
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
aquariusmhall119, I haven't proposed any appdev sessions because I don't know of anything which I want to happen which isn't already on someone's list.00:52
aquariusmhall119, and because I can't commit to any time to building these things, partially for job reasons and partially because I want to be an app developer, not an OS developer.00:53
aquariusmhall119, do you have sessions in mind that you think I should propose?00:53
aquariusI will of course try and be present for UDS sessions!00:53
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aquariuspopey, I admit that this is not really much help.01:19
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JamesTaitGood morning all; and though I hesitate to say it, happy Men Make Dinner Day! :-D10:03
popeyGood morning JamesTait10:03
JamesTaitIt is!10:04
t1mpJamesTait: pfew. You almost scared me there, but I see you left out the "National" part of the special day. It is only valid in USA ;)10:15
JamesTaitt1mp, feel free to play along anyway, just for fun. ;)10:16
* JamesTait alerts the fire service.10:16
aquariusDo I *have* to have a MainView? Think of, for example, a full-screen game, where I don't want the header. What happens if I don't have a MainView? Does a bunch of stuff not work, then? Or is the best thing to do to have a MainView and somehow not include the header?10:17
t1mpaquarius: if you set the title of your active page to "" the header will be hidden10:17
aquariust1mp, aha. So I should still have a mainview and just hide the header10:18
aquariusI suspected that might be the case10:18
aquariusmight be worth poking the documentation for that case10:18
aquariusor maybe even adding a makeMyThingFullscreen bool property to mainview, which will help people realise how to do it?10:18
t1mpaquarius: wait a second, maybe I am lying :( I don't see in the code now that it'll hide when title is ""10:19
aquariust1mp, it works, though10:20
aquariusso I think we're good :)10:20
t1mpok, great10:20
aquariusexcept that this is wholly undocumented, as noted ;)10:20
t1mpaquarius: can you report a bug for that lack of documentation?10:21
aquariushttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1248898 filed10:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 1248898 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "No documentation for how to hide MainView's header" [Undecided,New]10:25
t1mpaquarius: thanksk.10:26
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t1mpoSoMoN: I replied on https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ap-toolbar-open/+merge/19412214:00
oSoMoNt1mp, replied there14:01
t1mpoSoMoN: yes, the toolbar always closes after 5s of inactivity14:03
t1mpoSoMoN: or when the user interacts with the app14:03
t1mpoSoMoN: and there is a request to hide it also when the user interacts with the app header14:03
t1mpoSoMoN: I think in most cases my solution is fine because toolbars only have buttons usually14:04
t1mpoSoMoN: but I realize that the webbrowser (and perhaps other apps) are special cases14:04
dakertmoenicke: ping14:04
t1mpoSoMoN: hmm.. maybe somehow the timer should stop when the user touches anywhere on the toolbar and restart when releasing14:06
t1mpoSoMoN: would that help? I guess for interacting with the address bar that would avoid hiding while doing stuff there14:06
t1mpoSoMoN: so then it is not strictly a test issue, but some toolbar behavior I need to fix14:06
t1mpoSoMoN: ok I commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ap-toolbar-open/+merge/19412214:10
t1mpoSoMoN: did you run into the issue on the browser that the toolbar can close while entering a url?14:10
oSoMoNt1mp, no, I’m not having issues with the browser, as I’m not using the default toolbar, I’m using a custom one14:10
oSoMoNt1mp, so in fact the only reliable solution for tests is to first ensure the toolbar is hidden by interacting with the app’s contents, then reveal it and then interact with it14:12
oSoMoNt1mp, otherwise we’ll always run into race conditions where the toolbar hides while moving the cursor to interact with it14:12
t1mpoSoMoN: well click_button() now checks that the toolbar wasn't closed (or closing) already and opens it again if needed14:15
oSoMoNt1mp, yeah, in that case I guess that’s an acceptable solution14:16
t1mpoSoMoN: ok, I'll go with that then. And I will report a bug for pausing of the timer for interaction with other components (textfield / slider) in the toolbar14:18
t1mpoSoMoN: but I don't think any apps do that (yet) so it is not urgent14:19
oSoMoNt1mp, yeah, probably not high priority14:19
oSoMoNt1mp, it might make sense to update the emulators’ documentation (if there is any) to explain the default behaviour of the toolbar, and that click_button() will ensure it’s shown before actually clicking14:20
t1mpoSoMoN: sure, I will add that.14:22
blarochebzoltan: ping14:24
oSoMoNdpm, hey, is there a design meeting for calendar-app today?15:32
dpmoSoMoN, not that I know of, I shall cancel it for this week. At UDS we'll be discussing the roadmap and how we resume the meetings for next cycle15:32
dpmpopey, makes sense? ^15:33
oSoMoNdpm, makes sense to me, thanks for confirming15:33
popeyNo, we cancelled all the hangouts.15:33
aquariusdpm, do you think it's worth having a uds session about fat packages? I mean, I think bzoltan1 and team know about the need for it, and for the app runner to handle them?15:54
dpmaquarius, I think it might be, but I'd also check with cjwatson first, as he's got the best overview on the click packages roadmap15:56
aquariusdpm, as I understand it, click itself is now quite capable of creating fat packages, but the app runner doesn't know how to run them properly because that bit hasn't been decided :)15:59
dpmaquarius, when you say app runner, you mean upstart?15:59
dpmor qmlscene?15:59
aquariusdpm, upstart16:00
aquariusdpm, something needs to do the moral equivalent of "QML2_IMPORT_PATHS=/opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.mypackage/current/lib/qml/arm qmlscene /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.mypackage/current/MyApp.qml"16:01
aquariusand the same for ld_library_path for C libs16:01
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aquariusand possibly $PATH for binaries16:01
aquariusthat's upstart: it happens before you start qmlscene. The thing which runs packages needs to recognise that that package *is* a fat package which contains arch-specific stuff, and then make sure that the arch-specific stuff which is appropriate for the arch we are on is the stuff that gets loaded :)16:02
aquariuspresumably we need some way of declaring that the Exec= line actually points to an arch-specific binary, too16:02
aquariusunless that's just handled by the path stuff as well16:03
dpmyeah, but I guess that last bit would be if the binaries actually need to be executed to start the app (e.g. a pure C++ app). So far we've just been loading QML frontends that consume binary components16:05
dpmI've pinged tedg, he might be able to help better than I can in this area16:07
dpmah, speaking of the devil...16:07
dpmhi tedg :)16:07
tedgSo I'm a bit confused.  Are we installing all the binaries on disk?16:08
dpmtedg, we were wondering if you could shed some light on this discussion: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6377041/16:08
tedgI figured we'd just delete the unused ones.16:09
dpmI'm not familiar with how the actual fat packages will deal with the binaries16:09
tedgThis probably isn't a good channel... cjwatson isn't here either :-)16:10
aquariusI don't know how any of this is supposed to work16:10
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dpmIn that case, I think we might just want to jump into #ubuntu-devel and ask cjwatson16:11
aquariushappy to16:11
aquariusI'm not sure cjwatson is driving it though16:12
aquariushe's doing "make click be able to create these packages", whcih I believe it already does16:12
aquariusmaking the app runner care about them -- he said he'd spoken to the sdk team, i think16:12
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balloonsnik90, I see your trying to land your swip branch now19:06
balloonslet me know if you need anything19:06
tmoenickedaker: pong19:21
nik90balloons: hi19:21
nik90balloons: I looked at the test failures and figured it could do a fix or two. I fixed everything on my end now. Just waiting for the swipe delete emulator fix from elopio.19:22
nik90balloons: I have also created another branch where I added 3 more autopilot tests19:22
balloonsoO :-)19:22
* nik90 knew balloons would be glad :P19:23
tmoenickedaker: just seeing your comment on the language MR, thank you19:23
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dakertmoenicke: yw :)20:31
dakertmoenicke: i hope that the long list will not create UI issues :)20:32
tmoenickedaker: not sure20:32
tmoenickedaker: could it be shorter somehow?20:32
dakertmoenicke: no, all those countries have arabic as their official language20:34
tmoenickedaker: ok20:34
dakertmoenicke: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_world20:34
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mhall119Looky there, HTML5 UI API docs are now available! http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/html5/sdk-1.0/UbuntuUI/22:04

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