
amandaparkerI know.  The guy that owns this is used to Unity so that's what I grabbed.  If this gives me too much more grief though I'll grab another I guess...00:01
niel123yea use xubuntu00:02
niel123its derpy00:02
bekksamandaparker: Just install xubuntu-desktop00:09
bekksamandaparker: Thats the package name.00:09
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amandaparkerbekks: I did that, rebooted, then thought "Oh, I'll get rid of Unity" and bleah...  Starting over now with a Xubuntu livecd.  I grabbed 13.10 by mistake.  Anything I should know that's weird?  I'm used to 12.0400:51
blacklistthis is my problem whit xubuntu 13.1001:01
blacklistW: Impossibile recuperare gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/it.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_saucy-updates_main_binary-i386_Packages  Somma hash non corrispondente01:01
amandaparkerI also just had an almost heart attack when everything was in Spanish...  Cat must have arrowed down at the initial "Try or install" page.  False alarm though02:17
xubuntu182can I get help not this channel for the version 12?03:44
=== xubuntu182 is now known as swx
ObrienDavewhat do you need to know?03:45
Unit193swx: Howdy.  12.10?03:45
swxxtgms is missing on boot after a fresh install03:45
swxthe LTS03:45
swxever seen this error ?03:46
ObrienDavethat would be 12.0403:46
swxyes 0403:46
ObrienDaveI have no clue what xtgms is or does03:47
swxgoogle either :P03:48
Unit193!info xtgms03:48
ubottuPackage xtgms does not exist in saucy03:48
Unit193!find xtgms precise03:48
ubottuPackage/file xtgms does not exist in precise03:48
Unit193I have no idea, and neither does ubottu. :P03:49
swxtryin to reinstall.. well see if it work it out ;)03:49
ObrienDavethat would be my best guess03:49
xubuntu748Hello I have got two regressions in 13.1006:21
xubuntu748anybody there?06:21
ObrienDavesorta, kinda, but not quite06:22
xubuntu748anyway, installed xubuntu from miniCD on Acer Travelmate 65006:22
xubuntu748previous xubuntu worked fine06:23
xubuntu748now plymouth splash seems to be in the wrong color dept and both the DLink USB wireless adapters don't work06:23
xubuntu748connection established but it hangs after few bytes transferred06:24
ObrienDaveI had the hang problem last night. needed to reboot the DSL modem a few times06:25
xubuntu748both worked fine on previous version06:25
xubuntu748if I plug the adapter off and on the connection starts again but then hangs, I cannot even complete the apt-get update06:26
ObrienDavethat kind of connection is your ISP? DSL? FiOS?06:28
xubuntu748I  have a wireless local network made with an ADSL modem/router06:30
xubuntu748this old laptop needs an external USB adapter06:31
ObrienDavehave you rebooted the DSL modem lately?06:31
xubuntu748I have got two DLink adapters06:31
xubuntu748i rebooted the router twice06:31
xubuntu748no effect06:31
ObrienDavesee if Dlink has updated drivers for 13.10 I kind of doubt it, but worth a check06:32
xubuntu748when i plug off and in the adapters the connection is established but only few bytes are transferred06:32
xubuntu748updated drivers for both adapters? they are different and both don't work06:32
xubuntu748it doesn't look much probable that both drivers are broken06:33
xubuntu748I am not expert but looks like something else06:35
vrkalaki'm download new 'stable' 3.12 kernel ...06:35
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: whats the issue?06:36
ObrienDavexubuntu748> now plymouth splash seems to be in the wrong color dept and both the DLink USB wireless adapters don't work06:36
xubuntu748if you are asking me, two regressions, plymouth splash wrong color dept and two dlink adapters not working06:36
xubuntu748dwl-g132 and dwl-g12206:37
xubuntu748they use two different drivers06:38
xubuntu748the drivers are apparently fine since the connection is established06:38
xubuntu748but then nothing passes on the connection, just few bytes right after establishing06:39
ObrienDavesounds to me like an ISP issue06:42
xubuntu748I am using the same PC with the same adapter right now on Windows XP06:42
xubuntu748and it worked with previous Xubuntu06:42
ObrienDavehmm, no clue. sorry06:43
xubuntu748I cannot contact the router from the PC on new xubuntu install06:43
xubuntu748it means the issue is in between06:43
xubuntu748It is difficult to accept that moving from a version to the following one you can get such bad regressions, I coild live with the wrong plymouth but the wireless connection is a no-go06:53
ObrienDavetry reading this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167576406:55
xubuntu748doens't apply to my case for two reasons, previous xubuntu just worked fine with both adapters and on 13.10 the adapter is properly recognized, the drivers are correct and the connection is established06:59
xubuntu748I log in, get the local IP address07:00
xubuntu748some data is transferred, like I can browse a site07:00
xubuntu748then the connection dies07:00
xubuntu748and stays dead unless I plug off and back in07:00
xubuntu748i say it again using two diffrent adapters with two different drivers07:01
ObrienDavehmm, I have the same USB connection issue with my mouse. keeps shutting off07:01
ObrienDavemaybe it's an USB issue07:02
xubuntu748I don't see any error then07:02
xubuntu748i also have an usb mouse and it seems to work07:02
ObrienDavebottom of page07:07
xubuntu748That comes from years ago when you had to use ndoswrapper07:11
xubuntu748it would be ironical to upgrade Xubuntu then revert to ndiswrapper07:11
xubuntu748when the previous xubuntu did not have any problem with native drivers07:12
xubuntu748I tought to stay with 13.04 but then there is the "rapid release cycle" so after some months it isn't supported any more07:13
ObrienDavewas think more of this: Works on 10.10 and 11.04 with rt2870sta (might need rt2800usb blacklisted). (Device id is 07d1:3c0f, see lsusb)07:13
xubuntu748I looked at all that documentation years ago07:14
xubuntu748stopped when the native support for the adapters was implemented07:14
xubuntu748last Xubuntu was totally plug and play07:14
xubuntu748no need to fight with drivers07:15
xubuntu748I don't think it makes sense to look ad years old documentation that is basically obsolete.07:22
xubuntu748If a device was working fine with 13.04 it is expected to work fine with 13.1007:23
xubuntu748then it is a regression somewhere07:23
xubuntu748I wanted to submit a bug report but I cannot use the bug tracker tool07:30
baizonxubuntu748: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs07:36
xubuntu748Yeah right, science fiction guys07:46
xubuntu748"Before filing any hardware related reports on Launchpad, please update your BIOS, and hardware firmware (CF card readers, SSDs, USB 3.0 controllers, DVD/CD drives, etc.) to the newest available from your vendor. "07:46
xubuntu748That means "you cannot report any hardware related bug"07:48
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xubuntu748besides, I say it again, I did not have any issue with pervious Xubuntu, It doesn't make much sense to ask me to update firmware because latest version has got regressions07:49
xubuntu748Because then new bugs could be introduced just because the new firmware07:50
xubuntu748USB DLink wireless adapter DWL-G122 and DWL-132 worked fine with 13.04 and don't work with 13.10, no visible error, correct drivers loaded, connection established but hangs07:52
rydhwanmy pc p4 card openchrome08:20
rydhwanxubuntu installed but after boot screen dark08:21
rydhwanno tty08:22
rydhwanin live usb screen dark08:23
rydhwanbut in install i see installer ?08:24
rydhwanxubuntu 13.04 ok fine08:25
rydhwanhow install pilote of openchrome ?08:27
rydhwanchroot ?08:29
rydhwanhow install drivers of openchrome ?08:43
roninnisn't linux unsafe08:45
roninnuser x edits the file /tmp/test and user y starts to edit the file /tmp/test at the same time, user x does some edits while the user y already opened the file for edit. then user x edits the file and right after the user y edits the file. so user x loses his changes.08:45
nlsthznroninn, that isn't how it works08:48
roninnwhy not08:49
roninnwell there can be vim locks, but if vim is not used for example08:49
nlsthznsorry I was thinking of something like people editing source code going into a linux distro and not files on someone's computer being access by multiple users on the same system... I am not sure how the system handles that as I am king of my system and nobody touches my files :p08:51
ObrienDaveit's good to be the king ;)08:51
nlsthznand my wife gave me permission to say I am king too08:52
ObrienDaveI ALWAYS get the last word. "Yes DEAR"08:53
roninnmy wife only has access to /var/www and /home/herhome08:53
Unit193I don't see how that is 'unsafe', or exclusivly a linux problem.  Most text editors, or good ones at least, will warn you it's been modified since you opened it.08:56
* nlsthzn trusts nano would know08:57
* nlsthzn sees this is not #ubuntu-offtopic and retreats08:58
roninnUnit193, do you know which ones (cli)09:04
roninnim interested09:04
Unit193Nope, why would I?  Just that vim and nano do.09:05
nlsthznif it wasn'09:06
nlsthznif it wasn' for nano I would never edit in cli09:06
nlsthznok... zzzzz09:52
bingohello. how much a difference in resource usage is there between Xubuntu and XFCE?09:58
bingoi guess what I am trying to ask is, which will my game run better on09:59
nlsthznxfce is the desktop environment used by xubuntu...09:59
cfhowlettbingo,  xfce4 is the windows manager for xubuntu.  question makes no sense09:59
bingoahh i see09:59
bingobut xubuntu is faster than regular ubuntu?10:00
nlsthznah ok windows manager, sorry10:00
bingookay ill stick with xuduntu then, its nicer looking than xfce10:00
nlsthznubuntu or xubuntu?10:00
ObrienDaveoh my10:00
bingoim a noob, i just use linux cuse i get better fps10:01
cfhowlettbingo, yes xubuntu is generally faster than ubuntu since no unity to eat up the GPU cycles10:01
bingoty, i notice it :)10:01
bingothere used to be a program i could install from softwre enter, it let me edit the duel boot order. does it exist anymore?10:02
bingolike a GUI made it easy to understand10:03
ObrienDaveyes, it's called grub-customizer. might have to add the PPA for it10:09
bingohi again. Would someone please tell me how to remove the XFCE? I only want to see Ubuntu and Xubuntu when i login10:14
cfhowlettbingo, sudo apt-get purge xfce10:15
bingosame for ubuntu 2d?10:15
bingounable to locate package10:16
cfhowlettbingo, I don't know.  sorry.  but no need to kill those.  they take up trivial space10:16
nlsthznif you purge xfce then xubuntu as an option won't be available anymore10:16
bingooh snap10:16
cfhowlettbingo, if you remove xfce4 you will NOT have xubuntu10:16
bingoi won then, ty10:16
bingoill just leave it then, getting so picky causes problems10:17
bingoxubuntu is sharp looing10:17
nlsthznthe xfce option is the same as xubuntu without the theme and other things making it look nicer :)10:17
nlsthznbasically the same thing10:17
bingoany other nice themes that low on resources?10:17
bingoand easy for noob to get10:17
nlsthznall themes you use with xfce/xubuntu will take the same resources...10:18
nlsthznit is only when you install totally different interfaces like unity etc. that resource usage will change10:18
bingowhats the best way to devote as much resources to th game  play?10:18
bingofigured it was xubuntu10:18
nlsthznnot much more DE wise you can do, if you go lighter you will save some RAM but not enough IMO10:19
bingorgr, ill leave it10:19
bingodisk image time10:19
nlsthznI am also on xubuntu now and I also use this system mainly for gamiing10:19
bingoi was kinda blown away by how much better it is than windows10:20
bingolike 20 fps higher on average any situation10:20
nlsthznwow, what are you playing?10:20
bingoSecond Life10:20
bingonto a game i know10:20
knome!offtopic | bingo, nlsthzn10:20
ubottubingo, nlsthzn: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:20
bingobut i dont have a fist haha10:20
nlsthznsorry knome10:21
bingosorry masa10:21
bingowas finally able to boot using 319 nvidia drivers10:22
bingojust had to purge the old 304's but never knew10:22
bingotook me three clean installs to learn that lesson10:22
bingoand a google search10:23
bingoare there any cool terminals? like ones with a DOOM theme et..10:24
cfhowlettbingo, additional ram migth be worth a look10:24
ubottuQuake runs natively under Ubuntu - See http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/linux/quake4/ for details10:24
Sysi!info guake10:24
bingoya i tried quake but i didnt find the theme10:24
bingoit was just gray10:24
ubottuguake (source: guake): Drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 165 kB, installed size 756 kB10:24
ubottuSysi,: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!10:25
bingoill try again i suppose, everyone says get guake10:25
bingosudi apt-get install guake?10:25
Myrttitilda is another10:25
Sysiguake offers just special functionality though, not special theming AFAIK10:26
bingothen it wont help i just want a cool looking terminal10:26
MyrttiI prefer terminator but it's not a dropdown like tilda/guake are10:26
Sysiterminal colors are trivial to set in xfce4-terminal10:26
Myrttifunctionality > cool looking10:27
bingoill take terminator, where?10:27
bingoguake i didnt see any theme10:27
Myrttisudo apt-get install terminator10:27
Myrttithemes you have to build yourself10:27
Myrttiin most cases10:28
bingowhere is tha on difficulty level for noob?10:28
Myrttion terminator it's right click - Preferences10:28
xubuntu901Anybody aware of regressions with Wireless adapters?11:31
=== jglauche_ is now known as jglauche
GridCubei'm having an issue with the weather addon http://i.imgur.com/so3Mg5G.png for some reason it shows the temperature twice, once in the front in the choosen font and color, and once in the background in some grey color13:31
GridCubeits like the shadow of the numbers13:32
GridCubethe same happens if i add a different things to the applet13:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 1248962 in xfce4-weather-plugin (Ubuntu) "scrollbox texts shadows doesnt rotate when the plugin is used on vertical panels" [Undecided,New]13:44
Junkawho updates the ubuntu repos?14:27
bekksJunka: the repo maintainers.14:27
Junkathese are people from canonical?14:28
ObrienDavemaybe yes and maybe no14:34
Junkaomg *buntu is not safe after all14:37
Myrttioh, and why is that?14:37
Junkaanonimous people update my software14:38
Myrttihardly anonymous14:38
* phunyguy nudges Junka in the direction of Launchpad14:39
Poisoned_Dragonlol, anonymous people14:40
Junkais it safe for ufw to be disabled by default?14:42
phunyguydefine "safe"14:43
phunyguyand what does this have to do with Xubuntu?14:43
Junkaxubuntu uses ufw is it not?14:44
Junkathen it's xubuntu's problem14:44
PiciJunka: sure. Theres nothing listening publically on any port by default anyway.14:44
phunyguyI am not sure Xubuntu does actually.... Maybe regular Ubuntu?14:44
JunkaI believe all the *buntu line uses it14:46
phunyguyfair enough.14:46
phunyguyso if all of ubuntu uses it, how is it just Xubuntu's problem?14:48
phunyguyyou just might be barking up the wrong tree here.14:48
Junkai use xubuntu so i'm on xubuntu's channels...14:49
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phunyguyJunka: if you have an issue with design descisions, you can join #ubuntu-devel14:49
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HaggardHey folks. I was trying to report a bug (weather app in 12.04) using the report a bug function. Doesn't work. Do I need to open a launchpad account to file a bug?15:39
phunyguyPretty sure, yes15:39
HaggardThx. Then that would be two bugs I need to file.  :)15:40
dupinjust installed xfce4.10 on xubuntu 12.04 and now icons arenot on the right but at the centar16:23
dupindesktop switcher, action buttons...16:24
dupinhow can I put them on the right of the panel16:24
TheSheepdupin: put a separator to the left of them and make it autoexpand16:25
dupinto easy and trivial tnx man  :)16:27
gdosusing thunderbird, how can view root mail (i.e. local system mail) ?16:33
TheSheepgdos: I'm not sure thunderbird supports that, let me check16:39
TheSheepgdos: doesn't look like it does16:40
TheSheepgdos: so one way around that would be to setup an actual smtp server on your computer serving those e-mails, and configure thunerbird to use that16:41
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Harishi have a question with xhost17:32
Harishxhost +name command does not save the user list after restart17:33
TheSheepwhat was the question?17:40
xubuntu954hey someone knows how much xubuntu live install take?17:45
holsteinxubuntu954: you mean, an installation from the xubuntu live installation media?17:45
xubuntu954time i mean 1 hour 2 hours17:45
TheSheepdepends on a lot of things, not possible to tell up front17:45
holsteinxubuntu954: depends on the machine.. usually takes me about 10 minuts17:45
jax23on my old pc 1 and 1/ hour17:45
holsteinminutes*. it has taken close to or over an hour17:45
jax2390 minutes17:46
TheSheepcan be 2 hours on a slow computer from a cd17:46
xubuntu954yeah becouse i have it in a window but i there isnt any process bar17:46
holsteinxubuntu954: wait as long as you possibly can.. then, consider starting over, and *not* accepting updates during the installation17:47
xubuntu954ok thanks17:47
* genii sips his coffee18:04
gdosTheSheep: how hard would it be?18:04
TheSheepgdos: I have no idea, I never tried it18:05
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ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html18:05
gdosTheSheep: thanks.18:06
geniijax23: First we should see that your phone is set up to allow access by USB. Please go to Options, Memory, and make sure that "Mass Storage Mode Support" is set to On, and that "Auto Enable Mass Storage Mode When Connected" is set to either Yes or Prompt18:07
geniijax23: Then click the Berry button on phone and select Save18:08
jax23genii, i can't turn on my phone because i get an error18:13
jax23error app 20018:13
geniijax23: Oh, that doesn't sound good!18:14
jax23i'm trying to do a backup to restore after factory settings of my B.B.18:15
geniijax23: Take off the back, pull the battery. Wait 10-15 seconds then put battery back and close it up. This should make it boot from cold18:15
jax23it's starting18:16
geniiIt will take a while. Then it has to do the second stage after where it will load the desktop, etc18:16
genii( assuming no boot errors)18:17
geniiWork needs me, back in a few minutes18:17
geniijax23: Did it manage to boot all the way?18:21
jax23nothing, error app 20018:24
geniijax23: Sounds like a hardware issue.18:27
geniijax23: http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/BlackBerry-Device-software/app-error-200/td-p/260930518:28
geniiLooks like it might be fixable18:28
geniijax23: Since it's no longer an issue where Xubuntu is involved, I suggest we head to ##blackberry channel, and see what can be done there.18:29
havenonearthstill trying to get internet to work properly with my clean install of ubuntu studio 13.10.  It connects, but ability to browse/download/stream breaks down after 5 minutes to 2 hours, even though it says it's still connected to wireless network. Disconnecting and reconnecting restores it, though sometimes I need to do it a couple of times for it to catch..  My Win7 dual-booted on the same laptop doesn't have these problems, a18:32
havenonearthnd neither do the other laptops in the house.  Problem only started after I updated from 12.10.  I'm up to date on upgrades/updates.  Have generally ruled out Mozilla as a problem as it affects non-Mozilla apps including xchat, though sometimes xchat works when Mozilla doesn't.18:32
havenonearthany thoughts?18:32
bekkshavenonearth: Its affecting your wireless driver.18:40
bekkshavenonearth: Which driver do you use?18:40
havenonearthI'm not sure--I'm not on my drivers in xubuntu.  How do I find out?18:41
havenonearthi'm not up on my drivers I meant to say.18:41
lightahi guys, hey is it normal that ls -d doesn't list all directory but just the one given in arg ?18:54
Rorylighta: yes18:56
lightaoh ye ?18:56
lightals -d, is marked as broken ?18:56
Rorylighta: ls -d */18:57
lightaah thx =)18:58
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nonubyany reason when i start xubuntu it restores many of my previous apps/windows ive even added rm -fr /home/me/.cache/session to /etc/rc.local which doesnt seem to fix it19:09
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=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
swxHi! What is the most stable version of xubuntu a this moment? I am working on the 12.04 and it is not21:02
Junkawhat is unstable for you swx ?21:03
swx@Junka File manager not crashing when I move files from a drive to another ahah21:04
Junkawierd I cant recall something similar21:06
Junkahave you tried the latest xubuntu 13.10?21:06
GP-Mikehave sometimes the same problem.. especially when I connect to my nexus 4.. and I am using xubuntu 13.1021:07
Junkaomg another one21:07
swx_linux? stable? yes if u do anything :P21:08
JunkaThen I can suggest to remove thunar and install pacmanfm21:08
holsteinswx_: i would try removing the filemanger from teh equation. move the files in the command line and note the errors or messages21:08
swx_thx for the advice21:09
swx_miss the old fashion brown ubuntu version 8 Haha21:10
holsteinswx_: ? ...use it if you like.. its still there, just not supported21:10
Junkanot supported means no updates at all?21:11
swx_holstein: I know that but I need support ;)21:11
holsteinswx_: you are free to support it. manually update what you want/ned21:12
Junkanot cool21:14
swx_times missing.. I have a life out of linux :)21:14
GP-Mikethat's blasphemy :P21:15
Junkaban&kick the heretic plz21:16
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:16
swx_holstein: maybe u should learn to take it easy man ;)21:17
holsteinswx_: you can request that the maintainers of the channel do.. otherwise, i welcome your comments in the proper channel21:17
havenonearthdid a clean install of ubuntu studio 13.10 about a week ago and am still trying work out problems with consistent internet connectivity.  I am able to connect to the wireless router and the Internet, but I lose the ability to browse and stream video after 5 minutes to 2 hours, even though I'm still shown as being connected to the network. I had no problems with it until I upgrade from 12.10. win7 dual-booted on my laptop has21:48
havenonearthno problems and neither do the other computers in the house. any thoughts for addressing this?21:48
holsteinif it were me, i would troubleshoot the connection from live CD's21:49
holsteinthere is nothing about ubuntustudio that really addressing networking specifically in any way21:49
holsteini would use xubuntu or main ubuntu live CD's so that you can use the larger ubuntu community for support21:50
holsteini would try the hardware with a supported operating system (such as windows) to ensure that its functioning properly21:50
holsteinhavenonearth: i would look for other users of *any* linux using that same exact hardware and see if they experience issues or not21:51
holsteinif 12.04 worked, i would just install and use it and not worry, but i dont specifically want or need networking with my studio production machine21:51
havenonearthso when you say troubleshooting from live CD's, do you mean testing a live CD of, say, xubuntu or ubuntu to see if I"m having the same problems?21:55
Junkais xfce 4.10 backported in 12.04?21:55
holsteinhavenonearth: correct.. removing the currently installed ubuntustudio from the equation completly21:55
havenonearthso if the live CD works with no issues, are you then suggesting I just replace ubuntu studio with either xubuntu or ubuntu?  I chose ubuntu studio because of its low latency kernel.  I'm a professional DJ and I've noticed a huge difference  with the quality (and lack of interruption) of music in ubuntu studio.21:58
havenonearthunless xubuntu has the same kernel?21:58
holsteinhavenonearth: ubuntustudio and xubuntu *are* ubuntu. im saying, if you use main ubuntu's live CD, you will have no issues using the main ubuntu support avenues21:59
holsteinhavenonearth: i feel like you have been having this issue for a while now, and realistically, it could be this simple.. support for your device is broken in more recent kernels21:59
holsteinhavenonearth: running main ubuntu, or xubuntu live will remove the *lowlatency kernel from the equation,and allow you to more appropriately communicate with a larger community about the issue22:00
JunkaGod, is a DJ.22:02
holsteinJunka: please use the OT channel.. thanks22:02
havenonearthI appreciate your observation of the fact that I've been dealing with this for a while.  Because of that, I want to get this right.  So, I can test something without the low latency kernel to see if the issue is with the kernel itself.  If the live CD doesn't produce any improvements, then I can rule out the updated low latency kernel as being the issue.  if the live CD does show an improvement, then I would need to choose be22:07
havenonearthtween reliable internet access and holding on to the low latency kernel.  am I reading this correctly?  I know these are all ubuntu and have used all three before.22:07
havenonearthby testing something I mean ubuntu or xubuntu 13.1022:08
holsteinhavenonearth: you can just install the generic kernel, if you feel that the lowlatency one is the issue.. you can choose them at boot time like dual booting22:08
Unit193!info linux-generic22:08
holsteinhavenonearth: when ubuntustudio shipped an RT kernel, i used to dual boot them, since the RT one didnt support a few wifi cards i had (assuming i needed/wanted networking)22:08
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB22:09
holsteinbut, the lowlatency one is likely not the issue.. though, it wont hurt to test.22:09
havenonearthdefinitely makes sense to test it.  so if the kernel is the issue, I could then dual-boot between ubuntu studio and, say, xubuntu.  (which would actually be a triple boot since I already dual boot with Win7).22:11
havenonearthone other observation.  ubuntu studio gives me the choice right now between xfce and ubuntu studio.  do they still use this same kernel in this version?22:12
Unit193The kernel is picked at the grub prompt, not lightdm.  LightDM can't change the kernel at all.22:12
havenonearthgotcha.  that makes sense.22:12
Unit193There is a file in /etc/grub.d/ that makes lowlat kernels first choice though.22:13
havenonearththe grub prompt is the very first prompt that, among other things, lets me choose between win07 and ubuntu studio?22:13
havenonearthgotcha.  that's helpful.  okay I'll give that a try and see if that makes a difference.  Thanks!22:14
Unit193You can pick "Other options for Ubuntu Studio" to see what kernel, or patch /etc/grub.d/10_linux to see them on the main screen.22:14
havenonearthwhile I'm at it, too--I was on before and somebody thought it might be a driver issue and asked what driver I was using. I didn't know and didn't know how to check.  would that be a worthwhile path of inquiry too?  and if so, how would I look into it?22:17
holsteinhavenonearth: you can find that out with the network manager.. right click, connection information, driver is listed22:18
havenonearthokay, the driver is wl22:18
Unit193lspci -v | grep net -A9  and look at the driver, or inxi -n22:19
Unit193(Or, that, the easy way.)22:19
holsteinhavenonearth: so, you can blacklist the wl driver and try the other broadcom driver that you likely used in 12.1022:19
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx22:19
holsteinhavenonearth: those are notoriously problematic22:19
havenonearththe wl drivers?22:19
holsteinhavenonearth: no.. those broadcom devices22:20
holsteinhavenonearth: run "lspci" and output that to pastebin please22:21
havenonearthokay, let me try that, hold on a sec.  what's the url for pastebin again?22:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:21
blacklistholstein,  ism using 13.1022:22
Unit193lspci | pastebinit   and paste the url.22:23
holsteinblacklist: maybe i pinged you by accident, actually suggesting the action of blacklisting22:24
havenonearthokay, the URL is http://paste.ubuntu.com/6378830/22:26
holsteinhavenonearth: thats the chip i had. it was so problematic i ended up switching it out.. let me get you a link you can try22:28
holsteinhavenonearth: let me tell you what i think is going on here.. in 12.10, the wifi *didnt* work out of the box. you got a popup, and added the proprietary broadcom driver22:28
holsteinhavenonearth: now, in 13.10, you are using the opensource one.. with that driver, i had the same experience you are reporting22:29
holsteinhavenonearth: i would not do *anything* besides try the proprietary driver.. let broadcom know you are having an issue with the device, and consider just switching it out, or getting an external device that is more supported22:29
holsteinhavenonearth: these days, hardware is just too reasonbly priced to sit around for weeks with things not working.. this the the site i referenced which has a device with the *same* wifi chip as you have22:30
havenonearthyep that's my laptop.  is it easy to switch out the chip? I am already using an external sound card because of the jack wearing out.22:32
holsteinhavenonearth: specifically http://paste.ubuntu.com/6378883/22:32
holsteinhavenonearth: it was easy for me to switch the chip. i had another laying around, and i have taking these machines apart before22:32
holsteinhavenonearth: i would just get a supported USB device and plug it in, and enjoy22:33
havenonearththat might make sense.  how much do they usually run?22:34
holsteinhavenonearth: depends.. i literally have a box of them i havent paid anything for.. i see them for around $5 or $100 US22:35
holstein5 to 100*22:35
holsteinhavenonearth: try the proprietary driver though.. i didnt try it in 13.1022:36
holsteinit'll work "better" id say22:36
havenonearthand that's using the method via the google site link you sent me?22:37
holsteinhavenonearth: the site i linked, and the broadcom link i had the bot give, or the specific information i picked from the link and put in the pastebin.. and now you know exactly what the issue is22:37
havenonearththat's great.  Thanks so much! Identifying it is at least half the battle if not more.22:38
holsteinhavenonearth: i had read that link before i bought the machine, so, i knew going in, i might change the wifi chip22:39
havenonearthit's been a good machine in every other way--was thinking my next laptop should be an asus, too.  i'll probably get one optimized for ubuntu.  eventually I'll need a separate laptop for DJing.22:41
holsteinhavenonearth: they dont make them "optimized for ubuntu".. if you want that, you get a system76 machine which is not optimized in any way... it just literally ships with ubuntu, and has support for linux22:42
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holsteinhavenonearth: you really dont need a seperate machine for dj'ing, id say.. nothing about ubuntustudio is specific to DJing, or running on a netbok22:43
havenonearthI know, it's just more a question of convenience and storage.22:43
holsteini use netbooks for a lot of "appliance" types of audio tasks. i have 8 or 10 of them around.. mostly asus22:44
holsteinyou dont need ubuntustudio to use the few apps you'll need that happen to be in ubuntustudio22:44
havenonearthis it the apps or low latency that distinguishes ubuntu studio?  a lot of those apps, of course, I don't use, though that may change.22:45
holsteinhavenonearth: its the default setup.. otherwise, the sources are the same22:45
holsteinhavenonearth: running those apps wont happen on a netbook.. not in any useable way.. it would be similar to trying to do video editing on a netbook.. i do a lot of field work on netbooks, but i come back to a main machine to edit audio22:46
havenonearthwell, that's worth keeping in mind, too, since I do some audio editing at times.22:47
havenonearthokay, thanks once again--I appreciate the help!22:47
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acmeinc1i'm having an issue where the 'top' command will crash my desktop.  Its hard to find a bug report since 'top' is a very ambiguous search term.  do any of the regulars here recall any issues with 'top' whcih has come up?23:38
holsteintry top in tty acmeinc123:39
acmeinc1i believe I have and it works.  I guess its not crashing "all" of the time either.  But sometimes.  I hvae a monitoring script that runs every 5 minutes which included 'top' snapshots.  I since dislabed that.  But when I ran top manually a few times, it has crashed.  But it was not crashing every 5 minutes.  Its intermittent for sure.23:41
holsteinacmeinc1: what error messages?23:41
acmeinc1i tailed the messages/syslog/kern logs in another tty to be sure.  It just drops to the login screen.23:42
acmeinc1if you have a log i should check, i'm all ears23:42
Unit193The command `dmesg` and the log in ~/.cache/upstart/startxfce4.log23:42
acmeinc1dmesg showed nothing...i'll take not of the xfce log\23:43
acmeinc1...that log doesnt exist23:43
Unit193Erm, I just assumed 13.10.23:44
Unit193Sooo, lightdm has a log as does X, sounds like something may be killing X (since it bounces back to login.)23:50

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