
Nothing_MuchHello, is it possible to use libhybris on the Ubuntu desktop?00:05
slangasekNothing_Much: what would you use it for on an Ubuntu desktop?00:12
slangaseklibhybris is a wrapper around hardware-specific android libraries; you probably don't have any of those on your desktop00:12
Nothing_Muchslangasek: For an arm device that doesn't have drivers yet on it.00:17
Nothing_Much*for Linux00:17
slangasekso you are running Ubuntu desktop on an ARM device?00:17
Nothing_MuchYes I am00:18
slangasekso /in theory/, you could use this to provide Ubuntu desktop through XMir on top of Mir, routing through libhybris00:18
slangasekbut I think you'll be the first to actually do this if you succeed :)00:18
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Nothing_MuchAh well, I was going to try Wayland, though now that you mention it, I could try both, at different times.00:19
Nothing_MuchSince this is Ubuntu though, how would I go about using XMir?00:20
slangasekapt-get install unity-system-compositor, I believe00:21
Nothing_Muchthat's it?00:21
Nothing_Muchoh uh oh00:21
Nothing_MuchI forgot to mention I'm using uh.. Xubuntu00:21
slangasekXMir won't care ;)00:21
Nothing_MuchOh really? Cool00:21
Nothing_MuchI'd also like to see if Wayland would work, no offense.00:24
slangaseknone taken ;)00:24
slangasekI believe you'll find the wayland story is a bit more do-it-yourself, though00:24
Nothing_Muchoh dear00:24
Nothing_Muchyeah that's a problem when you're dealing with a dumb consumer like myself00:25
Nothing_MuchOkay so I got a warning and Xmir won't launch00:27
Nothing_Much[ 11314.194] (WW) "xmir" is not to be loaded by default. Skippin00:28
slangasekhmm, I'm not sure where that's configured00:29
slangasekdo you already have the libhybris stuff installed?00:29
Nothing_MuchDo I need libubuntu-application-api1?00:30
slangaseknot 100% sure, but I think you only need libhardware200:31
Nothing_MuchI got that installed already00:31
Nothing_Muchlemme try restarting lightdm again00:31
Nothing_Muchstill software rasterizer :(00:32
slangasekyou need to configure the X server somehow so that it knows to use xmir on your hardware00:33
Nothing_Muchwould that require an xorg.conf? :(00:34
slangasekprobably :)00:34
Nothing_Muchwell, so far no driver exists on Linux for an Exynos 5 atm, that should be where Libhybris takes its place00:35
Nothing_MuchWhat would I put for the "driver" section of the conf?00:41
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slangasekI don't think you need to specify a driver, only to specify that the mir module should be loaded00:42
slangasekbut you may not even need to do that; it's possible all the configuration lives in lightdm00:42
Nothing_MuchHow would I do that?00:42
Nothing_MuchWell I did sudo lightdm restart twice00:42
Nothing_MuchMaybe a full restart will do it00:42
Nothing_Muchstill nothin'00:44
slangasekNothing_Much: yes, you need additional config somewhere, I just don't know where :)00:44
Nothing_MuchOh darn00:44
slangasekout of the box, Mir+Xmir will only run on known supported drivers00:44
slangasekis lightdm displaying for you?00:45
Nothing_MuchYeah, lightdm is here but not under xmir00:45
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slangasekso if you've restarted lightdm, it *should* be displaying on top of mir00:46
slangasekbecause of /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/10-unity-system-compositor.conf00:46
Nothing_Muchwell it's not, it says this: [    10.061] (WW) "xmir" is not to be loaded by default. Skipping.00:46
slangasekthat's XMir00:46
slangasekthat's not related to whether Mir is running00:46
slangaseklightdm talks to Mir directly, it doesn't rely on XMir00:47
slangasekdo you have an X server running when at the lightdm greeter?00:47
Nothing_MuchYou mean.. a gui?00:47
slangasekI mean, is there an 'X' process running00:48
Nothing_MuchI'm not sure?00:49
slangasekps waxuf | grep X00:49
slangasekif there is, Mir is failing to start00:49
Nothing_MuchYeah there is00:49
Nothing_MuchX that is00:49
Nothing_MuchNot Mir00:49
slangasekwhat happens if you run 'unity-system-compositor' from the commandline?  (best not to try this from an existing X session, you may want to stop lightdm first)00:51
Nothing_MuchI'll risk it00:52
slangasekwell, even if it doesn't crash your X server, it may not tell you anything useful :)00:52
Nothing_MuchERROR: Throw location unknown (consider using BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION)00:52
Nothing_MuchDynamic exception type: boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::system::system_error> >00:52
Nothing_Muchstd::exception::what: assign: Bad file descriptor00:52
Nothing_MuchJust got that00:52
slangasekyou need to run it as root00:52
slangasekand you really want to run it from console00:52
slangasekwell - console, or remotely00:53
nothing_muchSo I apparently flashed this for no reason.. Oh well, does anybody know an xorg.conf for XMir?02:25
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nothing_muchAnybody know how to get libhybris to work on an Ubuntu desktop with xmir?04:24
cwaynenothing_much: what are you trying to do?04:27
nothing_muchcwayne: I'm trying to run (X)Ubuntu desktop on an arm device.04:28
nothing_muchIt's not a tablet btw04:28
nothing_muchJust a very tiny arm PC :)04:28
cwaynesomething like a panda board?04:28
nothing_muchExcept it uses an Exynos 504:29
cwaynesorry, I don't know anything to help you, I was just curious :)04:29
nothing_muchAh darn04:29
nothing_muchAnybody else? I'm using an Odroid-XU04:29
nothing_muchTrying to get libhybris to work04:29
cwaynenothing_much:  more people are active in this channel in EU timezones04:29
nothing_muchoh really?04:30
nothing_muchwell luckily I'm nocturnal04:30
nothing_muchin the US04:30
cwayneha, me too04:31
cwayneto be honest nothing_much, i'm not sure anyone's really tried anything with libhybris re: desktop04:32
nothing_muchyou sure about that?04:32
nothing_muchthere should be a way to04:32
nothing_muchsince it's basically utilizing the android driver.. things04:32
cwaynei'm not saying it's not possible04:35
cwaynei'm just saying to my knowledge nobody's tried yet04:35
cwayne(people may very well have, just not to my knowledge)04:35
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Mirvmhall119: ok, I can do a branch05:12
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday and happy X-Ray Day! :-D09:48
Nothing_MuchJamesTait: woo!09:48
oSoMoNdpm, hey, regarding your question on robru’s askubuntu answer about the term size, it’s probably because the image is RO by default, try "touch /userdata/.writable_image" and then reboot10:00
dpmoSoMoN, oh, but that will make my image writable and I'll have to reflash to get back to RO, right? That makes that answer not really useful10:06
dpmactually, I should probably say it is useful, but only applies to RW images10:06
oSoMoNdpm, yeah10:07
oSoMoNdpm, I would answer on the askubuntu page directly, but apparently my reputation is too low and I’m not allowed to answer to inline questions10:07
loolseb128: Hey, when I open system settings > date & time with a touch nexus 4 I've just updated to latest devel-proposed, I get an empty list of settings, and the title doesn't say "Date & time" but "System settings"; is this known?10:09
Laneylool: It's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/124864610:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1248646 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "API break: ItemSelector.expanded changed to read-only" [Critical,In progress]10:09
seb128lool, yes, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/124864610:09
loolOk thanks10:10
seb128lool, it has not been a good week for the uitk, ken also told me that their toolbar change is creating issues as well10:10
t1mp19:18:00 < robru> t1mp, ping. any ETA on those ui-toolkit patches landing?10:11
t1mprobru: which patches? We have a bunch of MRs that are ready to be merged, but waiting for AP1.4 to land before we approve stuff10:11
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t1mpseb128: there was no UITK release since 11 Oct until now, so a very large amount of changes that were made in the past month only came to the apps now10:17
seb128t1mp, yeah, that's "suboptimal"10:18
t1mpseb128: a bunch of good ones, but also the bugs that popped up :(10:18
t1mpdid AP1.4 land? i.e., can we land fixes in the UITK now?10:19
popeysil2100: ^^10:20
sil2100t1mp: AP 1.4 landed, but probably Mirv will know best regarding landings in UITK10:23
sil2100Mirv: ?10:23
t1mpsil2100: ok, thanks. I'll wait for Mirv's "go"10:23
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Mirvt1mp: yes, so as discussed I know of two regression fixes https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolas-doffay/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/selector-api-break-fix/+merge/194313 + https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rssreader-app/+bug/1248759 - those can go in as soon as possible10:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1248759 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Once the toolbar in the Add feeds page is hidden, I can't make it appear anymore" [Critical,Confirmed]10:32
Mirv(the latter if applicable)10:33
Mirvt1mp: then after we are sure there are no regressions anymore compared to the 20131016 ui-toolkit release, and nothing that is required for fixing app AP tests, and we have an image that has the new ui-toolkit release, the trunk can be "really" opened10:35
t1mpMirv: happroving https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolas-doffay/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/selector-api-break-fix/+merge/19431310:38
Mirvhapproval accepted10:44
seb128MacSlow, hey, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/notify-osd/update-sync/+merge/194364 ?10:56
ogra_seb128, do we have any migration process for user settings on upgrades in place yet ? (i.e. if at some point LC_ALL gets set, will the user setting get updated so he gets the fix)11:00
ogra_if not, we should definitely work out something ...11:00
seb128ogra_, what do you mean with LC_?11:00
ogra_seb128, thats just an example11:01
ogra_i know that you set the locales in ~/,pam-environment11:01
ogra_we will need a way to update the user settings if there are system fixes coming in11:01
ogra_so users that upgrade get the fix too in their setups11:02
seb128ogra_, man session-migration11:02
ogra_ah, k11:02
ogra_(no man on the phone :P )11:02
seb128ogra_, http://blog.didrocks.fr/post/Announcing-session-migration-now-in-ubuntu11:03
ogra_yeah, i remember it11:03
seb128ogra_, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man1/session-migration.1.html11:03
ogra_i wasnt aware we use it on the phone11:03
seb128ogra_, we don't yet afaik, but no reason we couldn't if we had a need for it11:04
ogra_right, we should11:04
seb128ogra_, there is no config migration to do yet afaik though11:04
ogra_there will surely be :)11:04
seb128ogra_, I'm not convinced, but let's see11:04
ogra_i just want to make sure that we dont forget about it before the first stable to stable update happens ...11:05
ogra_seb128, well, how will i get 24h clock settings if you dotn migrate my ~/.pam-environment once that bug gets fixed ?11:06
ogra_(for example)11:06
davmor2Morning all11:08
seb128ogra_, to be fair I don't care, we have enough issues, it's a v1, you can go to settings and pick a locale to fix your clock11:09
ogra_how would i know about this ?11:09
ogra_it wont be the last settign we have to migrate and it will likely also affect v2 or v3 once we have changes in settings11:10
ogra_which gets particulary intresting with asac approach that you shoould be able to switch channels back and forth being up or downgraded at your aill11:11
ogra_(since there will be settings that arent backwards compatible or wheer the format of the file in the homedir changed etc)11:11
MacSlowseb128, on it11:13
asacmaybe we should make settings - similar to APIs - something that we dont treat as an internal thing that we can just change and refactor as we feel, but rather something that should be managed, discussed and once agreed, frozen forever with an SETTINGS scheme version etc. :)11:16
* asac doubts its doable for the past, but maybe something to think about future way we handle setting schemes11:16
ogra_asac, well, we have the boot hooks to handle such stuff, and i suppose running the session -migration automatically against the current version of whatever setting you have for each up-downgrade should work11:17
yarreI want a good mail/calendar/contacts application with support for getting it from a server (as in not local) for ubuntu.. why arent there any?11:17
ogra_yarre, because you didnt write one yet !11:18
asacogra_: i think its not so much about migrating away... its keeping backward compatibility...11:18
asacconsider we use a setting called background which might be just a string now11:18
asacin future we decide we need to make a structured setting out of that (e.g. a tupel)11:18
ogra_asac, well, its keeping compatibility ... in either direction11:18
asacso shouldnt we continue to keep the other setting working?11:18
ogra_at least if you want to allow the either-direction-channel-switch approach11:19
asacright compatibilty ... i think settings should be come a part of our API that we version and not change without keeping in mind that those that use the old setting scheme still need to be able to continue to do so11:19
asacanyway. i haven't thought about this problem enough to have any sane input :)11:19
ogra_right, me neither, thats why i asked seb128 :)11:20
asacseb128: what are we using to store the settings? dconf?11:20
ogra_dconf or dot files ... depending on the app11:21
asacseb128: are apps supposed to access settings at all?11:21
asacor are they confined to just have access to its own settings?11:21
ogra_only through the API11:21
asacogra_: what kind of API? a generic key value  look up? or rather strictly typed etc. functions?11:21
ogra_well, except language and locale settings for example ... they just are session wide set11:22
asace.g. get ("background") or getBackground()11:22
ogra_something like that, yeah11:22
asacwhere is the settings API?11:22
ogra_iirc you can currentlly reqest info about stuff like aut-rotation defaults and such11:22
asaci guess that should naturally get embraced by platform API11:22
seb128asac, ogra_: apps setting is a topic we didn't tackle yet11:22
ogra_somewhere in the QMl stuff ... Ubuntu.Components or so11:22
ogra_but i would think app settings are a matter of the app devs11:23
seb128asac, ogra_: system settings are a mix of gsettings and file, e.g /etc/timezone, we basically use whatever was in place11:23
ogra_not our problem11:23
seb128ogra_, asac: app settings are likely going to be qsettings with a qpa using e.g u1db11:23
asacseb128: right. thats the backend, but how do apps/unity etc. interact with that? do we have an API?11:23
ogra_what i care about are the system defaults that live in ~/11:23
asacor do they go directly to /etc/timzeone etc. as needed?11:23
davmor2ogra_: this has happened a couple of times to me now on maguro it looks like it is suspended ie black screen, you press the power button to wake it and nothing you have to pull the battery to get it to power up again11:24
ogra_davmor2, that only happens to be if it drained the battery completely11:24
seb128asac, we have a mix, gsettings-qt is the API to access gsettings, for /etc files we either use custom backends to talk to dbus services (e.g timedated) or direct file editing from cpp11:25
* ogra_ has seen that as well ... but i usually need to charge it then before i can actually boot11:25
davmor2ogra_: no this is on 40% when it happened this morning11:25
davmor2so last night must of been on 80-ish%11:25
ogra_davmor2, well, file a bug, attach syslog and stuff :)11:25
davmor2ogra_: I was hoping it would happen again so I could see if I could adb into it in the broken state11:26
ogra_ah, well, then do that11:26
ogra_mguro is slowly moving to lower prio though ...11:27
asacseb128: gsettings-qt is basically a key look up? or is that something more meaningful?11:29
asace.g. get("background) rather than getBackgroundInfo11:29
asacseb128: smells like we should hide all of that behind the platform API and make a decent API there for all our system settings11:29
asaci will connect you to ricmm11:30
seb128asac, it's a key lookup yes, e.g11:30
seb128    GSettings {11:30
seb128        id: desk11:30
seb128        schema.id: "org.gnome.desktop.sound"11:30
seb128    }11:30
asacright. think right thing is to really hide all that stuff behind a decent API that we can manage, discuss and support forever :) ... let's see if we can experiment with that as part of platform API v2 and discuss/see where we would hit walls etc.11:30
asacbut just an idea to put up there for now :)11:31
seb128asac, wfm; though the number of components accessing system settings is limited (it's basically the settings app)11:31
seb128asac, so I'm not sure it makes sense to have an API for it11:31
ogra_well, you will still need to migrate whatever lives in the homedir11:31
seb128migrate from what to what?11:31
asacseb128: aren't all components != app a potential client for those settings? e.g. unity, mir, etc.?11:32
ogra_seb128, from image 100 saucy to image trusty 10 and backwards11:32
seb128asac, for some yes, but those are shared are mostly stored in gsettings or accountsservice11:32
ogra_seb128, asac wants to be able to move the release back and forth underneath the stable and devel aliases ...11:32
seb128ogra_, well, what do you want to migrate when switching between those images?11:32
ogra_ad as well allow users to do that randomly as they like11:33
yarreogra_, Im not old enough.. somebody should have done it already >_<11:33
asacnote: going back is not a big priority for now :) ... but its an interesting test for many things :)11:34
ogra_seb128, well, if image 1 has keys x, y and z ... and image 10 renames then to xa, xb and xc ... once you roll back you need to migrate them back to the old names11:34
seb128ogra_, having compat in our storage backends is not going to be easy, image an app using a sqlite db and changing the table structure in a new version11:34
seb128ogra_, that's a difficult topic, good luck tackling it11:34
ogra_seb128, i dont care about apps11:34
asacits not about apps so myuch. yeah. those would just get disabled11:34
ogra_thats (as i said above) a matter of the app devs to keep compatibility11:34
asacalso an app has to decide if they support downgrading etc.11:35
seb128asac, so you would e.g loose your addressbook contacts?11:35
ogra_its the system settings ... imagine we rename "background" to "wallpaper"11:35
seb128or webbrowser bookmarks?11:35
ogra_this name needs to be tied to an image version then11:35
ogra_and the upgrade mechanism needs to know about it11:35
ogra_and change it accordingly11:36
seb128ogra_, system settings is such a ridiculous small part of that issue11:36
ogra_app devs need to define their own settings api11:36
seb128ogra_, where it gets tricky is not system settings, it's e-d-s and contacts, or webbrowser and bookmarks11:36
ogra_right, system apps fall under system settings for me11:36
seb128they don't for me11:37
seb128they are thing I've no clue about and I'm not interested in resolving11:37
ogra_well, we need to resolve it for the whole of the system11:37
seb128supporting format changes in both direction is not an easy problem11:37
ogra_but not for any apps that dont come preinstalled11:37
seb128ogra_, is any OS out there doing that?11:37
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ogra_seb128, i dont know any OS that supports going back and forth at your will11:38
seb128yeah, because it's not an easy problem11:38
ogra_i know11:38
ogra_i think it would be worth a vUDS discussion11:38
seb128well, not my call, but it seems a lot of efforts ... not sure that's our first issue to tackle11:38
ogra_it is something that will influence our future ... and it will be hard to fix once we have to much stuff established, better do it right from the start so we dont have to hack around issues later11:39
seb128the issue is that we don't start from scratch11:39
seb128we have lot of components coming from out there11:40
ogra_i.e. via defining an API version for settings or somw such ... as asac suggested (not sure thats a good idea, but i have no better one)11:40
asac<unreasonablerantmode>we should never have used eds :)<unreasoonablerantmode>11:40
seb128which don't support that and don't plan ot11:40
seb128asac, sure, we can forget about opensource and just start an OS from 0, not reusing anything existing ;-)11:40
ogra_seb128, it doesnt have to live in the components ... rather in an upper layer11:40
asacseb128: I didnt say that :)11:40
ogra_in the abstraction above the actual apps11:41
seb128asac, well, that's sort of what we are doing though, we want to change/rewrite almost everything than exists11:41
asaci think there is a pattern11:41
seb128ogra_, create the abstraction and then apps eventually will see the benefit and start using it? :p11:41
ogra_seb128, right, but we need to define the abstraction layer ... it doesnt exist yet ;)11:42
seb128ogra_, ok, wfm, let me know when it exists so I can look at using it ;-)11:42
ogra_seb128, i dont see that as a "your team alone" issue, it spans across all teams ...11:42
seb128I don't even see how you could abstract things so different in a same API11:42
asacright. lets ignore this topic for now :)11:43
ogra_if you add a system setting with your app, you add the setting and possible values to a db ...11:43
ogra_if the setting naming changes the db needs to reflect this11:43
seb128is /etc/timezone a db?11:43
asaci will have our smart archtects think about this a bit and see what they come up with :)11:43
ogra_and the session migration uses the db to migrate to the matching setting of a specific version11:44
seb128ogra_, the issue is that not every transformation is reversible11:44
ogra_most will be though11:44
seb128ogra_, you might have stuff doing sql db updates on upgrade that you are not able to reverse later if you want to downgrade11:44
seb128e.g e-d-s for contacts storage11:44
ogra_there might be settings in v2 that weren in v1 ... these wouldnt be touched on going backwards11:44
seb128so you would loose your addressbook on downgrade11:45
ogra_then you need to keep a backup of the old db and move the data11:45
ogra_and the API needs to know this (as well as the migration tool)11:45
asacaddressbook synched to the cloud might be an answer11:45
asacsame for bookmarks11:45
ogra_or that ... but that forces you to be online11:46
seb128ogra_, if you do that you loose any edition done while running the new version11:46
ogra_why ?11:46
seb128because the new version is not going to edit the old db you move11:46
ogra_i read the data from the new db and push it into the old structure11:46
seb128good luck doing that11:46
ogra_the tool needs to know both structures11:47
seb128I think you underestimate how much work is in there11:47
ogra_and know that they are incompatible and how to solve this11:47
seb128no app dev is going to want to support retro compat for their past formats11:47
ogra_i dont think i do ...11:47
ogra_i know it is a big thing11:47
seb128is that a so compelling feature that it's worth the investment?11:48
ogra_app devs (for click package apps from the store) wont have to do that11:48
ogra_their settings are bound to the app, not to the system11:48
ogra_when they get settings from the system that already happens through the ubuntu API11:48
ogra_seb128, well, not that compelling for going backwards (i dont like that idea anyway) but it is surely very important that we update the user settings when going forward11:49
ogra_s/user settings/user-dir stored system settings/11:51
seb128ogra_, we spent some time thinking about upgrades issues in the past and came with some solution, but it's not an easy topic ... I don't even want to think about handling downgrades and both way transitions11:51
seb128ogra_, right, upgrade is not something new11:51
seb128ogra_, and we already support those11:51
ogra_seb128, right, asac brought up that going back thing yesterday ...11:51
seb128downgrade is another topic11:52
ogra_which made me think about tieing settings to the image version somehow11:52
seb128that doesn't help you much...11:52
ogra_the above db and tool would ... but it would require a lot of developer discipline to keep it up to date11:53
seb128you need to know how to transform a configuration described in a new format to one that the old app can read11:53
seb128and that's just simply not always possible11:53
seb128sometime the changes made create a situation were you don't have enough infos to create something the old app version would understand11:54
ogra_ti is always possible to migrate data ... as long as you know both formats11:54
seb128if the new format is rich enough11:54
seb128let's say you dropped a field11:54
seb128and are adding new entries11:54
seb128what would happen with the old app that use that field?11:55
seb128would you just "invent" values to populate the config on downgrade11:55
ogra_liek i said, you might have to create a new db in the old format and feed the content of the new db into it ... dropping all data for unknown keys11:55
seb128how buggy is that going to look in the app?11:55
seb128well, what if it's the other way around11:55
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seb128if the old config has more infos11:55
seb128like timestamps of when the records are created11:55
seb128and the new one doesn't11:55
ogra_you have the new db around already11:55
seb128and you don't have the info to retro fill it11:55
ogra_and upgrade the content that changed in the old one since you migrated11:56
seb128well, the new db might not have the infos you need11:56
seb128cf my timestamp example11:56
ogra_the new db already has it11:56
ogra_when i went forward it got all the imafo11:56
seb128not for new record you added since the update11:56
seb128since the new version stopped collecting those info, because it got simplified11:57
ogra_if i go back and make changes in the old db and then go forward again the changes just need to be fed into the new db again11:57
ogra_if it got simplified that simplification will happen again going forward11:57
seb128yeah, the issue is going back to the old one when you did change on the new one11:57
ogra_as you said, forward we already have a migration11:57
seb128you might be missing info to retrofit in the old config11:58
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seb128because you just stopped to need those in the new world11:58
seb128so you simply don't have them11:58
seb128and you have no way to guess them11:58
seb128(like a timestamp of an event that happened and didn't register)11:58
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MirvoSoMoN: is https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/gallery-app/hide-toolbar/+merge/194094 still worked on / going in, or is it abandoned in favor of UI Toolkit side https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ap-toolbar-open/+merge/194122 ?12:08
MirvoSoMoN: ahum, I see gallery-app AP:s themselves are passing already without it..12:09
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oSoMoNMirv, it’s on hold until we have a resolution on the UITK side indeed12:12
yarreogra_, KDE Kontact does all of the things i asked ;)12:15
ogra_yarre, so you just need to port it to QML then :)12:15
yarreogra_, nope no porting... just run and be happy ;)12:17
ogra_wont work12:17
yarrei just need it on my regular desktop12:17
ogra_oh, i thought you complained about mail on the phone12:18
yarreno just linux in general :)12:18
ogra_well, this is the ubuntu-touch channel, nobody expects general linux mail questions here :)12:19
ogra_(#ubuntu is the channel for general ubuntu questions ;) )12:19
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MirvoSoMoN: alright, thanks12:24
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Mirvseb128: do you want to test the fixed ui-toolkit version, settings was affected?13:23
seb128Mirv, I sure can, and yes, setting was affected, some of the panels wouldn't load, easy to test ;-)13:24
Mirvseb128: yeah I noticed, too. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6382000/13:25
Mirvand error alredy :)13:25
seb128Mirv, thanks13:25
Mirvdaily-build PPA, that is13:25
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seb128MacSlow, thanks for review the notify-osd changes, how is that looking? ;-)14:11
seb128MacSlow, oh, you just commented while I was writing that it seems14:11
MacSlowseb128, just commenting on the bug itself with my solution/alternative (while waiting for design-input) so it still can move forward regardless the outcome.14:12
Mirvseb128: I went through all of the settings panels, seem to work fine14:16
karniWhat's the sdk team channel? (besides ubuntu-sdk which has like 2 folks in it ;) )14:16
seb128Mirv, great, thanks, I'm about to test as well if you still need my ack14:16
karninvm got it14:17
Mirvseb128: if you happen to test I'm happy to get an ack. I'm running various AP:s still.14:17
MacSlowseb128, just posted my alternate solutions as a further comment14:23
seb128MacSlow, thanks14:23
seb128Mirv, it's way better but there is still a bug there14:24
seb128Mirv, the ringtone/messaging sound subscreens are empty with that version, they work if you downgrade to the saucy toolkit version14:24
Mirvt1mp: ^14:37
Mirvdandrader: ^14:37
Mirvseb128: ok, thanks for testing. I haven't found any regressions so far, so I'll probably be releasing it (or kenvandine / robru will if I won't) as is, but a new bug would be needed for the remaining problem14:38
seb128Mirv, do you have ringtones listed in the corresponding panel?14:39
seb128Mirv, that's not a regression compared to the buggy trusty version but it's still once compared to a week ago14:39
Mirvseb128: I'll check once my current AP is finished14:40
Mirvseb128: I'm now comparing just regressions to #15 image14:40
seb128Mirv, ok, seems an improvement over that one indeed14:40
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mterrytedg, you mentioned in Oakland wanting to be able to use the greeter DBus API in unity8 sooner rather than later.   But you'd only be using it in phone_greeter mode, right?  Which we don't ask for yet14:47
tedgmterry, Well, that depends what the greeter is on the desktop.14:48
tedgmterry, And in the phone greeter case I'd prefer to just ask "what's the current user?" and then never get a change.14:48
mterrytedg, you mean unity8-greeter or unity-greeter?14:48
tedgmterry, So if it changes form "phablet" to "phone" we don't have to care.14:48
mterrytedg, sure, but in phone greeter case, you won't use that indicator code until I split the greeter right?14:49
ogra_why would the greeter differe pn phone/tablet or desktop ?14:49
ogra_*differ on14:49
tedgogra_, Multi user by default.14:49
ogra_tedg, right, but why would the greeter differ ? :)14:50
tedgmterry, I'm confused.  We'd still have the same code path.  We'd just be asking you for which user to ask account service for.14:50
tedgmterry, We wouldn't be using the switching, but we still need to know the user name.14:51
ogra_tedg, i dont think we should have different greeters, but instead one that can detect if there is more than one user and show the right stuff14:51
mterryogra_, it's not the greeter, it's the indicators14:51
mterryogra_, the greeter does detect that14:51
tedgogra_, That's the plan, but we're not there yet.  And I think mterry is trying to prioritize.14:51
ogra_tedg, if i have a fully converged phone one day i might wat to have multiple users on this14:51
mterryogra_, we support that!  :)14:51
mterryogra_, oh you mean on the indicator sid14:51
ogra_you guys discussed having different greeters above14:52
ogra_based on multi/single user14:52
tedgNo, it's the unity7 legacy greeter vs. the unity8 new greeter.14:52
mterrytedg, I'm just saying, in Oakland, you said you'd like me to port the desktop DBus API to unity8 so the indicators could at least start using that before I split the greeter out.14:52
ogra_tedg, aaaah !14:52
mterrytedg, but "phone" mode (c.f. phone_greeter) shouldn't be using the DBus API, right?14:53
tedgmterry, I guess all I really want is that you implement enough of the API that you can return "phablet" as the current user.14:53
mterrytedg, and all we ever ask is for "phone" mode right now14:53
tedgmterry, The indicators display different UIs, but they dont' have different modes.14:53
tedg(plus or minus, but mostly)14:54
mterrytedg, so the indicator will always look for a greeter and ask for the current user, even in a user session, where it will just fail to find the DBus name?14:54
tedgmterry, So, yes, it'll have a "lightdm" mode.  But not a form factor mode.14:54
szymon_whi! What was a command to perform test on .click package before I submit it to USC ?14:55
Mirvseb128: no the ringtones/messaging submenus do not show the list14:55
mterrytedg, OK.  But "lightdm" mode isn't being used in phone yet, until I split, right?  I'm just not seeing why landing DBus stuff now in unity8 (ahead of split) would be useful to you14:56
Mirvotherwise fine14:56
seb128Mirv, save here14:56
jdstrandchrisccoulson: hey, on bug #1249326, is that something you have started or something others could look at?14:56
ubot5bug 1249326 in Oxide "<video> element doesn't work" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124932614:56
tedgmterry, Ah, yes.  No, until it is split no.  But it should be pretty trivial, no?14:57
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, i've not started looking at that yet. it should just be a case of adding another build step14:57
mterrytedg, the DBus API?  Sure.  I started a branch with support, but realized halfway through that you wouldn't even be using the code yet14:57
seb128chrisccoulson, hey14:59
davmor2szymon_w: you are better asking that on #ubuntu-app-devel14:59
seb128chrisccoulson, did you see my ping earlier? ;-)14:59
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah14:59
jdstrandchrisccoulson: ok, well, if it seems enablement-y, I was thinking rsalveti might be able to provide some insight (fyi only)15:00
seb128Mirv, I've a testcase, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6382461/15:00
chrisccoulsonseb128, it's not the sort of thing i'd normally do an out-of-band update for, particularly as it's not a new bug, and IIUC it's not likely to be something that affects most people15:00
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, that seems fair enough to me, I'm just going to unsubscribe sponsors then15:01
seb128chrisccoulson, is that going to be in 26?15:01
chrisccoulsonseb128, i also disagree with the assertion that there's no regression potential - this code has no tests, and has been quite fragile in the past15:01
seb128chrisccoulson, that got commited but I'm not sure how to see what serie15:01
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm not sure which branch it's in yet15:02
szymon_wdavmor2, thanks15:02
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, no worry, I'm just going to unscribe sponsors with a comment saying it's coming with one of the next security updates when $whatever_version_inlcuding_the_fix lands15:03
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks15:03
Mirvseb128: please file a bug for sdk team and ping bzoltan / t1mp with it15:06
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mterryCimi, did you get anywhere with your wizard-cmake branch?15:08
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davmor2ogra_: we having any new images today dude?15:13
ogra_davmor2, leater, yeah15:13
davmor2ogra_: nice thanks15:13
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Cimimterry, it works15:30
Cimimterry, working on wifi15:30
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jdstrandchrisccoulson, rsalveti: fyi, I created bug #1249387 and assigned it to rsalveti based on the meeting this week. it is a bit sparse, feel free to adjust15:34
mterryCimi, seb128 mentioned to me in Oakland that he'd be interested in us landing an incomplete version in system-settings trunk soonish, then we can propose branches to fix it up15:35
ubot5bug 1249387 in Oxide "hook Oxide into Ubuntu platform API" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124938715:35
mterryCimi, are you working out of the wizard-cmake or welcome-wizard branch?15:35
chrisccoulsonand we haz mailing list now:15:35
Cimimterry, wizard-cmake15:36
popeychrisccoulson: how do you join?15:37
chrisccoulsonpopey, https://launchpad.net/~oxide15:38
popeynot https://lists.launchpad.net/oxide-developers/ ?15:38
popeyconfusing ☻15:38
ogra_isnt oxide just another word for rust ?15:38
* ogra_ wonders if the name choice was so clever :P15:38
mterryCimi, OK, is it in a relatively clean state?  Could we propose for merging?15:39
chrisccoulsonpopey, yeah, this is an unfortunate side effect of launchpad requiring you to be a team member. oxide-developers have full commit access15:40
Cimimterry, if we don't add the wifi, yes15:40
chrisccoulsonpopey, so that team has to be restricted15:40
mterryCimi, but wifi isn't enabled now, right?15:41
Cimimterry, don't remember, was playing with it15:41
davmor2ogra_: only if iron is in front of it15:41
Ciminope that I remember15:42
mterryCimi, alright.  I'll look at taking the current branch and propose it.  And maybe drop the extra po file?  I still feel like we don't need a second one15:43
* mterry looks into it15:44
Cimimterry, yeah15:44
cwaynepopey: had a chance to try out that app by any chance?15:46
popeycwayne: no because i dont want to make my phone r/w15:47
popeycan i do it any other way?15:47
oSoMoNMirv, hey, can you confirm that we can resume autolanding for apps that are back to green in the dashboard?15:48
cwaynepopey: not yet :/15:48
cwaynepopey: we need either the account plugin to land in the image, or the ability to install it as a click15:48
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Cimiseb128, I'm trying to run dpkg-buildpackage on the phone for system-settings, and I get cp: cannot stat 'debian/tmp/usr/share/upstart': No such file or directory16:27
seb128Cimi, what branch do you try to build?16:27
Cimiseb128, my wizard-cmake16:28
seb128Cimi, grep for upstart in it?16:28
seb128do you have a .install listing that?16:28
Cimiseb128, debian/ubuntu-system-settings.install:usr/share/upstart16:28
seb128that's why16:28
seb128drop that16:28
sergiusensfginther, can you run this agains your maguro? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6382941/16:42
fginthersergiusens, yes16:44
sergiusensfginther, let's start a hangout in about 2 hours to debug, further, sound good?16:45
fginthersergiusens, sure, I may be babysitting and have to move it a little later16:47
sergiusensfginther, later is better actually ;-)16:48
fginthersergiusens, I'll ping you when I'm available16:48
sergiusenssounds good16:48
sil2100oSoMoN: ping :)16:55
oSoMoNsil2100, pong16:55
sil2100oSoMoN: regarding the gallery-app failures, we're waiting for a fix from the UITK side, right? Did you hear anything about the status of that?16:57
sil2100Hope it won't be changing the API and require many AP test modification?16:57
oSoMoNsil2100, nope, not heard back from it, but I think the proposal was not modifying the API at all16:58
sil2100t1mp: are you the one working on the toolbar ?16:58
t1mpsil2100: yes, mostly me16:58
oSoMoNsil2100, basically, the implementation of click_button() would ensure that the toolbar is up before actually clicking the button16:58
sil2100THat would be awesome16:59
sil2100t1mp: how far is it from being complete?16:59
sil2100t1mp: the autopilot management of the toolbar ^16:59
oSoMoNsil2100, while you’re around, can you confirm that we can resume autolanding for apps that are back to green in the dashboard?16:59
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t1mpsil2100: can you be more specific?17:03
t1mpsil2100: there are autopilot emulators17:03
t1mpsil2100: if you are referring to this bug specifically: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ap-toolbar-open/+merge/19412217:04
t1mpsil2100: I meant this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/124848717:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1248487 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Need a way to ensure the toolbar is visible when clicking a button using the emulator" [Critical,In progress]17:04
t1mpsil2100: for that bug, this MR is ready: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ap-toolbar-open/+merge/19412217:04
t1mpsil2100: waiting for jenkins/CI to approve, and then we can merge it.17:04
t1mpsil2100: jenkins just rejected it :(17:08
t1mpsil2100: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/3261/console17:08
t1mpto me it seems there is some write error AFTER the tests are executed. Or am I overlooking something?17:08
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oSoMoNsil2100, ping, re-resuming autolanding17:11
cwaynemhall119: is there an api to integrate with the messaging indicator?17:23
cwayneqml bindings, that is17:23
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cwaynetedg: hey, i noticed when you click a link in google that's a tel:// link, it doesn't open the dialer17:35
cwayneis that because it's not tel:/// ?17:35
tedgcwayne, perhaps17:36
tedgcwayne, Not sure which links the webbrowser forwards on.17:36
cwaynetedg: so this is likely a webbrowser-app bug?17:36
tedgcwayne, Uhm, I'd start there.  They'll pass it on if it's not :-)17:37
cwaynetedg: sounds good to me :)17:37
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mandel_barry, ping17:52
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sergiusensfginther, are you still looping?18:01
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fginthersergiusens, yes18:05
mandel_kenvandine, ping18:06
fginthersergiusens, 26 iterations18:06
sergiusensfginther, the you change the sleep to 60 (or did I forget); and is this the same system?18:07
fginthersergiusens, it just failed on iteration 3118:11
fgintherthis is the same system18:11
sergiusensfginther, great, so what's the output of18:12
sergiusensfginther, adb devices18:12
sergiusensfginther, can you adb shell after?18:12
fginthersergiusens, it shows up on adb, I can shell in18:12
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sergiusensfginther, ah, it's the dumb failure of mtp reconfiguring the bus and disconnecting adb midway then18:13
fginthersergiusens, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6383448/18:13
fginthersergiusens, did you want a 60 second sleep, the script is only using 518:13
sergiusensfginther, yeah, just because you have a 60 in there18:14
fginthersergiusens, restarted18:15
kenvandinemandel_, pong18:16
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mandel_kenvandine, I was wondering if you could point me to a qmake.pro that install header for development, I've starting to improve u-d-m to have a client lib18:17
mandel_kenvandine, and I need to create a -dev package18:17
barrymandel_: pong18:17
mandel_barry, wanted to let you know that gatox will be taken care of showing the descriptions for the system updates, he is doing big changes in system settings18:18
mandel_barry, so he will take care of it in the right way18:18
barrymandel_: awesome, thanks.  will you be assigning #1215586 to gatox?18:19
sergiusensfginther, this problem started with flipped images or mtp; do you recall?18:19
mandel_barry, good point, yes I will18:19
barrymandel_: thanks.  i'm tracking that bug (on system-settings) to know when to commit my branch18:20
fginthersergiusens, I don't have good records, we've only been doing this reflashing since August18:20
fginthersergiusens, when did MTP start?18:21
mandel_barry, lp seems not to let me, can you set it for diegosarmentero18:22
mandel_barry, that is gatox username in lp18:22
gatoxmandel_, barry yes, diegosarmentero18:22
barrygatox, mandel_ huh.   when i search for that in assignee, it comes up empty18:23
sergiusensfginther, ok, so it's flipped18:23
mandel_barry, awesome, so it was not me being stupid..18:23
sergiusensfginther, flipped happened in July18:23
mandel_gatox, can you try and assign it to you?18:23
mandel_gatox, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/121558618:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1215586 in Ubuntu system image "The u/i cannot handle the array-of-dictionaries update descriptions" [High,In progress]18:23
sergiusensfginther, the problem with flipped is that the usb connection is reset 3 times (2 without mtp)18:24
barrymandel_, gatox i was able to *unassign* those bugs, but nope, i couldn't find gatox18:24
kenvandinemandel_, look at lp:libaccounts-qt18:25
mandel_kenvandine, awesome, thx18:26
barrymandel_, gatox ok, so lp will let me assign the ubuntu-system-settings (ubutu) bug task, but not the project bug task.  i guess you have to be a member of the team owning that project to do that18:26
kenvandinemandel_, let me know if you have questions18:26
mandel_kenvandine, will do18:26
mandel_barry, oh well... so we have gatox name there, right? at least we have one to track18:26
mandel_barry, I'll ping didrocks on monday at CET time then18:27
barrymandel_, gatox yes.  just be sure to change the status on the right bug task when you commit the fix ;)18:27
barrysounds good18:27
gatoxbarry, ack18:27
barryoh hahahaha.  gatox now you're assigned to both.  thank you lp for clearing things up <wink>18:28
mterryCimi, OK, I filed lp:~unity-team/ubuntu-system-settings/welcome-wizard against trunk.  I made some small cleanups, including unifying the pot file18:32
mterryCimi, you may want to merge back into your working branch18:32
mterryCimi, and let's see how seb128 and Laney like it18:32
fginthersergiusens, another failure in the loop, but I can still see it and shell in18:35
sergiusensfginther, back to adb; when it failed; did you ever try restarting adbd on the device?18:35
fginthersergiusens, I did not try that. How is that done?18:35
sergiusensfginther, that error is  after sleep 60?18:35
fginthersergiusens, yes18:36
sergiusensfginther, I know that wait for device is a crappy thing to rely on; eevn the scripts in the android tree have sleeps preceding the call to it18:36
fginthersergiusens, by the way, I'm available to hangout if you want18:36
sergiusensfginther, let me strt one18:37
sergiusensfginther, I'm not sure how to start a new hangout these days :-)18:37
fginthersergiusens, ring ring18:38
sergiusens Sorry! The voice chat with Francis failed because of a problem with our servers at 3:39 PM. Please reload the page and try again.18:39
cwaynecjwatson: can click packages have dependencies on other click packages?18:52
kenvandinecwayne, no18:59
kenvandinejust the sdk version18:59
kenvandinecwayne, at least that is my understanding... i am not an expert on click packages :)18:59
cwaynekenvandine: then how would a click app for an account-plugin work?19:00
kenvandinegood question19:00
kenvandinemaybe they will support it?19:00
kenvandinei guess we do need cjwatson :)19:00
cwaynei mean it could be packaged with an app, but that would kind of defeat the purpose19:04
mhall119cwayne: as far as I know there aren't QML bindings yet for any of the Unity APIs19:09
cwaynemhall119: ah, thanks19:10
cwaynewas just looking for some new qml bindings to play around with :)19:10
cwaynekenvandine: speaking of click apps and account-plugins: https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/+junk/account-plugin-click-hooks19:10
kenvandinecwayne, you can always play with the content hub bindings :)19:14
kenvandinecwayne, so what provides those hooks?19:17
mhall119+1 for content hub19:17
cwaynemaybe i'll make it so you can choose a picture to make your fitbit picture19:17
cwaynekenvandine: a new package19:17
kenvandinei have a branch that works for starting from the export side19:17
kenvandinebut tests fail19:17
kenvandinei need to finish that19:17
kenvandinemhall119, btw, those fixmes are all gone in trunk now, if you could regenerate the docs19:18
cwaynekenvandine: it seems like system-settings is hardocded to look in /usr/share/accounts/qml-plugins?19:18
kenvandinecwayne, but what does the hook accomplish?  did mardy get click installed plugins working?19:18
cwaynekenvandine: it copies the account-plugin into ~/.local/share/accounts/19:19
cwaynekenvandine: that's what we're trying to get working now :)19:19
kenvandineyeah, but i think the current container only loads them from the one directory19:19
kenvandinecool, mardy has made progress?19:19
cwaynenot sure19:19
kenvandinei thought he was on holiday this week :)19:19
cwaynessweeny and i are working on it now19:19
kenvandineoh, awesome!19:20
kenvandineso get me a patch for ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts to make it load from multiple paths :)19:20
cwaynerunning into some issues now..19:20
ssweenykenvandine, looks like it at least recognizes files in ~/.local/share/accounts/providers19:28
cwayneand services19:29
kenvandinessweeny, that is probably unrelated to  ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts19:29
kenvandinethe backend stuff is probably smart19:29
kenvandineabout DATADIR19:29
kenvandinebut the UI elements load from the one path19:29
kenvandinethere is this container for system settings that mardy wrote19:30
kenvandinethat finds plugins by path19:30
kenvandineand qml components for them19:30
kenvandinenot sure if  ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts uses the API for that container from ubuntu-system-settings to find them19:31
kenvandineor if it has it's own code19:31
kenvandineprobably it's own... you just need to make it smarter about where it loads19:31
kenvandineinternally it might even just mangle the QML2_IMPORT_PATH19:31
kenvandineoh, maybe it's more complicated than that19:33
kenvandinesrc/module/OnlineAccountsPlugin.pc.in defines that path19:33
kenvandineoh, that's just some account plugins can find where to install19:34
kenvandinei guess signon-ui must be the consumer end of it19:34
kenvandineUOA has lots of pieces :)19:34
dobeys/lots of/too many/19:36
ssweenythis looks promising: ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_PLUGIN_DIR_BASE = share/accounts/qml-plugins19:37
ssweenykenvandine, is a qml UI mandatory for the phone? on the desktop it seems like a webkit window just opens to the login page for a service19:37
kenvandinessweeny, yes19:38
dobeyssweeny: depends on what you're doing. if it's generic oauth you can just use the generic oauth thing19:38
kenvandineyeah, i think most of them need it though19:38
dobeyalmost nobody does oauth exactly as specified19:38
ssweenywell the plugin i just dropped on the phone doesn't load the webkit19:38
kenvandineso it is in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts19:38
ssweenygood to know... :)19:38
kenvandinesrc/qml/constants.js.in:var qmlPluginPath = \"$${ONLINE_ACCOUNTS_PLUGIN_DIR}/\"19:39
nik90kenvandine: can you help me debug the 3rd party store selection19:39
kenvandineand then the qmlPluginPath is used in the various qml pages19:40
kenvandinesource: qmlPluginPath + providerId + "/Main.qml"19:40
kenvandineso tricky to make it a list... :/19:40
kenvandinenik90, sure19:40
ssweenykenvandine, cool, thanks19:40
kenvandinenik90, what are you trying to do?19:40
nik90kenvandine: here is the onclicked function of my import button http://paste.ubuntu.com/6383901/19:40
nik90kenvandine: I installed your exporter app which is a 3rd party source for pictures19:41
nik90kenvandine: and I created my own importer app which should show your app as on option19:41
kenvandine                        var peer = ContentHub.knownSourcesForType(ContentType.Pictures)19:42
kenvandinethat returns a list19:42
kenvandineso you could make that peers19:42
kenvandineand then use that as a model19:42
kenvandinewith a listview or something19:42
kenvandine list<ContentPeer>19:42
cwaynessweeny: that's gonna be a problem that it looks for a dir called providerID19:43
nik90kenvandine: ah okay. and then present that as a dialog where the user can select from19:43
t1mpsil2100: you asked about the toolbar before. This MR landed: https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/ap-toolbar-open/+merge/19412219:43
kenvandinenik90, and ContentPeer has name and id19:43
cwaynessweeny: for the qml-plugins, i think we might have to actually write a script to do some more processing19:43
kenvandinename is the friendly display name, as it is in the .desktop file19:43
kenvandineand id is the appId19:44
mardyssweeny, cwayne: hi19:44
nik90let me create a dialog and other stuff and see how it goes19:44
kenvandinenik90, have you installed the exporter?19:44
mardykenvandine:  :-)19:44
nik90kenvandine: yes I installed the exporter19:45
kenvandinenik90, cool19:45
kenvandinemardy, having a good holiday?19:45
ssweenymardy, hi19:45
mardykenvandine: at home, with wife's parents looking after the baby, and me hacking on Mappero :-)19:45
kenvandinemardy, it isn't a holiday if you look at IRC :)19:45
kenvandineyay mappero!19:45
* kenvandine is sooooo excited19:45
mardykenvandine: I'm implementing search -- but I'm afraid it won't be ready by the weekend :-(19:46
* ssweeny used mappero on his n90019:46
ssweenypretty sweet app19:46
cwaynemardy: heya!19:46
kenvandinemardy, is mappero a later revision of the mapping app that was on the 770 ?19:47
mardyssweeny, cwayne: so, I think you are looking at the correct place: u-s-s-o-a is the component which needs to be extended to support ~/.local/share, for the QML plugins19:47
kenvandinei think it was the 770 i had19:47
kenvandinemardy, that's a pain though... it's defined in javascript and used inline in qml19:47
* ssweeny had the n810 and n90019:47
sil2100t1mp: AWESOME! Thanks :)19:47
mardykenvandine: yes. It was maemo-mapper initially, then for the N900 I renamed it to Mappero and ported it to clutter; and finally now to Qt/QML :-)19:47
ssweenyme owning two devices was enough for nokia to abandon the platform19:47
kenvandinecool, i used it all the time on mine19:48
kenvandinei think it was the 770 i had, maybe 81019:48
kenvandineit was the 2nd maemo mid19:48
kenvandineah, it was the 81019:49
kenvandinenice device :)19:49
mardykenvandine: yeah, that one had the GPS, IIRC19:49
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mardycwayne: this probably doesn't affect you, but FYI: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/124582619:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1245826 in click (Ubuntu) "Allow applying a hook to multiple files" [Wishlist,Triaged]19:54
cwaynemardy: ah, this does affect me :)19:54
cwaynemardy: sorry, I hadn't realized you were already working on the click hooks, I'd've just waited for you if i'd known :)19:57
mardycwayne: no problem, I only ot started with .application hooks, so I'll make use of your work :-)19:58
mardycwayne: but I think I'll let u-s-s-o-a install them19:58
mardy(we have already tons of projects for OA :-) )19:58
kenvandinemardy, could we have come up with a longer name for that?  i type that way too often :)19:58
cwaynemardy: makes sense to me :)19:59
cwaynemardy: have you heard anything on how theyw ant to distribute account-plugins though?19:59
cwaynelike if it's a standalone click, apps would need to depend on it, but there's no dependencies with click19:59
mardycwayne: no; OTOH the dependency is not hard, so I wonder if it could be handled by u-s-s-o-a20:00
mardycwayne: that is, the app requests a "fitbit" account to u-s-s-o-a, which doesn't know anything about it20:01
mardycwayne: then maybe u-s-s-o-a could query the software center, and suggest the user to install the plugin20:01
mardy(just thinking out loud)20:01
nik90kenvandine: When I do property list<ContentPeer> peers the app does not even start20:02
cwaynehm, that seems like a good idea20:02
nik90I keep getting virtual void ContentHubPlugin::registerTypes(const char*)20:02
nik90file:///home/krnekhelesh/Documents/Clock/ContentHub/ContentHub.qml:19 created by hub20:02
kenvandinenik90, yeah, you have to treat it as an object20:03
kenvandinenot ContentPeer20:03
kenvandineit can't be instantiated that way20:03
kenvandine            var peers = ContentHub.knownSourcesForType(ContentType.Pictures);20:04
kenvandinenik90, and it'll do the right thing20:04
nik90ah okay20:05
mardykenvandine: hey, speaking of content HUB, what do you think about using it as a backend to implement https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtbase/source/becdfa6fabb80d35e430a13835f01a6ff3f6cc73:src/gui/kernel/qplatformdialoghelper.h#L215 ?20:05
mardykenvandine: that is, the file dialog :-)20:06
mardykenvandine: then any Qt app which wants to just open files wouldn't need to be ported but it could still benefit from it20:06
kenvandinemardy, you mean a generic file dialog?20:06
nik90kenvandine: do you know how to pass data to a dialog? I created a dialog which has a listview with a model. The model should be contentPeer model. But I do not know how to pass that to it20:06
kenvandinetricky... because it'll only have access to files it owns20:06
nik90kenvandine: I open the dialog using PopUtils.open(dialog)20:06
kenvandinein the dialog, you should be able to use dialog.peers ?20:07
mardykenvandine: I mean, a QPA plugin which implements the Qt FileDialog APIs, which uses the content HUB20:07
kenvandinemardy, would it first let you select an app that has files, then browse that apps files?20:08
mardykenvandine: I'm thinking of a dialog where on the left side you don't have the tree of folders to browse, but a list of content providers, and on the right the files they can offer20:08
mardykenvandine: exactly :-)20:08
kenvandineit's certainly possible20:09
kenvandinethe design expects each app to provide the picker20:09
kenvandineso each content provider would display it's own UI20:09
kenvandinewhich wouldn't work for this use case20:09
kenvandineunless... we make the registration richer20:10
mardykenvandine: mmm... is it a QML item which can be embedded?20:10
kenvandineno... it's a separate process20:10
kenvandinewhich will be embedded eventually20:10
kenvandinebut not in this sense20:10
davmor2Guy my phone has locked up on me again.  I've grabbed syslog and ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log is there anything else useful I can get while it is in this state?20:10
kenvandinethe shell would treat the source and destination apps as the same20:10
davmor2ogra_, pmcgowan, kgunn: ^20:11
kenvandinemardy, perhaps each source that registers could also define it's Content::Store20:11
mardykenvandine: well, I don't really care if the file browser is in the same window as the application list, I mostly care about the client API20:11
kenvandineand the hub could provide a generic component that lets you list content in those stores20:11
mardythat would be nice20:11
kenvandinenot sure how jdstrand would feel about that though :)20:12
kenvandinethat would allow apps to be able to discover files from other apps20:12
mardykenvandine: but not really needed, right? I mean, the "dialog" could be implemented by first picking the application provider, and then browsing its files, in two steps20:12
jdstrandthat the current plan aiui20:13
kenvandinemardy, the current implementation could do a simpler version20:13
kenvandinelist of all sources20:13
kenvandineand selecting a source20:13
jdstrandif we diverge from that, it needs discussion. in general, iiuc, that would be an info leak in our confinement20:13
kenvandinewould use that source in picker mode to display20:13
mardykenvandine: yep, that's fine20:13
pmcgowandavmor2, did you look at top to see if anything is out of control20:13
successussalud, hasta otro rato20:14
kenvandinethat could be done today20:14
kenvandineone app at a time, not just listing all photos from all sources20:14
davmor2pmcgowan: just did everything seems to be at 0.0 0.0 except for top it's like everything died but the phone is still running adb20:14
mardykenvandine: I just wonder though: the Qt API has namefilters ("*.jpg", for instance) and mimetype filters (though these seem to be used only in the QWidget API)20:15
kgunndavmor2: sorry was in mid chat...just caught up20:15
pmcgowandavmor2, ok, I had a lockup the other day and init was spinning so sounds different20:15
kgunndavmor2: i would've suggested same thing as pat20:15
mardykenvandine: it might not be trivial to map these to the Content HUB types, right?20:15
kenvandineit handles a well defined set of types20:15
kenvandinenot file types20:15
kgunndavmor2: is the kernel still up and running ?20:15
kenvandinewe might want to extend that to Content.Category and Content.Type20:16
kgunndavmor2: wonder if its in a state where top reporting is just "not correct"20:16
mardykenvandine: I'd really like to have mime types :-)20:16
kenvandinebut still doesn't really map to that20:16
davmor2pmcgowan: ah so it looks like stuff is up and top was slacking20:16
kenvandinei guess what we have is mime types, but as defined by the source provider instead of file extension20:17
mardykenvandine: at least, mappero can read/write GPX files, I don't think we want to make a new contentHUB release everytime that there's a new strange filetype to support?20:17
kenvandineso gallery-app handles content of type ContentType.Pictures20:17
kenvandinenot *.jpg20:17
jdstrandI think mime probably needs to be handled when thinking about converged. I'm not up on the discussions20:17
mardykenvandine: the problem is that it's an enum, not a string20:17
kenvandineyeah, but read/writing those files within the app doesn't matter20:17
kenvandinemardy, that is intentional20:17
kenvandineit was decided to make that an explicit list of well known types20:18
kenvandineat least for now20:18
pmcgowankenvandine, I should loop mardy in on that other thread I started20:18
kgunndavmor2: be patient and let it run for a bit20:18
kenvandinepmcgowan, yeah, he probably has valuable input20:18
mardykenvandine: but what if my app can handle JPG but not GIF?20:18
kenvandinemardy, why would you need the hub for your gpx files?20:18
kgunndavmor2: otherwise it look like indicators running at fractional % :)20:18
mardykenvandine: someone will write a great GPX analyzer :-)20:19
kenvandinemardy, that is why we might need to extend it to Content.Category and Content.Type20:19
mardykenvandine: or a sport tracker20:19
kenvandinewhere category would be photo20:19
kenvandineand type could be jpb20:19
mardykenvandine: you sure we are not reinventing mime types? image/jpeg sounds terribly close :-)20:20
kenvandinemaybe we really use just be using categories20:20
kenvandineand relying on existing known mimetypes20:20
kenvandineyeah, that is what i wanted to avoid20:20
kenvandinebut image != photo20:20
kenvandinefrom a users pov20:20
mardykenvandine: right20:21
kenvandinethe hard part comes in when you deal with an app that handles "video" but really can only handle ogg20:21
kenvandinewe have no way of dealing with that20:22
davmor2kgunn, pmcgowan: so the system is alive and kicking just really low numbers in top.  The occasional item bubbles up and back down again20:22
nik90kenvandine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6384128/20:22
mardykenvandine: so, maybe Content.Category could be an enum which defines the source type (image vs photo, that is screenshot-tool vs camera-app), and Content.Type could be a real mime-type20:22
nik90kenvandine: the dialog gets peers I think, but then the data is not received by the listview20:22
kgunndavmor2: you on galaxy nexus?20:22
kgunnor n4 ?20:23
davmor2kgunn: maguro g nexus20:23
mardykenvandine: so, Content.Category = Video, Content.Type = "video/ogg"20:24
kenvandinenik90, since this is just a js object... you might need to do something silly like peers.get(i, name)20:24
kenvandineand recreate the model20:24
kenvandinewhich is clearly too complicated20:24
kenvandinei think there was something painful about that20:24
kenvandinemardy, exactly20:25
kenvandinemardy, but... that makes it more complicated to give the user a list of sources20:25
kgunndavmor2: so, basically, the screen has not changed at all ?20:25
kgunnand doesn't respond to touch ?20:25
kgunncurious....does the clock change ?20:25
kgunndavmor2: just thinking...it could be input wonky...not necessarily the renderer20:26
kgunn...assuming you can see the clock in the panel20:26
kenvandinemardy, maybe an app just needs to list all the mimetypes it supports and the importing app can list the mimetypes it supports20:26
kenvandineand we find potential sources20:26
kenvandinethat's complicated too...20:26
kenvandinemardy, no good answer!20:26
kenvandinemardy, maybe mimetypes could be a filter provided by the app that wants the content20:27
kenvandineso they pick a source that provides videos20:27
davmor2kgunn: no the phone has basiaclly suspended so black screen and hitting power button doesn't wake it20:27
kenvandineand then the picking app can filter it's pick mode to files that match the mimetypes in a filter20:28
kgunndavmor2: ah...20:28
davmor2kgunn: let me try ringing it20:28
kgunndavmor2: good one20:28
mardykenvandine: maybe the content HUB can ask the picking app to perform this filtering, before allowing it to be used as a source20:29
mardykenvandine: I mean, just in case the number of supported files is 020:29
kenvandineno... that would be painful20:29
kenvandinebecause it has to start the app20:29
mardykenvandine: right20:29
davmor2kgunn: oh that's weird the land line was ringing like it had connected to the mobile but no response from the mobile20:30
kgunnricmm: or racarr either of you know a potential wakeup signal you can send from the shell to a galaxy nexus ?20:32
kgunndavmor2: has the top list changed ? (like when you called it ?)...are there other processess running other than indicators ?20:32
kgunndavmor2: just curious, can you adb push/pull to the device...?20:33
davmor2kgunn: so when the call initially connects I get a huge change in top loads pop up,  1 second latter they all disappear again20:34
davmor2kgunn: yeap I can adb20:34
kgunndavmor2: is unity8 in the list ?20:35
davmor2kgunn: when I call it is but again only for a second20:36
* nik90 will just wait for content hub to land in the sdk. Still a bit rough around the edges.20:37
kgunndavmor2: so i'm tempted to say...try relaunching unity8...at least that might squawk if its already alive20:44
kenvandinenik90, i have some code somewhere that has a working list of peers20:45
kgunndavmor2: do you know how?20:45
nik90kenvandine: that will help20:45
nik90kenvandine: I tried every way I can think of..the model is still not recognised20:45
davmor2kgunn: restart unity8 ?20:45
kgunndavmor2: well...just go into the shell of the device, then "sudo -u phablet -i"20:46
kgunndavmor2: then "start unity8"20:46
kenvandinenik90, ^^20:46
kgunnand see what happens20:46
kgunndavmor2: if it says job already running...then we know....otherwise, if it starts up & ui comes back...we know unity8 bailed somehow20:47
davmor2kgunn: start: Job is already running: unity820:47
kgunndavmor2: ok20:48
kenvandinenik90, so what you were missing was modelData.name20:48
kenvandinesince the item in the list is an object20:48
nik90kenvandine: it is hard to figure this out lookinng at the docs20:49
davmor2kgunn: the only thing I've had any joy with to get the system back up was pulling the battery putting it back in and powering it back on20:49
kgunnrsalveti: do you happen to know of a shell command to trip powerd on the device to an on state ? (davmor2 has a device where unity8 is running, but he's got a blank screen)20:49
kenvandinei'm assuming that is why modelData is needed, I've never really known why that is needed20:49
kenvandinenik90, yeah... i'll make sure there is examples in the docs that use knownSourcesForType20:50
kgunndavmor2: i hesitate to say do that...its nice to have a live but hung phone...just not sure what more poke points are available to us20:50
kgunndavmor2: i would grab all the logs of it...and check for crash log just in case (figuring you've already done that tho?)20:51
robotfueldavmor2: did you try sudo initctl restart powerd20:51
kgunndavmor2: ....mmm, can you just do start (not restart powerd?)20:51
kenvandinenik90, would it be clearer if you could define peers as a list<ContentPeer> ?20:52
kgunnhmmm...that's not what its called i guess....20:52
davmor2kgunn: so I grabbed syslog and ~/.cache/upstart/unity8 I'll have a look at crash now.20:52
kgunni just tried on my device20:52
kenvandinenik90, instead of letting it just dynamically do it for you?20:52
kgunndavmor2: you might gran all the other logs out of upstart also...(if time stamps make sense)20:52
nik90kenvandine: yeah..then retrievingn data of the model will be similar to the contentItems20:52
kgunndavmor2: did you have many apps open ?20:53
nik90which should make it easier20:53
davmor2kgunn: start: Unknown job: powerd20:53
davmor2kgunn: no apps open at the time20:53
kgunndavmor2: yeah me too on powerd20:53
davmor2let me grab the rest of the logs20:53
kgunndavmor2: oh duh...you have to sudo initctl start powerd20:54
kgunnlike robotfuel said20:54
kgunntry that20:54
davmor2kgunn: initctl: Job is already running: powerd20:55
robotfueldavmor2: when I want to turn on the screen I use restart20:55
kgunndavmor2: ok...hmmm....now try the restart like robotfuel said20:55
kgunndavmor2: if it all comes back, then that might point to race in powerd/unity8/mir menage a trois20:56
davmor2kgunn: powerd start/running, process 2454 and still dead20:59
kgunndavmor2: hmmm....ok....now it might be worthy to try, stop unity8....make sure its happy, then start unity821:00
davmor2kgunn: stopped unity8,  restarted powerd, started unity 8 now I have a working device again21:02
davmor2kgunn: stopping unity8 and restarting by itself didn't do anything21:03
kgunndavmor2: hmmm.....did you drop it ? :)21:04
davmor2kgunn: nope21:04
kgunndavmor2: restarting unity8 would restart mir as well....it would pretty much restart everything but the kernel21:04
kgunndavmor2: so that's the other potential problem area...kernel maybe ?21:05
robotfueldavmor2: you are not out of disk space? I did that once and had the same issue.21:05
davmor2kgunn: it's only been happening on and off since image 13 and it is completely random as to when it happens21:05
kgunnrobotfuel: interesting...is image13 on the hairy edge for mem use ?21:06
kenvandinenik90, i have a branch that makes ContentPeer creatable in the QML bindings21:06
robotfuelkgunn: no I filled it up with apps and log files.21:06
davmor2robotfuel: kgunn:  Not that I'm aware of how ever there is a boat load of logs just copied over let me see how much space that was using21:06
davmor21.8 MB so not that much21:07
robotfueldavmor2: df -h shows a lot of space available?21:08
davmor2robotfuel, kgunn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6384362/21:08
nik90kenvandine: okay, I am trying to get the peers working21:09
nik90that should finish my importer app before I jump to the exporter21:10
davmor2robotfuel, kgunn: only thing anywhere near is lib/module/21:10
kgunndavmor2: if you got all the logs...and we've tried all this stuff...i guess just type "reboot"21:12
davmor2kgunn: will do21:12
davmor2I need to get off I'll file a bug over the weekend21:13
kenvandinenik90, this branch should make it easier, and i included a QML example for the docs https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/content-hub/creatable_content_peer/+merge/19459721:20
cgreganachiang: ping21:26
cgreganHello all. Wondering if there are any SDK devs on the channel atm?21:27
cgreganpmcgowan: you might be a good resource21:30
pmcgowancgregan, you are desperate21:31
cgreganpmcgowan: we are using the SDK for driver testing and used toolbar for button on the bottom of our window21:31
cgreganpmcgowan: now what used to be a static button area hides21:32
cgreganpmcgowan: => problem21:32
cgreganpmcgowan: is there a better object to use here, or do we need a "lock" switch on the that toolbar?21:33
pmcgowancgregan, I think its the latter, trying to look at the docs21:33
pmcgowancgregan, there is a locked property21:36
pmcgowanalso and opened prop21:36
cgreganpmcgowan: \o/21:36
pmcgowancgregan, on toolnaritems21:36
cgreganpmcgowan: can you send me that spec so we can call it with the locked prop?21:37
pmcgowanlooking here:21:37
pmcgowanI assume the are writeable21:37
pmcgowanexample uses them21:38
cgreganpmcgowan: awesome! Thanks21:39
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t1mpcgregan: is the problem that your toolbar is locked, but still (automatially) hides?21:54
t1mpcgregan: that is this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rssreader-app/+bug/124875921:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1248759 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Locked toolbar closes after timeout and cannot be opened afterwards" [Critical,In progress]21:54
t1mpcgregan: I fixed it in UITK trunk. It will take a bit of time before it arrives in the UITK package.21:54
cgregant1mp: yes..that is the problem21:55
cgregant1mp: how much time?21:55
t1mpcgregan: I am not sure. We should have daily releases, but at the moment we switched to manual because some important changes (to autopilot tests) have to land.21:57
kenvandinei think robru is working on getting that landed21:57
cgreganok..but by the end of next week?21:58
t1mpI'm not sure if the daily releases are active again. If yes, it should be there tomorrow. If not, I would say Monday.21:58
t1mpcgregan: yes21:58
cgreganawesome news t1mp...made my weekend! Beer'o clock!21:58
robrut1mp, cgregan: i intend to release this within an hour. just fighting an infrastructure issue at the moment21:58
cgregancool...MOnday is perfect21:59
kenvandinerobru, remember all that infrastructure is going down for the weekend21:59
robrumanual merge time!21:59
* kenvandine isn't sure what time21:59
t1mpkenvandine: why?22:00
kenvandinemigrating data centers22:01
t1mpah nevermind, it is in some email :)22:01
t1mpkenvandine: ah, yes.22:01
kenvandinelooks like there were some delays, so might start later than expected22:02
robrukenvandine, k, building & will publish asap. hopefully this gets in22:04
kenvandinei guess it won't go down until tomorrow, i re-read the mail22:04
t1mprobru: thanks for merging https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/locked-toolbar-autohide/+merge/19456522:04
kenvandineor rather sometimeafte 2400 UTC tonight :)22:04
robrut1mp, no worries. jenkins was being fussy22:04
botfaphi all, can anyone help getting trusty touch on to a nexus 7 3g?22:14
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fginthersergiusens, updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/phablet-tools/+bug/124916222:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1249162 in android-tools (Ubuntu) "Devices lose adb connection after phablet-flash loop" [Undecided,New]22:23
fginthersergiusens, restarting adbd on the phone helped22:23
sergiusensfginther, great, thanks; then it is surely adbd that's breaking22:25
fginthersergiusens, what are your thoughts on using "system-image-cli --build 0 --verbose" as a lightweight flash?22:47
kenvandinefginther, that's basically what i do on a regular basis22:48
fgintherkenvandine, ever see any issues that might break automation?22:48
kenvandinesystem-image-cli  -c trusty-proposed -b 0 -v22:49
kenvandinei do that a few times a week22:49
kenvandineit's never failed22:49
kenvandinejust to cleanup anything i've done myself22:50
kenvandineinstalling debs, etc22:50
fgintherkenvandine, reverting installed debs is the primary reason to flash, so good to hear22:53
random_everyone afk?22:54
Minilodonno...was just peaking in to see if anyone had attempted to build for the nexus 522:55
random_do I need a USB drive to Install to a nexus 10 7 .22:56
sergiusensfginther, you won't get a clean build that way though22:59
sergiusensfginther, as in all prev installed click packages and a populated home et.al.23:00
sergiusensfginther, we are doing something similar with phablet-flash already; also take into account that you will need to download the full image everytime instead of once23:01
sergiusensfginther, what I can do is try and add support for delta upgrades with a --bootstrap attached to phablet-flash23:01
sergiusensfginther, last but not least; given what we discussed about adb, this won't get you out of the bug23:02
fginthersergiusens, people have been asking me about that as a workaround, I needed to know more23:02
fginthersergiusens, I'd rather get the problem with adbd resolved.23:03
sergiusensfginther, well phablet-flash creates the same ubuntu_commands as system-image cli or one fairly similar if you don't do a --bootstrap23:04
sergiusensand just adds a wipe/format data if you choose to wipe23:05
fginthersergiusens, ah I see, it still has to the same recovery-reboot (or whatever it's doing to get the little android guy to do it's thing)23:10
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