
=== ElectricErger is now known as eebot
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glenrocki have a script that i want to run as root during the boot process to connect to my vpn.  how do i get that to autostart and run as root?02:25
zrutyWeather Update not working... it is a pity: I was enjoying that. hat can I do? It is not finding any city any more, it seems?02:25
holsteinzruty: test the network connection.. test the server that is trying to be contacted. specify city by zip02:26
holsteinglenrock: http://askubuntu.com/questions/88589/run-command-at-boot-as-root02:26
glenrockthanks holstein02:26
holsteinglenrock: http://askubuntu.com/questions/290099/how-to-run-a-script-in-boot-as-root02:27
zrutyholstein: I am trying by ZIP but that probably won't work since I am not in the US. How can I check the server that is being tried to be contacted?02:29
holsteinzruty: ping it02:30
holsteinzruty: or, if it literally just stopped working, and it always has worked, maybe just give it some time and see if it comes back up02:31
zrutyholstein: Yeah I am fine with pinging it but I do not know which server is being tried to be contacted, so what to ping? BTW, It stopped working a few days ago already. How long should I wait...?02:33
holsteinzruty: as long as you want.. you can also try adding the applet back, or testing with another user to rule out your user config.. otherwise, give more details on what exactly it is you are using02:34
zrutyholstein: I have a computer at work where it stopped working, and a computer at home where it stopped working. I use xubuntu 12:04 LTS, and the applet called Weather Update stopped working  about a week ago. It says 'No Data'. I removed the applet from the bar and re-added it; it seems unable to find whatever city I try to search for. The Find button greys out for about 2 seconds, but no city is found, it just keeps showing 'Searching...' after the button comes 02:43
holsteinzruty: states that that had broken in the past with an upgrade02:45
zrutyholstein: Thanks! Looking into it, reading....03:00
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akis63hi all. is there any way to record any browser's activity (web pages visited) using a stand alone program (out of browser's history)?07:04
akis63how can i linked a user's /dir to my admin account so i can monitor this /dir activity? is that possible?08:23
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akis63hi all. does anyone know why 'activity log manager' cannot record browsers activity?11:03
bekksakis63: I wouldnr even expect that? :)11:30
akis63bekks: what do you mean?11:36
bekksI would not expect any "activity monitor" to control my brwosing history - I'd instantly delete those software.11:37
Poisoned_DragonI take it zeitgeist is not your friend, bekks?11:43
bekksPoisoned_Dragon: Correct.11:43
cfhowlettakis63, if you insist on surveilling your system users' browser habits, you might want to ask how in #ubuntu-server ...11:43
akis63cfhowlett:thanks. donw already.11:46
akis63cfhowlett:thanks. done already.11:46
neo2013Currently installing Xubuntu12:14
neo2013I'm hoping it will fix my gfx problem12:15
bekksIt isnt windows, it will not. :)12:15
cfhowlettneo2013, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras    to get all those tasty codecs12:15
neo2013Thanks, Bekks I was using Linux Mint12:21
neo2013cfhowlett thanks12:21
cfhowlettneo2013, be aware that gfx issues usually revolve around the gfx configuarations, i.e. Nvidia specific settings, etc.  Switching distros probably won't fix that without some attention on your part.  BUT if the issue was that you lacked the proper codecs ...12:25
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Galatasaraywho use chromium browser15:37
baizon!ask y Galatasaray15:37
ubottubaizon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:37
baizon!ask | Galatasaray15:37
ubottuGalatasaray: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:37
Galatasarayhow to disable hidden customize and control panel in chromium15:46
ozberkguys can I install the whiskeymenu applet to xubuntu 12.0416:27
koegsozberk: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/07/whisker-menu-fast-application-launcher.html16:28
ozberkthis is all bout my English exam ( well I'm not an studying angineerin but still it has my emotions :D ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro3EPPYbn4416:47
schreberDoes anyone experience thunar closing/crashing at random recently ?16:53
neo2013anyone got experience fn keys not working on  Laptop?16:53
neo2013can't adjust the damn brightness16:55
schreberthis might be helpful - http://askubuntu.com/questions/287291/how-do-i-get-the-brightness-control-working-on-an-hp-6735s16:56
ozberkguys I'm using xubuntu and I have a strange problem. On the desktop right click menu opens a bit late17:01
TheSheepozberk: I had that!17:05
ozberkTheSheep: did you slove17:06
TheSheepozberk: after I removed the application menu from the panel, xubuntu was trying to re-generate the menu every time I opened it17:06
TheSheepozberk: I added the application menu back to the panel17:06
TheSheepozberk: and now it caches it properly again17:06
ozberkThe Sheep I just tried and didn't worked17:07
TheSheepmust be something else then17:08
ozberkit's also too mcuh laggy17:09
ozberkI guess xubuntu for the low spec pc'-s am I right ?17:10
ozberkI just updated the x.org17:10
ozberklook I know that my gpu is not powerfull enoıugh but17:11
ozberkit's cool with the 2D17:11
schrebernot necessarily for low spec. machines but for people wanting to get work done rather than deal with flashy issues or randomness of other DEs17:11
glenrockozberk: see if this helps:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/96216/right-click-on-xubuntu-home-screen-is-slow-is-it-normal17:11
TheSheepozberk: what graphics card drivers are you using?17:12
ozberkAsus EEE PC R 101 I gonna give a link17:12
TheSheepozberk: not what hardware, which driver17:12
ozberkfor intel17:13
TheSheepozberk: because if it fell back to the vesa drivers, it's normal to be slow17:13
TheSheepxorg is the graphical environment17:13
ozberkhow can I see which driver do I using :S17:13
elfyozberk: I found that stopping the right click menu from using icons speeded it up a bit when I had the same issue, though I'd follow TheSheep and the graphic card thing first17:15
ozberkelfy I get it but  I need to know  which fdriver do I using now17:16
TheSheepozberk: http://linux.koolsolutions.com/2009/04/24/tip-how-to-check-which-video-driver-is-your-x-server-using/17:16
xubuntu307ciao a tutti17:16
TheSheepyou are using the intel driver, that's good17:19
TheSheepdid you try disabling display compositing in  settings manager -> window manager tweaks -> compositing ?17:20
TheSheepthat can help at the cost of not displaying shadows and transparent windows17:20
schreberAnyone w/ a similar Thunar experience or is it truly random?17:21
ozberkI'm using compositing without all of those shadows accutaly17:21
TheSheepschreber: similar to what?17:21
TheSheepschreber: oh, closing17:22
TheSheepschreber: check your ~/.xsessionerrors17:22
elfyschreber: I've not noticed anything like that17:22
schreberokay I'll do that17:22
ozberkI did that17:23
ozberkits looks like better than before17:23
schrebernot seeing anything out of the ordinary as far as I can tell at least.17:24
TheSheepschreber: you can also try killing thunar, starting it from a terminal and then making it crash to see the messages17:25
TheSheepbut if the crashing is random, it can take a while17:26
TheSheepjust make sure you kill all thunar processes before starting it in a terminal17:26
TheSheepotherwise it doesn't run, just opens a new window in the already runnung thunar17:26
schreberno changes to the error log17:27
TheSheepschreber: no, the errors should now appear in the terminal in which thunar runs...17:29
ozberkhow can I set a quit message in the IRC channel17:29
TheSheepschreber: open a terminal and do "killall Thunar; thunar"17:30
elfyozberk: depends on the client - but quite often people don't want to see them :)17:30
TheSheepthen make it crash somehow...17:30
schreberwell I did say it was random, but I'll give it a go17:32
ozberkwow I did it :D17:32
schreberI'll just have to be more mindful of it when it crashes next17:33
* ozberk says sorry for party rocking :D 17:33
n00biehi all17:48
teratomahow can i mount my android mtp device in Xubuntu ?19:52
TheSheepteratoma: it should appear under devices when you connect it20:01
TheSheepteratoma: in thunar20:01
=== Punna is now known as Pwnna
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NokHi all, I have a desktop with a nvidia 9800GT. I installed yesterday xubuntu 13.10. After the fresh installation, i go to additional driver to install propriatary driver (I want to play steam game for linux) It says no driver available.20:12
NokSorry for my english20:12
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teratomaTheSheep: I don't see it21:17
teratomaTheSheep: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5c31922732282a609bc821:19
TheSheepteratoma: pardon?21:20
teratoma< TheSheep> teratoma: it should appear under devices when you connect it21:20
TheSheepteratoma: in thunar21:20
TheSheepin the side pane21:21
TheSheepthere is a heading "devices"21:21
TheSheepit should appear there21:21
teratomanope. not there.  it was browseble in ubuntu raring nautilus.  this is not my first rodeo!21:22
teratomamaybe ill see what a live ubuntu cd thinks21:22
TheSheepteratoma: what version of ubuntu?21:22
teratomaTheSheep: i am running saucy21:23
TheSheepit was added to xubuntu in 13.04 I think21:23
TheSheepteratoma: does lsusb in terminal show it?21:23
teratomaTheSheep: yes.  https://gist.github.com/anonymous/7e9ee7f6cf669eac966821:25
teratomai mean no21:25
teratomalsusb: yes  . mtp-detect:  no21:26
teratomaguess its not a mtp device and im silly21:26
teratomaso why cant i see it in thunar ?21:26
TheSheepteratoma: what version of adroid?21:27
TheSheepteratoma: also, make sure you enabled it in settings in the android device21:27
teratomai sure did.21:27
TheSheep4.x should be mtp21:27
TheSheepmake sure the screen is not locked21:28
=== ulkesh_work is now known as ulkesh
teratomascreen not locked21:28
teratomathe phone is rooted.  would that affect the ability to mount ?21:28
TheSheepshould work out of the box without any additional stuff21:28
teratomaright.  thats why im confused!21:29
TheSheepthat's stock xubuntu?21:29
teratomainstalled from iso image21:30
TheSheepI have no ideas21:33
TheSheepit worked for me in 13.04 and now works in 13.1021:34
dont-panicwhat would cause multiple .Xauthority files in ~/21:45
bekksdont-panic: ".Xauthority" is one single filename.21:45
dont-panichere's what I have21:46
dont-panic['.Xauthority.FFN01W', '.Xauthority.LNEK2W', '.Xauthority.2BBG0W', '.Xauthority.WU113W', '.Xauthority.K1OU2W', '.Xauthority']21:46
bekksYou only have one ".Xauthority" then.21:46
dont-panicsure, but I have multiple files containing .Xauthority... this is what I'm curious about21:47
Poisoned_Dragonare they backups?21:47
dont-panicI can vim into them and check, but I didn't make them manually21:47
dont-panictheres nothing in any of them but the original21:48
dont-panic.Xauthority files are generated by xauth, but a system should only have one... this isn't the first xubuntu system I've come accross that has had this going on21:49
Poisoned_Dragondont-panic, http://askubuntu.com/questions/299127/why-do-i-have-so-many-xauthority-files-in-my-home-directory21:50
Poisoned_Dragongoogle is your friend. :)21:50
dont-panicWell that's a whole bunch of sillyness21:52
Poisoned_Dragonwasn't helpful?21:53
dont-panicNo, it was helpful, just silly22:00
arpad2desktop doesn't start if I login22:55
ReaganomicsLamboGuys I have a question. Sometimes when I'm using 12.04 and I'm typing, my keyboard starts going crazy. It happens to me when I'm in the middle of coding, or if I have skype in the background, or I'm on IRC. For example, I could be hitting the backspace key and all of a sudden I would get an M. If I hit an arrow key, I'd end up getting a U or something. The only way to fix it is to close the app. Anyone know why this happens?22:56
teratomasounds like chemtrails23:04
dupinI can not set panel transparency23:07
dupinI don´t even  ahve option for that is it strange or what23:07
dupinI know it is trivia but still i need help23:20
brainwashdupin: you need to enable the built-in compositor, see http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/wmtweaks#compositor23:25
dupinbrainwash: but I have to install window manager tweaks first do I23:34
brainwashdupin: it's part of the default window manager, xfwm423:34
brainwashis the entry missing in the settings manager?23:35
brainwashyou can also open a terminal window and run "xfwm4-tweaks-settings"23:35
dupinbrainwash:  tnx that works just fine  :)23:37
brainwashgreat :)23:38
dupintnx again good night  :)23:38
brainwashgood night23:38
jax23need help for "barry"23:41
geniijax23: The Blackberry backup system for linux?23:43
geniijax23: What about it?23:44
jax23i display this message: "controller: requested mode not supported"23:45
geniijax23: Is your Blackberry unlocked? That message usually comes because the company or ISP that has control of the handset pushed a security policy for it not to connect to the computer by USB23:46
geniiI am leaving soon, but may be able to assist you further tomorrow when I return.23:49
jax23ok thank you very much...23:50
Poisoned_Dragonwow, that's evil23:50
geniiPoisoned_Dragon: Many companies do this when the phone belongs to them. Also they can restrict pretty much anything else on the phone too, if they want, by pushing security policies out to them over-the-air23:51
Poisoned_DragonI know that. It just so big brother.23:52
Poisoned_DragonI had an old Nokia 3G flip phone. Had to reset the software in order to dump the t-mobile security settings.23:52
Poisoned_DragonBut,I digress. This is off-topic.23:52
amandaparkerI installed XFCE on a regular unity machine (12.04) and when I got rid of Ubuntu Desktop (I was in taskel installing LAMP stuff) I can no longer boot to a gui.  What's the equivalent of the old dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?23:55
Poisoned_DragonOh gosh. I don't even know.23:59
Poisoned_DragonIf I was in your shoes, I would have just installed Xubuntu.23:59
Poisoned_DragonLess work.23:59

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