
josejono: hey, are the times you mentioned UK or UTC?05:52
joseif they're UK, they need to change with DSTs05:52
jonojose, as I mentioned earlier, UK times05:53
jonobut agreed we should make them UTC :-)05:53
jonoso lets use those times but UTC as they are the same right now05:53
jonothanks, man05:53
joseoh, nvm, got it sorted05:54
josethanks to you!05:54
jonothanks, jose!05:56
jonowould like to catch up with you next about a few things05:56
jono1. LoCo Council and 2. Ubuntu On Air and future ideas05:56
josesure, we can do that, just that it can't be done at vUDS as school is in the middle05:57
joseare you free at 4:30pm your time tomorrow?05:57
josejono: ^05:59
jonojose, I can't tomorrow, have meetings out of the office05:59
jonojose, and I am out on Fri too06:00
jonocan we do Mon next week?06:00
josejono: at what time?06:00
jonojose, 3pm Pac next week?06:01
josejono: should be good, 3pm pacific on Monday then06:01
jonocool :-)06:01
joseso it's 1am here and bed is calling, talk to you on Monday!06:02
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
benvantendeheyla guys, i just noticed the coc is now one document instead of two (leadership). what is the reason for the change. i did not dive into it. maybe someone can give a summary14:36
AlanBellbenvantende: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2012/11/19/coc-version-2-0-has-been-released/14:44
jcastromarcoceppi, nest time ... go16:08
jcastro22 this month for me, 243 this year16:09
marcoceppihaven't gotten my report yet jcastro16:15
AlanBelljose: can you fridge this please https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2013-November/001623.html16:40
bkerensanigelb: First interview done :) at Lizard Land :D19:57
jcastrohey jono20:28
jonohey jcastro20:29
jonojcastro, hey, you check out http://www.badvoltage.org/2013/11/07/1x02/ yet?20:29
jcastroI found myself accidentally in charge of a computer society in ann arbor and had to go run a meeting20:30
jonowell, if slacking is working and not slacking off listening to podcasts20:30
jcastroso I have been short on time this week20:30
jonoahh yeah20:30
jcastrooh it came out today20:30
jonoyup new ep20:30
jcastrohmmm what's the latest podcast app people are using?20:31
jonojcastro, my podcasting app is a web browser20:33
jonoI download and listen20:33
jonowe need a good podcasting touch app20:33
jcastrojono, It's ricardo salveti's birthday20:36
jcastrosince he likes metal I made a meme for G+20:36
jonojcastro, oh damn20:36
jcastromake one with like slayer or something20:36
jcastrocould also work20:36
jcastrotoo soon?20:39
popeyjono: catchpodder https://launchpad.net/catchpodder20:58
jonopopey, cool20:59
jonopopey, have you tried it?20:59
popeyit needs re-packaging as a click21:02
popeyi have used it as a deb before we went read-only21:02
mhall119jono: http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/html-5/api/21:45
mhall119the can use some additional CSS, but they're published21:45
jonomhall119, awesome!21:46
jonolooking great :-)21:46
jonoso next stop is Cordova docs, I presume?21:46
mhall119daker gets all the credit21:46
mhall119jono: yes21:46
jonothanks, daker!21:46
dakerwe are still looking for some issues with Kyle21:47
dakerjono: yw21:47
jonomhall119, can you fix the copyright on the API site in the footer to match the one on the main d.u.c site?22:23
mhall119not quickly, no, but I can work on it tomorrow22:29
mhall119since they used different base themes, I'll have to adapt the mark to the django website theme22:30
mhall119I also need to adapt the global-nav22:30
mhall119and I just today filed an RT to get he sub-nav and side-nav back in sync22:31
* mhall119 really wishes there was a better way to do this22:31
dakermhall119: check http://pad.ubuntu.com/YMNWSdreBY22:42
jonothanks, mhall119, not urgent22:49
jonojust the text needs changing, not a consistent theme22:50
mhall119daker: hope my comments help23:00
dakermhall119: see the chatbox on the pad23:03
mhall119thanks daker23:06
dakermhall119: yw23:06

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