
manchickenArgh... I'm having a hard time debugging this crash.04:01
manchickenI can't replicate it in the debugger... it only seems to crash if you close the program IMMEDIATELY upon start.04:02
manchickenw00t! Crash resolved!04:25
manchickenNow to fix the problem of libqapt not removing non-sources.list sources.04:26
manchickenBut that's for another day... bed time now.04:26
lordievaderGood morning.08:16
Mamarokclaydoh: you might want to answer Basil, I am off for the day08:47
* Mamarok goes to sell Single Malt whiskey :)08:47
jalcineand away!11:44
lordievaderHey soee, how are you?11:45
soeelordievader, pretty good ;) thanks you ?11:45
lordievaderDoing ok.11:45
QuintasanWhy are my icons colorful again?12:34
mamarleyI liked the old colorful icons.12:35
soeeQuintasan, dont know but i had those whn i killed kded process P:)12:37
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
BluesKajHey folks15:31
shadeslayerRiddell: can you update kdeconnect-kde ?17:31
shadeslayerto 0.4.1 in trusty17:31
* shadeslayer doesn't have upload rights17:39
shadeslayerxnox: plz update bzr branches when you do no change uploads for boost17:49
soeeshadeslayer, are there any plans to backport 4.12 beta for saucy ?17:52
shadeslayeronce it's packaged for trusty17:52
ovidiu-florinvia backports?17:52
soeethink so17:53
ovidiu-florinwhat about kdeconnect?17:53
shadeslayervia backports PPA, yeah17:53
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: I don't have upload rights for that17:53
shadeslayerwaiting on Riddell to upload that17:53
shadeslayercould go and physically poke him to do that17:54
ovidiu-florinplease do17:54
ovidiu-florinmy android updates for kde Connect are going ahead of Kubuntuy17:54
xnoxshadeslayer: which branches.17:58
shadeslayerxnox: kubuntu packaging branches17:59
xnoxshadeslayer: which ones.17:59
shadeslayerxnox: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers18:00
xnoxshadeslayer: specifically which one did you spot that was not updated.18:00
yofelxnox: whatever Vcs-Bzr points to18:00
shadeslayerRiddell: and could you look at the feasability of SRU'ing kdeconnect to saucy?18:01
xnoxshadeslayer: i don't update any branches for no-change rebuild.18:01
yofellag -.-18:01
shadeslayerxnox: right, causes our automation scripts to fail18:02
shadeslayerso please do next time :)18:02
xnoxshadeslayer: it doesn't scale, because across all of them (a) i don't have write access to all of them (b) sometimes they are behind archive, or with unstaged changes (c) missing tags18:02
xnoxshadeslayer: i've tried automating no-change rebuilds around Vcs-Bzr branches, but that failed horibly.18:03
xnoxshadeslayer: at the moment I do no-change rebuilds against the archive, such that I'm sure I only upload a _no change_ to the archive.18:03
Riddellshadeslayer: where's the package?18:03
xnoxshadeslayer: where are there "automation" scripts?18:03
xnoxshadeslayer: e.g. for autosyncs -> bump from: 1.0-8 -> 1.0-8build1 causes autosync to still work.18:04
xnoxshadeslayer: it's not considered modified in ubuntu.18:04
yofelxnox: our kde packaging scripts do a safety check by comparing changelogs, if the archive has more entries the package is skipped and needs to be fixed by hand18:05
xnoxshadeslayer: is there anything we can do, to easy the situation? it literary no-harm in auto-importing no-change rebuild changelog entry and/or dropping it, as long as the version is bumped.18:05
Riddellyou try to get me to ddos my own computer!18:05
xnoxyofel: where are those scripts?18:05
xnoxyofel: where is their output?18:05
xnoxyofel: it's like first time I hear about them.18:06
shadeslayerRiddell: got it?18:06
yofelxnox: could be that it really is the first time, they're not that old18:06
yofelxnox: maybe we could make the script more intelligent by ignoring rebuilds, though I'm not sure how to correctly detect those18:07
xnoxyofel: if the diff only has "debian/changelog" in it, it was a no-change rebuild.18:07
yofelthat kinda makes sense :D18:08
xnoxyofel: unpack debian source package, fetch the changelog & auto-commit it and push back.18:08
xnoxyofel: if there are any other changes (e.g. changes in debian/control) bail.18:09
xnoxyofel: where is the output of those scripts? published anywhere? or does one need to run it?18:10
Riddellshadeslayer: uploaded18:10
shadeslayercool, thx18:10
shadeslayerRiddell: thoughts about SRU'ing to Saucy18:10
shadeslayerI see some minor string changes, but I'd consider them bug fixes18:10
Riddellshadeslayer: as I understand it the version in saucy has significant issues18:10
Riddellbut not having a fancy phone I've never used it and I won't be able to test it18:10
shadeslayerjussi and I can test18:11
shadeslayerand other folks here I believe18:11
Riddellshadeslayer: that's quite a diff though18:12
Riddellshadeslayer: kdeconnect-kded.po and kdeconnect-kcm.po translations have gone, presumably that's intended18:13
yofelxnox: one would need to run it, though the script mostly is a batch of some launchpad interaction and subprocess calls, so what you see is mostly the bzr and debuild output during run, with a summary of any errors at the end18:14
yofelxnox: we already do a packaging diff check for SRU packages, so I'll be able to base the check on that. Thanks for the pointer18:14
xnoxyofel: yeah, there is no way to enforce committing no-change rebuilds to VCS. Given that they can touch in excess of 100s of packages, and only a fraction of them have packaging branches.18:16
ovidiu-florinhey guys, can I ask for your help? regarding school.18:38
shadeslayerRiddell: yep18:38
shadeslayerovidiu-florin: -offtopic ?18:39
Riddellshadeslayer: so I think it's a case of writing a decent SRU bug report so it's clear to ScottK or whoever why it's needed18:49
shadeslayerRiddell: checkout bug 124406418:49
ubottubug 1244064 in kdeconnect-kde (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Protocol mismatch saucy and android play store versions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124406418:49
shadeslayerWho wants to SRU muon?19:08
shadeslayerthere is a 2.1.1 release19:08
shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK libmuonprivate2 in binary new19:26
ScottKNew soname in a third digit point release?19:39
yofelo.O - seriously, why?19:49
yofelshadeslayer: ^19:49
ScottKWe need to SRU 2.1.1, so this is seriously a problem.19:53
ScottKNew cmake19:58
debfxwhy does it even need a soname? just put it into usr/lib/muon/ and be done with it20:29
ScottKshadeslayer: ^^^ yes.  please.20:38
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^ were you working on muon?20:39
mamarleyAny news on the Quassel Upstart script?20:47
ScottKStill waiting for debfx , IIRC.20:48
* ScottK LOLs https://web.archive.org/web/20060106235729/http://www.kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-commitment.php21:39
volkanhi, i also posted to kubuntu-users, but i wanna write here as well.21:56
volkanis there any reason for kde 4.11.3 update did not arrive for Kubuntu?21:57
soeevolkan, there are not moved to update syet21:57
soeebut they are ready21:57
volkansoee: hmm ok thanks for answer22:22

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