
phillwthanks. I always state that if some one has an un-loved bug, to give me a poke.... just bad luck that it is two in as many days :)00:00
penguin42phillw: There's something interesting about winding back in the bug index a few 10000 and having a look - sometimes find old bugs that are still relevant00:00
TheLordOfTimephillw: bugs deserve love like everything does.00:03
TheLordOfTimephillw: we don't mind giving bugs our attention :)00:03
TheLordOfTime(that IS one of our jobs anyways)00:03
TheLordOfTimethe only reason I don't help you out on everything is I make it a personal habit to avoid certain bugs00:04
TheLordOfTime... like kernel / driver bugs.00:04
phillwpenguin42: I've been a "victim" of a bug that kept expiring for a 3G device. two whole cycles it was dropped from. but, it did come back. So, yes, looking back into the archives can be helpful. I'm only a tester with somewhat limited knowledge of bugs. If a dev gets hold of one, I'll test whatever they ask :) e.g. bug 122720200:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1227202 in linux (Ubuntu Saucy) "Unexpected freezes Saucy" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122720200:04
phillwTheLordOfTime: you have no disagreement with me, each bug is the most important bug in the world for the reporter. But, if I have a tester available as the reporter; we stand a better chance of getting to the cause.00:07
penguin42phillw: You sometimes get lucky and find there's a whole mine of similar bugs00:08
phillwTheLordOfTime: you can chat to eagles without disclosing your direct link to this team :) But, he knows enough to be able to provide full logs to a bug. One of the annoying things with some bugs is that we cannot replicate them.00:11
TheLordOfTimephillw: ... eagles knows i'm bugsquad...00:12
TheLordOfTimeat least half of ask ubuntu knows too :/00:12
TheLordOfTimeits not like its private knowledge either, its there on my LP profile too :)00:12
phillwTheLordOfTime: I did not want to volunteer that info on my channel, it is off-off-topic :D00:13
penguin42that's what site:launchpad.net is for in google :-)00:18
TheLordOfTimephillw: i don't care if you tell people i'm on bugsquad00:19
TheLordOfTimei have a nice little thing called a "to do list"00:19
TheLordOfTimeimportant bug stuff is higher up on the list (nginx)00:19
TheLordOfTimeless important stuff is lower on the list00:19
TheLordOfTime... which reminds me, updating the nginx ppas is higher up on my list than all bugs >.>00:19
phillwTheLordOfTime: if the people on this team do not mind me popping in now and again to ask on a bug, then I'm okay.00:21
phillwbut I now feel happy to pass the 'is it a bug, or not' to you to call :P00:22
TheLordOfTimeI have no objection to it...00:22
TheLordOfTimepenguin42: any objection to phillw popping in every now and then asking about bug stuff?00:22
TheLordOfTimebecause i see no reason why it'd be a problem00:23
penguin42hell no, that's what this channel is for IMHO00:26
penguin42phillw: Feel free00:26
phillwpenguin42: thanks, I do hope not to be here to often, but I am a tester and people do 'chat' to me :)00:29
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allu2dlayout is wrong despite what the keyboard layout indicator says, problem is fixed by going to the indicator again and selecting the layout it claims to be in use again. How I find if this is already reported and where I should report it?09:24
allu2and where did irssi just lost the beginning of that message :/09:25
allu2Hey I have a bug where the default keyboar09:25
allu2was the beginning.. odd09:25
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sreedeviHello, I am working on a minor bug in launchpad, I submitted a proposal to merge my branch to the main branch. This is pending for review, Could anyone please help me with this?13:33
allu2sreedevi: my experience for today in here is that shi channel seems awully dead when it comes to activity :/13:49
sreedeviallu2: :(13:52
hggdhallu2: patience is needed :-)19:24
hggdhallu2: can you give us a bit more of details? Like what version of Ubuntu, which flavour, etc?19:24
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: ping, if you're not busy22:11
bdmurrayTheLordOfTime: hey22:15
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: Mind if I pick your brain for your opinions on the whole thing suggested by AG?22:15
TheLordOfTimethere seem to now be two semi-identical-but-disjointed threads on it (in my email inbox)22:16
TheLordOfTimeand i'm wondering what your opinions as the "god of all bugs" are about his proposed "changes"22:16
TheLordOfTime(I'm still fully against them)22:16
TheLordOfTime(also, saw your message in the threads, thought I'd try my luck and ping you to see if you were here to actually discuss it a little xD)22:17
bdmurrayI'm reading it now22:19
TheLordOfTimeyep google just pushed through your latest email on it now.22:20
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: and i hope you don't mind me pulling you away from whatever else you're working on to look at this, it's something that i wanted your input on since day one :)22:23
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: also looking for your opinions about the proposed bugsquad/qa merger, but as you're registered as attending the UDS session i assume i'll see your discussionpoints there22:23
TheLordOfTime(I'm going to try and be there as well)22:24
bdmurrayTheLordOfTime: did you have a specific question?22:32
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: nope, your latest email answered them.22:33
TheLordOfTimes/them/the questions i had/22:33
TheLordOfTimethe question i had was your general opinion though, for or against the merger22:33
TheLordOfTimebut i'm pretty certain that these things'll all end up being discussed at vUDS22:33
TheLordOfTimeor as discussion points on the blueprint's whiteboard22:33
TheLordOfTime(for the QA/bugsquad proposed merger)22:34
bdmurrayI'm not sure what balloons has in mind for the merger but I think having the bug squad team under / a part of the QA team makes sense22:34
bdmurraybut it should still be a distinct team in LP22:34
TheLordOfTimethat's what I think is what's going to happen22:34
TheLordOfTimeI agree22:35
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: i have a general idea of what balloons is proposing because i was... around... since it was proposed22:35
TheLordOfTimebasically, new or specific "Triager" role under the QA team, of which all bugsquad members would have, which is distinctly different than tester roles and some other roles22:35
bdmurrayright, I read all that22:35
TheLordOfTimei am assuming balloons will elaborate on their idea as vUDS approaches...22:36
TheLordOfTimeand during the vUDS session22:36
hggdhbdmurray: one additional point (still setting up new laptop, could not answer on ML) -- I think we should move -bugs to under -quality22:37
bdmurrayhggdh: the irc channel?22:37
hggdhbdmurray: indeed22:37
* TheLordOfTime has a concern about that22:37
bdmurrayor the mailing list?22:37
hggdheither and/or22:37
TheLordOfTimein -quality, a lot of the discussion that happens is about the ISO tests or the autotests and such... if we also bring bug discussion under there it might get lost in the universe22:38
TheLordOfTime(the IRC channels are what i was discussing)22:38
hggdhI also wonder about that...22:38
bdmurrayTheLordOfTime: if you could look at irc logs and see how chatty that channel is and have it for the blueprint that might help22:39
bdmurrayhelp us make an informed decision22:39
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: i can grab you today's logs, if you want further, I'll have to get approval to drop a logbot into -quality...22:39
TheLordOfTimethen pull that bot's private logs22:40
TheLordOfTime(I already do this for #Ubuntu and #ubuntu-server with op permission to supplement my ZNC logs...)22:40
hggdhTheLordOfTime: huh? the channel is not currently logged?22:40
TheLordOfTimeand by today's logs as of 12:00 local22:40
TheLordOfTimehggdh: i don't know, is it?22:40
TheLordOfTimei didn't see it when i was scanning the irclogs site22:40
TheLordOfTime(just like this channel isn't logged)22:40
hggdhyes, it is, ubuntulog222:40
TheLordOfTimeoh there it is22:41
hggdhand here we have ubuntulog_22:41
TheLordOfTimehggdh: you know what,#ubuntu-bugs didn't show earlier o.O22:41
TheLordOfTimei wonder if chrome or ffox had a hiccup22:41
TheLordOfTimei'll take a look22:41
TheLordOfTimebut there's a decent bit of activity there22:41
TheLordOfTimecompared to here22:42
hggdhindeed, but not, I think, excessive22:42
TheLordOfTimei'll add it to the whiteboard as one concern22:42
hggdh(a few hundred lines today)22:42
TheLordOfTimesince we were all invited to add our concerns and questions22:43
bdmurrayI posted the 15th since it is probably most busy that week22:43
hggdhyes, but still just a few hundred lines22:44
bdmurrayIs that one comment every 10 minutes or a bunch in one hour?22:45
bdmurrayWe need data!22:45
hggdhheh. I who who has *all* the data you might want ;-)22:46
hggdhand some more22:46
TheLordOfTimei do know that closer to release time, -quality is abuzz with stuff...22:48
TheLordOfTimebut that makes sense because of ISO testing stuff and the autotests and such22:48
* hggdh prepares for commute22:48
TheLordOfTimebdmurray: i support the bugsquad being pulled under QA, but I think Bug Control needs to remain separate, at least for now, what with the whole elevated-permissions thing.  not sure what you think about that, but that would ultimately be a call you'd have to help make...22:51
TheLordOfTime(if bugcontrol was going to be merged under QA, and based on what I've gathered so far the idea was to leave bugcontrol alone during this)22:51
TheLordOfTime(so that's not as much of a concern, but I want to make sure that's still the case)22:51

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