
Kilosmorning superfly and others05:31
Kilosyo bduk mazal 05:41
Kilossit op die LTS ek lees support for 13.10 eindig december05:42
Kilosbaie snaaks05:42
bdukMore Kilos  and all others05:45
KilosSymmetri1: fix your nick05:45
mazalMore oom05:48
mazal13.10 kan mos nie Desember eindig nie , dis veronderstel om 9 maande te wees05:48
Kilosmorning drussell 05:49
Kilosek het dit gelees gisteraand somewhere05:49
KilosRaring Ringtail is not an LTS (Long Term Support) release. It will be supported with security updates for both the desktop and server versions until December 2013.05:50
mazalRaring is 13.04 nie 13.10 nie05:51
Kilosdis te kort ek ek geniet kde in 13.1005:51
Kilossjoe nou voel ek beter05:51
mazalSaucy is 13.1005:51
Kilosdomkopf ne05:51
drussellKilos: good evening :o)05:51
mazalMoet gaan tot Augustus as my Wiskunde nou reg is05:51
Kiloshehe drussell where are you now?05:52
drussellKilos: (I'm in Phoenix, Arizona)05:52
Kiloswow you get around hey05:52
drussellKilos: hehe so they say ;o)05:52
Kilosall good drussell ?05:52
Kilossummer in za05:53
drussellKilos: all good! how about you?05:53
drussellKilos: nice! weather's pretty good here too I have to say05:53
Kilosyeah good ty, loving 13.10 kde05:53
Kilosfastest install ive ever had05:53
drussellKilos: cool05:54
Kilosis 14.04 gonna be even better05:54
drussellKilos: should be, there's been a lot of good feedback on 13.10 for some of the subtle improvements, and the plan is 14.04 should be similar, not too many big bang changes, but polish to make a great LTS05:55
Kilosjust had a funny bootup this morning, 18 terminals opened  with header of Blankscreen.kss <9>05:56
Kilosbut everything works after closing them05:57
Kiloswas quite funny05:57
drussellKilos: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31485905:57
Kiloskeep up the good work drussell 05:57
drussellKilos: np, seems to be an upstream KDE issue, but people are working on it05:59
* drussell heads off to bed, early start tomorrow05:59
Kiloscool ty very much05:59
drussellKilos: yvw, laters!05:59
Kiloshi superfly 06:11
* Kilos looks forward to 14.0406:11
superflyhi Kilos06:19
superflytumbleweed: I reinstalled all my base libraries from an international server, and now my computer works06:23
tumbleweedsuperfly: the mirror you use will make no difference06:34
superflytumbleweed: as long as it's not a South African mirror06:43
superflythe ZA mirrors do not work06:43
superflywell, maybe LEG does, but IS, WebAfrica and mirror.ac.za are out of date and buggy06:44
Kiloshi Squirm having a good rest?06:54
SquirmKilos: my 2nd day back at work06:55
Squirmjust went up for a long weekend06:55
Kilosaha you must talk to that new guy06:55
Kilosforget his nick now, about using pi for other things06:56
Kiloshe will discuus it at the monthly meet06:57
Kiloshi magespawn 07:04
Kiloshiya maiatoday 07:08
tumbleweedsuperfly: neology's mirror tends to be in good shape07:12
tumbleweedbut seriously, it's not possible for a mirror to be buggy, just out of date07:13
magespawnhey Kilos07:20
magespawnhow do i print/pdf a log file on a server?07:20
magespawnscp the file to a gui system and do it from there?07:21
magespawnsorry, got disconnected, was there an answer?07:36
magespawnty Kilos07:36
mazalI have this somewhere in a manual I think , lemme look07:36
Kilosdo it that way then if its quickest magespawn 07:36
magespawni have copied the /var/log directory to my laptop and i can do it from there07:37
Kilosget it where you can see it07:37
Kilosthats a good idea. what prob are you looking for?07:37
mazalSorry magespawn , I only have how to take man pages to pdf07:39
magespawnpeople logging in or attempting log in from outside the network07:40
magespawnty mazal07:40
magespawni can pdf them from my laptop07:40
mazalmagespawn, man a2ps07:42
mazalThat might help07:42
mazaland man ps2pdf07:43
mazalLooks like you can first take it to ps format and then from ps to pdf07:43
mazalBut might be more work than just copying to your laptop though07:44
mazalFor example , I did one quickly with these 2 commands :07:46
mazala2ps upgradeslist.txt -o upgradeslist.ps07:46
mazalps2pdf upgradeslist.ps upgradeslist.pdf07:47
mazalMaybe you can make a script , the filenames should be the same every time yes ?07:47
Kilossjoe slim ne07:48
magespawnthere is a log rotator running so the old log get number on them 1, 2 etc07:49
magespawnthe current log is always the same name though07:49
magespawnso unless you need to look at the history that should be fine07:50
magespawnmazal would i need to do it file by file?08:05
mazalI dunno magespawn08:06
mazalOutput file must be specified , so I assume it will need to be file by file08:07
magespawncool ty08:07
mazalBut someone smart might have a way around that08:08
magespawni will google and bring it up again later08:08
mazalMy scripting knowledge is to low08:08
magespawnmaybe inetpro will know08:08
mazalI have seen scripts for multiple files , but I dunno those options08:10
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 09:03
Kilosyo henkj 09:03
henkjyo Kilos 09:03
ThatGraemeGuymorning :)09:06
magespawnhi ThatGraemeGuy 09:08
magespawnohi Vince-0 09:12
Kiloshi Vince-0 09:12
Kilosif something that used to give probs all of a sudden works do you just accept it or try find out thy and what happened09:18
magespawnif can find out, that is best, but can take awhile09:19
Kilosim happy! e220 seen by all drives today. yesterday only 13.10 saw it09:20
Kilosand i did nothing09:31
Kilossaved a command and a link from the monkey last night but didnt get to check it out even09:32
Kilosmurphy is having a day off09:37
Kilosoh magespawn are you far from home09:41
Kilosas in wifi cant reach home09:41
SquirmMaaz: weather for MooiRivier10:19
MaazSquirm: That didn't go down very well. Burp.10:19
SquirmMaaz: weather for Treverton Schools10:20
MaazSquirm: City not found10:20
KilosQA, weather in mooirivier10:32
QAKilos: In Estcourt, South Africa at 8:00 AM SAST on November 06, 2013: 27°C; Humidity: 22%; Wind: at 0 km/h; Conditions: Scattered Clouds; Sunrise/set: 5:02 AM SAST/6:24 PM SAST; Moonrise/set: 7:30 AM SAST/9:33 PM SAST10:32
psyatwhi Kilos10:33
psyatwhi Squirm10:33
Kiloshi psyatw 10:33
nuvolario/ hi Squirm, oom Kilos, psyatw10:43
Kiloshi nuvolari 10:43
nuvolarihoe gaan dit oom Kilos ?10:45
Kilosgoed dankie nuvolari en jy?10:45
psyatwhi nuvolari10:45
psyatwik spreek alleen nederlands10:45
psyatwmaar wij verstaan elkaar toch?10:45
psyatwhoi charl :)10:46
charlgood morning10:46
Kiloshi charl 10:46
charlhi psyatw 10:46
charlhi Kilos 10:47
charlbah hating gnome terminal again10:47
charli hit alt+number key and then it switches tabs instead of switching "screens" inside of irssi10:47
charlthere should be some standards for keyboard shortcuts so that these types of conflicts don't happen10:47
charlit seems like youtube is also utterly kaput on debian inside of a browser like iceweasel with no flash installed10:48
charlhtml video not yet properly implemented and working10:49
charloh and on a related note, did try windows 8.1 a couple of days ago, complete and utterly unusable10:49
charlan even bigger disaster than windows 810:50
nuvolariheh, psyatw, dit is goed as ons mekaar verstaan :D10:51
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom Kilos 10:51
psyatwnuvolari, inderdaad :D10:53
psyatwcharl, I always fix the settings for it, so it works like konsole10:53
psyatwbut to be honest I haven´t used ubuntu since unity was introduced10:54
mazalWhat can be worse than Win 8?10:57
mazallol , ok10:58
Kilosand everything there after10:58
Kilosmaybe they start using linux sometime10:58
mazalNee man , julle verstaan net nie Win nie10:58
Kilosthen all our probs will start10:59
mazalHy is tamaai , moet net niks saam hom laai nie10:59
Squirmhey nuvolari 10:59
charlpsyatw: that's one of my biggest problems, i almost never spend any time configuring anything lol11:04
charlmazal: you have these "hints" that pop up on the screen like "swipe from the right" or "swipe from the left" and you just can't get rid of them with the mouse and keyboard11:05
charlmazal: they make you sign up for a microsoft account (mandatory now) before you can even complete the installation11:05
charlmazal: then they require you to verify your email address; how the heck can you verify your address if you don't have a browser11:06
charlmazal: fortunately i was just installing it inside a VM so i could go back to my host os for that but that's Just Plain Dumb (TM)11:06
psyatwhoi mazal, ik begijp you niet meer11:06
mazalYeah I agree and with you. I'm just teasing ;) I don't want Win 8 anywhere near me11:06
psyatwcharl, yeah, but at least on linux I can keep my settings from version to version11:07
psyatwso I usually only do it once every few years11:07
charlpsyatw: i3 is one of the few things i use with an extensive configuration but my older configuration file doesn't seem to work on the new version11:08
charlpsyatw: i need to fix that actually so i can get rid of gnome11:08
psyatwcharl, you don´t like gnome?11:08
psyatwi3 is a window manager, right?11:08
psyatwI haven´t used it yet11:08
charlpsyatw: yeah i3 is a simple tiling window manager with great keyboard navigation11:08
charlpsyatw: i hate non-keyboard window managers because it forces me to reach for the mouse too often and i like to keep both hands at the keyboard11:09
psyatwcharl, that seems like a good thing indeed, I hate the mouse too because it is causing so many problems for my arm and wrist11:10
charlpsyatw: one of my colleagues has issues with that actually, he switched to using his left hand and now alternates11:11
charlbut yeah i don't have any risk of developing those types of issues, it actually all started during the years where my primary computer was a laptop11:12
psyatwcharl, I used to do that too, but I used to have a trackball which was much better for me, I think I´ll buy another one in the future11:12
charli used to sit around everywhere (the couch, outside, etc) and it wasn't convenient to attach a mouse and i hated the touchpad11:12
charlbecause in africa it can get really hot (or in the netherlands in summer) and then my fingers get sweaty and the touchpad becomes painful to use11:13
charlso i learned to become more and more dependent on the keyboard and now i can't get away from it, just so much faster and handier11:14
charlit seems like the problem with youtube's html video is limited to iceweasel 17.0.1012:07
charlbecause in chromium it works fine12:07
Kilosoya charl i got 13.10 kde running lekker12:20
charlgreat stuff12:24
magespawnhas anyone used cpanel here?12:44
inetprogoeie more12:57
Kiloscremora inetpro 13:00
Kiloswolke besig om te bou, hou duim vas13:00
charlhi inetpro 13:00
charlmagespawn: i have, long time ago i used to develop cpanel plugins13:00
charlcustom usage stats and stuff, but that was years ago13:00
charltook out some fancy tricks there13:00
Kiloswhat is cpanel?13:00
* inetpro hates cpanel13:00
charlyou have these old-school hosting companies that provide you some panel thing to manage your website/email/etc13:01
charlshared hosting13:01
charlbut most people are moving to vps'es these days so those are disappearing fast13:01
charlit's now all cloud (saas/iaas)13:01
* nuvolari made an oath to never touch cpanel witha 10-feet pole again13:02
charlbad experience or that it's proprietary and expensive?13:02
charli thought, for the level of the time, it was quite good actually (compared to alternatives)13:02
nuvolariwell, it was good, but if you have access to a root box, nothing beats that13:02
Kilosi have enough problem keeping stuff here in order so not even listening to cloud stuff13:02
charlof course, but that's why i said, those are old school shared hosting13:03
Kiloswhat is magespawn trying to do?13:03
charlKilos: i'm pretty anti-cloud myself (i run/host everything myself)13:03
Kilosyeah safer charl 13:04
charlas far as possible, in any case13:04
charlthe only "cloud" thing i have an account on is probably linkedin13:04
charli host my own website/mail/xmpp etc13:04
charlno github, self hosted git and cgit, etc13:04
Kilosi wonder what is the aim of using cloud13:05
Kiloshas it any advantages over and above if you host your own and drives crash13:05
charlit's convenient and scalable, but not necessarily cheap13:05
charlwell you don't have to maintain it yourself, it's done for you by some company13:06
charlbut then you have to trust the company of course13:06
charland once all your data and services belong and are owned by some external company, you're their b*tch basically13:06
Kiloslike trusting suse now ms has bought it13:06
charlwell look at canonical and their ubuntu one platform, how is that any better13:07
charlthe server side is proprietary, you can't run your own ubuntu one server13:07
Kilosya but we dont host our stuff there13:07
charlif you use ubuntu one you're basically canonical's b*tich13:07
charlgood for you13:08
Kilosi only use it to pass stuff on13:08
charlget a vps and use rsync after encrypting everything with gpg if you want remote backups13:08
charland you keep full control over the keys13:08
charlor some cloud backup service, but that only after encrypting everything on your end13:08
Kilosill keep my own stuff here ty where i can switch it off when needed13:09
charlvery good, that's my ideal too13:09
charli am even considering moving my vps to my house but the problem is the cable network13:09
charlthey sometimes do maintenance and the line goes down for a couple of hours13:09
charlusually early morning hours, but bad enough if you're running a mail server13:09
Kilosyou okes that got time to google please find me some low price 16g sticks for sale13:10
charl16g sticks?13:10
Kilosive looked at the local places but they want R120 for 8g13:10
Kilosusb flash drives13:10
charloh that13:10
charli saw some 16gb drives for 10 euro but that's in NL, i'm sure that's too far away :P13:11
Kilosthats still expensive when converted and postage13:11
charlyeah exactly13:11
KilosMaaz, convert 10 EU to ZAR13:12
MaazKilos: That didn't seem to agree with me13:12
Kilosoh my13:12
charlMaaz: you have some serious stomach problems13:12
Maazcharl: I already know stuff about you13:12
Kilosarent they about 13 to 113:12
* inetpro needs to play with OpenStack13:12
charlMaaz: that almost sounded like a threat13:12
Maazcharl: *blink*13:12
inetproOpenStack Community Q&A http://www.openstack.org/projects/openstack-faq/13:13
Kilossigh whats openstack13:13
Kiloswhat for you wanna do that inetpro ?13:14
charli attended an openstack event some years back at oscon 201013:37
charli was very impressed (got a sticker for my laptop) but afaik openstack is more about the infrastructure, not the software13:37
charli need to look at puppet - it seems like puppet is becoming very popular13:41
charlhi gerritfromsa 13:53
gerritfromsacharl, howziiiit13:53
Kiloshi gerritfromsa talk to Squirm about your ideas with a PI13:53
Kiloshe has one too13:54
gerritfromsaI think I published those links the other day  ... let me check my history ...13:54
gerritfromsaWas basically building a nice little video sever with a Pi for next 2 nothing13:55
charlvideo server with external hard drive attached via usb 3.0 ?13:55
charldoes the raspberry pi have gigabit ethernet or 100mbps?13:55
Kiloshe has a cam on his chopper13:55
charloh so you want to do live video streaming13:56
gerritfromsaPi , 4x USB cameras , Linux running with motion and viola ... 13:56
charlthis? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_%28surveillance_software%2913:56
gerritfromsaThe internal SD card should be ample13:56
charlyeah i was thinking more about stored video13:56
gerritfromsaor writing to san/nas13:57
gerritfromsaLike the idea of the video server on my bike ...13:58
charla live video server on your bicycle... what would the point of that be?13:58
charldon't you just want to make a recording and upload it to somewhere later?13:59
charlpersonally i am more interested in this: http://raspberrycolocation.com/14:00
charlfor light-weight servers (mail/web/xmpp/etc)14:00
charlthe price of colocation per year is 36 euro14:02
charlhttp://raspberrycolocation.com/applications/ (sorry finger slipped and pressed backslash-enter)14:03
gerritfromsacharl, I meant on my dirtbike - would get angles I often miss with a helmet cam ...14:04
gerritfromsaand it's easily powered by the bike ...14:05
Kilostell nuvolari about this too. he likes the roasties that come with dirt bikes14:06
Kilosmountain bikes i think they called14:06
Kiloshe looked quite good at one stage14:07
gerritfromsaa Dirt bike is a Motorbike (veldfiets)14:07
Kilosoh a scrambler14:07
Kilosthey for crazy speed freaks14:08
Kilosim a trials bike ballie14:08
gerritfromsasort of ... a scrambler actually refers to a specific style of bike ...14:08
Kilosmind you no more biking now14:08
gerritfromsaalso have a dual sport and a naked , I just love the stuff ...14:09
charloh so you want to use the thing as a custom video recorder14:09
charlnow i understand, sorry i misunderstood the "server" part14:10
charlnot as in a web server, but as in a video recorder14:10
gerritfromsathats it14:10
charlsounds like a great project14:11
charlbut then you would need somewhere to house it properly14:11
charlotherwise it will get full of mud14:11
gerritfromsathe video servers from Axis allows you to connect 'old-style' cctv cameras to it and it converts it to iptv ..14:11
gerritfromsayes the Pi can go under the seat and the webcams will just have to take it like a man14:11
gerritfromsawonder how waterproof a usb cam is/can be made ?14:12
Kilossilicon seals anything14:12
gerritfromsanothing that a bit of epoxy cant fix14:12
gerritfromsaor silicon ...14:12
gerritfromsaor put them in the indicator housings14:13
gerritfromsacould actually be lekka to have in your car as well14:14
gerritfromsareverse camera , forward camera , left side cam ....14:14
gerritfromsacharl, it would most definitely work for mail/web/xmpp ...14:15
gerritfromsaI use it for XBMC and it streams 1080p14:16
gerritfromsaalso use it to build small PBXs14:16
charloh yes it has an hdmi out now right?14:16
charlthat sounds like something for me actually14:16
charlbecause i want a fully open source television solution14:16
charlthen i just use the television as a display basically14:17
gerritfromsaand it fires up when you switch the TV on!14:17
charlor even a large computer display but i have a 27 inch right now and that's about the largest cheap computer display14:17
gerritfromsadepending on yout TV set , it will power the USB port when you switch it on...14:17
charloh so it draws power from usb ?14:17
charlhow does it feed the video then - directly via usb or via hdmi?14:18
gerritfromsayes MICRO USB port14:18
charlhmm interesting14:18
charlworth while investigating14:18
charldo you run debian on the raspberry ?14:18
gerritfromsapifactory.co.za in JHB keeps stock14:18
gerritfromsaor RS Components in Kyalami14:18
charldoesn't help me but good for south african people14:19
charloh, sorted: http://paxnova.nl/raspberry-pi14:20
magespawnthanks guys, i having to edit the company website on cpanel and cms as joomla14:22
magespawni will tackle this in the morning again14:22
magespawnhome time, later all14:23
charloh whow ! http://www.raspberrystore.nl/14:24
charlwhow, they are even distributed by farnell http://nl.farnell.com/raspberry-pi14:28
charlthis is very awesome i didn't know it was so big14:28
charlfarnell is huge, they are also known as element14 in some countries14:30
charlthey are like one of the biggest electronics distributors14:30
charl(element number 14 is silicon btw)14:31
gerritfromsaMine came from element14 ...14:43
gerritfromsaPifactory sells element 1414:43
charldo you know ben heck ?14:46
charlhe has a show sponsored by element1414:46
gerritfromsanope 14:47
gerritfromsasomeyimes check darren kitchens show - hack5 - really awesome linus podcasts14:47
gerritfromsachecking ...14:47
charlyeah i have been following hak5 literally from season 114:48
gerritfromsathe chick presenter is very nice ...14:48
charlshannon morse?14:49
gerritfromsaoh yes Shannon .... oh yes Shannon ... oh yes .. oh oh ... 14:50
gerritfromsaBen Heck ,  looks interesting14:51
charleveryone knows she has a great rack but sheesh keep your pants on (meant literally)14:51
charlben heck is awesome, he does a lot of mods/builds and some electronics work (including raspberry pi) etc14:52
gerritfromsaand the girl got some IT knowledge too , how wonderful is that :)14:52
gerritfromsadoes he do some Arduino as well ?14:52
charlunfortunately very scarce material :(14:52
charlhe has done some arduino in the past if i recall correctly14:52
gerritfromsaI use x10 home automation stuff regularly for small projects but these open source Hardware projects open new doors ...14:54
gerritfromsaI actually get it from a NL based company called Marmitek14:54
charlinteresting, don't know them14:55
gerritfromsaThey make the special South African plug with the X-10 stuff - 240V 5-60Hz14:55
charlspecial south african plug? you mean the electrical supply socket?14:56
gerritfromsaYes it's unique to SA14:56
gerritfromsaWe developed it under apartheid14:56
charlit's the old british plug actually but is only commonly used in south africa these days (although not exclusively)14:56
charlno that's nonsense, it comes from britain14:56
gerritfromsadue to the boycotts14:56
gerritfromsaNo UK is different14:57
gerritfromsaIt was developed by a local company14:57
charlno the uk also used the same plug but they switched to the modern version of their plug many years ago14:57
charlin some countries like in botswana they use a combination of the new and old plugs14:57
charlin other african countries like kenya they only use the new plugs14:57
gerritfromsasjit you're right just wikipedia'd now14:58
gerritfromsacalled the BS 54614:59
gerritfromsashows you the misinformation we're sitting with14:59
gerritfromsaWait a minute , we did develop it , it did derive from the BS546 but we made some changes ... 15:00
gerritfromsaso did India and Russia15:01
charlthat sounds more like it15:01
charlthe modern british plug is the BS 1363 (Type G) it seems15:01
charlwhich is also used in many african countries15:01
charlthe modern south african plug is a variation of the original british design15:02
gerritfromsayes that I know I've travelled to 14 other African countries outside SA and I concur15:02
gerritfromsawe OBVIOUSLY make it METRIC ! ;)15:03
gerritfromsanot imperial ...15:03
charlonly backwards countries don't use the metric system, such as britain and the united states15:04
charlthe british plug is the only plug in europe that is not compatible with the europlug15:06
charlall variations of european plugs are compatible with the europlug15:06
charlthat's why we say the british have an "island mentality"15:08
nuvolariit'z raaaining, with sunshine15:13
nuvolarijakkals trou met wolf se vrou15:13
nuvolariI'm off15:13
=== PRIVMSG is now known as Private_User
tal0nhello everyone15:39
Kiloshi tal0n 15:57
tal0nhi Kilos 15:57
nuvolario/ 16:12
Kilosyo nuvolari 16:16
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 16:19
nuvolarihmm, wag net vir my stukkie hoender om gaar te word16:19
nuvolariek is nou nogals honger16:20
KilosMaaz, coffee and cremora17:09
MaazOne at a time you twit!17:09
KilosMaaz, coffee on17:09
* Maaz starts grinding coffee17:09
KilosMaaz, with cremora17:09
MaazAh! At last someone with taste17:09
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:13
KilosMaaz, gracias amigo17:13
Maaz¡de nada compadre17:13
Kiloshmm... power died18:26
Symmetri1holy shit i want a lab like juniper has here18:47
Symmetri1its almost as big as the damn liquid data centre 18:47
Kilosfix your nick Symmetri1 18:47
Kilosare you buying servers there?18:47
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
Symmetrianah we're testing routing gear18:48
Kiloshey inetpro you got this Google+ custom URL18:53
magespawngood evening18:53
Kiloshi magespawn 18:53
Kiloshows the head magespawn 18:54
magespawnnot too bad18:54
magespawnstill straining to take all the new stuff in18:54
Kilosoh not bursting from the overload yet?18:54
Kiloswhat OS you working on there18:55
magespawnwin 7 18:55
Symmetriafor me :)18:55
Symmetrialol win 7 aint bad18:55
Kiloswin7 server18:55
Symmetriawin 7 is actually shockingly stable18:55
magespawnscarily i am gettings my hands around 8 too18:55
SymmetriaIve got a win 7 box I use every day that I aint rebooted in 8 months18:55
Kilosouch magespawn tell them thats why they get hacked18:56
Symmetriakilos *shrug* you dont patch linux, bsd, or anything else u gonna get nailed if you aint behind layers of security18:56
Symmetriathe same rules with windows and linux apply there18:56
Kilosisnt linux harder to hack from outside18:57
Symmetriano, if anything its easier because its opensource to writing exploits for it is a helluva lot easier18:58
Kilosthen why doesnt everyone use windows servers?18:59
magespawnthey cost a fair amount of money19:03
Kiloshaha of course19:03
magespawnand even the server is still has a gui, which in a lot of cases you do not need when accessing it remotely19:05
Kiloswell hats off to you magespawn , 19:06
Symmetrialol I stood infront of a 6 million dollar router just now19:07
* Symmetria lusts 19:07
SymmetriaI want that, so I can sell it, and buy fancy cars ;p19:07
magespawnSymmetria, thats not normal19:07
Symmetria;p yes it is, I can get it, sell it, and then lust after all the females I get with the money ;p19:07
Kiloswhere would one use a router like that?19:07
magespawnis there a default pplace to looks for backups in cpanel?19:07
Symmetriain a massive ISP backbone19:07
Kilosoh for isp's19:08
Kilosi still think small 19:08
Kilosforget about the big okes out there19:08
superflyactually, it is a myth that linux is hacked more because it is open source. the reverse is true19:17
superflymagespawn: yes, but I can't recall right now. it's in there, I've used it before19:18
magespawnthanks superfly i think i have found it19:20
magespawncalled idera server backup manager19:20
magespawnsuperfly do you think using a cms is better than not?19:42
Kilosgood luck with that magespawn 19:48
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:48
superflymagespawn: always19:50
superflymagespawn: and Drupal is king19:50
magespawnindeed 20:03
magespawni have restored the site from a backup but now i get an error on the joomla login page20:04
magespawnahh well that is enough for one night, i am off to bed, good night all20:13
tal0ncheers all20:50
Symmetriaeverything this vendor shows me21:40
SymmetriaIm like, can this be done through the central management21:40
Symmetriathey are like yeah but through cli...21:41
SymmetriaIm like, what part of I dont wantcertain people ever going to cli dont you understand21:41

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