=== thumper-gym is now known as thumper-hacking [00:54] ibeardslee: the Academy is 6th - 17th Jan, that right? [00:54] hmm, I could stop being lazy and check my email [00:55] it's not in my email [00:56] project week, 13th-17th Jan, I presume that's the 2nd week [01:36] chilts: yes, project week is the 2nd week .. 13th to 17th [01:41] ibeardslee: cool, ta [01:41] first week (6th to 10th) is tutorial week [01:41] just trying to avoid going to a work-week, so I said Jan was out, hopefully it'll be in Feb [03:31] Bugger. Postgres straming replication can't go between 64bit and 32bit. === thumper-hacking is now known as thumper [05:53] hads: I officially owe you a couple of beers for that suggestion [06:07] G: Cool :) Glad you like it. [06:08] I just upgraded the firmware on mine and accidentially blew away the little script I had to add dhcpd hostnames to dnsmasq. The only thing that annoys me about them. [06:10] I just discovered that the new Thinkpads have been released. I must restrain myself until they run a promotion. [06:10] yeah, I had half accepted that I might have to do a few hacks or leave some stuff on my old server, but I just realised that it does do policy based routing [06:11] They're quite neat I think. I don't do a whole lot with it but I think I could mangle it to do most things I need. [06:14] The fact that I can SSH into it and hack on it or apt-get install is quite pleasing for an off-the-shelf product. [06:15] yeah, I think it's going to fall into the same category as the HDHomeRun tbh [06:15] one I call "Bloody hell, it just works!" [06:19] The HDHomeRun is pretty cool. I like how it's DHCP and you don't have to worry about it changing address, things just find it. [06:20] Also, we've sold hundreds and not had a single failure which is nice. [06:20] exactly, I've loved mine which is ~ 2 1/2 years old now [07:33] hads: is there a good CLI reference guide for these (i.e. apart from the wiki) [09:13] G: Apart from the wiki/forums I haven't found one. Mostly just poked around and figured it out. [12:14] hads: yeah, that seems to have worked for me, after taking a break, got my policy-based router setup going, turns out I would've saved some time if not for some faulty subnet math and not adding an extra line to my openvpn server setup [12:15] The ability to sudo and do things like tcpdump makes it great