
=== thumper-gym is now known as thumper-hacking
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ehwhey, stokes, you awake?06:01
=== axw_ is now known as axw
mrammanybody about?07:53
wallyworld_mramm: hi07:54
mrammI wanted to bounce some HA ideas off of folks07:54
axwI'm here.. haven't been looking at HA tho07:54
mrammthat mailing list thread seems to like a lot of heat07:54
mrammI'm just trying to think about how we spell it for users07:54
mrammnot about how we implement it ;)07:55
wallyworld_i think there's 2 common ideas - the ensure-has thing and the concept of juju services - db, api etc07:55
wallyworld_seems the juju add-unit juju:db thing is popular07:56
wallyworld_and fits with how people like to think about it07:56
TheMueimho an important part of the story is to tell the user, that we talk about juju ha, not of ha for their services07:58
TheMuethose are two different stories07:58
mrammwallyworld_: I think that is sort of complicate to call these things units07:58
TheMuemorning btw07:58
mrammthey will be special units07:58
mrammthere aren't charms for them07:59
mrammthey can't have subordinates07:59
mrammthey don't have hooks07:59
mrammremoving them kills everything07:59
TheMuemramm: exact. they may share the same base technology, but the semantics is a different one07:59
wallyworld_true. i think folks liked to think of the juju:services in terms of units that could be added to08:00
* TheMue prefers a number of ha-... commands08:00
axwsorry mramm missed your hangout thing - want to take it there, or keep chatting here?08:00
wallyworld_so the add-unit paradigm could be used08:00
mrammI'm all for spelling it add-unit juju:db someday -- but starting out that way is crazy08:00
mrammwallyworld_: I like that idea too08:01
mrammthough I think we have a good way to go before we get there08:01
wallyworld_i also like the ensure-ha idea to set up a ha scenario08:01
mrammso what do we do in the short term that still makes sense in the long term?08:01
TheMuewallyworld_: +108:01
wallyworld_and then use add-unit <service> to maintain it08:01
TheMuemramm: the underlying logic and the command interface to the user are different things08:02
wallyworld_my opinion is do ensure-ha N where N >=3 to set up a workale ha scenario08:02
mrammTheMue: right08:02
TheMuemramm: imho the enable-ha still can use the idea of core units08:02
wallyworld_then add stuff to allow users to add to the initial set up08:02
TheMueeh, services08:02
mrammwe don't have "units"08:02
mrammand making state server stuff into units is complicated08:03
mrammand by that I mean enabling them to act like units to users08:03
mrammanyway, if anybody wants to chat about this via voice: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpimd6r4dqrb52sh0b8h3jg0?hl=en08:03
rogpeppemornin' all08:07
noodles775Anyone around able to look at a charm-helpers MP (some ansible support): https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/charm-helpers/ansible-tags/+merge/19432408:32
mrammso the result of the google hangout was that I sent an e-mail, and while I'm not 100% sure we've got the exact spelling of everything worked out we agreed on a proposed command line syntax for HA09:37
mramm(those in the meeting already know, and those not in the meeting can see the results in the juju-dev mailing list)09:37
wallyworld_mgz: wallyword + friday evening  + alcohol = no standup10:42
wallyworld_+ 2 women also10:43
dimitern:) \o/10:44
dimiternmgz, rogpeppe, TheMue: standup?10:48
dimiternmgz, ping10:51
TheMuetschakka, first try already looks better11:48
* TheMue => lunch11:57
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rogpeppei'm done. happy weekends all.18:04
ahasenackhi, does someone know of the top of his/her head how juju gets the private-address value?19:44
ahasenackis it something like "hostname -f"?19:44
natefinchahasenack: it's different per provider, but mostly it comes from provider metadata19:56
ahasenacknatefinch: in the case of maas, do you know? I'm going over the code, but kind of getting lost19:57
ahasenackI found this19:57
ahasenackfunc (info *machineInfo) load() error {19:57
ahasenack    return utils.ReadYaml(_MAASInstanceFilename, info)19:57
ahasenackand now I'm chasing down that that instance filename is19:57
natefinchahasenack: you're a few "go to definition" clicks ahead of me, looks like19:58
ahasenackthere is provider/maas/environprovider.go19:59
ahasenackwhere I found func (maasEnvironProvider) hostname() (string, error) {19:59
ahasenack    info := machineInfo{}19:59
ahasenack    return info.Hostname, nil19:59
ahasenacklooks like I want that info.Hostname bit19:59
natefinchahasenack: yeah, I  got there.  I see this:19:59
natefinchvar _MAASInstanceFilename = environs.DataDir + "/MAASmachine.txt"19:59
natefinchso, /var/lib/juju/MAASmachine.txt20:00
ahasenackwhere, on the unit?20:00
ahasenackroot@k8q9m:/var/lib/juju# cat MAASmachine.txt20:00
ahasenackhostname: k8q9m.maaslocal20:00
ahasenacknatefinch: thanks :)20:00
ahasenacknow, what populates that, the provider?20:00
natefinchahasenack: trying to figure that out20:02
natefinchahasenack: yeah, it looks like it gets it during StartInstance20:05
natefinchahasenack:  mi.maasObject.GetField("hostname")20:05

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