
canthus13one of my coworkers just got a job as the wiki admin for Redhat.  Sell your stock now.01:48
skellatheh what?05:11
Unit193yano: You don't happen to have a bot on oftc do you? :P05:27
yanonot at the moment05:28
yanobut i could add jenni over there :P05:28
Unit193There's already a jenni bot there.05:28
Unit193Roadrunner in Chillicothe, so geoip says.05:29
* Unit193 wonders if he should ask canthus about ##openbox-desktop, but doesn't think it matters that much. :D05:51
* canthus13 shrugs.05:51
canthus13Unit193: I'm quite happy with Debian/Awesome.05:52
Unit193No, I meant the channel itself. :P05:53
Unit193I know you are, and whatever works for you.05:53
Unit193I may have to try awesome again at some point.05:53
canthus13Unit193: Heh. sorry. I see # in front of something I automatically think hashtag. :P06:07
Unit193Hah, noooooo.  I'm not on twitter or whatever.  (Well G+ has it, but I don't use it.)06:09
Unit193I took on the project for now, have both 32 and 64bit builds, UEFI+SecureBoot compatible, and a basic page set up.06:13
=== ZonathanD is now known as JonathanD
=== cid420_ is now known as cid420

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