
aloiece<aloiece> ok hei. I'm double booting ubuntustudio and osx. I'm using ubuntu one to have access from other machines and to keep an immediate update of the state of things. I'd also like to be able to use the same home folder for osx as for ubuntustudio. there isn't much space on my hard disk have copies of my home fodler twice. also i feel like it's quite redundant, on the same machine. currently u1 doesn't allow the links to my hfs unjourn08:22
aloiecealed partition and as soon as i log in with my ubuntt u1, i get an error when syncing from mac.  any suggestions?08:22
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday and happy X-Ray Day! :-D09:47
mandel_JamesTait, ping11:09
JamesTaitmandel_, pong11:10
mandel_JamesTait, one question, is there a rest api just for the photos stored in ubuntu one?11:11
mandel_JamesTait, just the images, I don't care about the rest of files :)11:12
JamesTaitThere is a photos API, yes.11:12
* mandel_ is planning something ;)11:12
mandel_JamesTait, url? please11:12
JamesTaitIt currently has no upload functionality, you have to do that via the normal files API, but you can get collections and photos in a collection.11:12
JamesTaitmandel_, 1 mo, I'll have to look it up - it's been ages since I worked on it!11:13
JamesTaitmandel_, https://one.ubuntu.com/api/photos/v0/collections seems to work for me.11:14
JamesTaitresource_path is the API path to get the contents of a collection; display_url is what a user would put in the address bar of their browser.11:16
mandel_JamesTait, are there any docs?11:16
mandel_JamesTait, I want to add support for the ubuntu touch gallery app for this :)11:16
JamesTaitmandel_, I'm just looking that up too - yes, there are, but they're on the internal wiki and probably not up to date.  Might still be useful though.11:17
mandel_JamesTait, is a step...11:17
JamesTaitmandel_, https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuOne/PhotosRESTAPI - I forgot, it's also in a gimmicky pseduo-JSON format; sorry. :(11:18
mandel_JamesTait, well, that is life :)11:18
JamesTaitmandel_, but I really ought to a) bump the revno to v1 and b) get those docs available to the public.11:18
mandel_JamesTait, I have worked with more annoying things11:18
JamesTaitI don't think the API has changed in about a year now, so I think it can be considered stable. :)11:19
mandel_JamesTait, ok, I don't think many people has used though.. right?11:23
mandel_JamesTait, is a such a pain to have some many cool features and not use them :-/11:23
JamesTaitmandel_, I think we're the only ones using it at the moment.11:28
JamesTaitmandel_, but then, it hasn't been publicly documented, so no-one ever knew it was there.11:28
mandel_JamesTait, yeah, that is probably the reason11:30
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