
=== ElectricErger is now known as eebot
=== eebot is now known as ElectricErger
lderanelfy: tried a few more applications with autopilot last night, thunderbird opens up but doesn't seem to receive keyboard commands shall see if I am doing something wrong with it, Mousepad is also effected by this. Catfish seems to be fine with keyboard entry so far.09:44
slickymastermorning all10:08
lderangood morning slickymaster 10:12
slickymasterhi lderan, good morning10:12
slickymasterochosi, jjfrv8_ bluesabre, The "Save Playlist" item has been added to http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=usage#play_media and a new paragraph was added in the "Sow Playlist" itel of http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=usage#playback10:46
slickymasteritel <- item10:46
slickymasterochosi, jjfrv8_, bluesabre, before starting the Video section there's still the Audio -> Audio Track to be done. Thing is that I'm facing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/parole/+bug/1098323 with each DVD I use. I've already tried 10:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 1098323 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole failes to play DVD" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:50
slickymasterochosi, jjfrv8_, bluesabre, I've already tried Unit193 workaround to no avail. Any suggestions?10:51
bluesabreslickymaster, I'm sorry, but for some reason I cannot get DVDs to work in 13.10.  It does work in 13.04 though, for some reason10:52
brainwashbug 124819410:52
ubottubug 1248194 in gnome-mplayer (Ubuntu) "Gnome-Mplayer cannot play commercial videos: Couldn't open DVD device: /dev/dvd (No such file or directory) -- Ubuntu Saucy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124819410:52
bluesabreooh, definitely that10:53
slickymasterbluesabre: well, I can always set up a VM with 13.04, install Parole 0.5.90 there to get it done10:54
bluesabrethats the easiest thing to do10:56
bluesabreI'm actually running 13.04 myself, so if you don't want to go through that effort, I can probably fill in that portion10:57
slickymasterbluesabre: np, I'm sure your plate is pretty full and you already have too much to deal with. I'll do it10:59
bluesabrethanks, I appreciate that slickymaster :)11:00
slickymasterbluesabre: np11:00
jjfrv8_slickymaster, good morning. Do you know if the DVDs you're trying to play have multiple audio tracks?11:31
slickymasterjjfrv8_: yes, they have. After talking with bluesabre I've decided to set up a VM with 13.04, installed Parole 0.5.9 and everything is working now11:36
jjfrv8_does Parole show the multiple tracks for you?11:37
bluesabreI'm not sure if parole actually displays multiple audio tracks on a DVD, I know it works with files with multiple tracks (like anime with english/japanese tracks)11:38
slickymasterjjfrv8_ bluesabre: no it's just showinh one track and I know this specific DVD has more than one11:38
bluesabreI need to see if totem supports that, and if so, figure out how they do it11:39
bluesabreI've always got to work around gstreamer limitations11:39
jjfrv8_that's what I saw too. I made an iso with two audio tracks and VLC shows them and switches between them but Parole only shows the one.11:39
slickymasterjjfrv8_ bluesabre, same here11:39
slickymasterjjfrv8_ bluesabre, but for the Parole docs I was planning on making a screenshot of it anyway. Do you think it's better not to do it?11:40
bluesabreI'll add a screenshot for that, I have a file with multiple tracks11:41
slickymasterok, I'll leave that item altogether then for you to do it bluesabre and start with the Video section11:42
ochosihi folks12:55
bluesabrehey ochosi12:55
ochosislickymaster: i'll update docs.xfce then12:56
ochosihey bluesabre 12:56
ochosiwow, you're still around at this hour? :)12:56
bluesabregetting ready to run out actually12:56
slickymastergood morning ochosi 12:56
slickymasterochosi: thanks for updating docs.xfce with my alterations12:58
ochosino problem12:59
ochosialways feel free to check whether i haven't messed anything up13:00
ochosii always have to do it by hand13:00
ochosisince all the image-links have different namespaces in docs.xfce.org i can't just select everything and copy it over when a new paragraph was added...13:00
slickymasterochosi: don't worry, I'll check later and in need, I'll ping you about it13:00
ochosigreat, thanks!13:00
ochosiok, should be done now13:04
slickymasterochosi, everything seems ok13:07
ochosithanks for checking :)13:07
ochosiand for writing it up13:07
ochosithe docs are really getting into such a nice shape13:07
slickymaster:) it's a pleasure to help you guys13:07
ochosislickymaster: there might be more opportunities to contribute to xfce-docs after parole. if you're interested i can keep you updated13:29
elfylderan: thanks - I have to assume that someone will look at tbird - it being used ubuntu wide14:08
lderanshall see if it is my test is the thing at fault which is likely :P14:14
* elfy would be surprised if tbird worked - you know that a question in -quality would probably tell you :)14:15
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
lderanelfy: sounds like a good idea to me :)15:20
slickymasterochosi: of course I'm interested. You can count me in.15:23
elfylderan: so I asked :p16:04
lderanelfy: was going to wait till after work :P16:05
elfyit'll be a while till he see's it I suspect anyway 16:05
elfylderan: I assume you saw - but there is a bit more information in -quality17:27
slickymaster /quit18:47
slickymaster /quit18:48
elfy3rd time is the charm ... 18:48
skellatHere's what I've got for vUDS-1311 sessions to attend: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1311/participant/skellat/19:57
lderanelfy, shall read it now20:02
* slickymaster is away: (Dinner time)20:03
ali1234skellat: someone pointed out to me the other day that 13.04 will go out of support before 14.04 is released, but 12.10 will still be supported, possible stranding people with no upgrade path20:07
ali1234something to raise in that upgrade session i guess20:08
ali1234i might have got the numbers wrong, but there's some issue like this20:08
=== Punna is now known as Pwnna
elfyali1234: I'm pretty sure that an upgrade path is planned for this one of problem20:13
elfyby that I mean I read something recently about it20:13
ali1234well, you'd hope so :)20:13
ali1234and yeah it is one off20:13
elfyspills into March20:15
elfyali1234: hope those help20:17
ali1234i'll pass it on. i always do a fresh installl anyway :)20:17
elfyabout the only time I upgrade is when I'm the only one testing it for us :(20:18

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