
=== ph is now known as ph_afk
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as SawniccuUhmaerik
=== SawniccuUhmaerik is now known as Sonikkukkinos
=== Sonikkukkinos is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
TickedPlease someone tell me they can tell me how to make a problem with my linux system stop I am using gnome desktop 3.4.2 debian wheezy stable I just finished a fresh install and install some of the apps I play around with and I logged out and the back into gnome 3 and the mouse pointer is shaped like cross hairs and is taking screenshots of everything I click and I am about to flip my lid and go nuts over this05:04
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
RJ45palimpsest (AKA gnome-disk-utility) benchmarks using both 'Mb' and 'MB', both conveying the same number, check for yourself, I just gotta know, which is it?, Megabits, or MegaBytes? o.O06:35
RJ45the axis on the chart says 'MB', but the number outputs below say 'Mb'06:36
RJ45apparently a conformed bug about 3 months shy of 2 years ago;  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-disk-utility/+bug/91960606:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 919606 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "Disk Utility charts using MB instead of Mb" [Low,Confirmed]06:41
RJ45I really need to know which it is, the results I'm seeing are suggestive of it being MegaBytes/s06:44
RJ45(especially when compared with a real live transfer of files)06:45
darkxstRJ45, sounds like an upstream bug07:26
darkxstI would think its actually MB/s07:27
RJ45darkxst: lol, 'upstream bug', isn't everything linux just one big 'upstream bug'? :P07:29
darkxstRJ45, nope, lots of bugs are caused by Ubuntu patches/packaging07:29
RJ45it's all just repos derived from repos, derived from other repos, it's repos all the way down I say! :P07:31
darkxstupstream doesnt have repos!07:32
RJ45aaanyways, yeah, from my own tests, I's suspect it to be MB/s.07:32
darkxstRJ45, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67568607:34
ubot5Gnome bug 675686 in palimpsest "Benchmarking - graph reports MB/s but text reports Mb/s" [Minor,Resolved: obsolete]07:34
RJ45darkxst: Hundreds of PPAs -> Debian .debs -> Ubuntu .debs07:34
darkxstRJ45, what does that have to do with upstream?07:35
starnixHello people!09:15
starnixout of curiosity, what difference is ubuntugnome, if I installed ubuntu and then gnome-desktop?09:16
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
=== ph is now known as ph_afk

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