 19:16 |
elfy | aaand really easy to read ;) | 19:17 |
qengho | phillw: Oh, er, I'm Chad. And thanks. :) | 19:17 |
elfy | TheLordOfTime: just saying :p | 19:18 |
elfy | qengho: lol | 19:18 |
TheLordOfTime | elfy: heheh | 19:19 |
TheLordOfTime | elfy: true. The answer on AskUbuntu is a TL;DR version of the how to triage guide xD | 19:19 |
phillw | qengho: oops! But I will continue to test chromium for you :) | 19:21 |
TheLordOfTime | at least, specifically for crash bugs | 19:22 |
elfy | yep | 19:22 |
TheLordOfTime | IDK about security bugs or other projects, because i'm not on the security team, and because other projects have their own guidelines xD | 19:22 |
elfy | :) | 19:23 |
phillw | qengho: I'm currently on Version 30.0.1599.114 Ubuntu 13.10 (30.0.1599.114-0ubuntu1~cm0saucy) do you want me to try a newer version? | 19:23 |
qengho | phillw: hah, thank you. I'm going to try to get most recent LTS and most recent stable release updated really often in a place where I can just hand tested results to security team to release. | 19:24 |
phillw | qengho: I did install 14.04 pre-alpha today for lubuntu, let me just fire it up and see what version it has | 19:26 |
phillw | qengho: ah, we switched back to firefox! Would it be helpful for me to install it and check what version it is on? | 19:28 |
qengho | phillw: Well, for now that'd be precise and saucy that I'm most interested in. I'm dev/trusty at least has my eyes already. | 19:30 |
phillw | qengho: I'm running 13.10 as my system (have been since alpha 1 was passed for smoke testing). The only issue I have with chromium is that it has run-aways in CPU usage with facebook. | 19:32 |
qengho | phillw: huh. Report that Facebook problem? Shift-ESC to list processes. | 19:33 |
qengho | My Facebook tab gets 2% to 0% CPU. | 19:34 |
phillw | qengho: I just kill the process and restart the tab :) | 19:34 |
elopio | balloons, robotfuel: review please: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-weather-app/fix1248648-options_object_names/+merge/194217 | 19:43 |
robotfuel | elopio: this is for 1.3? | 19:44 |
elopio | robotfuel: no, 1.4. | 19:45 |
elopio | ahh, right, it's full of Eventually(Is(Not(None))) I need to clean that up too. | 19:45 |
robotfuel | self.assertThat(lambda: self.main_window.select_single('OptionSelector', objectName='TemperatureUnitsSelector'), Eventually(Not(Is(None)))) should just be wait_select_single | 19:46 |
elopio | robotfuel: I'll clean that in a different branch so we keep issues separate. | 19:46 |
balloons | :-) | 19:48 |
balloons | elopio, makes sense.. one thing at a time | 19:49 |
robotfuel | elopio: I don't like that it's using an index | 19:49 |
elopio | balloons: I basically reordered the things you had. How can I be sure if I'm not screwing the i18n ? | 19:49 |
robotfuel | elopio: can you give an object name to the item in the option selector? | 19:50 |
elopio | robotfuel: index where? That's precisely what I'm trying to avoid. | 19:50 |
robotfuel | current_option = units_selector.select_many('ShapeItem')[1] | 19:50 |
robotfuel | for example | 19:51 |
elopio | robotfuel: yes, that's bad. But again, I would prefer that for a future clean up. | 19:52 |
elopio | I would like to split the tests, and get most of those methods on a settings page emulator. | 19:52 |
balloons | elopio, I see.. I too had tried to re-use a generic unitsSelectorDelegate but had trouble with it | 19:52 |
robotfuel | elopio: ok | 19:52 |
balloons | elopio, the int'l thing is that you need to translate in the delegate.. that was the magical secret. listelements can't use functions to set properties | 19:53 |
balloons | too me awhile to come around to that conclusion :-) | 19:53 |
dkessel | good evening | 19:53 |
balloons | dkessel, guten tag | 19:54 |
dkessel | guten abend balloons | 19:54 |
balloons | guten abend I suppose | 19:54 |
balloons | :-) | 19:54 |
dkessel | yay, new indicator package updates... finally =D | 19:54 |
dkessel | and lightdm... +1 :) | 19:55 |
* slickymaster is away: (Dinner time) | 20:03 | |
elopio | balloons: I would also like to get reviews from the app devs, so they know how and why we are cleaning things. | 20:03 |
elopio | who can I get from the weather app? | 20:03 |
balloons | elopio, mbo is the man for weather | 20:03 |
balloons | let's ping him | 20:03 |
balloons | not around :-( | 20:03 |
balloons | we can email him | 20:04 |
elopio | balloons: thanks, I'll send an email. | 20:04 |
balloons | elopio, need the email? | 20:04 |
elopio | balloons: I can dig for it on launchpad. No need to take more of your time :) | 20:04 |
elopio | balloons: would it be a good policy to have an approval from one QA and one dev on every branch? | 20:11 |
elopio | or would it be too slow? | 20:11 |
balloons | elopio, we should think about that.. for this 1.4 stuff, let's get it in | 20:14 |
balloons | moving forward, I think it would be good | 20:14 |
balloons | in the past it's been 50/50.. I don't see every merge that doesn't affect tests and vice versa for devs | 20:15 |
elopio | ok, I suppose this is part of the things we will try this cycle focusing on two projects at a time. | 20:18 |
* elopio eats. | 20:19 | |
balloons | dkessel, still on saucy right? | 20:28 |
dkessel | balloons, yup... I am. why are you asking? | 20:28 |
balloons | just curious.. I'm not going to ask you to jump through any hoops ;-) | 20:30 |
balloons | gonna be able to make the vUDS stuff? | 20:30 |
dkessel | the vUDS stuff ?-) | 20:31 |
dkessel | oh i see. | 20:32 |
dkessel | no i guess not... i have to work | 20:32 |
balloons | :-( That work thing | 20:33 |
dkessel | so now I placed a reminder in my calendar to review the videos/results after it :) | 20:34 |
balloons | dkessel, that works too.. feel free to add comments in advance on the blueprints or pad | 20:35 |
dkessel | ok fine :) | 20:35 |
balloons | hehe.. I value your opinion.. | 20:38 |
balloons | Letozaf_, buonasera | 20:39 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, buonasera | 20:39 |
balloons | come stai? | 20:39 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, :-) bene e tu ? | 20:40 |
balloons | bene :-) | 20:40 |
balloons | rss reader treating you well? | 20:40 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, no :( I merged this evening before continuing yesterday's work and found some new failures, I'm trying to fix them :P | 20:41 |
dkessel | balloons, is this about usb-creator-gtk? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-usb-startup-creator | 20:42 |
balloons | dkessel, heck ya.. cool stuff huh? | 20:43 |
dkessel | balloons, mh. well... partly :) improving the usability - yes. not allowing me to create booting usb devices from other linux OS'es - definately no | 20:44 |
balloons | well, this is a community proposal.. I didn't catch the plan to only support ubuntu and nothing else | 20:48 |
dkessel | i like the "making stuff easier idea" - but the unetbootin approach also has a plus... maybe it would be possible to talk with the authors if they would accept a "simple mode" | 20:48 |
balloons | certainly the ubuntu use case is the primary one | 20:48 |
balloons | anyways, do add your thoughts to the proposal | 20:49 |
balloons | we'll discuss them | 20:49 |
balloons | Letozaf_, how's about you? going to be able to make vUDS? | 20:49 |
dkessel | balloons, yes it is a community proposal :) I'll comment on it | 20:50 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, hope so, maybe I will be a little late but I won't miss | 20:50 |
balloons | me <3's community proposals.. especially such nice ones | 20:51 |
balloons | Letozaf_, wonderful | 20:51 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, :D | 20:52 |
dkessel | see you the other day :) gute nacht / buena notte (?) :) | 21:14 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, I see that wait_select_single has been put in rssreader app tests, but I am still using autopilot 1.3 is that ok, or do I have to use autopilot 1.4 ? | 21:20 |
balloons | Letozaf_, yep ap 1.4 is needed now | 21:21 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, autopilot 1.4 is not out yet I think | 21:21 |
thomi | Letozaf_: you need to use autopilot 1.3 | 21:21 |
thomi | 1.4! | 21:21 |
balloons | lolo | 21:21 |
balloons | thomi, I did a doubletake | 21:21 |
thomi | sorry :) | 21:21 |
thomi | 3 and 4 are so close to each other on this keyboard ;) | 21:21 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, so that wait_select_single is wrong I suppose | 21:21 |
Letozaf_ | thomi, :D | 21:21 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, it's supposed to be used in 1.4 | 21:22 |
thomi | Letozaf_: well, not really - we need all the apps to be compatible with 1.4 before we can release 1.4 itself | 21:22 |
thomi | that should happen in the next 24 hours *i hope*. | 21:22 |
thomi | Letozaf_: in the mean time, you can get 1.4 by adding ppa:autopilot/experimental | 21:22 |
Letozaf_ | thomi, so I should fix rssreader app tests using 1.4 now ? ok, I thought I had to use 1.3 | 21:24 |
thomi | Letozaf_: yes - although there may already be an rssreader 1.4 branch... let me check... | 21:24 |
balloons | sorry Letozaf_ if I confused you | 21:24 |
thomi | Letozaf_: ahh, it already landed | 21:24 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, not matter | 21:25 |
thomi | Letozaf_: so yeah - we ought to talk about rssreader tests :) | 21:25 |
thomi | they fail in CI often because they try and fetch a real RSS feed | 21:25 |
thomi | ideally, we'd mock out the external server, so they can run without any network access | 21:25 |
Letozaf_ | thomi, balloons ok but if I branch rssreader-app tests now, are these tests for 1.4 or 1.3 ? | 21:26 |
thomi | Letozaf_: 1.4 | 21:26 |
Letozaf_ | thomi, ah ok | 21:26 |
thomi | everything (almost) is 1.4 now, we're just cleaning up the last few projects | 21:26 |
Letozaf_ | thomi, balloons ok thanks :D I was working with 1.3 wonder why everything was weired | 21:27 |
Letozaf_ | lol | 21:27 |
elopio | Letozaf_: do you know if the rss will work if we add a path to an rss.xml in the local file system instead of the on in canonical.com? | 21:34 |
elopio | I'll just give it a try. | 21:35 |
Letozaf_ | elopio, nope never tried, sorry :P | 21:35 |
elopio | Letozaf_: it doesn't work. I think that's where we should start, asking the devs to support also file:// urls. | 21:37 |
Letozaf_ | elopio, honestly I never used local feeds, do you use them ? | 21:38 |
elopio | Letozaf_: no, I don't. But that will improve testability a lot letting us test most of the functions with no internet connection and no server. | 21:39 |
Letozaf_ | elopio, oh! clear I understand | 21:39 |
elopio | most tests will be faster and simpler. | 21:39 |
Letozaf_ | elopio, so yes it would be a good idea | 21:39 |
balloons | so we could include a test file feed with the tests | 21:40 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, elopio sounds good | 21:40 |
elopio | balloons, Letozaf_, even better, create it on the fly on the test set up. | 21:41 |
elopio | and then we can modify it on the fly for tests checking updates on the feed. | 21:41 |
balloons | ahh, yes, that works nicely too | 21:41 |
balloons | hehe | 21:41 |
elopio | balloons, Letozaf_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rssreader-app/+bug/1248737 | 21:46 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1248737 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "Allow to add feeds from the local file system" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 21:46 |
elopio | do you know how are the priorities set for this project? It would be great if we can convince the devs to give it a high importance. | 21:47 |
balloons | I set it high, I'll ping the devs to look | 21:50 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, elopio have you tried rssreader app's tests on a desktop or only on a device ? | 21:53 |
elopio | Letozaf_: I have tried them in trusty desktop, and in trusty nexus 4. | 21:54 |
elopio | they all pass for me, but they might be unstable on CI because they are a little too big, and because of the internet dependency. | 21:55 |
Letozaf_ | elopio, I also have tried them on trusty desktop, but do they work for you ? I have the toolbar acting funny | 21:55 |
elopio | thanks balloons. | 21:55 |
balloons | Letozaf_, no, they don't work on the desktop | 21:55 |
elopio | Letozaf_: oh, I tried them yesterday. | 21:55 |
balloons | the app doesn't work on the desktop for me | 21:55 |
balloons | sorry i meant to say that | 21:55 |
elopio | let me run them again. | 21:55 |
balloons | i think i'm unique though, others don't seem to be affected | 21:55 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, oh! I feel better now, I ran them with trusty and autopilot 1.4 | 21:56 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, but the toolbar acts strange | 21:56 |
Letozaf_ | balloons, what problems have you got on the desktop? | 21:56 |
elopio | yeah, they don't work today. | 21:57 |
Letozaf_ | elopio, ok so I'm not the "only one" :P | 21:58 |
elopio | Letozaf_: it seems we are assuming that the toolbar will be visible after entering the feed URL | 21:58 |
elopio | so it will try to click a button that's outside of the window. | 21:58 |
Letozaf_ | elopio, yes looks like | 22:00 |
Letozaf_ | well guy's it's late for me now, going to bed see you tomorrow! night! | 22:00 |
elopio | Letozaf_: good night. | 22:01 |
alesage | does anyone know, what's the best way in Python to just snoop on D-Bus to listen slash ensure that a signal has been generated? | 22:08 |
alesage | where by 'best' I mean requiring the least effort to set up :) | 22:08 |
balloons | alesage, that's definitely a thomi question | 22:11 |
thomi | hmmm? | 22:28 |
thomi | alesage: use python-dbus and connect to the signal in question? | 22:29 |
alesage | thomi will try thx | 22:29 |
elopio | Can somebody reproduce this bug 1248759 ? | 23:10 |
ubot5 | bug 1248759 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "Once the toolbar in the Add feeds page is hidden, I can't make it appear anymore" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1248759 | 23:10 |
elopio | ubuntu-qa? someone still around? ^ | 23:13 |
veebers | elopio: | 23:14 |
veebers | elopio: err, my device is just flashing. I can try when it's complete | 23:14 |
elopio | veebers: you can try it on your desktop. | 23:15 |
elopio | branch lp:ubuntu-rssreader-app | 23:15 |
veebers | elopio: ah right, will try now | 23:15 |
veebers | elopio: I can reproduce that bug | 23:30 |
elopio | veebers: thank you. | 23:31 |
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