
xperiaxnox: it looks like some problem exist with getting the sources. i get allways a error message while trying to fetch the sources as you have written.00:13
xnoxxperia: can you copy your error to paste.ubuntu.com ?00:13
xperiaits say: tag v1.12.7 tagger Conley Owens <cco3@android.com> 1381959964 -0700 repo 1.12.7 error ...00:14
xperiaxnox: could fix the problem! reason was that i used a older version of repo. downloaded the newest version of repo and everything works like it should now. thanks! lot of people have same problem it looks like.00:21
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xperiaxnox: do i understand it right that the next stept after downloading the sources is doing "phablet-dev-bootstrap -c new-ubunt-touch-build" ?00:54
xnoxxperia: no.00:56
xnoxxperia: phablet-dev-bootstrap is just a fancy wrapper to install build-depends, install repo, and do repo init & repo sync.00:57
xnoxxperia: read it's code.00:57
xperiaxnox: huh okay. It was the next step written in the Porting guide. Surprised now that you are right. Its written even. "This tool is a Python wrapper around repo and used to also check out bzr repositories before all code was managed by repo and git." but then what are the next steps? extracting the blobs ?01:04
xnoxxperia: can you please follow guide from top to bottom? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting on the right hand side at the top of the page it has heading in-order.01:07
xnox2.5 is "Building the Android pieces" and it has 7 steps in order as subheadings.01:07
xnoxxperia: ^01:07
xnoxxperia: after dev environment is fully setup, proceed to "2.5.2 Enabling a new device" of which there are two ways to do.01:08
xperiaahh okay 2.5.2 is the next step after the dev enivronment is fully set up. to be 100% sure i ask this again. the step 2.5.1  "phablet-dev-bootstrap -c new-ubunt-touch-build" can be skipped right ?01:11
xnoxxperia: if you don't understand remove everything. and start following the guide.....01:17
xnoxxperia: or like read the whole step carefully instead of skimming01:18
xnoxxperia: "You can check out the source code using the repo and git tools already familiar to Android ROM developers, as described here01:18
xnoxxperia: "Alternately, all the Android code can be downloaded using the phablet-dev-bootstrap tool....."01:18
* xnox got to go.01:18
xperiaxnox: okay thanks for the help! have a nice time.01:19
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Maclarenhello, i am trying to flash the stable version on ubuntu touch on my galaxy nexus02:28
Maclarenhow ever it keeps saying device not detected or dosent have adb enabled02:29
Maclarenany ideas whats wrong?02:33
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MirvoSoMoN: hi! could you get https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/webbrowser-app/select-many-noorder-ap1.4/+merge/194031 to lp:webbrowser-app?08:29
MirvoSoMoN: I guess by merging that to your branch and then that to lp:webbrowser-app, so that it'd build in the PPA with AP1.4 like others08:29
oSoMoNMirv, I’d rather merge my branch first into trunk, then chris’ branch08:31
oSoMoNMirv, the two branches address completely separate issues08:32
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MirvoSoMoN: ok, in whichever order, but please try to get them merged soon as we'd hope to release all apps with AP 1.4 support today (and we can't anymore release anything that doesn't have AP 1.4 support anyway)08:39
oSoMoNMirv, I’m on it08:40
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sil2100veebers: ping!09:02
sil2100veebers: are you by any lucky chance still around?09:02
oSoMoNMirv, I’ve merged my MR into trunk, and resubmitted Chris’ MR against the trunk, here it is: https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/webbrowser-app/select-many-noorder-ap1.4/+merge/19408109:07
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yamcDoes the SIM-lock work already on mako?09:31
DJJeffis ubuntu touch ready for daily use? or still pretty buggy09:37
sil2100oSoMoN: hi! :D09:38
sil2100oSoMoN: I guess soon09:38
sil2100oSoMoN: argh, premature enter09:38
oSoMoNsil2100, hey09:38
sil2100oSoMoN: I guess soon you'll be sad every time I ping you ;)09:39
oSoMoNsil2100, just shoot :)09:39
sil2100oSoMoN: hi! We're doing the 1.4 transition - I got veebers branch in that was doing the transition, but we still have 2 failures there09:39
oSoMoNsil2100, that’s in gallery-app, right?09:40
sil2100oSoMoN: yes, and since you have experience in this already, I decided to poke you ;)09:40
sil2100As you might be able to fix those 2 remaining ones09:40
oSoMoNsil2100, sure, can you point me to the failures log?09:40
sil2100oSoMoN: sure, thanks, let me fetch that09:40
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Stress Awareness Day!  :-D09:41
ogra_DJJeff, the basic functions work fine but there are still many missing bits (you can make and recieve calls but there is no vibration support yet for example ... )09:41
sil2100oSoMoN: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/464/?09:43
sil2100oSoMoN: it might be a bit different, as this is already using 1.4 - so maybe it might be harder as I'm not sure how it's with 1.4 documentation09:43
sil2100But it might not be related as well09:43
oSoMoNsil2100, I’m looking into it09:44
sil2100oSoMoN: thank you!09:44
oSoMoNsil2100, have you seen my answer to Paul’s e-mail about the failures?09:44
sil2100oSoMoN: didn't read it up yet, but I see you mentioned the two failures there ;)09:46
sil2100oSoMoN: anyway, you think hiding-and-then-showing would fix it here as well?09:46
oSoMoNsil2100, yep, the tldr is that similar failures might surface in the future, as they are inherently race conditions caused by the new default behaviour of the toolbar09:47
timppa_Hi everyone! Just want to ask if there are any plans to support Nexus 5 in the future?09:47
oSoMoNsil2100, let me check the logs, I guess so09:47
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oSoMoNsil2100, first one is clearly an instance of such a race condition09:49
sil2100oSoMoN: damn, well at least we know now that it's not 1.4's fault09:52
oSoMoNsil2100, yeah09:52
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oSoMoNsil2100, I submitted https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/gallery-app/hide-toolbar/+merge/194094, let’s see if that does the trick10:06
oSoMoNsil2100, where is the PPA where I can get autopilot 1.4 ?10:07
sil2100oSoMoN: it's in daily-build10:07
sil2100oSoMoN: i.e. ppa:ubuntu-unity/daily-build10:07
oSoMoNsil2100, thanks10:07
sil2100oSoMoN: just remember that it's always risky to use this PPA ;)10:08
oSoMoNsil2100, I’ll hand-pick the packages I need10:08
oSoMoNsil2100, it doesn’t seem to have it for saucy, is it for trusty only?10:10
sil2100oSoMoN: ah, right, yes sadly - but you can download the deb packages and install them on saucy I guess10:10
oSoMoNok, I’ll try that10:10
sil2100Since 1.4 is exclusive for trusty I suppose, sorry for the trouble10:10
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fta_96_i have a question, i got ubuntu touch, how do i dock?10:52
popeyfta_96_: we haven't implemented the convergence / dock features yet10:54
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fta_96_oh, ok10:55
fta_96_so when will it be available10:55
ogra_fta_96_, that is planned for october ...10:55
fta_96_like 2014?10:56
ogra_right, the month :)10:56
fta_96_so i have to wait a whole year?10:57
ogra_14.04 (the april release) will se further finishing of the phone image ... 14.10 (the october release) will see the first convergence implementation10:57
davmor2Morning all10:58
fta_96_oh ok thanx alot :)10:58
davmor2ogra_: so image 12 looks good on the whole I've had a couple of niggles with it10:58
ogra_davmor2, it looks very bad on the test front10:58
ogra_(failures for maguro nearly doubled up)10:58
davmor2ogra_: haha sounds about right :)10:59
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adi_I want to know is ubuntu touch supporting galaxy note 2 N7100 right now?11:11
popey!devices | adi_11:15
ubot5adi_: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices11:15
sil2100oSoMoN: any luck with gallery-app? :)11:15
t1mphow do I get autopilot 1.4 on my desktop? distupgrade to trusty?11:16
sil2100t1mp: you can get it from ppa:ubuntu-unity/daily-build, but it's trusty only for now11:16
sil2100t1mp: you can try installing the trusty packages on saucy though11:16
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oSoMoNsil2100, CI job still running11:21
t1mpsil2100: but soon it will come to trusty without a ppa?11:22
t1mpthen I'll wait until I am sure that I need it11:22
sil2100t1mp: yes, we're working on the transition now11:23
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bzoltanricmm: ping11:48
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sil2100boiko: hello!12:21
boikohi sil2100!12:21
sil2100boiko: sooo! Do you have a moment for some dialer-app autopilot help by any chance?12:23
boikosil2100: sure12:24
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ogra_tvoss_, poke12:53
tvoss_ogra_, pong12:53
ogra_tvoss_, soo ... in the light of the backgrouns services discussion ... i have that self written "ebook reader"  ...12:54
ogra_tvoss_, and reading a book with it is pretty annoying because the screen always dims and shuts down ...12:54
ogra_what are our plans for foregrounded apps to inhibit suspend in such a case12:55
tvoss_ogra_, they have to be able to do so, but we need to define the integration points between apps and powerd -> UDS discussion, would need to look for the blueprint12:55
tvoss_ogra_, less a lifecycle, more a power mgmt question from my pov12:56
ogra_(i guess there are more use cases where an app wants to override default behavior)12:56
davmor2robru: image 12 with the new friends app (mentions tab) I'm not seeing friends-service in top now except now and then it uses around 12% then drops of the visible list again12:56
ogra_well, i didnt see it in context with lifecycle but with background services ...12:56
ogra_i think its a similar thing ... just that the service listens to foregrounded apps instead12:56
ogra_tvoss_, great, if there is an UDS discussion i'll try o be ther12:57
tvoss_ogra_, I think what the app should be able to do is influence the idle timeout if it is in the foreground12:58
tvoss_ogra_, which is then translated by the shell, which never jumps to idle and dims the screen12:58
ogra_(i think it should extend to a lot of other spaces ... i.e. someone could write a scheduler app that overrides the ringtone default based on a scedule etc)12:58
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sil2100oSoMoN: jenkins doesn't like the branch, let's see the failures13:01
oSoMoNsil2100, yeah, looks like a stupid mistake on my part13:02
oSoMoNsil2100, I’ll hold off on this one because timp is working on a fix for the uitk emulators, if he manages to make it then the gallery-app won’t need any changes after all13:03
sil2100bfiller: ping!13:07
sil2100bfiller: hi!13:07
sil2100bfiller: so, we're ongoing the migration to 1.4, and it seems the ubuntu-keyboard migration didn't get merged in - I tried approving it, but I get strange failures from CI (looks like a FTBFS, not even a test errror)13:08
sil2100tmoenicke: ^13:08
cwayneogra_: hey, got a sec for an MR?13:14
cwayneogra_: https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/ubuntu/trusty/initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch/no-hardcoding-user/+merge/19400413:20
ogra_cwayne, approved ... will take a while to go in though, i assume didrocks wants to finish the AP 1.4 transition before we rebuild android13:23
didrockscwayne: ogra_: right :)13:23
didrocksknowing that we have fun with other moving parts13:23
cwayneogra_: thanks!  that's totally fine with me, no rush here at all :)13:23
cwaynejust been on my team's plate for awhile, figured i should at least get an MR in13:24
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sergiusenspopey, can you look at https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/118/feedback/ ?13:29
sergiusenspopey, and good day to you :-)13:29
dakeroSoMoN: hi13:30
popeysergiusens: done13:31
cwaynesergiusens: hey!  got an MR if you have time.. if not that's fine, this one's not particularly urgent :) https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/phablet-tools/phablet-backup/+merge/19405313:36
sergiusenscwayne, saw it last night ;-)13:37
sergiusenscwayne, I actually have an MR I need to iron out for the backup locations to be better13:37
sergiusenscwayne, and you just beat me to this :-P13:38
sergiusenscwayne,  oh, there's a bug number I think you might want to attach the branch to13:38
cwayneah, i didn't realize there was a bug13:38
matv1video recording mode not working on Maguro. Is that a known issue anyone?13:38
ogra_matv1, yes13:38
matv1ogra cool  thnx13:39
sergiusenscwayne, nevermind, I dreamt it13:39
ogra_sergiusens, whee, so cwayne made your dreams come true !13:39
matv1i didnt see it on the last version of the online excel sheet that was put out for dev images13:40
sergiusenslol not13:40
matv1in fact it says working perfectly. someone should take that offline. LP is the only bugtracker now i presume13:41
sil2100oSoMoN: did you have a free moment to get this hide-toolbar branch repaired? :)13:41
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matv1ogra_  sorry I am having trouble finding that bug on LP. Can you maybe give me a link or a bug nmbr?13:45
ogra_hmm, no, i just know it is known ... no idea what bug number that is13:46
ogra_popey, do you happen to know ?13:46
ogra_(video recording not working)13:46
popeyits deliberately disabled13:46
popeybug 122729313:47
ubot5bug 1227293 in camera-app "Recording video in camera-app hangs the application on N4" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122729313:47
sil2100bfiller: do you have a moment to get this reviewed? https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/camera-app/autopilot_1.4_fixes/+merge/19414113:52
sil2100pete-woods: maybe you have a moment for a quick AP-related review? ^13:58
bfillersil2100: not sure about the ubuntu-keyboard FTBS. related to mterry's fix at rev  9713:59
sil2100bfiller: you think a re-run will help? It was building fine during the release yesterday14:00
bfillersil2100: might need this MR merged? https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu-keyboard/clean-home/+merge/19397914:00
bfillersil2100: xnox was seeing an issue when running in sbuild, might be related14:00
matv1okay thnx popey14:01
matv1but as i said to ogra_ a minute ago: it says on the excel sheet status of the last preview image video is working perfectly14:01
bfillersil2100: xvfb-run: error: Xvfb failed to start seems to be the error14:01
matv1might be thought to take that offline14:01
sil2100bfiller: ok, I'll check if it bails out now and if it does, I'll top-approve this one (as it was reviewed already) to get things building again14:02
bfillersil2100: just approved the camera autopilot MR14:03
sil2100bfiller: thanks!14:03
oSoMoNsil2100, hide-toolbar branch repaired, let’s see if CI likes it better14:03
sil2100oSoMoN: awesome, thanks :)14:04
tmoenickesil2100: maybe just trigger the build again?14:07
sil2100tmoenicke: retriggered, but it was already the second time I did it - although the first time it happened it was an LP issue14:07
sil2100tmoenicke: anyway, if it fails now I'll get the test-fixer approved as well14:07
tmoenickeok cool14:07
sil2100I guess we can approve it anyway14:08
sil2100tmoenicke: any concerns on getting https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu-keyboard/clean-home/+merge/193979 in, or do you give green light?14:08
sergiusenspopey, just added a bunch more apps14:08
popeysergiusens: ok14:09
tmoenickegusch: ^^^^14:09
xnoxsil2100: bfiller: i'd rather see https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu-keyboard/libpinyin4/+merge/193859 merged. But that will make the built binary gain a dependency on a package from -proposed.14:09
xnoxsil2100: bfiller: but it will migrate fine, as ubuntu-keyboard is the last one holding up to libpinyin2 (both will migrate together)14:10
xnoxsil2100: not sure if I need a landing ask / further planning on landing that one though. Not sure how everything else will react.14:11
sil2100Not sure what to do in this case, since we're right now in the 'autopilot 1.4' phase14:11
xnoxsil2100: alternative is to copy libpinyin4 into the daily-landing ppa.14:11
guschsil2100: tmoenicke https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/ubuntu-keyboard/clean-home/+merge/193979 looks ok for me14:11
sil2100So I'd like to merge only as much as we need actually, without touching any code at best14:11
sil2100xnox: so maybe like this:14:12
xnoxsil2100: clean-home only affects local sbuild, sbuild on launchpad defines a writable $HOME.14:12
sil2100xnox: is the problem only happening in the CI builder?14:12
xnoxsil2100: that problem does not happen in the CI builder.14:12
sil2100xnox: it suddently did, at least bfiller identified it as 'probably the same', for instance:14:12
xnoxsil2100: it only happens so far on my local machine / in the mk-sbuild (which is not used by CI, PPA, distro builders)14:12
xnoxsil2100: oh, did he?! nevermind me then.14:13
sil2100xnox: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-keyboard-trusty-amd64-autolanding/16/console14:13
sil2100xnox: maybe it's not that? But I'm wondering14:13
sil2100I just want to get it merged in - I can merge it in manually as well if it still fails (as I did a re-approval)14:13
sil2100And we can try fixing it after we're done with migrating to 1.414:13
sil2100So like tomorrow14:14
sil2100Since I just want the bare minimum to get 1.4 working right now14:14
xnoxsil2100: well if i386 builder is different from armhf/amd64 (both define writable $HOME), then yes, it could be the same issue.14:14
xnoxsil2100: sounds good.14:14
popeysergiusens: all done.14:15
sergiusenspopey, thanks14:15
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pete-woodssil2100: sorry, missed your ping, probably better that bill reviewed it, though15:03
sil2100pete-woods: yes, np! ;)15:04
mhall119beuno_: ping15:09
mhall119beuno_: sergiusens has me editing the text on http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/apps/get-started/ ‎ about icons and screenshots15:10
mhall119beuno_: I wanted to check if all icons and screenshots needed to be PNG, or if other formats were supported15:10
beuno_mhall119, the server doesn't care, so it depends on what the client support15:17
beuno_alecu would know15:17
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mhall119alecu: ^^15:21
alecumhall119: I'm checking15:22
sergiusensbeuno_, alecu mhall119; wrt to png/svg, matiasb told me the svg icons are converted to png on upload; so it shouldn't be an issue client side15:24
sergiusensI tested an upload and that is indeed the case15:24
alecumhall119: it seems that the click scope and click preview are just passing the icons to the dash, so our code would not be affected by it. I would ask saviq if the dash prefers any other formats15:26
alecumhall119: in any case, I think the docs should just request a PNG. It's not that we want to encourage devs to start uploading TIFFs nor animated GIFs, right?15:28
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nik90mhall119, alecu: There was a design clinic today where the designers mentioned that the icon format should ideally be svg, png or jpg15:29
Guest88254What is the status of Ubuntu Touch for Nexus 5?15:29
nik90svg is the recommended format since it scales automatically15:29
alecuand regarding jpegs, my feeling is that they end up looking ugly at some point... but they might make sense for the increasing icon sizes15:29
alecunik90: where did that design clinic take place?15:30
nik90alecu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHs0bYWcq-E15:31
Guest88254Sorry if this has been asked 1million times already :)15:31
nik90Guest88254: I heard its being investigated :)15:33
Guest88254I just found the porting page15:36
Guest88254And I got a Nexus 5 yesterday15:36
Guest88254Maybe I can port it myself15:36
mhall119Guest88254: the Nexus 5 was just released, give us some time to evaluate it15:37
mhall119or port it yourself, that would be awesome15:37
mhall119is there a CyanogenMod image for it yet?15:37
Guest88254Doesn't look like it :/15:39
ogra_mhall119, our android tree is still on 4.2.2 ... to make N5 work the first thing to do would be to bring it to 4.415:40
sergiusensI saw that janimo` did some work to make it easy to base out of aosp again; so it will be easier to not wait for cyanogenmod15:42
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sergiusensbut there's been a couple of code changes which would need to be redone15:42
Guest88254gtg, but thanks for the info.15:44
balloonsiBelieve, ping15:45
janimo`sergiusens, I started working on 4.3 too before kitkat got released. I did not finish it yet though, not everything builds with 4.315:46
sergiusensjanimo`, bionic has changed in 4.415:47
janimo`We probably need to set up another tree for AOSP. 4.2.2 could be pushed in the CM-based tree since it already had most of android-4.2.2 in it.15:47
cwaynesergiusens: hey, i think there's an issue with the calendar app's translations, i vaguely remember you doing some MR's to core apps enabling translations (maybe setting the gettext domain?), I wonder if that never happened for calendar15:50
sergiusenscwayne, it depends on a ui toolkit feature (I saw a change to that yesterday); does it work for other apps?15:51
cwaynesergiusens: yeah, other apps are at least partially translated, calendar app seems to be not at all15:52
sergiusenscwayne, my change was just to make sure $click_app/locale/com.ubuntu.calendar had the mo files15:52
sergiusenscwayne, let me check15:52
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cwaynesergiusens: thanks15:53
popeyi see 4.4 has a screen recorder function.. that would be awesome if it wasn't android specific... https://plus.google.com/u/0/108191112950724576986/posts/YRRKQxxoit415:54
iBelieveballoons: pong15:55
balloonsiBelieve, so I found something interesting with the FM ap tests. They are failing on devices and in the lab, and it's because fm is not seeing new files and folders in some cases15:56
sergiusenscwayne, at least the layout is correct http://paste.ubuntu.com/6371175/15:56
balloonsiBelieve, have a look:
iBelieveballoons: not even after a few seconds? I think the backend is set up to check for files every 5 seconds. I'll take a look at the link15:56
sergiusenscwayne, applicationName mathces too15:57
balloonsiBelieve, no.. for example the test delete:
sergiusenscwayne, aside from that not really sure what else needs to be in place; dpm would know; or I guess kalikiana15:57
balloonsI added some debugging lines in there to prove the file is created, and to have the system list the files in home afterward to ensure that is the case15:57
cwaynekalikiana: ping15:58
balloonsiBelieve, I also increased the timeouts to 1 min.. nothing, it never sees the new file/folder15:58
cwaynesergiusens: huh, that's odd. thanks for checking15:58
sergiusenscwayne, do you know of any tool to inspect mo files?15:58
cwaynesergiusens: i do not15:59
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cwaynesergiusens: actually now that i'm looking at it, id on't think any of the clicks are properly translated16:00
cwaynethe apps that are properly translated are debs it seems16:00
sergiusenscwayne, ah, well that explains it16:01
iBelieveballoons: strange. Are you using Trusty? I will install the app in my Saucy VM and see if it works there.16:01
cwaynesergiusens: sorry, hadn't realized that all core apps weren't clicks yet\16:01
balloonsiBelieve, yes I'm in trusty16:02
sergiusenscwayne, you might want this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/0.1.46+14.04.20131105.1-0ubuntu1 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/123962716:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239627 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Install translations (po/mo files)" [Medium,Fix committed]16:04
cwaynesergiusens: that's what i have16:05
davmor2kenvandine: image 12 is much better for friends-service, on the top list it shows up from time to time using about 12% then drops off the viewable apps about a second latter :)16:10
kenvandinedavmor2, does click-update-manager work for you?16:11
davmor2kenvandine: yes 9 apps updated earlier16:12
kenvandinedavmor2, it finds updates for me, but doesn't apply the updates16:12
kenvandineand the log shows errors with signond16:12
kenvandinemakes me wonder if ubuntuone-credentials is broken16:12
davmor2kenvandine: ah u1 creds had an issue for some as the passwords and creds got rehashed just remove the account and readd it and you should be good to go16:13
davmor2kenvandine: check u1 on your desktop too16:13
kenvandinedavmor2, ok...16:13
davmor2kenvandine: that will like need you to re sign in16:14
alecunik90: great, thanks!16:16
davmor2kenvandine: is it working now?16:17
kenvandinedavmor2, well it's different now ;)16:18
kenvandinenow clicking install all updates16:18
kenvandineall the update buttons turn to "Retry" buttons16:18
iBelieveballoons: just tested the File Manager in Saucy, it works fine. Could you create an LP bug, and then I will assign it to the backend developer.16:19
balloonsiBelieve, yes it works on the desktop16:19
balloonsbut it fails on the phone and in the lab16:19
balloonsiBelieve, make sense? on my trusty desktop it works16:19
iBelieveballoons: weird. how is the lab different from your desktop?16:20
kenvandinedavmor2, now the download service is timing out16:20
sil2100oSoMoN: you got down the number of gallery-app failures to one \o/16:20
balloonsiBelieve, well... my biggest concern is that it fails on the phone16:20
sil2100oSoMoN: anyway, what I would recommend is - since the two failures that you were fixing they weren't related to the 1.4 transition, right?16:20
iBelieveballoons: I don't have a Ubuntu phone at all, so I can't test it on the phone. I'll take a look at the code, though.16:21
sil2100oSoMoN: as I guess we have had them failing yesterday as well16:21
oSoMoNsil2100, yeah, that one is really tricky, that’s purely a timing issue, there’s not much I can do about it other than significantly changing the test itself16:21
kenvandinemandel_, ping16:21
sil2100oSoMoN: ok, so if you don't mind, let's hold this merge for a moment then16:21
oSoMoNsil2100, yeah, the failures are due to the change in the default behaviour of the toolbar, so that’s a UITK change, not related to autopilot16:21
oSoMoNsil2100, sure16:21
sil2100oSoMoN: I'll release gallery-app as it is now, and then when the 1.4 transition is over, let's fix that up completely ;) Without needing to haste or anything16:22
balloonsiBelieve, sure understandable.. just thoughts on why? I can open a proper bug, just thought I would ask you first16:22
sil2100oSoMoN: thanks for taking care of this!16:22
davmor2kenvandine: have you thought about joining QA with those kinda of breakage skills :D16:22
davmor2ogra_: do any of your devices seemingly randomly wake up when they have suspended?16:23
davmor2popey: ^16:24
davmor2ogra_: specifically you maguro16:24
ogra_davmor2, do you have any SMS notification service set up ?16:24
ogra_these SMS done get routed through and only cause a screen awkeup atm16:24
davmor2ogra_: not that I'm aware of16:25
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popeydavmor2: no16:26
bfillermterry: looks like the xvfb is causing problems now when building ubuntu-keyboard. https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-keyboard-trusty-i386-autolanding/17/console16:27
bfillerxvfb-run: error: Xvfb failed to start16:28
iBelieveballoons: not quite sure what it could be, maybe something to do with the folder modified time not changing (but that is just a wild guess).16:28
bfillermterry: looks to be i386 specific16:28
bfillerother arches seem to work16:29
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mterrybfiller, geeze man16:31
mterrylots of packages use xvfb for tests...16:34
bfillermterry: any ideas why it would be failing to start in this case?16:39
tvoss_mterry, certainly none for the phone :)16:39
asacrsalveti: you know the screen resolution of the old N7?16:40
mandel_kenvandine, pong16:40
bfillertvoss_: right why are we doing tests that need xvfb for phone16:40
bfillerfor osk16:40
asacogra_: thx16:40
kenvandinemandel_, hey, i'm seeing timeouts in the downloader service when attempting to update with click-update-downloader16:42
kenvandinemandel_, any tips on how i can get more debug info to see where the problem is?16:42
mandel_kenvandine, yes, check under XDG_CACHE/ubuntu-download-manager/ubuntu-download-manager for the logs (I know, two times the same, is a bug, is fixed in trunk ;) )16:43
kenvandinemandel_, i did... all it says is the download service timed out16:43
kenvandine2013-11-06 11:21:21,119 - DEBUG - Timeout reached, shutdown service.16:44
kenvandine3 lines for each attempt, registered the service, true then that16:44
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mandel_kenvandine, ah, but the timeout means (atleast that timeout) that because there are no downloads we are shutting down to safe resources16:45
fgintheris there a way to remove a click package from a phone? (click -h shows 'install', 'register' and 'unregister', but no 'uninstall')16:45
mandel_kenvandine, you have around 15s to create a download or the daemon is killed16:45
kenvandinemandel_, ok... so maybe the problem is in the click updater?16:46
mandel_kenvandine, pastebin the logs, just to make sure16:46
fginthersergiusens, do you know anything more about disabling MTP? you mentioned it last week, just want to know if you know any details16:47
kenvandinemandel_,  /home/phablet/.cache/ubuntu-download-manager/ubuntu-download-manager.log16:47
robrudavmor2, good to hear16:47
Laneyis webkit (that's src:webkit in the archive, not any other fork) actually used on touch anywhere16:47
kenvandinemandel_, ^^16:47
davmor2robru: it's amazing the battery life difference :)16:48
sergiusensfginther, since the sprint was last week; my normal reviewers weren't available; stuff should start soon again16:48
sergiusensfginther, do you want a temp hack?16:48
robrudavmor2, hahaha, yeah. it's gonna get even better with the next patch that reduces battery usage even further16:48
davmor2robru: ohhhh16:49
fginthersergiusens, sure, I'm always interested in a hack16:49
sergiusensfginther, just adb shell echo manual > /etc/init/mtp-server-bootup.override16:49
fginthersergiusens, ohhh, this is per device, I thought it had to be disabled on the USB host. Will this be added to phablet-flash? The problem we see is that devices don't come back to adb after phablet-flash (even though it appears to be successful)16:52
mandel_kenvandine, that looks, but I might be wrong, that an error occurs in the updater app, so we have to ask gatox_lunch or maybe dobey because it looks like an issue with the libsignon16:52
fginthersergiusens, so we can't adb shell to the device16:52
kenvandinemandel_, that's what i thought, but other things that use signon are working16:52
mandel_kenvandine, lets ask mmcc16:52
kenvandinebut maybe it is something in ubuntuone-credentials16:52
kenvandinemmcc, ^^16:52
mandel_kenvandine, exactly :)16:52
mandel_kenvandine, and he is or man for that16:53
kenvandinemandel_, i also removed my u1 account and added it again16:53
mmcchi kenvandine. I just joined so I don't see the context here. what's going on?16:53
kenvandine http://paste.ubuntu.com/6371454/16:53
kenvandinemmcc, ^^ when trying to install updates16:53
sergiusensfginther, oh, yeah, that; udev override16:53
sergiusensrsalveti, ogra_ how do you override udev?16:53
sergiusensI want the ids for mtp to be removed16:53
mandel_kenvandine, looks like, although I might be wrong, that something goes wrong in the updater when the u-d-m is activated, does not create the download and the u-d-m times out16:54
sergiusensso fginther doesn't get annoyed in the test lab16:54
ogra_sergiusens, /etc/udev/rules.d ... just copy the rule from /lib/udev/rules.d16:54
ogra_then edit it16:54
sergiusensfginther, ^^16:54
sergiusensogra_, thanks16:54
mmcckenvandine: yeah, we've seen that before, don't know where it's coming from, doesn't seem to affect functionality. :|16:54
kenvandineit doesn't download updates though16:55
fginthersergiusens, ogra_ thanks16:55
mmcckenvandine: I'm inclined to think the problem is unrelated to that message, but I'm happy to help debug.16:55
den4ikcannot get any repo using "breakfast codename" what should i do ?16:55
den4ikand i did ". build/envsetup.sh" before "breakfast codename"16:57
kenvandinemmcc, indeed, i agree16:57
kenvandinemmcc, what can i do to get more info?16:57
mmcckenvandine: can you paste the backlog or something? I'm still not sure exactly what you're trying. Just trying to install any update?16:58
mmccalso, which image?16:58
kenvandinemmcc, yeah, installing an update just does nothing16:58
Andrew0812hi can someone tell me how to download ubuntu android and put it on my phone16:59
mmcckenvandine: well, ubuntuone-credentials logs to ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/authentication.log16:59
kenvandinemmcc, ^^17:00
fginthersergiusens, turns out I have no mtp rules on the current host system...17:00
fginthersergiusens, so I guess that's not the issue. oh well17:01
mmcckenvandine: weird. I haven't seen those QOpenGLShader warnings anywhere before, nor the process ("echo") ones17:01
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Andrew0812plus can I run ubuntu on android?17:01
kenvandinei see those often17:02
mmcckenvandine: what device are you testing on? are you using mir?17:02
mmccI ask because I'm using a nexus 7, so I've mostly tested with mir off, which may explain why I never saw those warnings (just a guess)17:05
kenvandinemmcc, and i first saw this with image 1117:06
kenvandineand now on image 1317:06
mmccok. I'll update and see if I can reproduce it.17:08
cwaynedpm: ping17:08
kenvandinemmcc, davmor2 couldn't reproduce it17:08
davmor2kenvandine: I'm just upgrading to 13 now I'll see if I can :)17:13
mmccme too17:14
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davmor2ogra_, popey, kenvandine: image 13 is it me or does the music app not have an icon17:24
ogra_has for me17:25
ogra_i dont have any clocks after a reboot ... once again17:25
ogra_but music is there17:26
sil2100boiko: hi! After I'm gone from IRC, could you let robru know about the progress on dialer-app AP issues?17:27
popeydavmor2: i often get various apps having no icon17:28
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kenvandinedavmor2, you mean it does update? or the updater fails?17:33
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mrqtrossergiusens ping17:46
mrqtrosHi all :)17:46
mrqtrossergiusens in short - I am Roman Shchekin, member of RSS Reader (Shorts) core app developers team. We want to update our app in the store17:49
mrqtrossergiusens how can we do that? :)17:49
drake__any idea when will ubuntu touch be officially available for nexus 417:49
davmor2kenvandine: the image updated however I have no apps that need updating18:00
kenvandinedavmor2, actually, i can't install apps either18:02
kenvandinealthough that looks like urldispatcher18:03
davmor2kenvandine: did you remove your u1 account and re-add it?18:03
popeymrqtros: com.ubuntu.shorts0.2.13718:03
kenvandine** (process:1915): WARNING **: Unable to dispatch url 'click-install://com.ubuntu.developer.cwayne18.uwoot':GDBus.Error:com.canonical.URLDispatcher.BadURL: URL 'click-install://com.ubuntu.developer.cwayne18.uwoot' is not handleable by the URL Dispatcher18:03
davmor2JamesTait: you about ^18:03
popeymrqtros: thats the version in the store right now, I believe 137 referrs to the bzr revision18:03
JamesTaitdavmor2, what's up?18:04
davmor2JamesTait: looks like kenvandine hit the issue that others hit but his hasn't remedied itself18:04
kenvandinepopey, is there an easy way to query the current packages and versions in the store?18:04
popeykenvandine: good question!18:04
kenvandineis there an "app for that"?18:04
davmor2kenvandine: have you turned it off and turned it on again ;)18:05
kenvandinelove that show18:05
JamesTaitdavmor2, kenvandine, that looks like a question for mandel_18:05
kenvandineoh... actually it is very likely i have some packages from the daily ppa18:06
kenvandinethat might not be in the image18:06
kenvandinemandel_, trying an install in the shell i get the urldispatcher failure18:06
popeykenvandine: https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/search?q=*18:06
davmor2kenvandine: well you didn't say you were installing random software on it ;)18:06
mandel_kenvandine, url dispatcher is from ted :)18:06
mrqtrospopey sorry for afk. Do you mean that updates are done automatically? :)18:06
JamesTaitmandel_, 'click-install://com.ubuntu.developer.cwayne18.uwoot':GDBus.Error:com.canonical.URLDispatcher.BadURL: URL 'click-install://com.ubuntu.developer.cwayne18.uwoot' is not handleable by the URL Dispatcher18:06
popeymrqtros: no, not automatically, manually by sergiusens and me18:06
JamesTaitAh, sorry mandel_, I thought that was your side. :)18:07
mrqtrospopey ok, thanks! :)18:07
mandel_JamesTait, kenvandine I'm ubuntu download manager, not the url dispatcher, let me find who you have to ask, one sec18:07
davmor2mandel_: did you not know it was national blame it all on mandel_ day?18:07
mrqtrospopey try it in free time ;)18:07
kenvandinemandel_, i was trying this to see if it behaved the same as the update downloader18:08
JamesTaitkenvandine, popey, not that it makes any difference, but you can leave the "?q=*" off. ;)18:08
mandel_davmor2, lol18:08
kenvandineJamesTait, but can i leave off the ☻ :)18:08
JamesTaitkenvandine, definitely not, we need as many of those as we can get. ;)18:08
mandel_kenvandine, JamesTait is ted (Ted Gould) the one you are looking for18:10
kenvandineeverything is tedg's fault18:10
JamesTaitmandel_ is not the droid we are looking for.18:10
davmor2JamesTait: it is right once you are told this ☻ is a black and white minstrel you can't help but hear Mammy, how I love ya, how I love ya, my dear old mammy :)18:11
kenvandineseems odd i can't download click updates or install click packages18:11
kenvandinefor different reasons?18:11
JamesTaitkenvandine, I'm not sure where the click-install:// URL scheme features in the overall click app installation flow.18:12
JamesTaitkenvandine, does that trigger the download, or is it used to install a downloaded package?18:13
dobeymhall119: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdev-1311-better-cookbooks has a typo in the title btw ('boks' vs 'books')18:13
kenvandineJamesTait, no idea18:17
kenvandinedoes click installs work for anyone else on image 13?18:17
* JamesTait is checking18:17
JamesTaitBut currently pointing at staging....18:18
kenvandinei installed url-dispatcher-tools and tried manually18:18
kenvandinesame error18:18
kenvandinetedg, ^^18:18
JamesTaitkenvandine, I successfully downloaded and installed Franglish from the store.18:22
* kenvandine wonders what's up with his phone18:22
mmccJamesTait: did you already have a u1 credential or did you have to add one just now?18:22
JamesTaitmmcc, I already had one.18:22
mmccJamesTait: ack. thanks18:22
mhall119dobey: you don't like Cookboks?18:23
JamesTaitI like boks who cook.  Can't beat a good braai.18:23
mdeslaurand once again phablet-flash has lost all my user data18:24
popeymdeslaur: what command line did you use?18:25
mdeslaurpopey: phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel trusty18:25
dobeymhall119: AmberBocks are better18:25
kenvandinemdeslaur, is the backup or restore failing?18:26
kenvandinemine breaks because the backup is too big18:26
popeyit shouldn't do a backup aiui18:26
mdeslaurINFO:phablet-flash:Pushing /tmp/tmpEALnua to /tmp/backup.tar.gz18:26
mdeslaurprotocol failure18:26
mdeslaurERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb push /tmp/tmpEALnua /tmp/backup.tar.gz' returned non-zero exit status 118:26
kenvandinebigger than will fit on /tmp so fails to push18:26
popeybackup was only needed between cdimage-touch and ubuntu-system18:26
popeysergiusens: ^^18:26
mdeslaurI'll get a full paste up, one sec18:27
mmcckenvandine: any chance you can shed any light on when ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts 0.2 actually made it on to the touch image?18:27
sergiusensmdeslaur, you are using an outdated phablet-tools18:27
mdeslaursergiusens: I'm using 1.0+13.10.20131016.3-0ubuntu118:27
mmcckenvandine: it contains a change that looks like it may conflict with our plugin18:27
mdeslaurhere's the full paste, FYI: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6372001/18:28
mdeslaursergiusens: it's the latest one in saucy...it's outdated?18:28
kenvandinemmcc, 0.2~+13.10.20131016-0ubuntu118:29
kenvandineis on the trusty image18:29
mmcckenvandine: do you know if it made it onto any of the saucy images?18:29
kenvandinei am almost certain it did18:29
kenvandineubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (0.2~+13.10.20131016-0ubuntu1) saucy; urgency=low18:30
kenvandineso yes18:30
sergiusensmdeslaur, yeah, there's been updates since then;18:30
kenvandinemmcc, what's the change?18:30
mmcckenvandine: the bug fix for bug 1221845, maybe. but I'm not sure yet.18:30
ubot5bug 1221845 in Online Accounts setup for Ubuntu Touch "Page in AccountCreationPage.qml does not set flickable property correctly from loaded plugin" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122184518:30
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mdeslaursergiusens: it's quite unfortunate that someone who is using the version in the archive gets data loss when it's used18:31
mdeslaursergiusens: is there any way of SRUing a fix, or getting the download blocked for that version?18:31
kenvandinemmcc, how does that break?18:32
mmccunfortunately, I have to run for a while now. kenvandine, thanks for the info. I'll keep looking into update/install when I get back - other members of our team are also looking at it18:32
sergiusensmdeslaur, in theory, the backup thing was supposed to be only used for transitioning from cdimage builds to ubuntu upgradeable ones; I was told that once on that image, people would update from the device itself18:32
kenvandinemmcc, thx18:32
sergiusensmdeslaur, I've noticed people not doing that and there is an update in https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/tools?field.series_filter=saucy18:32
mdeslaursergiusens: but I thought we couldn't upgrade from raring to saucy using the device itself?18:33
sergiusensmdeslaur, yes you can, and the latest phablet tools is using an ubuntu commands just like that18:33
mdeslaurI would be really helpful if the wiki was updated with current information so it doesn't happen to someone else18:33
sergiusensmdeslaur, instructions have been posted on ubuntu-phone@ for a while18:33
mdeslaursergiusens: that's where I got the command line from :(18:34
sergiusensmdeslaur, which wiki? I think people have spawned too many wiki's to update to18:34
mdeslaurisn't this the authoritative wiki? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch18:34
sergiusensmdeslaur, that wiki just needs to add saucy to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install#Setup_the_Touch_Developer_Preview_Tools_PPA18:37
sergiusensmdeslaur, if you tell me how to SRU, I'll do it; never done that before18:38
sergiusensmdeslaur, upir backup should still be in /tmp/tmpEALnua btw18:38
mdeslaursergiusens: oh, cool, thanks for that...there were some pictures I had lost, I'm glad they're still there18:40
mdeslaurI had looked on the device itself, but obviously the temp file was on my system18:40
mdeslauroh, actually, the archive's corrupt :(18:41
sergiusensmdeslaur, so the pull failed as well? :-(18:41
mdeslaursergiusens: perhaps there's a 1GB limit on the pull?18:42
mdeslaursergiusens: the archive cuts off at 1GB18:42
sergiusensmdeslaur, that could be it; tbh I regret that backup feature existing at all18:43
mdeslaursergiusens: no worries, now that I know about it18:44
sergiusensmdeslaur, well it's not there anymore18:44
sergiusensmdeslaur, it's the same ubuntu_commands as system-image-cli (which didn't exist at the time it was added to phablet-flash back then)18:44
sergiusensmdeslaur, or next time you can do this https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg04820.html18:45
mdeslaursergiusens: ah! good, thanks18:46
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kenvandinemmcc, my device had some stuff from the daily ppa installed and had a mix of system-image updates since... i did a "system-image-cli -c trusty-proposed -b 0" and now all is good18:51
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tedgJamesTait, No one has told me about that URL pattern.19:21
tedgJamesTait, So that's why it doesn't work :-)19:21
tedgThese are the ones that work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/URLDispatcher19:21
tedgThis cycle we're planning on making them registerable by packages, but there's some design work needed on dealing with conflicts.19:22
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firelmntcan someone help me with building image for Galaxy Wonder? i cant find CanyogenMod dependencies...20:34
cwaynesergiusens: ping20:39
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bfillermhall119: here is list of bp's for apps, sdk and webapp teams that we need sessions for: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As1Fg7XBGWTjdFZvdUxSV2tvd1pVMWhEM0NYRmJPMFE#gid=020:58
mhall119bfiller: more than I was expecting, we might need a 3rd app dev room21:04
mhall119either that or put it on client or foundations21:04
mhall119bfiller: do you have time for a quick hangout to talk about these?21:04
bfillermhall119: we can move some to client, fine with me21:05
bfillermhall119: can do a hangout21:05
mhall119bfiller: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/bWljaGFlbC5oYWxsQGNhbm9uaWNhbC5jb20.cp9ot6ea34fsee3m0s36h8b5vk?authuser=121:06
mhall119Kaleo: ping21:14
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Kaleomhall119, pong?21:16
mhall119Kaleo: hey, I have questions about a couple of your BPs21:17
Kaleomhall119, ok21:18
mhall119Kaleo: for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdev-1311-sdk-apps-performance is that looking as per-app performance measurements and improvements, or things to do in the SDK components and platform to make sure we have good performace?21:18
Kaleomhall119, mostly SDK21:18
Kaleomhall119, but we will take question and give advice on specific apps if anybody is there21:18
* nik90 would love to attend that session for the clock app21:19
mhall119and for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdev-1311-sdk-appstartupsplash is that something that will be in code/SDK, or meta-data in the .desktop file or click package?21:19
Kaleomhall119, support will be in SDK21:20
Kaleomhall119, I doubt there will be much code to it at all for the apps; just metadata21:20
Kaleomhall119, but it's not clear yet21:20
Kaleonik90, of course you are welcome :)21:20
mhall119Kaleo: ok, I'm just trying to find slots for these, some might be in client, core or design rooms21:21
Kaleomhall119, okj21:27
Kaleomhall119, I can probably kill one if needed21:27
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mhall119Kaleo: we're okay for now, but I might ping you tomorrow once dpm has a change to register his21:29
Kaleomhall119, thanks21:29
sergiusenscwayne, pong21:31
cwaynesergiusens: hey, i hear you're going to be working on a test framework for the platform api?21:31
cwaynessweeny: achiang^21:31
sergiusenscwayne, yes; and is this a wher is the blueprint request?21:36
cwaynesergiusens: nope, this is more of a offer to help by giving you the framework we used in UfA if you want it type thing21:37
sergiusenscwayne, ah, that would be nice21:38
sergiusenscwayne, I was told that you guys would be helping out anyways ;-)21:39
sergiusenscwayne, I'm not sure this would require a vUDS session though21:39
ssweenycwayne, achiang sold us out :)21:39
achiangsergiusens: well, we still care about the blueprint :)21:40
achiangssweeny: cwayne: i got a good price for you guys21:40
* achiang is reminded to feed his new pet goats21:40
sergiusensa beer at the bar from Chicken?21:40
cwayne$3 and a high five21:40
cwaynesergiusens: alright, so I'll send you all the docs/info/tests we have, and feel free as always to ask any questions21:41
achiangsergiusens: one thing we talked about was showing you our UfA test framework. not sure how much you can reuse (probably not much) but it would be useful to a) see how we are testing a ROM for functionality and b) learn from our mistakes21:41
cwayneother than that, I guess we just help out writing tests once a suite exists21:41
sergiusenscwayne, if you want we can do a hangout or something tomorrow and look over the UfA stuff21:42
cwaynesergiusens: we can do that if you want21:42
sergiusenscwayne, if you have any docs I can try and go over them tonight so we can make it short21:42
sergiusensachiang, yup, sounds good21:43
cwaynesergiusens: great, I'll send em over tonight and i'll ping you tomorrow21:44
sergiusenscwayne thanks!21:45
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balloonsping iBelieve21:59
Edwin__I need Help I try to install ubuntu touch in nexus 7 and I got this error ERROR:phablet-flash:Installation is taking too long or an error occured along the way. Removing directory /tmp/tmphiQFII Removing directory /tmp/tmpoZYKKc22:00
iBelieveballoons: pong22:00
Edwin__can some tell how to reinstall in22:00
balloonsiBelieve, so looking into our issue again from this morning on fm not seeing new files, I tried touch a new file on the device in teminal app and while shelled in22:00
balloonsiBelieve, fm worked properly and the file showed up22:00
iBelieveballoons: that's great! so what did you do differently?22:01
balloonsiBelieve, well it's great because it means fm works, heh22:02
balloonsit's not great because the tests still fail, but that means something about how we make the temp files it doesn't like22:03
iBelieveballoons: so the difference is that you manually created a file using 'touch' versus the tests doing it in Python?22:03
balloonsyes.. So i'll mod the tests and send system calls and see what happens22:04
balloonsif it works, we'll change the temp file creation functions22:04
sergiusensEdwin__, what's the command you are executing?22:12
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cwaynepopey: you around?23:03
popeycwayne: ya23:05
cwaynepopey: was just curious to see if you'd like to help dogfood my fitbit app23:09
popeysure thing!23:09
cwaynepopey: awesome, thanks!  i'll shoot you over an email23:13
cwayneChickenCutlass: ^ wanna try out fitbit app too?23:21
firelmntwhen i'm getting blobs from mobile, what does it mean cd device/<vendor>/<name>? is it path to somewhere?23:47

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