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infinityxnox: Thanks for cleaning up those last two boost1.53 rdeps.03:47
infinityxnox: And it looks like librime and yaml-cpp are caught up with some other fun, but we can deal with that later.03:48
infinityOh, a simple SONAME transition there.  I'll fix that.03:49
infinityxnox: On, but neither rivet nor opencolorio actually build with the new yaml-cpp.  Fun.04:03
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pittiGood morning04:24
pittiinfinity: I'm around now04:24
pittislangasek: we didn't yet enable LP crash reports for trusty again04:24
pittijibel: oh, my fault, thanks; I'll fix that one way or the other04:25
pittislangasek: just comment out the whole problem_types line04:25
pittibdmurray: ^ yes, you are right04:25
* infinity finds pitti catching up on backscroll oddly fascinating.04:26
infinitypitti: Does anyone other than you (and GSA, I guess) have access to the ddeb-scraping stuff on germanium?04:26
pittiAlt+N FTW :)04:26
pittiinfinity: according to getent groups, it's cjwatson, seb128, slangasek, and me04:27
infinitypitti: Curious.  Okay, more importantly, does anyone else know how it works? :)04:28
pittiinfinity: you ought to have access as well04:28
infinitypitti: We've going to take a buildd offline tomorrow, and I'd like to do a final scrape before we do, so we don't lose any ddebs.04:28
pittiinfinity: it's more or less a checkout of https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/%2Bjunk/ddeb-retriever/ plus this crontab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6374416/04:29
infinitypitti: I ought to as in you think I have access already, or you think it would be good if I did?04:29
pittiinfinity: ah, sure; so whoever is around of these four, should run this command: ~/ddeb-retriever/ddeb-retriever today04:29
pittiinfinity: yes, I do; filing an RT04:29
pittiinfinity: RT sent, CCed you04:34
infinitypitti: Cheers.04:34
pittiinfinity: if it doesn't happen by tomorrow, do you have enough flexibility there to wait for one of these four?04:34
infinitypitti: I can get the RT done. :P04:34
pittithe command takes some 30 seconds04:34
pittiinfinity: heh, if you have r00t, what am I complaining about :)04:34
infinitypitti: No root, but I have friends in low places. ;)04:35
infinity(or high, depending on your endianness)04:36
pittiinfinity: that was fast04:39
infinitypitti: ;)04:40
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slangasekoh, I have access to germanium? ;)05:54
pittislangasek: not sure about ssh etc., but you are in the ddebs group there anyway05:56
slangasekno one ever told me :)05:57
pittithen, good that infinity asked and I checked :)05:58
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Laney@pilot in09:22
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Laney
* Laney gets scared09:22
seb128Laney, bah, I did some sponsoring yesterday, I would have left you those if I knew you were piloting today ;)09:23
mlankhorstooh fun bug09:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 1247607 in Nouveau Xorg driver "Libdrm compiled with gcc 4.8 makes card hang on resume from s2disk" [Medium,Confirmed]09:39
brendanddoes anyone experienced with launchpadlib know how to update tags in a bug?09:48
brendandif i try writing to the tags attribute of a bug then it gives me a strange error09:48
brendandis that the right way to do it, or something else?09:49
cjwatsonWhat's your current code?09:49
cjwatsonThere are some bugs in this area; you can do it but you have to be a bit careful09:49
cjwatsonSpecifically https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpadlib/+bug/25490109:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 254901 in launchpadlib "appending tags to bug.tags is not supported properly on lp_save()" [Low,Triaged]09:49
cjwatsonA form that works is: tags = bug.tags; tags.append("name-of-tag"); bug.tags = tags; bug.lp_save()09:50
cjwatsonOr, as suggested in that bug, bug.tags = bug.tags + ["name-of-tag"] rather than trying to use list operations on bug.tags directly09:51
brendandcjwatson, mine was something like 'bug.tags = bugs.tags + ['name-of-tag']'09:51
brendandcjwatson, so that *should* work09:52
brendandcjwatson, let me fish out the error i get09:52
brendand*** NoBoundRepresentationError: Resource is not bound to any representation, and no media media type was specified.09:53
brendandmedia media09:53
cjwatsonPerhaps you could give me a way I can reproduce this.09:54
cjwatsonSo that I can get a proper traceback ...09:54
brendandcjwatson, sure i'll create a simple test case09:54
brendandwhich will of course, not trigger the bug !09:55
brendandlet's see09:55
arahello! anyone in the SRU team would have a look to this unapproved upload? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=pm-utils09:55
arathe bug description should be now SRU compliant09:55
evany tech board members awake? Could someone add me to ~uds-organizers?09:59
infinityev: What tech board?10:00
seb128infinity, the sabdfl one :p10:01
seb128ev, you need sabdfl until we get a TB back...10:01
infinityev: (GSA or WeBops can add you, or Mark)10:01
henrix@pilot in10:06
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: henrix, Laney
brendandcjwatson, ok so i think the problem is that i'm accessing the bug via a task10:10
brendandcjwatson, yep so doing bug = task.bug, then proceeding to use bug works10:12
brendandcjwatson, but task.bug.tags = task.bug.tags + ['tag'] doesn't10:12
brendandproblem 'solved'10:12
cjwatsonYeah, I can believe that.  lazr.restfulclient is odd10:13
cjwatsondoko_: Is there any reason python-setuptools depends on python rather than python:any (and similarly python3-setuptools), or is it just an oversight?  I see it overrides the standard substvar generation10:23
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pittiLaney: I'm going to do 5 sponsors as dholbach asked, mind if I look at the libpng, lighthttp, spacefm, sks, libxvmc merges?10:47
pittiLaney: (don't want to step on your toes if you are already at them)10:47
pittihenrix: ^ question for you, too10:48
Laneypitti: go for it10:48
cjwatsonSo who isn't asking the touched-it-last person about merges, then?10:49
cjwatson$ grep-merges cjwatson | grep lighttpd10:49
cjwatsonlighttpd        Colin Watson <cjwatson@ubuntu.com>10:49
LaneyIt was me that asked btw, not dholbach10:49
LaneyI was just channeling him10:49
cjwatsonFrankly this kind of thing is why I'm increasingly demotivated to sponsor10:50
pittisome "Mattia Rizzolo" -- cjwatson, do you want to handle that one? (didn't look at it yet, just listed the first 5 merges I saw)10:51
seb128cjwatson, it's not obvious to most contributors that merges are not "free to grab" I think :/10:51
cjwatsonSponsoring merges is twice as hard as doing them10:51
cjwatsonSo not really10:51
cjwatsonseb128: Shame nobody reads, apparently ...10:52
pitticjwatson: I meant, should I reject and say "cjwatson wants to do it", or review/upload it?10:52
cjwatsonI mean, it's the first bullet point on the MoM output pages10:52
henrixpitti: ack, thanks.  i can do kernel only btw...10:53
cjwatsonpitti: Go ahead and review/upload if you want, I guess10:53
cjwatsonAs it happens I hadn't finished working on that10:53
cjwatsonPlease be careful though, IIRC that isn't an entirely trivial merge and a naive merger could easily accidentally drop important bits10:54
* infinity is pretty sick of this whole "stealing merges are a good way for people to contribute" thing too.11:02
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pittixnox: someone did the sks merge (bug 1247908), any objection as the TIL?11:03
ubottubug 1247908 in sks (Ubuntu) "Merge sks 1.1.4-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124790811:03
infinityWell, "stealing" is a silly word to use there, but.  As has been pointed out on many occasions, merges come in 2 flavours: 1) So simple that it's faster to do the merge yourself than to properly review and sponsor someone's patch to do one, or 2) So complex that you have to do the merge yourself anyway just to verify that the person you're sponsoring did it right by comparing your work.11:03
pittiwell, I don't mind much for the "fly-by" fixes that I do to random universe packages, but I would mind merging "my" packages without asking me11:03
LaneyOops, didn't notice you said libpng in your list11:04
infinitypitti: Not convinced that most people who don't personally know you make that distinction. :P11:04
xnoxpitti:please steal. I only had a no-change rebuild. Last "TIL with changes" was LoganCloud though.11:04
pittiinfinity: yeah, that's the problem :) (and that's why I go over all my merges at the beginning of the cycle usuallY)11:05
Laneyxnox: You told caribou to take libpng but it already had a merge branch up for sponsoring11:05
pittithe ones that are left over in main.html are the ones where the Debian updates don't bring anything substantial11:05
caribouLaney: yeah, I sent an email to the previous dev who merged it11:05
caribouLaney: turns out he had done the work already11:05
pittixnox: ah sorry, https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html thinks you were11:05
xnoxLaney: /o\ damn. sorry, caribou.11:05
caribouxnox: nm11:06
pittixnox: hah, you are :) (No change rebuild against db 5.3.)11:06
caribouxnox: I'll do another one later to get more experience11:06
xnoxpitti: yeah, not sure how to version no-change rebuilds on top of Xubuntu1, without "stealing" TIL =)11:06
infinityxnox: You don't, you just get to end up owning half the archive (and be very motivated to push things back to Debian)11:07
pittixnox: I read that as "you don't care", I'll review/merge11:07
pittiinfinity: or, in this case, teach LP to do binNMUs? :-)11:08
seb128xnox, https://code.launchpad.net/~ankitbko/ubuntu/saucy/eject/fix-for-795239/+merge/173335 ... no reply on the debian side, do you think it would make sense to sponsor it (were you happy with the changes?)11:08
xnoxinfinity: i like doko's hands off approach =) upload -defaults bump and wait for archive to "naturally" migrate.11:08
xnoxinfinity: all we need is binNMUs....11:08
* infinity is still very binNMU-averse...11:09
infinityxnox: I have a sneaking suspicion doko's "pull db-defaults from experimental" thing is about to backfire when they upload 5.3.x (without an epoch) to unstable, and we get to whine and ask them to add the epoch back.11:09
infinityJust wait for it.11:09
xnoxseb128: yeap, go ahead.11:11
seb128xnox, thanks11:11
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xnoxinfinity: well, debian's maintainer is also thinking to request db6.0 removal from the archive.11:13
infinityxnox: And rightfully so.11:15
evseb128, infinity: thanks!11:27
pittiLaney: apache-log4j1.2 and xmpi as well, while I'm at it?11:32
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Laneypitti: sure thing11:40
pittiLaney: ack (I'm using the bug assignment you suggested in the mail)11:40
pittiLaney: ok, all merges on sponsoring page done11:53
Laneypitti: thanks for helping out on that11:55
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Laney85, looking a bit better already11:55
pittiLaney: you called to the flags :)11:55
evinfinity, cjwatson, pitti, others: do we have a means of extracting coverity data, code coverage, and test results inside packages built in a PPA (from dep8 tests)? Could we (ab)use binarypkgmangler for such a task?12:03
evwe're trying to be good citizens of Launchpad in the new CI Airline architecture, but this is one area where we've seemingly needed pbuilder hooks12:04
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caribouLaney: FYI, I did contact the previous owner who had done the work but left the "please take" comment on merge.ubuntu.com12:16
caribouLaney: timezone did the rest; I got his reply while I was gone12:17
Laneycaribou: fair enough12:17
LaneyStill was good experience, I hope12:17
caribouLaney: it was; I'll try some other one later12:20
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mlankhorstcan I close launchpad bugs in packages uploaded to debian?12:46
mlankhorstwhen synced back12:46
Laneyyes, that works12:46
mlankhorstfound an awesome undefined behavior bug, struct->member++ = func(struct); will func() see old or new struct->member? :P12:48
mlankhorst*struct->member++ = func(struct);12:48
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Laney@pilot out12:58
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: henrix
pittiev: not pkgbinarymangler, as that runs too late; AFAIK you need to change the ./configure/CFLAG arguments, don't you?12:59
pittiev: so it might be a modified dpkg which supplies these extra CFLAGS by default, or something like that13:00
pittiev: I don't know whether it's just CFLAGS or whether the build system needs to support gcov/lcov in other ways; so far I've just used the gnome-common macros13:01
caribouyesterday I worked on fixing the FTBS on the crash package13:04
caribouthe fix got implemented in the debian package13:05
caribouwhich had the same FTBS13:05
caribouSo now the package that builds correctly is 7.0.3-2 but we carry 7.0.1-2 in the archive13:06
caribouwill the most current crash package be eventually picked up from Debian ?13:06
apwpitti, took the liberty of pushing some pending changes to apport branch for your next upload for trusty13:06
caribouor is there something to be done for this to happen ?13:07
apwpitti, pulling up the fixes we did for precise and will be needed in 14.0413:07
pittiapw: ah, thank you13:08
pitticaribou: yes, we auto-sync daily13:08
cariboupitti: then any reason why crash is at 7.0.1-2 in our archive and 7.0.3-2 in debian's ?13:09
pitti     crash | 6.1.6-1ubuntu2 |        trusty | source, amd64, armhf, i386, powerpc13:09
cariboupitti: 7.0.2-1 got uploaded to debian/unstable on 10-30-201313:09
pitticaribou: because it has ubuntu modifications, so it needs a merge13:10
cariboupitti: yeah, this is because 7.0.1-2 fails to build in -proposed13:10
pitticaribou: or someone needs to check that the ubuntu modifications are obsolete and can be synced13:10
pitti    crash | 7.0.2-1ubuntu1 | trusty-proposed | source, amd64, armhf, powerpc13:10
pitticaribou: still, ubuntu modifications13:10
cariboupitti: ah, yes, the autopkgtest13:11
pitticaribou: and the aarch64/armhf/autopkgtest changes are not in Debian, so need merge13:11
cariboupitti: so what would you suggest : merge 7.0.3-2 or backport the FTBS fix ?13:11
pitticaribou: usually merging13:12
cariboupitti: ok, I'll take care of it13:13
maprericjwatson: umh... I think I have to make my esce13:16
mapreriI choose to don't ask you because you made a very simple upload and I thought you don't have particular knowledge on the package.... I went wrong.13:20
mapreripitti ^ (FYI)13:20
cariboupitti: btw, wouldn't it be simpler to get the ubuntu specific modifications in the debian package if possible ?13:22
pitticaribou: yes, absolutely13:22
pitticaribou: whoever did these changes should usually file a Debian bug with the patch13:22
cariboupitti: ok, I'll check with Troy13:22
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evpitti: sorry, I'm not sure I follow. How can we provide a modified dpkg to a PPA? If you upload dpkg to a PPA does it automatically pick up and use that version (if so, very clever). Does pkgbinarymangler really run too late for extracting out the coverage, coverity, and test case artifacts?13:49
cjwatsonIt does13:50
cjwatsonSince the PPA itself is in sources.list for any builds to that PPA, and the builder upgrades its chroot at the start of each build13:50
cjwatsonpkgbinarymangler could certainly be hacked to extract artifacts, provided that something has arranged to generate them in the first place ...13:51
cjwatson(dpkg seems a bit low-level for this though, and that would be an utter pain to maintain)13:51
cjwatsonYou could divert dpkg-buildflags, as long as you only care about packages that use it (we could reasonably mandate that for things we own)13:52
cjwatsonMost of our stuff probably uses it already by way of dh913:52
cjwatsonmapreri: Thanks.  It's a good idea to check anyway; it's not so much about whether the person who touched it last has specific knowledge, it's because by default they're the person responsible for the merge and if you steal it from them without asking then there's a risk of duplicated work.  In fact I had already started on the merge, though hadn't got very far yet.13:53
henrix@pilot out13:53
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.10 released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
pittiev: right, I actually meant dpkg-buildflags (I thought that was in dpkg)13:57
cjwatsonpitti: It's in dpkg-dev, yes, but it would be quite a bit of ongoing cost to do that by uploading a modified dpkg - would have to keep merging14:00
cjwatsonShould be easy enough to divert if that's what's needed - call the underlying one and tweak14:00
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maprericjwatson: you right.... Sorry again.14:07
evwell the problem then becomes how do you make the package doing the diverting of dpkg-buildflags a requirement for all the packages in the PPA without explicitly asking for it in their control files14:12
evat least as I see it14:12
cjwatsonev: That's not a problem if it's one of the things that's already preinstalled in the chroot; pkgbinarymangler would qualify14:15
evcjwatson: I thought while pkgbinarymangler was determined to be a good target for extracting the artifacts, it ran too late to divert dpkg-buildflags? Or did I misunderstand what you said above?14:19
pittiev: it currently only diverts dpkg-deb, but it could additionally divert dpkg-buildflags14:25
evpitti: ohh. So if I understand correctly: given a PPA that we want to extract gcov data from, we upload a fork of pkgbinarymangler that diverts dpkg-buildflags to include the gcov flags and also splits out the coverage data into a "-coverage" package?14:29
pittiev: or upload that mangler to ubuntu, and make it check something in the PPA to see whether you want cov enabled14:33
pittiev: of course the first tests should actually happen with a forked pacakge in a PPA, yes14:36
seb128mhall119, hey, you probably know but checking ... are the hours on summit.ubuntu.com UTC ones? (e.g are sessions from 14utc to 20utc)?14:43
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mhall119seb128: yes14:51
seb128mhall119, thanks14:51
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mitya57Mirv: do you have anything against /me uploading a qtsensors merge with Debian NEW queue? I need the renamed -dev package for my PyQt5 sync.14:55
Mirvmitya57: it sounds ok (it's a switch from git snapshot to released version with not too many commits in between), but can you check qtubuntu-sensors continues to build against it?15:08
cjwatsoncaribou: stud uploads - you can't upload the same version to multiple series like that15:09
* mitya57 checks15:09
cjwatsoncaribou: 2/3 of them will fail15:09
argescjwatson: i'll fix that. do they need to be rejected first?15:10
cariboucjwatson: I don't understand, I tested each one of them15:10
cjwatsonarges: Doing so15:10
argescjwatson: thanks15:10
doko_cjwatson, should work with :any. the substvars overwrite is only there to build it for all available versions before they are supported15:10
argescjwatson: I'm assuming this is the correct way to version for same version in two releases: lahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update_the_packaging15:11
cjwatsoncaribou: two out of three of the uploads would have failed because you can't have the same version with different contents15:11
cjwatsonarges: exactly, just mentioned that in the reject message15:11
cariboucjwatson: oh, I see15:11
jdstrandcjwatson: hey, I asked you this in #ubuntu-touch. in case you didn't see:15:11
jdstrand06:08 < jdstrand> cjwatson: hi! if I do 'pkcon install-local <click>' is 'pkcon remove <pkgname> <pkgvers>' expected to work now15:11
jdstrand06:11 < jdstrand> cjwatson: click list tells me it is installed, but both 'pkcon remove <pkgname> <pkgvers>' and 'pkcon remove <pkgname>' fail with:15:11
jdstrand06:11 < jdstrand> Command failed: This tool could not find the installed package: could not find com.example.am-i-confined15:12
cjwatsonjdstrand: That's not a syntax pkcon accepts15:12
cjwatsonjdstrand: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-appstore-developers/msg00553.html shows the syntax in the last bullet point15:12
jdstrandah, I see15:12
mitya57Mirv: copied to my test ppa (to simulate a clean environment), will now prepare a merge in Bzr and upload it tomorrow(?) if the build succeeds15:13
jdstrandcjwatson: thanks (I tried looking at pkcon help, but that didn't actually help)15:13
cjwatsonno, quite ... but I didn't write pkcon, I'm just attaching to it because it's better than doing my own dbus interface from scratch :)15:13
* jdstrand nods15:13
cjwatsondoko_: ok, do you want me to upload for that or will you fix it in Debian?15:14
cjwatsonI see we're in sync at the moment, so maybe better the latter ...15:14
Mirvmitya57: ok, sounds like a plan. thanks!15:14
doko_need to merge with setuptools, barry's already pestering me15:14
cjwatsonwell, I'm just trying to unblock people who are trying to do cross-building15:15
doko_but then, you almost always need to make cross-buildable python modules be aware of the cross build15:16
kirklandadmittedly it's been *ages* since I used VNC to an Ubuntu desktop, but I'm trying to do so right now, to a 13.10 desktop, over gigabit LAN, and it's unusably slow...  is unity3d to blame?15:17
cjwatsondoko_: hm, the one I'm looking at is an odd case, it builds some other arch-dependent stuff but it looks like all its Python module handling is arch-indep15:17
cjwatsondoko_: (ubuntu-keyboard)15:17
doko_sure, go ahead15:18
cjwatsonok, thanks15:19
pittijibel: what's the current status of cherrypy3? last thing I remember is that the py3 package is broken?15:58
pittijibel: (it doesn't have any test output, just "exit with status 70")15:58
pittioh, no zul15:59
jibelpitti, I notified zul that the package must be fixed15:59
jibelpitti, it doesn't install the deamon to the right location and python3 is half-done15:59
pittijibel: thanks16:00
dpmhi cjwatson, on fat click packages, are all the binaries supposed to be installed on disk?16:12
dpmtedg, ^16:13
tedgcjwatson, Do they have specific directories based on arch?16:13
cjwatsonthat's up to the SDK / app developer conventions16:13
tedgcjwatson, Or is that for the app to decide?16:13
aquariuscjwatson, we briefly discussed t'other day, and I understood that fat packages are arch "multi", and have a lib/$arch/qml, lib/$arch/lib etc folder (naming to be decided), and the app runner takes care of putting lib/$arch/lib on LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running the app, or something similar?16:13
cjwatsonwe should have a convention and common dispatcher code to handle it; we don't yet16:13
tedgI think the question that aquarius had there was how do I handle that if I can't have a shell script.16:13
cjwatsonI suggest lib/<multiarch triplet>/16:14
cjwatsontedg: we need common code in the platform for this16:14
cjwatsonaquarius: something along those lines16:14
tedgcjwatson, K, do we have someone with a work item to do that?16:14
aquariusI think we want lib/$multiarchtriplet/thingy because there are different thingies -- qml components to go on QML2_IMPORT_PATH, libraries for LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc16:14
cjwatsontedg: I don't think so yet, haven't managed to con anyone into doing it16:14
* tedg says "not it!" ;-)16:14
aquariuswhat I'm not sure about is... how does it work if your main executable is a binary?16:15
cjwatsonaquarius: I'd prefer lib/$triplet, qml/$triplet, etc.16:15
cjwatsonaquarius: bin/$triplet?16:15
cjwatsonI mean you still need a dispatcher anyway ...16:15
aquariusso my .desktop file contains Exec=binaryname, and the dispatcher says "aha! this looks like a fat package to me, so I shall look for and execute bin/$triplet/binaryname ?"16:16
tedgcjwatson, The only thing I'm curious about is how much we want to put in generic dispatcher vs. app specific.  For instance, some apps may not have QML.16:16
cjwatsonaquarius: well, we already mangle desktop files, we could mangle differently16:16
aquariusor maybe it just adds bin/$triplet to $PATH, qml/$triplet to QML2_IMPORT_PATHS, lib/$triplet to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and then just execs as normal?16:16
cjwatsontedg: I'm honestly not sure and don't feel I have enough knowledge about what people tend to do in apps to implement this16:16
tedgaquarius, I imagine we'll say "fat package, set PATH to include that dir"16:16
tedgYeah, I think just setting the env is best.16:17
cjwatsonall I can do is lay down some general guidelines for what I think will work well with click and what I think is suitably cognate with the rest of the system16:17
tedgAnd we already do that for PATH16:17
cjwatsonand hope that if I repeat it enough times then somebody will implement something sensible and people will stop asking me about it :)16:17
* tedg knows what cjwatson wants for Christmas ;-)16:17
tedgIf it's just adding those env vars, I think upstart-app-launch should do it for that case.  And jdstrand's aa-exec-click would need to as well.16:19
xnoxlib/$triplet/bin is actually more used location by many tools out there.16:19
aquariusI personally don't care abou tthe names, as long as there are some chosen :)16:20
aquariustedg, it's a tiny bit more complex than that because you have to *get* the arch triplet from somewhere16:20
aquariusand dpkg-architecture is not in the image16:20
tedgaquarius, I can get it at compile time.16:20
aquariusthat works?16:21
xnoxtedg: it's a fat one, one has multiple.16:21
tedgxnox, Compile time of upstart-app-launch16:21
xnoxtedg: i can totally execute armhf binary on my amd64 desktop.16:21
xnoxtedg: and i386.16:21
doko_xnox, were the libnih issues solved, or are there any more?16:21
aquariusxnox, I think he means that upstart-app-launch doesn't ask at runtime "which arch am I on"... we compile the arch triplet into upstart-app-launch at compile time16:22
tedgxnox, Sure, you can.  My dad can't :-)16:22
cjwatsonyeah, as long as the dispatcher is arch-dependent this is fine16:22
cjwatsonxnox: then execute by hand; that is out of scope16:22
aquariusupstart-app-launch is currently a real executable rather than a script16:23
tedgWe could put it as a var in the upstart job though.  Then it could be overriden easily enough.16:23
xnoxdoko_: i solved it by writting more simplistic code. I will dig into it at one point in the future - cause it seemed like for that code it, it was doing something sensible on !arm - and something it cannot compile itself on arm*16:23
aquariuswhich I discovered when I assumed it was a script and looked at it to see how it worked :)16:23
cjwatsonprobably good for it to be a real executable since it's fairly performance-sensitive16:24
tedgaquarius, It's a very special scripting language defined by Intel ;-)16:24
xnoxdoko_: but i want something smaller than 12k LOC & 40MB big *.i / *.s files for you =)16:24
cjwatsontedg: I hope it's not defined by Intel on the phone :-)16:24
doko_xnox, is this in libnih multi-k line's test functions?16:24
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xnoxdoko_: yeah. which use #define magic, to actually generate unrolled massive loops, from that multi-k line's test functions, into even bigger ones. I've dared to touch the magic, and it was too much for arm to handle.16:27
cjwatsonI never understood why those test functions weren't just split up16:30
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xnoxcjwatson: yeah, it's boggling to me. but libnih is still keybuk upstream, so i don't want to modify it too much.16:33
xnoxcjwatson: but then again, i do plenty of work on it lately.16:34
xnox(spare time stuff)16:34
slangasekdoko_: so, regarding TLS and bionic16:42
slangasekwe've done some evil, evil things in the thread handling... effectively making pthread mutexes no-ops on the bionic side, to account for the fact that the TLS struct on glibc is smaller than it is in bionic16:43
slangasekdoko_: do you think it would be practical to rebuild glibc with a padded struct?  or would this be horribly abi breking?16:44
slangasekand maybe I should be asking infinity this16:44
slangasekinfinity: ^^16:44
doko_slangasek, ugh, should I know about that?16:45
slangasekmaybe? you know things ;)16:45
cjwatsonthis is ultimately the "reasons Nexus 7 is painful" thread, right?16:45
slangasekcjwatson: yes - but I'm now wondering whether it's also why the emulator is failing16:45
slangasekdepending on where and how the TLS neutering was done16:45
xnoxslangasek: hm. i thought TLS struct was smaller on bionic side, which is now fixed in kitkat (it's up to 128bits now)16:47
xnoxslangasek: not the other way around.16:47
xnoxcjwatson: hm, was that thread somewhere I can see?16:48
slangasekxnox: no, I'm told it's larger on bionic, which is why when it's allocated by glibc (as it would be in the case of any Ubuntu apps), you get segfaults16:48
xnoxah, yeah. https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=4304016:51
xnoxno that's something else. anyway.16:52
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cjwatsonxnox: "thread" = "pub conversation"17:43
cjwatsonat least in my case17:44
slangasekpub local storage17:44
hallyn_hi - just curious, anyone know offhand why the re2 package hasn't gotten past debian experimental?17:45
hallyn_(I ask bc lmctfy - google's cgroup manager - depends on it)17:45
Laneythe maintainer is probably the best person to answer that`17:45
Laneyhowever: "ROM; NPOASR; moved to experimental, pending upstream ABI stability"17:46
hallyn_where does that info come from?17:46
LaneyI went to http://packages.qa.debian.org/r/re2.html and clicked on Removed 0+hg23+dfsg-1 from unstable17:47
LaneyAppears to have dropped the library package for that reason too17:47
hallyn_oh, iw as looking at http://packages.qa.debian.org/r/re2.html but didn't see that history, thx17:49
hallyn_that doesn't bode well for me17:49
Laneytumbleweed is your man17:51
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slangasekrsalveti: can you tell me where I should look to see any patches to the android tree regarding the pthreads hybris hack-around?  Or were the changes all handled in libhybris itself?18:20
rsalvetislangasek: they are mostly in hybris, there's only one in android that changes the tsl slot, but that's only used when qemu is using the host gl18:22
rsalvetislangasek: we're actively debugging it as we speak, so hopefully we should know better soon18:22
rsalvetitranslator can't find the qemu pipe and sw emulation is busted, debugging now why18:23
infinityslangasek: I'm not positive that the TLS struct is actually part of libc's advertised ABI, but even if not, mangling it sounds like the sort of thing that could have all sorts of undesired and hard-to-find knock-on effects.19:28
dkesselhello. i tried upgrading to trusty via 'do-release-upgrade -d' - however I am getting problems because the package sources seem to be unavailable at the moment... is this known?19:34
brainwashdkessel: same for me, but I cannot remember the exact error message19:49
Laneyanyone got a script for doing a mass-give-back in a PPA?19:49
dkesselbrainwash, i think i got it. disabling the extras package sources worked... downloading packages now19:49
Laneyoh, that was simple19:54
brainwashdkessel: yeah, you might be right, it was related to the extras repository I think19:54
Laneyblah... for b in builds: if b.can_be_retried: b.retry()19:55
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seb128slangasek, how come you get to upload SRUs without bug reference? ;-)20:11
infinityseb128: Because he's a cowboy.20:36
seb128infinity, he's from Portland, how comboy is that?!20:41
sarnoldpeople in portland own -chickens-!20:43
infinitysarnold: But do they ride them?20:43
sarnoldinfinity: I hope not :)20:43
seb128who knows, slangasek might?20:44
tumbleweedLaney, hallyn_: yeah, I've just had a request for it in unstable. I guess I need to start the ABI rollercoaster (at least development has slowed down now)20:52
hallyn_tumbleweed: oh yippe, that's good for me :)20:53
hallyn_tumbleweed: otherwise i'd have tolook at the licensing to see about simply including a snapshot in with the lmctfy source20:54
hallyn_tumbleweed: what kind of timetable do you think there'll be for that ?21:10
hallyn_i.e. can it possibly hit in time to make trusty before FFE?21:10
tumbleweedhallyn_: hard to say. I haven't been very active recently. But yes, that seems reasonable21:11
tumbleweedit's just resurrecting some work I've already done, and tidying it up a bit21:12
tumbleweedjust need to do it21:12
hallyn_tumbleweed: excellent, thanks (if you find time to do it :)21:14
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hallyn_tumbleweed: so did you ever write any programs linking aginst the liblmctfy.so ?21:21
slangasekseb128: shim was special, because it was a binary copy; shim-signed should've been done with proper bug refs, but no one called me on it until it was too late. :P  The next one will be better.22:27
slangasekthese were hardware enablement SRUs, effectively22:27
seb128slangasek, k, it just looks weird in the sru report page, the sru team has been good about enforcing the requirement to have a bug linked with update otherwise ;-)22:31
slangasekseb128: there was a global SRU bug with a test case for all of them, it just couldn't be included retroactively in the shim changelog22:32
slangasekso this covered shim, sbsigntool, shim-signed, gnu-efi22:32
slangasekin the future, we should only need shim + shim-signed; binary copies (again) for shim, and shim-signed for the SRU tracking22:32
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slangasekalso, there seem to be several other packages in the SRU queue with no bug refs, heh.  (plasma-nm?  xserver-xorg-video-savage?)22:34
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seb128slangasek, those should probably be rejected22:36
slangasekseb128: indicator-messages in quantal was yours, it unfortunately had wrong bug syntax in the changelog... do you want to fix that?22:37
seb128slangasek, quantal...22:38
seb128slangasek, let me have a look22:38
seb128shrug, we have SRUs hanging there for a year :/22:39
slangasekwell, yes... too many uploads, not enough verification, it's the classic story22:40
seb128slangasek, to be fair I think we can just bankruptcy for quantal and just drop everything22:41
slangasekyeah, we should probably clean up the quantal queue22:46
seb128slangasek, some of the precise and raring items can probably be kicked out as well22:48
seb128it's a shame to see so much work/fixes going in the queue and never moving to updates though :/22:48
RAOFYes :(22:52
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