
thumperwallyworld_: ack, lemmie get something to eat00:16
wallyworld_ok, no rush00:16
davecheneythumper: which pocket is Juju going to ship in 14.04 ?00:18
davecheneythumper: was there any resoltuion on that discussion in SF that juju core developers should be using P00:18
thumperdavecheney: well, there was the plan that the devs came up with, but that was overruled00:20
thumperdavecheney: I hear that we will be in main with a dependency on juju-db not mongodb-server00:21
davecheneythumper: so, devs will not be fixed to a certain series ?00:22
davecheneythumper: wrt juju-core in main00:22
davecheneyif we need to use gccgo to compile for arm (for example) that would also need to be in main ?00:22
* thumper shrugs00:28
thumperwallyworld_: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpi4lte1uucmppj5b94beve4?hl=en00:34
davecheneythumper: right, thanks for confirming00:40
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
axwhey thumper, was the 14.04 planning/schedule doc finalised and sent out? I can't find it on drive01:05
thumperprobably not :-)01:07
thumperaxw: hangout?01:08
axwokey dokey01:08
axwthumper: sure01:08
thumperaxw: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpi4lte1uucmppj5b94beve4?hl=en01:09
thumperwallyworld_: for this machine call to the api to give supported containers, we should also report ip addresses01:42
thumperjust a FYI01:42
bigjoolsthumper: I need to talk to you (or someone in core) about expectations around vlans in maas02:26
thumperhow soon?02:26
thumperI'm going to have to run children to sports very shortly02:26
bigjoolsthumper: can do it tomorrow02:30
bigjoolsjust wanted to register this in your head02:30
thumperkids rescued by wife02:35
thumperbut I've had a day of calls already02:35
thumperand would like to do some work02:35
davecheneybloody hell02:40
davecheney^ what happened here02:41
davecheneythe provisioner isn't starting machine 102:41
bigjoolsthumper: calls != work.  ACK :)02:41
thumperbigjools: if I wanted work calls I'd go back to engineering manager02:42
davecheneyaxw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6374105/02:42
davecheneyany idea what happened ehre ?02:42
davecheneymachine 1 is not goundf02:42
davecheneybecause I just deployed the first service02:42
axwsorry, no idea davecheney02:44
axwdavecheney: what's going wrong exactly?02:45
davecheneyjuju deploy02:46
davecheneymachine never comes up02:46
davecheneyalso, 2013-11-07 02:45:15 INFO juju password.go:94 setting password for "unit-gccgo1-0"02:46
davecheney2013-11-07 02:45:16 INFO juju password.go:94 setting password for "unit-gccgo1-0"02:46
davecheney^ why does it set the password twice ?02:46
axwI haven't looked at most of the provisioner code I'm afraid02:47
davecheneyfair enough02:48
davecheney(not) awesome02:49
davecheneyrestarting the provisioner picked up the missing machine02:49
davecheneyand provisioned it02:49
davecheneyyay timing issues !02:49
axwI'm guessing the machine status isn't added in the same transaction02:50
davecheneymy god the agents query tools a lot02:52
_mup_Bug #1248800: worker/provisioner missed signal to start new machine <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1248800>02:52
sinzuidavecheney, surely you can take a guess at the importance. I think we want to commit to fix that bug in the next 6 months....High02:55
sinzuidavecheney, I think we have a bug already about the redundant queries02:55
davecheneysinzui: i was told not to triage bugs anymore02:57
davecheneywell, not to screw with their priority02:57
sinzuioh lovely. I get to guess at all the importances02:57
wallyworld_axw: with the api design and errors, here's another example that uses the pattern - apiserver/provisioner/provisioner.go func (p *ProvisionerAPI) Status() . In this case, the Status() method can return an error preparing to execute the bulk operations, but the bulk calls themselves do not return an error, but instead record it in the result object03:10
axwwallyworld_: hmm yeah fair enough. it allows you to distinguish an error relating to the individual calls from initial setup03:11
axwjust throws me a little, because if I see no error returned, I expect that everything is fine03:12
wallyworld_i can understand that03:12
wallyworld_i depends how the api defines "fine"03:13
axwtrue :)03:13
axwwallyworld_: is it intentional that you can't delete environ-config attrs from state? (I guess not, but before I go changing it...)03:33
axwSetEnvironConfig updates keys that are there, but never deletes things you remove from the config03:33
wallyworld_axw: i'm not sure tbh03:34
axwok. I'll create a bug and let someone shoot it down if needed03:34
wallyworld_axw: be warned, the config stuff has been a source of way too much bikshedding03:35
axwok :)03:35
wallyworld_the scars run deep from what i've been told03:35
axwwallyworld_: I wouldn't care, but it actually is preventing me from testing something03:35
wallyworld_william is probably the best person to ask03:36
axwthanks, I'll run it by him later03:36
axwfwereade: when you're awake, please take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/124880903:40
_mup_Bug #1248809: state.State.SetEnvironConfig never forgets <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1248809>03:40
davecheneywallyworld_: oh yes03:40
davecheneylets not start a second land war in asia03:40
* thumper going to make dinner, back later tonight for the meeting04:05
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
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fwereadeaxw, got to go out to the bank -- but, yes, SetEnvironConfig hardly works at all07:05
fwereadeaxw, saying it was "designed" is very charitable07:05
axwfwereade: hah :)07:09
axwI saw in a comment to dimitern a bug regarding passing old/new to SetEnvironConfig07:09
axwprobably they could be tackled at the same time07:09
axwfwereade: however... the new EnvironmentSet API call assumes a config subset07:10
axwso, either that would need to change, or a new API would be needed for deleting, or the current behaviour remains07:11
axwanyway, ttyl07:11
axwjam: I implemented an alternative to PushEnvironmentSecrets: https://codereview.appspot.com/22720043/07:19
axwdoes the same as what we do now, under the assumption the code is going to be deleted07:19
jamaxw: where are you calling updateSecrets? In NewAPIConn ?07:21
jamaxw: lgtm07:22
axwcool. the other way would make sense if it were to stick around, but I don't think we'll need it at all07:23
axwwe should be able to start the agent up with full environment config initially with synchronous bootstrap07:23
jamespage_odssinzui: when you start I've pushed juju-core 1.16.3 to trusty and all of the backport packages have built in the packaging PPA's07:54
rogpeppemornin' all08:07
TheMuerogpeppe: morning08:16
rogpeppeTheMue: hiya08:16
axwfwereade: when you're back- since you started reviewing the other one, could you take a look here before I land: https://codereview.appspot.com/22720043/09:01
* fwereade is backand looking at axw's branch09:01
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axwsorry rogpeppe, I meant to ask about that comment - already merged09:43
axwwill delete it when I touch the file next09:43
rogpeppeaxw: np09:43
axwjam: I don't know the upstart config off hand, but env vars were being pushed thru there before for provider type, and I think LXC bridge type09:54
axwwe moved *away* from setting env vars to simplify upgrading09:55
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thumperjam, mgz: meeting time10:02
thumperfwereade: meeting10:03
rogpeppefwereade: meeting?10:03
rogpeppemgz: meeting?10:04
thumpernight all10:48
jpdsGuys, is it 'juju sync-tools --source=. --debug' to sync locally from tools/releases ?11:15
jpdsBecause neither --source=. or --source=tools/releases/ is working here.11:27
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=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
rogpeppefwereade: i've just updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/124634312:45
_mup_Bug #1246343: destroy-environment no longer removes .jenv <charmers> <destroy-environment> <landscape> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1246343>12:45
rogpeppejam: wow, 34810 running goroutines; that's quite something.13:56
jamrogpeppe: well the go claims that there you can cheaply spawn 100,000s of them, right? :)13:56
rogpeppejam: indeed - it's just more than i expected13:56
jamrogpeppe: yeah, with 7k agents that means almost 5 per agent13:57
rogpeppejam: you might be interested in this - it's a characterisation of all the stack traces by set of called functions; the count is the number of goroutines with that stack trace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6376480/14:02
=== Guest32887 is now known as wedgwood
rogpeppejam: looks like everything's blocked on mongo14:04
jamrogpeppe: could be, though mongo itself was at 0% cpu during this time14:06
rogpeppejam: goroutine 216906 seems to be the one with the lock (the write lock at any rate)14:21
jcsackettsinzui: after standup, can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/charmworld/multiple-appflowers/+merge/194241 for me?14:27
rogpeppejam: wonder if it would be useful to instrument mgo with some stats (github.com/GaryBoone/GoStats might provide an easy way to get some more useful stats without making enormous log files)14:27
rogpeppejam: actually i may have been thinking of github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics14:32
rogpeppenatefinch: ping15:46
natefinchrogpeppe: yo15:47
rogpeppenatefinch: i've been trying to think through the failover stuff, and hit a tricky issue15:48
rogpeppenatefinch: i wondered if you wouldn't mind a chat about it to try to get my thoughts straight15:48
rogpeppenatefinch: np if inconvenient15:49
natefinchrogpeppe: sure thing15:49
rogpeppenatefinch: usual hangout?15:50
rogpeppefwereade: any chance you could join us?16:10
jcastrohey sinzui, is bug #1238934 something we can backport to saucy/precise?16:20
_mup_Bug #1238934: manual provider doesn't install mongo from the cloud archive <cloud-archive> <ssh-provider> <juju-core:Fix Committed by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1238934>16:20
jcastroor should we just have it in 1.18 as a whole and tell people to use the PPA for manual provisioning?16:20
sinzuijcastro, we can, but we can do one release a week. so if it do, we delay 17 and 1816:23
jcastrosorry I didn't mean to depress you!16:23
sinzuiI would like 17 next week and 18 the following week16:23
jcastroare there plans to bring 18 to precise/saucy?16:23
sinzuijcastro, all stable releases go to all supported series16:24
jcastrooh ok16:24
sinzuiWe always do that16:24
jcastroso waiting 2 weeks is the smart thing to do16:24
sinzui1.16.3 will be in the archives in a few hours BTW16:24
jcastrook I wasn't aware of the backport treadmill -- that works out for me!16:24
sinzuijcastro, I hope that with more automation, we can entertain a stable and devel release in the same week16:25
jcastroyeah I'm just trying to sync the manual provisioning docs with 1.18, but I have two weeks to figure that out, heh16:26
rogpeppeinteresting: http://www.packer.io/intro17:12
natefinchrogpeppe: I saw that packer thing. Kinda neat, but not sure the real-world utility.  Sure you can take a machine and make an image for EC2 or virtualbox or whatever. You still have to make the original correctly, though, and that seems like the more interesting challenge (and the one we're tackling).19:01
rogpeppenatefinch: yeah, i haven't read it properly - just thought it looked interesting19:02
natefinchrogpeppe: yep19:04
rogpeppenatefinch: trying to work out what's going on with jam's enormous stack trace, i quickly hacked up this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6377995/19:24
rogpeppenatefinch: it analyses a stack trace and produces an SVG call graph summary19:24
rogpeppenatefinch: if you get his stack trace with: curl http://ubuntuone.com/6vKrM07H7BTHUa9Xqvy16V | ungz > /tmp/stacktrace19:25
natefinchrogpeppe: damn, roger.  Quickly hacked up.... I hope we're paying you enough :)19:25
rogpeppenatefinch: and then run the above program on it: go run stacktrace.go < /tmp/stacktrace > /tmp/x.svg19:26
rogpeppenatefinch: and open your browser on file:///tmp/x.svg19:26
rogpeppenatefinch: i stole all the interesting bits from the pprof perl script19:26
rogpeppenatefinch: (first time i've ever translated perl to Go!)19:26
rogpeppenatefinch: (first time i've ever read any perl actually :-])19:27
* natefinch shudders19:27
rogpeppenatefinch: it's not too bad in that particular case19:27
rogpeppenatefinch: i've got the arrows all backwards!19:28
natefinchrogpeppe: tar -xz is saying it's not in gzip format19:31
rogpeppenatefinch: sorry, i said ungz; i meant unxz19:31
rogpeppenatefinch: it's not a tar file19:31
natefinchrogpeppe: ahh right, because it's just one file. Stupid linux and it's stupid 10 different ways to pack files :/19:32
rogpeppenatefinch: this version puts the arrows in the right direction: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6378028/19:32
natefinchback in my day we only had .zip and we liked it :/19:32
rogpeppenatefinch: back in my day we only have .Z and we liked it :-)19:33
* thumper is going to be taking daughter to the dentist, so not really around until later19:33
natefinchrogpeppe: took me a while, but I got there.  Pretty cool19:41
rogpeppenatefinch: cool19:41
rogpepperight, that's me done and dusted20:01
rogpeppenatefinch: g'night20:02
natefinchrogpeppe: g'night20:02
sinzuinatefinch, do you have time to build a win installer for 1.16.3 and request a signing?20:27
natefinchsinzui: sure20:28
sinzuithank natefinch20:29
sinzui^ yoy20:29
sinzui^ you20:29
sinzuiI give up. My head hurts, I two ways of packing perfect packages, yet neither method is perfect in itself20:30
* sinzui ponders the consequences to drinking and retrieving children from school20:30
natefinchsinzui: I think it's funny we're releasing a new windows client that includes a fix for the local provider.... that can't run on windows anyway :)20:36
sinzuiha ha20:37
sinzuiI know20:37
sinzuinatefinch, I am happy for you to say no, it is just busy work20:37
natefinchsinzui: it's super quick, no problem.  Just amusing is all.20:38
sinzuiwe did an ubuntu release for 1.14.1 that had no changes for ubuntu. It was just to acknowledge that windows got a different version20:39
sinzuisorry juju-gui, you got spam from me21:24
sinzuiyou don't want to use my devel packages21:24
* thumper goes to hack on kvm stuff21:26
thumperand will effectively disconnect21:26
=== thumper is now known as thumper-hacking
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rick_h_thumper-hacking: yay for my lxc environment being back to being useful. Tested the updated gui with bundle super powers in it and so much nicer/faster than ec222:36
=== thumper-hacking is now known as thumper-gym

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